Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 18, 1894, Image 3

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Bellefonte, Pa., May 18, 1894.
Farm Notes.
—One advantage with small fruits is
that they can be raised while one is
waiting for the trees to come into bear-
ing. On new farms this is often quite
an argument in their favor.
—1In staking trees much damage
may be avoided by using strips of
leather or duck to tie the tree to the
stake, rather than to use a cord. Tall,
slender trees, especially, need staking
and tying.
—For a small lawn the best invigo- |
rator is a gill of nitrate of soda, once a
week, in a pail of water, applied with
a watering pot, over an area of 100
square feet. The grass will quickly
respond to such treatment.
—Trees, whether planted for orna-
ment or usefuiness, are the better for
society of other trees near by, because
of their affording one another mutual
protection from winds and from ex-
tremes of heat and cold.
—Iu purchasing seeds for the gar-
den pay a fair price and secure the
best. Do not rik a crop of any kind
with poor seeds. Try novelties on a
small scale, and rely on well-tried
standard sorts for the main crop.
—1It is better to use too much seed,
and thin out the surplus plants, than
to be economical in that respect.
saving of a few ounces of seed may
mean the loss of half a crop. No far-
mer ever saved anything by economiz-
ing closely with the use of seed.
—Sameness of diet may lead to con-
stipation of the bowels. This results
when cottonseed meal or corn meal
are fed continually without change.
The remedy is without variety of food,
giving linseed meal, ground oats, and
green food. Medicine is unnecessary,
if the animals have a varied diet.
—Whentheground is worked to a fine
condition the roots penetrate the soil
more easily, secure a greater share of
plant food, and grow more rapidly than
when but slight cultivation is given
the soil. Careful cultivation thus in-
creases the yield of crops by affording
greater feeding capacity to the roots of
the plants.
— Roses will not give satisfactory re-
sults, unless grown on very rich soil.
Procure strong pot grown plants, and
keep the soil loose around them on the
surface, to prevent grass from getting a
start. Select only the well-known va-
rieties, or such as have been observed
when in bloom, and be on the watch
constantly for attack by rose bugs.
——Many English borticalturists
claim that fruit trees do better when
they are grown from their own stalks,
and not grafted on the stalks of other
trees. They claim it is more natural to
grow fruits from their own roots, but
this theory hardly makes it conclusive
that budding, gratting and root propa-
gation of trees are ot no avail.
—While stable manure has general-
ly fallen into some disrepute for fruit,
the need of nitrogen to form a healthy
but not extreme growth is still ac-
knowledged. ‘Peas are good for orch-
ards. They are the king ot legumin-
ous plants which dissolve the air in
the soil and pat its nitrogen into
available form.
—Crowding the plants does not in-
crease the yield. Each plant must
bave room tor feeding and growing.
The most injurious weed to a plant is
another of the same kind growing by
its side, as both demand the same kind
of plant food, and in the struggle for
such neither makes any progress. Thin
out the plants wherever necessary.
—The sprayer is vot only useful on
trees but tor preventing or destroying
vermin on stock. When kerosene
emulsion is sprayed over cattle in the
form of a fine epray it reaches every
portion of the body and but a small
quantity is required. The emulsion is
not injurious, and does not irritate the
skin as is often the case with unadul-
terated kerosene.
—No mechanic will attempt to per-
form a full day’s work without sharp
tools, yet farmers will use the same
tools a whole year without sharpening
them. Itis as important to keep the
farm tools in good order as it is to have
a sharp ax, as the better the; condition
o: the tools and implements the less ef-
fort is required by the terms and the
better work is performed.
—Phosphate of any kind will al-
ways give good results on crops that
bear seeds profusely. The seed borae
by a plant takes more mineral sub.
stance from the soil, in proportion to
weight and quantity, than any other
portion of the plant, and in such cases, |
where plants are allowed to fully ma-
ture seed, phosphates should never be
omitted from the fertilizer.
—Grape vines are frequently over-
taxed. As the vine makes rapid
growth, and extends over quite an area
there is frequently a temptation to per-
mit it to bear as much as possible,
This is a mistake, as the vine becomes
exhausted and bears imperfect bunch-
es, which may be prevented by thio-
ning out the fruit and applying fertiliz-
er liberally. Itis now too late to cut
back the vines.
