EW TNE Bellefonte, Pa., Sept. 21, 1894. Sm THE JUDGE'S PASS. I think about the nearest thing to heaven there could be s Would be to be a Jedge an’ ride atone: own liberty, He has passes in his pocket an’ wears the best of clothes, 5 : An’ the porters are polite to him no matter who else goes : They know he’s got the 'fluence if he hasn't got the “tin.” . An’ when they see him comin’, they say oa right “Walk And when he gets aboard the train to go off anywhere, : You bet they hustle round and see he gets the softes’ chair, An’ plush to put his feet on an’ a pillar for his ea An’ when he wants a sleeper, gets the softes’ feather bed, For a Jedge is mighty handy to stan’ in with, don’t you see ? That's why he get's a ticket that says, free,” ride “You But when he gets to heaven—will his pass avail him there ? Will it get him through the portals and buy a golden chair ? When St. Peter takes that pasteboard an’ scans it o'er and o’er. Will he say : “I'm glad to see ye, Jedge,” an’ open up the door ? Oh, no; he'll call the bell boy, with a “make’s me tired’ frown, An’ say : ‘Gabriel, take this gentleman an’ show him own.” — Topeka State Journal. IN THE HOSPITAL. “What a maivelous over pillows you possess. Thank you ; how kind you are! I wonder if you are as hon- est.’ ; “As much so as women general yo “Ma foi ! have I offended ? I beg pardon. Camp life has made me rude. I wonder what brought you to such a place as this.” “Another wonder which I can better satisfy. Selfishness brought me here. I came to relieve my own suffer- ing.” “In doing good to others worse off. That is a peculiar selfishness ; but have you suffered really ?” “So much eo that I must not speak of it. Why were you speculating on my honesty ?” “Because I wish to ask a plain ques- tion and receive a straightforward answer.’ “En avant.” “I feel pretty sure of you—more go than of three men who potter over me with ‘Well, my boy, we must turn you out before long.” Turn me out ; yes, indeed, they will. What I wish to ask ie, how much longer you think I'll last 2” He was not much more than a boy, and looking into his fine clear eyes, I hated for once to tell the truth. But day by day I had watched him with the motherly tenderness fate had de- nied my spending over children of my own ; and each day I had seen the sil- ver cord slipping, slipping—slowly, barely perceptible, yet very surely loosening. After he spoke and lay there closely watching for my answers, scanning eagerly my face, which was too well tutored to express even pity when I chose it should not, I was si- lent for a while. ens you tell me?” he plead- ed. “I want to see you strive more hope- fully for health.” A faint smile curled his [ip. “Like all the rest,” he whispered to himself, “I think not,” was the reply, while for a moment a prayer from my heart went up for the youth and manhood ebbing, but as one drop from the na- tions heart, one drop of the great red artery, carrying away in the stealthy flow the pride and glory of our homes. - “How much longer, then,” he re peated, “do you think I'll last ?” “God only knows, my dear young friend ; not many days unless there is reaction.” / He closed his eyes and became a lit- tle paler, but I did not fear any harm. I knew I had done rightly. He was one to bear truth. “Thank you,” he said at last, and grasped my hand. “Bat you must care more to live ; you must not be so passive,” I told him. “No ; if you knew all you would not think so.” “You told me you had not; have you not sisters, some one whose pres- ence would cheer you. “No,” he replied, but the gathering frown of pain and annoyance warned me to change the topic. I rearranged the trifles near him and was about leaving him, hoping that sleep would refresh him, but he begged me to stay. So I took up a book and began softly reading, but that also had not the de- sired effect. “There is one person I wish to see before I die,” he renewed. “I am not sure she, would come,” he muttered, ‘yet I wish, I long, I must see her. Will you write, or will you go—that would be better—go for her ? Tell her, Florence Withers, that I, Dick Temple am dying, and she must come. bid me good-by, or my ghost.” He buried his face in his pillow, and I, with a heart aching for his loneliness, promised to do his bidding. That is why I am waiting the re- turn of the liveried man, who has ush- ered me in this sumptuous room and carried my card and note to the lady I have never heard of nor seen be: ore. The house does not differ from the many of wealth and fashion I have been in ; the same elegance and luxury | and repose reign in all. There is no more to be guessed from it than from the glistening garb