Bellefonte, Pa., June 29, 1894. To CorresPoNDENTS. — No communications published unless accompanied by the real same of the writer. THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY No Paper Next WEeEek.—Accord- ing to our regular custom no paper will be issued frem this office next wesk. The printers are a patriotic sort of peo- ple and demand that they be given three days to prepare for, then 8s many more to get over, the Fourth. We trust that our readers will all celebrate the gov- ernment’s natal day in fitting manner and that no accident will befall. ——Aaronsburg has an epidemic of measles. ——The work of paving Front street in Philipsburg was begun on Monday. ——Millheim, Mill Hall and Osceola Mills sre all going to have big times on the 4th. ——Ira C. Mitchell Esq., of this place. will be the 4th of July orator at Millheim. i ——Decker’s saw mill, in George's valley, was destroyed by fire last Thursday night. . ——The change in the weather here on Wednesday was very noticeable. The thermometer dropped about 10°. —— While examining a small revolver last Monday Randall Musser, of Mill- heim, shot himself through the hand. ——The Prohibition party in this county will hold its convention in the court house here on Tuesday, July 24th. ——The Wagner mill property was fo have been sold on Saturday, but as no purchasers were present the sale was deferred. ——1t is certainly John Queer Miles now. You ought to see how funny the county treasurer looks without those whiskers. ~——A marked improvement in the appearance of north Allegheny street has been made by the sodding in front of the Dartt properties. ~The estimated cost of the coal strike thus far is $1,500,000 to the oper- ators, $500,000 to the miners and $1,- 500,000 to the railroads. ——The Reformed congregation at Centre Hall is preparing to build a new church. Lots in Wolf's grove have been purchased for a site. ——Hay making is on in full force in this county and a great many grain fields will be ready for the harvester in a few days. The grass crop is light. ——Mary, the bright little six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Con- nolly, recently met with the misfortune of falling down stairs and breaking her arm, ~—On Sunday night dogs killed two large brood sows owned by Isaac Haupt of this place. They were in a field on his mountain farm in Benner township. Sorue time ago dogs killed twelve sheep for him. ——Mr. C. H. Murray, of Centre Hall, has registered to read law with Messrs. Beaver & Dale of this place. He is a graduate of Princeton and until recently has been doing reportorial work on New York newspapers. ——A special train will leave Coburn at 11 o’clock cn the night of July 4th and run clear through to Bellefonte. This will enable those living en route to spend the entire day at Millheim, where a big time is advertised. ——The reception given by Miss Minnie Brew to her dancing class, last Friday evening, was a delightful sue- cess. Many invited friends were pres- ent to enjoy the excellent music which Stopper & Fisk’s orchestra furnished for dancing. ——An embryo strike at the chain works Monday morning was soon set- tled by Mr. Frank McCoy’s increasing thescale per hundred links to 6 cents, the same as it had been before the last cut was made. The men went to work as usual Tuesday morning. ——Coal reports show a falling off of nearly sixty thousand tons a week this “year as compared with shipments over the Beech Creek railroad from the Clearfield region during the same period last. = The Pennsylvania’s tonnage “from the same region has fallen seventy thousand tons. ——The' Bellefonte Academy ball team went to Lock Haven on Saturday “to play a game with the Normal school nine of that place. Owing to the rain only six innings were played, the score resulting in favor of the home team 13 to 0. The Academy boys were no match for the Normalites. ——Crop reports throughout tne county are to the effect that everything will be good excepting the corn and hay. The continued cold wet weather in the spring has made the grass very back- ward, while the heavy rains of the past fow weeks have washed much of the corn out. The fruit prospects are very good. oo. A Writer WHOM You ALL Know WELL.