Pr a A —Mr J hn W, Cooke, formerly a resident of Boilefonte, but who recently moved to Philadeiphia, we understand has sold his celebrated Woodland coal mines to a syndicate for $60.000. —— While on a visit to his sister at Salona, Rev. Samuel E. Furst died at her residence last Monday night. He was about 55 years old and leaves a wife and children. He was the son of Samuel Furst and was born in Lamar township. He studied law with C. G. Furst, esq., at Lock Haven, but af- terwards turned his attention to the ministry, and preached for many years at New Berlin, Pa. He was in charge of a church in Bedford county at the time of his death. Poisoning CATTLE. —A Beech Creek township former, who was in this city to-day, informed the Ezpress that some wisereant is engaged in the despicable work of adminstering poison to the cat- tle that are herded every summer in the woods of the “Skootac” region. Itis supposed that the poison 1s arsenic, and that it is mixed with salt and fed to the cattle. Eighteen head of steers have | been found in the woods,—Lock Haven Express. A Sxake IN THE KircHEN.—The Jersey Shore Herald is authority for the statement that last Friday evening, as the ladies employed atthe Jumber camp of James O'Connor, on Pine Creek, were about to prepare, supper a mouster rattle snake was discovered in the kitchen. It is unnecessary to state that further preparations for the evening meal were suspended at once. Harry Dunber killed the reptile, which meas- ured four feet in length and carried ten rattles. DEFECTIVE ADMINISTRATORS OF THE LAw.-—The secvitors of the law seem to be in bad shape in Perry county, as it is announced that in the criminal court of that county last week one lawyer was convicted of assault a battery and breach of the peace, another of embezzlement, two others had true bills found against them for embezzlement, one justice of the peace was convicted of malfeasance in office, and two constables were re- turned for drunkenness and neglect of duty. DEATH OF AN OLD CiTiZEN.—In the death of James Duncan, Esq., which occurred last week from an attack of dysentery, Philipsburg lost one of its oldestand most respected citizens. Born at Duncansville, Blair county, in 1818, he was consequently in the 77th year of his age. He came to Bald Eagle, in this county, in 1857, and settled in Philipsburg in 1881, where he resided ever since. He had served as Justice of the Peace for about thirty years, ABour CorONERS.—Recently the county commissioners of Dauphin coun- ty refused to pay the coroner for hold- ing an inquest on the body of a woman who dropped dead in the city of Harris- burg. The coroner appealed to Judge Simonton, who in an opinion on the subject sustained the commissioners and denied the position of the coroner that it was his duty to hold an inquest on the body of every person who died suddenly. Other counties ought to follow the ex- ample of Dauphin in this respect. NATIONAL ENCAMPMENT OF THE G. A. R.—The following order interests the veterans in this neighborhood : Head Quarters Gregg Post, No. 95, G. A. R. Bellefonta, Pa., Aug. 14th, 1894. All members of the post are re- quested to be present at the next regular meeting, Saturday, Aug. 18th, 1894, to complete the arrangements for going to National Encampment at Pittsburg in September. The post will go in & body, and nine other posts of the county are expected to join with us and start from Bellefonte at 10.80, a. m., September 10th, the other posts to take the train at their most convenient stations. Old soldiers not members of the G. A. R., and others, are expected to go with us. Free quarters for 150 have been assigned to Centre county posts. The excursion will last from 6th to the 25th, inclusive, and regular fare one way will be the price of the round trip. THOMAS DoNACHY, F. PEEBLES GREENE, Commander. Adjutant. MARRIAGE Licenses. —Issued dur- ing the past week.--Taken from the docket. B. F. Heckart, of Morganza, Wash- ington Co., Pa., and Carrie Tibbens, of Penn Cave, Gregg Twp. Edward Lucas, of Bellefonte, and Edith Grove, of Boalsburg. James W. McCormick, of Charleston, S. C., and Mary S. Meyer, of Centre Hall. D.I. Warce, of Aaronsburg, and Blanche Bame, of Millheim. A.J. Hetzel, of Aaronsburg, and Sadie Bressler, of Millheim. Frank Feeman, of Harrisburg, and Elizabeth Barry, ot Bellefonte. Calvin 8S. Garbrick, of Zion, and Mary Hartman, of Hecla. 