Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, September 07, 1894, Image 1

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emoreaic Walcnn
Ink Slings.
—Barbers are beginning to feel the
approach of the football season.
—In the game bet ween man and oys-
ter, both have to shell out and both get
into the soup.
—Harrisburg is being terrorized by
burglars. Strange——The Legislature
is not in session now.
—The summer girl’s day has gone,
alack ! The season’s round did foist ber.
But alas, ah me! another expense I see,
in the coming of the oyster.
—A scale of prices has at last been
adopted by the glass workers and opera-
tors. The process of making panes will
accordingly be begun at once.
—The umbrella trust has gone up—
The long stretch of dry weather caused
umbrellas to come down and there was
only one thing left for the trust to do.
—It is not a theory, but a condi-
tion—an itnproved condition of busi-
ness under a Democratic tariff—that
confronts the Republican calamity
howler. -
—There should not be so much com-
plaint from county commissioners all
over the State as to the cost of preparing
the blanket ballots, now that we} have
free wool.
— After all Congress did well in leav-
ing a tariff on barbed wire. It must
be an immense satisfaction to people
who have been once caught in a barbed
wire fence.
—South America is likely to afford a
new field for war correspondents soon.
Peru and Ecquador are trying to get
into a scrap and Chili, not satisfied with
past experience, wants a hand in the
—The increased majority given JoHN
P. CLark, the Democratic candidate
for Governor of Arkansas, on Monday,
does not look as though the Republican
attempt at rejuvenation had been made
with a substantial elixir.
—Horses, bicyclists and ocean steam-
ers are breaking records with such fre-
quency now-a-days and attaining such !
high rates of speed that it will not be
long until the time is whittled down to
the fine point of nothing.
—WARD MCALISTER has decided
that between Paris, London and New
York there can be no doubt that the
latter ‘takes the cake,”” which, viewed
from the position of such a dough head,
we have an idea would be hardly worth
—Uncle SAM has wisely decided to
take neutral ground in the Japan-China
disturbance. It takes a big straddle to
reach across the Japan sea, but we
know of no legs longer than Uncle
Sawm’s, nor of no understandings more
substantial to plant in the warring
—To-day the Republican party of the
United States is mourning the loss of
another of its prominent leaders. On
Tuesday Senator JoNEs, of Nevada,
made his formal announcement of lost
faith in the G. O. P. and as the next
best thing he stated that hereafter he
will be a Populist.
—Mrs. Astor has discharged her
Newport gardener, because she found
out that he kept borders in her summer
house at that place during the winter.
Such a thing is not much of a surprise,
only he was sagacious enough to carry
on his farming trade during the cold as
well as the hot season.
—The effect of putting lumber on
the free list will be cheaper lumber,
and that will cause a larger amount of
biulding. The numerous interests in"
volved in the construction of houses
will be benefited, and no interest will
be injuriously affected. The people,
will in every respect be largely the
—Toym REED has decided that LEVI
P. Morrox is not too old to be Govern-
or of New York. Possibly the great
politician thinks the ex-vice president
young enough to suit his purposes, but
there are seven hundred thousand
Democrats in the Empire State who will
have something to say about the matter.
MorroN will have to live to be as old
a8 METHUSELAH before he becomes
their Governor.
—Goyernor Kos, of Alabama,
VOL. 39.
NO. 35.
The Work of the Last Session.
Although the last session of Con.
gress was a long one, substantial bene-
fit to the country can be shown as
having compensated for the length of
time consumed. No other session was
ever more fruitful of good results, and
it is a scathing commeatary on the
character of Republican legislation
that the good that was done during the
session consieted chiefly in the repeal
of Republican laws.
Among its beneficent acts was the
repeal of the SHERMAN law by which
the purchase and storage of silver bul-
lion was stopped. It put an end to the
useless and pernicious expenditure of
gold that was draining the Federal
treasury, impairing the public credit
and deranging the finances of the
country. It terminated the evil effects
ot a bad Republican law which had
much to do in producing the financial
derangement and the industrial de-
pression, from which a slow but sure;
recovery is now going on.
