Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 01, 1894, Image 7

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    Beecham'’'s Pills.
Prrcuays PILLS—are for
iNousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia,
heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick
headache, bad taste in the mouth, coat-
ed tongue, loss of appetite, sallow skin,
when'esused by constipation; and «con-
stipatien is the most frequent cause of
Book free pills 25¢c. At drugstores, or
365 Canal St.,
39-196mnr - New York.
decated in one of the most Beautiful and
Healthful Spets im the Alleghany
Region ; Undemonvinational ; Op-
en to Both Sewes; Tuition Free;
Board and other Expenses
very low. New ‘Buildings
and Equipment.
1. AGRICULTURE (Two Courses), and AG-
‘[llustrations on the Farm ‘and in the Labora-
-oretical and prastical. Students taught origi-
nel study with the'microseope.
8. CHEMISTRY; with an unusually full
and thorough ceurse in theLaboratory.
NEERING. These courses are accompanied
with very extemsive practical exercises in the
Field, the Shop.and the laboratory.
5. HISTOR! ; Ancient and Modern, with
original investigation,
AND SCIENCE; Two years. Ample facilities
for music, voeeland instrumental.
in (optional), French, ‘German and English
(required), ome or:more continued through the
entire course. :
pure and applied.
10. MECHANIC. ARTS; combining shop
work with study, three years’ course; new
ouilding and equipment,
SCIENCE; Constitutional Law and History,
Political Economy, &e.
12. MILITAR ‘SOIENCE ; instruction
theoretical snd practical, including each arm
of the service,
years carefully gradedsead thorough.
Commencement Week, June 11-14, 1893.
Fall Term opens Sept. 113, 1893. Examination
for admission, June'1éth and Sept. 13th. For
Catalogue or-other in formation, address
State College. Centre county, Pa.
27 25
EME# BER—there are hundreds
of brands of White Lead (so called)
on the market that aresnet White Lead, com-
posed largely of Barytes:and other cheap ma-
terials. But the number of brands of genuine
is limited. The fellowing brands
are standard “OldDatch” process,
and just as good as they wére
when wou or your father were
. boys :
For OCerors.—National Lead
Co’s Pure White Ivead Tinting
Colors, a one-pound can to a
25-pound keg of Lead and mix
your own paints. ‘Saves time
and apmoyance in matching
shades, and insures the best
«paint that it is possible to put
on wood.
Send us & postal card and get
our 'book on paints and color-
card, tre»; it will probably
save you good meny dollars.
Piteslsurg Branch,
‘German National Bank Building, Pittsburg.
Coal and Wood.
Eovam K. RHOADS,
Shipping and Commission Merchant,
£00 A Lf
by the bufich or cord as may suit purchasers.
Respectfully solicits the patronage of his
friends and the public, at
aear the Passenger Station. Telephone 1312,
86 18
Buggies, Carts Etc.
$90 Top Buggy......837| We Cut the PRICES
BE nce and outsell all competi.
. Top! » ote.
$16 ond Cart. a0] Buy of factory and
Buggy Harness....$3.85/save middleman's pro-
$lobagey io $115 fit.
radi 81.65 Catalogue Free, |
2 to 12 Lawrence St, Cincinnati, 0.
Demorvalc atcha.
Bellefonte, Pa., June |, 1894,
A Road-Side Teahouse.
At Yoshino I found a little suite of
rooms built in the garden away from
the rest of the housy, and at once,engag-
ed them, in bappy anticipation of quiet
nights. These 150lated rooms have some
disadvantages, such as having to get to
the bath und back or: wet nights, buta
very short acquaintance with life ins
tea-house makes tbe traveller disregard
such trifling inconveniences for the cer-
tainty of peaceful sleep. The Japanese
wanderers usually finish their day’s
journey about five in the afternoon, and
after the preliminary cup of tea discard
travel-stained clothes for the clean kim-
ono which every well-regulated teatiouse
supplies to its guests then bathe in wa-
ser as near the boilingpoint as’ possible
eat their dinner, sit talking and smok-
ing till midnight, snore till five o’clock
in the morning, and then begins the
clatter of taking down shutters and the
elaborate business of tooth cleaning and
tongue scraping, with an accompani-
ment of complex noises suggesting sea-
sickness in its worst stages, so it is not
till they hawe departed at six or seven
that a light sleeper gets much chance.
