Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 03, 1894, Image 5

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Summer Pleasure Tour to Niagara Falls
via Pennsylvania Railroad.
On August 9th another of the Penn-
sylvania Railroad’s noted personally
conducted pleasure tours to Niagara
Falls will be run.
Special train of Pullman Sa cars
and day coaches will leave Washington
7:00 A. M., York 10:10 A. M., Harris-
burg 11:35 A. M., Sunbury 1:05 P. M.,
Williamsport 2:40 P. M., stopping at
principal intermediate points.
Excursion tickets, valid for return
passage within ten days, will be sold for
train leaving Bellefonte at/9:33 A. M.,
connecting with special train, at rate of
$7.85. Tickets will permit of stop-off
at Watkins and Rochester, in either di-
rection, within limit.
To the Sea Shore By a New Route.
The Central Rail-road of Pennsylvania, Beech
Creek and Readings Royal Route to the Sea—A
Continuation of Comfortable Rail-roading and
Picturesque Scenery—Large, Airy Coaches,
Courteous Employees—New Country and the
Interesting Authracite Region Combine to
Make the New Route to the Sea an Attractive
one for this Section
Through the kindness of Messrs Warfield
and Gephart, the enterprising officials of the
new railroad. We were enabled to take a trip
to Atlantic City over the well-known Phila
& Reading Railroad.
Bellefonte was left on the 5:25 train over the
Central R. R., of Pa. which runs through
arich farming and well populated country
ending at Mill Hall, where it connects with
the Beech Creek system. The cars are the
best day coaches in Penna.; not even the
well known Keystone Express day coaches
being their equal. The Central R. R. of
Penna. deservesa large patronage for the
pluck and enterprise that has given the peo
ple of Centre county so many popular excur-
sions at such low rates and they can also
reach all points of interest with their
connecting lines.
The train made close connection at Mill
Hall, the scene of the disastrous conflagration
of a few weeks since where the Beech Creek
train was taken for Williamsport. That road
runs through most of the flooded country and
there is still lots of its work left to be seen.
The ride was a very pretty one and we were
soon landed in that progressive city of Wil-
liamsport. Taking the bus to the famous
Park Hotel, one of the finest hostelrie’s in
Pennsylvania,being under the management of
Charles Duffy, who makes an excellent host.
Heis the son of the well known hotel man
the late Col. Duffy. The hotel has large airy
rooms, elevators and an elegant table, and the
air is cool and delightful at all times. After a
good sleep and hearty breakfast we were
driven to the P. & R. depctto continue our
At the depot we met Mr. Frank E. Bausher,
the Traveling Passenger Agent, and Mr. 8. E.
Stevens the Traveling Freight Agent, two
pleasant gentiemen who made the journey a
delightful one for us. Leaving Williamsport at
9:25 on the Reading's Atlantic City special we
had an exceedingly interesting and delight
ful journey. The rcad runs along the river
for some distance then turns and runs through
the coal regions and above Reading passes
into one of the prettiest and richest farming
country’s through which it goes to Philadel-
phia. There are many points of interest along
the road. The cars are comfortable and lux*
urious. The road bed even and well ballasted
and the stations are pictures of architecture:
No cinders and little smoke are the rule. The
road—main line from Williamsport to Phiial”
delphia— passes through many of the principa
Pennsylvania towns. Milton, Sunbury, Lewis
burg, Shamokin, Mahanoy City, Tamaqua
Reading, Pottstown and Norristown are among
the many worthy of mention en route. Asw®
passed along many signs of the flood’s ravage
could be seen. Logs lying away up in the
fields, bridge piers standing alone ete. The
Reading people lost the Muncy bridge all but
one span, even the piers being undermined.
The bridge can be seen lying below in the
river. It was said to be one of the finest
structures of its kind in the country. Near
Sunbury the strange spectacle was seen of a
wagon hridge pier having been washed out
from the bridge just leaving the roof, un.
sported there. The famous Hotel Shikellimy
is reached direct by this road. It stands 400
feet above the tracks and 900 square miles of
country can be seen from there on a clear
A fine piece of engineering is found just
before reaching Sunbury, where the road
leaves the side of the mountain to eross the
river. The bridge being built on a very acute
angle and the bridge iteelf is 14 spans long.
After leaving Sunbury the journey carried us
east through a farming country te Shamokin,
where the first evidence of coal mining is
found in the large Cameron Colliery with its
enormous culm banks. Some of these banks
areafire at places and at night they make a
pretty sight. As you passthrough the coun-
try many large holesare noticed caused by
the mines caving in, from the robbing of the
pillars of coal left in to support the roof. The
caving in is being stopped now by filling in
with dirt and culm where the coal is taken out
and nearly 70 per cent of the coal ean be min-
ed now, where they used to beable to get
only 30 per cent.