8S. M. Schleiffer, of Millheim, and Dollie Snyder, of Spring Mills. Robert Corl and Eva Crust, both of Benner Twp. CENTRE CouNTY FARMERS WouLpy'r po A Trick oF THs KinD. --There is a suspicion abroad that some of the honest sheep raisers of Lycoming county are playing a game upon the county that would do credit to a heath- en Chinee. It is allegea that when a sheep is killed the auditors are in- formed, They see the sheep, appraise it and go away, but while the auditors are turning out of the lane, the owner of another lock of sheep will take the dead animal to his home, summon the auditors, have it appraised, and receive the money from the commissioners. Then one or two other men do likewise, until finally the county pays out about $20 dollars for that one sheep. BELLEFONTE ACADEMY.—Next ses- sion of Bellefonte Academy will open tors—Miss Julia L. Reed, teacher in young ladies’ room ; Miss Emily Wil- liamson, teacher in primary and inter- mediate departments; Mr. J. R. Hughes, teacher in charge of young men’s room ; Rev. J. P. Hughes, Principal, and teacher of mathematics, Students’ tick- ets, at a reduced price, can be obtained on all the railroads coming into Belle- fonte for pupils living out of town, who wish to avail themselves of the advan- tages of this Institution. Pupils will be thoroughly prepared for teaching, for any college, or for a business life. Schedule of school studies will be arranged to harmonize with the schedule of trains, so that the studies of students coming from the neighboring towns and villages can be fully provid- ed for. ANoTHER BANKER GONE WRONG.— Altoona has been treated to a bank de- falcation of large proportions and a first- class social scandal, in the going wrong of Harry G. Gardner, cashier of the Second National Bank, who has ab- scuoded from that city, taking with him a large amount of money belonging to the bank, and a woman who was not his wite. About the beginning of last week it got to be rumored on the street that Gardner had suddenly disappeared and suspicion was at once aroused that gomething was wrong. It was discover- ed that he had left on Monday night and it was said that the woman in question bad accompanied him. When his disappearance became fully es- tablished Bank Examiner Miller ap- peared upon the scene, and upon his first examination of the books came to the conclusien that Gardner had tak- en at least $20,000 along with him,a sum which was greatly increased by further investigation. The woman in the case went by the name of Gordon and ap- pears to have come from Philadelphia. The rumor associating her with Belle- fonte is a foolish canard. Gardner left an interesting family, and before he left for parts unknown he wrote his wife a letter in which, among other things, he told her to kiss the baby for him. In addition to being cashier of the bank, Gardner was a member of the house furnishing firm of Harry Wayne & Co., but his defaleation does not ap- pear to have involved that firm. The bank officials say that the bank is all right, the bad conduct of the cashier not having impaired its stability or caused any run upon it, so far. Bank Eaminer Miller has been work- ing continually at the books since the default was discovered, and has as yet made no definite statement asto the condition of the bank, but believes that Gardner’s shortage is at least $100,000. Facts have been developed as to the direction taken by the cashier in his flight. Mr. Chas. T. Jacobs, who was on his way to Pittsburg on Monday nighton fast line, met Gardner on the train. He first saw him at Greensburg, where the smoking car was detached from the train for repairs. Among the passengers who came out of the car before it was cut off was Gard- ner, who spoke to Mr. Jacobs as he went past and took the second seat be- hind him. After a time Mr. Jacobs got up and went into the rear car. As he past Gardner both men bid each the time of day the second time. Mr. Ja- cobs also remarked: “You must be