Demoreic Wate B8Y PRP. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. —The restoration of business prosperi- ty awaits the advent of a Democratic tariff. — Police protection. in New York ap- pears to ba as costly as Republican tariff’ protection. —A dypamiter recently blew up a saloon in Chicago, but even such efforis can’t elevate the liquor traffic. —1In the long run a well paid Ameri- can workman is every time a more prof- itable employee than a low priced Hun. —1Is there a Republican in Pennsyl- vania who can give a satisfactory reason why a Democrat should vote HASTINGS. —This is the month when the roses and the college graduates burst upon an admiring world in all their florescent glory. —McPaERsoN of New Jersey has discovered that speculating in sugar doesn’t sweeten the reputation of a Senator. . —1It is to be hoped that JUPITER Pruvius will get through with his heavy business before the pic nic season sets in. —-The protest of millionaires against an income tax is not in the least im- pressive. It is merely their selfishness assisting itself. —Even the skill of Tom REED will find it difficult to make bimetallism and a high tariff pull together in the same yoke, as political issues. ~-It is scarcely possible that a Popu- list at the head of the Democratic State ticket would be popular with the rank and file of the party. —If an income tax is a war tax, as its opponents charge it with being, what better means could be provided for pay- ing the pensions of the old warriors ? —The State Prohibition Convention at Williamsport was consistent in con- vening at a place which recently had such an unmistakable cold water visi- tation. —CoxEeY and BrowN got out of jail on Sunday and if they would do the wise thing they will not leave much grass grow under their feet on their road home. — While claiming that their tariff protected American labor, Republican coal operators imported a lot of foreign laborers against whom they are now calling for protection. —The newspaper correspondent who, after attempting to rob public men of their reputations, dodges behind the privilege of the press, is no better than a sneak thief. — Digging coal at 40 cents a fon, paid in the truck of a pluck-me store, is an object lesson that is not calculated to impress the miners with the beauty of Republican protection. —What could be more exactly ad- justed to the fitness of things than WiL- LIAM M. SINGERLY’S name at the head of the Democratic tariff reform ticket in the coming State campaign ? --The WiLsox tariff will, in all pro- bability, be passed in the balmy month of June, while the McKinleyites had to swelter all through the dog-days before they perfected their monopoly enact- ment. —As the Johnstown episode is HAsT- 1NGs’ chief claim to distinction, would not his election to the high office of Governor be out of ratio to the service rendered in dealing out rations on that occasion ? —The date for the final vote on the ‘Wilson bill in the Senate has been fixed again and it is now said that sometime between to-day and next Wednesday the country will be relieved of its awful suspense. —The Democratic State campaign this year will be a campaign of educa- tion that will enlighten the people as to the real cause of the ‘calamity’ about whieh there has been so much Republi- can howling. > —The Republicans seem wonderfully worried lest the Democrats don’t find any one to run for Governor. Don’t fret we’ll have a candidate when the time comes and good Democrats will all vote for him too. —Rev. Hicks, the weather prophet is kicking because other papers copy his prognostications from Word and Works. The preacher claims he is a prophet for profit and means to stop this stealing of his forecasts. —That their case has been made one of the leading issues of the Republican campaign in Pennsylvania may cause a flatter of excitement among the Sand- wich Isianders, when they hear of it, but it is not likely to excite Pennsylva- nians — Bellefonte 13 so used to gubernator- ial honors that she would not be much elated if more of them were heaped up- on her; nor would she be cast down and refuse to be comforted if a third install- ment of such honors were withheld from her by the defeat of her own and only DAN. | pers upon that section or locality. This a Cer THO 4 1( tak STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. - - mm — T ~ VOL. 39. BELLEFONTE, PA. JUNE 15, 18947 6 NO. 24. The Remedy. It is to be regretted that the confer- ence of coal operators and miners at Altoona, on Saturday last, amounted to nothing in the way of adjusting matters in the coal region ; although to be entirely frank we can see no-way by which these two interests can get to- gether with present conditions existing. There is no question that the in- crease of pay per ton for mining, asked by the miner, is greater than the present price of coal will allow, nor is there any doubt that the wages offer- ed by the operators means want, and misery, and starvation, to the miner as well ag stagnation and failure for every other business in the locality of these mines. Consequently with the present price of coal there can be no compromise that will not bring bankruptcy to one side or starvation tothe other. This is the situation ! What is the remedy ? Put up the price