Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, August 03, 1894, Image 3

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Downra t
Bellefonte, Pa., Aug. g, 1894.
Farm Notes.
—Stack the straw well, so it will
keep. Itis a good food and what is
not fed can be used for bedding and
other purposes.
—In selling any kind of farm pro-
ducts they should be graded into uni-
form lots. They will sell nore readily
and for better prices,
—The statistician of the United
States Department of Agriculture says
there is a light supply of hogs, lighter
at April 1 than for six years.
—String beans are a summer crop
and grow rapidly. They may be plant-
ed now for a late crop, and can be had
in succession until well into the fall.
—Lambs will fatten faster than the
older sheep, but it takes a careful, skill-
ful feeder, who gives his best thought
to what be is doing, to fatten sheep
—Reputation is valuable. The man
who is known to keep only good stock
can always find customers for his sur-
plus, and at good prices. Buyers pre-
fer to know what they are buying.
—For steep hills the merino sheep is
better adapted than the larger breeds,
and they are more active. It will be
an advantage to allow grain at least
once a day where pasturage is not
—The advice of a practical dairy-
man is to milk a cow with her first
and second calves until, at least, with-
in two months of when she is expected
to calve; this is the surest and best
way of making a persistent milker.
—Fifty years ago barrows were not
marketed till two or three years old.
Times have changed wonderfully.
The successful swine grower now
markets them under a year old—many
of them at eight and ten months.
—Hand weeding in the strawberry
rows may not be rapid work, but it
will prevent a crop of weeds in the rows
next year. Keep between the rows
well worked with a cultivator, and do
not allow a single weed to bear seed.
Do not cut the ensilage corn too soon
or while itis very green. The ears
should be glazed, at which period the
corn may be cut, as it will then be
more nutritious and contain less water
than if cut in a green condition. It
will pay to be patient, and have the en-
silage of the highest quality.
—-When milk is converted into but-
ter and cheese, it takes about ten
quarts of milk to make about one
pound of butter, the average price of
which is 22 cents per pound ; 14 quarts
of milk to three pounds of cheese, aver-
age price nine and three-fonrths cents
per pound, thus netting in each case
about two cents a quart for milk.
—There should be no fear shown by
stock at anything. Kind treatment in-
fluences the disposition of animals.
When the stick and whip are frequent.
ly used the animals will be nervons and
less contented. If they are to gain in
flesh, or produce full supplies of milk,
they can only do so when they are free
from all excitement and have no fear
of their owner or others.
—A North Carolina farmer, who
has been making some experiments,
announces the presence of a new potato
pest, and states that thousands of them
have suddenly appeared: Instead of
eating the leaves, they puncture the
growing tip, causing the plant to with-
er and die. The insect has formerly
fed on thistles, but recently attacked
the potatoes. It has also been found
in Florida.
—Tha hog is not a ruminant animal,
and its smaller stomach requires more
rich food than does the cow or sheep,
which have a greater proportion of
pauach. A little silage, simply to pre-
vent the cloying leffect of rich grain
feed, is all that can be devised in feed-
ing swine. If much is given them they
will waste more than they eat, as we
think will most other farm animals ex-
cept the cow.
—Those who attempt to save money
by buying low-class fertilizers may find
that they have paid more than they
desired. All the substances that enter
into fertilizers have a marketable value
and can be sold on their merits without
being made serviceable with other sub-
stances. The price does not always de-
termine the quality. The main point
is to examine the bags and observe the
guarantees affixed thereto.
—It has been demonstrated that the
uge of fungieides has greatly lessened
the ravages of grape rot. Sections of
country in which the growing of grapes
had been abandoned are now produc-
ing grapes, the rot doing but little
damage. It is important that all fruit
growers work together in destroying
disease. The neglect of one individual
may cause quite a loss on all the
—August is an excellent month for
seeding too timothy or some other
grassses, but the land should be thor-
oughly prepared. Sowing grass seed
on the surface with no preparation is a
waste of seed, and often resultsin a
poor catch of grass, unless there comes
a heavy rain to soften the ground and
cover the seed. It is a saving of time
to brush the seed in, and thus insure a
—The farms are not yet crowded, as
there are millions of acres of land in the
United States that must yet be brought
under cultivation. The frequent ad-
vice for laborers of the cities to at-
tempt work on farms is not out of
place, but good farm laborers must be
experienced, or they ‘cannot command
the highest wages. There are many
opportunities to learn, however, and it
opeus a large field for those who will
exerciee intelligence with labor,
TE ————————————————————————————
National Guard Camp.
