Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 17, 1894, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
—The calamity howl will no longer
be heard in the land.
—Lodgment in the workhouse is the
logical conclusion of CoXEYISM.
—ADLAI did not fail the Democracy
when one vote was needed to foil the
treachery of HILL.
—The times are bound to improve
and the Democratic tariff will get and
deserve the credit for it.
—The sugar senators are not likely to
have a sweet time with their constitu-
ents when they get home.
—-The passage of the Democratic re-
form tariff bill is worth thousands of
votes to SINGERLY, the great champion
of tariff reform.
—DAvE HiLL has allowed himself to
get into such an attitude that he and
the Democratic party will not be likely
to speak as they pass by.
—It was the colored voters that
helped the Democrats to get away with
the combined scalps of the Populists
and Republicans in Alabama.
—GEORGE GoUuLD is endearing him-
self to England’s noble snobs by allow-
ing His Royal Highness’s yacht to beat
the American craft four times out of
—No statesman has come out of the
tariff embroglio more damaged than
Dave Hiri. His political suicide is
not much regretted by honest Demo-
—The lashing which Speaker Crisp
gave BOURKE COCKRAN must have
raised welts if the New York Tammany
Congressman did not have the hide of a
—1It is not surprising that Senator
QUAY, who saw nothing wrong in go-
ing into a sugar deal, should consider it
the proper thing to vote himself a lot
in Washington.
—1If the Sugar Trust really contributed
to the Democratic campaign fund in
1892, it must consider it very ungrate-
ful for the Democrats to have cut down
its McKinley bonus more than one half.
—The nomination of greenbacker
CHARLEY BrRuMM for Congress by the
Republicans of the Schuylkill district
nicely concurs with the $40 per capita
currency plank in the Republican State
—The new tariff reduces the duty on
fire crackers 66 per cent. This was evi-
dently done in the interest of the 4th of
July, and there isn’t a patriotic boy in
the land who won’t endorse that kind of
tariff reform.
—Most of CoxEY’s army has gone
to jail, but CoxEY himself wants to go
to Congress. Unfortunately for his am-
bition, & constituency of lunatics that
would send him there cannot be found
in this country.
—The memory of CHARLEY Ross has
been revived by his conviction in the
criminal court of Philadelphia for whip-
ping kis wife ; but fortunately for the
reputation of the original CHARLEY,
the convict is colored.
—GORMAN’S senatorial term will ex-
pire in 1899. In consequence of his
treachery to his party, it is altogether
probable that GorMAN’s official career
and the century will be snuffed out
about the same time.
—Sugar in the shape of a separate
bill from the House has returned to
trouble the Senate, and it is not likely
to be rolled under the senatorial tongue
as a sweet morsel. The dignified Sena-
tors may find it a bitter dose.
—-Candidate JENKINS is running for
the Republican Senatorial nomination
in the Montgomery district on the ba-
is of opposition to CAMERON. Dox is
so heavily silver-plated that JEN-
KINS considers him no longer a Re-
——Senator PEFFER has been ad-
dressing the farmers of the West upon
what they need ; but what they most
needed during this summer was more
rain and a higher price for their wheat.
Both of these necessities are beyond
PrrreR’s control.
— Later and more exact accounts do
not confirm the report that Li Hune
CHANG, the Chinese Viceroy, was fired
from office on account ot bad manage-
ment in the Corean difficulty. He was
merely reduced a few degrees —taken
down a peg or two, as it were,
—KoLs, the defeated Populist and
Republican candidate in Alabama, is
talking about getting a up strike against
the result of the election. If he at-
tempts to make a political DEss of him-
self he must expect to be treated like
that disturber of the peace, and may
find himself in jail.
—The malicious editor of the New
York Sun has run the entire gamut of
abuse in his tirades against CLEVE-
LAND, winding up with calling him
“CLEVELAND the Cheat.” Dana's
cup of unhappiness has been filled by
the passage of the tariff bill, imparting
additional venom to his feeling toward
the President.
