Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 03, 1894, Image 4

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Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. 3, 1894.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - - Eprror
For Governor,
For Lieutenant Governor,
For Auditor General,
For Secretary of Internal Affairs,
For Congressman-at-Large,
Democratic County Ticket.
For Legislators, ROBERT M. FOSTER.
For Jury Commissioner—JOSEPH J. HOY.
For Associate Judge—THOMAS F. RILEY.
An Object Lesson for Democrats.
The House of Representatives has
done well in passing, by the necessary
two thirds vote, the Tucker resolution
for an amendment of the constitution
that will require that United States
Senators shall be elected by the direct
vote of the people. In taking this ac-
tion the House has responded to the
popular sentiment which regards with
serious apprehension the senatorial de-
generacy that is largely due to defects
in the existing methods of electing
United States Senators by the State
Legislatures. It is seen that the char-
acter of the Senate has greatly de-
teriorated ; that the material of which
it is composed has grown to be of an
inferior quality, presentinga humilia-
ting contrast to what it was before it
it became the custom to secure
seats in that body either by manipula.
ting State Legislatures through boss
influence, or effecting the same purpose
by the corrupt use of money. These
means of attaining the senatorial posi-
tions have been adopted in many of
the states, with the effect of filling the
Senate chamber with party bosses of
the Quay description, and millionaires, .
who have used their money to pur-
chase the distinction of being Senatore-
This vicious practice has not yet de-
graded senatorial elections in the
Southern states, but in most of the
Northern state Legislatures the sena-
torial toga is for sale.
The necessary consequence is a
marked decline in the quality of the
membership of the upper branch of
Congress which began when old Simon
CameroN bought his way into that
body by corrupting the votes of Wae-
has the ignoble distinction of introduc-
ing the practice of making the Senator-
ship a purchasable article, a practice
which has since contributed so largely
to the prevailing senatorial demoraliza-
tion. The debasing example he set
has been followed in other states until
a large percentage of the members of
the Senate are men of inferior ability
but of superior wealth, who occupy
their seats for no other reason than
that they had the mouey to buy them.
For awhile this demoralizing prac-
tice was coufined to the Republican
party, with which it originated, but the
Democrats ot Ohio made a bad break
when their Legislature, setting aside
such Democrats as ALLEN G. THUR-
MAN, and others of unquestioned
ability and integrity, allowed itself to
be influenced into electing as one of
Ohio's representatives in the Senate, a
New York stock-jobber and railroad
manipulator whose only claim to dis-
tinction was the wealth he had gained
in Wall street, and whose money-mak-
ing instinct led him into an attempt to
betray his party by the money that
might be made out of a dicker with the
truste, The Democratic Legislatures
ot New York and New Jersey, also
succumbed to the seductive millionaire
influence, and the Democratic party
has suffered for it in the Senate.
Brice, Smite and MurpHY are instru-
ments of retributive punishment to
the Democrats for their having
contributed to the demoralization
which hasseparated the Senate from
popular interests and sympathy, and
made it the stronghold of favored
wealth and protected greed.
If they serve no better purpose, the
three Democratic millionaires in the
Senate, who have tried to block the
progress of tariff reform, may be of use
to the Democrats in warning them of
the danger of making the senatorial
position a prize to be gained by the
money of wealthy aspirants, and in-
spiring them with the determination to
bring about a change of the constitu-
iton that will put the election of United
States Senators in the hands of the
—1Is there a probability of the Chi-
nese adopting the Dowg bullet proof
coat ?
The Governor Foolishly Censured.