—Among the biographies of a number of the veteran editors of the State, as they appeared in the Sunday issue of the Philadelphia Times, we noticed that of a man who once delight- ed the readers of the WaTcEMAN with his versatility. In years gone by the name of Joe W. Furey was almost a house-hold word in Centre county and now that he is ill and will probably never write for another newspaper we know that you will all be interested in learning something of his past. The Times says : “About everybody worth knowing in central Pennsylvania has a speaking ac- quaintance, if nothing more, with Edi- tor Joe W. Furey, who has been identi- fied with journalism in that section of the State throughout a number of years, and who has given to the Lock Haven Democrat an excellent position in inter- ior journalism. Mr. Furey bas always been a bright, versatile and vigorous writer, dealing with subjects as he found them, and holding fast to an opinion with a tenac- ity and aggressive power that has made himone of the best-known writers of the day. His first connection with printing began May 12, 1855, at Jercey Shore, Lycoming county, in the office of the Republican . Notwithstanding the fact that the Republican bore the same name as the new party then just merg- ing into notice under the leadership of Fremont, it was nevertheless a Demo- cratic paper owned by R. & F. A. Ba- ker, and the former was at that time treasurer of Lycoming county. Both have long since passed away, the former at the age of 90 years. The latter was a gallant soldier in the Union army during the rebellion, and afterward be- came an inmate of the soldiers’ home at Erie. From Jersey Shore Iiditor Furey mi- grated to Decatur, Morgan county, Ala., where he became editor of the North Alabama Times, owned by Alexander McCarthy, his uncle. He remained there a period of eighteen months, re- turning north in the fall of 1860. At that time political matters had grown decidedly hot. It was at this time that he entered the office of the DEMOCRATIC WarcaMAN, at Bellefonte, and in 1864 and 1865 he worked at the case in the office of the Washington Globe. Mr. Furey left Washington two or three days before the assassination of President Lincoln and on his arrival at Harrisburg found that P. Gray Meek, editor of the WATCHMAN, at Bellefonte, had been arrested and imprisoned for what was then defined as treason—as if the pleasant and fearless gentleman, now surveyor of the port of Philadelphia and still proprietor of the Warcamax, could be guilty of such unpatriotic ac- tion. At Harrisburg Editor Furey found Judge Strohecker, a good old German citizen of Penn's valley, Centre county, and together they were given permission to visit the imprisoned editor which imprisonment Meek afterwards dignified by a five-column article in the ‘WATCHMAN, entitled ‘Five Days in the Service.” Mr. Furey, on his return to Belle- fonte, took charge of the WarcmMAN and was connected with Mr. Meek in the editorial work of the WATCHMAN for nearly twenty years. He was also connected with the Lycoming Standard, at Williamsport, in 1873, and in the year 1867 and 1868 he was one of the editors of the Clinton Democrat, in Lock Haven succeeding Henry L. Dieffenbach, now of Philadelphia, a widely known and talented writer. Mr. Furey’s love for Bellefonte again attached him there, until in 1887, when he returned to Lock Haven and as- sumed editorial charge of the Democrat. Three years ago he was attacked by erysipalas end became so nervous that through the kindness of many friends he was sent to the hospital at Clifton Springs, New York, and has since been out of the harness. Mr. Fa- rey is a writer of much merit and has contributed a number of excellent poems to the literature of the day-” Two SraBLES BURNED.