Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 14, 1894, Image 1
Demaralic 8Y P. GRAY MEEK, Ink Slings. The cooler autumn days have come, When animal life gets frisky; And man’s needs change from beer torum, | | When he always ealls for whiskey. —How many people who prayed for | rain have thanked the Lord since it | came ? —Tricksters like to be found among honest men. It gives them a chance to deceive people. —The man whose wisdom bubbles over is seldom level headed. The bub- ble must be kept inside. —It is a good healthy condition and not an impracticable theory that con- fronts the country to-day. —A man’s relatives really never know his inside life until he dies or becomes a candidate for office. Then the news- papers tell it all. — Pittsburg was captured by the bo ys in blue during the fore part of the week, but even with the accent on the blue, the smoke did not clear up. —There is only one HASTINGS in the State, thank the Lord, for if there were more the people would be stuffed so full of taffy that they would all run together when it rains. —Contrary to expectations sugar has not advanced in price among the whole- salers, and if you are paying more a pound for it than you did before the WiLson bill became a law you are be- ing robbed, —A great percentage of the hard times that we are supposed to have pass- ed through was in the gable end of the store box loafer’s pants, and that portion of his apparel will be doing the same work whether business is brisk or dull. —The regular quarterly dividend of 1} per cent. that the Western Union Tele- graph company’s executive committee has authorized to be paid, on October 15th, reminds one that there are plenty of people who are living easy lives on tick. —The Republican cackle about car- rying the Maine elections by increased majorities will not cause consternation in the Democratic ranks. It would be a pretty note indeed if there had not been a few Republicans made in that black State within a year. —The better class of Republicans of Delaware county have determined that ‘old man’’ CLAYTON shall not be re-elec- ted judge and consequently have united with the Democrats in the hope of de- feating him. If all that they say about him is true he is indeed an unfit man for the judicial ermine. —The Sultan of Turkey has very gra- ciously sent £300 for the reliet of the suf- ferers by forest fires in this country. It is time Queen Vc. writes her message of condolence, which usually marks the bounds of her sympathy, as she did when the Johnstown sufferers were ask- ing for assistance and Turkey’s ruler made a substantial money contribution of $1,000. —The conviction of Joax M. Bow- MAN, the president, and DE LA GREEN, the cashier, of the wrecked Muncy bank, at Williamsport, on Monday, was not much of a surprise to those who had any knowledge of the condition of affairs in that institution. The extreme age of the president will enlist some sympa- thy for him, but the very fact of his ad- vanced years should have raised him above the thoughts of falsifying ac- counts. —The death of the Comte of Paris, while it takes from life’s scenes a man whose memory will always be cherished by loyal ones in our own country, be- cause of his voluntary service in the union army, takes another menace from the security of a Republican form of government in France. While he was alive the royalists still had hope of re- establishing their kingdom, but with his death the royal house in France loses a head whose place will never be filled. —The convention of the Democratic clubs of the State, which will meet in Altoona soon, is being looked forward to with considerable interest, as it is hoped that this gathering of the young Demo- crats will enthusa party workers every- where to go in for ap aggressive cam- paign against the calamity howlers. Business is reviving and it is our duty to party to hurl their charges of busi- ness destruction back into their teeth, as vile lies not to be given credence by anyone. —The determination of Sup’t. Lin- DEN, of the Philadelphia police, to seize the Anarchy flag, wherever it is display- ed, should meet the heartiest commenda- tion at the hands of the residents of that city. If every chief in every city in the United States should determine to fol- low such an example it would not be: long until Anarchy would find no asy- lum in our country.. However strong may be the protestations of these in- flamers of excitable minds, that they in- | tend no wrong to our government, it is notright that a habor be given them here while they are hatching their hellish plans against foreign governments. "YOIL. 39. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. BELLEFONTE, PA., SEPT. 14, 1894. NO. 36. Hastings’ Groundless Fear. Candidate Hastings is greatly alarmed about the injurious effects of a continuance of the tariff agitation, He expressed his fears on this subject in his speech opening the campaign, and charged the Democratic party with the intention of prolonging the controversy. This charge is predicted on the declar- ation of the president and chairmau Wicson that the work left unfinished in the present tariff bill will be com- pleted at the next session of Congress This should give the Republican candidate no uneasiness. The agita- tation involved in such an intention will surely not disburb the country. The main object of the tariff reformers was effected when the general bill was passed on the principle of tariff reduc- tion. Business will confidently adjust itself to the general features of the new tariff, without being in the least unset- tled by the proposition to improve a few of its defective points. There will be no disturbance of business in conse- quence of congressional action upon a supplemental bill that will put sugar onthe free list and deprive the trust of its monopoly. That bill would have been passed at the close of the recent session if the four Democratic sugar Senators, who were interested in kill- ing it, had not been backed by the unanimous vote of the Republican Sena- ‘tors ; and if any agitation should re- sult from its further consideration the Republicans will be responsible for it. Candidate Hastings hasn't the least reason to be uneasy about the agitation that will attend the next session’s ac- tion on the sugar bill, as no business interest except that of the trust will be disturbed by it, unless his sympathy extends to that monopoly. The other tariff features which presi- dent CLEVELAND and chairman WiLson say will be attended to at the next ses- sion are those whieh will pnt iran ara, bituminous coal and barbed wire on the free list. It is difficult to see how such propositions will excite an agita- Mr. Depew's Hopeful View, CHaUNCEY DEPEW has been talking good sense in Europe about the new tariff, in an interview with a New York Herald correspondent, which has been cabled to that paper. In this in- terview Mr. DEPEwW takes a most hope- ful view of the effects of the new fiscal regulations, going even 80 far as to say that the Democratic settlement of the tariff question “is the beginning of a new era of prosperity.” Is not this a great concession to be made by oae of the leading and most acute minds in the Republican party ? He further says: “In less than two years the panic of 1893-94 will be for- gotten. Mines, furnaces, mills and factories will be in full operation ; rail- roads will be conveying profitable traffic, and the movement of internal commerce and the free circulation of currency or the equivalent in business and wages will certainly increase the demand for everything produced upon the farm or elsewhere.” In less than two years Mr. Depew says all this will come to pass. Why, that will be before the occurrence of the next presidential election, and where will the Republican party stand in that issne with all “the mines, fur- naces, mills and factories in full opera- tion” under a tariff which its leaders have said would bring general disaster and calamity upon the industries of the country ? They have made MoKiNLEY- 1sM their main, and in fact, their only issue, and what show will they have in a presidential contest that will find McKiNLevism dead and buried? The WarcHMAN bas for some time been en- tertaining a doubt whether the Repub- licans will venture to put a candidate in the field in 1896, upon finding their tariff prop so completely knocked from under them. They are evidently reach- ing out for a substitute issue on the cilvei Yyucotiouy but if tbo) vamuur db better in that line than the $40 per capita currency plankin their Penunsyl- vania platform they had better drop tion that will be injurious to business. | Surely no unsettlement of industrial operations will attend a movement to | supply our furnaces and factories with untaxed ore and coal, and our farmers with cheaper fencing material. Candidate Hastings allows} himself to be affected by a groundless fear about tariff agitation. The few things necessary to be done to remedy defects in the present law require no agitation. | The business instinct of the counury | will not be long in recognizing the pol- icy of lower tariffs. That there will be further reductions in time cannot be doubted, but that will come as a natur- al consequence. ——A Republican, somewhat jubi- lant over the Maine election,jwas heard say on Tuesday, *‘as Maine goes co goes the union.” If we are not mie- taken Maine went for HARrRIsON two years ago and the union didn’t go that way by a darned sight. It is always a strong Republican State, and if it was a little stronger that way than usual last Monday it was because it stood Tom Reep and his friends in hand to make an especially strong effort for the benefit of his presidential boom, the same as in the case of Ver mont, where the Republicans made an extra effort in the interest of their ma- ple sugar. A special influence) had its effect in both States. ; ——Republicans who admit that there will be some improvement in business, qualify the admission by say- ing that it won’t be what it was} under the McKinLey tariff. There is just where the general satisfaction should come in. Who would want a continua- tion of the wreck and ruin of business that prevailed during the closing year of the McKiNLEYI1sM ? The condition of business we are about to have will not be what it was during the past twelve months, and that is the reason why we should all rejoice. ——We must advise candidate HastiNas to take along with him in his calamity itinerary a copy of CuauNcey Depew’s remarks on the business prospect. By reading it to i his audiences after his set speech it would relieve the dolorous pitch of his remarks, and prevent his hearers from being thrown into unnecessary con- sternation by the fear that everything is going to the ‘‘demnition bow-wows.” their organization