a woman wears at her bridal ; no more, no less. The taste of the upholsterer and the mo- | diste is about all we get at from either. | —tulle, blossoms veil. I was rather startled by the foot- man’s return and message in the midst of this reverie, but was too conscious of the necessary calmness and imper- turbability in the presence of such func- tionaries to betray myself. : “Will you please go upstairs ?" “Certainly,” and I followed his lead. Noiselessly we went through the vast ball, up the broad, carved, oaken staircase, to the door where I was ush- red in alone. A young maid-servant met me and whispered quickly : “My mistress has been very ill; for weeks we have thought something was wrong here,” tapping her forehead with her finger ; “but as soon as she read your noteshe brightened and said she must see you. The nurse is out, and I don’t know whether it’s right, You will please tell the nurse it’s not my fault if you see her.” The room was darkened, the heavy curtains down, so the sunshine filter- ing through them had the purple tinge of twilight. On a low cushioned lounge, half lost in the pillows, I espied white drapery, and a soft, sweet voice gave me wel- come. 1 approached and told my er- rand cautiously for 1 reckoned rightly that I was not the bearer of glad ti- dings. At the first glance of the face seem- ed to reiterate what the maid had whispered. It was an exquisite face, the kind that men rave about; of flow- er-like beauty and mold, tint and tex- ture. The long, sweeping lashes rais- ed slowly and the eyes gazed abstract- edly, like a child's waking out of a dream. She looked at'me as if striv- ing to recall my personality, which I gently explained was one she had no cognizance of. Then she looked at my note and the light of full reason swept away the misliness of doubt which veiled her face of expression. “You have come from Richard Temple. Sit down hsre by me and tell me all about him. Is he so ill? Was he very badly wound- ed ?7 “Very badly, very cruelly wounded,” I replied, not surprised to see the sud- den swaying of her slender form, as ash trees bend with a sudden gust and a great driving falls of tears. “You know, do you not, that he is no relative of mine—that, as Mrs. Withers, I ought not even call him friend ?” : “No; he did not tell me so.” ‘iBut he is dying ; you cannot deny it. It is not wrong for me to think of bim pow ; isit? I am glad he is dy- ing, for I can love him now ; there is no narm init. My darling, darling, oh, how I have been punished! I wonder if God ever forgives such as I —women false to their better na- tures ?” “He forgives all who repent.” “But I have been forced into repen- tance after cloaking myself in deceit, I knew Richard loved me long ago, though he had not said itin plain words ; every look and action was full of tenderness ; but I was spoiled with flattery and adulation,and piqued that he gave me none; so, in wicked co- quetry, I allowed others to suppose my heart was free. “Three summers ago we were at Lake G. Papa vever fancied Richard. because his family was not distingu- ished and he was very ambitious that I should make a grand match ; so before I realized what I was doing, I was betrothed to Mr. Withers. At first the novelty and sensation of the thiog amused me, and for a week or two I was quite happy ; but one even- ing Richard came back from a trip in the mountains and I was so glad to see him that I quite forgot my fiance. We strolled around the piazza alone, for Mr. Withers had gone sailing, which I could never be induced to do, and at last sauntered in where the peo- ple were dancing. The music drowned our voices, and we were sheltered by the bay window ; but in a pause of the band Richard told me the old, old story which it was too late now for me to hear. It stunned me so completely that [ forgot where I was—that his arm was around me and his lips near mine; but so differently was I moved, go much more my heart responded to his glowing words than tothe stately offer I had before received, that I dared not tell the truth. For a little while my silence sufficed him; my heart was beating so tumultuously I could not speak ; and he was happy— for a short time only, for directly Mr. Withers came for me to dance, calling me familiarly ‘Florence ;’ and I, quick- ly drawing off my glove, showed him my manacle; the ciamoon’s flashed truth in his eyes, and I whirled away in a redowa with Mr. Withers. “I have not seen him since. I knew he enlisted as a private; I heard that he was wounded, and that shock and the death of my child have almost crazed me ; but I have told you all this, so you can advise me. Shall I go to him, or will it be wrong ?” Had ehe been my own child I could not bave more pitied her, or been less puzzled how to reply. There was her beautiful face looking up at me with the pleading that another face ly- on a lonely cot had worn. “Where is your husband ? Ask his permission,” I evaded. “He is away from home." “Can you not write ?"’ She shuddered a little, too late then.” It may be I was sinning for a mo- ment in thinking there could be no wrong in her yielding to the dictate of her heart this once—for once leiting custom and appearance, aye, even du- ty, stand aside ; but any woman with natural feeling in her bosom would have been tempted, as I was to tell her to go, for there she wae, watching me with painfal intensity and apprehen- gion, as if the boon she craved were in my gift. “Just once before he dies,” she orange Richard, “It may be Lace and damask, ormulu and bronze , whispered. “But the cost of that once—your husband’s anger—"’ x She sprang to her feet, “Do you think I care for the cost, or in what way I may suffer for it, while he lies there dying all alone?” . “You have vowed before God to obey your husband. Do you candidly believe he would be willing ?” She sank down again, huekily utter- ing, “No.” My heart was full of pity, but I had the strength to say : “Then, my dear Mrs. Withers, it is very plain to me that even this wish is one you must not harbor, though to stifle it makes your cross ten times heavier.” I clasped her hand and drew her head down on my bosom, where it lay motionless for some time; nor would I have had her know the defiant thoughts which I was hurling at the world and all its mockeriea. When I rose to go she thanked me with earnest gravity and bade me tell Richard, with great tenderness, that though she had always loved him, she was striving to be a true wife. Her face had lost all its color, and her eyes had almost a dull opaqueness. With assurances that I would do all in my power to comfort him, I left her—left her in the gorgeous purple twilight of her darkened room, crowned with youth and beauty and sorrow, for “this is truth the poet sings, That a sorrow’s crown of sorrow is Remembering happier things.” It was very hard for me to go back to that little hospital cot with so empty a return for the impatient longings spent in vain. . But be bore it manfully, without a tremor in his voice or lip, weak as he was ; and I lavished upon him all the gentleness and care I could command. The end was not far off. The shad- ows were growing longer and gather- ing denser. Life receding; eternity drawing nigh. Every day 1 strove to make the narrow path lighter with the truth and rob death of its gloom. He had a fearless, bright spirit, seldom giving way to doubts. Never again had he spoicen of Florence Withers. One snowy afternoon, I finishing a Psalm, the 23d, thought him asleep, and knowing his extreme weakness, rather fearfully bent down to listen to his breathing ; it was soft as an ia- fant’'s. I saw his lips move and heard one word ; it was only “Floy"—per- haps thought I, he is praying, aod I moved silently away. : It must have been so, and his pray- er was answered, for when I came back I found a koeeling figure at his gide and his head pillowed in Florence's embrace. Standing alone and gazing out the window was a gentleman whom I knew must be Mr. Withers, and so individ- ually grateful was I for this, his unsel- fish deed, that I regarded him as hold- ing that rarest of all titles, “Nature's Nobleman.” They were justin time. Death came with the twilight. I never have known what prompted Mr. Withers to this kindness, but well assured am I that in doing it be took the surest methods toward gaining the affection which, through no fault of his, had been lavished on another. She Stole Thousands. Arrest of a Pretty Beaver Valley Postoffice Clerk —Opened Registered Letters and Entered Forged Receipts as Having Been For warded to Pittsburg—Queer Ways of Spending the Money. William H. Brady and Frank Majors are partners in a mercantile business in Wampum. Brady is also the village postmaster. Miss Ella Majors, a daugh- ter ot Brady’s partner, has been acting as the postmaster’s assistant. The girl is 18 years old, very pretty and moved in the best local society. Last week she was arrested charged with stealing thousands of dollars. It has been developed in connection with the official inquiry now in progress that Miss Majors has been a high-roller at shopping, on such a scale as buying a bicycle worth $125, and giving it to a girl friend; buying a diamond ring worth $125, from Jewelers, Cubbison & Taylor, of New Castle; a gold watch costing nearly $100, and sending it to a