Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 03, 1894, Image 8

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    Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 3, 1894.
To CORRESPONDENT. — No communications
published unless accompanied by the real
name of the writer.
——Dog days end August 11th.
——Welsh brothers’ circus will be in
Bellefonte, August 9 and 10.
——100° in the shade was how hot it
was at Millheim on Saturday.
— The bend tournament will be
jeld at Hecla park on August 30th.
——Jerry Bland is one of the latest
pames on the prisoner’s register at the
——The Centre Hall Lutherans will
extend a call to Rev. Yearick, of Rebers-
——The Milesburg Presbyterian Sun-
day school picnicked at Clintondale
——Word comes from Asronsburg
that the recent rains have greatly bene-
fited the corn and potatoes.
——Don’t forget the date of the Lo-
gan’s big picnic at Hecla. It will be
held on the 9th of this month.
——M. Cunningham has been put-
ting the walks about the court house
and jail in first class condition.
——Fifty-three tickets were sold from
Bellefonte for the Pennsy’s $5.75 ex-
cursion to Atlantic City on Wednes-
——Rev. Ralph Illingworth, the
gifted young divine, will preach in the
Methodist church here Sunday morn-
ing. :
——A dog killed twenty-three young
chickens in & coop at Joel Johnson’s
home, on Bishop street, Tuesday morn-
——Rev. J. A. Woodcock has ac-
cepted a district agency for the North."
western Mutual Life Ins. Co., of Mil-
—The children of Logan grange
gave a pleasant entertainment in the
grange ball, near Pleasant Gap, on
— The Lutherans of Bellefonte held
their annual picnic at Hecla on Wed-
nesday and, of course, were caught in
the big storm.
——Friday, August 10th, is the date
on which the P. 0.8. of A. intends
holding & picnic at Witmer's park,
Centre Hall.
——The Valentine Iron Co’s furnace
here will be put in blast just as soon as
sufficient coke can be procured to charg3
the furnace.
——Mrs. Lucy Twitmyer suffered a
paralytic stroke at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Samuel Decker, at Zion,
and is lying in a critical condition.
——The Milesburg and Bellefonte
academy base ball clubs played a game
of ball in the former place on Saturday,
the academy boys winning by the score
of 8to 9.
——The Pruner building now oc-
cupied by Dr. Charles Rhone and his
mother, and Parrish’s drug store is to
be remodeled. Plans are being pre-
pared now by architect Cole.
——Dr. A. W. Hafer’s peach trees
are ladened again this year with a crop
of the most luscious fruit. The doctor
seems to have some secret by which he
makes his trees bear every year.
—— Co. B, 5th Reg. N. G. P. will go
up to Hunter’s park to-day for the pur- |
pose of getting some much needed drill.
Free transportation will be furnished
the company and every member is ex-
pected to go.
——J. Kyle McFarlane, of this piace,
is contemplating a change in his mode
of life. He has conceived the idea that
he would make a good farmer and will
probably move to the country in the
——0Col. Daniel S. Keller, who has
been go seriously ill for months with
consumption of the throat, is in such
a critical condition that his friends say
his death is only a question of a few
—— Bellefonte boasts a new coal mer-
chant in the person of Wm. Buck Jr.
who has leased the coal yards formerly
operated by E. C. Cooke. Will is but’
a boy in years, but he intends making
some of the colder dealers hustle,
——Peter Smith the upholsterer,
whose workshop ig on south Ridge street,
is doing a good business, now that the
people have found out the excellent
character of the work he turns out.
His specialty is furniture repairing and
there is nothing in that line that he
can’t do with entire satisfaction.
A party of Bellefonte politicians
composed of Treasurer John Q. Miles,
prothonotary W. F. Smith, recorder’s
clerk W. J. Dukeman, O. Atwood, J.
'W. Rightnour and Harry Jacksonfwent
down to the Bald Eagle to fish on Fri-
day night. Hayes Lyman, the Boggs
township leader, helped them and they
returned next morning with sixty fish,
so they said.
divine Bernhart’” has long been a be-
liever in the doctrine of the ancient
Pythagoras and it is said she thinks her-
self just as much the real Egyptian
queen, when acting Cleopatra, as if she
were relegated to the days B. C. when
the fair daughter of Ptolemy seduced
the rulers of the known world.
Transmigration is what we know as
the passing of the soul from one body
to another and while such a possibility
is not accepted by educated people, yet
every day we are confronted with some
incident that incites wonder as to what
causes and through what agency the
mind of one person may work on that
of another, however distant they may
be from each other.