At the time when President CLEVE-
LAND ordered troops into some of the
states to enforce the law that was
being violated by riotous railroad
strikers, the New York Herald sent in-
terrogatory circulars to the different
State Governors asking them to de-
clare their attitude on the right of the
President to exercise such executive
We are not aware of the number of
Governors who responded to this rath-
er meddlesome interrogatory, the ob-
vious purpose of which was to add to
the journalistic reputation of the paper
by a parade of gubernatorial replies to
its conundrum. In the case of Gov-
ernor ParmisoN that official did not
think it necessary that there should be
a newepaper display of his attitude on
the question of the President’s action,
and therefore he made no reply. The
public service did not require that he
should encourage such intrusive news-
paper enterprise. There was nothing
in his previous official conduct that
called for his rushing into print to as-
sure the public that he was for law
and order, he having by his past
course in time of riotous disturbance
already given the public that assur-
ance. His failure to respond to the
meddlesome inquiry was an assertion
of his good sense and self-respect ; but
there are some Republican newspapers
that are trying to give a very sinister
appearance to the Governor's omis-
sion to make a printed parade of his ap-
proval of the President’s action. Among
them is the mischievous Philadelphia
Press which would like to put a con-
struction upon this incident that would
make our governor appear to be some-
thing of a Pennsylvania ALTGELD.
Governor ParTison’s attitude on oc-
casions requiring the maintenance of
law and order has been sufficiently
evinced in the past by the exertion of
his executive authority for the sup-
pression of riotous and unlawful demon-
Ex-Senator EpMuNDs never had
the reputation of being a joker when
he was in public life, but since he has
retired to a private station, he seems
to be developing a facetious vein. As
a joke nothing could be better than
the remark he recently made on the
subject of electing United States Sena-
tors by popular vote. He said that
the election of Senators in that way
would be “likely to reduce the quality
of the body.” Itis expected that the
laugh should come in after every joke,
and in this case the laugh is pro-
voked by the facetious idea that the
Senate is more likely to be reduced by
members getting into it through the
votes of the people than through the
influence of money exerted upon pur-
chasable State Legislatures.
McKinley's Delusion.
McKixLeY ig of the opinion that
‘the people in this country never
wanted to vote as badly as they do
now.” This he is represented to have
said at a reception in Cleveland given
by a Republican club, at which he
was booming his presidential candida-
cy. However badly they may want to
vote at this time, McKINLEY will find
them two years hence equally anxious
to cast their ballots, but notin the
way he thinks they want to cast them
now. Two years experience of a
Democratic tariff policy will have ful-
ly convinced them of the fraudulent
pretensions of those who have support-
ed a high tariff for its alleged benefit
to the country, and if a high tariff
party shall have a ticket in the field at
that time, which is questionable, the
people will want to snow it under.
It will take but a very brief time to
disabuse McKINLEY of the impression
that the next President is going to be
a high protectionist. He is wasting
his time and preparing a bitter disap-
pointment for himselt by working a
high tariff presidential boom.
——The Republicans have been hold
ing conventions in a number of states
during several weeks past and it is ob-
served that in not a single instance did
they imitate the $40 per capita demand
of the Pennsylvania Republican plat-
form. There is a similarity of clatter
in all of them, but the Pennsylvania
platform is the only one in which the
wildcat asserts itself on the currency
question. Forty dollars a head is a
tempting bait for the unwary in a
campaign, but the Republicans outside
of Pennsylvania are shy of using it in
their political trap. It is to be seen
what sort of a catch Hastings will
make with it.
Wheat, 50 Cents a Bushel,
HARRISBURG, July 31.— Wheat, new
and old, is now the same price—50
cents a bushel. Rye and corn are sell-
ing at 50 cents also, with oats at 35
— Subscribe for the WATCHMAN,
China’s Sea Power Gone.
Another Battle in Which Japs Destroy a War.
ship and Two Cruisers.— Most Decisive.—The
Mikado’s Sailors, as Usual, Proved Better
Fighters.—A Thousand Men Perished.
Suancaal, July 31.—News have
been received of a desperate battle be-
tween fleets of China and Japan, in
which the Chinese were defeated, and
the Chén-Yuen, the largest Chinese
battle ship but one, was sunk, and two
other large Chinese cruisers were cap-
tured and destroyed. The battle was
hotly contested, but the Japanese
handled their arms with more skill
than the Chinese.
