Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 17, 1894, Image 8

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Democratic: Wado
Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 17, 1894.
—— SE
To CORRESPONDEN®S. — No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
— The instruments of the defunct
Centre Hall band have been sold at
constable sale.
——The brick work of the new ar-
mery will be done by F. T. Wallace, to
whom the contract has been awarded.
— Hail aninch anda hslfin cir
cumference was picked up in Wood-
ward township, Clinton county, after
the storm last Monday afternoon.
——A commandery of 32 men, in fall
uniform, will go from this place to Al-
toona, on the 6th of September, to at-
tend a State Convention of the K. G. E.
——The excursionists from Bellefonte
to Niagara Falls, on Tuesday morning,
via C. R. R. of Pa., numbered thirteen,
that number of tickets having been sold.
— The residence of Edwin F. Gar-
man, on East Linn street, was struck by
lightnitg during the storm of last Mon-
day. The damage did not extend farth-
er than cracking one of the chim.
—— Last Sunday a horse belonging to
Charles Levy, while grazing too near
the edge of the Morris stone quarry, fell
over the precipice, a height of about
seventy feet, and was Killed, its neck
having been broken.
— Messrs. John P. Harris and W.
T. Speer having retired from the owner-
ship of the Phenix planing mill, the
entire interest in that establishment has
been purchased by John R. Ardell, Jr,
the former proprietor.
——Postmaster Fortney has ap-
pointed Will Garman mailing clerk in
place of Mr. John Miller, and the new
appointee commenced his duties on
‘Wednesday. Mr. Miller may re-
main until the first of September.
——Last Sunday night burglars ef-
fected an entrance into Foresman &
Kelsey's mill at Flemington, and blew
open the safe, but they only got a few
postage stamps and small change,
amounting to less than a dollar, for
their trouble,
——The next social of the Lutheran
church will be held at the home of Mr.
Solomon Poorman, at the Gatesburg
mine bank, on next Thursday evening,
August 16th. A hack will leave] town
for the bank at 8 o'clock sharp, starting
from the diamond.
——The ladies of the U. B. church
will hold ice-cream sociables in the
McLain block, next to WATCHMAN
office, every Friday evening, for several
weeks, the proceeds to help pay mission-
ary assessment. Come next Friday
evening and help in the good work.
——TFive applicants, Carrie Atwood,
Mary S. Graham, Morris Kelley,
Ferdinand Baum and Charles Garis,
have stood a civil service examination
for postal service in this place. The
first three are applicants for positions in
the post office, and the last two want to
be letter carriers.
——The Cdd Fellows will hold a big
picnic near Rebersburg, on Saturday,
August 18, Lodges from different parts
of the county will be present, to partici-
pate in the parade. A game of ball is
billed for the afternoon between the
Centre Hall and Rebersburg teams.
—— An insufficient quantity of rain
during the past five weeks has greatly
diminished this year’s agricultural pro-
ducts of Centre county. The oats crop
will be under the average, and the same
may be said of the corn and potato
crops, making an aggregate loss of
many thousands of dollars.
—— Notwithstanding the threatening
appearance of the weather in the morn-
ing, the picnic of the Logan fire com-
pany, Thursday of last week, at Hecla,
was a great and gratifying success,
The day turned out to be a fine one
and the attendance was very large, re-
quiring more extra trains than were
scheduled to carry the crowd.
——Burglars came near raiding
Lucas Brothers’ Store at Howard early
last Friday morning. With tools stolen
from the blacksmith shop of William
‘Welsh, they had bored two holes in the
window shutters at the rear, and one in
the front doer, when James, ason of
Mr. H. T. Lucas, who bad just return-
ed from the picnic at Hecla, made his
appearance and scared them off. Two
shots were fired after them as they re:
— A great crowd of friends and ad-
mirers were at the station on Friday
morning to see the bold soldier boys of
—-More than two years ago Mr. Keller’s
friends noticed his failing health ; but
it was not until after his daughter Mar-
tha’s sudden death, from diphtherix,
that they or he realized that bis disease
might develop into consumption.