When we read stories of how one
mind has received impressions from an-
otherat a great distance and without
any known medium of communication
we generally look upon them as the
work of the writer's imagination and
still the same thing is happening in
our midst nearly every day. Two cases
of this sort, that occurred last week, are
There was a young girl from the west-
ern part of the State visiting at the
home of one of Bellefonte’s prominent
bankers. As summer visitors usually
do here she had been having a delight-
ful time up until Friday when her
hostess planned a little excursion to
State College. The day was bright and
cheerful, the big institution never ap-
peared to better advantage, its vast ex-
tent of well kept campus affording a
pleasing sight to the party of young
people yet withal, the young woman, for
whose special enjoyment it had been
arranged, seemed sad and unconscious
of the beauty of her surroundings.
Again and again did her companions try
to arouse her, but her mind seemed en-
tirely absorbed with some far off sub-
jeet. To their inquiries as to whether
she was ill—she replied that she was
not, and then explained that her lack
of enthusiasm was due fo her depressed
feelings. Something seemed to tell her
that she was needed at home, where she
had left her aged grandmother—her only
living relative. She had been absent
from home often before, but the same
strange sensation had never affected her.
As the day wore on the feeling that
something was wrong oppressed her so
much that several times tears were no-
ticed trickling down her cheeks.
Shortly after the departure of the
party for the College a telegram was de-
livered at the home, where the young
lady was visiting, and was opened. Its
message was brief but important for it
read : “Come home immediately,”” The
hostess, knowing that her guest could
not possibly get home sooner than the
following morning, did not care to mar
the supposed pleasure of the day’s
outing for her and simply retained the
message until the evening when they
returned. But when the evening train
from the College brought them back
here the visitor had become so deeply
impressed with the idea that she wag
needed at bome thatshe had made up
her mind to return at once. She in-
formed her friends of her determination
and consequently they did not give her
the telegram which would only have
added to the sorrow she suffered that
night. The next morning she departed,
rot knowing anything whatever of the
message that had come calling her to
the bedside of her dying grandmother.
What agent, by what process was
that young woman made to feel that
she was needed at homo ?
* * * *
A short time ago a pretty young girl,
who lived at her home near Lemont, was
stricken with a fatal malady. She real-
ized that she could not live long and it
was her desire that she could see all of
her brothers and sisters before death
should take her from them forever. It
was easy to gratify her wish so far as
all of the loved ones were concerned,
except a brother who had been in
Pueblo, Col., for a number of years. He
was sent for but could not be found, and
the poor girl prayed that life might be
given her to live until she could see
him for a last time. Messages were sent,
everywhere in the hope of intercepting |
him, but they brought no response.
Her disease was rapidly consuming
her life and the other children of the
family had been called home to be with
their sister when the last sad hour
should come. A carriage had been sent
to this place one morning to take one
of the sisters, who lives here, home and
was just about ready to return when
who should appear, but the long prayed
for brother. He had just arrived on a
train from the west, having been un-
able to work at his business of rail-road-
ing,on account of the strike, he thought
he had better come home and see his
What innate influence turred that
young man’s foot steps homeward in
time to answer the prayer of his dying
sister ? Can you tell, dear reader ? With
such things happening at your very
door it is little to be wondered at that
you should believe that the mind of one
can exert aninfluence over that of an-
other e’en though a continent may sep-
arate them.
The Mill Hall axe factory has
resumed full handed.
rr {
——County commissioners of this
State will convene at Pottsville soon. |
——The Lock Haven base ball club |
bas disbanded. Reed, Jast year’s Belle-
fonte captain, has gone to Lynchburg, '
Va. to play.
——E. M. Hugyett, of Centre Hali,
is building a saw mill on an 800 acre
tract of timber land he purchased re-
cently on the Seven mountains, south’
of Potters Mills. =
.— George Schroyer, died near
Milesburg, on Saturday morning, of
consumption. Deceased was a single
man about forty years of age and was
buried Sunday afternoon.
The new Silsby steamer which
the Reliance fire company of Philips-
burg recently purchased has been named
“8, S. Crissman’ to honor the man
who has been chief of the organization
for many years.
-——The Coleville band has built a
new dance pavilion and will hold a
dance and festival every Saturday eve-
ning commencing August 4th. Danc-
ing commences at 7:30 P. M. The
grounds will be illuminated by Japanese
lanterns and good music will be fur-
nished by the orchestra.