and hitch onto the Populists at once, which one of their Senators has already done. Mr. Depew talks like a sensible man in regard to the Democratic tariff, not | being willing to sacrifice his reputation for sagacity and foresight by indulging in the clap-trap of the Republican lead: ers about the ruin it will bring upon the industries. It is otherwise with McKINLEY, who is going through the country orating about the ‘deadly blows aimed at the industries” by Democratic tariff legislation, and de- claring that prosperity can never re- turn as long as the present tariff is in | operation. McKINLEY knows that the success of this tariff will make him a dead duck in the political puddle, and for selfish party reasons he is trying to create the impression that it is not going to be a success, his puny efforts being exerted to retard the returning tide of prosperity. Hastings has un- dertaken the same hopeless task, but how foolish are their endeavors in view of the fact that business is reviving in every quarter, and, as Mr. Depew says, “in less than two years mines, furnaces, mills and factories will be in full opera- tion.” Every man in the district who wants a fair, unbiased and prompt judge to preside over our courts, will vote for C. M. Bower. No one denies that he hasevery qualification to make a model judge, and the people will be wise to take no chances in this matter. They have the opportunity now of se- curing upon the bench one who will do honor to the position. Let them make up their minds at the beginning of the contest to vote only for the best man, and they are sure to elect BowER by an overwhelming majority. ——You don’t have many more days left in which to pay your taxes. This is a matter that young men, why voted on age last fall, should look to at once. There are no circum- stances under which they can vote again until they pay a State or county tax. # EE TA ——Since wool has advanced five | cents a pound under the operations of a Democratic tariff. Republicar pa- pers have quit quoting the price, or make up their report in some obscure corner where they hope no farmer will see 1t, The Republican Leaders are Scared. That the Republican leaders of Penn- sylvania are not as confident of the big majority in the State as they are in the habit of boasting of, is sufficiently shown by the preparations they are making to exert every effort in the campaiga. Candidate HasTiNGs spent several days in Philadelphia mapping out his plan of operations, which is to include a speech in every county in the State, and will require extraordinary effort. This exertion would seem to be unnecessary for a candidate whose friends are boasting of a majority that will run into the huadreds of thous- ands. . In addition to this great amount of speech-making on the part of the can- didate help is to be enlisted from other States. Guns of no less caliber than Senator SHERMAN, Governor MoKin- LEY and THoMAS B. REED will be heard thundering in the campaign, a waste of ammunition, one should think, in the programme for the election of a Governor who is said to be sure of a fabulous majority. But the fact is that the Republican leaders of Pennsylvania are scared. Their actions give the lie to their as- sumed assurance of a tidal wave. They see that they will not have the advan- tage they had a year ago, and in last February, when in the distress of the hard times and the confused popular impression as to the cause of them, they had no difficulty in deluding many unwary voters into the belief that the blame rested with the Democrats, They know that this deception cannot be practiced again to the same extent since the public mind has learned to comprehend the fact that the business depression had its origin in Republi can legislation and administration, and ig beginning to experience the reviving effect of a Democratic tariff. More- ye Woy huuw abo poisvual Srengin of the Democratic candidate for Gover- nor, and the influence it will exert, particularly in Philadelphia, and are alarmed at the evidences of a united and ecthused Democratic party, instead of the disjointed and nerveless opposi- tion which they have been accustomed to encounter 1n this State. For these reasons the Republican leaders are bestirring themselves like men who know that they have a hard job ahead of them, and these are the reasons that should encourage the Democrats to make it as hard for them as possible. More Pension Revision. The overhauling which the prac. tice in the Pension Bureau is under- going is exposing some very question- able procedures. For example, cases have been found when pensioners were deserters from the rebel army and re ceived wounds in the rebel service pre- vious to deserting to the union side, and haye been put on the pension rolls in consideration of the injuries sustain- ed in fighting against the union. One of these cases is that of LoNis PErLES, who admitted that the disability for for which hereceived his pension was incurred while he was serving in the confederate army. Another case was found, that of Miro OsteErHOUT, who deserted and joined the confederate army and was recaptured by the union forces while. he was in the arms against the govern. ment. Had he been shot, as he de- served to be for his desertion, it would have been a proper ending of his career ; but he was held in pris- on for awhile, and released in June, 1865, and he now turns