of coal and pay liv- ing wages for its mining. To do this requires no concessions to, or conferences with Miners Unions, or with those of whom the operators complain as having no interests in, or business with their affairs. It requires only an agreement, or if you please to call it 80, a combination, amoung the operators to make the price of coal what it should be. This should be easy to do. more honorable, than a combination to Certainly much easier, and starve labor, rob the community and cause strikes that paralyze business, destroys property and threatens the peace and prosperity of the Common- wealth. -~** In this matter there i8 no use in mincing words. The present trouble in the coal region is due solely and alone to the cut-throat business that has been carried on for months by the operators. They have sold coal at rates far below its value or cost. They find they are loosing money and they now attempt to rob laborin order that their own losses may be less. Even at former wages the localities in which they operate are filled with paupers, | the public almshouses are fall and the public hospitals crowded, with those who have tried to eke out a living upon the wages that were paid them. And now it is proposed to still further reduce the pay of their workmen, and it they will not accept the reduction, the threat is made to bring in another set of men, who, unacquainted with the situation, may imagine they can live at the rate offered, butin a few months will be subjects of charity for the gen- eral community to keep from starv- ing. It is time such business was stopped. Coal operators may have the right to do business as they see fit, but they have no right to load down any local- do to ity with men to whom they not furnish sufficient wages keep them - from becoming public charges. They have no right to rob any section of the wealth nature has placed within it, and as a return, leave their poorly paid employees, as pau- is what their present methods of busi- ness are doing. Is it any wonder they have neither the sympathy nor sup: port of the community in this con- test ? What they should do isto advance the price of coal and pay wages that will furnish a decent living for every work- men they employ. -— When there was so much nice green grass invitingly spread out all over the country, which Coxey wouldn't be compelled to ‘keep off”’ under penalty, no wonder that he was willing to pay his fine in order to get out of jail as soon as | tain agents of the Sugar interest. he says that possible. Unexampled Mendacity. It requires more than the usual amount of reckless falsehood, to run Republican organs at this time when 80 much lying is required in antagoniz- ing the WiLsoN bill and misrepresent. ing the action of its suppoiters in Con- gress. But the organs appear to be equal to the exigencies of the situa- tion. It being necessary tosupport their case by misrepresentation, that may throw odiam upon the conduct of Democratic Senators and cabinet officers in connec tion with the pending tariff legislation, newspaper correspondents are commis: sioned to getup wholesale defamation and publish it as substantial fact. Of that character is the production of the Philadelphia Press correspondent. When his aspersions are denied and disproved by the parties impugned, and he is unable to give anything more than flimsy hearsay, and sensa- tional reports to substantiate his fabri- cation, that circumstance does not in the least discourage the newspaper that employs his defamatory service, but it coolly tells its readers that every one of his charges has been sustained. Secretary CARLISLE is made a cou- spicuous object of attack. He is ac- cused of having formulated the Sugar Schedule in the interests of the Sugar Trust. The Secretary in his testimony before the Senate exposes the utter untruth of this charge. The schedule had been fixed by the committee in the only way that could secure the votes of the two Louisiana Senators and had nothing more to do with it than to advise as to the form in which expression should be given to what had been deterwined upon by the Committee as the schedule. It was furthermore shown in his testimony that atter the schedule had been pre- pared he discovered a provision io it that would have been an advantage to the Trust to the amount of millions, and he hastened to notify the Committee of this defect and had it stricken out before the bill was reported. Yet in the face of this disproof of the charge against the Secretary, the Press in ef fect makes the assertion that he has admitted that he formulated the sugar schedule in the interest of the Trust. In this campaign of falsehood, car- ried on by Republican organs, a great parade is made of what wire-manufac- turer GAsTON overheard in a conversa- tion in a Washington hotel between certain Democratic Senators and cer- Ac- cording to the representation of the orgaus Gaston actually caught Demo- cratic Senatorial leaders selling out to the sugar monopoly. When Gasrox is brought on the witness stand before the Senate, under oath, he heard, in a room adjoining his, a conversation about the sugar duties carried on in such a loud tone that it kept him awake, a tone in which a dicker of that kind, in a public house, would not be likely to be pitched. He could not determine whether the parties in the other room were lobbyists or Senators. .He said he was not acquainted with the voices of Senators and therefore could not tell whether any Senators were present, and he was particular in declaring in his testimony that he did not charge any Senator with being in the party whose loud-voiced conver- sation, in regard to the sugar schedule, he had overheard. Yet notwithstand- ing this denial of the substantial part of the Gaston story by Gastron him- gelf, the reckless and unscrupulous organs declare in cold print that Gas- 70N's testimony fully sustains the charge that Democratic Senators were caught in making a sale to the Sugar Trust. This is the most reckless newspaper lying that was ever indulged in for a political object. It is unexampled as an effort of mendacity. The only in- terest, however, that is injured by it is that of the newspapers which thus for- feit the confidence of their readers. —How rich the people of Pennsylva. nia should feel after the electioh of Hastings shall have put ‘forty dollars of currency’’ (?) in the pockets of every man, woman and child. The felicity of the Southern darkies with their *‘forty acres #nd a mule” won’t be a patchin’ to it. m—=D0 you read the WATCHMAN, Another Fallure to Agree, A second conference, between the operators and miners of the Clearfield region, was held at Altoona on Tuesday It proved a failure because of the re- fueal of the operators to agree to any basis of settlement except their own dictatorial,starvation,rates. The miners agreed to treat with them outside of the Miners Union, and as representa. tives only of the Clearfield region—a demand that the operators have been making since the trouble began,—and further agreed to accept 40 cents a net ton, or 45 cents a gross ton,for mining, but both proposition were spurned by the operators, This action, on the part of the indi- viduals and corporations that have been robbing this section of the state, of its wealth, and returning nothing to it but crowded almshouses and burdensome poor taxes, should open the eyes of the authorities, as well as it has those of the public, to the injustice of these Their evident intention is to force a conflict between “their starving workmen and the thugs they have imported as detectives, and then coal barons. expect the state to step in and bear the brunt of the trouble their course has caused, and saddle the expense upon the tax-payers generally. This should be prevented. The people whose property and rights will need and should have the protection of the state, if the troubles to are those who the operators seem determined bring about, come, have neither voice nor vote in the set- tlement of these difficulties. They are the tax-payers and residents of the foeulities in which mining opera- tions are carried on, and should be protected from the armed body of irresponsible thugs brought from the slums of the large cities, and the horde of ignorant pauper laborers it is proposed to dump down upon them to become public charges before the snows of another winter whiten the hills, As long as the operators in this sec- tion continue to give away their coal at a price that prevents them paying living wages to have it mined, they will have neither the sympathy of the public nor should they have the prc- tection of the state. It is to be hoped, however, that the starting of mining operations in other parts of the state will show to the three or four big corporations that control the coal trade of this section, the necessity of paying their men and going to work. The Oregon Election. Upon the surface of the recent Ore- gon election there is an appearance of a decided Republican victory, but it does not require very close examina- tion to deprive the result of its signifi- cance, if there is any attached to it. Oregon has for years been a Republican state. In every Presidential election from 1872 to 1888 the Republicans carried it by a large plurality, and al- though in 1872 one “Fusion” elector was elected, the balance of the electors were carried by 8000 plurality over the straight Populists, and more than 20,. 000 over the straight Democrats. Sach being the fact, itis bard to see how the recent election was a significant defeat for the Democrats. That election must rather be regard: ed as a fight between the Populists and the Republicans, Governor PeNoyYER had been elected as a Demo: erat, but he turned to be a Populist demagogue, and although he was not a candidate for re-election, he was in volvet in the contest as a prospective Populist candidate for United States Senator. Hundreds of Democrats voted with the Republicans to make sure of preventing a Populist victory that threatened the State with the dis- grace of being represented in the United States Senate by PENoYER. It was more of a defeat of the Populists than of the Democrats, and decided nothing definitely except the fate of the political crank whom the Demo- crats were so unfortunate as to elect Governor some years ago. — As to the Situation. From the N.Y. World, The people have had hard times this year. But the people are not fools. They They know that they are living still under the laws enacted by Republicans, the laws they revolted against in 1890 and again in 1892, the laws they elected 8 Democratic president and congress to repeal. They know that every tax they pay to-day is a Republican tax. They know that the protectionism which keeps the prices of their necessaries high and shuts them off from free access to foreign markets with the products of their industry is Republican protection. ism enacted in the McKinley bill. They know that the extravagant expenditures of the government, which must be met by appropriations, were decreed by a Republican congress, Besides all this, the people understand the present situation. They knew why their taxes have not been reduced. They are not deceived by professions or party names. They have seen a Democratic house of representatives frame and pass an act to reduce their taxes and promote prosperity in the way. they have them- selves decreed. They have seen that measure twisted out of shape and de- layed for months in the senate, not by the will of the Democrats there, but un- der compulsion of Republican represen- tatives of the trusts in alliance with other Protectionist trust agents who for convenience and personal advantage masquerade as Democrats while repudi- ating every fundamental Democratic principle and doctrine. The sole reason that a just tanff re- form bill has not become law before this time is that there is in fact no real Demo- cratic majority in the senate. It is likely, then, that the people will elect a Repu:blican congress next time, and so surrender all hope of reform, or that they will again emphasize their de- sire for reform and patiently set to work to secure it by electing legislatures that will send real Democrats to the senate ? It will be time enough for return to the Republican system of class legisla- tion when the Democratic system of legislation for the common benefit of all the people shall have been tried and found wanting. Colorado's War Over. An Agreement which is Expected to Settle the Strike in the Cripple Creek. CriprLE CREEK,(Col., June 11.—The labor difficulty in this district was set- tled last night by definite agreement between Messrs, Hagerman, Moffatt, and thesmaller mine owners at Colorado Springs, and between the County Com- missioners and General Brooks, at a meeting held at militia headquarters in Altman, last evening. The terms of this agreement are, first, that the Deputies will be at once with- drawn from the camp ; second, that the mine owners shall be given immediate and peaceable possession of their prop- erty ; third, that the militia shall fur- nish protection equally to miners and the mines ; fourth, that troops shall re- main in the district at least thirty days, and as much longer as the commanding officer may deem necessary to secure perfect smoothness in the operation of the mines ; fifth,the miners are to deliver up to the commanding General all arms of their own and those taken from oth- ers, together with all personal property belonging to others, borrowed or other- wise acquired, and all material taken from the mines ; sixth, troops are to be stationed at Cripple Creek and Victor, with headquarters at Altman ; seventh, persons for whom the Sheriff has war- rants shall be arrested by General Brooks, and shall he turned over to the Sherif at Colorado Springs. The Deputies will break camp at Victor to-day and will start at once for Colorado Springs, where they will dis- band. Correct, You are Brother. From the Montrose Democrat. Both the old parties have been de- claring in their platforms, for bimet- alism ; now let them take hold in earn- est and secure something tangible in this direction, giving silver a place once more among the legal tenders. The rank and file of the Democratic party, especially, is asking for this, though a few of the big city newspapers, whose interests are all with the cities, instead of with the agricultural and pro- ducing classes, attempt to make it ap- pear otherwise. A TUS ET I. Sensible Action. From the Gettysburg Compiler. Governor Pattison’s part in the diffi- culties with the strikers last week is an exhibition of good sense and prudence and shows a proper consideration for the rightsof both parties. Although the condition now indicates that there may yet be serious trouble, the conditions last week were not such as to require the use of arms. Governor Pattison’s attempt at arbitration, though it has not settled the question, has, at least, creat- ed a feeling, among the miners, that their rights will be protected. EE A Forgets that “While the Lamp Holds out to Burn” &c. From the York Gazette. The Senate really seems to be trying to send its bill to the House as soon as ossible, but it’s too late to head off the bin of indictment against them filed by the people of the United States. Indeed they have already been tried on it and public opinion has rendered & verdict of guilty. know where the hard times came from.’ Spawls from the Keystone, —Milk from malt-fed cows is killing babies in Allegheny City. —Slot machines are to be pitched out of Harrisburg by order of the Court. —Captain William Davis, of Scranton was Saturday kicked to death by a horse, —Falling from an electric light pole at Wilkesbarre, Charles Gustavsen was killed. —Lancaster Y. M. C. A, Sunday celebra- ted the fiftieth anniversary of the organi. zation. —The scarcity of coal Saturday closed the East Lebanon Iron Company’s pud- dling mill. —The body of Jacob Sherry was found on the railroad track at Easton with his head crushed. . —Flour is now selling at $3.10 a barrel, while bran sells at $1.00 per 100 pounds at Chambersburg. ‘ —Henry George talked to the Chester county friends, in session at Longwood, about a single tax. t —Scranton bricklayers who struck for 40 cents an hour on May 1 have returned to work at the old wages, 35 cents. —Rev. Dr. George T. Purves, of Prince- ton will preach the baccalaureate sermon at Lafayette College next Sunday, —Only 10 applicants presented them- selves yesterday at Harrisburg before the Eclectic Medical Examining Board. —The Ashland knitting mill, which has been idle all spring, started up on Mon- day and gives employment to 125 men. —A copperhead bit Mrs. Christiana Shaffer, of Cedar Springs, Clinton county, while she was working in her garden. —Disgusted patrons using the pike to the West End Park, Lancaster, on Sunday night burned a newly-erected toll gate. —It turns out that the Smoky City and Allegheny are to have only a 30-inch tele- scope instead of the largest in the world, —Frequent deaths at the baby farm kept by Mrs. James Robinson. of Alle. gheny City, have led to an investigation. —Marie Decca lost the suit at Harris. burg to recover from her husband, F. 8, Christman, possession of their $5600 home. —There are thirty-three prisoners in the Clearfield county jail—more than at. the opening of the recent term of court there. i —A hen in the barn of Paul Fuller, near Norristown, hatched a new variety of a boarding house chick. It had three wings. — Franklin county ’s nineteen school dis. tricts will receive $51,223 of the State ap. propriation, nearly #700 less than last year. —A Paterson (N. J.) plush company of. fers to locate a large plant at Strouds- burg, provided the town puts up $10,000 cash, —A canvass of the town by the authori® ties shows that the Minersville popula. tion has increased exactly 1000 since the last census, —The Tremont and Pine Grove Electric Light Company has been organized for the purpose of supplying light and power to those towns. —Bricklayers employed at the Soldiers’ Industrial School, at Scotland, struck Monday because the contractor refused to pay them every week. —While playing “Copenhagen” at a pic - nic near Plainfield, Monroe county, Miss Cora Miller ran against a young man’s hat brim, breaking her nose. —A meeting addressed by Presiden t Warfield, of Lafayette College, and oth « ers was held at Easton toadvocate the closing of the post office there on Sunday. —A bogus occulist swindled Scudder Voorhees, of Dolington, Bucks county» out of $25, and other victims were trea ted ina like manner in the same neighbor: hood. —The Clarion lawyers will take a vaca’ tion this year from July 1 to August 1. They will hold a picnic for themselves and their families on the Clarion Assem- bly grounds June 30. ~—There are issued in this State 183 daily papers, 3 tri-weeklies, 21 semi-weeklies, 925 weeklies, § bi.weeklies, 23 semi-month. lies, 216 monthlies, a total of 1,4)8. New York and Illinois exceed this total. —A new railroad is projected from Ma - haffey, in Clearfield county, to Butler, to run through Indiana and Armstrong. If built it will connect the Beech Creek road with the Baltimore and Ohio system at Butler. : —Drilling for oil has been begun near Forkston, Wyoming county. The drillers intend, if necessary, to go down 2,600 feet. The parties interested have about 16,000 acres under lease and are confident of striking either oil or gas. —A weasel sneaked out of his lair near Stroudsburg and picked up one of Mrs, Frymire’s little chickens, Two bantam roosters were near by and they set upon the thieving beast with such vigor that both eyes were picked out and he died soon afterwards. —A golden eagle was killed at Homer City, Indiana county, on Sunday, while attempting to carry off a hen with a brood of chickens. The hen was tied with a strong cord which the eagle couldn’t break. Failing in this attempt it perched itself on a tree near by to se. lect another victim, when a man named Lockard shot it. It measured 6 feet 2 inches from tip to tip of wings. —Since 1838 the Governors of this Com « mouwealth have been divided among the counties as follows: Porter, of Dauphin, Shunk, of Berks; Johnston, of Westmo re- land; Bigler, of Clearfleld ; Pollock, of Northumberland ; Packer, of Lycoming ; Curtin, of Centre; (two terms); Hart. ranft, of Montgomery (two terms) ; Hoy t» of Luzerne: Pattison, of Philadelphia (two terms), and Beaver, of Centre. It is remarkable that all of that territory west north and south of Westmoreland has uever sent a Governor to Harrisburg. —Mrs. Michael Burnett, residing at Stroudsburg, had a hen setting with the result that one egg hatched. She brought it into the kitchen and assisted the chick to get out of the shell. Next morning it was apparently dead. In order that the cats might not get it she buried itin the. yard under several inches of earth. In the afternoon she heard a peepipg in the vicinity of the buried chick. Scratching away the ground tbat had been warmed by the sun she was astonished to see the unfortunate youngster bob up its head and struggle out of its early grave.