. Ink Slings. — Democracy is great and glorious, but she has too many lamp trimmers. —This Congress must pass a tariff bill or the Democratic party must acknowl- edge its inability to legislate for the masses. —The most profitable free trade which the mother country enjoys is that of swapping her debauched iitled noble- men (?) for American heiresses. —Real protection, and the only pro- tection that will protect American labor, will never come until the ports are closed against foreign immigration. —Public condemnation and relega- tion to the shades of private life will be the gall to which the sugar water which certain Democratic Senate traitors are drinking now, will turn ere long. —Bellefonte can be thankful that she is not located on a direct route to any- where. There seems to be such an aim. lessness about the wanderings of Cox- EY’S armies just now that many places are being pestered with the vagrants. —1It is a pity every Democratic State in the Union has’nt a man like CHAUN- cy F. BLack whom it could send to the U.S. Senate. What a sound and repre- sentative body of honorable men our higher branch of Congress would then be. —Forty-thousand people at one horse race on Tuesday and fifty thousand at base-ball games in six cities alone, on the same day, certainly doesn’t look much as if hard times had struck the sporting and pleasure contingent of our population very hard. —Pipes are coming into favor again with men who ape the fashions. The undertaker will not be pleased with the idea of banishing his ally, the cigarette, but fashion has decreed that the chap- pies must smoke pipes and the ‘‘coffin tacks’’ will be given a rest now, —The Brooklyn handicap, on Tues- day, attracted forty-thousand people to Monmouth park to see Dr. Rice, a St. Paul, Minn., horse, run away witha $25,000 purse. Many men and women lost their heads and as many more their lost money as their favorites fell behind in the great race. —The Cleveland convention, which it was hoped would speedily adjust the differences between the miners and the coal operators, drags wearily on without accomplishing anything. Coal is get- ting scarcer every day and at last it has the appearance of becoming the tradi- tional black diamond. —And now the 18th Ohio district wants to ran Coxey for Congress. Dear, oh dear, to think that Maj. Mc- KINLEY’S old constituents should want such a representative, yet fanaticism seems to be their hobby and as between McKixLEY and CoxEY there is only the difference of class and mass legislation. —After all it appears as though Con- gressman JACK ROBINSON is to be left out in the cold and Hastings will have Senator WALTER Lyon, of Pittsburg, as his running mate on the Republican ticket next fall. If Roinsox should be turned down next Wednesday there will be some serious breaches for Repub- licans to heal up in this State. —A rupture has taken place between Portugal and Brazil, arising out of the asylum afforded Brazilian rebels on Portugese men of war. The president of the republic has withdrawn his diplo- matic corps from Lisbon and now the two countries will look askance at each other, with the broad Atlantic between, until some sort of a reconcilliation is patched up. —-The farmer who sees the price of wheat fallen to the lowest figures ever heard of can not but wonder what good the protection, that the McKINLEY bill gives him, does. His products are all sold in foreign markets, where tariff does him no good, but his purchases are all make at home, and there is where the protection comes in, for he sells low and buys high. —The REV. T. DEWITT TALMAGE, has an idea that his days of pastoral work are ended, and thinks that after the lecture tour around the world, for which he has already been billed, he will retire. The great exponent of pul- pit gymnastics should not be so easily discouraged. After spending a portion of his life firing christian souls he ought not to suffer incendiaries to fire him out of the ministry by burning his church. —Tip, the largest elephant in captiv- ity, was killed in the Central Park, N, Y. Zoo, on Friday, because he had be- come go unruly that the lives of his keepers were constantly in jeopardy. Hedied of cyanide of potassium poison- ing. The big political elephant G. O. P. is likely to meet a death from asphyx- iation caused by inhaling the sulphur- ous imprecations of the masses when they find out how the old pachyderm hasibeen trying to keep iiselt alive by obstructing needed Democratic legisla- tion, 7 Ei (= A emacralic RO STATE RIGHTS AN 7 £ D FEDERAL UNION. astm J % VOL. 39. BELLEFONTE, PA., MAY 18, 1894. NO. 20. Although Defective, Yet Reformatory. Much as Democrats have reason to be dissatisfied with some of the pro- visions of the WiLsox tariff bill, tack- ed on to it in the Senate, yet its gener- al character, in the way of reducing tariff taxatione is a great improvement on the McKixiey law and a decided advancement in the direction of tariff reform. By comparison between the MoKinLey bill and the amended Se- nate bill the improvement is very per- ceptible. Free wool takes the place of duties on the various grades of that material which under the preseat tariff range 50 to 90 per cent. This will be an inestimable boom to one of the most important industries, and a relief to all who have been paying an unnecessary tax upon their clothing. In addition to this advantage