Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 10, 1894, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
—Japan aspires to the role of the bull
in the China shop.
—-Alabama gives assurance that the
South is still solid.
—The idea that Mars is making
signals to our world is rather far
—The little Tycoon seems to be a
bigger man than the Emperor of
—DEeBs thought that he would strike
while the iron was hot, but he found it
entirely too hot. :
—The residue of QuUAY's tariff
speech is not likely to be inflicted upon
a suffering people. : -
—General OSHINA is the commander
of the Japanese in Corea. With such a
name he must necessarily be a brilliant
—The boom which business will have
after the tariff bill is passed will interest
the people more than any Presidential
—WiLLiaM M. SINGERLY'S] charit-
able acts will yield a return in the shape
of an unusually large vote for him in
—1It is easier to declare a strike off
than to put into the pockets of the
workmen the money that has been lost
by weeks of idleness.
—The result in Alabama shows that
the disposition of the Republicans and
Populists to pull together does not
amount to much of a pull.
—Pennsylvania has no reason to be
proud of QUAY as a statesman, but it
can point to him with pride as the best
poker player in Washington.
—QuAY is not ashamed of having
speculated in sugar trust stock. Penn-
sylvania’s Junior Senator and shame
have parted company long ago.
—-The Governor of South Carolina
has so complicated the liquor question
under his jurisdiction thatboth the State
and private saloons are in full blast.
— After the Democrats get the tariff
off their hands they will show what
they can do in cutting down the big
Republican majority in Pennsylvania.
—The Japanese are considered the
Yankees of eastern Asia. They are
certainly showing themselves to be
hustlers in the affair they are having
with the Chinese.
—Mrs. LANGTRY is writing a novel,
she having retired from the dramatic
profession, but the morality of the
stage will be maintained by Miss PoL-
LARD going on it.
—The promptness with which the as-
sassin of President CARNOT has been
condemned shows that in France they
do not need the assistance of Judge
Ly~cH in enforcing the ends of justice.
--SINGERLY'S supplying the poor peo-
ple of Philadelphia with cheap coal to
keep them warm has produced among
them a correspondingly warm feeling
for him as a candidate for Governor.
—A speech which HARRISON is ex-
pected to make will be regarded as
sounding the keynote of the Republican
campaign. If it is to be pitched on the
tariff issue it will prove to be a flut
—-The $40 per capita currency plank
was put in the Republican State plat-
form to suit CAMERON'S Populist designs,
and yet there are some people foolish
enough to say that Dox has lost hig
grip on the party in Pennsylvania.
—The English were not magnani-
mous enough to compliment the Vigi-
lant with a cheer when she outsailed her
British competitors, an incident which
helped to show that there is a good deal
that is mean in JoEN BULL'S composi-
ion. 7
—1In asking the District of Columbia
to send them home on a freight train,
the Commonwealers display great mod-
eration, but probably they don’t ask for
transportation in parlor cars for the rea-
son that they don’t wish to encourage
—There issmall prospect of a fight
that will determine the championship
if pugilist JACKSON insists upon Eng-
land as the fighting ground, and pugi-
list CorBETT insists in preferring the
United States. They are too far apart
for effective blows.
—It is not true that Lt Hux
CHANG has been deprived of his yellow
jacket, although there seems to be some
reason for his imperial master to be dis-
pleased with his lack of success in fight-
ing off the Japanese hornets that are
buzzing around Corea.
~The fellows who have gotten up
the so-called repubiic of Hawaii have ar-
ranged to elect its Presidents as United
States Senators are elected in this coun-
try, by the vote of the Lagislaturs. The
people have very little to do with such
elections. The candidate with the
longest purse or the strongest pull at the
machine is the one who can carry the
vote in a Legislature whether it is for a
United States Senator or for a President.
Noi 30,
BELLEFONTE, PA., AUG. 10, 1894.
NO. 31.
Popular Election of United States Sena-
But little difficulty was experienced
in passing through the House of Rep
resentatives the resolution proposing
the popular election of United States
Senators. This was easily done be-
“cause the House through its direct
the people reflects
But it will be far
different with the Senate, which has
connection with
their disposition.
long since drifted away from the popu-
lar feeling and interest.
expected that there will be great diffi-
culty in inducing that body to abao-
don the exclusiveness and indifference
to public sentiment which character-
ize it in consequence of its members
not being dependent on the people for
their election.
The Senators are not likely to favor
a measure that will make their tenor
of office the subject of a popular vote,
and their disfavor will interfere with
the necessary course of the resolution
through both Houses.