Preparation was made at once to spend
the winter in the South, and early in
November, Mr. and Mrs. Keller started
for Aiken, S. C., where they staid until
late in the spring. Mr. Keller came
home greatly encouraged and seemingly
somewhat better; but last fall when he
started S uth again it was evident to
everyone that his was a losing battle.
This spring he came home so much
worse that his death Sunday night was
not a surprize—only & sorrow to this
Daniel Schenck Xeller was born
{near Boalsburz in 1844. His fath-
er, Henry Keller, long since de-
ceased, was in his lifetime a prominent
and influential citizen of Harris town-
ship, where his oldast son worked on the
farm, attended the district school and
the Boalsburg Academy until 1862,
when he enlisted as a private in Capt.
McFarlaue’s company, which after-
wards became Co. G. 148th regiment,
Pennsylvania volunteers. Unfitted for
fleld duty by a severe wound received
at the battle of Chancellorsville, he was
detailed ns a clerk in the war depart-
ment at Washington, where he studied
law at the Columbia law school and was
admitted to the bar. He came to Belle-
fonte 1n 1873 and since that time has
ranked among our foremost lawyers.
He married in 1866 Miss Heustis, of
Washington, who died in 1876, and in
1878 Miss Martha Schroeder, of Read-
ing, who with five children, Harry,
Will H, Daniel, Lucy and John, sur-
vive him.
Mr. Keller was pre-eminentiy an hon-
est lawyer. No act of his ever marred
the escutcheen of his chosen profes-
sion, and in his intercourse and dealings
with his professional brethren he de-
spised even the appearance of unfair-
ness. In politics he was an ardent Re-
publican, but a Republican from hon-
est convictions and not for expediency’s
sake, for he was an active worker in the
temperance cause, and fearlessly spoke
his mind on the subject. He was one of
the leaders in the constitutional amend-
ment campaign in 1889, when Centre
county declared so emphatically in fa-
vor of temperance. He was connected
with the National Guard for some years,
and was on Gen. Beaver’s staff when
the Guard was called out during the
railroad riots in 1877. He was a mem-
ber of the Gregg Post, the Masonic
lodge, and an elder in the Reformed
church ; but it was not ore or all these
that gave him success. It was his un-
swerving faithfulness to his convictions,
his perfect integrity of character, and
his courtesy and genuine kindness. An
able and scholarly man, he was always
an affable, entertaining companion.
The educational and reform movements
of the county have lost an aggressive
worker, and the community a parfect
gentleman and an honest man.
Thursday morning five ministers
officiated at the funeral services in the
Reformed church in which he was an
elder and a steward. Hon. A. O. Furst,
A. J. Cook, Jared Harper, C. M. Bow-
er, C. P. Hewes, George M. Boal, Jas.
P. Coburn, Col. Geo. A. Bayard, John
B. Linn and F. W. Crider were the
pall bearers, and the Gregg Post, Con-
stans Commandery, and the members of
the Centre county Bar, attended in a
Prayep witH MarcHES —Lulu, the
little 3-year old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel Steel, and grand daughter
of Mr. Perry Steel of this place, was so
horribly burned on Monday afternoon
at her parents, home at Fairview, near
Altoona, that she died that evening.
The way of it was—her mother bad
taken her upstairs about 2 o’clock for
her customary afternoon nap, and after
making the child comfortable, went
down stairs to her work. Suddenly a
most terrible shriek was heard,and rush-
ing upstairs as fast as she could, she
found ber child enveloped in flames,
She caught her up in her arms and tried
to smother out the fire, but she found
that was impossible, so taking a bucket
of water, that fortunately was near, she
dashed it over the child and succeeded
in getting the fire out Medical aid was
at once summoned, and upon examina-
tion it was found that the child was
dangerously burned from head to foot.
