et ———————— Tar REPUBLICAN HYPPODROME.— The first circus of the season to come to Bellefonte was Reeder’s Republican ag- gregation that came into town from all quarters of the county on Tuesday. The court house served as a tent and exactly at 11 o'clock ring master Reeder cracked his whip and his program was run through with an alacrity that al- most made Col. Jim Coburn sick, for he feared that they had forgotten to make room for his speech. Of course as soon as the Col. began to talk the idea of monkeys, clowns, circuses and all dis” appeared from our mind and we real- ized thatit was really a Republican convention in session, for the hon- orable James only makes one speech a year and as it is always prepared for a county convention he knew whereat he spoke. After the routine of organization which was affected by the election of S. C. Burnside, of Howard, as chairman ; O. F. Deininger, of Centre Hall, and J. E. Richards, of Rush township, as secre- taries, and H. C. Quigley, of Bellefonte, as reading clerk ; the chairman ap- pointed J. L. Holmes, of College; R. T. Comley, of Union; S. S. Miles, of Worth ; M. F. Loy, of Burnside and Dr. J. L. Hatch, of Philipsburg, a com- mittee on resolutions. The regular business was then taken up and nominations for the office of jury commissioner were declared in or- der. The names of Jacob Yarnell, Charles Smith, J. D. Decker, W. S. Williams and H. A. Osman were pre- sented. Itrequired three ballots to do the work of making ex-commissioner John Decker the nominee. 1st 2nd 3rd Decker ... Williams. Yarnell... Smith...... 3 ORIN carer seers rrsensnvind Disssesisen sensed For assembly the names of Phil. Womelsdorf, of Philipsburg; Harry Curtin, of Roland ; and J. A. Feidler, of Williamsport, Lycoming county, were presented. The two first named gentlemen were nominated or the first ballot as follows : Wolmesdorf. on Curtin....... 9S satsisstsnsssibenvanarunssfantasee i) Feidler...coe.coueeee .resrsansa 58 Benjamin Rich Esq., of Unionville, was then unanimously chosen the party candidate for associate judge. Af this juncture W. E. Gray presented the name of John G. Love Esq. as the county Republicans candidate for presi- dent judge. A letter from Judge Furst having been read, expressing his desire to withdraw his name, W. E. Gray, J. W. Dunwiddie, and S. C. Burnside were elected judicial conferees to push for the nomination of Mr. Love in the conference with Huntingdon county. Messrs A. T. James, Frank Clemson and W. I. Fleming were oclected sena- torial conferees and as this county has no aspirant they make a tail with- ont a kite. As congressional conferees W. L. Malin and John M. Dale were chosen, with instructions to do everything in their power to se- eure the nomination of Col. Ed. Irvin, of Clearfield. This done the real work of the convention was ended and then the speech making began. Col. Coburn, P. E. Womelsdorf, Editor Harter, of the Gazette and Harry Curtin all spoke, but none of them cut the swath the Col. laid down. He had been preparing that speech a year and what he didn’t say every one knows, but for the life of us we can’t find one man who knows what he did say. The resolutions adopted by the con- vention were rather peculiar and sound- ed very much as if “Our Dan’ had had a hand in their preparation. He was held responsible for his party’s resolu- tions adopted at the State convention, which left everything at home and ran away off to the islands of Hawaiia and Samoa to find something to censure the Democrats for and they brought so much laughter on his party for not be- ing able to find more relevant matter against the Democrats that we suppose Dan. was sure of staying at home when the writing of the county resolutions came up. But alas, he stuck so close to home that he forgot everything else but himself and, after making his party here resolve to stick to him through thick and thin, the convention adjourn- ed without having said one word in condemnation of Pattison, Cleveland, or the Wilson bill. The poor Republicans, they don’t know what they want. Another inunderstandable proceed- ing was the prolonged applause that greeted the reading of Judge Furst’s let- ter of with-drawal. Now Love has’nt been able to get it through his head yet just what that meant. He would like to believe that it was glee at Fursts de- feat, but then the thought that possi- bly it might have been cheers at the very nume of Furst kind-a makes the cold chills run up and down his spinal column. “THE ONLY” FoR A PENNY.—The Pittsburgh Daily Post has been reduc- ed from 3 cents to 1 cent a copy and is furnished by mail at $3.00 per year, or 75 cents for three months. Eight large pages every day. Send your order at once. Yellow Jack Quits Rio. Rio JANEIRO, June 19.—The yellow fever has disappeared from this city. A Taory Iv His Lee For SIXTY YEars.—A little more than sixty years ago, says the Tyrone Herald, Samuel J. Marks, one ot Tyrone’s oldest resi- dents at present, _was a lad of twelve years of age living in the vicinity of Valentine's iron works near Bellefonte. One day while gathering plums he had the misfortune to run against a sharp thorn which entered his right leg about half way between the ankle and knee. The thorn, about a half inch in length, was imbedded so deeply in the limb that the boy could not remove it, but after the figst soreness was over, it did not trouble him and the accident was al- most forgotten. Now comes thestrange concluding chapter of the story. A few weeks ago Mr. Marks noticed a sore forming upon his right leg. The fester- ing continued until last night when it had become ripe and he then felt cer- tain that the thorn which he had carried over three score years was making its way out of his anatomy. His conjecture was correct for with little trouble he re- moved the little stick which he now very properly prizes as a momento. That thorn stuck to him through a long period. Pine Grove Mentions. Now it is Notary Public Archy. Mrs. Samuel Bressler is suffering with a broken arm. The new T louse on the Walter Bri- en farm 1s nearing completion, and will soon be ready for occupancy. Mrs. J. M. Bailey one of Penns Valley's refined old ladies is, this week, the guest of her Jared Mowery, of Water Street. The old stone barn on the Ard farm near town is undergoing repairs—the old structure had better be mended witha new one. Last Saturday evening a corporals guard of the G. O. P. assembled at the Decker Hotel, after some deliberation the chairman announced that the grand old’ party had deviated widely from their Furst Love, leaving a number of wounds that will require an application of the usual political salve. The venerable Joseph Gates is quite feeble from the effects of pulmonary trouble. Last Saturday while walking about the yard he fell to the grouud and was unable to rise, in this condition one of his neighbors who chanced tosee him carried him into the house just in time to save him from the drenching rain. The old Samuel Hess mansion now oc. cupied by Newt. E. Hess, is being re- paired. The interior has been remodeled and refitted, while the outside has been improved by a coat of bright paint anda new roof. W. B. Ward was the contrac- tor which accounts for the splendor of the job, as he never leaves one half com- pleted. On the 19th inst,, the reaper death en- tered the home of William Eckley and cut down little Mary Alice, the pet of the family, who was but 9 months old. She died of cholera infantum and was buried by the side of her twin brother in the Pine Hall cemetery on the 21st at 10 o'clock a. m., Rev. Forrest of the M. E. church officiating. Saturday of last week a fearful rain storm accompanied by wind and hail vis. ited this section. The atmosphere was ' full of electricity and the roads and fields were badly washed. J. M. Kepler's barn was struck with lightning but little dam- age was done, and one of J. G. Bailey's ; Guernsey cows was found dead after the storm, evidently baving been struck by | lightning. | Tuesday of this week Prof. Gramley | met a class of eighteen in the school room in this place. More than the usual num- ber of citizens were present and manifested an interest in education. The Superintendent evidently raised the standard of the examination over that of last year as five of the applicants failed to get his signature to their diplomas. A number of breezy and spirited speeches was made and the Supt. gave the board some excellent advice. Our present school board that is now officered with Joseph Strouse, president ; Jacob Keller, sec.; and Frank Bowersox, treas.—has agreed to levy 214 mills school tax. As previously announced Children’s Day services were held last Sunday eve- ning in the Presbyterian church. The house was packed with people to hear the exercises that consisted of music, ad- dresses and responsive reading. The members of the infant class although young in years are deserving of special praise for the way they built their share in the program. Col. Fortney of Belle- fonte was introduced as one who had got- ten his taste for Sunday school work in Pine Grove and as one who had been par- ticularly heipful to the cause. The Col. took up the theme where the little ones left off and instead of building a tempo- rary structure as they did he urged the importance of laying solidly the founda- | tion of the character each was forming and that no influence was more beneficial than the Sabbath school in building the temple that each person builds, for he that builds on the sand cannot resist the temptations and strifes of life, while the person whose character has been formed by honest and kind influences has not even the inclinations or temptations of the other. Afterall the mother it is, who molds and polishes the minds of her children, for she it is who teaches the lit- tle one itslisping prayer and she,it is who interests the little one in day and Sabbath school, without which people amount to very little in this world. The Col. briefly recalled the Sunday school as it was in his boyhood controlled by the patriarchs who now sleep in the church yard but w hose influence for good is still felt. Clearfield County Democrats, The Clearfleld county Democrats Tuesday nominated as their candidate for senator of the Clinton Centre-Clear- field district, Matthew Savage. The remainder of their ticket is as follows : Sherif. Enos Bloom ; assembly, John K. Goodman and James White. For congress and Btisbin four. Truby got eight conferees Insurance Worth Having. . E. B. Harrer, President, New York, Dear Sir—: The undersigned beneficiary desires to acknowledge with thanks the re- ceipt of check of your association for two thousand dollars by the hands of Hurxthal W. Smith your manager for this district. Being . in full payment of policy No. 60525 on the life | of my late husband A.J. Cruse. Mr. Smith, soon after my husband’s death offered to pay 10 per cent advance on the face of the policy, but it was not needed. This is a commenable fea- ture, and, together with the fact that this pay. ment is a month ahead of your regular time shows a laudable care for members interests. I cheerfully commend this company to the public. JOSEPHINE CRUSE. Bellefonte, Pa., June 19th, 1894, P. S.—If the late Andrew J. Cruse had taken an ordinary life policy in an old system com- pany, and paid the same amount in premiums as he paid the Mutual Reserve, his heirs would only have received $925.00 instead of $2000. Gain by being insured in the Mutual Re- serve $1075.00 ——The following letters remain uncalled for in the Bellefonte P. O. June 18th, 1894. Miss Minerva Boss, Miss Ida Patling, Wil- liam Hoy, W. B. Roley, W. F_Leathers, Mrs. | Sarah Street, J. A. Proving, John Thorns. When called for please say advertised. D. F. FORTNEY, P. M —— You pay for school-tooks ; but the best school-book for your children is your daily paper. . Well printed, carefully and intelligently edited, of in- structive contents, first and fullest with the news and best in presenting it, the Pittsburg Dispatch fills the bill. | Gratefal to Bellefonte Citizens. i Sandy Ridge, July 15, "94. | We theofficers and members of Local Union No. 551, United Mine Workers of America, take this method of expressing our thanks to the people of Bellefonte and vi- cinity for their liberal response to our calls for assistance, in our struggle for living wages, and that special mention shall be made of A. O. Furst, John G. Love, C. M. Bower and P. Gray Meek. D. M. LANE, Pres. J. M. CLAAR, Sec. —Do you read the WATCHMAN, New Advertisements, ANTED.—Honest, temperate, energetic men to solicit orders for FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL NURSERY STOCK. Permanent employment and good wages ; also liberal inducements to local agents. Varieties especially adapted to Penn- Nvatia The business easily learned. Write at once for terms and territory. Address . G. CHASE & CO., 39-18-8t 1430South Penn Square, Philadelphia. Tue ART AMATEUR. Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine (The only Art Periodical awarded a medal at the World's Fair.) Invaluable to all who wish to make their living by art or to make their homes beautiful. FOR 10¢, we will send toany one mention-10c. ing this publication a specimen copy, with su- perb color plates (for copying or framing) and 8 supplementary pages of designs (regular price, 35¢). Or F 25¢. we will send also ; “Painting for Beginners” (90 pages). MONTAGUE MARKS, 23 Union Square, N. Y. -24-1t. 1 Schreyer’s Carpet Store. fh ARPETS MATTING CARPETS MATTING CARPETS MATTING CARPETS MATTING CARPETS MATTING CARPETS MATTING CARPETS MATTING CARPETS MATTING All carpets purchased from us duri matched and sewed free of charge. WALL PAPER SCHREYER'S WALL PAPER ~~ SCHREYER'S WALL PAPER SCHREYER'S Wail PAPER SCHREYER'S WALL PAPER SCHREYER'S WALL PAPER SCHREYER'S WALL PAPER SCHREYER'S WALL PAPER SCHREYER'S ng the balance of the season will be New Advertisements, ‘New Advertisements, house at State College, located on Col: ege avenue and within one square of post- office and churches. It isa new building of nine rooms, finished throughout in hard wood, and occupies a 50x150 ft. Jot. The prop- ery will be sold for $3.500. Plenty of time will be given. R. M. FOSTER, 39-10-tf. State College, Pa. ) ean QUEEN HOTEL. no SALE.—A desirable dwellin © Tennessee Ave. near the beach. ——ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.— A Delightful and well spooled Summer Hotel, at the PopularSes- side Resort. {Livery and boarding: i stable attached. : Mrs. E. A. NOLAN. ssesesaesnsntnte 39-19-tf ng McCalmont & Co. Tue McCORMICK. The McCormick Harvesting Ma- chinery commanded the best and highest premiums, over all others, at the World’s Fair, any statement to the contrary notwithstanding. The McCormick Steel Binding Har- vester has no competitor, as to merit and durability. BINDER TWINE. Manila 10 cents per. pound by the bale Standard 9 cents per. pound by the bale Sisal 8 cents per. pound by the bale One cent per pound discount on early orders. We propose to prepare binder twine, proof against grasshoppers. REAPER SECTIONS. Reaper Sections 8 cents each or 90 cents per dozen for the McCormick, Champion, Deering, Johnson, Osborne and Wood Mowers and Harvesters. SELF DUMP HAY RALTS, Self Dump Hay rakes of the best make for $19.50. Hand Dump Hay Rakes at lowest prices. The Ohio Hay Tedder, the best in the field. The Keystone Hay Loader, the farmer's favorite. Also Side Deliv: ery Hay Rake. FERTILIZERS. MecCalmont & Co's. Champion $25.00 Ammoniated Bone Sunes hosphate as well as the Liebig High Grade Acid Phospahte have returned more value for their cost to the farmer, than any other fertilzer ever sold in Centre County. They are the highest grade goods at the very lowest prices. We invite farmers to call and ex- Bellefonte. CRIDER'S EXCHANGE, Bellefonte, |; STHesut goods before Pushsiis: oo. 39-19-6t, 39-23 Bellefonts, Ps Faubles’. * READ THIS N OPPORTUNITY YOU DON'T HAVE OFTEN. Clothing direct from the Sheriff’ Sale of N. J. Schloss & Co. Stock of BANKRUPT GOODS bought for HALF THEIR VALUE. You get them for even less than that. Must TURN THEM QUICK. Season nearly over. Prices that must CROWD two months business inlo one. WE will positively SAVE YOU 50 per cent. Think of it. Goods one half less THAN you ever BOUGHT THEM. Look to your purse and see us, Goods will be on sale Sat urday, June 16th until sold. EEEEEEE SSSSSSS8 FEFFFFE a y y BREBBED iL Ek E 2 5 i Piven Jeng od afd : : FFF Aaananh U U BBBBBB L EERE 8856888 rr A A U U B B L E E 8 *F : A U VE Booby Bg Tn F 2 A uvuuuuu BBBBBBB LLLLLLL EEEEEEE S888888 ARSHAL'S SALE.—By virtue of : a writ of Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania and, to me directed, I will expose to public sale, at the United States Marshal's office in Erie, Pa., on Tuesaay, July 17th, at 11 o’clock, a. m. All the right, title, interest and claim of Mary F. Blanchard, administratrix of Ed. mund Blanchard, deceased, and Louisa Bush, executrix of D. G. Bush, deceased, of in and to No. 1 All that eertain lot or piece of ground situated in the West Ward of the Borough o Bellefonte, in the County of Centre and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, viz.; Beginning at a point on the North side of High street, formerly William street, and on the Western ' side of Spring Creek, thence along said High Street, North 75 degrees west 160 feet to Dunlap street; then by said Dun- Jap street North 1114 degrees West 138 feet to lot of ground of thé Bel efonte and Snow Shoe Railroad Co.; thence by same North 62}4 de- grees east 169 feet to Spring Creek, thence uth 5 degrees east 243 feet to the place of beginning with the improvement thereon erected consisting of a large four story brick Hotel Building, with store rooms and other business places, brick stable and necessar outbuildings, the whole known as “The Bus House Property.” ALSO. No. 2. All that certain messuage tenement and lot of ground situated in the South Ward of the said Borough of Bellefonte, bounded and described as tollows, viz. Beginning at a point on the South side of High street opposite the northeastern corner of the building known ag ‘“Bush’s Arcade” (now bounded) ; thence south by the eastern line of building to a point sixteen feet south of the south-eastern corner thereof, thence west parallel with the rear of said builljag sixty- three feet, thence south by a line parallel with the eastern line of said building to the line dividing lots Nos. 14 and 15 in general plan of raid borough, thence by line west to Spring Creek, thence down Spring Creek to street, thence up High street to the place of Loginning: subject to reservation made in deed ot D. M. Wagner et. ux. to D. G. Bush dated June 1, 1868, with improvements con- sisting of jarge three story brick building or business block, containing seven store rooms, large number of offices and private rooms, ALSO. No. 3. All that certain lot or piece of ground situated in the borough of Bellefonte, unded and described as follows, viz. Beginning at a Porat on High street the north west corner of property of P. Gray Meek, said corner being the centre of the wall between said Meek and said Bush, thence along the centre of #aid wall southwardly to P. G. Meek’s south west corner; thence eastwardly along southern boundary of Meek’s property to the west bank of Spring Creek, thence southwardly along said Creek to line of George Bayard (now thence westwardly along said Bayard line 92 feet more or less to a point opposite the eentre of the east wall of Eropenty of Isaac Haupt; thence northward] y the centre of the wall of said Haupt’s build- ing w High street; thence along said High street to the point of beginning. Said lot be- ing 6214 feet deep to the Bayard line, with the improvements thereon erected censisting of a three story brick known as the “MeClain Block.” ALSO. No. 4. All that certain messuage, tenement and lot of ground situated on the west side of Spring street in the borough of Bellefonte, plorsseia, bounded and described as follows, viz. Beginning at a point on said street, 20 feet south of the corner of lot No. 9 in the general plan of said borough, now owned by Thomas G. VanTries; thence in a western direction on a line parallel with the southern line of said VanTries’ lot along lot owned by Mrs. George A. Bayard, to thestreet along Spring Creek; thence south along said street 21 feet more or less to lot of Frank P. Blair ; thence along line of lot of Frank P. Blair east to Spring street; thence along Spring street North 21 feet more or less, to the place of beginning, thereon erected a three story brick dwelling house and other out buildings. ALSO. No. 5. All that certain messuage, tenement and tract of land of land situated in the bor- ough of Bellefonte aforesaid, and in the town- ship of Spring and Benner. in said county, bounded and described as follows, viz. Beginning at a hickory, thence by land of Reuben B. Valentine's heirs, north 68%4 de- rees west 48 perches to a post thence by and of same, south 6584 degrees west46%4 erches to & post, thence by land of James Olark, north 41 degrees west 35 perches to grees west 16.8 perches to stones thence by land of Eliza G. Mitchell south 43 degrees west, 40 perches to thence by land late of Henry Brockerhoff, de- ceased, north 15 degrees west, 31.2 perches to ash; thence south 70 degrees west 6 perches to post, thence south 20 degrees west, 12 perch- perches to post, thence north 33 degrees east 6 perches to post, thence north 31 degrees east 5.1 perches to post, thence north 45 degrees west 17 perches to post, thence north 625 de- degrees east 96 perches to stones, t' ence b; north 78 degrees east 5¢ perches to posi, thence {5Tchen to post, thence by land of yuri an . F. Reynolds, south 69 degress east 26 Pirthes to stones, thence by land of heirs 8. uben B. Valentine, south 4614 degrees west 7 perches to post, thence by land of same south 5834 degrees west 36 perches to the place of beginning, containing one hundred ‘| acres, more or less, subject to the resevr-tions set forth in the deed of D. G. Bush, «cased, to 8. D. Grav, dated the 27th day of “sv A. D. 1879, and recorded in Centre county, in Deed Book “O No. 2” at page 50, &c. (hi. third of said tract of land is laid out in buil.l'ng lot« and seventeen two-story frame dweili- ¢house are thereon erected, belonging to the defend- ants. Seized, and taken in execution as the prop- erty of Mary F. Blanchard, administratrix o! Fdmund Blanchard. dec-ssed, and Louisa Bush, executrix of D., G. Bush, Dec'd., and as the property of the esiates of the said deced- ents at the suit of E. J. Frost and G. W. Fairn executors of the last will and testament of A. C. Moore, deceased. Marshal’s Office. JOHN W. WALKER. Pisonren, Pa., June, 1894. U. S. Marshal. 39- tb. R. HOY'S KEYSTONE SUSPENSION FENCE THE PATENTEES OFFER $1000 ~- '- = FOR ANY BETTER FENCE Posts may be from 40 to 76 feet apart (Patented Nov, 20, 15892.) Territory and Material for Sale in the United States and Canada. LAND OWNERS—The season for fencing your properties is here. the merits of the “Keystone Suppen- sion Fence,” and acknowleege it su- perior to all others and adopt it, or put in your claim for the $1.000 above offer- ed. Orders for material, will receive prompt attention. Call on ; or address with stamp. H. K. HOY, M. D. 23 West High St. Bellefonte, Pa. ELEGANT CHESTNUT POSTS FOR SALE LOCUST POSTS PROCURED I[F DESIRED GATES: I also offer the best cheap Me ever patented, “The Farmer's Prize.” This gate can be made to open aud close over snow rifts. It is the Jute adopted and used by the Central R. R. of Penna. County, township or farm rights, or gater with hinges ready to hang are offered. H. K. HOY. 23 West High St. Bellefonte, Pa Pine Grove Mills, Pa., May 29, 180 H. K. Eoy, Mp. Dear Sir. This is to certify that em very much pleased with the new fenc; erected on my farm by your Mr. FH. Fritt It is satisfactory and I take pleasure in re: ommending it to any one wanting a durabl fence. . Very Respectfully yours, Jonx B. MircuenL. 39:12 6m stones, thence by land of sare south 59 de- - stones, es to post, thence north 36 degrees west 5.5 . grees east 12 perches to post, thence north 51.5 land of heirs of William A. Thomas deceased, by land of same, north 52.5 degrees east 603%. - Investigate