of free wool there has been a most decided reduction of duties in the entire schedule of woolen yarns. In some the duty has been reduced from 278 per cent. to 30, while the other classes of woolen yarns which were tariffed 118 and 105, have been cut down to 30 per cent. Woolen cloths, from which McKINLEY extor- ted a tax of 163 per cent. have been re- duced to 40 per cent, and other grades have been subjected to a proportionate reduction. Shawls of the cheaper quality, such as are nsed by the poorer class of people, upon which McKixLEY put the highest duty, amounting to 150 per cent. have been reduced to 35. Knit fabrics of the cheaper kind, needed by people of limited means, npon which the present monopoly tariff exacts the exorbitant duty of 136 per cent., is cut down to 35, and there is a reduction on blankets from 103 to 40 per cent. Dress goods, which under the present duties range from 87 to 159 per cent., according to their grade, are brought down to a uniform duty of 40 per cent. In fact in every grade of woolens the tariff burden has been re- moved on the same proportion, Equal in importance to the woolen schedule is that of iron, and in its en- tire range there has been a great re- duction of duty. Take for example, pig iron, the duty on which is reduced from 40 to 25 per cent, beams and girders from 74 to 45 ; steel rails from 58 to 34, etc. This proportion prevails through the entire iron and steel schedule, and is characteristic of the entire bill, except in a few unfortunate particulars, We give these comparative rates to show that notwithstanding the Se- nate amendments have considerably changed the reformatory feature of the original WiLsoN proposition, the bill, as changed makes the rates of duties much below the rates of the McKin- Ley tariff. Seeking Another Term. Ex-President HarrISON cannot dis- guise his anxiety to be again the can- didate of the Republican party for the Presidency. He gave it out some mouths ago that he had no aspirations in that direction, and would not allow himself to be a candidate unless the situation became such as to require his emerging from the retirement of pri- vate life and assuming the presidential candidacy for the benefit of his country. Those who understand the ex-Presi- dent’s methods gave no credit to his declaimer of any desire or intention to put himself forward for another term, and his actions for some months past show that he is doing all he can to help on his own presidential boom. He displays the greatest eagervess to keep himself before the people. He misses no opportunity to address pub- lic meetings, and on the slightest provo- cation he gives expression to his views on the political situation. His voice is assiduously employed in swelling the calamity howl,and he seems highly delighted with the business blight which has overtaken the country and which he is endeavoring to turn to the advantage of his party and himself by blaming it on the Democrats. Mr. Harrison's appearance in New York last week was represented to be strictly on private business, but the conferences he held with political lead- ers, and the effusive cordiality with which he greeted the representatives of the National League of Republican clubs, indicate that the business which is of most interest to him at this time is the laying of wires for another pres- idential nomination. Woman's Dress Reform. The women reformers, represented by delegates from all parts of the country, have been holdicg an inter esting convention in Philadelphia which discussed various matters per taining to the advantage and well be- ing of the sex. Among other points of discussion was that of dress, the prop- osition being ‘to destroy the fashion. able ideal,” and emancipate woman from some of the more exacting re- quirements of style. The corset and the long dress were the principal ob- jects of attack. : There are matters of reform in re- gard to which woman may agree. Nothwithstanding their repugnance to taking a part in politics, they may eventually become reconciled to par- ticipating in the right of suffrage. They may consent to hold office, and may enter enthusiastically into movements for reform intended for their general benefit, but we don’t be- lieve they will ever consent to any tampering with their dress. The Philadelphia convention exhibited a reform dress which it thought more suitable than the fashionable style now prevailing, but if it expects that womankind will adopt any style of habiliment that does not suit their idea of what is handsome, becom- ing and attractive, the convention is quite likely to find itself mistaken. The ladies are disposed to exercise their own preference in this matter. Their natural taste inclines them to adopt that which they think will make them look the prettiest, and there are very few men who find fault with them for following this oatural inclination. Extravagance ia dress is objectionable, but society would lose much of its charm if woman's dress were subject- ed to unvarying regulation. Foreign Alliances. One of the last pieces of advice which WasHINGTON gave to his counn- irymen was to beware of foreign alli: ances. He left this as a legacy of his wisdom which it would be well for the Republic to beed. In compliance with warniog the it was adopted as the policy ot this government to avoid en- tangling aliiances, and this rule was not