taking a trip?” “I am,” answered Gardener, smiling, At Pittsburg both men again met in the Union depot where they both took lunch, being not more than three or four feet apart. Gardner was attired in a light suit, wore a straw hat and carried either a package or satchel. He was last seen standing along side of a train bound for Fort Wayne. The Directors of the Bank are mak- ing an effort to capture the absconder, having telegraph half around the world to all points where he may have taken refuge. The men who endorsed his bonds as cashier of the Second National bank were exJudge James Gardner and his son, Thaddeus Gardner, both de- ceased. Gardner is a Knight Templar, treas- urer of the Elks Lodge at Altoona, a Heptasoph, a Juniata Club man, the leading social organization of the county, a member of the Patriotic Sons of America, besides being a regular Pres- byterian church attendant. His relatives will try to cancel part | of the shortage. on Monday, September 10th. Instrue- | ——1t the weather is favorable a very large crowd will be attracted to Hecla Park by the band tournament -on the 30th of this month. BrLair County's Loans. -- Blair county is largely a community of debt- ors. The thirty-two building and loan association in Altoona, four in Tyrone, one in Bellwood, one in Duncansville, and one in Holidaysburg,are roughlyes- timated to control loans aggregating $15,- 000,000. The Pennsylvania trust com- pany, of Reading, has loaned an even million dollars in Altcona and Tyrone. The United Security life insurance and trust company, a Philadelphia concern, has loans for $750,000 scattered through the county. MEETING OF CENTRE COUNTY BAR AssociATION.—A meeting of the Cen- tre County Bar Association was held in the court room at 9 o’clock Tuesday morning to make preliminary arran- gements in reference to the funeral of Col. D.S. Keller. Hon. A. O. Furst was selected as chairman of the meet- ing. Clement Dale was made secretary. On motion a committee on resolutions was appointed, consisting of Gen. James A. Beaver, C. M. Bower, Clement Dale, D. F. Fortney and John Blanchard. The committee was requested to have the resolutions prepared and to present them at a general meeting of the Bar and citizens to be held in the court house on Thursday morning at 9 o’clock. A oommittee consisting of E. R. Cham- bers, Ira. C. Mitchell and Ellis L. Orvis was appointed to make arrangements for floral designs. Gov. Beaver stated that on account of important engage- ments of long standing he could not be present on the day of the funeral and desired at this meeting to express his sentiments and respect for Col. Keller. He paid a glowing tribute to the mem- ory of the deceased member of the Bar and of the high respect he had for him as a man, a soldier and a lawyer. After some general talk the meeting ad- journed to meet in the court room on Thursday morning at which time the public is generally invited to attend. CLEMENT DALE, Secretary. TAS AE STR Pine Grove Mentions. D. G. Meek and wife are among the vast throng at Newton Hamilton campmeet- ing this week. The prolonged drought was broken last Sunday morning by several showers which wet the ground some inches deep. In our last letter we misspelled our ball pitcher’s name, 80 as to read Kopee when it should have been Kepler, one of our practical farmer boys. Mr. Ira Gates and wife of Orangeville I1l., who intended spending some weeks visiting Centre county relatives, were hastily summoned home last Saturday by a dispatch stating the serious illness of Mrs. Gates’ mother. A few days ago one of our young sports was noticed driving through town with a placard on his buggy “Hunting a wife” and as there are a goodly number of mar- riageable ladies in our town, he should not be hunting long. We would advise him to advertise through the C. C. col- umn and at least exchange postal auto- graphs. On the 13th inst, the death of Joseph Grazier occurred at his home at Gates- burg, after a brief illness of dysentery having been confined to Bed but a few days. Hisage was 80 years, Mr. Gragier was well and favorably known for his honesty and strict integrity, He leaves a widow and nine children to mourn the death