How the Boys Wiil be Distributed Over the His-
toric Field.
The encampment of the National
Guard on the historic field at Gettys-
burg, will be designated camp Samuel
W. Crawford in honor of that distin-
guished soldier. The division head-
quarters will occupy the same ground
as was used by the major general and
staff at the encampment there ten years
ago. Itison the summit of Seminary
Ridge, near the spot where General Lee
witnessed Pickett’s memorable charge.
The cavalry and artillery will be de-
tached from the brigades, and will be
formed into provisional battalions under
the command of the superior officer re-
pectively. They will occupy the
ground along the Union line on the
Codori farm, between the Emmettsburg
road and Hancock avenue.
This part of the field is known as the
bloody angie and is directly in front of
the place where Pickett’s charge ended.
The United States artillery and cavalry
will be encamped in the immediate vi-
cinity. These are the only troops
on the third day’s fight. All the rest
will be stationed along the Confederate
line of battle.
The first brigade will pitch its tents
at the southern end of the camp ground.
Two regiments will be stationed near
Spangler’s woods and two others in the
rear of the confederate line of battle on
Seminary Ridge. The second brigade
will cccupy the two slopes of Seminary
Ridge with four regiments on the west
side and the other two on the east. The
headquarters of General Wiley, com-
mander of the brigade, will be directly
east of division headquarters. The
Third brigade will be compact and
will be located on the Codori
farm on grcund where Pickett’s
division was massed before making the
charge. The parade, review and drill
grounds will be in front of the camp
and will extend to the Emmettsburg
road, a distance of half a mile.
The three divisions of the naval re-
serves, two battalions of which are loca-
ted in Philadelphia and the other in
Pittsburg, will gointo camp on Aug. 6
at League islana navy yard, Philadel-
phia. Secretary Herbert has detailed
the United States cruiser New York to
report at the island Aug. 8 to give the
reserves a three days’ tour in the open
seas. On the thirteenth the reserves
will break camp at League island and
proceed to Gettysburg, where they will
be stationed until the encampment clos-
es. They will be inspected and mus-
tered and take part in the drills and
ceremonies the same as the other troops.
The three batteries have been supplied
with two breech-loading steel rifle 2.2-
inch guns each, which will be used for
the first time at the encampment. It is
proposed to establish a range in the vi-
cinity of the camp for the purpose of
testing guns at target practice. Solid
shot and shell and schrapnel will be
The last division encampment of the
guard was held at Mount Gretna in the
closing year of the Beaver administra-
tion. Since then the naval reserves and
signal corps have been added, increas-
ing its strength to 8,700. The troops
have been re-equipped and supplied
with new knapsacks. The next addi-
tion to the guard will likely be a bicycle
corps. The experiment was tried at
the encampment of the Fourth regi-
ment at Columbia last summer and was
very gratifying to the adjutant general.
There are now on file at the adjutant
general’s department applications for
the admission to the guard of fifty addi-
tional companies, but they canrot be ac-
commodated on account of the limited
Adjutant General Greenland proposes
to make the Gettysburg encampment
the crowning feature of the state ad-
ministration, and with that end in view
he is working day and night in order
that everything may be complete.
It Was a Fair Offer.
But the Insurance Man Wasn't Doing Business
in That Wey.
Said Charles F. Ritter, the insurance
man :
“A funny thing happened in this of-
fice to-day. A young man came in and
said that he wanted to get a tontine life
policy for $5,000.
« ‘How old are you ?’ said I
“ ‘Twenty-nine,’ said he.
**¢Then it will cost you $152.50 a
year for twenty years.’
‘ ‘But suppose I pay it all up at
once ?’ said he.
‘ ‘Then it will cost you $3,050,” said
¢ ¢And how much do I get at the end
of twenty years?’ said he,
¢ tAbout $4,600, said I.
“Then I will pay my part of it in
advance, and you pay yours in advance.
I will give you $3,050 and you give me
$4,600. Thats fair, 1sn’t it 2
“Now, there was logic for you,” con-
tinued Mr. Ritter. “I had never heard
such a proposition before and I asked
leave to retire and consult. When the
weather gets cooler I will figure this out
and report.”
OR ona———
odd Desserts.