departed from until the HARRISON administration thought it would be a brilliant stroke of diplomacy to enter into a partnership with Germany and England in establishing a protectorate over the Samoan Islands in the Pacific ocean. This act was in conformity with the Gingo policy of that adminis- tration, of which its interference in the affairs of Hawaii was another instance, and which in no particular has re- dounded to the credit or advantage of the United States. The only eftect of this government's co-partnership with Germany and Eng- land in the Samoan protectorate has been that it has enabled the Germans to derive natives of authority over the islands. The Americans have not de- rived a particle of beuefit from it, the English have been quite indifferent in the matter, while Germany has reaped the bevefit of the tripartite enter- prise. There is really nothing for the Un- ited States to gain in that quarter ; the fulfilling of her part of the alliance is a bill of expense without profit, and therefore Secretary GREsHAM takes a correct view of the partnership when he recommends that the United States should withdraw from it. Such a course would be a return to the princi- ple expressed by Washington's advice about entangling alliances. The Philadelphia Evening Tele- graph has an idea that Congress ought to kill the present tariff bill, vote the appropriations and go home. Of course it says : “this would mean the defeat of the Democratic party in the coming Congressional elections, but that is a foregone conclusion anyhow.” The conservative old sheet is getting quite free with its advice, but the Dem- ocratic Congress will pass a tariff bill, if it has to stay in Washington until November to do it. The Zelegraph does well is advising the defeat of Judge CrayToN, the machine jurist of Delaware county who aspires to suc- ceed himself on the bench, but the Democracy neither needs, nor will it heed any suggestions from such a par- tisan source. What the People Would Say About It. A New York paper urges that a mass meeting be called to express the business sentiment of that city and Brooklyn against the income tax. A mass meeting compoeed really of the people would not express disapproba- tion of such a tax. There would be vo condemnation from’ that quarter, for there is a public conviction that no other form of taxation is as just and equitable as that which would make wealth pay its due share. The representatives of the people, those who passed a thorough reform tariff bill by a great majority in the of trusts and monopolies in the Senate, supplemented that tariff bill with a provision for an income tax. That measure is intended to avoid the necessity for the collec- tion of revenue from indispensable ar- ticles of consumption, sugar being one of them. However much that tariff bill may be altered, the income tax will become a law, and when once again on the statute books it is going to stay. Itis not likely to be juggled off for the benefit of those who find their profit in tariffing the necessities of the people. An income tax, as a regularly established source of revenue, will be the means of gradually reducing our tariff and eventually equalizing the burden of taxation according to the means of those who will have to bear it. Heretofore it has been borne principally by those who have had to stand the tariff taxes. ‘Work Put Them to Flight. The authorities of Washington city putting the Commonweal army on the retreat. They did not resort to bayo- nets and cannon to repel the invaders. Force was not employed to check the inroad. While the “industrial” legion was warned to keep off the grass, un- der penalty, no other forcible expedient was called into requisition to meet the vagabond emergency. But something more effectual has been brought to bear upon the Com- monwealers. The District Commis- stoners found among the ordinances of the District a provision that persons within their bailiwick unemployed and shall be considered vagrants for whom employment shall be found in the workhouse. Acting upon this ordi- nance they notified the “industrial” crasaders that they would have to comply with the provisions of this ordinance and take to hard manual labor in the workhouse, or else break up their camp and go elsewhere. Work being the last thing the Com- monwealers were looking for, they fled in dismay before the prospect of being put to work, and pitched their tents on the District. They will remain there probably as long as somebody else's labor will furnish them with something to eat, or until they are disturbed by the vagrancy laws of Maryland. : No Tramps from the South. The Southern people have reason to be proud of the fact that their section has contributed no recruits to the army of vagabonds who have made Wash- ington the objective point of a move- ment from north, east and west, with the declared intention of compelling Congress to legislate in the imaginary interests of the “unemployed.” The South has taken no part in this foolish and pestilential crusade, largely for the reason that there are but compar- atively few uvemployed people in that section, and also because the condi- tions existing in the. Southern States, and the disposition of the people down there, are not favorable to the growth of cranks and vagabonds. In this connection it may be well not to overlook the circumstance that in