of an indulgent parent, a kind hus- band and a most obliging neighbor. Our young friend Cooper Miller has been elected teacher of the Central City grammar school. J. A. B. Miller has been elected to teach the Krumrine school which Nancy Thomas resigned. Walter Wry is to teach the Guyer scheol, and John G. Miller has been changed to Baileyville. The Penna. Furnace school has been closed by order of the board, it being consolidated with the Baileyville district. Our Pine Hall neighbors enjoyed an old fashioned union Sunday school celebra- tion. The Reforms and Lutherans met in the picnic grove and spent a joyous time with the Pine hall band for enter- tainment. In the evening a sociable was conducted for the purpose of purchasing anew organ for the Lutheran church, The treasury was handsomely replen- ished, but not until the fourth command- ment was badly bent. Last Friday the 10th inst, a telegram was received announcing the death of a lady well known here. Mrs. Fannie Im- boden, who died at her home in Philips- burg, on the 9th iast, of heart failure aged 85 years. When our eountry’s flag was assailed in 1861, she gave two of her sons to defend it and both were killed. Two sons, Erastus and Harry, and one sister Mrs, Rebecea Murphy of this place, and one brother Simon Sellers of Half Moon, survive this good old mother. Catharine Kustaborder, wife of John Kustaborder, died at her home near Penna. Furnace on the 9th inst, She was well known in the neighborhood, having lived all her life within sight of her pa- rental home. She was one whose influ- ence for good was felt throughout the en- tire community. She was the second daughter of David Harpster. Two sis- ters, Mrs. Samuel Goss and Mrs. Soloman Gates, with Alex and David Harpster, her brothers and one son D, H. Kustabor- ber mourn the death of this old mother in Israel, who in her girlhood connected herself with the church. Her pastor Rev. C. T. Aikens paid the last tribute to her memory on the 11th inst at Gatesburg cemetery where she was laid by the side of her husband, who preceded her three years ago. Her age was73 years 2 months and 16 days. The harvest home picnic last Saturday at Baileyville, was a decided success. The hillside of old Sandy was covered with people to witness the base ball games that lasted most of the day. In the forenoon the Baileyville and Frank- linyille teams played a game which re- sulted in 14 to 38 in favor of the Railey- ville boys. After dinner the Scotia and Pine Grove teams played for the cham- pionship of the day. For the first six in- nings the game was loosely played. Just then some one wanted pitcher Kepler's hair cut long, which was not needed con- sidering his effective pitching, so the re- sult of the game was a victory for Pine Grove 9 to 26. The balance of the eve- ning was spent in a social good time. THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE GATESBURG SABBATH ScHOOL.—Saturday August 4th the people of Gatesburg and vicinity celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the organization of their Sunday school. It was organized in the old red school house that stood near where the Lutheran church now stands. ln 1842 the commu. nity was visited by a colporteur in the employ of the American Tract Society by the name of Benj. Fought, who went from family to family and con- versed on the subject of religion and sold and. distributed the societys publica- , tions. At that early day preaching was ! but once a month, and frequently only every two months. It was largely through the study of the tracts that the young folks urged the organization of a Sunday school. Rev. Daniel Moser, the pastor, consequently set Aug. 4th 1844, for the first Sunday school meeting at Gatesburg The date is still fresh in the minds of some, for the day previous old ‘‘daddy” Gates with his spanking six horse team hauled a crowd of men and boys to Belle- fonte, packed in the big wagon like corn brooms on end, whose sole business it was to cheer for Polk, Dallas, and Shunk, and the tariff of 42 at this late day they admit that they were a happy crowd returning after midnight weary and tired, early the next morning they were awakened by