In the daytime the tea-honse is deserted,
except by the proprietor, who sits in the
front roosn and does his accounts, and
by the little servant.ginls, who, with
their heads tied up in towels, kimono
tucked ito their obi, and sleeves fasten-
ed back, showing a good-deal of round
brown srm and leg, busily sweep and
dust the rooms in preperation for the
new set of visitors who will arrive in the
evening. The thin sliding partitions
would he little bar to sound even if
they seach to the top of the room, and
above them there is generally a foot or
so of-open wood work, which allows
free ventilation and conversation be-
tween the different apartments. Priva-
cy, &8 we understand it, is no part of the
scheme of a Japanese tea-house. Real
tresh air from outside is very difficult to
get at night. During the hot weather 1
was always careful to examine the fas-
tenings of the wooden shutters with
which, after dark, every house is en-
closed like a box, so that I could surrep-
titiously open a crack opposite my room
although by so doing was disobeying
the police regulations. These shutters
do mot keep out the noise of the watch-
man, who all night long wanders round
and knocks two blocks of wood together |
just toilet the burglars know that he is:
on the lookout.— From “The Japanese
Spring,” by ALFREP PARsoxs, in Har-|
per’e Magazine for June,
«Greatest ot His Species.
King William, the Largest Horse in the World, |
Owned by a Chicagoan, )
What Goliah was among bis com-
peers of the long ago, King William is
amoag horses. He is the biggest horse
alive of which there is any account,and
he is owned in Chicago. He is 22 hands
1 inch high, weighs 3027 pounds, and
is a 5-year-old gelding, gray in color, al-
most white, and, notwithstanding his |
great bulk, is active;moves with springy |
action, is well-gaited and well-formed. |
He stends so high that a good big-i
sized man wearing a silk hat would not]
show the top of his tile above the with-
ers of the horse.
King William is a crossed Norman, |
ithont pedigree, raised near Waterloo, |
The horse is ponderous, but well,
shaped, there being nothing ungainly
in his looks. He is broke to saddle and;
barness, and can pull like a locomotive
when put to it. ;
His owner declares he is a well and]
speedy gaited horse for his size ; that]
the measurement between tracks is five
feet two inches, and that his stride at a
walk of five miles an hour is 21 feet and
6 inches.
Shepherds on Stilts,
How the Frenchmen inthe Sandy “Landes” Tend
their Flooks.
On the barren, sandy “Landes” in
the South of France the sheep and pigs
do not live in clover, nor dees the shep-
herd fare luxuriously. The people aie
full of queer motions. They assert that
potatoes cause apoplexy, that milk is
unhealthy, that wheat bread spoils the
stomach, and that onions, garlic and rye
bread a week old in their country is the
best and most healthy diet. The shep-
herds walk on stilts, eat on stilts, and if
they do not sleep on stilts, rest on stilts,
for hours together by means of a stilt
rest. This is a long, stilt-like stick
having a erescentric curve at the top to
fit the back. Thus: with the stilts stretch-
ed out to right and left. and this stick in
the rear, they are well braced. The
stilt-walkers manage to go through the
deep and shifting sands at the rate of
six or seven miles an hour. The dress
of ihe shepherd is rough and quaint. He
wears a sheepskin with the wool on, in
the form of a loose hooded coat.
——The Confederate “White House”
at Richmond, since the war used asa
public school, has been surrendered by
the city to the Confederate Memorial
and Literary Society for a Confederate
museum. The society has $15,000, se-
cured at the grand Confederate bazaar
of the Southern States. It will restore
the house in every particular and ap-
portion the rooms to the various South-
ern States for exhibits. The society has
just been bequeathed the Mary De-
Renne collection of Savannah by Dr.