those parts of our country which have been most “favored” by the pa- ternal policy of Republicanism, and whose industries have been supplied with the largest amount of “protec- tion” from Republican tariffs, are found to be in the most prostrated in- dustrial condition, and are furnishing most of the recruits to the vagabond movement that is disturbing the coun- try. Southern industries and interests have been least protected by tariffs, and that section is less affected by bus- iness prostration than any other part of the country. ——— House, as distinguished from the agents, hit upon a good and effective plan of having no visible means of support Maryland soil beyond the boundary of The Republieans Want Hard Times. From the Easton Argus. The Republicans claim that they are the friends of the laboring man. That claim is loudly refated by their own actions. Every one knows that delay in passing the tariff bill keeps many industries closed. Senator Quay is one of the most persistent filibuster- ers. He seizes upon every pretext to delay that tariff bill passage. His own words tell that that is his object. Each day the final action on the bill is put off by dilatory tactics, is one more day of idleness for thousands of men. That doesn’t worry the Republicans. They want the men to be idle so that they can charge the condition of affairs to the Democratic majority. They would keep the workingmen idle for months and months, if they thought they could use this condition for party beoefit. Democrats are in line and the uncertainty which broods over busi- ness would at once be removed if the Republicans would allow it. Repub- lican senators are cutting the working- men’s throats to make a partisan point. Will those workingmen at the poils allow that conspiracy to be suc cessful ? The Coke Region Still Uneasy. From the Altoona Times. The troubles in the coke regions continue. There was another outbreak Wednesday and the strikers made ef- forts to driveaway men who were at work. These manifestationsshould be put down at whatever cost. We can sympathize with the strikers in all of their attempts to better their condition by legitimate methods, but when they try to stop men from working they are exceeding their rights. It is a mistak- en forbearance that would tolerate such conduct, for if allowed it would certainly terminate in a condition of anarchy in the coke regions and life and property would be uneafe.” The disturbance yesterday, near Connells: ville was repulsed by deputy sheriffs, but the trouble is not ended. The strikers were gathering for a fresh as- sault and bloodshed and: loss of life may result. Pessimism Not Ill-Grounded. From a Recent Letter by Senator Teller. * % % «Jt ig difficult to know what to do with these people, who are here in distress with thousands of others through no fault of theirs, They know there is something wrong some- where and that there ought to be a remedy and can think of no other, ex- cept what congress can give. I myself believe the present dreadiul condition of our laboring and producing people is the direct and immediate result of bad legislation already on our statute books and other that is threatened, but I have no hope of immediate legislation that will give the required relief. What will happen in the near future I cannot see, and believe for my peace of mind it is well I cannot.” But Quay Will Die in the Senate If He Wants to Stay that Long. From the Doylestown Democrat. Senator Quay is becoming somewhat “previous” in his filibustering methods to prevent the passage of the tariff bill. As he could think of no more brainy method of delaying the bill, he resur- rected an old bill relating to the Dis- trict of Columbia, on Friday, which he introduced and asked to have read, but as the reading would occupy several hours it was objected to, and went over for a day. Such tactics might do for a school boy on his first appearance at a township debating club, but can hardly add to the reputation of a Sena. tor who considers himself a statesman. Pennsylvania would not be damaged by a little new senatorial timber. A Difference. From the Philadelphia Record. The Populists in the Eighteenth Ohio district have nominated General Coxey for Congress. This is the dis- trict from which McKinley was sent to Congress. The nomination of Coxey is logical enough. He wants the Gov- ernment to provide work for tramps ; McKinley wanted the Government to provide unearned profits for weakly in- dustries, It is only a difference be- tween Coxeyism in rags and Coxeyiem in ruffles. They Moved Rather Than Work. From the Tyrone Times. Coxey’s army, at Washington was offered a job of cleaning up a park for $500, but it was refused. Coxey and the commonweal army were not or- ganized to get work; that would be a disgrace to the organization, an offence worthy of expulsion. Coxey and his army are better known as labor suving institutions who never sweat. AT RETR Don’t Cast Reflections on tile Tipid (?) Porter. From the Pittsburg Post. A Pullman boycott that would meet with universal support would be one in favor of compelling payment of enough wages to Pullman porters to enable them to live without bilking railway travelers, Spawls from the Keystone, a — —The Towanda Herald has suspended. —The Schuylkill Reformed Classis is in session at Reading. —-Harrisburg dentists have organized to procure local