‘Ink Slings. ~ —The situation of the coal strike seems to be the bituminous regions. — Possibly the variable condition of | the weather accounts for the dirth of Spring poems. — Prince BIsMARCK’S income is said to be about $100,000 a year. He ought to be able to struggle along on that. —There is a possibility of sweeping changes in the organization of the war department. DAN LAMONT is the new broom. —There is a chance for a war with both Russia and England now, Why not get into it with both feet. It would be & counter-irritant for the labor trou- bles we are having. — Thirty-five thousand men striking in Pennsylvania alone and this under the benign (?) influences ot a McKin- LEY tariff. Give us the WiLsoxN bill at once, our condition cannot possibly be worse. —-From the recent indiscriminate use of the word Jingo we are ata loss to know exactly what interpretation to put on it. Heretofore we have always deemed it applicable only to methods Republican. —Mr. BELTZHOOVER, the Democratic congressional Judas, knows now what his perfidy has cost him. Tho Demo- crats of the nineteenth district have nominated P. H. STRUBINGER to suc- ceed him in Congress. A man may betray his friends once, but never a sec- ond time. —The Ferris wheel is the biggest after all. Coxey’s Common-weal tried to out-do it, but it will take five trains of thirty cars each to transport the former from Chicago to New York, where it is to be set up, and all the Common-weal has been able to do is take two ordinary sized trains. : —Q@Governor ATGELD, of Illinois, has refused to act with the Governors of Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsylvania in the arbitration of the difference between the coal miners and operators because, as he says, they will have no authority backing them to en- force attendance of needful witnesses. His assertion is logical, but then he conld easily teach the others how to stretch the authority as he did when pardoning those Anarchists. —Why is it that the poor down trod- den southern darkey who is ‘‘marched to the polls and forced to vote the Damo- cratic ticket at the point of a bayonet,” or on refusing to do this is ‘not allowed to vote at all, is not in the present coal strike ? He is satisfied. He is making more and has steadier employment than his northern co-workers. The.South is Democratic. The South is not pampered by a monopolistic tariff. The South does not know what strikes are. —The Rt. Hon. F. A. HARRIS, of Tyrone, ex-grand chief of the knights of the Golden Eagle of the State. and an all-around aspirant for notoriety, is out in a letter refusing a contribution to the Democratic campaign fund because he hopes to see the present manage- ment of the State Democracy knocked higher than GiLroY’s kite. If Fre, ever realizes his hopes he will still have Fisk CoNRAD left to play tormentor on the little political stage he would like to strut on. —The Presbyterians of Nashville, Tenn., who tried to expel a young girl from the church because she worked in the telephone exchange two hours on Sunday, have learned that their christian- . ity is not the kind approved by the general assembly of the church in the State. Their action has been censured and Miss MEANS has been restored to membership by the highest authority in the church. For the most part Sunday work is wrong, but when it becomes a necessity then we must put a different light on it. : —The wretched condition of the peo- plein the coke regions has been exciting much comment of late. For the most part they are foreigners, ignorant of our laws and customs, and now that they are beginning to rebel against a slavery that is more pitiable than ever that of the colored people was they are met with Wirchester: rifles in the bands of inhuman deputies. The fault is not with the ignorant foreigners, but with our laws that have allowed employers to import that class of labor for the pur- pose of degrading the honest toilers of America. —The real significance which attaches $0 much alarm to the appearance of the septendecim cicada, or seventeen-year iocusts, seems to have sprung’ from the letter “* W” which is plainly a peculiar demarcation on their wings. Now as ‘W stands for war or want a dreadful su- perstition has always been a fore run:, ner of the periodical visits of this species of locust, But W also stands for wealth, weal and woman, exactly the reverse of such calamities as war or want so let us imagine they bring the latter and not. worry ourselves about them, forin truth they are harmless. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. 2 “VOL. 39. * BELLEFONTE, PA., JUNE 1, 1894. NO. 22. It Is a Reform Measure. New York some days ago the tariff | bill with the Senate amendmeats was | denounced as insufficient for the pur pose of tariff reform. Oue of the speakers said: “If the Democratic party can’t give us a better bill than the MoKivLey bill, let the MoKINLEY bill stand.” This is a mistaken idea. The Wir sox bill, even with the alterations made in the Senate, is much better than the McKiNLBy measure. It is an appreciable step in the direction of tariff reform. The disappointment consists in its not going as far as earnest tariff reformers expected and intended. But when the obstacles are considered, it has goue as far as could be reasonably expected. Long estab: lished abuses, allied with widely rami- fying interests, cannot be outrooted at the first pull. But how foolish to say that, viewed in the light of tariff reform, the bill now pending in the Senate is not better than the McKinLeY bill. It gives us the greatest and most important tex. tile raw material free of duty, and in addition to entirely liberating wool from tariff taxation, it greatly reduces the duty on every other raw ma- terial. This in itself might be consid: ered a great triumph of tariff reform if it had not been expected by the over: sanguine that all the raw materials of manufacture would be entirely emanci- pated. In addition to this great gain there is not a schedule on the WiLsox bill as amended in the Senate that does not show a decided redaction of duties. The term “tariff reform" means tariff reduction. The idea of entirely wiping ont the tariff was never includ- ed init. Therefore where it appears that there has been a very appreciable reduction, reform has certainly been effected. Some may be dissatisfied be cause it has not gone as far as they wanted it to go, but they cannot deny that upon the passage of this bill a great advance will have been made. Hence the absurdity of the assertion that because everything originally aimed for in the WirLsox bill will not be secured, the McKINLEY bill might well have been allowed to stand. bill will consist in the fact that it will change the order of legislation on the subject of the tariff. Heretofore un- der Republican rule the movement was constantly in the direction of piling on more tariff taxes. A halt has been called on that movement and the op- posite action of taking off tariff taxes has been adopted. The first step in the new direction may not be as big a stride as was originally proposed, but it is a step that will be followed by others in future Democratic Congress: es. Iishould be remembered that the low Democratic revenue tariff of 1846 was followed by a further reduction of duties in 1856, with the general approy- al of the country. Their True Feeling. At the very time when Englishmen were gushing over the sailors of the American cruiser Chicago in London, and dilating upon the friendly and fra- ternal feeling that should exist between Eogland and the United States, the soldiers of one of the English regi- ments in Canada were giving a truer exhibit of English feeling towards this country by tearing down the American flag that waved over the residence of our consul in the Canadian town of St. Thomas. There was no hypocrisy in this demonstration. It was an expres: sion of the real Joux BuLL antipathy toward the American republic. This was certainly a grievous of- fence. The parties’ who committed it were wearing the Eaglish uniform, and were members of the Queen’s own rifles. The parties who thus insulted our flag may have been drunk, but that is the condition in which the real feelings of men are most likely to be displayed. The Canadian authorities are going to investigate the matter. If the case can’t be white-washed an apology will be made, but no amount of apolorizing will alter the fact that the Euzlish have no love for the. | American flag. | | —— Subscribe for the WATCHMAN, Ata meeting of tariff reformers io | But the great virtue of the new tariff | The New Know Nothingism. The A. P. A., a secret and oath- bound organization that has inherited the religious bigotry and political pur- pose of the old Know Nothings, is as- snming a pernicious but concealed ac- tivity in the politics of the period. Its influence has been displayed 10 some of the recent elections in the West, where it has co-operated with the Re- publicans, and this