——X. M. Speer, of Hoxie, Kansas, a
son of our townsman, Wm. T. Speer,
has recently been elected assistant cash-
ier of the Sheridan county bank of that
town. He was at one time manager of
the Western Union telegraph office at
this place and his many friends here
will be pleased to learn of his advance-
ment in his new home.
——Mr. and Mrs. John M. Smith, of
Milesburg, celebrated the fiftieth anni-
versary of their wedding on Wednesday
evening, July 25th. A big party as-
sembled at the home of the aged couple
and all had an enjoyable time. Mr.
Smith is 72 years old, while his wife is
three years younger. The Milesburg
band was present to help along with the
—— Thirteen Altoona wheelmen and
eleven members of the Tyrone cycle
club rode to this place on Saturday
evening, arriving here, about 7:30.
They were met below Milesburg by a
number of the Bellefonte cyclists and
escorted to the Brockerhoff house where
they spent the night, returning Sunday
afternoon. While here they were en-
tertained at the Bellefonte wheelmen’s
club rooms.
——Owing to the inability to get
stone in acceptable shape the new
armory, that is being built on the corner
of Lamb and Spring Streets, will be
finished with pressed brick. The blue
limestone would certainly have made a
more imposing lookipg structure of it,
but the kind that was being furnished
could not be used, except after consider-
able working, and in order to keep down
the cost the builders were compelled to
resort to brick.
——The Central R. R. of Pa. gave a
complimentary excursion, on Wednes-
day, to the ministers, secret society
officers and press representatives
of Williamsport, Jersey Shore,
Lock Haven and intermediate points,
They were taken over the line
and after stopping to inspect the new
parks at Clintondale'and Hecla journey-
ed on to this place, where the company
entertained them at a dinner at the
Bush house. There were sixty-three
of the excursionists and every one of
them was delighted with the trip and
the picnic grounds along the new road
—— An effort has been made to have
the Lock Haven base ball team locate
here for the rest of the season. The
Clinton county capitol seems to be too
small to maintain a good ball club and
the players who have made an excellent
record down there sre desirous of locat-
ing here. They have vuffered to come
for a low rate and the Bellefonte Cen-
tral R. R. Co., would reduce the fare
from Bellefonte to the park so that
thirty five cents would pay a round trip
fare including admission to the games,
but no one here cares to take hold of
the business this late in the season and
we will hardly witness any base ball
this year.
——At the meeting of Co. B., 5th
Reg. N. G. P., on Monday night, an
attempt was made to elect a second
lieutenunt. The names of 5. W. Gettig,
James R. Alexander, Harry Keller and
George L. Jackson were placed in
nomination. After the first ballot Get-
tig dropped out, then Alexander follow-
ed and only two candidates remained.
The balloting continued, resulting in a
vote of 26 to 19 in favor of Jackson.
It required a majority vote of the com-
pany, 31, to elect, however, and as the
friends of neither candidate would yield
the election was declared off until this
evening when another trial will be
made. Jackson will be elected this
evening, as Keller has withdrawn and
under the rules no new nomination can
! be made.
1aE GAS WORKS.—A clap of thunder
from a clear sky could not have been
more of a surprise to the residents of
this place, on Saturday morning, than
the announcement that the venerable
Bobert McKnight was to be relieved
from duty as tuperintendent of the
Bellefonte gas and steam heat company.
Afier a service of thirty-eight years,
which has been characterized by a re-
markable faithfulness, he will sever his
‘connection with the company to make
way for the introduction of a new pro.
cess of gas manufacture, which is the
invention of Mr. Arthur Kitson, of
Philadelphia, a brother of Ernest Kit~-
son, the present superintendent of the
Edison electric illuminating company of
this place. The latter gentleman will
succeed to the management of the gas
company’s plant on the 15th inst., when
the introduction of his brother’s process
will be begun.
Under the new plan it is expected
that gas will be better and cheaper and
that enough of it will be made to sup
ply it for fuel purposes as well as for
illumination. There is at present no
idea of consolidation between the stock:
holders of the electric and gas com-
panies, this having been the first con-
clusion that the people jumped at when
the news that Mr. McKnight was to
retire was announced. Though the
matter was talked of some time ago,
such a deal will hardly be consummated
at this time.