Great blisters were all over the face,
body and limbs, and whenever an effort
was made to remove particles of cloth-
ing remaining.the something more than
half cooked flesh would come with it.
| Every possible means was employed to
| suve the little one, who evidently had
" gotten out of bed and tound the matches,
Company B oft to the Gettysburg en-
campment. Some of the leave takings
were almost as tender as if the boys
were about to depart for the scanes of
actual warfare. The company had the
appearance of veterans as they marched
down High street, and there is no doubt
they compared well with the best com-
panies in attendance at the encamp-
for they were out of their accustomed
place, and in playing with them had set
fire to her clothes, but after hours of
suffering she died that night. Wednes-
day morning she was brought to this
place on the 9:32 train and taken to
Pleasant Gap for burial.
~——The situation as between Love, of
Centre cou:ty, and Lovell, of Hunt-
ingdon, is far from being a lovely one,
——The Jersey Shore railroader’s
picnic, which was to have come off at
Hecla Park last Friday, was postponed.
——The electric railway isa fixed
fact in Lock Haven, the contract for
building the power house having been
awarded to L. R. Paup.
—— Repairs to the interior of the M.
E. church at Philipsburg were com-
menced this week. The church 1s also
to be supplied with a new carpet.
——The Centre delegates to the Re-
publican congressional conference,
which met at Dubois yesterday, were
there in the interest of Cook, of Elk
——Mrs. Sarah Boak, aged 75, died
on the evening of the 9th inst., at her
home at Snow Shoe, this county. She
was the mother of James K. and T. A.
Boak, of Hughesville.
——Pay days in this neighborhood
unfortunately are not as numerous as
they use to be, but last Saturday the
hands on the Bald Eagle Valley rail-
road had a pay day and were happy.
——The Munson Coal company has
its Cold Stream mine near Philipsburg
in shape again, and work was resum-
ed Monday morning. The blowing up
of the mine during the strike put the
firm to considerable expense.
——John B. Collins, a well known
citizen of Lock Haven, who for a num-
ber of years had been extensively engag-
ed in railroad contracting and lumber-
ing, died at that place last Monday, of
blood poisoning, at the age of 50.
——The Centre County Pomona
Grange, No. 13, will meet in the hall of
Bald Eagle Grange, at Milesburg, on
Friday, August 24th, at 10:30 a. m. In-
teresting literary exercises and business
of general interest will be considered.
——The Disciple church at Mt. Eagle
was seriously damaged by lightning
during the thunder storm last Monday
morning. The steeple was demolished
by a stroke of lightning, and the build-
ing was otherwise damaged to the
amount of about a hundred dollars.
—— At Lemont the Ladies Aid Socie-
ty of the Methodist church will hold a
festival Saturday evening, Aug. 25th,
which promises to be a most enjoyable
affair for all who attend. Delicious ice
cream and cake will be served and every
body is cordially invited to be present.
——There was a failure in the elec-
tion of officers by the Bellefont Board of
Trade last Tuesday evening on account
of the slim attendance of members, con-
sequently the election has been postpon-
ed to the first Thursday evening in Sep-
tember, at which time a full attendance
is expected.
——We have received invitations and
tickets to the Firemen’s Convention,
which is to be held in DuBois on Tues-
day, August 21. There 1s nothing that
is livelier than a brass band, and as
there are to be twenty-five, with that
many fire companies in attendance, we
are awfully sorry we can’t go.
— —Last Tuesday the Democratic con-
vention of Huntingdon county practi-
cally declared for C.M. Bower, esq., the
Centre county Democratic nominee for
President Judge of this judicial district,
by electing W. J. Forbres, H. W. Petri-
ken and Geo. W. Cresswell, conferees,
who will vote for Mr. Bower in confer-
ence. This renders the final nomina-
tion of that gentleman a certainty, and
assures harmony on the judicial ques-
——Orders have been issued by the
Pennsylvania railroad to its special
officers to cause the arrest of all persons
who are hereafter found stealing rides.