One interesting spot is the house where Pat
Hester the famous leader of the Molly Ma-
guires lived. It is near A'aska,just at the be-
ginning of the Reading’s horse shoe curve.
The building is a low, red painted, two story
hotel to the left of the railroad and is nog
within a half a mile of any other house. It is
said many of the nefarious plots of the Molly's
were hatched there. Pat was afterwards hung
at Bloomsburg and is buried in a solitary grave
near kis house. The grave is surrounded by
a little fence and is kept green by the miners»
who reverence his memory still.
Near Locust Gap is tne place where a train
with & car of powder broke in two and came
together again, six years ago, the foundations
of a couple of dozen houses are still to be seen,
they being all that was left of them. An encr-
mous hole being blown out where the track
was. At this place the road reaches its sum -
mit and from there descends downa steep
grade, the train running itself for maoy miles.
Gordon Plane is seen between here and Ash-
land where a cable nearly two miles long pulls
coal cars up the mountain. You soon arrive
at Ashland, which is a pretty little town built
on a side hill with wide streets and plenty of
shade trees. Next is Girardville, the home of
Step hen Girard for years, and headquarters of
the coal lands of the great Girard estate. The
estate owns 4500 acres all underlaid with coal.
Below Girardviile is seen the famous Mahanoy
plane, running up tte mouxtain 800 feet and
then a short descent into Pottsville, the plane
saving 30 miles in going around. Near here
also is about the only place hard coal is mined
on the outside by daylight. As we approached
Mahanoy City we found ourselves passing
through where a freight wreck had just occur.
red caused by atrain breaking and running to-
gether again Pianos, groceries, furniture
and other merchandise was strewn around in
' great confusion along with several boxes of
dynamite, which luckily had not exploded.
After leaving Mahanoy City many tunnels are
passed through, one being nearly a mile long.
This tunnel seems to be the end of the coal
region and on the other side of the mountain
a beautiful farming country isreached. We
soon came to Tamaqua which is the junction
where you turn off to go to New York. At Port
Clinton the train crews change and the road
then passes on to the main line of the Reading
Railroad. We soon reach Reading, 20 miles
further, after passing the rich and fertile
Berks county with the pretty farms and red
roofed houses and barns, The Readiug depot
is a very pretty one and contains a first class
restaurant. The R. R. runs along the Schuyl.
kill river nearly all the rest of the way to
Philad elphia, passing among other points of
interest: The graves and monuments of Gen, |
Hartranft and Hancock, at Norristown, Valley !
Forge and passing along a part of Fairmount
Park Philadelphia. Promptly on time we ar-
rived at the magnificent new Reading ter-
minal at 12th and Market streets, where the
cable cars were takento the ferry across
the Delaware. The Express whirled us
through New Jersey to the Atlantic in 70
Our party consisting ot Mr. Bausher, Mr. A.
D. Knapp and Watson Updegraff, ot William-
sport, Mr. J. R. Hughes and W. R. Brachbill,
of Bellefonte, and the Misses Weaver of Mon-
toursville were quartered at the Mansion
House kept by Chas. McGlade. All the sights
were taken in. The boardwalk being the
place of all; it being only bettered for crowd
and variety by the Midway Plaisance. The
piers also have their attractions. The party
went out on the Ocean sailing and watched
the boatmen catch drum fish which are caught
by dragging a hook through the water until it
catches in their backs then playing them un-
til they are tired and are hauled in, they aver-
age 80 pounds in weight.
But the greatest attraction of all is the Sea
bathing and itis a pretty sight to see the surf
about noon full of bathers. People “should be
careful not to stay in too long in the water un-
less very strong. This is the place for sun-
burn. One day coating you a cherry red and
afterward a brown. We were very much in-
debted to Mr. Alfred Adams, Jr., proprietor of
a bathing house on the boardwalk above Vir-
ginia avenue, the suits were new and the
rooms clean and dry with shower baths and
best attendance. We are under great obliga-
tions to Mr. Bausher for his many kindnesses
along the road and while at Atlantic City.
G. T. B.
New Advertisements.
EGAL NOTICE.—Notice is here-
by given that the accounts of John T.
McCormick Committee of Thomas Strouse
a lunatic, and of A. G. Ewing Committee of
Jane Crain a lunatic, as filed by W.G. Ewing,
Exr. of A. G. Ewing dec’d. have been filed in
the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of
Common Pleas of Centre county, and unless
exceptions be filed thereto before Wednesday
August 29, 1894, the same will be confirmed.
lowing accounts have been examined
passed and filed of record in the Register’s of-
fice, for the inspection of heirs and legatees,
creditors and all others in any wise interested,
and will be presented to the Orphans Court of
Centre County,on Wednesday, the 29th day of
August, A. D. 1894.
1. The fourth account of Reuben Grimm,
guardian of &c., of Edward and Elizabeth
Burket, of Miles township.
