Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 25, 1894, Image 1
8Y P. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. —Flcod and famine sweep over the land and GROVER, poor fellow, is blam- ed for it all. —DLock Haven, Williamsport and other lumber markets have lost their booms indeed. —QuAY is the magician who will work the wires in the HASTINGS cabinet —If there ever is one. —Democrats who voted for tariff re- form in 1892 look at the WriLsox bill and conclude : Well, “half a loaf is bet- ter than no bread.” —The WiLsoN bill is promised to be operative by the first of July. Why not make it the fourth, then let us have a big pyrotechnic display. —PFloods may come, and floods may go, they may sweep o'er-all-the-land; from every point comes 8 tale of woe, of the man who built on the sand. --Apropos of HastiNas candidacy for gubernatorial honors it might not be out of place to remind him of the his- torical fact that all our truly great men have been of small stature. --The retirement of RICHARD CROKER from the leadership of Tam- many hall was not a move taken through poor judgement. DICK is smart enough to know when he has enough. —Jack RoBINsoN said before the Convention, ‘young men must rule in Pennsylvania politics.” We wonder whether it was the young or old ones who did the business on Wednesday. --Crawford county has a lately form- ed society which will aim to purify the ballot. What disinfectant will be used is not known, but the most efficacious one we can suggest to those people is not to send out any more such candi- dates as DELAMATER. —Poor CoxkY and his lieutenants are in jail in Washington for twenty days and will have to pay $5.00 fine into the bargain. It is bad business, this tramp- ing on Uncle Sam's grass and really it is such a terrible (?) crime that we are surprised that they escaped hanging. —LiLLIAN RUSSELL cuts almost as prominent a figure in matrimonial cir- cles as she does on the comic opera stage. Last week she scrapped with her third husbard, in Philadelphia, and they separated. She has doubtless found out that variety is the spice of life. —A coincidence indeed is the flood the effects of which the Susquehanna, Juniata, and Conemaugh water sheds are now suffering. In 1889 Johnstown was devastated and HasTINGS stock re- ceived its first watering. It has been kited along ever since and now, within a few days of being five years later, another flood comes to commemorate the placing of that same stock on the market. —Mr. PowDERLY denies having been expelled from the Knights of Labor, a matter which is of comparatively little concern to anyone. The Knights have caused their own disintegration by al- lowing the order to be run by such men as PowDERLY and now that they are no longer powerful as a labor organization it is little TERRENCE cares whether he is fired out or not. They have served his purpose. —1It is a pity that Pennsylvania’s ap- parently annual Spring floods cannot carry off some of her surplus political timber instead of confining themselves to the property of lumber companies. Now down in Delaware county there is some stuff that lots of Republicans would dearly love to see swept away in a flood. That Lieut. gubernatorial timber for instance-—and JACK pines. —There is evidence of something wrong some-where when the country glories in the death of her U. S. Sena- tors. It isshocking to read the para- graphs in some so called reputable jour- nals regarding the deaths of certain moambers of our upper branch of Con- gress. They pretend to see in a speedy demise a relief from all public ills, but we are not of such an opinion. The people caused the blister, now let them sit on it. —As a usual thing the masses of the people sympathize with strikers in any lawful means they may undertake to better their condition, but the many thousands who visited the World’s Fair and saw the plaster model of the beauti- ful town of Pullman, Ill, exhibited with the PurLMAN Co's display in the transportation building, knowing that it had been built by that great company for the comfort of its employees wonder at their present strike. "With an entire town built for themselves exclusively, with houses with luxurious appoint- ments, continued employment at fair wages they are striking because that company has asked them to continue work at a reduction of 33 per cent. The company has shown that it has been working for months at a loss merely to give its operatives employment and to hold them together and now they mark their appreciation of such benevolence by striking. ST A CHTACTAALE be leat STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 39. BELLEFONTE, PA., MAY 25, Th NO. 21. Attempted Senatorial Bribery. A big scandal bas been raised at Washington by reports that the ‘‘pro- tected interests” have tried to bribe some of the Senators to vote against the tariff bill. The calprit who is eaid to have attempted this nefarious busi- ness has been named, and the high of- ficials who were to be made the subjects of this corraption have divulged and repudiated the attempt upon their in- tegrity. A million of dollars is said to be ready to defeat the bill if bribery can do it. This matter should be thoroughly investigated. There is no doubt that much exaggeration is connected with it, but the means which are said to be at hand, ready to be used for the defeat of tariff reform, are in keeping with the methods heretofore employed to further the interests of