A glorious act, which should for-
ever impart an enviablel ceebrity to the
past session, was the repeal of the
Force bill. That bill was the most in-
famous legislation that the Republican
party was ever guilty of, in-as-much as
it was designed to establish force as a
factor in determining the result of elec-
tions. Its repeal frees the ballot box
from the contro! of the bayonet.
Another act for which the country
has reason to be grateful was the pas-
sage of a stringent Anti-Trust. law, It
had long been the custom for the Re-
publicans to legislate for the encour-
agement and protection of the ‘com-
munism of greed ;”’ the monopolistic
combinations that have been robbing
the people grew up under Republican
laws; but the present Congress, during
the past session, has furnished the
legal means for their suppression, and
it now remains for the people to en-
force the measure that has been pro-
vided for their protection against greed
of the Trusts.
But the most notable act of the ses-
sion just closed was thre repeal of the
McKinLeY law, by which millions will
be saved to the tax payers. In addi-
tion to this benefit, some of the most
important manufactures will be sup-
plied with untaxed raw materials, and
the industries will be placed on a foot-
ing that will enable them to share the
advantage of foreign markets, instead
of being limited to a home demand
that is liable to be over supplied.
It is unnecessary to enlarge further
upon what was done daring the past
session for the relief of the people and
the improvement of financial and in-
dustrial conditions. Minor measures
of importance were included in the leg-
islation of the session, but the four
great acts embraced in the repeal of
the Force bill, the repeal of the SHER-
MAN law, the passage of an Anti-Trust
law, and the expurgation of an oppres-
sive and injurious tariff svstem, will
forever impart an honorable and
praiseworthy distinction to the first
session of the Fifty-third Congress.
It Is Not on Top.
The Indianapolis News is mistaken
in eayiog that the “sugar trust is on
top for the present.” It was on top
when the McKINLEY tariff gave Have-
MEYER and his fellow monopolists
everything within reach, but its situa-
tion has been greatly changed since
the new tariff went into operation.
Under the fiscal arrangement that was
especially made for the benefit of trusts
the sugar refiners had the advantage
of a duty amounting to fifty cents on
the hundred pounds, and moreover
they 'had their raw material free.
Here was a double advantage which
enabled them to make money hand
over fist while the government did not
recently defeated for re-election, who |
talked about setting up an opposition |
State government and trying the
chances of rebellion, seems to have got |
ten into a more orderly frame of mind
as it is now announced that he intend, |
to run for Congress. He will find this |
attended with much less difficulty than |
would attend an attempt to fill the |
office of Governor to which he was not |
elected. Every man has a right to run |
for Congress if his fancy runs in that |
direction, but when a person assumes |
the right to be Governor in defiance of
a majority of 25,000 against him, he is !
pretty sure to gat into trouble, KoLs :
appears to comprehend this fact, |
make a cent in the way of revenue
from the sugar schedule.
The trust under the new tariff has
the benefit of a duty of but 12} cents
on the hundred pounds, and will have
to pay a duty on its raw material,
Whether with this loss of protections
it will charge more for its product re-
mains to be seen, but it will be meas-
urably checked on that line by the re- |
fined sugar, and at all events the gov-
ernment will get a revenue of millions |
from the new'arrangement while under
the McKinney tariff it got not hing. |
A good deal of fuss is being made abou
the concessions to the sagar trast, but |
it is by no weans as much oa top as it |
was under MoKINLEY'S regulations.
A Trick That Cannot be Longer Played.
The calamity howlers are grasping
at the last straw within their reach on
the surface of the stream on which
they are floating and into which they
feel that they are going to sink. We
now hear them shouting that although
industrial operations may be resumed»
the working people will not find an
improvement in their wages. This
calamitous prediction of course springs
from the wish that there may not be
an improvement in the condition of the
laboring class, so that discredit may be
brought upon the new tariff, and Mec-
KixLevisMm be vindicated.