2. The second and final account of John N.
Krumrine and Christina Krumrine, adm’rs of
&c., of John C. Krumrine, late of College town-
ship, deceased.
3. The first and final account of E. C.
Bumes, trustee under the last will and testa-
ment of Thomas Burnside, late of Bellefonte
Boro., deceased.
4, The firstand final account of John Kuhn,
administrator of &c., ot Peter Kuhn, late of
Harris township, deceased.
5. The first and final account of William
Singer, late guardian of John Moon of Liberty
township, as filed by Mary Singer, administra-
trix of William Singer, deceased.
6. The first and final account of Wm. Sing-
er, late guardian of Lanson Moon, of Liberty
township, as filed by Mary Singer, administra-
trix of &c., of Wm. Singer, deceased.
7. The first and final account of Wm. Sing-
er, late guardian of Estella Moon, of Liberty
township, as filed by Mary Singer, administra-
trix of &e., of Wm. Singer, doceased*
8. First and final account of Henry H.
Fredericks, executor of &c., of Geo. W. Wil-
liams, late ot Harris township, deceased.
9. The account of Thomas F. Riley, execu-
tor of &e., of Christian Gingerich, late of Har-
ris township, deceased.
10. The second and final account of E, C.
Humes, executor of &c., of John Seibert late
of Benner township, deceased,
11. The second and final account of Henry
Meyer, executor of &e,, of Henry Meyer, Sr.,
late of Miles township, deceased.
12. The third amd final account of Henry
Meyer, trustee of &ec., of Henry Meyer, Sr.,
1ate of Miles township, deceased.
13. The first and partial account of Kate
Neese, administratrix of &ec., of Wm. H.
Neese, late of Miles township, deceased.
14. The accountof John L. Kreamer, admin-
istrator of &c., of Rebecca Hess, late of Haines
township, deceased.
15. The final account of John L. Kreamer,
administrator of &e., of Michael Hess, late of
Haines township, deceased.
16. First and final accouut of S. Warren Id-
dings, administrator of &c., of Henry Iddings,
late of Unionville Boro., deceased.
16. The third and final account of Isabella
Hirlinger and William F. Holt, administrator
of &c., of C. G. Hirlinger, late of Philipsburg
Boro., deceased.
18. The first and final account of D. S. Kel-
ler, padrdienof Orrie L. Heverly, a miner
child of James Heverly, late of Howard town-
ship, decd.
18. The account of F. O. Hosterman and
Wm. E. Keen, adm’rs of &c., of Noah Stover,
late of Haines township, deceased.
20. Second and final account of David Kel-
ler, executor of &c., and trustee to sell the
real estate of Joseph Swinehart, late of Harris
township, deceased.
21. The first and final account of Albert
Smeltzer, adm’r of &ec., of Elizabeth Smelter,
late of Howard boro, decreased.
22. The account of Godfrey Fisher, guard-
ian of Nancy Mulholland, a minor child of
Rudoiph Mulholland, late of Burnside town-
ship deceased.
23. The first and partial account of J. E.
Royer and J. C. Smull, executors of &ec., of
Joel Royer, late of Miles township, deceased
24. The seeond account of Kate M. Carson,
executrix of &e., of Joseph M. Carsoa, late of
Potter township, deceased.
25. The account of C. M. Bower, adm’r of
&e., of John Fetzer, late of Boggs township
26. The first and final account of J. 8.
Houseman, adm’r ¢. t. a. of &c., of Emmelia
Royer, late of Potter township, deceased.
27. Firstand final account of H. F. Kes-
singer, adm'r of &c., of C. C. Nestlerode, late
of Liberty township, dec’d.
28. The third account of 8, C. Bower and
Lydia Bower, ex'rs of &c, of Christian Bower,
late of Howard township, deceased.
29. The first and final account of Mary F.
Blanchard, adm’x of &c., of Edmund Blanch-
ard, late of Bellefonte boro, deceased.
30. The first and final account of D. D.
Woods, adm’r of &c., Luke Farrell, late of
Rush twp., deceased.
31. The account of H. E. Duck, ex'r, of &ec.,
Catharine Ney, late of Haines township, de-
G. W. RUMBERGER, Register.
New Advertisements.
New Advertisements.
OR SALE OR RENT—Easy terms
to good tenant, desirable house, at
State College the property of Miss Kate Car-
penter. fine location, corner lot. Apply.
39-23-8t. State College, Pa.