‘ment for its
“VOL. 39.
Ad enacralic
NO. 32.
The Tariff Bill Passed.
We never had the slightest doubt
that the Democratic party, under this
administrat on and through its repre-
sentatives in Congress, would be able
to pass a tariff bill. On the other
hand, we never expected that every-
thing that the Democrats hoped for
and proposed to do'in the way of tariff
reform would be accomplished in their
first effort to reduce the oppressive tariff
taxes which the Republican party had
imposed upon the country. So many
obtacles were in the way, and so many
colossal interests to contend against,
that if the party attained but half of
what it proposed to do in reforming
the tariff, it would be a great achieve-
initial effort. The
bill = has been passed and every
candid man must admit that the Dem.
ocratic party has gained the most ma-
terial objects of tariff reform, and if it
bas failed on a few points the impetus
of the reform movement will amply
amend this failure in the near future.
Although there is a disposition to be
dissatisfied, that feeling comes from
the too sanguine expectation of those
who hoped for and wanted the tariff to
be subjected to treatment that would
have been too drastic to be either
practicable or desirable. The true
Democratic object of tariff reform was
intended to be neither revolutionary |
nor vindictive. The people were to be
measurably relieved of the weight of
tariff taxes, while the industries were
to receive reasonable consideration.
Has not this been done by the tariff
bill just paesed ?
Aside from the three contested points
on sugar, iron ore and coal, the bill
which the House was compelled to ac-
cept differs very little from the original
WiLsox bill ,which was eutirely satis-
factory to the Democratic party. The
bill as finally passed gives free wool,
free lumber and free hemp, articles
that are of great industrial importance.
The Quality of of Tnmmigrants.
An exchange, speaking of the char-
acter of the immigrants to this country,
says that ‘‘the time is not for distant
when an immigrant must possess those
qualities which go to make a good citi-
But what are those qualities, and
who is to judge of them? Is that
judgment to be dependent upon pre-
judice, or a misconception of what cou-
stitutes the desirable quality ? It isa
matter of early colonial history that
when a colony from the north of Ire
land settled in New England the ex-
tremely good English Puritan settlers
of that region considered them undesir-
able interlopers, who possessed none of
the qualities necessary for good citi
zenship, and when they built a Presby-
terian church at Worcester, Mass., the
Puritans burnt it down, with the hope
that such a proceeding would drive them
out of the country. It must have been
the impression of the first settlers that
those new comers wouldn’t make good
It is also a matter of history that the
early New Englanders had so poor an
opinion of the quality of the Quakers
who settled among them that they were
subjected to the severest laws, with the
object of driving them out ; yet it has
been discovered by experience that the
country could not possibly have better
citizens than the Quakers.
In these days those who have Scotch
Irish blood in their veins consider it
something to be proud of, but when
that race came into the country their
quality as citizens was not rated very
highly by those who had come ahead
of them. WiLLiam Penn's agent,
Governor Logan, sent word over, to
England that if this Irish immigration
was not stopped this ‘‘disagreeable peo-
ple would take the colony.” They were
looked upon with as much disfavor as
{ the Slavs and Dagos are regarded at
In the chemical schedule the rates are,
‘and they were tolerated in that colony
enware from 51 to 35; metals and | only on condition that they would lo-
' cate on the frontier and keep back the
reduced from 30 per cent to 24 ; earth-
metal manufactures from 40 to 36;
wood manufactures from 31
cotton manufactures from 55 to 43;
woolen from 93 to 48. and a long list
of other commodities in equal propor-
tion. The average reduction provided
to 23;
the present period. The aristocratic
cavaliers of Virginia abhorred them,
The whisky insurrection of the
Scotch Irish settlers in Western Penn-
sylvania gave those people as bad a re-
| putation for turbulence as that which
for by the bill in its entirety is from an |
average of 58 per cent. under the Mo- |
' opinion was freely expressed at that
. time that the young Republic had made
KiNLeY law, to 38 per cent. It in-
creases the tax on whisky from 90
cents to $1.10, and imposes a tax on all |
incomes in excess of $2000 a year.