their mother and started off to sunday school, as none of the fath- ers were able to attend this first meeting. Rev. Mr. Moser was chairman, secretary and treasurer, as the scholars were timid and not altogether certain that it was safe to take part in such a movement. Mr. Moser drafted the constitution which waslong enough to govern a state, conse- quently many of the first meetings were taken up in explaining the by-laws to teachers and pupils, Within a year the school had over one hundred scholars. The first organization consisted chiefly of the families of Jacob and Soloman Gates, Jacob and John Ellenberger, Ged. and Wm. Rider, Geo. and Jacob Rumber- er, Joseph Gates, Michael Rider, James Ross, George Kohlinger, John Fronk, John Krider. David Pile, Frederick Gates, Michael Miller, David Harpster. Amos E. Clemson was elected superin. tendent and at once set about to classify the school, the small children were taught the alphabet, the larger boys and girls formed a testament class, and the older ersons comprised the Bible class. Their essons consisted in reading from the Bi. ble without note or comment. In 1847 the M. E. people organized a school in the same house, this drew largely from the first organization ; but still much interest was manifested. In 1848the M. E. neighbors raised the cry what must we do to be saved, and in Aug- ust held the first campmeeting on Half Moon Run which resulted in many con- versions being made under the preaching of Rev. Mills who had the meeting in charge. Quite a number of the conver- sions were members ot the Lutheran church. The Methodist at once began to organize their forces and form a class of converts. A line was drawn between the converted and unconverted and of course the bulk of the school was left out in the cold spiritually. Simmce the Methodists Siganjden a separate school in 1849, each school has been conducted on the denomi- national plan, being well supported and attended. Weare safe in saying that a larger percentage of children and young folks in that vicinity are enrolled and in structed in the Sunday school work, than in any like community with the same population. Some thirteen persons were at the anniversary, who were present at the or. ganization one half of a century ago, and who are still working in the Sunday schools. The retiring superintendent Mr. Clemson énjoined them as brethren to be steadfast, immovable always abounding in the work ot the Master, be not weary in well doing for in due sea- season we shall reap if we faint not. Prof. Ira Ellenberger principal of the Tyrone High school was the orator of the day. He took for his subject “If a man die shall he live again,” he handled it so well that the audience was sorry when his hour was up. After the exercises were over a general hand shaking took place and as the hospitable people of Gatesburg had prepared full and plenty forall the strangers. The day was spent pleasantly as well as profitably. In Memoriam. Resolutions of eondolence on the death of Dr. J. P. Glenn, of Snow Shoe Lodge No. 226. I. 0. O. F., Snow Shoe, Pa. ; Wugseas: It has pleased Almighty God, ia his Infinite Wisdom to remove from our midst,our beloved Brother Dr. J. P. Glenn,and, WuEereas: Snow Shoe Lodge has lost an efficient member and zealous advocate, the community in which he lived an esteemed citizen, and his family an affectionate husband and indulgent father: Therefore be it Resolved: Whilst we humbly bow to the decree of Him who doeth all things well, we greatly mourn the loss of our deceased Broth: er. Resolved, That to the bereaved family, we extend our sincere sympathv and condolence, and would reverently refer them tothe or- phan’s father and widow’s friend, who alone can heal the wounded heart. Resolved, That our charter be draped, for the period of thirty days, and that these reso lutions be entered on our minutes, and a copy be presented to the family of our deceased Brother, and published in the county papers. (Jonx D. Brown. P.G | James [. YARNELL. he { Daniern R. THOMAS. | Ros'r M. PARK. | JorN M. MARKS. Committee. Snow Shoe, Pa. Aug. 3, 1894. Books, Magazines Etc. ——The illustrations in The Art Amateur ,23 Union