The process which the people could
adopt to overcome resistance in the
Senate to the proposed change in the
election of Senators, would be to exact
a pledge from the members of their
State Legislatures to vote for no candi-
dates for the United States senatorship
who would not commit themselves to
an amendment of the constitution that
would give the people the power to
elect United States Senators.
In one State at least, that of Illinois,
the Democrats have made au effort to
popularize the choice of the Senators
from their State bv nominating candi
dates for that office at the State con-
vention of the party, which nomina-
tion, made by delegates coming directly
from the people,
binding upon the Democratic portion
of the Legislature in iis vote on the
senatorial question. It has been pro-
posed that the Republicans of Illinois
should adopt the same process at their
State convention, but they have de-
clined to introduce this popular ele-
ment into the election of United States
Senators, preferring to have the Legis-
tature open to the approach of senato-
rial candidates who have the longest
purses, a party custom that has filled
80 many senatorial seats with Republi-
can millionaires. The party of high
tariffs and protected Trusts, of course
prefers that money shall have its full-
est effect in furnishing the member-
ghip of the Senate. Millionaires are
such staunch supporters of Republican
nopolistic measures.
The plan adopted by the Illinois
Democrats to impart a larger popular
element to United States senatorial
elections is necessarily but a half way
It is however the beginning
of a movement that should result in
giving the election of United States
Senatars directly to the people.
The Alabama Victory.
The result of the election in Ala
bama this week justifies the Demo
cratic party in relying upon the solid
It was thought
support of the South.
that the combined effort of the Popu
lists and Republicans might be formi
dable, but after one of the most spir
ited elections ever held in that State
in which the most desperate efforts
were made to break down therDemo
cratic supremacy, a majority of 30,000
is given the Democratic candidate for
Governor, and the Legislature easily
and largely carried.
This defeat, following close upon the
one inflicted upon them in Tennessee
some weeks ago, marks the decline
and indicates the final extinction of the
Populist party in the Southern States
The combination with the Republicans
seems to have hastened its doom.
A significant feature of the Alabama
election is the large number of colored |
voters who supported the Democratic |
They more than made up for |
the disgruntled Democrats who went
over to the Populists, and the action
they took in this contest is the begin
It is to be
is expected to be
And even when the Demo-
crats make the mistake of sending a
millionaire to the Senate he isalso likely
to be caught dickering with the Trusts
and working for the promotion of mo-
Modifying the Naturalization Laws.
The conversion of foreigners into
American citizens by naturalization
- | bas contributed its share to the growth
and prosperity of this country. Much
desirable material has been added to
the citizenship of the Republic by this
process, but on the other hand it can-
not be denied that it has given us citi-
zens who could easily be dispensed with.
To retain the good and to get rid of the
evil that results from naturalization
laws should be an object of future legis-
lation on this subject, and it is on ac-
count of the importance of such a re-
form that a bill introduced in the Sen-
ate by Senator GEORGE is commenda-
This bill proposes to empower the
courts to annul the naturalization of a
foreign born citizen in case he should
prove himself to be unworthy of citi-
zenship, such unworthiness being
shown by his deficiency in moral char-
acter, or by conduct evincing antagon-
ism to the principles of the constitu-
tion, or a disposition to disturb the
peace and'good order of the country.
In case of a naturalized citizen becom-
ing obnoxious in any of these particu-
lars, the courts shall be authorized to
withdraw his certificate of nataraliza-
tion. Additional qualifications will
also be required of those proposing to
become citizens, such as proof of the
good character of the applicant and
his attachment to the constitutional
principles which underlie our free in-
stitutions, and his ability to read the
constitution of the United States.
There has evidently been too much
latitude 1n conferring the right of citi-
zenship without regard to character or
qualification, and when the kind of
citizens that are thus being added to
our population is cousidered, it cer-
tainly does appear that some restric
tion should be imposed. Take for ex-
ample the case of anarchists who seek
to become naturalized citizens of a
country whose government it is their
openly avowed iatention to overthrow.
The Eoglish anarchist Mowbray, for
example, who has come over to preach
a crusade for the anarchical subversion
of law and order, has declared his in-
tention of becoming a citizen under the
law of the United States. An act like
that which Senator GEORGE proposes
is greatly needed to keep such charac-
ters as MowBrAY out of the pale of
American citizenship. And there are
other kinds ot foreigners who for other
reasons should not be allowed to be-
come cilizens. :
Demagogic Schemes.
The Altoona Zribune, a Rupublican
paper of reputable character, remarks :
—4If the Republican party should
abandon its attitude of honest money
and the enemy of the foolish and
demagogic schemes that have found
favor in the West, then one may well
exclaim, “God save the Republic.?”