Lemon honey is a queer old fashioned
dessert which is easily made and deli-
cious for a summer night country din-
ner. Stir the yokes of six and the
whites of four eggs into a pound of
granulated sugar. Add the juice of
three lemons and the grated rind of two
and a scant two ounces of butter.
Cook over a slow fire, stirring constant-
ly, and when the mass is thick and
clear like honey pour it into custard
cups and setin the icebox. It you wish
to make this desser{ a trifie more elabo-
rate add a meringue to each cup before
setting away to cool. Still another
dainty and exceedingly pretty dessert is
coffee jelly, made with gelatine like any
wine jelly, only using strong cold coffee
instead of wine, rum or brandy. Pour
in a mould, and when you wish to serve
turn it out on a small platter, make a
wreath of sliced bananas about the jelly
and pour whipped cream over all. “Try
A Devicare Hint—Miss Casey
—*1 always pay as I go.” Gertrude
(who istired) “Do you see anything in
this room you would like to buy 7”
A. P. A Attacked.
Theodore Roosevelt Says It's an Enemy to Ameri-
can Politics.
Hon. Theodore Roosevelt delivered
a lecture on civic duties at Chautauqua,
Thursday evening, which was an open
attack on the American Protective
association. He said :
“I want to preach the doctrine of
practical politics and decent politics.
To amount to anything in our political
life you have got to be practical. But
the man who thinks that practical
politics means bad politics is an enemy
of the country. Most emphatically the
decalogue and the golden rule do have
a place in our political struggles. We
are bound in honor to carry the same
standard of morality in our political as
into our private life. Every man, and
especially every educated man, must
go in and do all there is 'n him to see
that we have clean, decent government,
and if he does not he comes very near
to being a traitor to the state.
“Moreover, he must act as an A meri-
can. He must not bring in race or reli-
gious questions. He must act toward
men from the standpoint of good eiti-
zenship alone. I am an unqualified
believer in American ideas. I believe
in the public schools. 1 am against
any state or national aid being given
to parochial schools. Exactly in the
same way I amutterly against the A. P.
A., because I am against anybody that
seeks to discriminate in political and
social life against American citizens
because of their creed.
“I would oppose, tooth and nail, the
Catholic who discriminates against a
Protestant because he is a Protestant.
And I equally oppose the Protestant
who from similar reasors dis:rimioates
against a Catholic. We have got to
stand by decent men, and if we are real
Americans we will pay no heed what-
ever to a man’s creed or a man’s birth-
place so long as he honestly and ia
good faith tries to fulfill the duties of
American citizenship. There is!a con-
verse to this, We do full justice and
we demand that full justice be done in
“We demand that the man who
comes here from abroad becomes an
American pure and simple. Let him
celebrate the Fourth of July as his na-
tional holiday, not St. Patrick's day or
the birthday of kaiser or queen. Let
him become an American not an Irish-
American or a German-American. Let
him become an American straight out,
pure and simple and vote purely as an
American. If he does this it is simply
an outrage not to treat him precisely
as well as we treat any native born
American citizen, no matter what his
religious belief may be.”
After a Necklace of Lion's Claws.
A more ghastly story is that told by.
a prospector in the Manica county.
Billy Jones was a careless fellow, who
had a way of going on ahead of his
party shooting game,
Toften used to warn Billy against
going out so far by himself, and sleep-
ing by bimself all night as he often did
Bat he didn’t give a curse for lions.
and never could be brought to believe
that lions were capable of attacking a
white man. ‘I wish the brutes had the
pluck,” he often said, for he had prom-
ised his gi1l in Capetown a necklace of
lions claws, and was keen about killing
lions. Well, one day, when we had not
had a bit of meat for two days, he start-
ed onahead. In the evening we stop-
ped at a river and concluded that Billy
had camped for the night farther on.
In the morning we started on again,
and we had not gone ten miles when we
came across a still smoking fire.
“Hullo,” cried Bryne. ‘Billy's left his
billy be behind.” Just then I found
Billy’s rideabout twenty yards away
from the fire with an exploded cartridge
inthe breech. I felt somehow that
something had gone wrong with my old
chum, and we all scattered with the
idea of finding or following up his spoor.
In half a minute Bryne cried out,
“Ouch I”” just asif he had stepped upon
a snake, and when I got to where he was
standing, Isaw him glaring at oneof
Billy’s boots. “Man,” he whis red,
“there’s the foot in it still I” And sure
enough the poor fellow’s foot was there.