The news of the battle came here
by private telegrams from Tien Tsin,
If the report is true, of which there is
little doubt, it means than an end has
been put to China's fighting upon the
geas. The Chen-Yuen must have
started out from Taku after leaving the
Chinese transports there.
The Chinese fleet carried nearly
1,000 men, and few, if any, of the Chi-
nese engaged escaped. Two German
officers, in command of the Chen-Yuen
are reported to have met death with
the crew of that.vessel.
The Chen-Yuen was a battle ship of
7,400 tons, carrying 14 1.2 inches
compound armor at the water line.
Her battery included four 12-inch
guns, protected by an armored breast-
work and two smaller Krupps. She
had 11 Hotchkiss cannons and tubes
for Whitehead torpedoes. In addition
the Chen-Yuen had two 8 1-4 inch and
6-inch Krupps in her main battery,
and a secondary battery of Hotchkiss
revolving cannon. The Chen-Yuen
was built for China at the Stettin,
works. She was a sister ship of the
Ling-Yuen, and was the most power-
ful warship in the Chinese navy with
the exception of the Ting-Yuen.
The two Chinese cruisers supposed
to have baen captured or destroyed dur-
ing the engagement which ended so
fatally for the Chen Yuen are the Chin
Yuan and the Foo Ching. The Chin
Yuan was a protected cruiser, built at
Elswick, England; she had a dis-
placement of 2,300 tons, and attained
an average speedjin her trial trips, with
all weights, batteries and crew aboard,
of 184 knots. Her armament cousist-
ed of three 8} inch Krupps aod two 6
inch Armstrongs, protected by splinter
proof shields. She also carried eight
8-pounder rapid fire Hotchkiss guns,
six Gatlings and four torpedo tubes.
The Foo Ching, was also an English
built protected cruiser, very much simi-
lar to the Chin Yuan. She had a dis-
placement of 2,500 tons, was built of
steel, in 1890, and carried 10 guns of
about the same caliber as those carried
by the Chin Yuan.
Uncivilized Warfare.
The Chinese Complain of the Way the Japanese
Are Fighting.
SHANGHAT, July 80.—The following
is the latest Chinese version of the sink-
ing of the troop ship Kow Shung,chart-
ered by China from the China mer-
chants trading and steamship company}:
When the Kow Shung was overhaul-
ed by the Japanese cruiser, the latter
sent a boat alongside the transport, with
a prize crew to convey her to Japan.
The Japanese boarded the Kow Shung
and ordered ber commander, Captain
Galsworthy, an Englishman, to proceed
to Japan. He refused. The Japanese
then opened fire upon the transport,
using machine guns. This fire soon
cleared the Kow Shung’s decks. The
cruiser then discharged two torpedoes at
the transport, sinking her and drowning
nearly 2,000 on board.
Colonel Von Hann, a German, for-
merly the viceroy’s aide-de-camp, and
other foreign officers were among those
killed by the firing.
The effect of the torpedoes is said to
have been terrific. Gaping holes were
torn in the steamer’s side, and through
these the water poured, drowning be-
tween decks those who did not leap over-
According to the reports two German
passengers, on their way to Corea, jump-
ed overboard when the transport began
to sink, and succeeded in swimming to
the Japanese cruiser. In spite of their
announcement that they were non-com-
batants, they were shot by Japanese
marines. A number of Chinese who
swam to the cruiser shared the same
fate. The Japanese refused to quarter
A French warship the Lion, steamed
up as the transportsank, and succeeded
in rescuing some of the Chinese, but all
foreigners are reported to have been kill-
ed on board the Kow Shung, while re-
turning the fire of the Japanese, or else
were drowned. The Japanese are said
to bave behaved with an utter disregard
of the laws of civilized war.
To the Atlantic Coast and Return at
#8.65 the Round Trip.
On August 9th next the Pennsylva-
nia Railroad Company will run another
of its popular seashore excursions.