Everard De-Renne, of New York. The
coilection contains the originals con-
stitution of the Confederate States and
many other unduplicated relics, and it
is counted of great intrinsic and bistori-
cal value.
A Decided Difference.
Minnie--Here is a conundrum for
you. What is the difference between you
and crushed sugar ?
Mamie—I didn’t suppose there was
Minnie—Oh, yes, there is. One is
mashed to powder the other is powdered
to mash.
—— If you want printing of any de-
scripton the WarcEMmaN office is the !
place to have it done.
A Very Sad St.vy.
Disclosures of a Recent Visit of Inquiry to the
Coke Country.— Condition of Workmen.— Wo-
men and Children Sleeping at Night in Fence
Corners.—Some Pluck-Me Store Evils.—In-
¢ in Which Workers Got but a Few Cents
Cash in Weeks.— The Agreement They Sign.—
Experiences of Rev. Larmerein.
Day after day the dispatches bring ac-
counts of riots and blood in the Con-
nellsville coke region, and in nearly all
of these disturbances most of the killed
and injured are of the working class of
people. It is bard to believe that these
disturbances and so much bloodshed are
without cause, or that the fault is all on
the part of the workmen. Being re-
cently in the Connellsville coke region
for several days, the writer took it upon
himself to investigate the cause of this
lawlessness, and visited many plants in
the region between Greensburg and
Uniontown. He found the working
ple in a deplorable condition. No
pen can fully describe the condition of
the poor serts 1n that region. They are
homeless and starving, and many are al-
most naked. And to make their con-
dition the more intolerable they are
harassed and terrorized by the agents of
the coke barons, and the owners and em-
ployesofthe ‘‘pluck-me’’ stores.
Those who have not been evicted from
their houses are subject to frequent visits
from the hirelings of the operators, with
their Winchester rifles in band. The
object of these visits is todrive the men,
especially the Slavs and Huns, back to
work, and in too many instances to pro-
voke disturbances. ln one case reported
to the writer the superintendent of the
company went into the house of a Slavish
woman who kept a boarding house, and
told her to tell her men that,if they did
not go back to work for the company,
she would no longer board them. The
woman replied that she would not do it.
She at cnce got a notice from the com-
pany to vacate the company house im-
mediately. She did not go out at onoe,
and she was evicted, although she had
not recovered after giving birth to a
child three weeks before.
Hearing of this outrage the Rev.
Philip Larmerein, the Lutheran minis-
ter stationed at Connellsville, went to
relieve the poor woman and found her
and her children on the highway. The
good minister went to the superinten-
dent and asked for an explanation. The
superintendent in & brutal manner grab-
bed him by the arm and told him it was
mone of his business, at the same time
pointing to & stack of Winchetser rifles,
saying that they were for use. The miun-
ister had the woman taken to Connells-
ville .and provided shelter for her, the
same as he has done for hundreds of
others, who are all living on the charity
of the good people of the neighborhood.
Nearly all the bosses and clerks of the
coal and coke companies are sworn in as
deputy sheriffs, and remain at the works
where their regular employment requires
them. The same is the case with the
owners and clerks of the ‘pluck-me”’
stores. The object of these deputies is
not so much to preserve the peace as to
harass and annoy the strikers, and te
try to break the strike and provoke dis-
How can it be expected that these so-
called officers would impartially enforce
the law ? The workmen say they try to
provoke riot so that the state militia
may be called out, in the hope that the
workmen will not win the strike. And
it is said that more especially is this
true with the owners and employes of
the ‘pluck-me” stores. The further ex-
1stence of these stores largely depends
upon the result of the strike, because
one of the objects of the strike is to have
them abolished.