The officials are moved to take this ac-
tion by the great loss of life from this
cause during the pastsix months, an
average of one train-jumper a day having
either been killed or injured during that
period. Illegal train riding is made
punishable by ten days imprisonment or
a fine of $10,
——As the result of the Altoona bank
defalcation, Harry Wayne & Co, of
Altoona, the largest house furnishers in
Central Pennsylvania, filed a deed of
assignment, without preference, in the
recorder’s office at Hollidaysburg, on
Saturday. The failure was precipitated
by the disappearance of the junior mem-
ber of the firm, H. A. Gardner, who
was the cashier of the Second National
bank. The liabjlities
assets, $30,000.
The firm of McCalmont & Co.,
propose to supply water for use at their
stone quarries and coal yard by piping it
trom a reservoir on the Alexander farm
where there are a number of never fail-
ing springs, with a sufficieat head,
which may be utilized for this purpose.
The entire distance is about three thous-
and feet, or a little over one half mile.
They expect to be able to supply suffi-
cient water for all their uses for me-
chanical purposes, for their stock at the
yards, and for all their houses outside
the borough; and at a lower
“cost than it is supplied by the borough.
are $15,000 ;
ErR.—The Huntingdon News of last Fri-
day says: This community was shock-
ed this morning by the announcement
that Harry Kerstetter, the well-known
boss blacksmith at the Reformatory, had
committed suicide at his residence on
Washington street, near 14th. Inves-
tigation proved the truth of the report.
We paid a visit to the scene of the
tragedy, which occurred in a stable at the
rear of the premises, and the scene was
a sickening one. Mr. Kerstetter was up
at an early hour, and was acting so
strangely that his wife became alarmed
and shortly after 5 o'clock went over to
Smithfield to notify some of his fellow
officers at the institution, and seek their
aid. In the meantime Mr. Kerstetter
procured a double-barreled shot gun into
which he placed two shells and about
half-past-six o’clock repaired to the sta-
ble, placed the barrel to the side of his
head and pulled the trigger. The shell
was heavily loaded, and the discharge
literally blew the top of his head off,
scattering brains, pieces of skull, flesh,
etc., all over the side of the building.
In the absence of Coroner Harmon,
Justice of the Peace L. E. Edwards was
notified of the occurrence, and after
viewing the body and learning the par-
ticulars, decided that an inquest was un-
necessary, and directed that the body be
As the cause for the deed, we could
learn of none, his wife not having yet
returned home, and the neighbors hav-
ing no knowledge of any trouble of any
Mr. Kerstetter was a large man, was
aged about 45 years, and came to this
place from Philipsburg, Centre county,
some five years ago, to accept the ‘posi-
tion he has since held at the State Re-
formatory. He was twice married and
is survived by his wife and one son, the
latter residing in Centre County.
ED BY FIre.—Last Friday morning
between two and three o’clock fire was
discovered in the north-east corner of
the basement of Montgomery & Co’s
clothing store, in Crider’s Exchange
building, Allegheny street. An alarm
was sounded, and the fire companies
were promptly on the scene, attended
by a large concourse of people that are
usually attracted by a fire, however un-
seasonable the hour may be. The fire,
which originated in the basement, burn-
ed through the floor into the window
above, where almost everything was
consumed, and before it was extinguish-
ed it had burned a hole in the ceiling.
The window having been broken by the
heat the, awning on the outside was al-
so burned. By the prompt action of
the firemen the flames were stopped at
this point, but if the fire had not been
discovered assoon as it was, and had
been allowed to have gained more head-
way, both the store and building would
probably have been consumed.
As to the origin of the fire opinion is
divided as to whether it was the work
of an incendiary or was caused by the
electric light wires. The loss directly
from the fire was not great, butjmuch
damage was done to the stock by water
and smoke. The firm had their stock
fully insured.