those who have profited from high tariffs. Trusts and monopolies that have grown rich from tariff favors have been in the habit of bringing the influence of their wealth to bear upon Republican tariff makers. Millionaire CoxEgvites, seeking for congressional favors, have not been “kept off the grass.” They have been allowed to go up the capito] steps where the tramp Coxeyites are not permitted to penetrate; they have overflowed the lobbies and been invit- ed to bring their demands into the com- mittee rooms. When wealth has been allowed to have such influence it is not surprising that the money which is interested in the maintenance of “protection” should be ready to be used in bribery to pre- vent the overthrow of a system which has been so advantageous to its bene- ficiaries. It is not at all unlikely that there are parties ready with a corrup- tion fund to prevent the McKINLEY benefits from being removed by a change in the McKINLEY tariff, and it is not unreasonable to attribute to that agency some of the “funny business’ that has been going on in the Senate relative to the tariff bill. The reform has many obstacles to eacounter, and among others in its path may be the itching of senatorial palms. It is at all events a good subject for investiga- tion, if there is enough senatorial in- tegrity left to investigate with an earn- est desire to get at the bottom of the corruption. Where They Got The Idea. Harper's Weekly very ably explains how the idea was inculcated that those who want Congress to provide for them should throng the national capitol to emphasize their demands. The idea, reduced to a dangerous absurdity by the tramps acting on it, had its origin in Republican paternalism; that is, the paternal care which Republicanism ex- tends to protected wealth, Every encouragement was given certain favored interests to come to the seat of government with their demands, and consequently the manufacturers got in the habit of ‘marching upon Washington” whenever the Republi- cans had tariff legislation on their hands. When MoKiNLEY was formu- lating his monopoly measure there was a regular procession moving on to the capitol, composed of parties who had their interests to look after. “Not walking on foot, but riding in palace cars; not camping on the outskirts of the town, but lodging in first-class ho- tels and giving dinners in sumptuous apartments,” the “industrial, army” that set the example of invading Wash- ington was composed of “the tin-plate men, the wool men, thei iron men,” and other seekers of congressional benefits, “with the tariff banner waving over them’ and clamoring for protection to their special interests. This is the way that a “Industrial Army” of quite a different character got the idea of marching upon Wash- ington. The success with which the monopolists marched up the capitol stepe encouraged the ‘vagabonds to try it, and when the latter were driven back by the police an appearance of offended justice and outraged right was imparted to the declaration of their leader when he aid : “Up these steps the lobbyists of trusts and mo- nopolists have passed unchallenged on their way to committee rooms to which we, the representatives of the toiling wealth-producers, have been denied.” Assistance to Labor. The labor question in this country has assumed overshadowing impor- tance, coming to the front as one that imperatively demands attention. It has been the custom to throw a tariff gop to labor, with the idea that the toilers should be satisfied with the empty promises of tariff mongers and content with the busks of protection ; but the unrest that exists in labor cir- cles in the midst of the highest devel- opment of a protective system, and the demand of the working people for & better show in the division of the beue- fits, indicate that something other than a worn out tariff system is needed to satisfy the working people. Representative MoGaNN, chairman of the Labor committee of the House of Representatives, in a recent report, gives some thoughtful expressions in regard to the labor situation in this country, and throws out some sugges- tions that are a departure from the old theory that tariffs are the only needed remedy for all the ills that labor is heir to. He alludes to the fact that in Ger: many, France and Great Britain the labor question is foremost among the great national questions, and receives quite a different treatment from what is given to it here. Bismarck and Emperor WILLIAM are urging reforms to ameliorate the condition ot labor. In France public bureaus of labor are established, similar to our intelligence offices, where employers can secure men and men can secure work, Eng- land is greatly ahead ot us in lending government encouragement to labor. There are two halt holidays each week, Wednesdays and Saturdays during which it is illegal to keep men at work. Public halls are provided for the meet- ing of workmen. Public parks are designated where they may spend their half-holidays. Premier ROSEBERRY is following GLADSTONE in aiding toward the better condition of labor. It is shown by Mr. McGann that while European governments are mak- ing every effort toward helping labor, the United States has done nothing in that direction but to pass tariff laws whose chief benefits have goue to a favored clase, and under the operation of which laber appears in its present depressed condition. Another Star in the Galaxy. The bill for the admission of