It is entirely probable that some
manufacturers who are interested in a
restoration of the McKiNLey policy,
will do what they can to create
an unfavorable impression of the new
tariff by keeping down the wages of
their working people. In this they
will endeavor to assist the Republican
cause, as they did at the last election,
by the depression of the industrial sit-
uation which they effected, in some
cases by the entire cessation of work,
and, in others, by the reduction of
wages, and blaming the Democratic
administration for the “calamity.”
But euch maneavres have their
limit. Wages are something that is
governed by the demand and the sup-
ply. With manufactures depressed, as
in the last stages of the McKINLEY pol-
icy, there was no difficulty in keeping
labor down to a low rate of compensa -
tion ; but after a new activity has been
infused into every branch of industry
by the new tariff, the increased de-
mand for labor will render it im possi-
ble for employers to maintain the de-
pression ot wages. They may do it for
awhile—they may be able to continue
this depressive policy long enough to
have some effect on the coming elec-
tion, but in wages, as in everything
else, the law of supply and demand will
assert itself, and it will take but a
the increased and uninterrupted de-
mand for his labor.
The President's Last Letter.
It was thonght by most of the
friends of tariff reform that the Presi-
deat should sign the tariff bill. It
was not as perfect a measure of tariff
reform as they had reason to look for,
but nevertheless it went a great way
in the direction of reform and they
thought the effect would be better if
he should put his name to it instead of
allowing it to become a law without
his signature by the ten day lapse.
The President thought otherwise and
the result seems to have justified his
method ot treating the matter. He
availed himself of the opportunity of
writing a letter on the subject, which
most admirably covers it, and places
both himself and his party in an ad-
vantageous position in regard to it.
While expressing regret that all the re-
form that had been promised and
aimed at had not been accomplished,
he recognized in the bill a great relief
from the burdens which Republican
tariff legislation had imposed upon the
country, and for that reason it was
proper that it should become a law, al-
though its imperfections justified him
in withholding his signature as an in-
dication that he disapproved of the
treason to Democratic principles and
pledges which was responsible for the
bill not being a perfect measure of re-
. The country is greatly indebted to
the President for the letter he has
written on the subject of the tariff bill.
It puts the question in the proper light
before the people. It shows who are
responsible for diminishing the bene-
fits of tariff reform which the Demo-
cratic party is pledged to confer upon
the country, and it gives assurance
that the defects which are due to the
treachery of a few recreant Senators
will be remedied by future legislative
action. The letter is a first-rate cam-
paign document ; an admirable sequel
| to the great tariff-reform message of
1887, and a supplemental contribution
to the literature that has been so useful
| in educating the public mind on the
It is just the docu-
to re-invigorate the
| Democratic party in its conflict with
| the “communism of pel.”
| tariff queetion.
i ment required
—=Read the WATCHMAN,
year or two for the pay of the working- |
man to advantageously adjust itself to |
A Brake on the Sugar Trust.
While the sugar Senators were look-
ing after the interest of the trust there
was one Democratic Senator who
watched his chance to insert in the
GormAN bill a clause that would check
the greed of that monopoly in levying
a tax upon the people. This was
Senator MorcaN of Alabama, who
managed to have included in the bill a
provision rendering it criminal for the
sugar ring to take unfair advantage of
the law, and placing in the hands of
the Attorney General the means of ex-
terminating that ring, The clause is
as follows :
“That every combination, conspiracy, trust,
agreement or contract is hereby declared {o
be contrary to public policy, illegal and void,
when the same is made by or between two or
more persons or corporations either of whom
is engaged in importing any article from any
foreign country into the United States, and
when such combinations, conspiracy, trust,
agreement or contract is intended to operate
in restraint of lawful trade or commerce, or to
increase the market price in any part of the
United States of any article or articles im-
ported or intended to be imported into the
United States, or of any manufacture into
which such imported article enters or is in-
tended to enter.”
This provision makes the usual prac-
tice of the sugar trust a penal offense
for which is to be inflicted a punish-
ment consisting of a fine of not less
than one hundred dollars and not more
than five thousand, and imprisonment
for a term not less than three months,
nor exceeding twelve months, either or
both, at the discretion of the court.