—We impart a thorongh knowledge
of the Commercial Studies at the cost of less
time and money than other schools. Thou-
sands owe their success in life (so they say) to
the training they received here. We made
Bread Winners of them. We want you to
know us; write and we will tell you about this
Live School. N. B. We assist graduates to
1708-1710 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
Whereas the Honorable A. OQ. Furst, Pres
ident Judee of the Court of Common Pleas of the
49th Judicial District, consisting of the coun
ties of Centre and Huntingdon, and the Honor
able Thomas M. Riley and Honorable Corlis
Faulkner, Associate Judges in Centre county
having issued their precept, bearing date the
26th day of July to me directed, for
holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of
the Peace in Bellefonte, for the county of
Centre and to commence on the 4th Mouday of
Aug. being the 27th day of Aug. 1894, and to
continue two weeks, notice is hereby given to
the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Aldermen
and Constables of said county of Centre, that
they be then and there in their proper per-
sons, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of the 27th,
with their records, inquisitions, examinations,
and their own remembrances, to do those
things which to their office appertains to be
done, and those who are bound in recogni-
zances to Prommie against the prisoners that
are or shall be in the jail of Centre county, be
then and there to prosecute against them as
shall be just.
Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the 26th
day of July in the yearof our Lord, 1894,
and the one hundred and eighteenth year of the
independence of the United States.
39 30-4t. Sheriff.
By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias
Levari Facias and Venditioni Exponas issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas and to me
directed, there will be exposed to pubss sale,
at the court house, in the borough of Bellefonte,
at 1 o'clock p. m., the following Real Estate:
All those certain messuages or tracts of
land, situate in the township of Penn, county
of Centre, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded
and described as follows to wit: Beginning
at a post along public road along land of Adam
Hosterman ; thence north 633/° east 119-9 per.
to post; thence north 224° west 662-10 per.
along land of Francis J. Forster to a white
Oak ; thence by same north 8614° east 17 per.
to stone; thence by same north 224 west
951-10 per. to post; thence by land of Acam
Hosterman north 883° west 36 per. to post;
thence north 22° west 70 per to post; thence
by land of Henry Krumrine north 88%4° west
38 per. to stone; thence south 714° west 9 per.
to white Oak ; thence by land of John Keen
south 4214° east 1484-10 per. to white Oak;
thence south 4814° west 1147-10 per. to stone;
thence by land of D. B,Geary south 191° east
73 6-10 per. to a post at public road the place of
beginning, containing 85 acres and 5 perches
neat measure.
The other thereof beginning at a stone on
line of Samuel Krape thence by land of Fran:
cis J. Forster north 1514° west 58 5.10 per. to
post ; thence by same north 604° east 6914
per. to a post; thence by Samuel Krape south
2.140 east 22 per. to public road; thence by
same north 67° east 512-10 per. loa stone;
thence by said public road south 79° east
20 8 1¢ per. to corner ; thence south 7° west
22 2-10 per. to stone; thence by Samuel Krape
south 61}4° west 1378-10 per. to stone; the
place of beginning, containing 39 acres and 73
perches neat measure.
Thereon erected a two story dwelling house,
Bank Barn, and other outbuildings.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of John Sankey.
All the defendant’s right title and interest in
that certain messuage tenement and lot of
ground situate in Boggs Township Centre
county and State of Penna. bounded and de-
scribed as follows: On the south by publie
road, on the east by lot of Lew Wetzel, on the
north by an alley. on the west by lotof W. N.
Musser, fifty feet in front and extending back
in depth one hundred and ninety feet to an
alley. Thereon erected a frame dwelling
house and other outbuildings.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of John Rider.
All that certain messuage tenement, or
tract of land lying in and being in College
Township, Centre county, Penna., bounded
and described as follows: Beginning at a
dead elm; thence north 453° west 9 per. to
stone; thence north 534° west 7-15 per. to
stone; thence north 75° west 2314 per. to cor
ner in road; thence south 1834° west 5 per. to
corner in big road ; thence south 714° east 39
per. to place of beginning, containing 1 acre
and 18 perches neat measure.
ed an old house and stable.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of B. V. Ames.
All that certain messuage or tract of lend
situate in Howard Township, Centre county,
Penna., bounded and described as follows
to wit: On the north by land of Curtin &Co.,
on the east by land of Curtin & Co.; on the
south by land of Foster Beaty; and on the
west by land of Mary Anderson and Cartin &
‘Co. ; containing 80 acres more or less, thereon
erected 6 dwelling houses.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Samuel M. Watkins defendant
and Sarah E. Smith and G. H. Lyman terre-
All that certain messuage and tract of land
situate in Se Township Centre county,
and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de-
scribed as follows: Beginniug at 2 stone on
lands of said William Seward; thence along
the same south 683° west 121-10 rods to a
stone : thence along same north 264° west
13 8-10 rods to a stone; thence along same
6314° east 12 rods to a stone ; thence along the
same south 261° east 15 rods to stone, the
place of begivning. Containing 1 acre 12
perches and one hundred and fifteen square
feet. Being two adjoining peices of land which
William Seward and wife by deed dated April
13, 1889, recorded in deed book 54 pages 58 and
by deed dated April 30, 1892, recorded in deed
book No. 65 pages 333 granted and conveyed
to Henry Meyer, Jr., grantor herein. Erected
thereon a frame dwelling house and other out
Seized, taken in execution and te be sold as
the property of P. C. Steele.