—Gapes in chickens are caused by
minute thread-like worms, which clus-
ter in the windpipe. The difficulty pre-
vails mostly on eoil that has long been
occupied by poultry. They may be
drawn from the windpipe by using the
tip of a feather, inserting itin the wind-
pipe, twisting it, end quickly withdraw-
it ; but this is unreliable if performed
by inexperienced persons. The ordi-
nary remedy is to give each chick one
or two drops of epirits of turpentine on
a bread crumb. Dust air-slaked lime
thoroughly over the runs occupied by
the chicks.
The |
—— A nice time we should be having
now if the schemers at Honolulu had
got Hawaii annexed to the United
States. They are going to have a con-
stitutional convention and they require
all who propose to vote for delegates to
take an oath of allegiance to the provis-
ional government. Under this the en-
tire registration in the islands does not
amount to 8,000, or not 0 many voters
as in one of the smaller wards of Phila
delphia. And if, as is likely, the regis-
tration in Honolulu is typical of the
whole, it represents a most undesirable
body to control an American State. In
a total of 1,507 there are but 286 Ha-
waiians, native or naturalized, and on-
ly 890 Americans. The largest element
is the Portuguese, of whom 418 have
registered, while English, Germans und
other nationalities muke up the remein-
413. These are the snporters of the
“republican” government, for his dis-
approval of whose scheme to steal the is-
lands for the United States the Presi- |
dent has been su fiercely abused. i
sion. !
—1It is good. The more Cham-
berlain’s cough remedy is used the bet-
ter it is liked. We know of no other
remedy that always gives satisfaction.
It is good when your cough is seated
and your lungs are sore. It is good in
| any kind of a cough. We have sold
| twenty five dozen of it and every bot-
! tle has given satisfaction. Stedman &
Friedman, druggists, Minnesota Lake,
| Minn. 50 cent bottles for sale by F.
Potts Green.
——-The largest bronze statue in the
world is that of Peter the Great, at St.
| Petersburg, Russia ; weight 1100 tons.
—— No other medicine has equalled
Hood’s Sarsaparilla in the relief 1t gives
in severe cases of dyspepsia, sick head-
ache, etc.
rom CER ———
——-The deepest hole ever bored into
the eagth is an artesian well at Pestb,
Hungary, which was driven to a depth
of 8140 feet.
—— Whenever we hear of two, part-
ners who get along, we cannot help
thinking that both of them must be
good fellows.
—— When it is announced that a
man intends to join the church, the
women have a way of saying, “Well it
is time.”
A AC E——T——
—— There is this important differ-
ence between men and women ; a man’s
great injuries are not wrought by ad-
sand is small in the mechanism of a
— A champion. chess player has a
checkered career.
~The will and not the gilt makes
the giver. :
Business Notice.
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, .
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them
Castoria. 38-43-2y
Almost in Despair but Finally cured
bu Taking.
“For fifteen years, I was a great
sufferer from indigestion in its
worst forms. I tested the skill of
many doctors, but grew worse and
worse, until I became so weak I
could not walk fifty yards without *
having to sit down and rest. My
stomach, liver, and heart became
..affected, and I thought I would
surely die. I tiied Ayer’s Pills
and they helped me right away.
I continued their use and am now
entirely well. I don’t know of any-
thing that will so quickly relieve
and cure the terrible suffering of
dyspepsia as Ayer's Pills,” —Jonx
C. Prrrcuarp, Brodie, Warren Co.,
Admitted for Exhibition
For Teachers, Students, Ministers, or Ladies, .
any one who is active, pushing, and a good |
talker. We want a representative in every |
county. Would prefer one who could giva his |
or her whole time to the work; but spare time
can be profitably employed. If you have a
team, so much the better. Space will not per- |
mit us to give details here; but if you will |
drop us a line we will write you fully. This is
a rare opportunity, the work is pleasant and |
honorable, the remuneration large, the busi: |
ness permanent. No capital required. No
risk. i
(Box 1700,)
30-13-3m Philadelphia, Pa.
No sin is small. No grain of |
Unseated Lands.
Unseated Lands. Unseated Lands.