By such a legal restraint as this the
sugar trust can be checked, or entirely
broken up. But in any event it can
hardly be expected that this monopoly
will be allowed to exist much longer,
for in the next tariff legislation the dif-
terential duty will have to go. In all
probability this will occur before the
end of the CLEVELAND administration.
Business Will Not be Disturbed.
When President CLEVELAND and
Chairman WiLsoN intimate that there
will be more legislation to correct the
defects of the recently enacted tariff
bill, there 1s no reason to apprehend
that such a movement will disturb
business. The general question of a
change in the tariff has been settled
and business is adapting itself to the
changz. The determination to extend
the reform to a few points that were
not reached in the general bill will not
occasion even a momentary obstruc-
tion to the returning tide of business
prosperity by the fear that any interest
is going to be injuriously afiected.
No disturbance or distress will be
precipitated by a movement to put iron
ore, bituminous coal and sugar on the
free list, and these will be the princi-
pal objects involved in the pending
supplemental tariff legislation. In
fact the country will so quickly (eel
the benefits of free raw materials that
business will receive an additional en-
couragement from the proposition to
enlarge the free list. Experience with
the tariff of 1846 has taught the fact
that after a tariff policy bas been set
in the direction of lower duties further
reduction comes as a matter of course
and with the general approbation of
the people.
The President's Originality.
Some literary whipper-snappers,
who pride themselves on their limited
knowledge of the poets and are eager
to display it, criticise the President
for having used Moore's lines about
the treason that blasts the councils of
the brave without embracing it in guo-
tation marks.
The President had reason to believe
that every school boy was familiar
with the sentiment expressed in the
lines and knew where it came from,
and therefore the idea that he intended
to pass it off as his own is absurd.
There is quite enough originality in
his expressions without it being neces-
sary for him to palm off the expres-
sions of others as hisown. “The com-
munism of pelf’’ is as original as it is
applicable to the subject to which he
applies it, and it will be included
among the numerous, apt and foreible
apothegms which have originated with
Mr. CLeveraxp. Neither the trusts,
nor their backer, the Republican party,
both of which it hits, can question its
The parties who were urging
the President to veto the tariff bill
were either fools themselves, or they
took GroOvER to be one. Nothing
could be a greater mistake than to
count upon the latter contingency.
Aaron Will Be Popular in Elk County.
From the Ridgway Democrat.
The result of the Congressional con-
ference held last Wednesday, cannot
but be satisfactory to the Democrats of
the district, in that perfect harmony
and good feeling prevailed throughout
the deliberations of the eonference, and
the nomination made will undoubtedly
meet with the hearty approbation of the
Mr. Williams is a man well and favor-
ably known in Centre and Clearfield
counties, a member of the bar, promi-
nent in the party councils, and active in
party work. Born on a farm in the
upper Bald Eagle Valley, his youth was
spent at the hard labor incident to that
occupation, and in the lumber opera-
tions of his native valley. Educated in
the public schools, he began to teach
when quite young. Spending the long
winter evenings in study and reading
he became an excellent scholar.
He was twice elected prothonotary of
the county, and admitted to the bar
during his term of office.
His private and public character are
without stain and beyond reproach. His
honesty, integrity and fairness to friends
and foe make him peculiarly strong
where he is known, while his fidelity to
his party, and his untiring industry in
its behalf will command every Demo-
cratic vote that will be gotten to the
polls in November. Among the Re-
publicans of Centre he numbers his
friends by the hundreds. Without dis-
paragement to the other gentlemen, he
is as strong a man with all classes of
people as could have been named. In
the campaign now on, Mr. Williams
will be found a most effective worker
for himself and the ticket.
The Next Congress Will be Democratic.
From the York Gazette.