woman in Maine, a person she had nev- er seen, but whose exploit in some ad- mirable performance Miss Majors had read in some newspaper. Then there was drygoods bills of $250 at Brown & Ham- ilton’s, New Castle, and Boggs & Buhl’s in Allegheny. How these "things could have been kept from the knowledge of her family does not appear; or why there was no sugpicion of something wrong among those who sold the goods. Recently there was trouble over missing register- ed letters at that office and two weeks ago the department took the matter in hand. Detectives speedily ran the game down. The stealings, so far as now known, began about the first of last May. Miss Majors would abstract money from reg- istered letters, sign ficticious names to the receipts and enter them as having been forwarded to Pittsburg. It is prob- able that the matter will not be prosecu- ted, as her father is abundantly able to. to make good the losses to his partner, Postmaster Brady. The facts stated are on the authority of a detective who has been working the case. mo ————— Through Space ‘Without Limit and Time Without End. We have hundreds of times studied the grandeur of mountains and oceans, in summer ani winter, in sunshine and storm, in our own and other lands. We have hundreds cf times, in the great cathedrals and churches of our own country ani Europe, listened to music that has carried our thoughts far above this little world we inhabit, But we have never been more filled with won ler and admiration, and pro- found gratitude to the Almighty, than when on calm ani beautiful nights, such as we have had manv the past summer, we have looked up into the quiet heavens anl watched the stars moving in granl procession across the sky, and thought of the Infinite Power that created anl controls them in their great revolutions through space with- out limitani tine without end.—Geo. T. Angell. Republican Testimony. Business Prosperity Now Assured—The Cal- amity Howler Scored. Philadelphia, under date of September ial, which predicts a new era of real, steadfast prosperity : It is both interesting and instructive to contrast the deliberately expressed opinions of a genuinely representative business man, unusually competent and experienced with those of the ‘“‘disjoin- ted thinkers” of the radically partisan organs which daily proclaim that thers is and that there can be no revival of manufacturing and commercial activity, for the reason that, with the repeal of the McKinley act prosperity took its flight from the United States never to return again. Mr. Chauncey M. Depew, a staunch and radical Republican, who is held in such high esteem by his party as to be considered by its most distinguished leaders as a fit candidate for the highest national and State political honors said to the Homburg correspondent to the New York Herald, on the 8th inst.: “The settlement of the tariff question is the beginning of a new era of pros- perity. * * * Confidence is restored —that means everything to us. The in- dustrial energy of the 70,000,000 people in the country, not yet fully developed, is restless when credit and stability are assured. “There is no end of idle money which will now seek active employment. In less than two years the panic of 1893-94 wiil be forgotten. Mines, furnaces, mills and factories will be in full opera- tion : railroads will be conveying profit- able traffic, and the movement of inter- nal commerce and the free circulation of currency or the equivalent in business and wages will certainly increase the demand for everything produced upon the farm or elsewhere,” Mr. Depew is the President of one of the most comprehensive, profitable and ably managed railroad systems in the United States. He is a business man in the broadest, most practical meaning of the term, and, as such, his opinion re- garding the business of the country is worth more than all the croakings of all the wreckless, unthinking, unserup- ulous and prejudiced partisan organs, leaders and agitators from Maine to New Mexico. They croak the wish that is father to their croaking.; he speaks impartially, in wise judgment, and from prolonged, informing experi- ence. What Mr. Depew says is confirmed not only by reason, by common sense, by the character, the enterprise, the energy and the intelligence of the American people, but by the actual business conditions of the passing day. For instance, the new tariff repeals the bounty on sugar, and in consequence, say the prophets of “calamity,” the pro- duction of sugar,especially of the beet root variety must cease. That has been the continuous croak of the partisan croak. ers ; the answer to itis to be found in