SEATED LANDS tor taxes for 1892 | 82 Irwin John.
ana 18¢3—Agreeable to the provisions of law | 75 Irwin John..
relating to the sale of unseated tracis of land | 50 Irwin John.
for the non payment of taxes. Notice is here- | 50 Irwin John.
by given that there will be exposed at public | 400 Johnson Th
sale or outery the following tracts of unseated | 200 McCandless W
lands in county of Centre, Pa., for taxes due | 198 Mitchel John...
and unpaid thereon, at the Court House, in | 402 80 McCormic Eleanor.
the Borough of Bellefonte, on Monday, the | 400 Pattison Robert,....
11th day of June, 139% at 1 o’clork p. m. 88 Reynolds John....
BLE TVR pe fda
ACLFS. PER. WARRANTEE, TAXES. | 205 48 Sankey Jeremiah.
100 HaleJ M 408 | 202 6 Steele Robert...
133 Johnson Thomas 4 40 | 438 Steele James.
350 Johnson James. . 1156 438 Steele Allen...
12: Johnson Eieanor 399 | 438 Steele John....
50 Lingle J. J....... 241 | 203 Simpson Nathan
50 Lingle J. J... 2901 | 245 48 Smith John...
130 Smith John 4 30 = Sanple Habest,
BOGGS TWP. 331 Wilson David ..
383 163 Frazier Walbro...... 15 41 | 107 Wilson David
431 137 Godlrey Martha. 18 11 | 147 Wilson Wm...
433 163 Gray William 18 11 | 438 Wilson Edward
181 Lucas J. M. & J. P. Packer 725129 Wilson Peter.
300 McCoy Frank.....ccesseessse 12 08 ' 378 Work David...
146 Packer & Lucas.. oe 588 314 Worz Joseph .
50 Packer & Lucas... ii. 403 159 Work David...
BURNSIDE TWP. | 124 Work Joseph...
415 Black JAMES...iuuiiisseissrens 12 50 | HOWARD TWP.
433 163 Brady Robert... 13 00 ' 415 Godfrey Martha
433 163 Braay William P .. 197% 25 Graysburg Joseph
433 * 163 Brady John......... 1300 | 40 Josttin H. A......
433 163 Bill Alexandria 17 76 130 Lingle J. J.....
4156 Bord Ion ; 1» 0 34 52 Sterrett James
433 163 Royer John 4} 5
333 163 Cook Williati... ne HystoN Te:
433 163 Cowden John 17 76 433 163 Baxter James
140 22 Cox Paul... 420 433 163 Price John..... .
433 163 Dbewart John. 13 00 433 163 Bolinger John... ieesreisrren
433 163 Dewar Wham. 3 0 LIBERTY TWP.
438 16 onnel Henry.. : pr
433 163 Fox Samuel M. 13 00 400 Qarshadden Dx
305 120 Dunwoody John
433 163 Gray Robert.... 13 00 146 Hayes Robt & J
433 163 Gray William 1300 398 go Irwin Robert
423 163 Grant Thomas... 17 79 3) King Thomas
433 163 Gobinson Charles.. 13.00 40 Leech Mathew
433 163 Hall Charles the 5-6 0] 10 83 140f200 Nestlerode Christ.
433 163 Housel John,... 17.76 4d Packer Job W.....
433 163 Hall Charles... 1300 495 102 Stepenson Peter
433 153 Hunter Alex. 24 of. 434 jag Shaw & Lingle
4:3 163 Hamilton Thomas. 13 00 |
433 163 Kidd John. 13 00 ! MARION TWP.
433 163 Lyon John... 1779 ' 50 Allison Wm......
433 163 Nicholson Job 780 197 Harris a. D..
70 Nicholson John 210 78 Harris Jame
64 (Brian Michael. 383 58 Jackson Jerem
216 163 Parker Jeremiah 6 50 17 Lewis Thomas
433 Shaffer Henry. 17.76 | 20 Lucas Thomas
40 Stewart Walker 121} 13 McKinney J. M.
433 163 Scott Samuel... 1300 | 24 McKiuney J. M.
143 Stev art Ann. 430 50 \ nknown....
415 Tallman Sarah. 1250 | 50 Unknown....
433 163 Towers James... 4 1300: 80 Young Robert.
