Schreyer’s Carpet Store. William’s Wall Paper. (Ree MATTING WALL PAPER SCHREYER’S CARPETS " MATTING WALL PAPER SCHREYER'S CARPETS MATTING WALL PAPER SCHREYER'S CARPETS MATTING WALL PAPER SCHREYER'S CARPETS MATTING WALL PAPER SCHREYER’S CARPETS MATTING WALL PAPER SCHREYER'S CARPETS MATTING WALL PAPER SCHREYER'S CARPETS MATTING WALL PAPER SCHREYER'S All carpets purchased from us during the balance of the season will be matched and sewed free of charge. Bellefonte. CRIDER'S EXCHANGE, Bellefonte. 39 19-6t. mana was Resolutions of Respect. rs At the last meeting of Gregg Post the fol- lowing resolutions were unanimously adopted. Waegeas, It has pleased an all wise Provi- dence to again visit our Post with death, and take from our midst comrade Henry Robb. Therefore Resolved, That in his death we have lost an honorable, brave and patriotic soldier and a faithtul member of our Post. Resolved, That he was also a good citizen highly respected in the community in which he lived, possessing a kind and generous heart. Resolved, That his family have lost a kind and faithful husband and father, and that we most heartily condole with them in their sad bereavement. Resolved, That these resolutions be entered upon the minutes of the Post and a copy thereof be forwarded to the county papers and to the family of our deceased comrade. Jonx G. Love. Com. { Joux G. CURTIN. J. H. BryaAN. 300 Killed in a Wreck. Panama, May 15.—A dispatch from San Salvador says that 300 persons have beer killed in a railroad accident, resulting from a train running off the track. General Carlos Ezeta, the president of the republic, was aboard the train but was not hurt. —— Subscribe for the WaTcEMAN. Announcements. The following are the prices charged for an- nouncements in this column : Congress $16.00 Associate Judge $5.00. Al Candidates are re- quired to pledge themselves to abide by the de- cisionof the Democratic county convention. CoNGRESS. ‘We are authorized to announce the name of Aaron Williams, of Centre county, a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Congress. Subject to the decision of the District com- ference. We are authorized to announce the name of Wm. C. Heinle, of Centre county, a candidate for the Demoeratic nominati-n for Congress. Subject to the decision of the District con- erence. LEGISLATURE. We are authorized to announce the name of James Sehofield, of Bellefonte, as a candidate for the nomination as Assembiyman. Subject to she decision of the Demoeratic county con. veution. A880CIATE JUDGE. We are hereby authorized to announce the name of Thos. F. Riley, of Harris township as a candidate for the office of Associate Judge. Subject to the decision of the Democtatic county convention. New Advertisements. er QUEEN HOTEL. Tennessee Ave. near the beach. —ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—— | A Delightful and well appointed Summer Hotel, at the Popular Sea- side Resort. {Livery and boarding: i : stable attached. : : see inane seessasenven i 3919-tf Mrs. E. A. NOLAN. S HERIFF’S SALE ! y virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Centre county and to me directed will be exp: sed at Public Sale, at the Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, on SATURDAY, JUNE 9th, 1894, atone o'clock p. m., the fcllowing described real estate, viz : All that messvage, tenement and tract of land, situate in Marion township, bounded as | follows to wit: Beginning at stone by Muncy | mountain, thence south 55° east 130 perches | to post in public road from Howard; thence | by other lands late of the estate of Jacob Hoy | north 7514° east 66 perches to pine stump; : thence by lands late of Jacob McAuley north 124° east. 83 2.10 perciies to stone ; thence 554° east 5214 perches to stones: thence nort 81° east 38 8-10 perchee to stones; thence by lands late of Wm. Allison north 304° west 413-10 perches to stones by chestnut oak ; thence by the Muncy mountain line south 6724° west 252 perches to the place of begin ning, containing 107 acres and 53 perches neat measure as per survey made by Joseph Dev- ling June 17, 1876, being the same tract which James B. Johnson, execulor of Wm. Sayer, under authority from the Orphans’ Court of Centre county, did by deed dated Aug. 25, 1866, granted and conveyed unto Jacob Hoy ! sand conveyed by deed dated Sept. 3, 1883, by Peter Hoy and Benjamin Roush, adm’nistra- tors ete., of Jacob Hoy, deed unto the said | Enos Ertley who by deed dated April 5, 1893, franted and conveyed the same to Margaret . Reader. ! The second thereof. all their right title and interest in and to all that certain piece or tract of land situate in the township of Marion, | county of Centre and State of