—At five o'clock last Saturday morning fire was discovered in the hay loft of Judge A. O. Furst’s barn on the rear of his Linn street property. The building being frame was wrapped in flames before a general alarm was sounded and by the time the fire department got on the ground it was beyond saving, There was no water in the pipes on Curtin street and the Undines only succeeded in reaching the flames with their stream after their engine had been put to work. The Logans were unable to get a stream on because of a broken plug on Linn street. The fire spread from the Furst stable to that owned by Wm. Maitland, just across the alley and it was almost totally destroyed. Everything was gotten out of Furst’s stable except a little calf. Mr. Mait- land lost about two loads of hay in his. Both were partially insured. The condition in which the firemen found the water service on Saturday morning was certainly very discredita- ble to some one, let the blame attach where it will. There is no use in talk- ing about such economy. Suppose it had been windy when that fire broke out there is no telling what the result would have ‘been. i ——Mill Hall is going to have a big time on the Fourth of July. ——The Lock Haven Democrat says there bave been 150 cases of scarlet fever at Karthause since last Novem- ber. ——ZEdna Gingery, a six year old Mill Hall girl, poked a cherry seed into her ear last Friday and on Monday a physician put her under the influence of ether while he removed it. ——The First National bank at Lock Haven paid out $5,150 to graduates of the Normal school on Wednesday. The State pays each graduate $50 upon completion of the required course. ——Secretary of War Daniel La- mont will senda Urited States engi- neer to make a survey of the river at Lock Haven and Williamsport toe- port the best way of protecting those towns from high water. ——Philipsburg Journal says “The Beech creek road is preparing for the end of the strike. Empty cars fill al- most every switch along the road, and the engines are ready to have their fires lighted at any time. ——The Lock Haven ball players got mad at manager McNerney on Monday night and deposed him. Though they have not been paid sala- ries regularly they intend to run the sea- son through on their own hook. ——Dr. A. W. Hafer, who was mar- ried to Mrs. Laura Tressler Hess, on last Wednesday at her brother’s in Osceola, brought his bride home Thursday eve- ning and is now receiving the congratu- lations and good wishes of his friends. ——We notice by the Clearfield pa- pers that Bob Larimer, an old typo of this office who has taken to the grocery business in preference to dying at his case, is the owner of a blooded colt. Bob must be putting a heap of sand in his sugar (?) if he can sport fast horses this soon. ——The annual convention of the camps of P. O. 8. of A. of Clinton, Ly- coming Centre, Clearfield, Elk, Jeffer- son, Cameron and Blair counties will be held this year at Emporium on July 8rd and 4th. George H. Harmon, camp 639 of this place, is treasurer of the reunion association. ——The man who read the head line of an article in the Lock Haven Demo- crat as follows: “Ten car loads of Poles arrived for the new street rail- way,” and kicked because the contrac- tors were going to employ foreigners, was away off, "Tis true that a portion of the foreign tabor in hie wountry is made up of Poles, but these were wouden poles to run the wires on. ——Sheriff Condo received a telegram Wednesday afternoon that the sauthor- ities in Somerset county had Rudy Watkins, the Watkins Glenn convict, in jail out there and he went after the wily old scallawag the same evening. He returned with the prisoner yesterday. Watkins skipped away from court here the day he was to have been sentenced for adultery and larceny. ——Alt the band contest at DuBois Thursday prizes were won by the fol- lowing bands: The first prize of $150 was awarded to Reynodsville Keystone band, they having scored 50 points. Prize No. 2, $75 went to Philipsburg, 51% points. Prize No. 3. $40 to Houtz- dale, on 45 points. Prize No. 4, $25, to Prescottville, on 43 points. Prize No. 5, $10 to Emporium. The points were on attack, tone, time, tune, ensemble and finish, ten points being possible on each. ——At a meeting of delegates repre- senting the miners of the Altoona dis- trict held in Altoona, on Tuesday after- noon, it was decided thut the men should go to work at the rate of 40 cts. net or 45 cts. per gross ton. The ques- tion as to whether work should be re- sumed ai those figures was debated all afternoon and late into the night. President MeBride, of the National asso- ciation was there. During the meeting a telegram was received from Bell, Lew- is & Yates stating that their offer to pay those prices was still good. Work has been resumed in most of the mines where the operators are willing to pay the new scalo. Ewing PoOSTLETHWAITE.