Utah into the Union, now under considera- tion in Congress, has been favorably reported by the Senate committee, and the question is in such an advanced shape that it is probable that by the time another presidential election comes around the vote of Utah will be added to the electoral college. Thus at last will a great wrong be righted, for the Salt Lake territory has for years past bad more than enough inhabitants to entitle it to admission as a State, but has been kept out for political reasons. Her demand for State government has been refused for the alleged reason of the polygamous practices of the majori- ty of her inhabitants, This was a par- tisan subterfuge, as her exclusion by the Republicans was on account of the fear that she would send Democratic Representatives and Senators to Con- gress. This was the cause of her ex- clusion, while territories far less enti- tled to admission in the way of popula- tion and development were being con- verted into States because they could be manipulated in the Republican in- terest. It was in this interest that Dakota, the whole of which had not as many people as Utah, was cut up into two States in order that four Republi can Senators might be gained, and similar outrages for the same purpose were perpetrated in granting State gov- ernments to other sparsely populated territories. By this means the Senate has been kept in a condition that en- ables the Republicans to block the pro- grees of great measures of reform de- manded by the people. The bill for the admission of Utah provides for the election of delegates to a constitutional convention in Novem- ber next, to meet in 1895 and arrange for the choice of State officers. —Ii when constructed the electric cars proposed for the Gettysburg battle field do not go any faster than the pres- , ent movement to put them there, there " will be little use of having them at all. A Disgrace to the Club. It is a question in the minds of many people who don’t pretend to be half so far up in financial and social circles as the members of the Clover club, an organization made up of wealthy and exclusive Philadelphiags, whether those autocrats are any better than the leader of the Commonweal ar my, whom they openly snubbed. After having invited him to their annual banquet, held at the Bellevue hotel, in Philadelphia, they informed him, upon his arrival, that his presence at the ta- ble would be distasteful to some of the club’s members. Had Mr. Coxey not been a regu- larly invited guest of the club there would have been ample reason for de- vying him a seat at the banquet, but after he had traveled clear over from Washington and had in his pocket the engraved card, received from the vice president, stating that he was expected as the club’s guest, there can be no ex- cuse for the disgraceful discourtesy shown him. It has been the custom of the club to hold one banquet a year to which some person or persons, who are figur- ing in the public mind at such time shall be invited. According to this precedent Mr. Coxey was invited to the banquet last week. The members were doubtless thinking at the time that they invited him that they would be drawing attention to themselves as entertainers of a so much talked of man ; that they would share in his glory for the time being. But a second thought doubtless came to them. One in which they saw themselves con- demned for giving recognition to the CoxeEy movement by entertaining its leader. And it was upon this that they acted, finally and to their shame. When they had once invited Mr. CoxEey to share their hospitality it was their duty to extend to him the courtesy a gentleman has every right to expect from another, but in the CrLover club banquet affair there ap- pears to have been only one gentleman figuring and that was Mr. Coxgy him- self. It Should Be Settled. It is a great pity that the Cleveland conference on the soft-coal miners’ strike ended in a failure to bring about an agreement. The continuance of the struggle can have no other result than poverty and suffering for the miners as well as idleness and distress among other workmen in industries which de- pend upon coal for their operation. Mills and factories have already been shut down on account of their supply of fuel being cut short, and as the rail- roads have seized upon the available coal within reach, all the factories must stop if the strike continues. The very foundation of industry is endangered if the production of coal is indefinitely stopped, and the distress and suffering among working people will be wide spread. For the general welfare it is the im- perative duty of the miners and mine owners to settle their differences with- out further delay so as to prevent a thorough paralysis of industrial opera: tions. The misunderstanding should have been arranged at Cleveland. The scale offered by the men should have been accepted by the operators, for it was just and reasonable. The cause of the difficulty has originally been with the mine-owners who have been doing business at rates which preclud- ed the possibility of profit unless the miners’ wages were cut down to the lowest figures. It is unreasonable to require that the working people about the mines should accept starvation wages in order that a profit may be made on the output. ——The coal barons of the Clear: field and associated districts have con- cluded that forty cents is all they can pay miners for digging tweaty- -two hundred