When a calm view is taken of this
resalt the Democratic party has reason
to be congratulated on what it has
achieved in its first effort to reform a
tariff so hedged about and buttressed
by almost insuperable defences.
Tariff changes hereafter will be in the
direction of lower duties, McKiNLEY-
18M has received a death blow, and the
way has been opened for a final tariff
adjustment the object and effect of
which will be revenue, with protection
only as an incident.
TS ——
The Legitimate Result.
The Coxey movement came to its
legitimate conclusion last week when
the police of Baltimore swooped down
on the camp of the commonwealers at
Highland near Bladensburg,
tured the remnant of the army, in all
amounting to 108. Five ot them were
left in charge of the camp,
with injanction to clear it ‘out
as soon as possible, while the bal-
ance were taken before a Magistrate
who sent them to the Maryland House
of Correction for three months.
This is rather: an ignominons ter-
mination of a movement which last
spring attracted the general attention
the public, filled the columns of the
newspapers, threatened congress, and
was intended to bring about great po-
litical and economic results. All this
has ended with a lodgment in the
work-house for the Coxrey remnant,
It is to be hoped that this termina-
tion will be satisfactory all around.
The commonwealers who find them-
selves inmates of the Maryland House
of correction may ask themselves why
it was necessary for them to tramp all
the way to Washington to secure such
a situation when there were so many
jails and workhouses naarer the points
of their departure, Bat the people of
the country at large will not raise any
quibbles over that point. There is
nothing more natural than that tramps
should land in the workhouse,
and cap-,
now attaches to the foreign operatives in
the coke and coal regions, and the
a mistake in allowing the free immi-
gration of men who lacked the qualifi-
cations necessary in citizens of a Re:
It is certainly desirable that the peo-
ple migrating to this country should
be good, but past experience shows
that quality in this respect may be mis-
The Anti-Anarchist Bill.
The Senate, in passing the House
bill for the restriction of immigration,
added to it Senator HirL's amendment
for the exclusion of Anarchists from
this country, and also for their depor-
tation if they should happen to smug-
gle themselves in. The bill should
certainly be passed with this amend-
ment, which is really the most essential
feature of the act. Itis in entire ac-
cord with the sentimeunt of the people.
The New York Zribune in speaking of
it says: “Legislation on this subject is
called tor at this time on account of the
anti-Anarchist laws that are being put
in operation abroad, the tendency of
which will be to drive Anarchists to
the United States. We have no use
for them. Wedo not want them. If
they get in, they ought to be sent out
without ceremony. This country can-
not be permitted to become an asylum
for the avowed enemies of organ ized
gociety and government.”
—— The next governmental reform
in this country should be the preven-
tion of a few men in the higher con-
gressional body from frustrating the
will of the people. Itis bad enough
when this ia done from motives that
are mistaken but not impure ; but when
it is done for, a mercenary object it se-
riously antagonizes the principles of
popular government.
GORMAN ought to resign, or else
go over to the Republicans, Itis an
affront to the Democracy of Maryland
for him to remain in the Senate and
assume to be their representative,
The Organized Militia.
The National Guard of Pennsylvania
during the past week were engaged in
their annual exercise on the historic
field of Gettyshurg, a scene calculated
to inspire them with a soldierly spirit.
Public interest has been greatly eulist-
ed in behalf of the organized militia
by the usefulness it has displayed in
suppressing turbulent demonstrations,
it having proved itself the right arm of
the public defense in cases of strikes
and riots which have disturbed the
peace and business of the couutry.