the fact that in Oregon, in which State the beet root is largely cultivated, cer- tain capitalists have within the last few days organized a company, with a capi- tal of $1,000,000, for the construction of beet. root sugar refineries. This is but one of many instances throughout the country of fact controverting invercaci- ous croaking. Since the tariff question has been settled, and its has been practi- cally settled for, at least, three years, and by its settlement fixed conditions established and confidence regained, the stock market, that unfailing test of the status of business, has been giving the most assuring indications of reviving prosperity ; the great transportation companies, which are the porters of trade, carrying the raw material to the works and the product of industry from the mills, factories, furnaces, forges and shops to the markets and the cross- roads, have increased their traffic and their earnings. In all branches of trade reports are favorable. From New York it is reported that ‘‘in the dry goods line many jobbers state that thus far during the present month transaec- tions have exceeded those of two years ago, when the demand was the largest ijn the history of dry goods trade.” Prices it is stated, are “firm and advanc- ing.” The boot and shoe jobbers make a similarly gratifying report. Ship- ments from Boston last week were of 89,650 cases as against 57,000 cases for the corresponding week of last year; of 84,826 cases in 1893 and 80,939 in 1891. In other trades, even in woolen, iron, steel and tin industries, which are most affected by the new tariff, there is shown renewed activity. Why should not the country now enter upon a new era of prosperity? The question of the currency has been definitely, unchangeably determined in favor of a sound, safe, honest one; our industries have a known settled basis to build upon; manufacturers know pre- cisely the conditions under which they ure to operate. American enterprise, thrift, energy, courage will readily adapt | themselves to the new economic status, and if there is in sight no expensive business boom, there are the most satis- factory indications of reviving prosperi- ty, of that real, steadfast prosperity The Public Ledger (Republican) of | 12, 1894, publishes the following editor- ! | which is better than any spasmodic boom. But facts, however conclusive they may be, are not likely to silence the partisan croakers, whose policy is to serve party expedience at no maiter what sacrifice of the country’s welfare. The people, however, will learn the truth, as it is certain to be made mani- fest by the activity and profitable growth of trade, and they will be then no more alarmed by them then is the timid tra veler by the croaking of the frogs at nighttall in the roadside marshes, Back to Jefferson. The St. Louis Republic under the above caption says: “Coxeyism and Debsism have com- pleted the picture begun by the Repub- licans in 1890. 2 Extend the powers of the Federal Government. Having extended them, employ them to serve the ends of the persons, the classes or the sections which have influence with the dominating force of politicians. There is the idea. The logic of the idea in application has been painted in the McKinley tar- iff, the force bill, the depleted Treasury, the Sherman act, the Coxey march and thes Debs strike. In essence all these deeds and attempts are alike; they are all the product of the social chemistry of paternalism. In 1890 protection, sectional prejudice and lavishness reach- ed a point of development where they showed what they were. In 1894 Coxey and Debs appeared with the demand that the laws be suspended and the powers of Government used to satisfy minorities which were not satisfied with the ballot. Results were alarm in trade, losses in all lines of business, except monopolies —disturbance of balances and discour- agement of production. The Republi- can acts of 1890 were designed to subor- dinate the general business of the coun- try to the interest of small minoritie. The currency was disarranged that the silver miners might have a bullion mar- ket, The revenu was manipulated to turn the channels of trade toward a few industries. To please lobbyists the Treasury was bankrupted and the satety ot the currency still further endangered Coxey and Debs only supplemented the Republican policy. The picture in sharp and vivid colors is before the American people. What do they think of it? How do they like the logic of paternalistic promises ? They see what happens when Govern- ments undertake to meddle with business and when classes are invited to push and eltow for the privilege of grabbing from