Robert McKnight and his son, Robert
Jr., who has been associated with his
father ever since he was old enough to
work, will quit the employ of the gas
company with the satisfaction of know-
ing that they have zealously upheld ite
interests, no matter what the conse-
quences. The elder gentleman having
been trained in the old school, that
taught the apprentice to care for his
employer's property as if it were his
own, has been honest to a fault and his
simple, straight forward manner of do-
ing business has made him the hosts of
friends who will regret to learn that
there is a possibility of his leaving Belle-
On Wednesdy afternoon a strange cou-
ple driving a rather dilapidated looking
horse appeared on Bishop street, this
place, and when in the vicinity of
Schrock’s blacksmith shop the man was
seen to stop and undertake to help the
woman out of the vehicle. She seemed
to be in great agony and could not
move and before she could be gotten
out of the buggy to some comfortable
retreat she gave premature birth to a
child. The couple appeared to be
strangers in this community and, as
they were without friends, poor over-
seer McClure was notified and had
them removed to the poor house. Doc-
tor Hoy then attended the woman and
she is now about ready to continue her
journey. The child was dead and was
buried by undertaker Naginey.
George Hagar and wife are the nameg
they gave, the man claiming to be a
miner from Brownsville, Fayette coun-
ty. Being unable to get work and with
starvation staring them in the face the
couple had started to drive to Mrs.
Hagar’s parents in Elmira, N. Y.
Without money their only way to go
was to drive and not thinking of the
delicate condition of Mrs. Hagar they
started over land.
‘When Potter’s Mills was reached the
woman began to suffer much pain and it
was often necessary to stop the horse so
she could lie down by the road side a
while. They had been living off the
charity of the farmers along their route
and slept out of doors, in barns or in a
bed just as the kindness of their bene-
factors was extended.
By the time they reached Centre Hall
the condition of the woman had become
so serious that Dr. Jacobs was called to
her relief. He is reported to have
stated that her condition was
critical and advised that they hurry
on to this place. Just why a physician
should have advised such a course when
he knew thedanger of it is hard to im-
agine, but they proceeded and reached
here about three o’clock. The distressing
occurrence followed immediately upon
stopping on Bishop street.
A Disastrous StorM.—The thunder
storm that passed over this section on
Sunday afternoon did little damage in
the immediate vicinity of Bellefonte,
but near Lock Haven it left much de-
struction in its path.
At Flemington two barns were struck
by lightning and both burned to the
ground. In the one owned by Rauben
Shaffer were two horses, sixteen tons of
hay, sixteen tons of straw, a quantity of
chopand wheat, several vehicles and an
ice house, all of which were burned. Mr.
Shaffer ran to the barn to get the horses
out, but unfortunately the electric bolt
had killed one of them and shocked the
other one so bad that it could not move.
One of the horses belonged to Mr, John-
son, of Jacksonville, who with his
family, was spending the day with the
Another barn near by, and owned by |
N. W. Fredericks, and leased by O. S.
Kelsey, was struck and burned down.
The Ebenezer Evangelical church, near
—— Nineteen deaths occurred in Ty-
rone during the month of July.
——Millheim has lately organized a
base ball club.
—— The Salona Methodists p icnicked
at Hecla park yesterday and the Lock
Haven Presbyterians will picnic at
Clintondale to-day.
——The Port Matilda band will be
present at the picnic of the Hannah
Furnace ball club to-morrow. Base
ball and dancing will be the order.
——Last Saturday a severe storm
passed over Rebersburg. Trees and
fences were blown down and the resi-
dents of that town were scared for
——At the recent civil service exam-
ination held here for carriers and clerks
in the Bellefonte post-gffice, Robert H.
Woodring, Chas. I. Wetzel, John
Laurie and Edward C. Woods passed
for carriers while W. H. Garman and
George A. Miller came up to the re-
quirements for clerks.
—On Tuesday, July 31st, this well
known old gentleman expired at the
home of his son Miller, at Johnsonburg,
Elk county. Deceased was about 70
years of age and a man who at one time
was quite prominent in Democratic polit-
ical circles in this county. He was
Associate Judge for one term from
1866 to 1871 and enjoyed the distine-
tion of being a very able man in his
time. He was the first associate to sit
on a habeas corpus proceedings in the
Centre county court.
The late years of his life have been
spent among his children who are Mrs.
Geo. Counsil, of Altoona ; Mrs. Charles
Leathers, of Howard and Miller, of
Johnsonburg. He ‘had been in very
feeble health for along time and his
death was only the final dissolution
consequent upon cld age.
Interment was made at Jacksonville
News Purely Personal.