141 Vaughn John 24 of. 2564 | 60 Yarger Simon.
415 Weidner Jacob... 12.50 | 60 Yarger Simon.
415 Wallace Jos. S. 12 50 8 Weight Wm...
4156 Weitzel Johu...... 17 05 140f199 Fartzinger Paul.
123 Wheeler Henry..... 3170 .
204 Whittington Martin. vi 6 10 MILES TWP
411 Warton Thomas P. 26-36 of 5 40 - 419 Boyd Hugh.....
411 Warton Thomas P. 4 36 of 84 371 Boyd Wm....
411 Warton Thoma- P. 2-36 of 42 40 Brady Wm. P.
411 Warwn Thomas P. 2-.6 of 42 146 Brady Wm...
411 Warton Tuomas P 2-36 of 42 213 Barton Wm..
433 163 Young ramuel 14 of.......... 6 67 200 Brady John ...
433 163 Young Benj. 14 of............. 4 53 403 Carothers James
200 Carothers thos.
: 2 401 46 Cummings Jas
147 Johnson ROSS......cceenierinns 352 jy Dorsey John...
250 Johnson Thomas... 800 99 Gray Kobt ...
CURTIN TWP. ust Yan: WR...
= 50 ays Johun......
i 2 0 Hepburn dimes,
204 Bruce Chas...... 57 £0 [10 Haines ‘Josiah...
1:5 Brady Wm. P. 26 61 | 480 Hamipond Wm.
415. Brooks Jesse ... 52 94 5 Bure mn
150 Custer Paul...... 91g 24 House > 1,
30 Curtain John... 3 88 ui J oh ri Ries,
16 Dehass Mary... 21a 2 Jackson dgrem
360 . Godirey Mart! a. 45 93 300 srker Wm.
i Re) 5 b8 Parker Wm..
300 143 Godfrey John W. 38 25 200 Photons
443 120 Hail Charles... 36 81 300 Sonce N Pe
«0 Kel oc Joseph. 38 25 4.1 ar
400 Long J Bow. Iu 3 Sendell Stophel
150 Lane S rah 1913 404 Topp: Peter...
20 Lane Mary... gio 426 Tripp Sam. el.
100 Smith Peter . 7 50 13 Toop Joseph
432 133 Scott samuel... 33 85 00 SUL ROY toni
115 Taylor Joseph. 17 66 A 125 arton Moore....
160 Willis Jonathan. 9 12 PATTON TWP.
FERGUSON TWP, 300 120 Barker Asch
32 Anderson Jolin... 679 | 148 eihl Adam
2 Barker James 16 80 | 60 Deinl Th mas...
110 HurkerJonn ... 2351 83 Deibl Nicholas Sr.
115 127 Barnett J: seph, 18 | 30 Deihl Nicholas Jr.
300 Buekbee Isaac 945| 6 Deihl Nichilas Jr.
50 Bryson § muel... 2 63 | 400 120 Homper Benj.
100 Burchfield Wm... 200: 8 Khaoe John...
130 Crispin’ Pater ..... > 8 | PENN TWP.
382 Dunean Samuel, 1 i
rE] 84 Fowler Ladin... 399 | 1401170 Swineford Peter...
12 Glasgow Silas... 19 POTTER TWP
70 Har thme Leonard.. 74 288 Bond Mary
145 Homer “enj J... 3 05, 81 111 Cameron Alex...
1 Hick= Abraham.. 40 | 133 Derringer Christ. q
162 116 Kobimyer Geo... 340 | 84 Frick John Jr...
122 Li e Jacob... . 7.70 196 Fulmer A. B......
200 Lusby Josinh .. 6 3) | 200 Garrigus Edward..
177 Manicy Henry. 742! 200 Garrigus Wm...
40 McKean John, 2 63 34.f400 Hoffman Wm,
425 Mo~ely Richard. 473 12 Hubler Berna
36 47 McCullough Tho 77 | 100 Hunter Alex.
196 Nice Geo, & Jos 16 42 400 Harrizon Wr
125 North Caleb. vs 2 63 | 282 McKin Robt
400 Peterbricge Juin 8 16 80 | 248 MeKin Davi
63 Peterbridue John Sr. 333 | 05 McClellan Georg
300 Rankin Rovert.... 788] 94 Patier-on Benj.
100 Richards Gin er.. 263 1 70 Peck Joseph.
150 Unknown... 12.00 {300 Scott Samuel.
91 41 Way Jacob ...... 382i10 Seott Abraham
ana Tw Bn To bane
: Vie Hora. 3 75 KNOWN iin,
om Ane Henny 375 > Ying rlice ie DIY serie os
pe A pe 541 (100 Young Samuel...