the bag of collective industry. Democratic doctrine has since 1888 been glorified by its enemies. The coun- try is recruiting Democratic precepts. It has turned disgusted from the dema- gogy of McKinleyism and of Coxeyism. The romance of paternalism has been dimmed. The public mind is back upon the Jeffersonian platform that the laws should prevent men from injuring each other and then leave them free to seek wealth and happiness.” It has grown fashionable for Rapubli- cans to pooh pooh the sturdy common sense doctrine of Thomas Jefferson. He opposed everything like paternalism, that underlies the Republican party, and believed, in a word, ‘that the laws should prevent men from injuring each other, and leave them free to seek wealth and happiness.” Our govern- ment is gradually slipping away from the moorings where its founders left it, and whither it may drift no one can tell. In “McKinleyism’’ there is a wide de- parture from the tariff dcetrine of the men who made the Constitution. For many years after the Government was established and while our industries were in their infancy, the duties collec- ted at the Custom Houses was for the purpose of paying running expenses, and not to protect private interests. At that day a tariff like the McKinley would have shocked the men who made the Government. Then the revenue was not ‘manipulated to turn the chan- nels of trade toward a few industries,” nor was the Treasury ‘‘bankrupted and tho safety of the currency still further endangered to please lobbyists.” This was left for the present day, and to the Republican party. The fact, that mo- nopolies and trusts have grown up un- der the rule ot the Republican party, is evident it has fostered and engrafied the economic monstrosities on our politi- cal system. The faster they grow, and the more powerful they become, less weight the people have at the ballot box. The great strength of our govern- ment lies in a free ballot, and this wanes the moment combined wealth, and indi- vidual strength, unite against it. The’ only way to check this threatened dan- ger is for the people to return to the plain republican methods of Jefferson, and make their representatives in Con- gress carry them out in Administra- tion.-——Doylestown Democrat. Origin of Nursery Rhymes. Some of 1nem are Hoary With Age and Found- ed on Fact. “Three Blind Mice” is 8 music-book of 1609. “A Froggie Would a-Wooing Go” was licensed in 1650. “Little Jack Horner’ is older than the seventeenth century. “Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat, Where Have You Been ?’’ dates from the reign of Queen Elizabeth. “Boys and Girls, Come Out to Play” dates from Charles IL., as does also “Lucey Locket Lost Her Pocket.” “Qld Mother Hubbard,” “Goosey, Goosey Gander,” and “Old Mother Goose’’ apparently date back to the six teenth century. “Cinderella,” “Jack the Giant Kil- ler,” “Blue Beard,” and “Tom Thumb’ were given to the world in Paris in 1697. The author was Charles Per- rault. “Humpty-Dumpty’’ was a bold, bad baron, who lived in the days of King Jobn, and wus tumbled from power. His history was put up into a riddle, the meaning ot which is an egg. “The Babes in the Woods” was found- ed on an actual crime committed in Norfolk, near Wayland Wood, in the fifteenth century. An old house in the neighborhood is still pointed out upon a mantel-piece in which is carved the en- tire history. For and About Women. In the United States there are 2,000 women practicing medicine, of whom 610 are specialists in the diseases of their own sex, 70 are alienists, 65 orthopae- dists, 40 oculists and aurists and 30 electio-therapeutists. Seventy women hold appointments on the medical staff of hospitals and 95 are teachers in medi- cal schools. Of the 2,000, 130 are said to be hoinceopaths, while 580 are classed as “allopaths.” What particular “pathy’’ is professed by the remainder is not stated. There are ten schools of medi- cine for women in the States, one of which is homaeopathic. The latest product of the woman wailor’s skill is as severe as the heart of the tailor-made girl can desire. It is ap- pallingly neat and tolerably masculine, but there is no doubt that it gives a sawed-off look to its wearer, which very few wearers will appreciate. The skirt is perfectly plain. The vest is single-breusted and is tree trom the suspicion of revers. It ends abruptly st the waist line. The jacket ends a very few incbes below, and is cut in front on an absolutely straight plan which is striking afler the long reign of broad revers narrowing toward the waist and pointed openings. The revers are nar- row at the top, and they are the same width all the way