All that certain piece or parcel ofiand situ-
ate in the town of Hublersburg in the town-
ship of Walker, county of Centre and State of
Penna. and bounded and described as follows
viz: Beginning at a stone corner on Main
street, thence along the same north 47° east
55 feet to stone corner; thence along alley
north 324° west 17114 feet to stone; thence
south 47° west 55 feet 10 stone corner; thence
south 3214° east 171%; feet to the place of be
ginning, containing 3624 rods of land, being
part of a larger tract which William B. Cars-
cadan and Julia his wife, by their indentures
dated the 19th day of March A. D. 1867, grant-
ed and confirmed to Joseph Shaffer (party
hereto,) reference to said indenture being had
will more fully appear being recorded in the
office for recording of Deeds in Deed Book
“D'’ page 257. hereon erected a church
building known as the Bethel Evangelical
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of the Trustees of Bethel Evan-
gelical Association of Hublershurg, Pa.
~All that certain peice parce! a lot of ground
situate in the township of Spring, county of
Centre and State of Penna., bounded and de-
scribed as follows: Beginning at the scuth
west coraer of lot of John Cole; thence along
said lot north 17° west 108 feet toa corner;
thence along the fair ground of the Agricul.
tural Society of Centre county, 69° north east
51 feet, to a corner; thence along lands of the
estate of Wm. A. Thomas deceased, south 17°
east 180 feet, to a corner on Half moon street;
thence along said (street, south 69° west 51 !
feet, to the place of beginning, it being lot No.
Thereon erect- |
1 in the general plan of Coles addition to the
borough of Bellefonte. Thereon erected a
two story frame dwelling house and other out
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Mrs. Mary Bland now Shilling.
All that certain tenement or tract of land
situate in Liberty township, Centre county
Penna., bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a fallen white walnut on bank of
the Bald Eagle Creek, thence up said Creek
south 81° west 20 perches south 4134° west 273
perches; thence south 67° west 48 perches;
thence south 51° west 60 perches; thence
south 80° east 32 perches ; thence south 5°
west 18 per. to an old ash on bank of said
Creek ; thence south 66° east 6 perches to a
beech ; thence north 40° east (by resident of
the tract) 56 perches to an ash; thence by
same north 49° east 78°to a post; thence north
65° east 18 perches to a white walnut; thence
north 44° east 119 perches to a pine; thence
north 86° east 40 perches to a R. oak; thence
south 30° east 80 perches to a W. Oak ; thence
north 74° east 6 perches to post; thence north
2° east 194 perches to the place of beginning,
containing 96 acres and 87 perches and allow-
ance. Being apart of a tract surveyed to
James Samuel, June 28, 1796, on application
No. 1292 containing 304 acres, and being the
same premises which William Masden and
wife by deed dated April 2, 1847, and recorded
in Centre county in Deed Book “Q” page 3,
granted inter alia to John Masden who by his
last will proven August 29, 1879 and recorded
in Centre county in Will Book “D” page 32,
willed and devised the tract hereinbefore de-
scribed unto the said D, W. Hering, party
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of D. W. Hering.
All that messuage tenement and tract of
land situated in Ferguson township, county of
Centre and State of Penna., bounded and de-
scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a
stone corner of lands of B. Ayers and J. H.
Miller; thence by lands of said Miller, north
75140 east 334-10 perches to stone; thence by
lands of heirs of J. Watt and of 8. McWilliams,
north 73° east 108 4-10 perches to stone ; thence
by lands of W. E. Meek, north 2614° west
1338-10 perches to stones; thence by lands of
Peter Keichline, south 734° west 732-10
perches to a post ; thence by lands of B. Ayers
south 2614° east 32 perches to a post in the
White Hall Road; thence along said road
south 674° west 67 7-10 perches to post in sai
road ; thence by lands of B. Ayers south 264°
east 96 perches to the place of beginning, con-
taining 102 acres and 155 perches net measure.
Thereon erected a two story frame dwelling
house and large bank barn and other out
Seized, taken in execution and tobe sold as
the property of Wilson Garner.
All that certain House and lot situate in the
Boro of Philipsburg, Centre county, State of
Penna., pounded and described as follows to
wit: Beginning at a post in the south east
corner of Spruce and North Sixth street,
thence easterly along the southern line of
said Spruce street 64 feet to a postin line of
lot lately sold to same M. Graham; thence
southerly along line of said Graham lot 70 feet
to.a post in line of lot of Mrs. S.J. Erb; thence
westerly along same 64 feet to a post on the
eastern line of said Sixth street; and thence
northerly by line of said street70 feet to a
post, the place of beginning. It being part of
a larger lot of land conveyed unto the present
grantor or by John Erb, and S. J. Erb, his
wite, by deed dated the 9th day of December
A.D. 1892, and recorded in the office for the
recording of deeds in and for the county of
Centre in Deed Book Vol 66 page 229. Thereon
erected a two story frame dwelling house and
other outbuildings.