20 Bishop Corneli 37 RUSH TWP.
200 Carson John... 375433 153 Allison John...
178 127 Carson Andrew 3 30 | 398 Allison James. ,
130 Dunean bavid. 494 9250 Al ison Anarew...
140 Gray Robert... 2 63 1 300 Allison A. & Jro. Li
70 Gregg Smith 133 | 327 Armsfrong Andrew,
100 Heburn Wm... : 188 40 10 Atherton Richaid
380 Huby Bernard.. 712381 153 Alligon Anirew.
144 Logan Wm .. 376! 52 Bannan Joseph,
110 Mosby Jacob. 207 | 443 163 Beverage David
153 Merkley Jacob 2 83 456 Brackbill John.
130 Mercer John 5 00 | 433 153 Briches Isaac ..
88 Panter John... 161L 20 Burg J hn.......
120 Reese Daniel. ..... 225 250 Cophenhaven John.
126 Richardson lsaac 2 37 200 Copenhaven John... eas
148 Reed Daniel... 274 776 Copenhaven & Wh:teom
118 Taggart Wm. 217 {100 Copenhaven Joh... cae. oe.
136 Taggart David. 254 453 163 Delaney Sharp........ v
200 Fowler Jame 375 953 Dentler Wm ...... :
51 Unknown... 9% 122 Ebermyn Philip. .es
52 Unknown... 98 433 163 Ehler Christian .
116 Zeigler Michael... 426 [433 163 Ehler Daniel .... 4
HAINES TWP. 1311 140 Eberman Philip.
. ay 300 8 Erskin Thomas... :
356 Antis Henry... io... 0h, 8351 122 Ebertain Philip... :
154 Beek Henry. 2 86 [433 153 Fitzgerald Daniel. a
121 Barr | homas $72 433 153 Fi k John
125 Bair James $25 433 153 Grant | homas..
129 Barr Mary. 952 | 433 163 slentw rth James
286 Black James 6 75 I" 50 Grove Elizabeth...
135 Cawley H. B. 124) 01 152 Grove& MeKecn
135 Cawley H. B. 2:51 ¢ 216 179 Grant Thom is
458 Epler Adam. 7 87 33 153 Gray Wm
181 Fes Jacob..... 169 gas 153 Greaves Tho
1.0 Fowler George 185° 234 Giant Thomas
368 ' Gher Philip..... 1880 yon 153 Hair Christain
100 ‘Gratz Michael. 185 433 163 Hopkins John
306 80 Grantz Michae 92°63 | ou ; ;
: 433 153 Hanes Reuben Jr.
405 Grantz Simeon... 14 99 | 2i6 156 Hamilton Thomas
209 Grave Wendell... 9 41 | 03 153 Hand John bine
400 Grantz Beroard. 14 80 ! 433 153 Hunter John.
112 Henry Joseph. 4131406 164 Hair Christian
437 108 Hartman John 1618 : “9a 163 Hair David
435 Kidd John. B46: gy Hartline Geo M
133 Links Mar 185! : 3
1216 80 Hamilton Hugh...
80 Motz John. is 433 153 Irwin Robt 34 of
170 70 Stover Wol 473 a0 103" Irwin Jas. P a
436 Simpson Jo 836 4.2 153 Jorden Owen...
446 Spi-er H, & C. 8 35 | 100 King Robt......
106 Workman Mathias... 197 i aia 106 (Fowdien . John.
HALFMOON TWP. | 433 153 Lienhose Ghristain.,
rysn Samuei. 4.16 | 434 ucas Charles..
» i John...., 166 433 168 Lewis David.
44 99 Cross James, 229 | 433 163 Lattimore Geo..
18 Delige C. & F.. 281 133 163 Lattimore Wm
el 10 Floyd Henry... 16 92 | 433 153 Lowden Richard.
[103 Hollingworth Levi » 04 433 153 Lowden John...
100 Hanush Jobnp.. 5 20 | 308 147 Latrobe Wm. A
400 120 Joliff Richar 15 60. 34 163 Mayston Edward.
40 King William 415 | 200 MePherson Wm..
400 20 Lamborn Wn 15 60 433 163 Mulone Richard.
216 Lamborn Josiah. 14 25 ' 433 1568 Malone Riehard..
297 MecHissock John 8 45 4/3 1563 Myert Tacob.....
136 116 Pyle Jacob. 10 60 , 433 133 Miller Jacob. .