and forty pounds of coal. They have given their old employes until May 28th to return to work, after that they reserve the right to do what they deem best to their interests. Such a reservation cats no figure in the matter for that is the very point the miners are reserving their labor on. ——If you want printing of any de- gscripton the WATCHMAN office is the plac to have it done. nN ——1If, as the Republican papers try to make believe, the WiLsox bill will after all be a tariff measure, with more of protective features than any- thing else, why is it that Republican Senators are fighting it? The Wir- soN bill will not give us quite as much of relief from burdensome tariff taxa- tion ag we had hoped for yet it will be a long ctride toward tariff re- form. SE The Republicans in State Convention. Hastings and Lyon Nominated—Mylin for Audi- tor General, Latta for Secretary of Internal Affairs—Grow and Huff for Congress— There Were No Exciting Contests and No Uncertain- ty as to Who the Nominees Would Be. The Platform Is a Very Feeble Article and of the Usual Stripe. A great crowd of Re Republicans gather- ed in Harrisburg on Wednesday to give party recognition to the ticket boss Quay had fixed up and which might as well ‘have been in the field months ago, had it not been for the formality of having the slate run through the party machine. State chairman Gilkeson called the meeting to order and General Lewis Wagner, of Philadelphia, was chosen temporary chairman over Maj. McCau- ly, of West Chester. The routine of the convention was then carried out and af- ter dinner the meeting was declared open for nominations by permanent chair- man Flood. Ex Governor James A. Beaver, of Bellefonte, was assisted to the plador to nominate General Daniel H. astings. His speech was replete with eulogiums of the Centre county aspirant and round after round of a EPplause was given after he had conclude: Chris. MaGee, of Pittsburg, then placed in nomination the name of Sena- tor Walter Lyon, of Pittsburg, for Lieut. Governor. Congressman John B. Robin- son, of Delaware county, was nominated also and received 62 votes against Liyon’s 193. Amos H. Mylin, of Lancaster county, was nominated. for auditor gen- eral by acclamation. Jas. W, Latta, of Philadelphia, was the unanimous choice for secretary of internal affairs and then Galusha Grow, of Susquehanna, and George F. Huff, of Westmoreland, were tacked onto the ticket as candidates for congressmen-at-large. After the slate had been cleared off the usual gush was gone through with ; the candidates made speeches, were con: gratulated and then the platform was read and adopted. As usual it is made upofa vituperati ve protest against every- thing that is Democratic and endorses the filibustering tactics of Republican Senators who are trying to defeat the will of the people by obstructing the pas- sage of the Wilson bill. The convention was largely attended, prominent Republicans being present from all over the State, Harrisburg was swarmed with the supporters of monopo- ly measures. The name of Hastings was cheered everywhere and Centre county has reason to feel proud of the honor thus bestowed or one of her sons. Robinson's contest for Lieutenant Gov- ernor petered out much to the chagrin of the would be statesman and his wings were clipped as per directions from the boss. Oil for Troubled Waters. From the Wellsboro Gazette. When Cleveland was elected Presi- dent oil was fitty five cents a barrel. Now the price is eighty-five cente, an advance of over fifty per cent. The in- crease has been gradual and the ad- vance steadily maintained. As every decrease in the price of commodities and injury to business has been charged to President Cleveland and the Democracy, why should not the rise in oil and the improved condition of affairs in the old oil regions be credited to the President and the Democratic party? “What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.” Unseasonable. From the Easton Argus. For some time past there has been but little rain. The effect is that vegetable growths are becoming dry and parched. Forests are justin condition to make fire most disastrous. Outside of the monetary loss, there are other things that argue against the destruction of forests in this way. The march of the wood chopper has depleted the hill- sides too much already. Great care should be taken in regard to fire at this time. Not only because of the great danger but for the sake of preserving the beneficial growth of timber. Great Floods at Lock Haven. Lock Haven, Pa., May 22.—-An- other great flood has swept the West Branck valley causing great loss on the lowlands. The rain began falling in this section last Thursday night, con- tinuing until this morning. In up-the river districts the rain was much heavier than here and all the streams over- flowed their banks, At Clearfield the flood was only four feet below the high water mark of 1889. Before the water reached its height, the booms at this place broke, and twenty million feet of saw logs went adrift. The lower por. tion of Lock Haven’ was submerged, but aside from the loss of logs and Tumber, the damage is nothing like that of five years ago, as the merchants had ample time to remove their goods. No loss of life has occurred in Clinton county, so far as can be learned. The farmers are heavy losers on account of their crops being destroyed. Spawls from the Keystone, —The Packer mine fire is under con- trol. —Welsh Baptists are holding a big con- ference at Minersville. —“General” Galvin left Harrisburg Sunday for Philadelphia. —The Lebanon Iron Company is build- ing two new 9-inch rolling mills. — Knights Templar of _ Pennsylvania met at Pittsburg Tu esday in annual con- clave. —William Evadfieck, of Hamburg, was arrested for bold car burglaries at Schuyl- kill Haven. —Evangelist Moody expects to convert 15,000 persons at Wilkesbarre, where he is now having revivals. —The Scranton city assessment just re- turned aggregates $19,312,714, and the cost for taking it was $2,661. —William Stevenson, his wife and three daughters, of Pottsville, are all myster- iously sick from poisoning, —Rev. Dr. Henry Ziegler and Mrs, Ziegler, of Selinsgrove, on Saturday en. joyed their golden wedding. —The Wilkesbarre Evening Times has been sold and changed from an indepen dent to a Republican paper. —Disappointment in love drove Sam- uel Spencer. a 6. A. R. veteran, mear Sharon, to suicide by hanging. . —South Chester borough will voteata special electian June 19 for or against adding $40,000 to the bonded debt. —The junior oratorical prizes at La- fayette College were won by M. Ww Kratz, J. H, Spackman and C. E. Bart. lett. —Scranton City School Board appropri- ated $171,750 to meet the expense account this year, $126,000 of this sum going to sal- aries. —Pretty Grace Marks has sued John McKeown, a rich Bradford oil man for $30,000 damages for breach of promise to marry. —The great council of the Pennsylvania improved Order of Red Men lately in ses- sion at Bethlehem legislated for 31,224 members. ZAtter Junel Coxe Bros. & Co. will send their coal to tidewater over the Lehigh Valley Railroad with their own trains and crews. —Becoming lost after attending the circus, at Easton, William A, Wilever, of Philipsburg, wandered upon the railroad track and was killed. ! —The coal traffic is brightening up in the Schuylkill Valley, and the Penn- sylvania Railroad is putting back several of the crews suspended, —An ante-mortem statement was made Tuesday by Mrs. Andrew Litzenberger, of Lancaster, who is dying from injuries inflicted by her husband. —Two big fly-wheels have burst in Lyons’ sawmill, at Tivoli, Lycoming County, within a week doing consider. able damage to the machinery. —Carbon county's new court house at Mauch Chunk, built at a cost of $12),000» was opened and dedicated Monday by a special term of court, presided over by Judge Craig. —H. B. Curl], according to the Clarion Jacksonian, has in his possession a pair of spectacles which came over in the May- flower in 162) brought to the New World by Peter Geced, one of Mr. Curll’s ances- tors. —Spring City’s Council has increased the cost of the electric serviee of all kinds in that borough by levying an an- annual tax of $100 on each telegraph, tele phone and electric light pole within the corporate limits. —Mrs. Shupe, wife of Rev.H.S. Shupe, formerly pastor of the United Brethren church at Tyrone, but now editor of the Watchward, died at Dayton, Ohio. on the morning of the 17th. She was the ‘augh- ter of Mr. and Mys. J+ B. Steiner, of Westmoreland county. ~The record of judgments filed against Robert H. Coleman in the Lebanon County Court House gives a totel debt of $2,6 4,000, His assets are given at $1141: 126 or $4,241,126 independent of the Jack- sonville, Tampa and Key West [liilroad and the balance in his favor is 32 337,12 and without the railway it is $1,537,126. —E. A. Tennis. of Thompsontown, La the contract for building the Bedford an: Blair County Railroad—extending frou Cessna to Brooks Mills, forty-two miles and connecting at both ends with the Pennsylvania Railroad, At Osterberg the road branches offa distance of eighteen miles, passing through rich timber’ ang coal lands. —A strange phenomonen may be wit. nessed et Reakirtsdale in the xy be wit of James Robertson, in the form of a show white cat which a few weeks ago was as black as jet. The only cause assumed’ by its posessor for the peculiar change in its color is either the copious =upply of new milk on which it has been td for the last two weeks, or an over anxiety on its part to see a successful termination of ‘the present strike. —Scranton is having a Sunday crusade. One druggist proposes to keep open and sell everything called for excepting whisky. When he makes the first sale of the day he will proceed before a Magis: trate, inform upon himself, lead guilty, pay his fine and out ofit retain the: in- former’s fee. He has then paid a fine for the violation of that day and cannok be further disturbed. —The proceedings of the Grand Castle of the Knights of the Gdlden Eagle, held at Easton May 8, 9, 10, were issued in book form, May 12, by J. D. Barnes, grand mas- ter of records. The pamphlet covers: 278 pages and is made up of a number of val- uable tables with complete summary, of the business done. It is a remarkable piece of work and reflects very creditably Japon the enterprise that prompted th issue. —Hundreds of pounds of dead fish. ofa sizes and varieties, were seen floating o the surface of the Shenango, at New Ca tle, Monday morning, showing that t! dynamiter had been at work the nig before. Two fish were picked up alonu the shore which weighed in the aggregat sixty-two and one-half pounds. One wt a channel cat and the other a monste pike. There were several bass that wen! weigh five pounds each, and salmon ran; ing in weight from a minnow to fifsec pounds were frequent.