Penna. in the | warrantee name of John Corman, containing 42 acres and 66 perches; it being the same premises which Adam Yearick, trea-urer of Centre county, by his deed dated the 20th day of August, 1880, and intended to be recorded, granted and conveyed unto C. M. Bower, his heirs and assigns, and conveyed by the said C. M. Bower, by deed dated September 1883, to Enos Ertley, who by deed dated September | 1883, granted and conveyed the same to Mar. garet A. Reader. | Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as | | | the property of Margaret A. Reader, et. al. _TERMS- No deed will be acknowledged un- | til purchase money be paid in full. JOHN P. CONDO, 39-20-3t. Sheriff. New Advertisements. ISTRICT MANAGER WANT- ED for Centre county by a well es- tablished Life Insurance Company. Contract new and at cost to suit times. Address Gen- eral Manager, 921 Betz Building, Philajelphis 9-19 DMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. — Letters of administration on the es- tate of Robert J. Haynes Dec’d, late of Snow- Shoe, Centre Co., Pa, having been granted the undersigned, they request all persons know- ing themselves indebted to said estate to make immediate settlement and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for payment. MRS. MARTHA HAYNES, ‘ log, ROBT J HAYNES, Jr. } Adm S. 39-13-6¢. UDITOR’'S NOTICE —In the Or- phase Court of Centre County, in the estate of Samuel P. Bechdol, late of Liberty township, deceased. The undersigned hav. ing been appointed an auditor to make dis- tribution or the balance in the hands of John McGhee, administrator of said Samuel P. Bechdol, to and among those legally entitled thereto will meet the paities in interest at his office in Bellefonte, Pa., on Monday June 11th A.D, 1894 at 10.30 o'clock a, m.,, when an where all parties are requested to attend and present their claims or be debarred from par- ticipation of said fund so asaforesaid to be dis tributed. H.C. QUIGLEY. 39-20-3t. Auditor Tae ART AMATEUR. Best and Largest Practical Art Magazine (The only Art Periodical awarded a medal at the World’s Fair.) Invaluable to all who wish to make their living by art or to make their homes beautiful. FOR 10¢, we will send toany one mention-10¢. ing this publication a specimen copy, with su- Wie PAPER ——WINDOW SHADES |— MANUFACTURERS OF —R-0-O-M M-O-U-L-D-I-N-G-8 !— — PICTURE FRAME MOULDINGS, |PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. HOUSE PAINTING, me SIGN PAINTING, PAPER HANGING { AND { ROOM DEC- ORATING. -—FRAMES, WALL POCKETS,—- Easels, Oil Paintings, Pastel, Crayons, 0 Water Colors. 0 AND DEALERS IN EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THE TRADE. —WALL PAPER PRICE LIST :— . Brown Back, 4—5 and 6c¢ts per bolt. Mica Brown, 5 and 6 “ White Backs,6and 8 * White Back Micas, 8 and 10 ie Glimmers, 10 and 12 8 “ Golds, 10 to 20 i se Embossed Gold, 12—16 and 25 Felts or Ingrains, 12 to 20 o Figured Felts, 15 to 25 b Pressed Papers, $1.50 to 2.50 “ at WILLIAMS, Wall Paper Emporium, 117 High street, perb color plates (for copying or framing) and 39-17-2m. BELLEFONTE, Pa. 8 supplementary es of designs (regular rice, 35¢). Or FOR 25c. we will send also ‘Painting for Beginners” (90 pages). MONTAGUE MARKS, 23 Union Square, N. Y. 39-19-1y. ¢ Faubles’. DRESS STRAW HATS STORE FULL BALLBRIGAN UNDERWEAR OF SPECIAL FROM 25ects. UP. AS LOW AS 25cts. BARGAINS. YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED. CLOTHING. THE GOODS AND PRICES SELL THEMSELVES. NO ARGUMENT NEEDED ON OUR PART. YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED. FFFFFFF A u u BBBBBBB LL EEEEEEE SS8S88S F F A A U U B B L BE E S 8 F A A U U B B L E Ss FF A A u u B L E E 8 FFF AAAAAAA u U BBBBBB L EEE SSSe8S8 FF A A U U B L EE S F A . A U u B B L E S F A A U U B B L L E E S S F A A uuuueuy; BBBBBBB LLLLLLL EEEEEEE 5888888 WA, .. A MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO YOU IN SUFFERING FROM LONG STANDING CHRONIC DISEASES. DISEASES OF THE BLOOD, SKIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, AS WELL AS THOSE SUFFERING FROM EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT TROUBLE. MORITZ SALM, M. D., Specialist, Von Grafe Infirmary, COLUMBUS, OHIO. ~—WILL BE IN— TYRONE, PA. A iit EMPIRE HOTEL, THURSDAYS, April 19, May 17, June 14, July 12, Aug.9, Sep.'6, Oct. 4, Nov. 1,—29, Dec. 27. ~——AL8O—— CENTRE HALL, PA, AT CENTRE HALL HOUSE, From 7 A. M. till 3:30 P. M. wre FRIDAYS eee April 20, May 18, June 15, July 13, Aug. 10, Sep. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2,—30, Dec. 28. ALSO BUSH HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PA, —S ATURDAYS— April 21, May 19, Juve 16, July 14, Aug. 11, Sep. 8, Oct. 6, Nov. 3, Dec. 1,—29. resem ONE DAY ONLY. EXAMINATION AND CONSUL- TATION FREE TO EVERY BODY. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS Inward Trouble Cured by Dr. Salm After The Best Physicians In The County Had Failed. Our daughter Agnes has been ailing with some inward trouble for over 3 years. It made her very miserable, and fit for nothing. She tried to be cured by the best Doctors obtain- able here, but without success. That Dr. Salm made a correct diagnosis at his first visit the splendid results of the trea:ment have proven | for she is once more able to lend a elping hand. We can recommend the Doctor BE tonite, Pa Cross Eye Operation Made Successfully by Dr. Salm. Our little boy Clyde had Scarlet Fever when he was 2 years of age. It left him cross-eyed in both eyes. Dr. Salm operated on them and they are now perfectly straight. The boy was not given any Chloroform, and the operation was painless. § $x : Pine Glenn, Pa., Centre Co. Bert BEiGHTOL, ‘| A Case of Catarrh of 15 Years Standing Cured by Dr. Salm. I have had a bad case of Catarrh for 15 Years. It gradually affected all of my organs. I came weaker daily, caught cold in the best of weather, and became miserable generally. I tried several Doctors to get rid of the disease, but Shey did not help me any. I took lots of Patent Medicines, but might just as well have thrown my money away. Since Dr. Salm treated me I grew bettersteadily,and am once more a man, and I am certain that the Doctor understands his business. Milesburg, Pa,. Centre Co. GeorGe F. WALKER. I, N, FisHBURN, After 12 Years Suffering Dr. Salm Has Cured Me of a Bad Case of Catarrh. For the last 12 years I have had a bad case of Catarrh, with all its attending symptons. For the last 6 years it bothered me a good deal, hardly being without a cold, making me mis- erable generally I tried 3 different physi- cians, but of no avail, and I can assure you, it takes Dr. Salm to cure Catarrh, for I do not take cold any more. No scabs form any more in my nose as heretofore, and I must say that I cousider myself satisfied with the Doctor’s treatment. JONATHAN Lurz. Tannersville, Pa., Centre Co. Six Physicians Did Not Do Her Stomach Any Good, But Dr. Salm Cured Her, For 5 years I have suifered terribly with Stomach trouble, and all the resulting ail- ments; such as headache, neuralgia, rheuma- tism ets, to such a degree, that i did not care how soon 1 would die. Inthattime I was treated hy 6 different doctors, but none of them did me any good. To the contrary, I grew worse and worse, to work was out of the question. I grew weaker and weaker on ac- count of not being able to retain any kind of food on my stomach. I began treatment with Dr. Salm 3 months ago, and am now a differ- ent woman. I have never vomited once since the first treatment; and to make a long story short, I.can once more with a good deal of pleasure, attend to my daily labours. Galitzin, Pa. Mrs. MARY STEVENS. On Account of 20 Years Continued Suffering and no Relief I Prayed to Die, But Was Cured By Dr. Salm. For 20 years I suffered the most exeruciat- ing tortures all on account of Kidney trouble. The pain in my back was terrible, and many times when I stooped I did not know how to straighten up again. Often I bad to go to bed for a week at a time, and in the end could not attend to my regular work any more. Grad- ually all the other organs became affected, my bladder became in such a condition, that I did not care whether I lived or died ; indeed I prayed for the latter often. The home doc- tors could not cure me, so I put myself under Dr. Salm’s care and I blessed the day when I did so, for to day I am quite a different woman willing and glad to enjoy life once more. feel splendidly, and I am confident that the Doctor will cure me in the time he has set; and I have come to the conclusion, one should never give up hope as long ac they can ob- tain the services of this wonderiul physician. Mrs. J. W. Snook. Spring Mills, Pa., Centre Co. I Could Not Walk Straight Any More, Dr. Salm Cured Me After 8 Other Doctors Had Failed. For the last 20 years I have suffered untold agonies with a pain in my back and over the jegton of the Kidneys. I had to get up i larly every hour at night to pass water, t. pain on these oceasions being almost unbear- able, and almost bent me double, so that after awhile I could not walk straight even the movement of my limbs produced the most excruciating pains. Of course I became very much emaciated on account of having no appetite; to work was out of the question 8 doctors who treated me, could not make out what was the matter; hence their medicines did notdo any good. Home medicines and highly recommended patent medicines had no affect whatever. Dr, Salm has cured me, and although 1 am 71 years of age, I get along very well new, and can once more attend to my daily work Mrs, SurHiA HENRY. Two Lick, Pa., Indiana Co. Address all communications to box 760, Co- lumbus, 0. OUR ADVERTISEMENT WILL APPEAR TWICE BEFORE EACH VISIT. 