— Last Monday morning, H. Roth, of
Philadelphia, whose business is travel-
ing for a firm in that city engaged in
enlarging photographs, was down in
Boggs township delivering pictures, hav-
ing engaged one of Baum’s teams for
that purpose. He was in the residence
of Col. Weaver, near Milesburg, when
the storm came on, having left the team
near by in charge of Mr. Baum’s son,
Isedore. Lightning struck a large tree
about sixty feet from the house, knock-
ing large piecas from it, one of which
flew through a window of the house,
striking Mr. Roth on the back and in-
flicting a painful bruise, and pieces of
glass from the window cut holes in his
clothing. Mr. Baum’s son was alone in
the vehicle when the lightning struck,
and being unable to bold the frightened
horses, jumped out. The team ran
through a barb wire fence and into the
creek where they became tangled in the
harness and were with difficulty gotten
out. The harness and vehicle were
used up and the horses terribly cut by
the barb wire fence. Part of one of the
horses lip was cut off.
Rux INTo BY THE CARrs.—Mr. Ed-
ward Long, of Gum Stump, had been
attending market in this place on Sat-
urday morning, and when near the old
| Snow Shoe station at Central; City, his
horse and wagon were run into by part
of the Snow Shoe train which had been
uncoupled and allowed to run down it-
| self. Horse, wagon and driver were
thrown over an enbankment into the
| pond. Some damage was done the
wagon, but neither the horse nor Mr.
Long were much injured.
Picyic AT MarTHA.—The M. E.
Sunday school of Martha will hold their
annual picnic on the old grounds near
the church, Saturday, Aug. 18th.
| game of ball will be plaged on the ball |
——The movement to construct an
electric road from Jersey Shore to Col-
lumsville is being strongly agitated. It
is thought that an election for or against
the project will be held before long.
——Rev. Joseph Nestitt, D. D., tor
thirty-four years the honored pas-
tor of the Great Island Presbyterian
church at Lock Haven, died last Mon-
day morning after a lingering illness.
—— The Disciples of Christ, at Mill
Hall, whose house of worship was de-
stroyed by the fire which nearly wiped
out the town,a few weeks ago, expect tu
have their new church completed with -
in thirty days.
——The Democratic convention of
Huntingdon met on Tuesday and nomi-
nated Hon. Thomas H. Adams, ex-
member of the Legislature,for Congress,
with power to choose his own cenferrees.
Benjamin F. Africa was nominated for
— The fire that almost wiped out
the town of Pigeon near Ridgway last
Friday caused a loss of over $100,000.
Many citizens escaped with nothing but
the clothes they wore. The neighbor-
ing villages of Watson and Byrons are
providing for the bomeless.
—— Wm. Neil,an employe of Howard
& Perley’s saw mill, near North Bend,
was struck in the abdomen on Thursday
by a board, which flew up from the
saw, receiving such injuries as to result
in his death on Friday. He was about
24 years old, and was the only support
of his widowed mother, who resides at
Buffalo Run, this county.— Philipsburg
——While Col. W. F. Reynolds’ bay
team, hitched to his carriage, was being
driven through Milesburg by his
driver, last Monday evening, a break in
the coupling caused the horses to run
away. They ran into the side of the
iron bridge crossing Bald Eagle creek,
and one of the animals was thrown over
a twenty foot bunk into the stream.
This horse, notwithstanding so serious a
fall, was hurt but very little, while the
one which ran on tho bridge was con-
siderably injured. The driver escaped
unharmed, but the carriage was pretty
badly wrecked.
News Purely Personal.
—Miss Elizabeth Galbraith of Altoona is visi
ting Miss Mable Cowdrick.
—Miss Emma Hirshler, of Philadelphia, is
visiting the Misses Faubles. -
—Miss Mary Sourbeck is entertaining two of
her school friends, Miss Gorman and Miss
Curran. both of Philadelphia.