The following affidavit appeared in|
the Uniontown “News Standard’ on
May 21,1894 : :
On the morning of May 17, 1894, I
walked up to a number of men standing |
in a group near the Baltimore & Ohio
railroad, and at a point where the pub-
{ lic road crosses the railroad. At this
{ juncture Mat. Alle and another man
came up ina buggy. Allen jumped
out of the buggy and raised the ham-
mer on his Winchester and ordered the
men to march before him. He was
very drunk. He directed me to tell the
man in the buggy to drive upto the
station. Then he leveled his Winches-
ter on me and ordered me to walk along
with the rest, but I told him that I was
just passing along and had nothing to
do with the strikers. He was extremely
Sworn and subscribed to this 21st day
of May, 1894. T. H. TEABER.
Mat. Allen is a deputy sheriff, or was.
The above is only one of six affidavits to
the same effect.
The act of assembly of this state
makes it unlawful for any mining or
manufseturing corporation, or any of its
officers or stockholders, acting in behalf
of or in the interest of such corporation,
to directly or indirectly keep or main-
tain any store where goods and mer-
chandise, other than such as have been
manufactured by such corporation, are
kept and offered for sale. And it is un-
lav. ful for any such corporation to lease
or sell to any of its officers or stockhold-
ers, or any other person whatever, the
right to keep any store on the property
of such corporation. And it is also made
unlawful for any such corporation to
make any contract with the owner or
keeper of any store whereby the em-
ployes of such corporation shall be ob-
liged to deal in any particular store.
Notwithstanding this law the em-
ployes of nearly all if not all of the coke
and coal companies in the Connellsville
region are compelled to dealin the
¢'pluck-me’’ stores, and pay considerably
more for their supplies than they would
have to pay elsewhere for like goods.
When a man applies for work he is
presented with and required to sign in
advance a continuous order in favor of
the “pluck-me” stores, by which the
store company is authorized to collect
from the coke company any sum it may
think proper for supplies furnished the
Since a recent decision of the supreme
court the individnal coke operators keep
their own ‘‘pluck-me’’ stores,and a man
cannot work for them if he does not deal
exclusively in the company stores. As
| & result his wages are spent before they
are earned.
A. Slave who worked at the W. J.
Rainey works at Moyer, Fayette coun-
ty, told the writer that he had not re-
ceived as much asl cent in cash for
eight months before the strike, and that
he did not know of a man who did. He
told me that a surplus force of men is
kept at the works, and the work is so
distributed that each man is permitted
to work enough to pay his store bill and
no more. He illustrated this by saying
he was a driver,and his wages were $1.20
per day, but that two men had to work
at one job ; that he was given work two
days in one week and three the next;
that the other man had to work the
same way, making five days in the
week for the two men, and making
their joint earnings $6 a week.
At Rainey’s Moyer works some Slavs
who were put out of their houses rent-
ed a house from a blacksmith of that |
place by the name of Allen Herbert.
The company served notice on Mr,
Herbert that they would sue him in
the United States court at Pittsburgh
or Erie if the people in the house in
any way interfered with the company
men. Here is a copy of the notice :
Moyer, Pa., May 18, 1894.
Allen Herbert, Esq., Moyer, Pa.:
Dear Sir—This is to notify you that,
in event of my suffering any loss or
damage owing to your permitting strik-
ers to occupy premiees controlled by
you at Moyer, for the purpose of being
present at this works to intimidate our
workmen, or to commit any damage
{by delaying work or otherwise) to
me Or my property, or any nuisance, I
will hold you personally resonsible for
any such loss, damage or nuisance,
and proceed at once to collect the same
from you by due process of law in the
courts of the United States at Piits-
burg or Erie, Pa,
Very truly yours,
By his agent, W. T. Rainey.
The writer saw the blacksmith, who
appeared to be very much frightened.
He said he did not have any fear that
the party to whom he rented the house
would cause any person any trouble,
but that Mr. Rainey had a great deal
of money, and if he sued him, even
though he had uo cause, it would cost
him more money than he had to go to
Pittsburgh or Erie.