down. They are fas- tened back with the big bone buttons. Altogether the gown is one which the woman of ample proportions will do well to shun. If she is tall the distance between her short jacket and the hem of the skirt will be increased. If she is broad she needs the narrowing effect of tapering revers and pointed openings. But for the little woman nothing more suitable in the tailor-made line could be designed. A published report that Miss Winnie Davis would take up her residence at Colorado Springs, Col., and come out for woman suffrage has elicited the state- ment that the Daughter of the Con- federacy will continue to live in Miss- issippi. and that she is opposed to wo- man suffrage. Turquoise blue, in slight touches of velvet or satin, makes an effective bodice garniture for dull-leaf brown costumes. The ingenuity of milliners, amateur and professional, will be worn out if the craze for wings is as great as it now promises to be. Wings, quills and birds will be worn on every shape of hat. For a sailor to be worn next month a popu- lar arrangement will consist of two wings on each side of a rosette in the middle of the front. The wings are placed in Mercury positions. The popu- lar walking hat will this season be made of cloth, ulster material, felt, ete., and will be decorated with cock’s plumes put on singly, in pairs or in threes and fours. Jet-en-crusted quills are also popular on these shapes, stuck through a bow of gros-grain ribbon. -—— Miss Annie Reynolds, of North Ha- ven, Conn., who is to be the first World’s Secretary of the Young Wo- men’s Christian Association, is a gradu- ate of Wellesley and has been a special student at Yale. Her headquarters wiil be in London. Ribbons, by the way, seem more in favor than ever, and immense bows and rosettes seem to be planted in every possible portion of a smart bodice or skirt. > A pretty little dress is of black and white striped glace silk, finished at the waist with a folded band of salmon pink bengalina, straps of the same material coming over the shoulders half way be- tween collar and waist-band, and orna- menting the top of the shoulders with little upstanding folds. The front of the bodice is trimmed with coffee-colored guipure lace, which also forms the epaulettes over the full leg-of-mutton sleeves and the ruffles at the wrists. The glace silk skirt has flat double box pleats on eitherside, reaching from the waist to hem, bands of guipure lace being ar- ranged on each side of the box pleats. The newest tie is a butterfly bow tied in the old French style. The material for 1t varies in accordance with the blouse or dress fabric with which it is worn. I saw one the other day made of black surah with a white spot and worn with a white linen dress, which was also very pretty. The skirt bad large points of cut- work embroidery all in white, and there was a bodice having vandyke points of similar embroidery let in as a sort of tight yoke and similar points down-wards from the waist. There was a little zouave of white linen with revers faced with black, and a pretty white straw sailor bat was worn with a white band, the tie fastened under a turned-down collar of embroidery on a stiff band being the only touch of color. Another which I admired was wade of Indian-red silk, with a kind of Paisley pattern, and was worn with a prettily-built, cream-colored silk blouse and a skirt of thin brown serge, while a Leghorn hat with red cranberries and a deep red surah was worn and made a pretty contrast in color. If present indications really indicat® anything, the coming season is to be on® of bright colors. Yesterday Isaw a love- ly gray gown belted at the waist with cherry-colored velvet ribbon, fastened in an oblong bow at the back. Then I saw a black costume with collar of the same cherry velvet, and a girdle which fas- tened in a huge bow at one side, the centre of the bow being caught through a jet buckle, and two loops above and two below the waist—a very pretty ar- rangement, which adds a finish to the bodice, at the same time preserving the slim effect at the waist. In this latter costume the velvet continues (0 the edge of the skirt, where it finishes in a tour- looped bow turned the opposite way from the one at the waist,and also caught in with a jet buckle. In capes the very ultra-smart thing is of cloth, with perfectly flat shoulders, that look very odd in comparison with the fluffy puffed affairs we have known so long. The only trimming consists of rows of stitching, and just at the waist line are two tiny diagonal flap pockets. It is unnecessary to add that it is only the innately stylish woman that looks well in such a garment.