Pennsylvania's force &f organized
and equipped militia is conceded to be
at the head of the National Guards of
the States in efficiency and general sol-
dierly quality. It is evidently the pur-
pose of the constitution that a torce of
citizen soldiers should be the govern-
ment’s reliance in time of war or in cases
of domestic trouble, and although this
was the obvious intention of the found.
ers of the Republic, Congress has tak-
en but little interest in it, and spent
but little money upon it. Its evident
duty 18 to perfect and provide for a
national militia system, using the pre-
sent state system as the ground work,
and take upon itself its maintenance,
which it has full power to do.
Recent domestic troubles, growing
out of the discordant relations between
labor and capital, have abundantly
proved the necessity for a military
force to meet such emergencies, and the
organized militia have effectively met
that necessity. In time of actual war
such a militia would be ready at a
moment's notice to take the field.
These = considerations would justify
Congress in developing the organized
militia of the country to the fullest
limit allowed by the constitution.
Kolb Should be Careful.
- Korie had better be careful how he
starts his scheme of running a state
goverment in Alabama in opposition
to the one that has been elected by
a majority of the people of that state.
It is said that he announces his in-
tention of going to Montgomery when
the time comes and be sworn in as
Governor, and thereupon will take up-
on himself the exercise of executive
He should know that such revolu-
tionary schemes have always failed in
this country. When the old Whigs in
Pennsylvania determined to treat the
election of a Democratic Governor as
if it had never been held, and conclud-
ed to hold on to thestate government
in defiance of the will of the people,
they found themselves involved in the
disasters of the Buck Shot war.
When Governor Dorr, of Rhode Is-
land, made up his mind to hold on to
the gubernatorial office after a major-
ity of the people, through the ballot
box, had told him to get out, a term in
prison was the result ot his determina-
tion to continue in a position to which
he had not been re-elected. These po-
litical episodes of the past might be pro-
fitably studied by Kous.
——1If the MrLLs tariff bill had been
passed, a few years, ago, it would have
been considered a great achievement in
in the way of tariff reform, and the
Democrats would have been jubilant
overit. The tariff law which has now
been enacted goes much farther than
the Mirus bill attempted to go, in cut-
ting down the duties of a Republican
tariff and effecting the ends of tariff
reform ; and yet there are some who are
clamoring about the Democrats hav.
ing failed 10 their undertaking.
This is nonesense, which can be excus-
ed by the fact that the public mind is
flurried on the subject. In a few
months it will settle down to a right
comprehension of what has been
——1It is high time that the sugar
bounty, which last year took $10,000,-
000 from a depleted treasury, should
go. This subsidy was furnished the
sugar planters when the Republicans
enacted the farce of a free sugar sche-
dale in the McKinLey bill which cost
the people $30,000,000 a year coatribu-
ted to the Sugar Trust and the plant |
ers, without bringing scarcely a dollar
of revenues to the government. Taere
is no more reason why the raisers of
sugar should receive a subsidy than,
that such a favor should be extended
o the producers of corn and potatoes.
Putting It To Bad Use.
From the Pittsburgh Dispatch.
President McBride’s labor conven-
tion, which will be held in Columbus,
O., to-day, looks very much like an at-
tempt on the part of this well-known la-
bor leader to curry favor at the hands of
the Ohio Coxeyites and Populists. The
moment men in high places in labor or-
ganizations begin to use the advantage
of their positions with a view to advanc-
ing their personal ambitions, that mo-
ment their influence for good in the or-
ganization ceases. The men who are
responsible for the elevation of Mr. Mec-
Bride to the Presidency of the United
Mine Workers of America should mark
well his flirtations with every faction
that comes to the surface in Ohio poli-
Talk from Governor Beaver.
From the Williamsport Times.
Ex-Governor Beaver is credited with
saying in Chicago : “I do not look for
as phenomenal a majority for General
Hastings as was given to Congressman
Grow last winter. That 200,000 ma-
jority was due to lack of organization
among the Democrats, and, in a great
measure, to their refusal to vote. In
my little county alone 500 Democrats
failed to vote. We will carry the state
by an increased majority over former
years.” This honest utterance is very
likely to call torth from Senator Quay
the admonition : “Dear Beaver, don’t
Monopolized the Benefits.