The writer, with an interpreter,
went to the house these Slavs had
moved ioto, and there found three
half-clad, pale-faced women and two
small children. The younger of the
children wasa baby about 6 months
old. This child did not have a gar-
ment on its body. It was partly cov-
ered with an old piece of muslin,
When asked if she bad no clothes for
her baby the mother said not; that
gince it was born her husband could
vot earn enough money to buy bread,
let alone clothes. There were but two
men 1 the house, and when asked
whether they talked to or interfered
with the men who were at work they
said no—that they were there because
they had no place else to go.
All the furoiturein the house was
two beds and a few chairs, an old stove
and a drygoods box for a table. The
bible, however, found a place in one of
the roows, and a picture of the crucifix-
ion adorned one of the dismal walls.
Such are the people whom Mr.
Rainey’s superintendent would have the
public believe were intimidating: the
company workmen aad otherwise in-
fringing upon the rights of the opera-
The starving people have become a
{ charge upon the charitable people of
i the region.
It is sufficient for illustra-
tion to refer to the work done by one
minister. On the morning of the 22d
day of this month the writer called at
the house of Rev. Larmerein in Con-
nellsville, and while there he saw the
| good minister furnish bread for 15
tamilies before he took breakfast. Ouve
poor womae, the mother of three
small children, came to the door in
tears and said her little ones were cry-
ing for bread. When told that he
would belp her, her face brightened
up. She was given bread for imme.
diate use, and an order to a neighbor-
ing store for such other goods as were
necessary for a week’s supply. She
went away with a smile of content-
ment on her face.
Is it any wonder that the Counells-
ville coke workers are striking | It is
doubtful whether there are any other
people reduced to such great degrada.
tion and want as are the working peo-
ple of the Connellsville coke region,
except it be the serfs of Russia and
Siberia. i
The constitution should be so amend-
ed as to allow highly penal laws to be
passed to prevent employes from pay-
ing their employes in anything but
cash, and to make it a crime, punish-
able by imprisonment, for any store-
keeper to enter into any contract with
#ay employer or employe by which the
employe’s wages, or any part thereof,
were to be deducted from him by any
person to pay for goods so furnished
him by any storekeeper.
This might be inconvenient to some,
but it would benefit the great masses
of the working people. E. E. Durry.
— Pittsburg Post.
Good News for Baldheaded Men.
Thirteen miles southeast of San Diego,
Cal., is the location of a spring whose
waters have the wonderful power of re-
storing the hair to bald scalps. We
cannot give a detailed history of the
spring, its discoverers and the remark-
able ‘‘cures’” it has wrought in an ar-
ticle suited to this department, therefore
we will simply quote a statement made
concerning it by the California Board of
Health : “We must acknowledge that
this water, from the evidence that has
been brought before us, has made hair
grow on scalps that were entirely bald.
* % % Of this we have had several ex-
amples on persons whom we have known
for a number of years, and who, until
after they had used the waters of this
spring, had given up all hope of ever
again having a full head of hair.—St.
Louis Republic.
~—=Do you read the WATCHMAN,
CeNT.--Sometime ago, a gentleman bet
that if he stood at the corner of Broad-
way and Fourteenth Street, New York,
and offered gold Eagles to the passers-by
for a cent each, he would find no pur-
chasers. The experiment was tried,
apd it turned out justas he said. No
one would believe that the coins were
genuine. It seemed too good to be true.
An equally remarkable offer is made
by the proprietors of Dr. Pierce’s Gold-
en Medical Discovery, the sovereign
cure for Consumption. Think of it!
restoration to life and health for a mere
song. There is not a case of Lung-scrof-
ula—in other words; Consumption—
that will not yield to it, if it is taken in
time. Its the greatest blood-purifier
ever known, and is guaranteed to benefit
or cure in all diseases of the throat and
lungs, or money refunded. Only extra-
ordinary curative properties could war-
rant or sustain its makers in selling it
thus, on rial!
——1It is said that window panes of
porous glass are being made in Paris.
The minute holes in the glass are too
fine to permit of a draught, and yet
large enough to cause a pleasant and
healthy ventilation in a room.