—Mr. J. Morrison Ewing, of Mill Hall, Pa., and Miss Laura J. Postlethwaite, of Al- toona, a sister of Mr. E. T. Postle- thwaite, of the Pennsylvania railroad, were gpietly married on Tuesday after- noon, June 12th, at Mr. Potsleth waite’s residence on Walnut avenue. The cere- mony was performed by the Rev. Dr. William A. Patton, pastor of the Wayne Presbyterian church. Only the members of the families were pres. ent. The bride was clad in white silk crepe, trimmed with lace, and carried bride's roses, She was attended by her sister, A NoteD INVENTOR 18 DEAD —Af ter an illness that extended over most of the past winter Bernard Lauth, Esq., of Howard, died on Monday evening shortly before nine o'clock. He was in his seventy-third year and his peaceful death marked the end of a life that bad known hardships as well as the luxury in which it closed. The ingenious brain that worked out the many devices in iron manufacture and the man who possessed it were honors to Centre county that will long hold a place in her gelaxy of noted men. tance. Fite HIS BIOGRAPHY. Bernard Lauth, late proprietor of Howard Iron Works, was born in the province of Alsace (since the Franco- German war included in the German Empire) on the 23d of August, 1820. He is lineally descended from Dr. Wil- liam Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury (1633) who was beheaded (Jan. IO, 645) by an arbitrary decree of Parlia- ment during the troubled times of the latter years of the region of Charles I. Archbishop Laud’s widow, with eleven sons, migrated to Alsace, and the name of the family, through the idiom of the German language, was changed to that of Lauth. The grandfather and grandmother of Bernard Lauth, with his father and mother, emigrated Lo America, arriving in Pittsburgh in the spring of 1831. Bernard, not having completed his eleventh year, went to work in Dr. Peter Shoenberger’s iron-works at one dollar a week. He remained at Shoen- berger’s works for seven years, and was then employed as bessroller at Hoke & Hartman's, on the east side of the river. Mr. Lauth was married in 1840 to Miss Elizabeth Wilhelm, and remained in charge at Hoke & Hartman’s until 1844. In 1847, Mr. Lauth went into business for himself at Zanesville, Chio, and in company with others built a rolling-mill. He was there a little over five years, when he removed to East Birmingham, Pittsburg, and built a rolling-mill in connection with his brother on the site ot an orchard. This enterprise developed into the immense ‘‘American Iron-Works” of Jones & Laughlin, which employs thirty-five hundred men, the firm being Jones & Lauth until Mr. Lauth retired. While thus engaged (in 1857) he made his in- vention for the manufacture of cold- rolled shafting. The one-half of the shafting used in the great Centennial buildings at Philadelphia, in 1876 was rolled at these works. Mr Lauth sold his right to Jones & Laughlin for one hundred thousand dollars, and then went to Fugland. While there he made his second impor- tant invention. Lauth’s three high plate rolls. He had his family with him in Europe for four years, in order to give his children a good education. Mr. Lauth’s third invention was a con- tinuous mill for rolling band iron of every description, for hoops, bands, ete. His fourth invention, made in 1866, was for straightening and angling beam- iron mostly cold. On his return from Europe, Mr. Lauth engaged in business ing, Pay whtro he buiie oa ahedl- Read will for rolling sheets and plates, which was finished just as the war closed. From Reading he removed to Howard in September, 1871 The works at Howard were very much dilapidated when he took hold of them, and he re- modeled and renewed them almost en- tirely, built new and handsome dwell- ing-houses, erected a beautiful Catholic chapel, and with a new rolling-mill erected in 1882, had one of the best iron- works in Centre county until he retired from active