—Edward H. Harris is down at Gettysburg
this week seeing the fun and encouraging
George L. Jackson and Dr. Charles Rhone to
work like soldiers.
—Mrs. Edward Rowe and her daughter
Edna go this morning to Cresson or a short,
stay, after which they will visit Mrs. Rowe's
sister Mrs. Brandon, at Spangler.
—Mr. George Jacobs,a pl easant and prosper-
ous gentleman from Roland, was in town last
Friday and judging from his conversation, the
secret of his success is that ‘he pays as he
—Francis Speer, Tom Mitchell, Fred Mont-
gomery and Mr, and Mrs. Murray Andrews
were among the people who took advantage of
the Beech Creek excursion to Niagara Falls,
Tuesday morning.
—Mrs. Will Dix and her daughter Miss An-
na, who have been visiting the former's sister,
Mrs. L. T. Munson, and other Bellefonte
friends, left for their home in Dayton, Ohio,
Wednesday afternoon.
—Mr. afd Mrs. Hill and their three children
who have been spending the summer with
Mrs. Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Rich-
ards, in this place, returned to their home in
Philadelphia yesterday.
—Mrs. S. H. Williams, Mrs. Satterfield
and Mrs. Bennison are this week enjoying
the sights at Gettysburg, and watching the
new members of Co. B. manoeuvre to get off
drill and picket duty these scorching days.
—Mrs. John H. Orvis and her daughter
Caroline returned Wedneslay night from
their summer’s stay on the coast of Maine:
They will open their house on Lina street for
the Winter and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keller will
make their home with them until the Harper
house, which was recently purchased by Mrs.
Keller, is vacated.
—Prof. George P. Bible, who is making a
success of the Stroudsburg Normal School,
and who with his wife has spent most of his
vacation in town visiting her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Bradley, started with the excursionists
Tuesday morning. They will not return with
them however for they expect to stop at Brad”
ford after seeing Niagara and from there go to
--Mrs. Lyde Osman of Covington, Neb., who
has been staying with her sister, Mrs. Mary
Hastings,and other relatives in the county for
more than a year, left last Saturday for Philips”
burg where she will visit for a short time be-
fore going on to Logansport, Ind., where she
will spend the winter with Dr. and Mrs. Wag:
ner nee Annie Pottsgrove. Mrs. Osman is so
practically well informed and agreeable
that her friends would fain have kept her,
but she prefers the West.
—Mayor C. G. McMillen of Dayton, O., who
came Bast with the Auditors of Montgomery
Co., on their trip as inspectors and guests of
the P. R. R., was in town last Friday while
the rest of the party tarried at Cresson. Mr.
McMillen was one of the executive committee
of the muchly talked of “Charity Circus”
which recently showed at Dayton. Over four
thousand dollars was cleared for Deaconess
and St. Elizabeth Hospitals, and old show-
men declare there has never been an amateur
entertainmant to compare with it. The orig-
naters, performers and helpers were all from
Dayton. Over three hundred horses with
sixty some cages and floats were inthe pa-
rade, and the peanuts, pink lemonade, and
. oo :
ground between the Port Matilda and | candy were looked after and sold by men
Martha amateur ball teams,
' prominent in society.
Walters, a member of Company K, of
the 148th Regiment, Pa. Vols. has, at
the request of a number of his Comrades
of Companies E, I and K, arranged for
a re-union of the 148th Regiment dur-
ing the coming National Encampment
of the G. A. R. at Pittsburg. The re-
union will be held at 9:30 a. m., on
Wednesday, September 12th, in the
Post room: of Post No. 117G. A. R.
Malta hall, Sheridan avenue, East end,
Pittsburg. This hall is in the vicinity
of the 19th Ward school house where
the Posts from Beliefonte, Lemont,
Fleming, Pine Grove Mills, Centre
Hall and Millheim will be quartered.