——My wife was confined to her bed
for over two months with a very severe |
attack of rheumatism. We could get
nothing that would afford her any re-
lief, and as a last resort gave Chamber
lain’s pain balm a trial. To our great
surprise she began to improve after the
first application, and by using it regu-
larly she was soon able to get up and at-
tend to her house work. E. H. John-
son, of C. J. Knutson & Uo., Kensing-
ton, Minn. 50 cent bottles for sale by
F. Potts Green.
——Paper can be made from a
standing tree in a space of twenty-four
hours. I
~——!Ten people out ofa dozen are
invalids,” says a recent medical author-
ity. At least eight out of these ten, it
is safe to say, are suffering from some
form of blood-disease which a persistent
use of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla would be sure
to cure. Then, don't be an in-
——There is only one thing that
can be done successfully by going at it
backward, and that is sitting down.
——4T have becn cured of nervous
troubles and catarrh by Hood's Sarsa-
parilla.” J, W. Tospon, Lavansville,
Judge T. H. Saunders of Osceola, Neb., is
well known to thousands of veterans through-
out the West and New York state, wheres he
formerly lived. He is commander of J. F.
Reynolds Post, G. A. R. He writes:
“Osceola, Neb., March 23, 1894.
‘My attention having been called to my first
letter and portrait in one of the papers, I said
‘I stand by that certificate and am ready to
and be sworn to it.’ Through it I have heard
from old friends, one at the Soldiers’ Home,
Dayton, Ohio, whom I have not seen for 30
“I was in the army4 years, was wounded
and contracted sciatica and rheumatism.
Have suffered ever since and lost the use of
my left leg and side. Tried every medicine I
heard of, and the best physicians, but failed
to get relief.
I was flat on my back. I must say that of all,
Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the best medicine I
have ever taken. It has done me the most
good. I cannot praise it enough ; it will do all
that you
claim for it. I do not say thatit will raise a
fellow from the dead; but it will come the
nearest to doing it of any medicine I have
ever known cr used.” 'T. H. SAUNDERS,
Osceola, Neb.
HOOD’S PILLS are prompt and efficient, yet
easy in action. Sold by all druggists. 25c.
C AS T:0:B 1 A
C A.S T OR 1 A
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation Sour Stom-
ach, Diarrhea, and Feverishness. Thus the
child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural.
Castoria contains no Morphine or other nar-
cotic property.
“Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommed it as superior to any prescription
known to me.”
H. A. ArcuER, M. D.
111 South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N, Y.
“I used Castoria in my practice, and find it
specially adapted to affections of children.’’
Arex Rogerson, M. D.,
1057 2d Ave., New York.
“From personal knowledge and observation
I ean say that Castoria is an excelient medi-
cine for children, acting as a laxative and re-
lieving the pent up bowels and general system
very much. Many mothers have told me of
of its excellent effect upon their children.”
) Dg. G. C. Oscoop,
Lowell, Mass.
39-6-2m 77 Murray Street, N. Y.
Bright's Disease, Dropsy, Gravel, Ner-
vousness, Heart Uzinary or Liver Diseases.
Known by a tired languid feeling. Inaction of
the kidneys, weakens and poisons the blood,
and unless cause is removed you cannot have
health. Cured’ me over five years ago of
Bright's Disease and Dropsy.—Mrs. I. L. Mil
ler, Bethlehem, Pa., 1000 other similar testa-
monials, Try it. Cure guaranted. Cann’s
Kidney Cure Co. 720 Venango 8t. Philadelphia,
Pa. Solid by ail reliable aruggists. 38-23-1y.
AS. W. ALEXANDER.—Attorney at Law
- Bellefonte, Pa. All professional busi
ness will receive prompt attention. 26 14
F. FORTNEY, Attorney-at-Law, Belle
eo fonte, Pa. Office in Woodring’s tr iid
g, north of the Court House. 14 2
J M. KEICHLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle
o fonte, Pa. ce in Garman’s new
building. 19 40
OHN ' G. LOVE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle:
fonte, Pa. Office in the rooms formeriy
occupied by the late Judge Hoy.
Hsrixas & REEDER, Attorneys-at-Law!