Square, N. Y., (August) are, as they ought to be, largely suggestive of the coolness which views of the water gratefully produce in the sultry heat of the dog days. They in- clude a reproduction in color of Edward Mor an’s “Lightship,” full-page black-and whites of Lionel Walden's “Toiler of the Sea,” Haqu- ette’s ‘‘Against the Tide,” and Bellinger’s “The Open Sea,” and some capital pencil and pen drawings by Theodore R. Davis ; in addi- tion to which there are aketches of water-lilies and the fourth of Mr. Volkmar’s fish-series of plates for china painters. The pictures, how- ever, are by no means all marines ; there is a grouping of Butterflies (one of the color plates) ‘a portrait of Kossuth (frontispiece), and vari ous interiors, specimens of carved work, em- broideries, ete, etc., besides the numerous supplementary working-designs for which this magazine is so favorably known. he eS Summer Pleasure Tour to Niagara Falls via Pennsylvania Railroad. | sylvania Railroad’s noted personally conducted pleasure tours to Niagara | Falls will be run. Special train of Pullman parlor cars | and day coaches will leave Washing- | ton at 7.00 A. M., York 10:10 A. M. | Harrisburg 11:35 A. M., Sunbury 1:05 P. M., Williamsport 2:40 P. M., stop- ping at principal intermediate points. Excursion tickets, valid for return passage within ten days, will be sold for train leaving Bellefonte at 9:33 A. M., connecting with special train, at rate $7.35. Tickets will permit of stop-off at Watkins and Rochester, in either di- rection, within limit. On August 23d another of the Penn- | | | New Advertisements. OR SALE OR RENT—Easy terms to good tenant, desirable house, at State College the property of Miss Kate Car- penter. Fine location, corner lot. Apply. W.C. PATTERSON. 39-23-8t. State College, Pa. rhe ART AMATEUR. Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine (The only Art Periodical awarded a medal at the World's Fair.) Invaluable to all who wish to make their living by art or to make their homes beautiful. FOR 10c, we will send toany one mention-10c. ing this publication a specimen ¢>py, with su- perb color plates (tor copying or framing) and 8 supplementary pages of designs (regular price, 35¢). Or FOR 25c. we will send also ‘Painting for Beginners” (90 poges). MONTAGUE MARKS, 23 Union Square, N. Y. 39-27-1t. OTICE OF APPLICATION FOR INCORPORATION.—In the Court of Common Pleas for tke County of Centre. No- tice is hereby given that an application will be made to the said Court on the 27th day of August A. D. 1894, at 10 o'clock a. m., under the Corporation Act of one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four and the supple- ments thereto, by H. Fauble,Sigmund Joseph, Abraham Baum, Herman Holtz and William Grauar, for the Charter of an intended Corpo- ration, to be called “The Hebrew Cemetery Association Rodef Sholem, of Bellefonte, Pa.,’’ the character and object of which is the main- tenance of a public Cemetery and for these purposes to have, Bonseny and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges conferred hy the said Act and its Supplements. EAVER & DALE, 30-31-4¢ Solicitors. EGAL NOTICE.—Notice is here- by given that the accounts of John T. McCormick Committee of Thomas Strouse a lunatic, and of A. G. Ewing Committee of Jane Crain a lunatic, as filed by W.G. yung, Exr, of A. G. Ewing dec’d. have been filed in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county, and unless exceptions be filed thereto before Wednesday August 29, 1894, the same will be confirmed. W. F. SMITH. Proth’y. 39-30-4t EGISTER'S NOTICE.—The fol lowing accounts have been examined passed and filed of record in the Register’s of- fice, for the inspection of heirs and legatees, creditors and all others in any wise interested and will be presented to the Orphans Court o Centre County,on Wednesday, the 29th day of August, A. D. 1894. 1. The fourth account of Reuben Grimm, guardian of &c., of Edward and Elizabelth Burket, of Miles township. 2. The second and final account of John N. Krumrine and Christina Krumrine, adm’rs of &c., of John C. Krumrine, late of College town- ship, deceased. 