These trips are planned for the express
purpose of furnishing an economical
opportunity for people living in West.
ern Pennsylvania to visit some of the
principal summer resorts of the Atlantic
Coast. The tickets permit of a stay of
nearly two weeks, and a choice of desti-
nation is allowed—Atlantic City, the
most popular resort in America, Cape
May, appropriately called the queen of
the coast, Sea Isle City, the gem of the
coast, and Ocean City, last but by no
means the least attractive of the places.
Special train will leave Pittsburg on
above-mentioned date at 8.50 a. m., ar-
riving at Altoona 12.25 p. m, where
stop for dinner will be made, and reach-
ing Philadelphia 7.20 p. m. Passen-
gers can spend the night in Philadel-
phia, and take any regular train of the
following day for the shore.
$8.0 1255 P.M.
.00 1110. A.M.
8.00 105 P.M.
Clearfield.... 8.90 9.58 A.M.
Philipsburg ...835 10.41 "
Osceola....... “825 10 50 “
Bellefonte... 8.65 0H ¢
Tyrone....... 1.65 113 PB. M,
Cumberland 8.50 830 A.M,
Bedford...... 8.60 950 «
Huntinedon 7.10 1.48 Ms
Philadelphi N20 oo
| May Cost Japan Dear.
A Diplomat Thinks the Sinking of the Kow
Shung a Grave Error.—Under the British
Flag.— The Mikado’s Government Had to do
Something Vigorous.—Latest News of th
‘WasHINGTON, July 30.—It is the
opinion of diplomats here that the Jap-
anese have made a grave error in sink-
ing the transport Kow Shung, and one
which is likely to cost them much mon-
ey in reparation,besides the humiliation
of an apology. The Kow Shung was
of a line of coasting steamers belonging
to Hugh Mathieson & Co., and trading
between Chinese ports. The vessel was
under the British flag when she was
sunk. Although she carried Chinese
troops to Cores, it is said here that she
did not in so doing violate the law of
neutrality, for there had been no decla-
ration of war or open acknowledgment
by either China or Japan that a state of
war prevails. The vessel, therefore,
was engaged in legitimate traffic, and
the Japanese are likely to pay dearly
for sinking her and destroying the lives
of the ship’s company.
An interesting explanation of the pres-
ent attitude of Japan toward China was
furnished by a diplomat of much ex-
perience in Asiatic affairs. He first
pointed out the fact that internal con-
ditions in Japan are and have been for
some time very much disturbed. There
has been great friction between the
mikado and his cabinet on the one side
and the parliament and people on the
other. This steadily increased until the
parhament actually passed a resolution
requesting the mikado to remove his
cabinet and replace it by men more near-
ly in accord with their ideas, which are
marked by resentment of the presence
of foreigners in Japan and the extension
of modern civilizing systems.
The emperor’sanswer came quick and
stiarp in a decree proroguing parliament.
This added to the feeling of dissatisfac-
tion, and the government ‘became
alarmed, Tha date of election of the new
parliament began to draw near, and
some heroic measure was neccessary to
prevent an overwhelming defeat, the
result of which might be to turn Japan
backward in the march toward civil-
izatissi, and perhaps overthrow the em-
perar himself.
The Japanese relations with Corea
growing out of the obstacles to trade
with that country, with its limitations
upon the fisheries and upon the number
of ports open to Japanese trade, were in
a very unsatisfactory state, and this, with
the state of domestic affairs, led the Jap-
anese government to adopt very vigor-
ous foreign policies, in which it is quite
sure of popular support.
——The Odd Fellows of Rebersburg
will hold a big picnic on the 18th inst,
——Miss Rosetta Mauck is danger-
ously ill with dropsy at the home of her
sister, Mrs. W. K. Alexander, in Mill-
heim. :
—— Samuel Jones Esq., aged 86 years,
one of Tyrone’s oldest citizens died early
Tuesday morning. He was the father of
ex-Pestmaster Cap’t. C. S. W, Jones, of
The wedding of Mr. Cal. Temple and
Miss Mattie Minnemyer, of Milesburg,
which was to have been solemnized last
Thursday, did not take place because
when the appointed day came the groom
failed to materialize. This circumstance
gave ground for the rumor that the
groom, prospective, had fled for parts un-
known, but to the chagrin of the gossips
of thattown he turned up next day.