Bellefonte, Pa. Office No. 14 North Ad
egheny street. 28 13
OHN KLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte]
Pa. Office on second floor of Furst’s new
building, north of Court House. Can be com.
sulted in English or German, 29 81
Ww C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle»
o fonte, Pa. Office in Hale building,
opp. Court House. All professional business
will receive prompt attention. 30 18
W. WETZEL, Attorney and Counsellor a$
Law. Office No.11Crider’s Exchange,
second floor. All kinds of legal business ab-
tended to promptly. Consultation in Euglish
or German. , 39-4
oro wo" —— ——
8. GLENN, u.2 ®h, sician and =
eon. e ege pire coun
Office at Nis ence. 2% ¢ ~ :
A HIBLER, M. D., Physician and Surgens,
Ae offers his professional services to the
citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office 2¢
N. Allegheny street. 11 23
R. J. L. SEIBERT, Physician and Sar
geon, offers his professional services t®
the citizens of Bellefonte and Vicia. Office
on North Allegheny street, near the Episcopal
church. 29 0
K. HOY, M. D., Oculist and 'Aurist, Ne,
eo 28 West. High Street, Bellefonte, Pa.
Office hours—7 t0 9 a. m,,1 to 2 and 7 t038
pm. Defective vision carefully corrected.
ectacles and Eyeglasses furnished. 32 18
R. R.L, DARTT, Homeopathic Physician
and Surgeon. Office in residence No. él
North Allegheny street, next to Erlssopal
church. Office hours—8to9a. m.,1t03 and
to 9p. m. Telephone. 32 45
R. R. L. DARTT, of Bellefonte,
Pa., has the Brinkorhoff system of
Rectal treatment for the cure of Piles, Fia-
sures and other Rectal diseases. Informatiam
furnished upon application. 30 144F
riers Stone Block High street, Bellotonte.
a. s ati, 1
J 2Skson, CRIDER & HASTINGS, (Succes
sors to W. F. Reynold’s & Co.) Baukeis
Bellefonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and Note
Discounted ; Interest paid on special deposite
Exchange on Eastern cities. Deposits 1e-
ceived. 17 38
In consequence of tne similarity 40...
the names of the Parker and Potter Holels
the proprictor of the Parker House has chang
the name of his hotel to
He has also repapered, repainted and othe
wise improve it, and has fitted up ‘a large and
tasty parlor and reception room on the fxs
floor. WM. PARKER,
83 17
A. A. KOHLBECKER, Proprietor.
This new and commodious Hotel, located oy,
posite the depot, Milesburg, Centre aD
been entirely refitted, refurnished and i -
plenished throughout, and is now second #-
none in the county in the character of aecom
modations offered the public. Its rable is-suy
plied with the best the market affords, ite ¥s
contains the purest, and choirest Hguors, 3
stable has attentive hostlers, and =very comwy
nience and comfort is extended it~ «uests.
AF-Through travelers on the railzead wi
find this an excellent place to lunch or meen.
8 neal, 88 all trains stop there abou: 2 ny
utes. ;
Watchmaking-- Jewelry.
And dealer in
Special attention given to the Making sand
Repairing of Watches.
IMPORTANT—If you cannot read this 4
distinctly by lamp or gaslight in the eve! .
at a distance of ten inches, your eyesight
failing, no matter what your age, and your eyes
need ol: Your sight can be improved sad
preserved if properly corrected. Itisa
idea that spectacles should be dispense
as long as possible. If they assist the vision
use them. ' There is no danger of Sesing tu
Weil, 36 longias the t is ‘not magnified 3 is
should look natural size, but plain and :
tinet. Don’ fail to call and have your eyes
tested by King's New System, and. with
Combination spectacles. “They will correes and
preserve the sight. For sale by
2749 42 High St., opp. Arcade, Beiremme.
Fine Job Printing.
There is no style of work, from the cheey.
Dodger” to the finest
but you can get done in the most satisfaetc>
manner, and at
Prices consistent with the ciass of wo
by calling or communicating with this eoffic-