28 Pyle David... 73 433 153 Miller John...... .
210 Underwood Jae 10 92 433 163 MecConne | Mathew “
63 89 Unknown........ 417 413 153° Morgan B R. 34of............
67 76 Unknown.. 441 160 McCord J. R. & A Camphell
44 11 Unknown ......... 172 i 18 Musser dab 5 ervedsasere
333 180 Whilehead Richar 12 11 433 153 Malone Richard..
Cg bi 1 eshi
BARRIS. TWD, —~ a2 Malone Josh
400 Andrew Absalon T 20 3/5433 153 Peters Richar
50 Bell John.. 180 443 163 Pinkerton Hen
400 Brown Wi.. 14 40 301 153 Prim George
360 Conley Adam 1296 318 13) Prim Henry
79 Conley Adam.. 168 821 53 Prim Joseph.
281 68 Edmison Samu 126 433 1563 Rush Benj.....
133 Fox George .. 480 a8 Robinson Wm. H.
200 Fisher Sainuel 180, 36 Robinson Wm. H
122 Henry Stophel.... 438 216 Rainey Robt..
185 Henry Stophel... 118 43y 163 Reighart A .
bd pd
Ped ed GO BD Ob 00 4 BO
D0 r=
pt GO =F L008 BO O
fel & fc
C0 © 00 Fa COT ~T OV EO 10 TN OOO BO a CO =F =F © 00 ps Hh He G0 CO jn mT ©
= 00 00 i © = BU BO bu OO
00m OV RD HD
24 71
49 56
123 69
79 36
17 22
21 90
18 20
49 41
4 33
4 11
24 67
24 65
' turned by the tax collectors of the following
districts, respectively, for the years of 1890
| and 1891, to the Commissioners of Centre
| county, for non payment of taxes, according to
| the provisions of the several Acts of hs
| relative to the sale of seated lands for taxes.
H. &L. G+o W.Downing, 1891 26 60
H. &L. George Buchanan 1891 12 92
Lot R. B. Kinnie 1891 13 80
Lot Mrs. Magee 191 4 50
Lot Edward Green 1891 3 46
Lot Chas McCafferty 1891 20 70
{ Lot Hirman Patterson 1891 1 60
| H.& L. Harris Kirk 1800 & 1891 5 50
100 A's Alexander Solt 1891 2.85
160 A's Peter Etters 1891 . 5 60
"100 As Jonn E. Rider Est. 1890 10 53
| 90 A's John Shannon 1890 5 07
105 A's Wm. H. Blair Est 1891 14 18
250 A's John Irwin Jr. Est. 1890 2413
61 A's J F Montgomery & Bro1891 26 20
H. & L.. Louisa Murray 1890&1891 2 36.
iA. Roland Lucas 1891 1 50
150 A's Jonathan Wolf 1891 76
3 Lots. Mrs. Francis Waple 1891 90
Mountain Branch Rod
& Gun Club 1801 22
19 A's Benj. Rich .-1801 112
1 150 A’s Irwin Swisher 1890 &1891 2 80
i 60 A’s H.W. Hoover 1890 & 1891 3 12
6 A's Geo. F. Lee 1891 315
In accordance with the act of June 6th, 1837,
| interest will be added to the amount of all
taxes assessed against unseated lands above
| 89-16 County Treasurer.
A ————————————————————————
Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. Policies written
in Standard Cash Compenies at lowest rates.
Indemnity against Fire, Lightning, Torna
does, Cyclone, and wind storm. Office between
Reynolds’ Bank and Garman’s Hotel.