—Misses Cornelia and Ethel Dale, of Le-
mont, are visiting in Tyrone.
—Benj. Beaver and wife, of State College
spent Sunday with Aaronsburg friends.
—Robh’'t F. Hunter and Mrs. Hunter are vis-
iting in Philadelphia and Atlantic City.
—Mr. and Mrs. James Lane, of Philadelphia,
with Richard their son are visiting friends in
—Mr. Theodore Lucas, of Altoona, has been
spending a few days the past week visiting
friends at Bellefonte and Roland.
—The Misses Fauble, of east High street,
returned Tuesday evening from a few days,
pleasure trip to Niagara and Watkins Glen.
—M r. H, Garman, one of Coatsville’s leading
jewelers, with his wife, spent a few days] here
recently as guests of Daniel Garman. They
departed Monday for Bedford Springs.
—Mr. George L. Jackson, in company with
Lieut. W. F. Reeder, journeyed to Pittsburg
on Tuesday where the former under went an
examination for the office of 2nd Lieut. in the
—Mrs. Barbara Rankin and her daughter,
Miss Bella, departed Tuesday morning over
the Central railroad for Avon, by the Sea,
where they will be the guests of Mrs. James
H. Lambert, for a week.
—A. C. Mingle and family, of east High
street, returned Tuesday morning, from a few
weeks sojourn by the sea. We noticed that
they were among the guests at a “Ko-Ko-Ma”
party given at the Ocean Queen in Atlantic
City last week.
—A very distinguished gentleman who has
been spending a few days in Bellefonte| is J.
W. Lukenbach, Esq., of Brooklyn, N. Y. He
is general secretary of the American Casket
Trust, a strictly confidential and responsible
position. He is a full cousin of our townsman’
A. Lukenbach, at whose home he is visiting.
This is the first pleasure trip he has made to
this place in seventeen years.
—Rey. David J. Beale D. D, formerly of
Johnstown and the author of the “History of
the Johnstown Flood,” but now of Fredericks
Md., where he is taking a prominent part in
the Francis Scott Key moauument gmovement
that is now being enthusiastically agitated
througout the state, spent Monday evening
in Bellefonte. He was on his way to Howard
and stopped to spend the night with old
friends here.
—Among the Bellefonters who are seen
daily on the board walk at Atlantic City are
Mrs. Archie Allison, and Mr. Mrs.
Robart McKnight, Miss Minnie Broenel,
Geo. T* Bush, 'J. C. Meyer and
wife, Mrs. F. W. Crider and family, Miss
Shortlidge, Henry Lyon, Charlie Cruse, Mr.
and Mrs, C. T. Gerberich, the Misses Gorret,
Mrs. Jonathan Harper and two daughters,
Miss Maud and Jennie; J. A. Woodcock and
son, Jay, Gotlieb Haag and wife, Mart Garman
and his cousin Miss Rebie, Edward Green-
slade, Miss Millie Smith, Misses Lizzie Gross,
Lizzie Haz»l, Christina Ceaders, Annie Mc
Laughlin, Curry, Lizzie Brown, Mrs. E. Kit
son and son, Mr. J. M: Parker‘ of Curtin, and
J. H. Kessinger and son, of Hublersburg.
—Harry Frysinger, the foreman of the Mag-
net office, was showing his father around the
town on Tuzsday. Mr. Frysinger was on his
way east, having just resigned the editorship
of the Warren Evening Mirror, a position he
had held for nearly a year. He is a very
pleasant gentleman and his writings for the
Mirror will doubtless be missed by the read:
ers of that paper. Ed. Frysinger will be re-
membered by the older residents of Miles.
burg, for just twenty-one yearsago, next Mon-
day, he married Miss Lizzie Faxon, who was
then a belle of the town. Ed lived in Lewis.
town then, and often when he came over to
this section to see his future wife, he would
play ball with the Milesburg club. On one of
those trips he pitched the great game that
the Milesburgers played with the State Col-
lege team on the Fair grounds here for the
Pine station, was set afire by an electric | championship of the county. IIis team won
current and entirely destroyed and a and of course he was lionizad over the victory.
large farm barn near Muncy was struck | Those were the days when the ball was not
and burned.
throwa but pitched to the batsmen,
Dear or Mrs. WiLsoN.—Mrs.