We do not hear so much talk as be-
fore concerning the large majority which
the Republicans look for in the next
House. Somehow, as the campaign has
begun and the two parties are settling
down to work, prophecies are not so ex-
There was a time when the situation
looked very blue for the Democrats, but
the result in the tariff fight however un-
satisfactory in many ways, ended ad-
vantageously for the Democrats, if view-
ed politically. The voters so plainly see
why the party did not fulfil the pledges
made in the last campaign, that they
will realize that the only way to secure
| the performance of those pledges is to
keep the party in power and strengthen
its hands.
So far as actual prospects go, there is
no ground whatever for expecting a Re-
| publican majority in the next House.
| There are at present no indications of a
| sufficient revulsion of feeling to bring
| that about, and the Democratic Con-
| gressional Campaign Committee con-
fidently expect to rest in control.
The Republican organs are now ad-
vancing the idea that neither the Demo-
crats nor the Republicans will elect a
majority, but that the Populists will
send a sufficient number of representa-
tives to hold the balance of power. This
is not possible, as it is evident to all un-
prejudiced observers that the Populist
party is on the wane.
New York Thinks Otherwise of Cleve_
From the Pittsburg Dispatch.
Opposition to boss rule in New Y ork
is becoming more and more pronoun ced
as the date of the Saratoga convention
draws near, if reports from the East are
to be relied upon. There is a suspicion,
however, that many of the alleged fac-
tional differences are creations of the op-
position. = While thers is a growing
antipathy to boss rule the country over,
it is hardly probable that the Rep ubli-
can leaders of the Empire State will allow
factional differences to imperil the party
prospects of success this fall in an elec-
tion fraught with such importance. The
first great duty of New York Republi-
cans is to lend their assistance in ridding
the country of Clevelandism and Re-
form Democracy. Their local differ-
ences can be adjusted after this duty has
been performed.
Can There Be Unfermented Jags.
From the Philadelphia Times.
The gnat-straining and camel-swal-
lowing cold water fanatics at Chatau-
qua are said to be in a state of mind
because Miss Frances Willard and La-
dy Somerset have been seen drinking
unfermented grape juice which they
poured from a wine bottle at dinner.
Now it these people will pass a resolu-
tion censuring the Almighty for cre-
ating grape vines and making grape
juice fermentable and demand that all
reference to wine vineyards, wine press-
es and the fruit of the vine shall be ex-
punged from the Scriptures their
crankiness on the subject of the table
beverage of Miss Willard and Lady
Somerset will have at least the merit
of consistency.
But He Didn't Rehabilitate the Key-
stone Bank.
From the Doylestown Democrat,
In the plans for the re-organizing of
the Reading Railroad it is suggested
that John Wanamaker be elected presi-
dent. This would be a good scheme. Mr.
Wanamaker isa man of wonderful exec-
utive ability, and if the efforts of any |
man in the president’s chair of that great |
corporation can rehabilitate the road he |
can do it. The interests that centre in
the Reading are too many and too im-
portant to allow it to be foreclosed.
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Miner Hugh Thomas was killed by a
train near Nanticoke.
—The site for the new Court House at
Wilkesbarre cost $83,050.
—Mrs. Emma L. Leippe will open a
swimming school at Reading.
—Go vernor Pattison was entertained by
the Cresco Club at Shamokin.
—Uniontown’s water supply has dried
up for the third consecutive summer,
—An electric railway along the river
front, Harrisburg, is to be constructed.
—The corner.stone of St. John’s Reform.
ed Church at Hazleton was laid Sunday.
—A wagon ran over and crushed to
death young Franklin Meyers, at Middle.
—More than 5000 cigars were stolen from
J. B. Gresh’s store at Little Oley, Berks
—To economize, several officials at
Reading’s City Hall were decapitated
—Anuditors report that ex.Treasurer
Philip Fisher, of Westmoreland county,
is $2399 short.
—Thomas Fix makes a business of grap.
pling for the bodies of persons drowned
at Reading.
—Falling through a trestle into a Wil-
liamsport millpond, little George Knapp
was drowned.
—Schuylkill County’s Fish and Game
League will hold a meeting at Schuylkill
Haven Tuesday.
—1n the fear that he might kill himself
David Bowen had himself locked up by
Scranton police.
—Over 500 Knights of the Golden Eagle
from the West Branch Valley paraded
Monday at Sunbury.
—Trolley cars began running between
Easton and Philipsburg over the Dele.
ware River Tuesday. .
—Fifty employes of the Carlisle Manu-«
facturing Company struck for an increase
of wages on Monday.
—John Tahaney and William Welch
were indicted at Pottsville for beating to
death Frank Bagnola.
—Tyrone’s Board of Health refuses to
remove cattle that died of anthrax just
outside of that borough.
—The Pottsville Home Mutual Associa.
tion has been dissolved by request of At.
torney General Hensel.
—Attempting to mount a moving train
at Allentown} E. H. W. Stroll, of Bethle-
hem, was crushed to death.
—Fish Warden Jacoby tore out several
dozen fish nets and walls from the Dela-
ware River near Easton.
—After five months of idleness the
Couloch Coal Company, near Hazleton,
began operations Monday.
—Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hauch, Pitts-
burg, on Sunday celebrated the sixtieth
anniversary of their wedding.
—Frank Williams, who in February
last murdered Policeman John Adrey at
Jeanette, has just been captured.
—During a hammer-throwing contest at
Lancaster, Miss Mary Sterling was struck
by the hammer and seriously hurt.
—The National Master Blacksmiths?’
Association, composed of railroad black.
smiths, has 70 delegates at Pittsburg .
—Locomotive firemen of the country
will send 500 delegates to the Brotherhood
convention at Harrisburg on Monday.
—During August the Pennsylvania
Railroad sent west over its main line
62,464 cars and east 66,527, a total of 129,091
—An overdose of landanum administer «
ed by the mother, killed little Robert Ful.
ler, son of Charles Fuller, at Girardville.
—The little towns in Allegheny County
all reject annexation to the Smoky City,
on account of the big taxes of the latter
—Many of the Luzerne County miners
who went to Western Pennsylvania to
take the places of strikers have returned
—Becoming suddenly ill on the highway
near Williamsport, Jacob Coffman fell
and, striking his head on a stone, was
—The Junior Order United American
Mechanics at Lancaster contemplate
forming a military company for the tate
—A plot of ground at Lancaster has
been donated by J. Hay Brown for the
erection of a memorial chapel to A. Herr
—Clinton county tobacco-growers get
an average of 74 cents a pound for their
product, which they complain of as much
too little.
—Plucky Mrs. Volciski collared John
Valchock, who robbed her other boarders
at Reading, and led him toan Alderman,
He is in jail.
—Boys who peddle the G.A. R. souvenir
book in Allegheny County struck
Monday for an increase of two-thirds of a
cent a copy.
—A mixture of paris green and lauda
num speedily ended the life of Nicholas
Wilkenbock, Pittsburg, despondent over
the loss ofa leg.
—The apple yield in the seven counties
in the southeastern section of the Sta te
will equal that of the remaining territory
of Pennsylvania.
— After many months’ absence on ac.
count of sickness, Judge Cyrus L. Per,
shing Monday presided over criminal
Court at Pottsville.
— Accused of stealing a horse and wag.
on from Jacob B. Horss, at] Manheim,
John H. Lichtenberger was jailed at Leb
anon on Saturday.
—It is a mystery yet whether Charles
Kamm, whose body was found in the
canal at Reading, committed suicide or
drowned accidentally.
—Delegates from 1000 councils of the
Junior Order American Mechanics are ex.
pected to attend the State convention at
Lancaster, September 18.
—In a cabin near Ellwood City lives a
French hermit, Raphael Frazeppa, who
claims to know all the inside facts about
the Panama Canal scandal.
—The Sunbeam Publishing Company, of
Philadelphia, will transfer its plant to
Annville, having received #300 and a site
| from the citizens of that place.
— William Probert, who nearly killed
Soloman Lougham, at Duncansville, over
a quarrel about a pig, was released under
#2000 bail on Saturday and his victim will