year it may be ex- pected that there will be more appar- ent evidences of its existence as'a a political factor. Its origin was in the northwest, it having been original ly organized in Minneapolis about five years ago. Previous to 1890 it was an unknown quantity, but about that time it demonstrated its strength in Mianesota, and the Republican politi cians hastened to form a combination with it. At the last election in that State the A. P. A. and ‘the Republi cans worked so successfully together that they virtually took coatrol of the State. Their platform does not appear to be directed aghinst the indiscrimi- nate importation of undesirable for: eigners, which would give it some claim to favorable consideration, but it is based entirely on religious intoler- ance and is aimed exclusively against Catholics. The issue on which they operated in Minnesota was “no Catholics wanted,” though this issue was not made openly. They simply demanded the political proscription ot Catholics and the Republican politi- cians acquiesced. This new religious and political per- secution, which originated in the West, is rapidly extending to other sections, aol bad already its effect in the elec- tions in some of the eastern States last fall, It is arranging for a more extend- ed effort in the coming elections, and it may be expected that there will be af coalition between the oath bound re- cians, they being already in alliance 1 some of the western States. A move- ment has been made by the A. P. A., in the constitutional convention of | New York, now in session, ‘with the object of influencing such action in the formation of the new S:ate constitu- tion as will comport with their relig- ious intolerance. Those who remember the incidents of the Know Nothing movement, forty years ago, can see the similarity be. tween it aad the A. P. A. in spirit and | purpose, and are also able to foresee a similar termination. Know Nothing- | ism commenced its dark-lantern opera- ! tions soon after the election of a Dem- | ocratic President in 1852: It reached its highest silage in 1854, the same as the A. P. A. is likely to develop jits fullest strength in 1894. Bat in 1855 the better sense and patriotic de- termination of the American people roseup against the dangerous secret organization whose object antagonized the principles of religious and political equality which constitate the basis of our free institutions, aad trampled it out of existence. Kuow Nothingism did not live to take part in or exert any influence whatever upon the elec- tion of 1856 at which a Democratic President was elected. The same fate is likely to overtake the A. P. A, as there can be no doubt that the Ameri- can people still retain their aversion to dark-lantern politics and oath-bound religious bigotry and intolerance, and will not consent to having their elec- tions controlled by influences eminating from secret conclaves. There is every probability that this new form of Know Nothiogism will be as short- lived as the old one was. Not a Pennsylvania Platform. A person reading the platform of the recent Pennsyivania Republican State convention, and uniformed as to the locality where the convention was held, would be considerably puzzled to know what State it belonged to. There was not a single expression in the doc: ument that indicated its State charac- ter. It did not contain a line that would enlighten the reader as to whether the convention was held in this State or in California, or whether it spoke for Pennsylvania or the Sand- wich Islands. Although there are many local interests of very great im- portance in which the people of the State are interested, not a siugle one of them is alluded to in this remarkable platform. But it cannot. be said that the docu- ligious bigots and the Republican poli- | ment issued by the Republican con: vention is expressionless. Alchough it has nothing to say about the labor difficulties that have driven thousands of Pennsylvania workmen into a strike against the low wages allowed them by tariff-favored operators, it expressed a lively interest in the Samoan ques- tion, and condemned the govern- ment for wanting to getout of an arrangement with foreign powers which bas made it the cats:paw of German interests in the Pacific ocean. It is as mute as a clam on State issues, but gives vent to its indignation on the Hawaiian question. This is certainly traveling a great distance and going considerably out ot the way for issues with which to en- gage