work. He leaves a wife and seven ch:ldren: B. C. Lauth, of Philadelphia ; Joo. N., of St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. S. Comerford, of Howard ; Mrs. W. G. Comerford, of Loretto; Mrs. D. P. Greth, of Reading; Mrs. William Wilhelm, of Buffalo, N. Y., and Mrs. S. C. Burnside, of How- ard Twp. Sixteen grand children and five great grand children survive. Funeral services were held yesterday morning, when special trains over the B. E. V. were run for the accommoda- tion of many who attended from a dis- tance. The pall bearers were Balser Weber, Howard ; John G. Love, and John P. Harris, Bellefonte ; Wm. A. Simpson, and Joseph Candor, Loek Haven ; Alex Hamilton, Johnstown ; S. 8. Blair, Ty- rone and John Fritz, Bethlehem. The carriers were Messrs’ John Loder haas, A. Weber, H. C. Holter, Wm. N. Neff and Sam’l Shay. How “Doc.” Mz7 His DEATH.-—The | Lewistown Free Press publishes the i following particulars concerning the death of T. D. MeAllister, which we mentioned last week. “Between 11 ard 12 o'clock on Mon- day night T. D, McAllister, familiarly known as “Doe,” whose home was at Bellefonte, was out along the track of the Sunbury & Lewistown railroad, at the eastern end of that part known as an engine going out on the road struck of the bridge (crossing hurling him down to the wagon road below, a distance of more than 40 feet. An examination of his injuries by Dr. Harshbarger, who arrived at the borough station shortly after the man was brought in, showed that five ribs were smashed, this skull fractured in | four places, and ofher hurts—the won- der heing that he was not killed in- stantly. He was removed to the Miller House, where he expired at 20 minutes before four Tuesday morning. About three weeks since the deceased, | who was of a roving disposition and | known in many towns in this State John Heverly, Jas. Wyble, J. L. De. | 1 i | | 1 i | ——T. Clayton Brown Fas sold his novelty store in this place to a Hun- tingdon merchant. The stock was moved to Huntingdon. —— All of Beliefonte’s leading busi- ness houses will be closed all day on the Fourth. Proprietors and elerks, alike, will take a day of rest. ——Tomorrow evening the Epworth league of the Bellefonte Methodist church will hold a festival in the room, in the McLain block, next door to this office. Lost.--A silverbelt buckle attached to a blue ribbon belt, somewhere on west High street, on Tuesday evening. The buckle was engraved with the ini- ! tials “KE. B. M.”’ The finder will be suita- bly rewarded by returning same to this office. . Diep NEAR PITTsBURG.—A former resident of this county died suddenly on Sunday morning at Wilmerding, near Pittsburg. He had b2en suffering for some time with a complication of diseases, but it was not until peritonitis set in that death made a speedy end of his trouble. Robert T. Elder, deceased was born in Half Moon valley, near Stormstown, June 6, 1854, and early in life moved to Altoona, where he work- in the rail-road shops. Thence he moved to Pittsburg and from there he went to Mexico where he became master mechanic of the Mexican National rail- road. The later years of his life were spent at Wilmerding in the employ of the Westinghouse air brake company. CHILDREN'S DAY EXERCISES AT WEAVER.—Sunday, June 24th, the M. E. Sabbath school had a red letter day in its history as a school, under the leadership of its efficient Supt. William Carson. At 2:30 p. m. the services be- gan with a crowded house. The deco- rations were beautiful, recitations good, singing melodious and Messrs Harry and Epley Gentzel and Harry Kline, members of the Zion brass band added very much to the success of the occa- sion by lending a helping band in im- proving the music. Although it seem- ed to be almost boiling hot in the church, still every body appeared happy and looked and listened as if they en- joyed the exercises. % CHILDREN’S DAY SERVICES AT How- ARD.