Seized, taken in execution and sold as the
property of J, C. Cowder, T. R. Dubbs, Geo.
Houck, H. H. Homer and Wm. Thompson,
All that certain piece of ground situate in
the Borough of Bellefonte hounded and de-
scribed as follows: Beginning at corner of lots
No. 68 and 70 in the general plan of said bor-
ough on the public grounds ; thence by said
lot No. 70 in a southerly direction, 72 feet and
4 inches; thence across said lot No. 68 in a
line pargiies with line of the public ground on
which the Centre county jail is erected;
thence by a line parallel with the line of lot
No. 70 northwardly to the public ground afore-
said ; thence by said ground tothe place of
beginning. Being 25 feet in front on said pub-
lic ground, and being parc of the northern half
of lot No. 68. Thereon erected atwo story
frame dwelling house and other outbuildings.
Seized, taken in execution and sold as the
property of Moses Jackson, Jessie L. Green
and L. C. Green.
All that certain messuage or tract of land
gituate in Union Township, Centre county and
State of Pennslvania, bounded and described
as follows: Beginning at stones, thence by
land oi Wm. P. Fishersouth 24° east 67 6.10
perches to white pine thence by land of same
south 73 degrees west 21 1-10 perches
to stones at the Beilefonte and Philipsburg
Turnpike; thence by said turnpike south 4(°
east 35 5-10 perches to post corner of lot of A.
J. Greist: thence by same south 52° west
398-10 perches to white pine; thence by land
of Wm, Hosband south 67° west 103 6-10 perches
toa poet; thence by land of Richard Black-
burn north 40° west 692-10 perches to stone
worner to lot of Joseph Ammerman ; thence
by same north 5% degrees, east 27 perches to
stone; thence north 6 degrees, west 148-10
erches to Menlo; thence by land of Andy
ingleton and James Ammerman north 53 de-
grees, east 925-10 perches to post at turnpike,
thence north 47)4 degrees, west 12 ‘perches to
a post ; thence by land of Thomas Loughry’s
heirs north 53 degrees, east 49 perches to the
place of beginning containing 89 acres and 22
perches and allowance. Thereon erected a
frame house, barn and other outbuildings.
Seized, taken in executionand to be sold as
the property of Robert Flick.
All that certain messuage tenement and lot
or piece of ground situate in the Borough of
Millheine in the county of ‘Centre and State of
Pennsylvania on the east side of Penn street
in said forough, bounded and described as
follows: Beginning at:a post corner of Deer
Alley and Penn street; thence along said
street nortn twenty-five aud three-fourths de-
grees west eighty feet to a post; thence by
other lands now or formerly of J. W. Snook
north sixty-four and one half degrees east
seventy one feet to a post; thence by same
north eighty-turee and three-fourths degrees
east ninety-six feet to Elk Alley; thence by
said Alley south twenty five and three-fourths
degrees east forty-eight and one-half feet to
a poston corner ot Deer Alley; thence alon
said Deer Alley south sixty-four and one-hal
degrees west one hundred and fifty-six feet
to the place of beginning. containing thirty-
eight perches; and thereon erected a large
two stery brick dwelling house with main
building thirty-three by thirty five feet and
brick addition extending back all covered
with slate roof and also stable and other out
buildings. And being part of the same pre-
mises which W. C. Duncan and wife by deed
dated the 1st day of April A. D. 1872, and re-
corded in Centre county in Deed Book “H No
2” page 92 &c., granted and conveyed to J. H
Musser, B. O. Dininger, J. H. Riefsnyder and
J. W.8ncok, and of the same in which J. H.
Musser and wife, B. O. Dininger and J. H.
Riefsnyder and wife by deed dated the 28th
day of April A. D. 1877, and recorded in Centre
county in Deed Book “M No. 2” page 523 con-
veyed all their right, title ard interest, to
wit; the undivided three-fourths to Jacob W.
Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as
the property of Mary E Snook, administratrix
of &c of J. W. Snook, deceased.
All that messuage tenerrent and lot or
peice of ground situate in the Borough of
Bellefonte, county of Centre, and state of
Pennsylvania, bourded and described as fol-
lows. Beginning at a point on the north side
of Bishop street at corner of lot of Joseph Fox,
250 feet East of lot James McClure, thence
along said lot of Joseph Fox, north 11° west
20214 feet to Cherry alley, thence along said
alley north 79 degrees east, 50 feet, thence !
along lot of Thomas Donachy, south 11 degrees
east 20214 feet to Bishop street, south 79 de-
grees west 50 feet to the place of beginning
being the same peice of ground which John |
P. Harris and wife, by deed dated the 28th, of
July 1887. recorded in Centre county in deed
book No. 62 page 85 granted and conveyed unto
George L. Smith. Thereon erected a two
story frame dwelling, house stable and other
outbuildings. i
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of George L. Smith.