the attention of Pennsylvania voters in the coming campaign, and to arouse the enthusiasm of Republican workers. Samoa and Hawaii ought to be 10spiring battle cries in a Pennsyl- vania State contest. Pennsylvania affairs, however, were not entirely overlooked in this Re. publican platform. While the great industries of the State continue to be prostrated, and the industrial distress prolonged, by Republican obstruction in the Senate, this platform calls upon the obstructionists to persist in their tactics by which the passage of the tariff bill may be delayed and the pub. lic distress continued until the elec- tion, so that the voters may be made to believe that it is the effect of Demo- cratic tariff legislation. But it is not likely that the purpose of this plank in the platform is going to materialize. The tariff bill will pass in spite of the obstructionists, and there will not be the tremendous Republican majority that is expected from the “calami- tous’ condition of the industries. ! War Deprived of Its Danger. While the appliances of warfare are being made more destructive in their in- tention the ingenuity of inventors is | being exercised to minimize their de- structiveness. With guns that can be discharged with terrible rapidity, and can kill at almost any distance, the chances of a soldier's life 1n battle would appear slim indeed. But just at the time when the fatality of the weapon has been developed to the highest degree, an inventor steps in and devises an armor to be worn by soldiers, which will shed bullets as ef- fectually and harmlessly as the feath- ery covering of a duck sheds water. A German tailor named Dowe has invented this bullet-proof uniform, which is described as consisting of “a wire netting encased in a cemeat-like mass.” The German military anthori- ties have experimented with it and have found that rifle balls, which at a hun- dred yards could penetrate a thick steel plate, had no effect whatever upon this protective garment. The inven: tor got inside of one of his coats and left the experimenters fire at him with- out sustaining the slightest injury, = With such an arrangement for the protection of the soldier, even:the most cowardly may ‘pluck up courage and go to war when his couniry calls him to her defence. There will be no occa- sion for skulking in battle when, with the bullet-proof coats, rifles of the most improved pattern are not more danger- ous thau pea-shooters. Still, inventor Dowe’s armor does not appear to pro- vide against the danger of cannon balls. Sheuld he improve it, so that a twelve- pound shot would recoil from the man- ly bosom of "the combatant as harm- lessly as rifle bullets are warded off by Dowe’s impervious uniform, we would be willing to risk the dangers of the battle field in conflict with the enemies of our country, and, returning safe and sound, with the starry banner waving over us, would be prepared to draw a pension for the balance of our days. ~——The Democratic County Conven- tion will meet in the Court House in this place Tuesday, June 12th, at 12 o'clock noon. Let there be a large turn out. The primaries will be held on the preceding Saturday, June 9th, between the hours ot 3and 7 P. M. Attend the primaries and have a voice in saying who shall represent you in the Convention. It isimportan ¢ that you look after the political inter- ests of the party, for the Republicans are gloryiag in a false hope that they will sweep everything next fall. Let us meet them more than half way. The Same the World Over. From the Butler Democratic Herald. This is an era of change. In no sense is this statement more true than with reference to prices. When a child, the writer saw men at work in the charcoal woods at $60 per month, and in refer- ring to those times some people can speak of $60 a month only. But a few days ago we heard a high tariff laboring man declare, “We haint no sich times as when we worked at coalin’ for the furnace.” ‘How much did you get for coaling ?”’ was asked, and he replied t¢$65 a month.” In response to a further inquiry he said, ‘Yes, it were only quarter cash, balance in trade at the furnace store. Flour was $8 8 hundred, sugar 20 cents a pound, black at that, and calico about 15 cents a yard.” This is only a small portion of the informa- tion given by our Republican fiend, but it was worth something to us, and might be to him if be will honestly lay aside his war prejudices and look mat- ters squarely in the face. It is true that work like coaling will not now com- mand sixty dollars a month, or two dol- lars a day, but easier work in the same neighborhood brings $1.25. In fact we saw ‘a man working in the woods last week making roads at that rate, in the same neighborhood in which he thirty years before coaled charcoal at $2 a day. Here isa comparison of thirty years ago and now for that man : IN 1864. By 6 days work at §z - = = $12.00 r, To 501bs flour, - o-oo = $4.00 To 4 lbs sugar, - = = 80 To 8 yards ¢alico, - — =—-- - 1.20 Balance, , $6.00 It will be seen by this that the three purchases consumed 50 per cent. of his week’s earnings. IN 1894. By 6 days work, - = $1.50 Dr. . To 50 lbs, flour (better), $090 To 4 lbs, sugar (better), 20 To 8 yards calico, - —- 40 Balance for week, $6.00 It will be seen by this that to-day the day laborer has consumed only 20 per cent. of his earnings. The good old times of furnace days is as much of a chimera as is the good times of the McKinley bill. It is a de- lusion and the time is not far distant when the world will know it as such. The Gloomy Side of Protection. : From the Scranton Free Press. A Remington typewriter that sells . in this country for $100 can be bought abroad for $75. This is one of the “benefits” of protection. The ma. chines are made here, shipped abroad “and then sold for $25 less than offered bere! Its a fact that these machines can be made for between $18 and $21 80 that there is yet a big profit at $75. But every buyer of one at $100 pays not less than $25 “tariff,” on it. Pret ty steep protection, isn't it ? Righteous Indignation. From the Emporium Cameron County Press. The girls of Emporium are up in arms and have held an indignation meeting and are in rebellion against tbe yourg men of Empcrium, who uge their parlors for loafing places, en- joy their music, eat dainties prepared by their fair hands, but who forget to reciprocate when a good entertainment comes along. At such times the girls claim they are left alone with their meditations, while the beaux sit out the performances alone. Yes, Shake Them Up a Little. From the Wilkesbarre Union Leader. In connection with the threat of the colored crank to destroy the govern- ment property in ashiogton by bombs if the Coxey legislation is not passed, it is suggested that some sort of a mild explosive in the Senate would have a beneficial effect, in that it might wake the Senators from the lethargy now upon them and impel them to action. S—— Robbing Peter to Pay Paul. From the Troy, Ohio, Democrat. There is a sugar planter in Louisi- ana who received this year under the McKinley sugar bounty law $376,000 bounty. Does that indicate that we had free sugar under the McKinley regime? This money goes to an indi- vidual. Under the Wilson bill the money will go the Government for the benefit of all. They Have Lived Down the Taste for It Now. From the Scottdale Independent. Judge Harry White of Indiana county, would not grant any licenses during his term of office, and on Satur- day last he was renominated by a large majority. The people of that county do not seem to be tired of & no license system after ten years’ trial. Just So, From the Montrose Democrat. ' President Oléveland advises Demo- crats to strive for principle rather than spoils. * It's as easy as falling off a log to'say that with a $50,000 salary to fall back on. But the *boys" who helped elect him, and who’ still ‘seé Repuabli- cans holding the offices that Democrats ‘ought to fill; think: the thing can be carried too far. © : s f the Keystone. ‘—Lake Cary's postmaster says that not a bass in the has died. “ —Nearly 300 employes are now engaged in the Columbia silk mill. cs —An army recruiting station has been established at Pottsville. —Griefled Henry Hollenbach, of near Strausstown, to hang himself. —The Pennsylvania Knights Templar are in annual pilgrimage at Pittsburg. —Commencement week at Dickinson College, Carlisle, will begin next Sunday. —Pottsville’s High School celebrated Memorial day a day ahead of the holiday. —The Williamsport Colliery, Dauphin county, is still idle on account of the flood. —The Weidner mill, near Rehrersburg, which was 150 years old, collapsed Mon. day. 1 —The State Fair will be held at Mead- ville, beginning September 24, to continue a week. k —Floods have left the Schuylkill Canal in very bad condition from one end to the other. —C. R. Acker, of Pottsville, is the new president of the Schuylkill Press Asso- ciation. —Pottsville treasury is empty, and the