The safety of the Republic is far
from being dependent upon the atti-
tude of the Republican party on any
question, but it cannot be disguised
that that party is drifting toward the
foolish and demagogic schemes that
. | have become prominent in western
.| politics. We havea specimen of this
tendency in the State platform, which
calls for a $40 per capita circulation.
This proposition embraces an idea of
inflation that would suit the craziest
western Populist, and if it is intended
for any purpose, it is to capture the
element that entertains loose notions
in regard to the currency.
It is difficult for a party to trifle
with such subjects and ai the same
time retain its reputation of being safe
ou the money question. The conserva-
tive element has reason to be alarmed
at the monetary attitude of the Penn-
sylvania Republicans.
——The Cranes are furnishing Un-
.|cle Sam with some excellent ships,
which are not only constructed in the
highest style of naval art, so far as
workmanship is concerned, but are
the fastest ships afloat. But while
these vessels are not slow, neither is
there any slowness in the way the
| CRAMP contracts are catting into the
| public revenue. Why shouldn’t they
- be fast, when every extra knot means
ning of a new departure of the colored | an extra two handred thousand dol-
voters in this country.
treated as the vassals of the Republi
can party.
They will no |
longer consent to be considered and |
I lara to the contractor. There is big
money in making greyhounds of them.
| We believe it would be better if the
* goverment should go a little slower
‘in this matier,
Primitive Labor Strikes.
Labor strikes are of ancient date in
this country, as it is recorded that the
figat one took place as farback as 1796,
when the four shoemakers of Philadel-
phia struck for higher wages and suc-
ceeded. They struck again in 1798
and in 1799 and in both instances
gained their point. Having carried
awl, before them in these efforts they
waxed in their demands, and were, de-
termined to secure their ends;by- an-
other strike in 1805, by which they
aimed at an unreasonable advance.
Defeat, however, attended this latter
movement which bordered on the un-
reasonable. The ringleaders were ar-
rested, found guilty of “conspiracy to
raise wages'’ and fined each $8. The
Philadelphiashoemaker, by the failure
of this last movement, was taught to
stick more contentedly to his last.
In the conditions that then prevailed
probably those primitive cord-wainers
were served about right, in being ar-
raigned and punished for being en-
gaged in an extortionate conspiracy.
The manufacturers in those days were
content with moderate gains. They
didn’t have the advantage ot ‘“‘protec-
tive’ tariffs to enable them to amass
great fortunes in a few years, and the
employees were not justified in de
manding big wages when the profits of
the employers were small.
But the conditions are very much
changed in these later days. It would
be rather unjust to punish the factory
and mine workmen for “conspiracy to
raise wages,” when it is a notorious
fact that the big employers of labor
have for years been engaged in a con-
spiracy with the Republican party to
maintain tariff regulations that ensure
them exorbitant profits. When there
is such a disparity between the pay of
the workmen and the gains of the pro-
prietors under the McKINLEY system
of protection, there is more justifica-
tion for strikes than there was in 1805
when the pay of the journeyman and
the profits of the boss were less dis-
——The Republican exchange
which says that “the people who are
mentioning the name of CHARLES Eo-
rY SmiTH as a candidate for Senator
CaMERON’s place are simply fooling, be-
cause it is reserved for a Pennsylva
nian,” should have narrowed the reser-
vation by saying that the place is re-
served for Cameron. It is simply
fooling to believe that Pennsylvania
Republicanism is no longer under the
control of the Cameronian leading
AT TT ——
Honor to Whom It Is Due.
We see-an attempt made to question
Vice President Darras’ right to the
honor, so long attached to his memory,
ot having secured by his casting vote
in the Senate the passage of the low
revenue tariff law of 1846, thereby ex-
punging the high protective tariff act
of 1842. The record shows that Mr.
Darras’ deciding vote was not cast on
the passage of the bill. It was paseed
by one majority, but when the question
of its engrossment came up, a Senator
from Tennessee, who had voted for the
bill, flunked, and there being a tie on
this point, the Vice President was
given the opportunity of immortalizing
himself by giving the deciding vote
that secured the tariff law under which
the industries of the country were de-
veloped and a degree of prosperity se-
cured which for years remained undis-
turbed by strikes and labor difficulties,
affording a happy contrast to the con-
dition of things that has prevailed un-
der subsequent high tariffs. It was a
great honor, a vast service to his
country, to have cast the vote that se-
cured the Democratic tariff of 1846,
and it makes but httle difference
whether that vote was cast on the pas-
gage or the engrossment of the bill.
The wisdom and patriotism of the act
were the same.’