dental quacks. —Trolley privileges have been granted to the Birdsboro street railway. —The cracker trust gobbled up the two Williamsport cracker bakeries. — The hot weather has slain nearly all the clover worms in Berks county. : —Scranton real estate has just been as- sessed at an aggregate of $19,312,714, —Six divorce cases were granted by the Tioga county courts the past week. —Easton’s valuation of taxable proper- ty is $9,943,740, and the city debt $293,600. —The Lehigh Valley Railroad is survey. ing a route to lay tracks into Pottsville. —Seventy-ninth Regiment survivors held their reunion at Lancaster, Tuesday. —In two days 35 alleged fish poachers have been arrested in Allegheny county. — A street car in Lebanon ran down and killed the little son of hotelkeeper Stover. —A mule fatally kicked James favage, a farmer of Tilden township, Berks connty. —Thomas Wall fell from his wagon at Grampion, near Dubois, and was run over and killed. —Forest fires licked up oil well riggings belonging to Mr. Dermott & Barnsdall, in Elk county. —A fall backward from a hayloft at Kuntztown killed William H. Kemp, a wealthy bachelor. —On $35,000 worth of 4 per cent. North. umberland county bonds sold Saturday, there was a premium of $5500. —St. George's Lithuanian Church, at Shenandoah, one of the finest in the county, was dedicated Sunday. ~—Isaac Palmer was almost killed and one of his horses was fatally hurt in col. lision with a Lancaster electrie car. —The young wife of Horace Anderson, King of Prussia, Montgomery county, died just a week after he wedded her. —The fire at Lehigh valley Coal Com- pany’s colliery, Packer No. 5, at Colorado near Girardsville, is still raging fiercely. —Thieves broke into Keylar's post of- fice, near Hazelton, stole $2) in cash, $20 in postage, and destroyed a pouch of let - ters. —William G. Hinkle, ot Philadelphia, who was thrown from his buggy at Zeig- lersville, Lehigh county, is reported to be dying. —The committee investigating the al« leged councilmanic bribery in Reading tried in vain Saturday night to get at rock bottom facts. —State Guard rifle practice will contin. ue from May 1 to October 1, and any com « pany that does not qualify in marksman. ship will be disbanded. —Caught by a train midway on a rail= road bridge at Reading, Walker Moyer leaped 5 feet into the river below and es- caped with a broken leg. —The Johnstown flood suits for damages aggregating $210,000, against the South Fork Fishing Club, will be tried at Williamsport in October. —Schuylkill county Grand Jury Satur. day began a reform and put the costs up. on 60 prosecutors whose bills of indict. ment have been ignored. —A nest of about one hundred Snakes was found a few days ago by workmen blasting rocks near Gaines onthe line of the new railroad near Muney. —One firm has a contract to put into Congressman Hopking’ saw mill at Lock Haven 130,000,000 feet of logsand it will re. quire 13 years to do the work. . —While driving across the Cumberland Valley Railroad tracks near Chambers. burg, James Galvin, of York, was struck by a train and dangerously hurt. —A carp weighing twelve and one- half pounds end measuring two feet and six inches in length, was caught in the Tioga river at Lawrenceville a few days ago. Jerome Shuck, of Nippenose Valley, shot a crane a few days ago which stood over three feet high. One of its legs was shot off and Mr. Shuck killed the big bird with a club. —The Prohibition club of Bucknell Uni. versity, assisted by the Prohibition quar- tette of Williamsport, held a Demorest medal contest in Bucknell Hall, Lewis. burg, last evening. — United States District Attorney Ing. ham, was at Gettysburg Sunday, studying the battlefield, as the case against the trolley road there will be argued in Phila. delphia this week. —South Allentown is said to have a silk mill, the site for which was purchased for $9,000. It is to be of brick, 530x200 feet in dimensions, and is to be located near the East Penn Junetion. —Mrs. Nancy Christy, a respected and honorable colored woman of Harrisburg. will be 102 years old to-day. She was born May 1ith, 1792, in Mercersburg, and went to Harrisburg, says the Telegraph, in 1854. —Pittsburg is straining every nerve to make the twenty-eighth national encamp- ment of the G. A. R. the best, largest, and most unigue that has been held in the long series, and many comrades and citi. zens have come forward with suggestions about new features which they thought would eontribute to this end. —There is a movement now on foot at Wilkesbarre which promises, when it is eulminated to make the city next in size to Philadelphia and Pittsburg. The scheme is to annex all the surrounding towns within a radius of five miles. The towus and boroughs in the vicinity of the city are thickly inhabited, and if added, would increase the number of population to 150,000, whereas it is now 48,000 .~Mrs. Sarah D. Kent recently died at Bussellville at the age of 8 years. She was an earnest advocate of woman suffrage, was born in Chester county, married Dan. iel Kent in 1829, and continued to live on the farm where she was born until his death, a period of seventy-four years. Her home was a notable place for the en- tertainment of traveling Friends engaged in religious work. She was one of the first workers in the First Day School movement, and continued zealous in 1ts duties until her death.