officials have not received salaries fora month. —Robert 8. Maynes, an Allegheny city real estate dealer, is in jail for forging a mortgage. HEN —Bristol’s tax rate has been fixed at 73 cents on the $100, and is exclusive of the school tax. —Williamsport lnmbermen will reclaim 75,000,000 feet of logs caught above Col. umbia dam. —Coxe Brothers’ first through train of coal from their mines to Perth Amboy ran on Monday. —Lancaster City and Lancaster County are quarreling over the division of liquor license fees. ’ —Eighty-eight weavers in the Steel cloth mill at Bristol Menday struck for higher wages. —Nicholas Wahlars, despondent over the death of several children, hanged himself at Lancaster. —Governor Pattison Monday night en. tertained at dinner in Harrisburg the Su. preme Court Justices: : —Thirty of the 52 collieries of the Phila. delphia and Reading Company were Mon. day put into operation. : —~Tax collector Fred Boyle, of Schuyl. kill county, convicted of embezzlement, goes to prison for 14 months. —Downingtown has at last granted the Pennsylvania Traction Company a right of way through the borough, —Judge Cyrus L. Pershing, of Schuyl® kill, who has been ill for a month or more is still unable to occupy the bench ~The Towanda Review says the shipping of milk from that county to Philadelphia has become a considerable industry. —In the old burying grounds at Evans. burg, Montgomery county, there are sev- eral tombstones dating back as far as 1728, 1730 and 1732, —A. P. Sauffer, of Wabash Mills, north of Ephrata, caught a German carp in his mill dam that measured 25 inches and weighed 744 pounds. —Pittsburg treasurer Monday sent a vheck to Townsend, Wheeler & Co., of Philadelphia, for $52,381, the interest on city bonds held by the firm. —The Commonwealth's tax case against the United States Gas Improvement Com « pany, of Philadelphia, was argued at Har. risburg Monday before the Suprem e Court. - —In repairing the damage done by the flood to its tracksat Johnstown, the Penn. sylvania Railroad has constructed a tem « porary trestle 800 feet long over the Cone. maugh River. —Frank Duncan of Chambersburg, lift. ed a trout from Falling Springs creek which measured fourteen inches in length one of the largest ever ‘caught in any Franklin county stream. —The forty-eighth annual reunion of the National Association of Veterans of the Mexican War is in session at Mauch Chunk, where the members are the gu ests of Ex.Congressmau Robert Klotz. —Says the Springtown, Buck county, Times: “We heard of a quite singular happening a few days ago near Apple. bachsville. ‘A young married man put his young wife at plowing while he was engaged in burning corn-stalks that were left standing on the shocks in the fall; Sure he must live on a rented farm." —There is a trainman on the Reading Railroad, according to the Allentown Leader, who during his seventeen years on the rail has traveled 9)4 84) miles, punch. ed 3,028,200 tickets, yelled “all aboard!" 322,640 times, said “good morning!” 2,016,. 397, called the name of each station 15, 120 times and killed 1% horses and 20 cows. ~The Mount, Joy Star tells of a large water trough on the farm of Benjamin L. Garber, of East Donegal, hewn out of brown stone which is probably the larg- est in the State. Its dimensions are 16 feet long, 24% feet wide and 2 feet deep, and it weighs8,000 pounds. It washauled from DBrickerville, Lancaster county, many years ago, having been 1n constant use, and at present isas solid as when first put in use. The biggest man in Jefferson county is Thomas | Pifer, of Henderson, says the Punxsutawney Spirit, Thomas weighs 363 pounds and measures 54 inches around the waist and 5}¢ feet around the abdo. men. His health is good, and he would be able to work every day were it not for his excessive flesh, ‘About the only ex. ercise he takes is ariving ina buggy. It takes 414 yards of cloth to make him & pair of pants. t —Goheenville, Armstrong eounty,comes to the front with the biggest! snake story, It is as follows: Last Friday two voung men, school teachers, were going, to Go- heenville,and in the road leading to the village they met a big blacksnake, It held the road, They ealled a farmer working near by and the three men killed it. The snake's stomach contained half a dozen eggs and a monkey wrench. The wrench bélonging to the mowing machine of the farmer who assisted in the Killing. The snake measured 734 fect in‘Tength and 15 inches in circumference at ity thickest part. i: :