. 3412 1y
Represent the pest companies, and write poli
| cles in Mutual and Stock Companies at reason:
| able rates. Office in Furst’s building, opp: the
Court House Y, 5
$400 worth of FI
| 433 153 Roher Christain...... ceeesee 49 36
218 80 Rainey Robt.... a 12 49
1 433 152 Slough Jacob.. 24 38
| 406 Snyder Barbsra.. 23 14
433 153 Slough Jacob.. 24 30
| 433 153 Shenck Andrew. 49 39
1 433 163 Schenck Christai 49 39
433 153 Slough George 123 69
433 153 Spear Robt 37 05
438 153 Sidden Elean 74 22
<33 153 Schainer Casper. 24 36
43 153 Schenck Michael 24 30
219 Scott Andrew... 1249
247 Steck Jacon.. 12 08
167 7 Slough Georg 9 52
214 Stout Jacob... 12 20
433 153 Smith Mary. 2472
200 Sands Joseph.. il 40
433 153 Toner James... 25 17
433 153 Turner Hannah.. 24 72
80 Unknown..... .. 4 56
193 Witmer Henry 11 01
12 Williams J. C... 69
433 153 Wallace Jas. J 97 47
313 106 Witmer John..... 17 85
403 163 Wheitline John.. 49 47
[75 Wilson Wm 19 75
| 50 ase 130
1186 115 4 82
| 300 Robinson Catherine.. 5 20
3 Robinson Rebecca. 3 90
150 Robinson Richard 3 28
100 UDRNOWN.cccesreernsiesss 2 60
325 Banks Wm.. 14 99
$25 Banks Willia 14 96
412 Carscadden D.. 16 92
433 153 Cunningham D 19 91
287 80 Cascadden D, 13 21
| 412 44 Cascadden D, 18 97
412 Cascadden D... 18 07
300 Davling Joseph.. 13 80
300 Develing Joseph 13 80
218 Dobson Samuel. 10 01
of Develing Joseph 7 50
433 163 Fisher Fier Wo 39 85
433 163 Fisher James OC. 39 85
400 Holt Edgar..... 18 69
300 Lewis Lewis. 7 50
400 Lewis Lewis. 10 (0
800 LongJ. F... 13 80
206 Long J. F.. 9 20
353 Liggett Joho... 16 23
189 28 Mitchell Wm, P. 8 69
400 Martin Alex........ 18 40
450 McLanahan Sarah 20 70
Po Norrisd. P..... .. 5 01
40433 Norris J. P... 501
3u8 71. Nesbit John M... 16 91
1201216 Parker Jeremiah.. 125
. 9401216 Parker Jeremiah.. 2 85
360 Prim John...... 16 56
360 ' 144 Prim Hugh.. 16 56
433 Parker George 19 91
216 83‘ Farker Jeremiah 5 41
433 Parker George 10 82
360 144 Risley John.. 15 56
& Reilly Job. 13 80
162 Tompkins Ja: 22 37
260 Tompkins Jam 19 50
199 Vandyke Henry 9 50
433 163 Walp Phoebe... 39 85
39 29 Wharton Mary 3 7
. 169 West Francis..... 7 80
400 Williams David 18 40
415 Waln Richard 10 38
400 Bell Wm... 16 40
| 58 Beightol Jo 476
80 Beck Jacob 6 56
200 Bough Wm 12 30
100 Beck Danle 6 15
434 Hamilton Hug 17 79
300 22 Lamb John... .. 12 30
434 Montgomery W. pra 35 5!
434 Montgomery John............ 35 58
189 Ridgway Budd & Co No. 18 38 76
438 Thomas John W ae 8 93
434 Williams Polly . 779
100 Woodring Josep 720
433 153 Williams Joshua. 17 16
3.0 Welch 12 30
39314 Brenham Ebenezer.. 32 89
400 Brenham Ebenezer. ar 32 C0
100 Carlisle Wm....... . 6 00
100 Philips Samuel - 4 00
373 JEWIR ROD iucuatecrnisiivsinen ‘ 32.0
40 Baker John. 111
200 Brady Wm. 6 60
115 113 Daugherty “are 2 56
179 110 Daugherty Elizabeth.. 3 96
69 39 Evans Jesse....... or 1 565
219 39 James Margaret. 4 98
215 ‘155 James Edward 4 484
16k} Knox John...... ob 6 20
| 50 McKee Samuel . +9
500 McEwen Henry. vs 6 08
92 Parker Jeremiah.. at iy)
Jol Parker Richard. 102
183 Purdon Richard. 6 08
| 182 Purdon John... 2 64
© 60 Piles Benj. & Co. 111
400 Parker Jeremiah 6 60
175 Robson Richard... 4 27
242 88 Sautler James... 9 91
201 133 Sutler James ¢ 5 00
79 nknown........ is 100
192 Warden Jeremiah. 2 25
| 30 Witkersham Amos ree 67
i 12 Wilson Robt..ccceererinnns optics 15
| 250 Gray P. B. N... 22 50
| 28 Norris Wister . 2 80
7 .. Unkpown..... 70.