3. The first and final account of E. C. Bumes, trustee under the last will and testa- ment of Thomas Burnside, late of Bellefonte Boro., deceased. 4, The firstand final account of John Kuhn, administrator of &e., ot Peter Kuhn, late of Harris township, deceased. 5. The first and final account of William Singer, late guardian of John Moon of Liberty township, as filed by Mary Singer, administra- trix of William Singer, deceased. 6. The first and final account of Wm. Sing- er, late guardian of Lanson Moon, of Liberty township, as fi'ed by Mary Singer, administra- trix of &c., of Wm. Singer, deceased. 7. The first and final account of Wm. Sing- er, late guardian of Estella Moon, of Liberty township, as filed by Mary Singer, administra- trix of &c., of Wm. Singer, doceased* 8. First and final account of Henry H. Fredericks, executor of &c., of Geo. W. Wil- liams, tate ot Harris township, deceased. 9. The account of Thomas F. Riley, execu- or of &c., of Christian Gingerich, late of Har- ris township, deceased. 10. The second and final account of E. C. Humes, executor of &c., of John Seibert late of Benner township, deceased, 11. The second and final account of Henry Meyer, executor of &c,, of Henry Meyer, Sr., late of Miles township, deceased. 12. The third and final account of Henry Meyer, trustee of &c., of Henry Meyer, Sr., sate of Miles township, deceased. 13. The first and partial account of Kate Neese, administratrix of &c., of Wm, Neese, late of Miles township, deceased. _ 14. The accountof Jobn L. Kreamer, admin- istrator of &c., of Rebecca Hess, late of Haines township, deceased. 15. The final account of John L. Kreamer, administrator of &c., of Michael Hess, late of Haines township, deceased. 16. First and final account of 8. Warren Id: dings, administrator of &c., of Henry Iddings, late of Unionville Boro., deceased. 16. The third and final account of Isabella Hirlinger and William F. Holt, administrator of &c., of C. G. Hirlinger, late of Philipsburg Boro., deceased. 18. The first and final account of D. 8. Kel- ler, gourdion of Orrie L. Heverly, a miner child of James Heverly, late of Howard town- ship, decd. 19. The account of F. O. Hosterman and Wm. E. Keen, adm’rs of &ec., of Noah Stover, late of Haines township, deceased. 20. Second and final account of David Kel- ler, executor of &c., and trustee to sell the real estate of Joseph Swinehart, late of Harris township, deceased. 21. The first and final account of Albert Smeltzer, adm’r of &ec., of Elizabeth Smeltzer, late of Howard boro, deceased. 22. The account of Godfrey Fisher, guard- ian of Nancy Mulholland, a minor child of Rudolph Mulholland, late of Burnside town- ship deceased. 23. The first and partial account of J. E. Royer and J. C. Smull, executors of &e., of Joel Royer, late of Miles township, deceased 24. The second account of Kate M. Carson, executrix of &c., of Joseph M. Carson, late of Potter township, deceased. 25. The account of C. M. Bower, adm’r of &c., of John Fetzer, late of Boggs township deceased. > 26. The first and final account of J. S. Houseman, adm’'r c. t. a. of &c.,, of Emmelia Royer, late of Potter township, deceased. 27. First and final account of H. F. Kes- singer, adm’r of &c., of C. C. Nestlerode, late of Liberty township, decd. 28. The third account of 8. C. Bower and Lydia Bower, ex’rs of &c,, of Christian Bower, late of Howard township, deceased. 29. The first and final account of Mary F. Blanchard, adm’x of &c., of Edmund Blanch- ard, late of Belletonte boro, deceased. 30. The first and- final accountof D. D. | Woods, adm'r of &c., Luke Furrell, late of | Rush twp., deceased. | 31. The account of H. E. Duck, ex'r, of &ec., | Catharine Ney, late of Haines tcwnship, de-' ceased. G. W. RUMBERGER, Register. 30-30-4t. i ee i New Advertisements. OR SALE.—A desirable dwelling house at State College, located on Col- lege avenue and within one ‘square of post- office and churches. It isa new building of nine rooms, finished throughout in hard wood, and occupies a 50x150 ft. lot. The prop- erty will be sold for §3.500. Plenty of time will be given. R. M. FOSTER, 39-10-tf. State College, Pa. OTICE OF ESTRAY.