There was blood all over the place, and
the spoor of a big lion could easily be seen
on the soft ground. We followed up
the spoor, and found half of poor Billy’s
head neara tree. The tall green grass
all around was crushed down, showing
that the lion had been lying there. It
was the top of Billy’s head that was left,
and both eyes were open and seemed to
belooking at something on the ground
fifty yards away. We buried the poor
remnants under a big plum tree, and
spent a week in tracking that lion; but
we never came up with it.
To Saw the Runaway Logs.
The saw mill at Sparrows Point, Md.,
will commence to-day to saw the logs
that were taken adrift in May from the
Lock Haven and Williamsport booms.
The mills at that point hava been closed
since May 27, 1883, when the last of
the logs which floated down in the dis-
astrous flood of 1889 had been
There are about 40,000,000 to be dis-
posed of now, and it is estimated that it
will take a year and a half to complete
the work, 125 men being employed in
the saw mill and 150 in collectihg logs
on the various shores on the bay.— Lock
Haven Express.
——Timming---I am afraid I am get-
ting old, A giggling girl is becoming
a nuisance to me. Simmons---You are
not gefting old ; you are merely getting
middle-aged. When you begin to grow
old you will commence to like giggling
girls again,
—— Au exchange says the country
editor has enough to worry him these
times without being bothered with let-
ters from girls asking how to take the
crease out of an accordion plaited
—— Generalissimo William Booth,
founder and head of the Salvation Army
will visit this country in the fall.
sawed. .
Why She Hurried Home.
The following story told privately of
a Wilmington, Del., woman is too good
| to remain any longer restricted to her
{own circle of friends: Mrs,——went
| to the World's Fair last summer and
| paid much attention to its educational
features. The first day after her ar-
rival she heard a lecture by Robert
Ingersoll, the second ‘day an address
by Ignatius Donnelly and the third
day she listened to a talk on dress by
Mrs. Jennesse Miller. Then she went
home. Some one asked her why she
did not stay longer. “Well,” she re-
plied. “I guess you wouldn't have
wanted to if you had been in my place.
The first day I lost my God, the sec-
ond day my Shakespeare and the third
day my underclothes.
——The complete bridging of old-
time animosities is well illustrated in
the social friendliness of Mrs. U. S.
Grant and Mrs. Jefferson Davis, at
Narragansett Pier, and also in the
continued and devoted attention of
Major H. Kyd Douglas, formerly of
Stonewall Jackson's staff, to Mrs.
Sartoris, the pretty widowed daughter
of the great Union chieftain. They
are at the Blue Mountain House, and
while their engagement is denied, he 1s
ever by her side.
— We cannot say what will cure ghosts,
but many men and many women who
look like ghosts rather than human be-
ings, through sickness, would regain
health and happiness, if they would try
the virtue of the world-renowned reme-
dy, Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis-
covery. Torpid liver, or “biliousness,’’
impure blood, skin eruptions, serofulous
sores and swellings, Consumption
(which is scrofula of the lungs), all
yield to this wonderful medicine. = It is
both tonic and strength-restoring, and
alternative or blood-cleasing.
——Three-fourths of the inventions
used in book-binding are American.
——“I know an old soldier who had
chronic diarrhea of long standing to
have been permanently cured by taking
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Di-
arrheea Remedy,” says Edward Shum-
pik, a prominent druggist of Minneapo-
lis, Minn. “I have sold the remedy in
this city for over seven years and con-
sider it superior to any other medicine
now on the market for bowel com-
plaints.” 25 and 60 cent bottles of this
remedy for sale by F. P. Green.
Business Notice.
Children Cry or Pitcher’s Castoria.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
—P. H. FORD—
aly ai
Quachita City, La.,
Two Years Suffering is Cured
By the use of
“For fully two years, I suffered from rheu-
matism, and was frequently in sucha condi.
tion that I could hardly walk. I spent some
time in Hot Springs, Ark.,and the treatment
helped me for the time being; but soon the
complaint returned and I was as badly afflict
ed as ever. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla being recom.
mended, I resolved to try it, and, after using
six bottles, I was completely cured.”—P. H,
Ford, Quachjta City, La.
New Advertisements.
H. E. HERMAN, & CO., Limited.
Formerly with
From 8:30 a. m., to 5:30 p. m.