| u Unknown 70
| All of the following lots or tracts of land re-
We extend a most cordial invitation to our
patrons and the public, in general, to witness
one of the
Light and Heavy Harness
ever put on the Bellefonte market, which will
be made in the large room, formerly occupied
by Harper Bros., on Spring street. It has Yeon
added to my factory and will be used execlu-
sively for the sale of harness, being the first
exclusive salesroom ever used in this town, as
heretofore the custom has been to sell goods
in the room in which they were made. This
elegant room has been refitted and furnished
with glass cases in which the harness can be
nicely Sishleted and still kept away from
heat and dust, the enemies of long wear in
lesiner. Our factory now occupies a room
16x74 teet and the store 20x60 added makes it
the largest establishment of its kind eutside
of Philadelphia and Pittsburg. J
Weare prepared to offer better in
the future than we have done in the past and
we want everyone to see our goods and get
prices for when you do this, out of self defense
or will buy. Our profits are not large, but
y selling lots of goods we can afford to live in
Bellefonte. We ‘are not indulging in idle
philanthropy. It is purely business. - We are
not making much, but trade is growing and
that is what we are intarested in now. fite
will take care of themselves,
When other houses discharged their work
men during the winter they were all put to
work in my factory, nevertheless the bi a
houses of this city and county would smile
we compared ourselves to them, but we do not
mean to be so odious, except to venture the as-
section that none of them can say, as we can
CAN'T GET.” This is the whole story.
The following are kept constantly on hand.
50 SETS OF LIGHT HARNESS, prices from
$8.00 to $15.00 and HORSES LARGE
set $25.00 and EpWardy; 500 HORSE
COLLARS from $150 to $500 :
each, over $100.00 worth o
Nets sold cheap
8150 worth of whips ~~ |
from 15¢ to $3.00 each,
Horse Brushes,Cury Combs’
Sponges Chamois, RIDING
Harness Soap, Knee Dusters, at low
prices, Saddlery-hardware always on hand
for sale, Harness Leather as low as 25c per
pound. We keep everythingto be found ina
ing, over 20 years in the same room. No two
shops in the same town to catch trade—NO
SELLING OUT for the want of trade or prices-
Four harness-makers at steady work this win-
ter, This js our idea of protection to labor,
when other houses discharged their hands,
they soon found work with us. i
33 37 ' Svring street, Bellefonte, Pa.
INuminating Oil.
{Rewy ACME.
© ——
It gives a Brilliant Light.
It will not Smoke the Chimney.
It will Not Char the Wick. !
It has a High Fire Test.
It does Not Explode.
It is without an equal’
We stake our reputation as refiners th
Ask your dealer for it. Trade supplied by
Bellefonte Station
Bellefonte, Pa.
37 37 1y
McCalmont & Co.
par SOUTH BEND. ....
A plow which commands the highest pre-
miums and is sold at the lowest price.
Read the low prices for chilled and polished
shares. ¢
SHARES, - - -
PLOWING, - - - 40 cents each.
CHILLED POINTS, - 40 cents each,
STEEL POINTS, - 50 cents each.
QUIRED, . =i » =~ = : $250each.
A South Bend Plow equipped with a share,
adapted to the particular soil for which it is
intended, will hold the plow in any soil in
which the team can pull it.
FERTILIZERS. —High Grade Acid Phos-
phate, Champion $25.00, Ammoniated Bone
Super Ihosphate, Special Potato Phosphate,
Garden or Vegetable Fertilizer, Lawn Grass
Fertilizer and Fertilizer Materials at our ware-
bouse in Belletonte. We "warrant high grade
goods for low prices.
White Land Plaster, Gray Land Plaster and
Agricultural Salt.
BINDER TWINE.—Pure Manilla Binder
Twine 10 cents per pound, Standard Binder
Twine 9 cents per pound, Sisal Binder Twine
8 cents per pound.
A discount of one cent per pound will be al-
lowed on full bales on early orders.
REAPER SECTIONS.—We have purchased
one thousand reaper and ‘mower sections for
the McCormick, Champion, Deering, Johnson,
Osborne and Wood machines, which we sell
at 8 cents each or 90 cents per dozen. Now is
the time to secure the best knives for the
least money—first come first served.
39-16 Bellefonte, Pa
30 cents each.
30 cents each.
30 cents each.
30 cents each.
30 cents each.
30 cents each.
ke A. rts A580. ARR 0