—Came to the residence of the undersigned,. in Walker township, Centre county, Pa., four yearling cattle. There are two red ones, each: with a bell, and two spotted black and white. All have a notch in under side of right ear bot no other marks. The owner is hereby notified to claim property and pay costs or they will be disposed of according to law. T. B. RUPERT, 39-31 Zion, Pa. XECUTOR'S NOTICE. — Letters testamentary on the estate of Esther A. Garner, deceased, late of Ferguson township, having been granted the undersigned he de- sires all persons knowing themselves indebt- ed to said estate to make immediate settle- ment and those having claims to present them properly authenticated for payment. J. H. MILLER, Executor, 39.28-6% Rock Springs, Pa. XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Letters testamentary on the estate of John B. Leathers, deceased late of Howard township, having been granted to the under- signed they Tequast all persons knowing them- selves indebted to said estate to make imme- diate settlement and those having claims to present them, properly authenticated, for payment. WM. T. LEATHERS, A.HAUPT LEATHERS, 39-27-6¢ . } Executors. XECUTOR'’S NOTICE.—Letters testamentary on the estate of Bernard Lauth, deceased, late of Howard, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned they request all Jeisons knowing themselves indebted to said estate to make payment, and those hav- ing claims against the same to present them duly authenticated for settlement. ELIZABETH LAUTH, J. N. LAUTH, St. Louis, Mo. WM. WILHELM, Buffalo N.Y. All communications to be addressed to Mrs. Elizabeth Lauth, Howard, Pa. 39-27-66 = HOY'S KEYSTONE SUSPENSION FENCE } Executors. THE PATENTEES OFFER $1,000 - - - FOR ANY BETTER FENCE mime Posts may be from 40 to 75 feet apart (Patented Nov. 20, 1892.) Territory and Material for Sale in the United States and Canada. LAND OWNERS—The season for fencing your properties is here, Investigate the merits of the “Keystone Suppen- sion Fence,” and acknowleege it su- perior to all others and adopt it, or put in your claim for the $1.000 above offer- ed. Orders for material, will receive prompt attention. Call on; or address with stamp. H. XK. HOY, M. D. 23 West High St. Bellefonte, Pa. ELEGANT CHESTNUT POSTS FOR SALE LOCUST POSTS PROCURED IF DESIRED GATES : I also offer the best chea; ate ever patented, “The Farmer's Prize.” This ate can be made to open and close over snow rifts. It is the gate adopted and used by the Central R. R. of Penna. County, township or farm rights, or gates with hinges reaay to hang are offered. H. K. HOY. 23 West High St. 39-12 6m Bellefonte, Fa. Pine Grove Mille, Pa., May 29, 18%" H. K. Hoy, Mp. Dear Sir. . This is to certify that am very much pleased with the new fenct erected on my farm by your Mr. F. H. Fritts 1t is satisfactory and I take pleasure in rec ommending it to any one wanting a durable fence. Very Respectfully yours, JouN B. MiTcHELL: coetin McCalmont & Co. T HE McCORMICK. The McCormick Harvesting Ma- chinery commanded the best and highest premiums, over all others, at the World’s Fair, any statement to the contrary notwithstanding. The McCormick Steel Binding Har. vester has no competitor, as to merit and durability. BINDER TWINE. Manila 10 cents per. pound by the bale Standard 9 cents per. pound by the bale Sisal 8 cents per. ponnd by the bale One cent per pound discount on © early orders. We propose to prepare binder twine, proof against grasshoppers. REAPER SECTIONS. Reaper Sections 8 cents each or 90 cents per dozen for the McCormick, Champion, Deering, Johnson, Osborne and Wood Mowers and Harvesters. SELF DUMP HAY RAKES. Self Dump Hay rakes of the best make for $19.50. Hand Dump Hay Rakes at lowest prices, The Ohio Hay Tedder, the best in the field. The Keystone Hay Loader, the farmer’s favorite. Also Side Deliv ery Hay Rake. FERTILIZERS. McCalmont & Co's, Champion $25.00 Ammoniated Bone Super Phosphate as well as the Liebig High Grade Acid Phospahte have returned more value for their cost to the farmer, than any other fertilzer ever sold in Centre County. They are the highest grade goods at the very lowest prices. We invite farmers to call and ex- amine our goods before purchasing. McCALMONT & CO. 39-23 Bellefonte, Ps