39-7- 2¢ New Advertisements. OR SALE.—A desirable dwellin house at State College, located on Col- lege avenue and within one square of post- office and churches. It isa new building of nine rooms, finished throughout in hard wood, and occupies a 50x150 ft. Jot. The prop- erty will be sold for $3.500. Meus of time will be gi R. M. FOSTER, given. , 39-10-tf. State Collage, Pa, Sy WANTED.—100 prac- e tical and reliable salesmen wanted for nnsylvania, either on commission or salary, to sell the “Little Bonanza Fanning Mill and Grain Separator,” manufactured at Bellefonte, Pa. Exclusive territory given. None but ex- perienced Salesmen need apply. Call on or MILES WALKER, dress Ww. General Manager. 39-10-3m Bellefonte, Pa. ANTED.—Honest, temperate, energetic men to solicit orders for FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL NURSERY STOCK. Permanent employment and good wages ; also liberal inducements to local agents. Varieties especially adapted to Penn- sylvania. The business easily learned. Write at once for terms and territory. Address : R. G. CHASE & CO., 39-18-8t 1430South Penn Square, Philadelphia. N OTICE OF APPEALS. ANNUAL ASSESSMENT APPEALS FOR 1804, Notice is hereby given to the tax-payers of Centre county, that the County Commission- ers will hear and determine appeals at the Commissioner’s Office, at Bellefonte, Pa., for the respective districts, as follows : Thursday, May, 24.—Union, Burnside, and Snow Shoe townships, and Unionville berough, Friday, May 25th.—Marion, Walker and Doses townships and Milesburg borough. Saturday, May 26th.—Howard, Curtin and Liberty townships and Howard borough. Monday, May 28th.—Miles, Pennand Haines township and Millheim borough. Tuesday, May 29th.—Potter, and Gregg township and Centre . Hall borough. : Thursday, May 31st.—Harris, College, Fergu- son and alfmoon townships. \ 1st.—Rush, Taylor, Huston and Worth townships and Philipsbur and South-Philipsburg boroughs, Saturday, June 2nd. —Benner, Patton and Spring townships. Monday, June 4th, —Bellefonte borough. Thetime for hearing appeals will be between the hours ofnine (9) o'clock, A. M. and four, (4) o'clock P. M. The assessors of the several dis- tricts will be present with the Board of Commis- sioners on the day of said appeal for their re- spective districts, as well as all persons who may feel themselves aggrieved. Assessors will bring all books and papers, they have, to the appeals. Friday, June G. L.GOODHART. County 1 xr STON, Commissioners. Attest :=—R. F. HUNTER, Clerk. Commissioners’ Office, Bellefonte, Pa. May, 2nd, 1894. 89-18-4t { HAEFYER'S PORTRAITS For the next 30 days we will give wid PRB Bias ONE 14x17—CRAYON WITH EACH DOZEN CABINET PHOTOS. Persons can only secure this generous offer » Jeniing coupon and 25 ceuts for one of our icke DEMOCRATIC WATCHMAN COUPON —CUT THIS OUT— By sending this Coupon and 25 cents we will return you a tick- et, which with $2.75, making $3.00 in all, will entitle you t> one dozen of our satin finish, Imperial or Cabinet photos and one 14x17 crayon the regular price of which is $3.00 and cabinets $3 00. By having this coupon you save 6-15-41 D® HOY'S KEYSTONE SUSPENSION FENCE THE PATENTEES OFFER $1,000 - - « FOR ANY BETTER FENCE Posts may be from 40 to 75 feet apart (Patented Nov. 20, 1892) Territory and Material for Sale in the United States and Canada. LAND OWNERS—The season for fencing your properties is here. Investigate the merits of the “Keystone Suppen- sion Fence,” and acknowleege it su- perior to all others and adopt it, or put in your claim for the $1.000 above offer- ed. § Orders for material, will receive prompt attention. Call on ; or address with stamp. H. KX. HOY, M. D. 23 West High St. Bellefonte, Pa, GATES: I also offer the best cheap Jai ever patented, “The Farmer's Prize.” This gate can be made to open and close over snow rifts. It is the gate adopted and used by the Central R. R. of Penna. County, township or farm rights, or gates with hinges reaay to hang are offered. HORSES AT PRIVATE SALE. . A grey mare, 7 years old, standard bred. Bay colt, 3 years old, by Bonner dam by Dau- iel Drew. Cult, 9 mos. old, by Chimes Jr., dam repre- sented standard bred, A grey mare 6 years old good size, Kentucky bred, perfectly gentle. One buggy and 2 sets single harness. Call on or aadress representec «KEK: ROY. 23 West High St. 49-12.6m Bellefonte, Pa. £F