up on the pen- sion rolls. As the Democratic man- agers of the Pension Bureau can- not see why a deserter, who went over to the enemy and fought against the union, should have a pension for such service, his name has been dropped from the rolls, Another class of objectionable pen- sioners, that have been discovered and are being dropped, are rebel soldiers who left the confederate army and came over to the union forces near the close of the war when it was well known that the confederate cause was hopeless, ’ Atter the pension rolls have under- | gone thorough Democratic revision they will really become rolls of honor, and much money will be saved to in- crease, if necessary, the pensions of de- serving veterans. They Should Keep Thelr Noses Out. From the Pittsburg Post. If, as reported, the English have sent a commission to this country to investi- gate cases of American lynching, they should be sent back under the laws ex- cluding undersirable and obnoxious immigrants. Among those at the head of the movement is the ‘Rt. Hon. the Duke of Argyle, K. G., K. T., what- ever that may mean, with many clergy- men and Tory members of parliament. These people, it intent on measures of philanthropy, can find plenty to do at home. Their inter-meddling in a mat- ter which all Americans deplore, and will right in their wn way, is a piece of impudence that deserves rebuke. It will impede the efforts of Americans to put an end to the lynchings. The recent proclamation of the governor of Ten- nessee and the prompt action of the au- thorities at Memphis are worth more than all the Engiishmen in creation are capable of accomplishing. No people relishes its sore spots being pointed out by a jealous rival that has plenty of wrongs at home to attend to. The Last Pensioner. From the Altoona Times. ‘Who will be the last survivor of the thousands of Union soldiers who went forth to battle in the sixties ? When will the clods of earth fall upon his coffin ? Estimates that have been made show that it is likely that the last sur- vivor will die about the year 1951. The Revolutionary war had a representative on earth up to the year 1869, when Daniel Bakeman, at the age of 109 years and a soldier of the memorable struggle for independence, passed away at the town of Freedom, in New York state. He had survived the close of the war, in 1783, by eighty-six years. The same limit after 1865, the close of the civil war, would place 1951 as the time when the last Union soldier would go to join the thousands who died beside him on the battlefield as well as the vast host that dropped out of the ranks one by one in the days of peace that followed the great struggle. What a distinction it will be—-that of the last survivor ! PTI, Yes, It Will Bear Repetition, From the DuBois Express, When ¢‘red headed and hopeful” AVM UUvper was Vbutisewa wf tha Ra publican State committee he sent out, about three weeks before the fall elec- tion, a request to the ministers of Penn- sylvania to preach a special sermon on the Sunday previous to election on “The Dangers which Threatened the Christ- ian Sabbath.” The reason for this was that somewhere on the Democratic tick- et was a man who was supposed to be un- friendly to and who advocated the repeal of the Sunday laws. Many of the preach- ers obeyed the request and more than one sermon on the subject was preached in DuBois, If the ministers were con- scientious they will either hunt up their old sermon snd preach it over again or preach a new one. The subject is as pertinent now as it was on the previous occasion. Walter Lyon, the Republi- can candidate for Lieutenant Governor. has worked bard to secure the repeal of the Sunday laws. Possibly It is Smoke from the Factory Fires Rekindled Under the New Tariff, From the Lancaster Intelligencer. The misty condition of the atmos: phere now prevailing throughout the country is attracting much attention and causing macy learned buat foggy remarks from scientific persons, who seem to know no more about it than the rest of us, They say this haze may be the smoke of forest fires, and so it may, but it doesn’t smell very smoky. In 1874, when there not so many forests burning, it suited the scientific men to say that we were passing through the tail of a comet, and in 1883 a big volcanic eruption in the East Indies was made the handy cause of hazy red sunsets which lasted for several years. The fact is that it is hazy and we don’t know how or why any more than we know how or why fire burns. A —— They Are Out of Date. From the Pittsburg Post. The Republicans did not increase their vote in Maine. Their large ma- jority results from Democratic absentee- ism. The combine of Democratic sena- tors, or rather alleged Democrats that dilly-dallied with the tariff bill sent over from the house is responsible for what appears to be a big Republican gain. McKinleyism is weaker to-day in Maine, asin all other parts of the country, than it ever was. That will be shown, let the issue of its revival once be presented by the Republicans. Maine and Vermont belong to the order of states that grow little in politics or anything else. They are back num- bers. Are They Trying to Shake Quay? From the Altoona Tribune. The American people ought to be able to govern themselves by this time. In short they should be in a situation to give the political ‘boss’ a long vacation while they assume the management of their