From the Lock Haven Democrat.
The experience with the McKinley
law shows that tke argument that if
the manufacturer is protected, the
manufacturer in turn will protect
the workingman, is false. The la-
mentable condition of our country to-
day, after four years of McKinleyism,
proves that the manufacturer instead of
benefiting the laboring classes has only
enriched himself by pooling his profits
with other capitalists in trust-making
Keep Them Out.
From the Altoona Times.
Keep out the anarchists. Don’t let
them get past the American entrance.
The French government has begun a
vigorous warfare on these outlaws and
we ought to do likewise. Our laws are
not stringent enough to deal with them
properly and need to be greatly im-
proved. This is a matter wkich Con-
gress ought to attend to as soon as possi-
ble, at least before it adjourns.
Dead and Also D—d.
From the Pittsburg Post.
The most infatuated Republican will
not claim that his party wiil ever make
an issue of restoring the McKinley tar-
iff law. It is the last thing the Repub-
licans will seek to introduce into the
presidential contest of 1896. McKinley-
ism is dead —dead—dead. A little of it
survives in the tariff bill now before the
president, but not for long.
Xt Would Be a Thrilling Scene.
From the Pittsburg Post.
The rumors that Madeline Pollard is
to take to the stage for a living are be-
ginning to assume definite shape. Now
if she could only induce Breckinridge
to appear with her, and they would re-
produce the scene in which she drew a
pistol on him, and said “Come to me,
Willie,” what crowds they would draw!
Early Birds.
From the York Gazette.
It is said that General Hastings has
on file a half dozen applications for
each of the positions which the Chief
Executive of the State has at his dispos-
al. There are no less than ten appli-
cants for positions from Chester county
alone, from adjutant-general down to
Wrong in Every Particular.
From the Philadelphia Record.
Li Hung Chang still owns the Yel-
low Jacket. He has not lost a shred of
it, not a hair out of the Peacock Feath-
er, not a single one of adozen or more
of his red, white and blue buttons.
The story of Li's jacket was a lie cut
from the whole cloth.
Not Intended for the Senate.
From the Altoona Tribune.
Legislators, national, state and mu-
nicipal, should always retain a certain
dignity. Whenever a law-maker de-
generates into a common scold he soon
loses the respact of the public.
Hill in the Lurch.
From the Philadelphia Times.
Brother Hill has tumbled off the band
wagon again, after all, and it has gone
on and left him in the dust. There is
nothing for him but to load up another
Lost Its Hold.
From the Philadelphia Times.
The sugar trust did not get what it
wanted, though it has got more than it
deserved, It will not figure so largely
hereefter, either in business or politics.
LL 78 gol want printing of any de-
scripton the WaArcnMAN office is the
place to have it done.
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Pittsburg may tax bicycles $3 a year,
—Erie is clamoring for underground
electric wires,
—Horse thieves abound in Southern
Berks county.
—The public school libraries of R eading
contain 2400 volumes,
~The Pottsville Iron and Steel Works
are running on double turn.
—Scarcity of water is crippling the coal
mines in the Schuylkill region.
—A negro shot and killed James Doug-
lass on a train near Gastonville.
—A summer resort for school teachers
will be established at Shillington.
—A dynamite blast at a Stauchsburg
quarry dislodged 1500 tons of rock.
—The Kutztown Normal school has
opened with nearly 800 students.
—The criminal population of the West.
moreland county jail numbers 94.
—Colebroke furnace men at Lebanon
want 25 cents a day increase in wages.
—In a stable fire near Ridgway a man
named Horn and four horses perished,
—The Minersville School Board has
contracted for an $11,000 school building.
—Having fallen from a trolley car at
Easton, Mrs. Caroline Hagerman has
—Colliding with another baseball plays
er at Pittsburg, James McTighe was fa.
tally hurt.