——The commonwealers want Con-
gress to enact a law fixing a minimum
rate of wages. There seems to be no
limit to the amount of nonsense this
class of economists get into their heads.
Fixing the rate of wages by law would
be about as practical as to regulate the
operations of nature by legislation, but
there is no scheme in regard to wages
and labor too foolish to have advo cates
and supporters.
John Bull Hankers for Arbitration.
From the New York Sun.
Certain members of the British
House of Commons are said to be look-
ing forward with confidence to the ac-
cession of the United States to an inter-
national Arbitration Treaty which they
have at heart. Our Government will
surely be cautious about assenting to
any treaty by which this nation would
renounce the advantage of its superior
force, and abdicate its position as the
tutelary Power of this continent ; plac-
ing itself on a level with the weakest
country in America as a suitor before
some European tribunal. A great deal
is involved in this question. Arbitra-
tion is a very good thing, when contro-
versies arise such as can properly be set-
tled by that method, But abdication is
another thing, and not quite so good a
An Eye Opener for the Farmers.
From the Williamsport Sun.
The farmer who is selling or trying
to sell his wheat at sixty cents is begin-
ning to realize the truth of the state-
ment made by the late James G. Blaine,
who said that the McKinley law would
not open a foreign market to another
pound of American pork or another bar-
rel of American flour. Without a for-
eign market for these products, the
American farmer is forced to see his
wheat rot in the granaries or feed it to
the hogs. And all this 1s the result of
the high protection given American in-
dustries under the McKinley law. In
the eyes of the Republican leaders
farmers’ interests are not worth consid-
The Japs Won't Have a Walk Over.
From the Altoona Times.
Before China will allow itself to be
beaten it will call into the field every
able-bodied man in the vast empire.
This fact should of itself be sufficient
to demonstrate the diffizulties which
confront the Japanese if they are bent
on conquering their neighbors to the
west. The Chinese are a peaceable
race, but they are gifted with a deter-
mination and are marvelously indiffer-
ent to the grim monster, death. A
great task indeed, to thoroughly con-
quer them.
Quay Doesn’t Blush Easily.
From the Piitsburg Post.
There is loud complaint that the
senate report on the sugar scandals
found that McPherson and Quay were
the only senators who speculated in
sugar stock when the sugar schedule
was pending. Probably they were the
only senators up to that trick. The
Pennsylvania senator had the courage
of his convictions and interests. He
fairly boasted of what other senators
deemed concealment the proper tribute
to virtue.
Both True and Forcible.
From the Greensburg Democrat.
Franklin McVeagh ought to be elec-
ted senator from Illinois. He recently
made this remark : “The Republican
party murdered prosperity and is now
doing its level best to hang another
party for the crime.” A man who
can putas much cogent truth and
force into one sentence as that is de-
serving of the highest honors in the
gift of the people.
Doubly Unlawful.
From the Philadelphia Press.
The neutrality laws will make short
work of the proposed enlistment of the
coke workers in the Japanese service.
In the first place the law in Japan pro-
hibits the service of foreigners in the
army or navy, and in the next place
our law makes such enlistments either
individually or collectively a penal of-
Slow But Sure.
From the Phila. Record.
The Senate may seem unconscionably
slow to those who do not appreciate the
difficulty of battering Gown the whole
length of the McKinley Chinese wall at
one blow ; but the wall will go down—
and long before any part of the original
Chinese wall shall have crumbled before
the Japanese siege guns.
A Difference in Taste.
From the Philadelphia Record.
Tastes differ. In the Bucks and
Montgomery Congress district the Re-
publicans have renominated Wanger.
In the Dauphin, Lebanon and Perry
district there seems to be a disposition
to gag at Woomer. If Wanger, why
not Woomer ?
Down on the System.
From the Pittsburg Dispatch.
One chief use of the conferree sys-
tem in practice isto show what an
abomination it is. It is about as far
from being an institution of real repre-
sentative government as anything
which bas ever been invented in a free
Harrison's Keynote.
From the Philadelphia Times.
Mr. Harrison is to make a speech
that will strike the keynote of the
campaign. He thinks keynotes
shouldn’t be allowed to be struck by
Spawls from the Keystone,
—The drouth has closed many coke
ovens near Greensburg,
—Hotel proprietor B. B, French, of Mid «
dletown, shot himself to death.
—In a fit of insanity, Miss Annie Zahn
drowned herself at Lancaster.
—A burglar threw a stone, nearly kill-
ing little James Boyle, at Marietta.
~—For violating the liquor law, William
Vandever, of Coatesville, was landed in
—A Good Government League has been
formed in Allegheny City to rid the town
of vice.
—Senator Quay is at his Beaver home:
but expects to return to Washington this
—A log he was unloading from a wagon
at Audenried, struck and killed Jacob
—With a pistol, Rev. B. J. Conaway
routed burglars from the Catasauqua
—8ilverware stolen from Philip Moore
and others near Media was found in a
fleld near by.
—Aged Mrs. Philip Ritzman fell down
stairs at Strausstown and expired short
ly afterwards.
—The people's party has a habitation in
Spangler, a club of sixty members having
been organized.
—Lehigh Valley car shops at Easton,
employing 500 men, will hereafter operate
four days a week.
—Eleven Pennsylvania Railroad freight
cars were Saturday wrecked in a smash -
up at Shock’s station.
—Owing to a quibble about the city’s
bonds all work on Reading's greatly need.
ed sewers has stopped.
—A pardon was granted by the Gov.
ernor to Joseph W. Salus,of Philadelphia,
in prison for manslaughter.
—Over 3000 tons of rock were dislodged
by a blast at Birdsboro, blocking the Wil -
mington & Northern Railroad.
—The old boatmen of the West Branch
canal will have a reunion in Lock Haven
some time during the autumn.
—Allentown’s School Board is still lab-
oring in a long deadlock over the selec -
tion of a High School principal,
—Fishing out the body of a drowned
man from a pond at Scranton,Owen Flynn
found it was his brother Patrick.
—The Johnstown Herald whose editor,
Frank Hoerle, wants to be postmaster,
Saturday suspended publication.
—A stranger walked in Reading's police
station and paid the $24 fine which kept
five young men behind prison bars.
—John Nash, the {Media youth who
snapped a revolver in the face of a rail.
road conductor, will be tried in Court,
—While trying to sell a stolen horse and
wagon at Carlisle for $10, William Diling-
er was nabbed and taken to Harrisburg.
—After quarreling with his wife,
Charles Hoffman, a farmer near Wilkes
barre, took a fatal dose of poison Satur.
—Thugs who stoned Philadelphia &
Reading employes working on the tracks
near Reading are warned by the detec-
— After being mysteriously missing for
a week, Mrs. Idle was found near her
home at Halifax, where she visited a
—Pittsburg newspapers say that town
will be unable to raise the $75,000 neede d
to entertain the Grand Army encampe
—Andrew Kuschke, who deserted from
the United States army to wed his sweet.
heart, at Wilkesbarre, was captured there
—Major John Knable, an old and well
known citizen of Somerset, died at his
home in that place on Sunday morning
last, aged 82 years.
—John Stambaugh, of Rye township,
Perry county, recently lost a good horse,
the animal falling over dead without any
apparent previous sickuess.
—Editor J. U. Shaffer, of the Renovo
Record, has been ill for ten weeks, but is
now able to get out of the house, a fact
the Tribune is glad to note.
—David R. Thompson, for 2) years con,
nected with the Carlisle daily and weekly
Sentinel, has purchased the paper from W,
H. Peffer. It will continue to be Dem Q-
—Within the past few days the Milton
car works have closed a contract for 400
hopper bottom coal cars. They will be
built for the New York, Susquehanna and
Western railroad.
—Stephens are trump in Howe towns
ship. Two are school directors, and on
Saturday the school board elected a
teacher named Stephens for each of th e
schools in the township.
—After a lingering illness Samuel W ar-
den, a prominent citizen of Westmore,
land county, and an ex-mayor of Greens-
burg, died at his home in Mt. Pleasant on
Saturday last, aged 72 years .
—A dwelling situated in Barr township?
Huntingdon county. occupied by Ric hard
Ramsey, and owned by Wilson Averel of,
Lewistown, was destroyed by fire one
evening last week, with most of its coun.
—Thursday’s lightning struck the tan.
nery barn at Mahaffey and killed three
horses. The teamster, two other horses
and a cow were knocked down by the
stroke but soon recovered. The barn was
saved from destruction by fire.
—While Mrs. Ellen Morrow, of near Cis-
na's Run, was out in the fields picking
blackberries, a thief entered the house
and stole from a safe a sum of money be-
longing to Arthur M. Morrow—money
that the boy had earned iu the harvest
—A. B. Comp, residing near New Bloom.
field, Perry county, a few days ago while
at work with a straw drag met with a
serious accident. The drag weighing
about 590 pounds, fell upon his left foot,
crushing that member in a most severe
—Anthony Johnson, engineer at the
Edison electric light station, William s-
port, on Monday morning went into one
of the boilers meaning to clean it out,
when he was struck by a torrent of hot
water and badly scalded about the left
eed instruments.
side, from the head down,