No Deed will ba acknowledged until pur-
ckase money is paid in full.
Sherift’s Office,
y Sheriff.
Bellefonte, Pa., July 30,1894.
MORITZ SALM, M. D., Specialist,
Von Grafe Infirmary,
sie AMVs
Aug. 8, Sep. 5, Oct. 3, & 31, Nov. 28,
Dec. 26.
Aug. 9, Sep. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 1 & 29,
Dee. 27.
From 7 A. M. till 3:30 P. M.
Aug. 10, Sep. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2,—30,
Dec. 28.
Aug. 11, Sep. 8, Oct. 6, Nov. 3,
Dec. 1,—29.
A Blind Eye Made to See by Dr. Salm Making
a Wonderful Operation.—
For over ten years I have been badly cross-
eyed, Dr. Salm operated upon me without giv-
ing me chloroform, nor causing pain or loss of
blood. My eyes are straight once more, and
the eye that heretofore was almost totally
blind, I can again see splendidly with.
Somerset, Pa. Mary E. Long.
Four of the Best Doctors wn the County Said She
Was Incurable, But Dr. Salin Made a Healthy
Woman of Her.—
For over 5 years I have been suffering with
Heart trouble and a bad case of Dropsy. We
went to 4 of the best Doctors in the County
for relief, but all of them said a cure was im-
possible. At times I felt so bad that I was
certain I had to die, I fainted away very often
and my friends told me afterwards that they
thought every moment would be my last. And
I hereby affirm that had it not been for the
splendid treatment received from Dr, Salm,
who has entirely cured me of that great trou-
ble, I would have been under the sod long
ago. Sabie I. Ross.
Leechburg, Pa., Armstrong Co.
Attested by her Husband, Henry T. Ross:
A Peculiar Affection of the Legs Cured by Dr,
For the last 10 years our son had the most
peculiar affection of both legs. They became
covered with scabs and scales. They oozed
out considerable secretion, and the disease
troubled him constantly, even interupted his
sleep on account of the terrible itching. We
tried the best Doctors in our County and near
by, without any results. None of them made
the correct diagnosis, until we brought him to
Dr. Salm, who diagnosed the disease as a
scrofulous affection; and as a result of his
treatment he has succeeded in making a per-
tect cure in the time he stated. We believe he
understands his business, and hence we do not
hesitate to'recommend him to our Citizens.
Hyndman, Pa. Freep S. Cook.
Cancer Cured by Dr. Salm.—
For some time I have suffered from an ugly
looking cancerous growth on the chest. Doc-
tors here pronounced it Cancer, and said they
coudd not do me any good. Dr. Salm has cored
me in short order, without using the knife or
caustics and only an insignificant scar is all that
is left of the heretofore ugly and painful growth.
Somerset, Pa. EvizaperH MUELLER.
I Could Not, Nor Would I Have Wanted to
Live Much Longer in the Plight I was In.—
For some time I have suffered terribly with
Kidney and inward trouble 6 different Doctors
treated me for inflammation of the Bowels &ec.
I grew worse and worse, had to get up about
every half hour to void urine. The pain was
most excrutiating and I am certain I could
not nor would not wanted to have lived much
longer in the plight I was in, Particularly
as there did not seem a Shot on my body that
did not ache most terribly. My bowels were
always in a bad condition, so I concluded that
I would call in Dr. Salm of whom I had heard
so much. He diagoosed my disease as being
a result of Kidouey, Stomach and Inward trou:
ble, I had not taken his medicines a week be-
fore I felt the benefit, and to day after a course
of treatment I gan do ny own work, after not
having been able to hardly move about.
No. 221 South St. Johnstown, Pa.
Suffered With Catarrh, Bronchitis and General
Trouble for 16 Years But was Cured by Dre
Salm. —
For the last 16 years I have been suffering
with Catarrh, Bronchitis and general trouble.
I took cold very easily then I became choked
up in my chest and I could hardly breathe.
y lungs became badly affected, lost flesh
rapidly, and altered in looks amazingly. In
fact it went from bad to worse continually.
Tried different kinds of medicines, but with-
out effect. After a course of treatment with
Dr. Salm I am once more a well woman, do
not take cold any more, and can rest and eat
splendidly. In fact my neighbors tell me that
I look 10 years younger, and I can assure you
I feel that way, thanks to the Doctor's wonder-
ful cure of my case.
Wilmore, Pa.
Spinal and Brain Trouble Cured by Dr. Salm.
(A Wonderful Case.)—
Our boy became suddenly affected with
Spinal trouble, and it was but a short time be-
fore he had lost almost the entire use of his
legs. Of course we became very much
alarmed and worried about him, particularly
as the 4 physicians we consulted told us there
was no help for him, but Dr. Salm has again
done a wonderful piece of work, for he can
again use his limbs as well as ever, and he is
cured of a terrible disease by this wonderful
Physician after 4 of our best Drs. had pro-
nounced his case incurable.
Milesburg, Pa. Daniel F. FoormAN,
Address all communications
Columbus, O.
to box 760
New Advertisements.
OR SALE.—A desirable dwelling’
house at State College, located on Col-
lege avenue and within one square of post-
office and churches. It isa new building of
nine rooms, finished throughout in hard
wood, and occupies a 50x150 ft. lot. The prop-
erty will be sold for $3.500. Plenty of time
will be given. R. M. FOSTER,
39-10-tf. State College, Pa.
testamentary on the estate of Esther A.
Garner, deceased, late of Ferguson township,
having been granted the undersigned he de-
sires all persons knowing themselves indebt-
ed to said estate to make immediate settle-
ment and those having claims to present
them properly authenticated for payment.
H. MILLER, Executor,
39.28-6t Rock Springs, Pa.
testamentary on the estate of John
B. Leathers, deceased late of Howard
township, having been granted to the under-
signed they request all persons knowing them-
selves indebted to said estate to make imme-
diate settlement and those having claims to
present them, properly authenticated, for
Payment T. LEATHERS,
A.HAUPT LEATHERS, } Executors.
Orphan's Court of Centre county in
the matter of the estate of Sarah Tressler, late
of College township, deceased. The under-
signed, an auditor appointed by said Court to
have and determine the exceptions filed to the
account of the administrator in the above es-
tate, and re-state the account in accordance
with his findings, will attend to the duties of
his appointment, at his office in Bellefonte,
Pa. on Saturday, August 4th 1894, at ten o'clock
when and where all parties interested can at-
tend if they see proper.
39-27-4t Auditor.
testamentary on the estate of Bernard
Lauth, deceased, late of Howard, Pa., having
been granted to the undersigned they request
all J tsans knowing themselves indebted to
said estate to make payment, and those hav-
ing claims against the same to present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
J. N. LAUTH, St. Louis, Mo.
WM. WILHELM, Buffalo N.Y.
All communications to be addressed to Mrs.
Elizabeth Lauth, Howard, Pa. 39-27-66
Posts may be from 40 to 75 feet apart
(Patented Nov. 20, 1892.)
Territory and Material for Sale in the United
States and Canada.
LAND OWNERS—The season for fencing
your properties is here. Investigate
the merits of the “Keystone Suppen-
sion Fence,” and acknowleege it su-
perior to all others and adopt it, or put
in your claim for the §1.000 above offer-
ed. Orders for material, will receive
prompt attention.
Call on; or address with stamp.
H. XK, HOY, M. D.
23 West High St.
Bellefonte, Pa.
GATES: I also offer the best cheap gate
ever patented, “The Farmer's Prize.” This
ate can be made to open and close over snow
Stites. It is the gate adopted and used by the
Central R. R. of Penna. :
County, township or farm rights, or gater
with hinges reaay to hang are offered.
H. K. HOY.
23 West High St.
Bellefonte, Pa.
39-12 6m
Pine Grove Mills, Pa., May 29, 189
H. K. Hov, Mp.
Dear Sir.
This is to certify that
am very much pleased with the new fenc{
erected on my farm by your Mr. F. H. Fritts
It is satisfactory and I take pleasure in res
Very Respectfully yours,
Jon~x B. MircHELL.
McCalmont & Co.
The McCormick Harvesting Ma-
-chinery commanded the best and
highest premiums, over all others, at
the World's Fair, any statement to the
contrary notwithstanding.
The McCormick Steel Binding Har-
vester has no competitor, as to merit
and durability.
Manila 10 cents per. pound by the hale
Standard 9 cents per. pound by the bale
Sisal 8 cents per. pound by the bale
One cent per pound discount on
early orders.
We propose to prepare binder
twine, proof against grasshoppers.
Reaper Sections 8 cents each or 90
cents per dozen for the McCormick,
Ohampien, Deering, Johnson, Osborne
and Wood Mowers and Harvesters.
Self Dump Hay rakes of the best
make for $19.50. Hand Dump Hay
Rakes at lowest prices.
The Ohio Hay Tedder, the best in
the field.
The Keystone Hay Loader, the
farmer's favorite. Also Side Deliv-
ery Hay Rake.
McCalmont & Co’s. Champion $25.00
Ammoniated Bone Super Phosphate
as well as the Liebig High Grade Acid
Phospahte have returned more value
for their cost to the farmer, than any
other fertilzer ever sold in Centre
County. They are the highest grade
goods at the very lowest prices.
We invite farmers to call and ex-
amine our goods before purchasing.
Bellefonte, Ps
ommending it to any one wanting a durable’