—One of the Oliver steel plants in Alle
gheny county will be converted into a
tin-plate mill.
—Mac Younking’ oil-soaked clothing
was ignited near Butler and he was roast-
ed to death.
—Retting & Son have secured plans for
the erection of a 25,000 barrel brewery at
—Pittsburgh may open its school
grounds for children to play in during
the summgr.
—An oil well spurting nearly 200 barrels
a day was struck in Dunkard township,
Greene county.
—The furniture in the Populist head:
quarters, Allegheny county has been
seized for a debt.
—The notorious moonshiner, Bill Prit’s,
isreviving his old time business in Fay-
ette county.
—With laudanum, Mrs. Bausman en.
deavored to kill herselfat the Park Ho-
tel, near Harrisburg.
—Latin and German will no longer be
taught in Birdsboro schools, bookkeeping
being substituted.
—A mysterious epidemic has killed
thousands of fish in the Manatawney
Creek, Berks county.
—Nicholas Paliski jumped offa bridge
at Pittsburg 76 feet high and was fished
out of the river unhurt.
—When jailed at Pottsville, E. W. Tor.
ney, of Scranton, had in his pockets five
gold watches and chains.
—The town of Milton has nine cases of
typhoid fever on one street, and eight of
these are within one block.
—Inspector Owing says no one in the
employ of the Scranton post office stole
those $8300 worth of stamps.
—Somerset’'s water works will be fin.
ished and the water turned on September
1, unless an accident happens.
—A little son of Samuel Shipe, in
Bucks county, tumbled down a well, but
was rescued but slightly hurt.
—The striking laborers employed in the
house sewage plant, Reading, received
their pay and have resumed work.
—No less than ten murder cases have
been put down for trial at the coming ses.
sion of the Westmoreland criminal court.
—Two trolley cars on the Lebanon &
Annville road took a header at full speed,
but the passengers and crews were un-
—Western Pennsylvania window glass
manufacturers say they will insist upon
the 40 per cent. reduction in the wage
—A stranger amused himself at Read.
ing by hiring a merry-go-round for an
hour and giving hundreds of children a
—While in the West, Thomas D. Thom p-
son, a young Pittsburg man, was eaten by
a bear, on July 14, his friends having been
so informed.
—The Helfenstein hotel, a pleasure re-
sort near Shamokin, was burned to the
ground with most of its contents last Sat*
urday night.
—Owing to a blunder, the 3)0 young
doctors who passed the final examination
a month ago will not receive their diplo.
mas until October.
—John Wanamaker, of Philadelphia,
has the contract to supply furniture for
the Senate, House and departments at
‘the State Capitol.
—Down at Loysville, Perry county,
some thief stole F. l{. Bernheisel’s pocket
book containing $117, and then thought
better of it and returned it.
—Seized with epilepsy when stooping
to get water from a spring in Moore town-
ship, Northampton county, Tilghman
Arndt tumbled in and drowned.
—Reading citizens have taken $25,000
worth of that city’s bonds off Contractor
Lesher's hands, and his 40 sewer work-
men will be paid on Monday.
—Michael Cullen, of Mt. Pleasant, while
returning from his work on Saturday
evening was attacked by an alien striker
and badly slashed with a knife.
—Two Indian boys, imitating the folly
of some of their white brethren, have run
away from the training school at Carlisle
and are wanted by the authorities.
—The Perry county papers this week
report two cases of twins—Mrs. David
Sanderson, of Toboyne township, and
Mrs. James Titzell, of Millerstown.
—The death of John M. Cree, of Moun.
tain Dale, from diphtheria, makes the rec.
ord of deaths from that disease in that
town since April last, number ten,
—After suffering a long time from par.
tial deafness, a young son of Thomas
Larkin, Pottsville, was relieved
by the removal of a fly froin his
—Peter Brown and a boarder were
robbed of a silver watch, a gold watch, and
#300 in eash while they slept in Brown's
house in Springfield, Northumberland
county, a few nights ago.