He had been unavoidably detained in
Pittsburg. The wedding took place on
Su nday.
A NEw SwiNDLE.—There is a chap
going about working 8 clever swindle.
He calls at a residence and represents
that he is repairing clothes-wringers. If
the housekeeper gives him a job he asks
permission to take the wringer to the
nearest blacksmith shop. At the shop
he gets permission to use the tools and
in afew minutes has the wringer in
pieces. He selects those parts which
are good and carries them off. The
housekeeper never sees her wringer
again. The swindler steals enough
parts to construct wringers which look
like new. These hesells and gets full
price. Look out for him.
A DisTrEssiNG AccipENT.—The
horses hitched to Reuben Crust’s self
binding harvester frightened while ag
work in an oats field on the Crust farm,
near Fillmore, on Monday, and ran
away. A young son of Mr. Crust was
riding one of the lead horses at the time
and he was thrown to the ground, the
heavy machine passing over him.
The boy suffered most frightful in-
juries. His one leg was broken, his left
hand cut clean off, the flesh torn from
the arm and he received internal injuries
as well. His recovery is doubtful and
even should the unfortunate lad recover
he will bea cripple for life.
-=Mrs. Jacob Shafter, who lives near
way to visit friends in Penns valley.
She brought with her a few apples,
which she presented to us with the ex-
planation that they had been in the
cellar of her home ever since last year.
They were of the russet variety and had
it been a little later in the season we
would have been almost positive that
they were this year’s fruit, for they were
a3 sound and juicy as could be. Nota
decayed spot was there to attest their
Mrs. Shaffer said that she had quite a
lot of the same kind at home and ‘that
they usually lasted until the oats har-
Zion, was in town on Saturday on her r
——Andy Weaver, Jonas Auman
and John Mullen were brought to jail
here Monday, charged with numerous
robberies that have been committed in
the vicinity of Coburn lately. Freight
cars and lumber camps having been
looted these men were charged with the
crimes by Andrew Gentzel and Jacob
Witmer. Weaver and Auman figured
in the Weaver murder trial here several
years ago.
ing the past week.--Taken from the
William Kephart, and Catharine
Glasgow, both of Clearfield county.
Samuel Goldberg and Annie Kremer,
both of Philipsburg.
He Lost His Heap.—On Monday
Pardee mines, near Philipsburg, started
up at the 40ct rate under the protection
of deputies. Among the officers pro-
tecting the workmen was James Meyers,
who was discharged from court here
some time ago under suspended sentence
for robbery. During the day a Mrs.
Jennie Jones, the wife of a striking
miner, taunted him and he became so
provoked that he shot her in the left
shoulder. The man immediately gave
himself up ard was hurried oft to Clear-
field to jail, for the frenzy of the miners,
when they heard of the shooting, might
have been satiated only with a lynch-
ing. The bullet was removed from the
victim and she will recover.
Sir :—In recognition of the assistance
rendered the people of Mill Hall, Pa.,
during the terrible conflagration of July
13th, 1894, when the greater portion of
the business part of the town was de-
stroyed, the town council at its first
meeting thereafter adopted, by a unani-
mous vote of that body, the following
resolution and preamble.
‘WHEREAS, Our village has been
visited by a most destructive fire, caus-
ing great loss of property and greatly
impoverishing many of our people, and
WaEREAS, The prompt and efficient
efforts of the Lock Haven and Belle-
fonte fire departments greatly lessened
and subdued the devouring flames, be it
Resolved, By the Town Council of
the borough of Mill Hall, that the
thanks of this body and the people of
Mill Hall are due to his honor, the
Mayor of the City of Lock Haven, the
Chief Burgess of Bellefonte, the fire de-
partments of the two municipalities and
to Hon. J. W. Gephart for their prompt
generous atd efficient services in re-
sponding to the call of their sister muni-
cipality for assistance ; without whose
assistance & much greater loss would
have been sustained. (Certified from the
minutes.) W. H. RossEr, Clerk.
NEw ScHEDULE oN C. R. R. or Pa.
—On Monday next, August 6th, a new
time table wiil go into effect on the
Central R. R. of Penna. A detailed
table will appear in our next issue. An
extra train each way is to be put on
the line. The arriving and leaving
time of the different trains is as follows :
Leave: Arrive
Bellefonte 7.00 A.M Mill Hall 8.05 A.M,
Mill Hall 8.20 “ Bellefonte 9.25 **
Bellefonte 3.45 P.M Mill Hall 4.55 P.M.
Mill Hall 510 Bellefonte 6.15
Bellefonte 8.30 ** Mill Hall 9.30
Miil Hall 952 ¢ Bellefonte 10.52
Under the new arrangement, the
Reading sleeper, which heretofore only
came as far west as Williamsport now
pass through Mill Hall and is carried
to DuBois and the evening train leav-
ing Bellefonte at 8.30 p. m., connects at
Mill Hall with the Beech Creek train
coming east and having the Pullman
sleeper attached which carries passen-
gers direct to Philadelphia, arriving
there at 7. a. m. The afternoon train
reaches Mill Hall in time to connect
with the Beech Creek train west to
Snow Shoe, Philipsburg and Clearfield
and the Penn’a. R. R. train east to
Lock Haven, Jersey Shore and Wil-
liamsport. This new arrangement will
be especially convenient to the travel-
ling public residing along the line of
the Central railroad.
FOR AUGUsT.—My last bulletin gave
forcasts of the storm wave to cross the
continent from July 26 to Aug. 2, and
the next will reach the Pacific coast
about Aug, 3 cross the western moun-
tain by close of 4th, the great central
valley from 5th to 7th and the eastern
states about the 8th. This disturbance
will beat its greatest force west of the
Mississippi about the 4th and 5th.
Rainfall will be deficient in a few limit-
ed localities. This will also be an earth-
quake period. It will be noted that the
great earthquakes at Constantinople,
July 9 to 13, occurred very near the
predicted dates, From July 31to Aug.
6 will probably bring as great earth-
quakes as did the July disturbance.
The warm wave will cross the western
mountains about Aug!3 the great cen
tral valleys about the 5th and the east.
ern states about the 7th. The cool
wave will cross the western mountains
about the 6th, the great central valleys
about the 8th and the eastern states
about the 10th. August will bring
spots of drought in many places and
corn and cotton will be injured to
some extent. The drought will not be
general, but taking the whole of the
United States and Canada, the month
will average warmer and dryer than
| the chapter and his
He TrouverT IT OUT IN BED.—One
of the most valuable inventious which
the late Bernard Lauth, of Howard,
made, was thought out while in bed on
a rail-road car, during a night journey
from Paris to Stradsburg.
The Philadelphia Record tells of it as
follows : :
“When he made his invention of
cold rolled shafting be experimented a
great deal on thin sheet iron, and was
anxious to reach some method by which
he could secure a reduction in the
thickness of thin sheets and a finer fin-
ish for their surface. He knew that he
could do this if he could use rolls with
a small diameter, but as he attempted
to reduce the rolls they would spring
and break. One night he and his oldest
son, Mr. B. C. Lauth, were traveling
from Paris to Stradsburg, when the
thought occurred to him that he could
place a small roll between two large
rolls and get the effect of the small roll
and prevent its breaking by the support
of the larger rolls. This was the end of
son received a
thump and, on a shake toawake him, he
was informed that he ‘had it,” ‘Have
what?’ asked the son. “Why, I can
roll single sheets and put a face on them
like a looking glass ; that’s what I want
for Russia sheet iron.” He then ex-
plained his invention in detail.
A short time afterwards he went to
the works of M. DeWendel, at Hy-
range, near Metz, and explained his
new mode, and suggested to M. De-
‘Wendel that it would be a great im-
provement for cold rolling tinplate.