It will be easy for the members of the
148th who belong to these Posts to at-
tend this re-union, and it is hoped that
all who can do so will be present. We
have no doubt that the fact that this re-
union is to be held will stimulate the at-
tendance of former members of the Cen-
tre County Regiment at the National
Encampment. The western men of the
Regiment are extremely anxious to meet
their comrades from Centre county.
Points To REMEMBER.—The follow-
ing points should be remembered by the
citizens of every town, and we especial-
ly commend them to the people of
Bellefonte :
Always encourage home talent when
it stands ready to establish an enterprise
that will build up the town. Never at-
tempt to raise more money to secure
more enterprises than the town can af-
ford to part with. Always look on the
bright side of the town’s outlook. Nev-
er predict anything but prosperity.
Well men often die because they believe
they are suffering from some wholly
imaginary ailment and a good town
sometimes retrogrades simply because of
the croaking of calamity -howlers. Say
nothing if you cannot say a good word
for the town, but keep on sawing the
town’s wood.
Williamsport Sun says that the lumber-
men during the recent freshet had
swept from them not less than 180,000,-
000 feet of saw logs and about 20,000,-
000 feet of manufactured lumber, which
line the Susquehanna river from Wil-
liamsport to the Chespeake bay, The
valuation of this lumber is fully $3,500,-
000 to the lumber sufferers, and they
think it hard that their loss should be
increased by parties living along the
stream, who, without any claim what-
ever to the lumber and timber,have tak-
en possession of it. The West Branch
| Lumberman’s Exchange, of Williams-
port, will therefore enter suit in the
courts of Dauphin and Cumberland
counties for the recovery of this property.
A NEw Coan OpErRATOR.—We are
glad to know taat Mr. Harry T. Cooke,
of Woodland, intends coming to Phil-
ipsburg to live, having leased the Mea-
dow Brook mines recently opened on
the Goss farm, near Blue Ball, by his
father, Mr. John Cooke. The coal is of
fine quality, and long before the coal
industry became so prominent in the
Clearfield region the Goss coal was
famous for its superiority as a domestic
coal. Mr. Cooke isa very agreeable
young gentleman, who will be an ad-
dition our town socially and as an
enterprising business man. We give him
a cordial welcome.— Philipsburg Ledger.
——All summer clothes at cost.
Wilson bill prices—$10 suits for $6. —
$8. suits for $5.—$7. suits for $4.75—§6.
suits for $4.50—$5. suits for $4. Boys
summer suits at half price.
Lyox & Co.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. JAcksoN & Co:
The following are the quotations up to six
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
goes to press :
White Wheab........ccorsiensrrenneinsnisinciiescasse
Red wheat... .
Rye, per bushel...
Corn, ears, per bushel.
Corn, shelled, per bushel...
Oats—new, per bushel
Barley, per
Ground Plaster, per ton..
Buckwheat per bushel
Cloverseed, per bushei.
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel ...
Eggs, per dozen....... 12
Lard, per pound 3tol0
CountryShoulde 8t0 10
Sides Sto 10
Hams... 14
lallow, per pound. 4
Butter, per vound.. 20
The Democratic Watchman,
Published every Friday morning, in Bel e-
fonte, Pa., at 2 pes annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except atthe option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre ccunty
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
4isjas by the querter, half year, or year, as fol-
| 3m | 6m ly
One inch (12 11nes this type.. $8810
Two inches... als 15
Three inches....... 20
Quarter Column (4}4 inches) 30
Half Column ( 9 inches)... 50
One Column (19 inches).. 100
Advertisements in special column, 25 per
cent. additional.
Transienc advs. per line, 8 insertions...... 20 cts.
Each additional insertion, per line...
Local notices, per line.......uuuueee
Business notices, per line. . .
Job Printing of every kind done with neat-
ness and dispatch. The WarcamAx office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
be executed in the most artistic manner and at
the lowest rates. Terms-—-CASH.
All letters snould be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor.