rm——— i &%* Beecham’s Pills. sss— EtcHaun PILLS—are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick headache, bad taste in the mouth, coat ed tongue, loss of appetite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and con- stipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free pills 25c. At drugstores, or write B. F. ALLEN CO., 365 Canal St., 39-19-6m nr New York. Colleges, HE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Located in one of the most Beautiful and Healthful Spots in the Alleghany Region ; Undenominational ; Op- en to Both Sexes; Tuition Free; Board and other Expenses very low. New Buildings and Equipment. LEADING DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY. 1. AGRICULTURE (Two Courses), and AG- RICULTURAL CHEMISTRY; with constant {llustrations on the Farm and in the Labora- tory. > BOTANY AND HORTICULTURE; the- oretical and practical. Students taught origi- nal study with the microscope. 8. CHEMISTRY ; with an unusually full and thorough course in the Laboratory. 4. CIVIL, ENGINEERING; ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING; MECHANICAL ENGI- NEERING. These coursos are accompanied with very extensive practical exercises in the Field, the Shop and the Laboratory. 5. HISTORY; Ancient and Modern, with original investigation, 6. INDUSTRIAL ART AND DESIGN. 7. LADIES’ COURSE IN LITERATURE AND SCIENCE; Two years. Ample facilities for music, vocal and instrumental. 8. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE; Lat- in (optional), French, German and English (required), one or more continued through the entire course. 9. MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY ; pure and applied. 10. MECHANIC ARTS; combining shop work with study, three years’ course; new puilding and qu ment, 11. MENTAL, MORAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE; Constitutional Law and History, Political Economy, &e. : : 12. MILITARY SCIENCE; instruction theoretical and practical, including each arm of the service. 13. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT; Two years carefully graded and thorough. Commencement Week, June 11-14, 1893. Fall Term opens Sept. 13, 1893. Examination for admission, June 16th and Sept. 13th. For Catalogue or other in formation, address GEO. W. ATHERTON, LL.D., President State College. Centre county, Pa. 27 25 Paints. N paint the best is the cheapest. Don’t be misled by trying what is said to be “just as good,” but when you paint insist upon having a genuine brand of STRICTLY PURE .-... . WHITE LEAD. It costs no more per gallon than cheap paints, and lasts many times as long. Look out tor the brands of White Lead of- fered you ; any of the following are sure : “ARMSTRONG & McKELVY,” “BEYMER-BAUMAN,” “DAVIS.CHAMBERS,” “FAHNESTOCK.” FOR COLORS.—National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold in one-pound cans, each can being sufficient to tint 25 pounds of strictly Pure White Lead the desired shade; they are in nosense ready-mixed paints, but a combination of perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to tint Strietly Pure White Lead. A good many thousand dollars heve been saved Propestyyners by hav- ing our book on painting and color: card. Send us a postal card and get both free, NATIONAL LEAD