That gentleman said that he would sub-
mit the plan to his engineers, which he
did, and after a thorough investigation
by five of them it was pronounced im-
practicable. They claimed that the
small roll would break. This was a
little more than Bernard Lauth could
stand, and he said some hard words and
begged to differ from them, stating that,
with all due appreciation of their very
learned technical knowledge, he was
sorry to say that they did not know
anything about rolling. He then turn-
ed to M. DeWendel and said : “I will
build this mill at my own expense if
you will pay mae a certain sum of mon-
ey if it accomplishes what I claim,”
This offer was accepted, and the mill
was started and did more than was
claimed for it.”
MILLER—WARD.—At the Evangelical par-
sonage, July 19, 1894, by Rev. G. E. Zehner,
Mr. Herbert F. Miller and Miss Birdie V.
Ward, both of Bellefonte.
Pine Grove Mentions.
Mr. Howard Goss one of Houtzdale's
hustlers is on the sick list but his wife re-
ports him improving which we trust will
Ex-Post Master Heberling has been
bacheloring it for the last several weeks
he really looks the worse of the wear ; he
is apparently just hanging to-gether.
Rev. Mr. Warner is rusticating, this
week, among his former parishioners here
he is the same social, entertaining gentle.
man as of yore and has a most flourishing
charge at Northumberland.
B. & C. R. R. stock is above par.
Everybody that will work and wants to
work are putting their pick and shovel in
running order subject to the walking
boss. We say boom the good work as
much as you ca n,
Posters are up announcing a grand fes-
tiyal and sociable in the Ard grove ad-
joining town the afternoon of the 4th, Ice
cream and a grand assortment of dainties
will be served under the auspices of our
base ball boys. A social good time is to
be expected and everybody i3 invited.
Two of Centre Hall's notables Wm. B-
Mingle and Squire Boal passed through
our town on Tuesday. The cashier was
expertly handling the ribbons over a pair
of Jersey matches headed for Stone Val-
ley and passers by noticed them lun ching
at one of old Tussy’s famous watering
places gipsy style.
The heated spell still continues, rain is
needed. Corn and potatoes are suffering
from the dryness. Harvesting is about
done excepting the oats which is badly
blighted with rust, it isa late and a light
crop although a large “acreage was sown.
The steam thresher is heard in all direc.
tions and the yield is short in many cases
it istaking 2 and 3 dozen sheaves for a
bushel of quite an inferior grade. The
cause is attributed to the frost.
The recent heated spell brought death
to a number of animals. Last week Har-
vey Bowersox lost a valuable mare from
cerebrae sclerosis. Dan’l Dreiblebis lost
a young gelding from cerebritis from
which a number of other horses are af.
fected. D. IL. Johnson lost a young horse
from anattack of azoturia and a cow from
tympanites and one from the lodgement.
of an apple in the pharynx. T. H. Decker
is the looser of a #75 Jersey cow from
At noon on the 28th inst. a messenger
came to announce to relatives here, the
death of Mrs. Sarah Humell, of Lillieville,
Miffiin county. She was the widow of
John Humell and a sister of W. J. and
Fred Meyers of this town and D. W. and
Wes. Meyers, of Boalsburg. She leaves one
girl 14 years old who will be cared for at
the Orphan's School. Mrs. Humell was a
landlady who was widely known for her
kindly disposition and she had been at-
tending to her usual duties after eating a
hearty supper when she was compelled to
git down on the lounge and immediately
fell over dead from heart failure and
dropsy. She lad been complaining for
the past year but no thought was enter-
tained that her death was so near. She:
was 48 years 10 months and 14 days old
and was buried at Lillieville cemetery on
Sunday a. m. at 8o’clock on account of
the extreme heat. Many of her friends.
failed to reach the house of mourning in
time to take a last 100k at one everyhody
so much loved, but the memory of her
kind deeds will long live in the mind of
the many to whom she was good.