Agnus Wilson,widow of the late Joseph
Wilson, died of consumption at her
home on Thomas street, Tuesday morn-
ing after an illness of more than two
years. Mrs. Wilson, who was beloved
and respected by every one who knew
her, was born 75 years, 2 months and
some days ago in Northumberland Co.»
where her girlhood and early married
days were spent. On coming with her
husband to this county years ago they
bought the farm up Buffalo Run where
until Mr. Wilson’s death four years ago
they made their home. A home that was
always noted for its hospitality and
cheerfulness. With an exceptionally
sweet and gentle disposition she was a
constant inspiration to others, and while
her death coming as it did so quiet
and peaceful at the close of a useful
life could not be called sad for she was
ready and anxious to go, it leaves very
lonely her only daughter, Miss Ella,
who has nursed and cared for her de-
votedly through all these weeks of
suffering. Mr. Calvin Wilson, a promi-
nent business man of Corry, is her only
After the funeral services at her home
Thursday morning, which were con-
ducted by the Rev. George Elliott, her
pastor for years, assisted by the Rev.
Dr. Laurie, she was taken to the
Buffalo Run burial ground and laid to
rest by the side of her husband.
Tue Logan PioNic NEXT WEEK. —
On Thursday, the 9th inst, the Logan
steam fire engine company of this place
will picnic at Heela park, on the line of
the new Central rail-road of Penna.
The posters have been up for some time
announcing the many attractive feat-
ures that the firemen have arranged for
the entertainment of those who attend.
The program will be exactly as adver-
tised, nothing will be curtailed that will
lend to the pleasure of the day.
The rail-road has made exceptionally
low rates, so that all persons living
along the line can attend. It is
the especial desire of the Logans that
those who want to make a family pic-
nic of it should do so, for while they
will have refreshments of all kinds for
sale, yet those persons who want to go
and take baskets will be perfectly wel-
come. The idea is to have a big crowd,
The more the merrier and the enter-
tainment will be provided cheorfally,
whether you spend a cent or not.
Dancing, of course, will be one of the
principal modes of amusement and to
make it enjoyable a large covered pa-
vilion has been built. There an orches -
tre of ten pieces will play all day long
for those who care to dance.
The day will be an enjoyable one and
you should not miss it.
dance of all members of Gregg Post,
No. 95, is requested at the next regular
meeting, Saturday, Aug 4th, 1894, at 7-
30 p. m. to make arrangements to at-
tend the national encampment at Pitts-
burg in September.
Free quarters have been assigned to
Centre county posts.
F. P. GREEN. Commander.
——All summer clothes at cost.
Wilson bill prices—$10 suits for $6.—
$8. suits for $5.—$7. suits for $4.75—§6.
suits for $4.50—$5. suits for $4. Boys
summer suits at half price.
Lyox & Co.
——For engineer's supplies, water
gas and steam fittings, iron pumps, terra
cottu pipe, garden hose, hose repairs,
spray nozzles, lawn sprinklers, lawn
vases, gas and oil heater, stoves and
ranges, call on R. J. Schad & Bro., No.
6 North Allegheny street, Bellefonte,
Pa. 39 24 8¢
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up to six
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
oes to press :
'hite wheat. 55
Red wheat....... 55
Rye, per bushel.......... 50
Corn, ears, per bushel... 25
Corn, shelled, per bushe £0
Oats—new, per bushel... 40
Barley, per bushel...... 43
Ground laster, per ton.. 9 50
Buckwheat per bushel....cciiiiiiiiiiiiiennas 65
Cloverseed, per bushes... $6 00 to §7 00
Bellefonte Produce Markets,
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel .......cccieiiiniiiiiiiinnn
Eggs, per dozen....... 12
Lard, per pound... 8to10
CountryShoulders 8 to 10
Sides 8 to 10
Hams 12
I'ailow, per pe 4
Butter, per pound. 20
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning, in Bel e-
fonte, Pa., at $2 pe: annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
ising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol-
One inch (12 lines this typ
Two inches......
Three inches y ae 20
Quarter Column (4}4 inches)....... 12 { 20 | 3v
Half Column ( 9 inches)... ‘| 0 | 36 | 50
One Column (19 inches). 5 | 55 | 100
Advertisements in special column 25 per
cent. additional. ; ;
Transienc advs. per line, 3 insertions...... 20 cts.
Each additional insertion, per line.......... 5 cts.
1i0cal notices, per line.......ceenee 5
Business notices, per line....ceuueereeicirinens 10 cts.
Job Printing of every kind done with neat-
ness and dispatch. The WarcemAN office has
been refitted with Power, Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
be executed in the most artistic manner and at
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters snould be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor.