BY RP. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. — About all we do is shiver and swear, and wich wo had on our winter under-wear. —With the sugar schedule fixed the Democratic tariff bill ought to have a sweet time passing. —The company store is the breeder of more disaffection among operatives than any other agent except the wage question. — Bathing suits are not much in de- mand this weather, but the white gown for the ‘sweet girl graduate’ still holds its own as a leader in June fads. —-Cholera bas broken out again in Germany and the people of these United States had better clean up a little else we may have a scourge ourselves. —-Pittsburg wants each one of her school children to give a penny toward the entertainment of the G. A. R. next Fall. We thought the Smoky city had more cents than that. —TFrom the number of accidents that have happened to United States vessels of late it would seem that the officers aboard have been paying more atten- tion to handling schooners than steering battle ships. — And so reaction hassetin in BRECK- ENRiDGE'S district down in Kentucky and now it looks as if the tide is turning in his favor. We thought mortification was the natural course to run in that corrupt old rabscallion. —Strikers are just as amenable to the law as any other class of men, when they violate it. The liberty of one man is just as importart as that of a million, and when one wills to work no ove dare gainsay his right to do it. -—The number of marriages that are being made in the theatrical profession lately points to a boom in the free ad- vertisement business. When the season opens next Fall there will be many di- vorce suits to bring notoriety. —If uncle SaM’s men-o-war continue running a ground every turn they make, it might be advisable for him to put some of the commanders back for an- other term’s schooling at Annapolis and leave the boys run the boats awhile. —Congressman JOE SIBLEY, the farmer’s friend, announces that he will not accept the Democratic nomination for Governor. Heis just a trifle prema- ture. It has not been offered him yet and it is bardly probable that it will. —A doctor who has lately located ay Kensington, Kansas, bears the rather significant name, GREENE GRAVES. ‘We'll bet our newspaper plant against anew hat that he will never make a living while following out medical work. —Why men, who expect to gain public sympathy in their demand for better wages, resort to lawlessness when- ever they see the tide turning against them we are at a loss to understand. If strikers violate the law they should be punished just the same as any one else. —HAsTINGS i8 going to have a great time campaigning on the inflated cur- rency platform. We have a larger eir- culating medinm per capita now than | ever before and times are harder. What would it he if the Republican State platform demand for $40 per capita was complied with. . — Wa sincerely trust that such will not be the case, but it is beginning to look now as though the striking miners will be forced to return to work at the old rate. It was not a living rate, but the wealth of the operators opposed to the starving miners will win unless the question is settled soon. : —The Supreme court of New Jersey has refused to grant admission to Miss Mary PHILBROOKE, of Hoboken, to practice law before it. The judge, in handing down his refusal to her petition, failed to state whether the action was taken in self defense or that he feared women have an inclination to confound the meaning of jaw and law. —While we are decidedly of the opinion that it is proper to give every man his dues, yet we felt a thrill of de- light, the other day, on reading that one bundred Italians, who had worked on the Conestoga valley rail-road, set out for Europe on Monday. They went home because they did not get pay. Ig stopping the pay will drive tbe foreign- ers home, we say stop it quick. —The proposed amendment to the constitution of New York withdrawing all State aid to sectarian’ schools and making church property taxable should be adopted. If there is one thing that | breeds class strife more than another it is'this thing of mixing the church and State. The government was founded on religious tolerance—without respect to | creed —and the further church matters are kept from things political the purer STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. = VOL. 39. BELLEFONTE, PA., JUNE 8, 1894. NO. 23. If the labor question is drifting into Anarchy in the bitumirous coal and coke regions it is largely the fault of a class of operators whose treatment of their workmen positively amounts to robbery. Much is said about the lawlessness of the men who are ter- rorizing the regions by the turbulence of their demonstrations, driving off those who are willing to work and en- dangering life and property. Such disorder is in no way justifiable under any circumstances, but is it not the natural consequence of a system of employment and wage payment that bas reduced the laboring population of the soft coal and coke regions to a condition but little above starvation ? The strong hand of authority is called upor to preserve the peace and protect life and property in those disturbed localities, but to what authority should those individuals and corporations be made amenable whose treatment of their employes has been the cause of the disturbance? Their culpability appears the greater when it is cousid- ered that for the advantage of cheap labor they have introduced an ignorant and brutal foreign element which in consequence of the low wages paid them are reduced toa state of destitu- tion that incites them to give vent to their turbulent disposition. For every act of lawlessness, for the life and property destroyed, and expense im- posed upon the community under these circumstances the blame pri- manly rests with those who have introduced this element and then treat itin a way that drives it to despera- tion. If the situation in those regions is anarchical, what influence has incited the Anarchy ? In such a case who are the original Anarchists ? Look the facts of this question squarely in the face and what are they to be? The charged with creating all this trouble found men who are are employed at beggarly wages, most of which must he taken out in store goods furnished at prices; that will give the employers the highest possible profit. overstocked with this class of work- The regions are purposely men in order that advantage may be had of an over-supply of labor and the system of low wages may be maintain- ed. Then contracts are taken for sup- plying coal at prices whichi would not pay for digging it if the operators did not look for their profit in the starva- tion of their workmen. This is the system that is responsi- ble for the trouble in the soft coal re’ gions. It isattended with evils worse than the old time negroslavery in the South. ' It robs ‘the workmen and it robs the regions of the ladvantages they should derive from their {natural pro- duct. Coal is sold at prices which re- turn no profit to the localities which produce them. There is no: thriving population maintained and nurtured by the advantage of the mineral de- posits, but ingtead, ill-paid, half-starv- ed, discontented and turbulent hordes of foreigners, whose frequent strikes are attended with riot and bloodshed, and who when sick or disabled becom e township charges. This is the skin-game that is being practiced upon the resources of the bituminous coal districts, the profits of which go fo a few rich operators and corporations while the regions are be’ coming exhausted of their mineral de- posite, and are being practically desc- lated. rey ~—-If you want printing of any de scripton the Wartomman office is the both will be. place to have it done. Where The Blame Primarily Belongs. | Of What Use Is It? There was one member of the re- cent Republican State convention whose ideas did not seem to be in line with the sentiments that prevailed in that assemblage. He ventured a sug- gestion that was repugnant to its feel- ings and clashed with its policy. This discordant member was a practical miner who wanted to know the use of a protective duty of 75 cents a ton on coal when the soft coal workers are compelled to labor at 35 to 40 cents a ton. This was a very pertinent question. It ought to have been considered by a convention which assumed to cham- pion a protective tariff for the benefit it is doing the laboring man. Here is a protective tariff that puts a protec tive duty of 75 cents per ton on coal, and at the same time the miner is al- lowed in wages but little more than half as much as the “protection” amounts to. Compare the two figures. 75 cents per ton in protective duty ; 35 to 40 cents per ton in wages. How much benefit does the miner get from that tariff? To whom does the advan- tage of this protection go ? The practical miner, as a delegate to that conveation, was justified in ask: ing what use there was in putting 75 cents duty oa coal when it appear- ed to have no other effect than to pro- vide starvation wages to the coal dig- gers. But his question was neither heeded nor answered. The bosses hadn’t called their henchmen together to solve the intricacies of the McKIN- LEY system. What they were there for was to get up a hurrah about protec- tion to American industry, and to issue a platform that might again fool the people on the tariff question. The people may be fooled sometimes, but not all the time. Forty Dollars Per Capita. It is well remembered bow the new- ly made colored citizen of the South, daring the reconstruction period, was promised ‘forty acres and a mule’ by the carpet-baggers who had seized po- litical eootrol of the southern states and needed the assistance of the negroes in maintainiog their bold on that un- fortunate section of the union. The prize offered was a tempting one, but it was never intended for any other purpose than to humbug the darkey, whose only chance for acres and mnles was to earn them by hard work, which many of them have since done, to their credit,but without thanks to the carpet- baggers. The recent Republican State cou- vention has proposed to play some- thing of a “forty acre and mule” dodge on the voters of the State by holding out the promise of a currency circula- tion of forty dollars for each man, woman and child in the country. This bait is offered in the shape of a plank in the platform recommending an in- crease of the currency to that amount. There is no other object in it than to steal the Populist thunder and to gain votes from that increasing class who believe that there is not enough money in circulation for the needs of business, Whether relief would or would not be afforded by such an increase, it is cer- tain that it will not come from the Re- publican party which is controlled by the gold interest, and is as deceptive in pretending to favor forty dollars of child as it was in promising “forty acres and a mule’ to every southern darkey. ———A most worthy appointment is that of Hon. THOMAS CHALFONT to the postmastership at Danville. . As editor of the Intelligencer of that place, in which capacity he has done veteran service, he has been among the staunchest and most efficieot support- ers of the Democratic cause in this State. Whatever were the vicissitudes of the party his’ fidelity was ‘never kuoown to flag, and it has been kept up for more than a generation. Nor has bis party forgotten him, as on several occasions it entrusted him with posi- tions of honor ‘and responsibility, among which was the office of State Senator. He was postmaster of Dan- ville during CLEveLaND's first adminie- tration, and now a 'secoud appoint, ment to the same position does not near repay him for the service he has rendered the Democratic party in Mon- tour county. | | | statements proper for public informa- currency forevery man, woman and this most essential requirement they Libelous Correspondents. The liberty of the press has been carried to scandalous extreme by cer- tain professional newspaper corre spondents giving publicity to charges which impugn the collective honor and integrity of Congress and the of- ficial reputation of individual Senators and heads of departments. Their statements, as published, cover a wide field of alleged misconduct including the complicity of Senators and cabinet officers, with the sugar trust in ad- justing the sugar schedule in the tariff bill to the advantage of that monopoly, and also an alleged contribution of the trust to the Democratic presidential campaign fund in consideration of fa- vors to be shown in the provisions. of the tariff bill, If there was any foundation for such charges it was proper that they should be given to the public through the press, but it was also proper that the Senate, some of whose members were inculpated, should institute an investi- gation. The parties implicated were examined, and in every instance gave testimony, bearing every appearance of truth, which stamped the charges as being thoroughly false, and intended for asensational purpose, if not for par- tisan effect, The correspondents who gave pub- licity 10 them fail to give the authority for their statements. They are refuted directly, positively and nw foto by Sena- tors Carrery, VoorHEE3, JoNEs and Vest, Ex-Congressman Lerevre, Con- gressman CocHRAN and Secretary Car- LISLE, all of whom were involved in thecharges. In the face of such refu- tation they get behind the privilege which they claim under the liberty of the press, and positively refuse to di- vulge the source of the information which is represented to be the founda- tion for published charges against Sena- | of tramps plundering the tors, Congressmen and members of the cabinet. . It is evident that these fellows have been lying. It is plaia that they have been recklessly furnishing their jour- nals with sensational matter, paid for at so much a column, and intended for political effect, with no- other source for the alleged facts than the men- dacity of the writers. They have transcended the legitimate liberty of the press and have ran into license, which has no right to claim protection. | iA correspondent has a right to protec- tion when, in good faith, he publishes tion, whether they be trae or false ; bat he loses that right when he refuses to name his informants. Every pub- | lisher must do that to fortify himself | in the position that his publication has | taken in the public interest, anfl if those correspondects will not comply with ghould be treated as common libelers. They Will be Disappointed. The wore zealous supporters of Hastings for Governor are extending their ambition beyoud the governorship, the presidency being the prize towards which they ‘propose to shape the gubernatorial campaign in Dan's be- half. It is on the programme to put him in the Governor's chair with such a majority that the Republican party will take him as its presidential candi: date in 1896. ‘Big majorities for Governor have bad the effect of securing presidential nominations, but it is not probable that - HasTInG's majority is going to’ bring him -such luck. The situation next November is likely to be such that there will not be more than the ordi- nary Republican majority. Things may even occur that may make it less than usual. Insuch an event it will be far from winning a presidential nomination. : The fate of the Republican campaign depends upon the extent to which the public mind may be made to believe that the Democratic tariff policy has ruined the country. Unfortunately for, the Republican calculations, when next fall arrives it will be found that the country has not been ruined. With the settlement of the tariff question, the public mind will also be settled on that subject. The calamity howler's occupation will be gone, and such a majority as the Republicans may have in this State will be found to be below its normal figures. It is uot going to bave the effect of making the man who gets it a very formidable candidate for the presidency. Some Day We Will Know All. “From the Philadelphia Times. West Virginia soft coal operators, un- affected by the present strike through the refusal of the rainers to unite in the lockout and make it general, are reaping enormous profits, the working rate re- maining practically the same. The in- creased demand has so largely increased the price that mine owners are asking $1.90 per ton for coal at the tipple which formerly sold at but sixty cents. One of the leading market points is Cleve- land and sales there jumped from $2.87 to $3.25 a ton the past week. Dealers and consumers are rushing the Poca- hontas region to the utmost limit and the end of the bonanza is not in sight. This is the competitive section that fig- ures in the conferences of the Pennsyl- vania operators, who ingist that they must ran their mines on a dead equality with the West Virginia field or else keep their properties idle. but the Pennsylvania operators are in eompeti- tion with investments made by Penn- sylvania capital and run on purely bus- iness principles, and if they could mar- ket 36,000,000 tons of eoal in the de- pressed conditions of last year there should be nothing in the way to repeat- ing the sales and increasing them this year. There is apparently much more back of the deliberations of the confer- ences than the operators are willing the public should know, but it will crop out by and by. Trouble Never Comes Single Handed. From the Lebanon Advertiser. The month of May has been notable for rain, unsettled weather and cold. Snow has fallen in mountain regions as far south as Kentucky. Hail has fallen to the depth of a foot in some places. Cloud bursts have been fre- quent. Millions of dollars worth of property have been destroyed by floods. Fifty bridges and two towns, Copper Rock and Sugar loaf, in Colorado, have been entirely washed away. In the midst of these natural calami- ties, men geem to be doing what they can to increase the desolation. Bands farmers ; strikers arrayed against the military ; fire and bloodshed ; it would seem in the words of the poet : —“As if throughout The elements one fary ran One general rage, that left a doubt Which was the fiercer, Heaven or Man!” | We Must Not Lose Track of the Past. From the Pittsburg Post. Republican senators have challenged Senator Vest’s statement that ths sugar trust was in existence, and a factor in creating the McKinley duties on sugar when that law was pending in congress, the senator produced proof that in 1890, the McKinley bill having passed in October of that year, 8,926,000 shares of the sugar trust stock were sold in New York, and at $100 per share this sale represented values of the extent of $800,- 000,000. The gambling recently done in sugar stock was but a flea bite com- pared with the operations when the Mc- Kinley law was hatching. They are both bad enough, in all conscience. All Stand Together. From the Altoona Times. ' There is no lack of cohesion in the Democratic ranks in the senate, a fact amply attested by the way in which they stood ‘together on the crueial sugar schedule. With that proof of a com- mon agreement to pass a tariff bill, there is no room for further speeula- tion as to whether or not that measure will be adopted. It is only a question of time now aud we hope that it’ will be a very short time. Any Kind of Hanging Should Do Him From the Philadelphia Record. By agreement of counsel the case of Prendergast, the assassin of Mayor Har- rison, of Chicago, has been again 'de- ferred, this time until next tall. In the fate of the wretched prisoner the coun- try has long sinee ceased to feel any special concern. The regrettable feature of the tardiness of justice in crimes of this nature is. the opportunity and pre- text which it affords for reconrse to lynch law. : i ; Put New Men at ; the Helm. A ‘From the Easton Argus. 1 Wok Accidents to vessels of the United States by running aground have be- come rather numerous of late.; The historic Kearsage was lost: on Ronea- dor reef and now the banner: ship ot the government, the Columbia, is’ re- ported badly damaged by an encounter with a hidden bank. . Negligence or incapability have been figuring too prominently in naval affaire. ET ARE SC _ Where the Boss Show Will Be. From the Hollidaysburg Register. The State Fair will be held in Mead- ville this year. The city put up a bonus of $1,000, and the local fair 'asso- ciation provide the free use of grounds and buildings, and judging from the success attending the fair in Indiana last year the people of Meadville bave made a good business deal with the fair managers. © MEAs The Good Sense of a Republican Organ, From the Altoona Tribune, The Republican party should not per- mit the ‘Yjingoes” to commit it to a foreign policy which is at variance with all the traditions of the nation’s past. Already several wrong steps have been taken. We should get out of SBzmoa as soon as possible, and we should give no encouragement to the Hawaiian annex. ationists, i es Spawls from the Keystone, —Sullivan County 1s building’ a new Court House. ~The State Prohibition Convention met at Harrisburg Wednesday. 2 : —Lancaster policemen no longer carry umbrellas when it rains. —Pittsburg’s new directory shows little growth in that city’s population. —Charles Hartman, colored, poisoned himself in a barn at Harrisburg, —A Lehigh Valley train, at Hazleton, snuffed out Thomas Cassidy’s life. - —Harvey Adams’ horse kicked him to death at Bear Gap, near Shamokin. —A train struck and fatally hurt Miss Sadie Shaub at a Lancaster erossing . —Governor Pattison signed the death warran® of Harry Johnson, of Allentown. —Twolads 6f Lebanon, Prank McGell and Irwin Schell, will be tried as fire. bugs. —— - ~The Pennsylvania College commence- ment week, at Gettysburg, will begin on June 17. —Rev. C. C. Yost has been ordained pastor of the Reformed Church of Miners- ville. : Ph —In a mine at Forty Fort Joseph Mar- tin and Paul Herman were crushed to death. il —Brakeman Theo. R. Flinn, of Easton was ground to pieces under car wheels at Annandale. - —Five hundred Pennsylvania Sons of Veterans are in annual encampment at Johnstown. : —At Arabian, near Hazleton, Absalom Adam robbed John Joseph's house of $275 and escaped. —A water famine at Lancaster Monday convenience. : —Hundreds of foreigners in the West" ern Pennsylvania coal regions are return- ing to Europe. ; ) —while in the cemetery, near Carlisle, waiting for a funeral, Miss Mary Lautz dropped dead. ) —Gamblers and fakirs are driven away from Schuylkill County fairs under pain of prosecution. ~The York Dispaich 100ks extremes ly prosperous in a brand new form and new dress of type. —Hail did some damage to fruit trees in Chester, Montgomery and Bucks Counties Monday. —Altoona trembles at the announce- ment that a Law and Order Society is to be organized there. —After several years of idleness, the Phoenixville Pottery has resumed opera- tions with 150 men. : Tuesday was commencement day at Dickinson College, Carlisle, and Kennett Square High School. —After a month’s labor, the fire in the Lehigh Valley’s Packer Colliery, at Cen- tralia, has been extinguished. —The Scranton 7ruth urges other Pen ne sylvania cities to follow Philadelp hia’s plan of industrial schools. —Twenty students Monday received diplomas from the law department of Dickinson College, Carlisle. —Murderer Manfredi, who shot George Ochs in the latter's home at Pottsville, will be hanged on August 7. .— People at Womelsdorf and Sinking Spring are anxious for a speedy eonstru c- tion for a trolley to Reading. —An express train near Lancaster so badly mangled and cut to pieces a man that he cannot beidentified. —The 8550 laborers in the Pennsylya nia steel works at Steelton Saturday received $62,549 for a half moath’s pay. —John Long's children, Anna and George, perished in thew burning home at Duke Centre, McKean County. : —The State Board of Charities has con” demned Lebanon's police station, and the loose practices at the Almshouse. —Major Levi Huber was last night rey elected president of the Pottsville Schoo Board for his twenty-fourth term. —The death sentence was Sunday pass: ed upon George Duckovies, who killed. Peter Drabroarlavie, at Pittsburg . ii —J. H. Jacobs was, at & meeting held ab Caerdarvon, elected president . of the Conestoga Valley Railroad Company. —The mines of the Lykens Valley Coal Company are flooded, and at least a week will be necessary to pump them dry. —Lancaster’s reservoir is dry owing: to repairs going on, and in consequence several faetories will elose down Monday. Fifteen wagonloads of colored: resi: dents of Coatesville drove tothe. com. | mencement at Lincoln University, Tues: day. a . An Electric light wire, live” enough to kill, fell and only burned the.end of Miss Emma Welch's thumb at €Colum~ bia. wt + 1 —Lightning struck the bed upon whieiy Mrs. Jackson and Bertha Austin slept at Forty Fort, but did not injure, the sleep. ers. aw 0 3 sao? ,=The Delaware County Bar adopted appropriate resolutions Monday vegret- ting, the death . of the late’ Judge Broomall... A HAE Jo —An electrie capjumpedithe traek near Chickies, injuring Lewis: Hartman, Mr and Mrs. James Henderson and, Mrs. M. Hoover. | $19 1rd —OQwing to an' irregalarity mew . pro- posals for printing the Legislative Re¢ord will probably be askest for, by Seeretary | Harrity. Hv aGiad —A verdict for $508) was awarded W. R. Ringrose against Bloomsbarg borough for injuries received by falling upon a ‘bad pavement. f Mail Do q ' | —The freshman oratorical prize of the ‘Diagnothian Fociety, Franklin and M ar- shall College, Lancaster, was won by Charles B. Rebert. ’ : —A hundred 1tulians who worked for a. month on the Conestoga, Valley Railro ad Monday set out forBurope, on the ground that they had not been paid. |, + Thé Wilkesbarre Bveniag Times: Mon” day displayed fineenterprise in ‘securing the best news purveyor in America. Tne Berks County Live ‘Stock "Ins ur- ance Company Monday got judgm ent against'22? Delaware County men on as. sessments levied for amounts’ rang ing from $2) to 424) eneh. IQ dae owing to repairs, caused a vast deal of in- the complete serviee of the United Press,