own affairs. Such a new departure would be followed by certain very desir- able and highly necessary reforms. ‘When will it be taken ? D0 you read the WATCHMAN, Spawls from the Keystone; —A train near Pottsville struck: and killed John Serback.. —The Schuylkill County Fair opened: at Orwigsburg Tuesday. —John Van Gerdon, of Milford commit ted suicide by shooting. —Bad water has caused an epidemic of typhoid fever at Pottsville. —The Farmers: Bank at Lebanon: will be chartered a national bank, —A large number of the schools in Pennsylvania opened Monday. —Extensive thieving is being practiced in some sections of Bedford county, —Tomatoes are-selling for only 18 cents a bushel in Belleville, Mifflin county. —In a mine breach filled with water at Pottsville, John Paulitz was drowned. —Hopewell was made a borough at the recent term of the Bedford county court, —The Clearfield:tannery is turning out 10,000 hides for a. leather firm in Sweden. —Stepping in frent of a locomotive at Sunbury, little €lara Johnson was cut in two. —The Lutherans of Glasgow, Cambria county, have called a minister named Kern, —G. W. Wilson has been appointed post. master at Millbank, vice 8. R. Grace; re. moved. —Daniel Boger has been appointed post. master at East Point, vice Henry Gleck er, resigned. —Juniata county will conduct a fair this fall. About $3,000 will be given away in premiums, —The Indiana. County Agricultural s0- ciety is holding its annual fair at Indiana this week. —There are 175 eriminal cases to be tried at the September term of court in Clear- field county. —George W. Morton is soon to establish and edit the Lehighton and Weissport Evening Journal, —One Bedford county farmer has just lost 111 chickens and three turkeys, the victims of skunks. —Pension Attorney William E. Stone, Mechanicsburg, is in jail charged with receiving illegal fees. —Little Katie Burnett stumbled and fell on the boardwalk at Harrisburg and died soon afterward. —United States Pension Agent W. B. Stone was arrested at Harrisburg for tak. inh extortionate fees. —The Tri-Weekly Record, edited by John W. Parker, in Mahanoy City, has been changed into a daily. —Jacob Bender and Robert Roberts, were dangerously injured by a fall of rock at Cornwall ore banks. $ —An alleged embezzler, George Thomp. son, who was captured at Selinsgrove, is now in Williamsport jail. + —Accidentally turning on the gas in his room, Harry Hassler, a Chambersburg printer, was asphixiated. —George H. Hoffman, of Philadelphia® has secured a clerkship in the State De- partment at Harrisburg. has been re-elected chairman of the Re, publican county committee. —At a Sheriff’s sale in York the Edison Company bought for $26,000 the Westin g" house Electric Light plant. —The Allegheny annual conference of the United Brethren church, will convene at Conemaugh on the 19th inst. —The trial of William Webber, who murdered his father-in-law, Justus Klem- mer, at Reading, began Monday. —The reunion of the 49th regiment Pennsylvania volunteers will be held at Middleburg October 16th and 17th. —Charged by 13 year-old Annie Jacoby with a criminal offense, Levi Arnold, aged 70 years, is in Wilkesbarre jail. —The Colonel Thomas J. Stewart Cam p, Sons of Veterans, was mustered into the division at Royersford Saturday night. —A reunion of the VanScoyocs of Adams, Blair and Cambria counties was held at Rhododendron park yesterday. —An escaped lunatic, John Cupper, was captured at Lebanon, and will be re. turned to the South Mountain Asylum . —One misstep from a car at Pittsburg threw Mrs. Eleanor Scott, of Marsville, Mo., under the train and she was killed. Wanted at Rochester, N.Y, for the al* leged murder of John McGraw, James W. Brown, of Olean, was captured Sunday at Bradford. —A large majority of the depositors of the closed Second National Bank, of Al toona, have agreed to wait some months for their cash. —A railway company is negotiating for the purchase of the Perkiomen turnpike upon which to build a trolly from Read- ing to Pottstown. —For fishing with 11 other men on his own farm, in Clay township, Lancaster county, Isaac Eberly was arrested. They had seined five bushel of fish at a haul. —John Roche, a clerk in the Bowman house at Harrisburg, walked in his sleep and fell out of a third story window Sun. day morning. He died shortly afterwar d. —St. Clair's Borough Council has grant. ed rights of way to the Pottsville Trace. tion Company’s trolley line. The line will extend over Broad Mountain to Gile berton. —The Patriot says: “Hastings has laid himself open to charges of plagiarizing every Republican orator who ever made a speech and every Republican newspaper that ever printed an editorial.” —At Horatio the miners are moving back into the company houses again, a compromise having been effected be tween the miners and the company, and the men are going to work as fast as places can be found for them. —The Democratic congressional confer. ence for the sixteenth district of P ennsyl. vania will convene at the Park hotel, that city, Wednesday evening, September 12 W. H. Holloway, Esq., Lycoming’s candi. date, has not yet named his conferrees. —Editor Nissley of the Tyrone Times was relieved of several suits of clothes and a pair of shoes by some burglars dux* ing his absence from home last week, This is the second time. Bro. Nissley has been robbed of his wearing appa rel and he is getting used to it.