There is no safer, surer, or cheaper method
of obtaining proper relief for overstrained and
defective eyesight, headache, and so forth,
than to consult this Shentaish The happy re-
sults from correctly fitted glasses are a grate-
ful surprise to persons who have not before
known the real froatso themselves in wearing
good glasses. No charge to examine your
eyes, All glasses are guaranteed by H. E.
erman. 38-49-1y
Buggies, Carts Etc.
50 Top Buggy....... 837) We Cut the PRICES
Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing,
Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing
Fine Job Printing.
5 Phaeton............ $otland outsell all competi-
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, pass oh Sarrey-$47 tors.
When she had Children, she gave them | $16 Road Cart. ..g5.50 Buy of Siory and
Castoria. 38-43-2y i: J lanes an ive Bam
$30 Team “. $12.50) 2
Morgan Saddle... $1.65 Catalogue Free.
38-30-1y 2 to 12 Lawrence St., Cincinnatti, ©.
Printing. Printing.
Fine Job Printing Job Printing,
Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing, Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing. Fine Job|Printing,
Fine Job Printing: Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing. Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing. Fine]Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing: Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job Printing.
Fine Job,Printing.
Fine Job Printing,
Fine Job Printing.
We extend a most cordial invitation to our
patrons and the public, in general, to witness
one of the
Light and Heavy Harness
ever put on the Bellefonte market, which will
be made in the large room, formerly occupied
by Harper Bros., on Spring street. It has oy
added to my factory and will be used exclu-
sively for the sale of harness, being the first
exclusive salesroom ever used in this town, as
heretofore the custom has been to sell
in the room in which they were made. This
elegant room has been refitted and furnished
with glass cases in which the harness can be
nicely gisplazed and still kept away from
heat and dust, the enemies o long wear in
leather. Our factory now occupies a room
16x74 feet and the store 20x60 added makes ft
the largest establishment of its kind outside
of Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
Weare prepared to offer better bar; ia
the future than we have done in the une and
we want everyone to see our goods and get
prices for when you do this, out of self defense
IR will buy. Our profits are not lar: e, but
y selling lots of goods we can afford to ive in
Bellefonte. We are not indulging in idle
philanthropy. It is purely business, We are
not making much, but trade is growing and
that is what we are interested in now. fits
will take care of themselves.
When other houses discharged their work-
men during the winter they were all put to
work in my factory, nevertheless the bi ®)
houses of this cityand county would smile if
we compared ourselves to them, but we do not
mean to be so odious, except to venture the as.
section that none of them can sa , 88 We can
CAN'T GET.” This is the whole story.
The following are kept constantly on hand.
$8.00 to $15.00 and yevar LARGE
set $25.00 and upwards, 500 HORSE
COLLARS from $150 to $5.00
each, over $100.00 worth of
$400 worth of Fly Nets sold cheap
$150 worth of whips
from 15¢ t0 $3.00 each,
Horse Brushes,Cury Combs
SponERs, Chamois, RIDING
Harness Soap, Knee Dusters, at low
prices, Saddlery-hardware always on hand
for sale, Harness Leather as low as 250 per
pound. We keep everythingto be found vy a
ing, over 20 years in the same room. No two
shops in the same town to catch trade—NO
SELLING OUT for the want of trade or rices-
Four harness-makers at steady work this win-
ter, This is our idea of protection to labor,
when other houses discharged their hands,
they soon found work with us.
Svring street, Bellefonte, Pa.
33 37
INuminating Oil.
{eowy ACME.
It gives a Brilliant Light.
It will not Smoke the Chimney.
It will Not Char the Wick.
It has a High Fire Test.
1t does Not Explode.
It is without an equal
We stake our reputation as refiners th
Ask your dealer for it. Trade supplied by
Bellefonte Station.
Bellefonte, Pa.
37 37 1y
Miscellaneous Advs.
| re
WATCH CASES, made by the
PANY, Philadelphia. It protects
the Watch from the pick-pocket,
and prevents it from dropping.
Can only be had with cases
stamped with this a
Sold, without extra charge for
this bow (ring), through Watch
dealers only.
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet,
or send to makers.
Fine Job Printing.
There is no style of work, from the cheapest
Dodger” to the finest
but you.can get done in the most satisfactory
manner, and at
Prices consistent with the class of work
by calling or communicating with this office,