—The children’s day services, held in the Evangelical church at Howard, on last Sabbath evening were a grand success, extensive preparations in train- ing and drilling the scholars of the wehag] Bod desargting sha church “woes |. made. ‘The Open Door” program pre- pared by the church for the services was used and proved to be a very impres- sive and beautiful service. ‘The Open Door,” handsomely trimmed, was placed in the centre of the platform, in the back ground was a large pyramid ot flowers with a silver cross and crown above it,and the motto in letters of spruce, “The Open Door.” The young ladies and gentlemen and all the chil- dren who participated in these exercises, cannot be commended too highly for the way in which they acquitted them- selves. In connection with “The Open Door” program, which was entirely scriptural, therefore so deeply impress- ive, a number of miscellaneous exercises were rendered. The “Children’s Meet- ing,” an exercise in which all the chil- dren of the primary class took part, was very pleasing to all, and the duets sang by the little girls were also greatly en- joyed. The choir, under the leadership of Prof. Z. L. Weirick, was indeed very good. An old fashioned well placed at one end of the platform was a very unique affair. An exercise antitled ‘The wells of salvation’ was used in which all the young ladies dipped water from the well before reciting their parts, it was beau- tifully carried out both in letter and spirit. This service was pronounced by many to have beon one of the most successful children’s day services ever held in Howard. * News Purely Personal. —Banker George W. Jackson retuned from a pleasure trip east yes erday morning. —Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tipton, of this place spent Sunday with Mrs. Tipton’s parents in ‘the trestle,’ just outside of town, when | Tyrone. —Among those from here who went down to bim, knocking him off the highest part | look on at the State convention were Ellis L. the creek,) | Orvis, N. B. Spangler, J. C. Meyer and }Aarou J illiams. —Miss Mary Schroder, of Mechanicsburg, who had been the guest of Mr.and Mrs. John M. Bullock, on north Allegheny street, went home on Saturday. —Hon. John M. Greer and wife, of Butler, " spent Sunday, as guests of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Harris, on Linn street. Mr. Greer is on the . bench in the 17th judicial district. Miss Jessie B. Postlethwaite, who wore and elsewhere, came to this place and, ! white swiss with yellow roses. Mr. ‘W. W. Postlethwaite, a nephew, was ' the best man.— Phila Public Ledger. | being an expert workman, was employed in the tailoring establishmet of Geo. S. Haflly.” —Among the visitors to Bellefonte on Tues. day we noticed Judge James Smith, of Lock Haven, He was being shown around the town by J. Kyle McFarlane. Kyle was taking much pride in exhibiting a specimen of the new pressed brick now being made at Mill Hall. —Among the well known Bellefonter’s who attended the State convention, cn Wednesday, were S. A. McQustion, A. 8, Garman and J. C, Meyer Esq. Harry McGirk, the prominent young Democrat of College township, went down on Tuesday to take A. u. Thempson's place in the convention and Cyrus Brungart, og Millheim, was as an alternate also. A GREAT DAY AT THE PArK.—Hop- ing that those of our readers who can make it convenient have already made up their minds to spend the Fourth at Hunter’s park, we simply want to give you a last idea of what kind of enter- tzinment can be expected. The posters that have been stuck up every where eall it “field sports’’ and there may be some of you who don’t under~ stand what that means. Ti is simply this. All the athletes in this commu- nity will meet at the park and run, jump, walk, ride bicycles, indulge in three-legged, sack races, and tub races for a long list of trophies which Belle- fonte merchants have kindly presented to be contested for. Besides these events there will be a game of bail be- tween Bellefonte and Milesburg, Mey- er’s band will furnish music at the pa- vilion and both dinner and supper will be served. Asitisthe Y. M. C. A.’s undertak- ing you can rely on it that everything will be done in a pleasant way and if you attend you will certainly enjoy the trip to the pretty resort. The prizes and their donors are as fol- lows : An oak rocking chair, donated by E. C. Rowe ; pocket knife, Jas. Har- rie & Co. ; silver calendar, F. Potts Green; fly rod, Zeller & Son; bi- cycle shoes, Louis Doll ; tennis shoes, Joseph Bros.; rug, H. H. Schreyer; slippers, A. C. Mingle; gold pen, H. Y. Suitzer ; silver match box, F. €. Richard ; silver cup, F. P. Blair & Co.: Sweater, Montgomery & Co.; Grants portrait framed, S. H. Williams; trav- eler’s case, Krumrine Bros.; gold cuff buttons, W. T. Achenbach ; one dozen photos, H. B. Shaeffer ; one dozen pho- tos, J. A. Finkbinder ; razor, McKee & Bro.; umbrella stand, W. H, Wilkinson; alarm clock, F. Galbraith; paper rack: F. K. Naginey ; album, W. T. Meyer lap robe, James Schofield. Wao Was It THAT THUS DISGRAC- ED Us. —Conductor L. A. Haupt was given no little trouble on the valley train coming from Bellefonte last Thursday evening. Two girls whose conduct indicated unsavoriness of repu- tation and two young bloods belonging to Co. B. held high carnival in one of the coaches. They behaved so badly that the conductor was obliged to sep- arate them by driving the embryo soldiers back into the car to which they belonged, that respectable people might not be grossly offended. One of the members of Co. B. Belle- fonte, and a girl, presumably from the same town, made an undignified exhi- bition of themselves here last evening by trading headgear and and parading Ponnsvlvanis essmueracting like ‘Silly Billy and his sister Sue.””—7yrone Times. ——The United collieries operators at Houtzdale offered their men fifty cents a gross ton to resume work last Monday. ——TFor engineer's supplies, water gas and steam fittings, iron pumps, terra cotta pipe, garden hose, hose repairs, spray nozzles, lawn sprinklers, lawn vases, gas and oil heater, stoves and ranges, call on R. J. Schad & Bro., No. 6 North Allegheny street, Bellefonte, Pa. 89 24'8t —— We have added to our stock of mens goods—a line of ladies’ shirt waists —chemisettes and neck wear, and later (in the season approaching) a line of ladies wear--that will be a great boon to the female portion of Bellefonte and country friends. We hope to repre- sent a large firm in something that will be very choice. Watch—for this latest announcement. MoNTGOMERY & Co. Clothing & Hats. . Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co: The following are the quotations up tosis o'clock, Thursday evening, when our pape: oes to press : hite wheat... 55 Red wheat.... 55 Rye, per bushel...... ase 55 Corn, ears, per bushel........c.cuimeesisie seen 2% Corn, shelled, per bushel.. Qats—new, per bushel . 40 Barley, per ushel.... 48 Ground laster, per to! 9:80 Buckwheat per bushel........cceeeeressssssanee 65 Cloverseed, per bushei.....c.eee....§6 00 to §7 00 Bellefonte Produce Markets. Co Corrected weekly by Sechler & Potatoes per bushel . Eggs, per dozen.. 12 Lard, per pound. 8tolo CountryShoulder: 8to 10 Sides... 8to 10 Hams........ oe 14 Pallow, per pound.. aeenieies 1 8 Butter, per pound... ceisnrisessrissenns oe 1234 The Democratic Watchman. Published every Friday morning, in Belle- fonte, Pa., at $2 pe: annum (if paid strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and $3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year; and no paper will be discontinued unti! all arrearage is paid, except atthe option of the publisher, Papers will not be sent out of Centre county unless paid for in advance. _A liberal discount is made to persons adver- Hsing by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol. OWS : SPACE OCCUPIED. [3m | 6m 1y Qaeinch (12limes this type......... | 65/8881! Two inches........ avassasesnseess ol T1110] 18 Three inches wiciionnt 30-118 20 gunrter Column (44 inc 12 { 20 | 8c alf Column ( 9 inches)... .| 2 | 85 | b% One Column (19 inches) | 38 531 10 Advertisements in special column 28 ps cent. additional. Transienc advs. per line, 3 insertions...... 20 ete. Each additional insertion, per line........., b ete. wocal notices, per line....... bese vennnvaeeanias 20 OLR Business notices, per irene 10 cta. Job Printing of every kind done with neas. ness and dispatch, The WaArcuman office has been refitted with Power Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line ean be executed in the most artistic mannerand y the lowest rates. Terms—CASH. All letterasnould be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor &