Demopuati: Wald Bellefonte, Pa., May II, 1894. Farm Notes. _ '—Sow millet, buckwheat or Hungar- ian grass on wheat land as soon as the crop is harvested (if the land is not also in clover) and plow the green crop un- der, using lime in connection with the green manure. —A flock of sheep at this season will keep down the weeds and grass on :a small plot, and will also distribute their droppings evenly over the field. Sheep are considered renovaters of worn-out land. —Early cabbage may be set out as Boon as desired. Keep the young plants well hoed and the soil loose. To hasten them in growth sprinkle a tea- spoonful of nitrate of soda around each plant once a week, —Do not cease planting peas, but as 800n as the first early plants are above, sow plants for the second crop, and follow with others. Peas can be had in abundance through the season with their value ou the farmer's table. —No manure is necessary around young trees the first year. They will have better and more roots the second year, and will then make faster growth while manure that is applied the first year will lesson the inducement to in- crease the root capacity. —1It is useless to grow onions, no matter how rich the soil may be, if the rows are not kept pertectly clean. Weeds and grass will destroy an onion bed in short order, as onions prefer the land undisturbed by other plants, hence the ground must be kept loose and fine. —Increased production has some- thing to do with the prices of wool as with everything else. In 1860 the total wool crop of the world was 950, 000,000 pounds, and in 1890 it was 2,000,000,000 pounds, or more than double. The American crop has in- creased 300 per cent. since 1860. —When planting "corn it should be the object to secure not only the same yield per acre as last year, but some- thing more. It will cost no more to get an extra 10 bushels per acre than it will the regular crop, if judgment is given the cultivation of the land. Grass and weeds are the agents which reduce the yield. —Plant early sweet corn now for a first crop. Only the dwart varieties of sweet corn are very early, For a later supply plant evergreen at the same time as the dwarf kinds, as its slower growth will bring it about the time that the first crop is gone. Sweet corn can be had until late in the fall by successive planting. —Prices and quality are wealth, Michigan produced 5,000,000 pounds of butter more than Wisconsin, yet the latter State received $1.000,000 more for her product than did Michigan. It was the labor and extra care given that made the difference. Gilt-edged butter comes from no particular breed, but from the work bestowed upon it from the pail to the market. —Ensilage is an important crop, and should not be overlooked. An acre of land will produce three times as much ensilage as of hay. It mat- .ters not what the relative feeding value may be, as the farmer who grows a crop of ensilage will be able to provide his cows next winter with a succulent ration as a change from the dry food, and will also retain the tull flow of milk from his cows. —A slight raking or harrowing giv- en the land early in the season will be more effectual in destroying weeds and grass than ten times the labor that may be given after the weeds are es- tablished. Labor is an item of ex- pense, and should be used economi- cally by applying it at the right time and in the right place. If every farm- er would consider labor as something which should be used cautiously and with judgment, according to its value, a better system of cultivation would be the result. —Slovenly planting makes work during the growing season. The weeds and grass will come up sooner on land that has not been properly plowed, ow- ing to the coil not being turned under. There is a degree of skill which can be used in plowing that will reflect credit on he who does the work, and a good farmer will endeavor to have his field appear creditably to those who may view it from the road. A piece of land that is well plowed and harrowed will entail less work on the farmer after it ig planted with a crop. —Too many farmers fail to bave their manure well decomposed or “rotted.” The manure cannot be ser- viceable until it is completely decom- posed, and the process of decom posi- tion must take placein the field if it bas not occurred in the manure heap. In the field decomposition is slow, but in the heapit is rapid. It will pay to decompose the materials in the heap, as it will then be fine and in better condition for spreading, while the hauling will be easier and the manure handled to better advantage. —The borer is usually destroyed in May. If the miller or moth has just deposited the eggs that produce the borer a wash made of one gallon of soft soap, four pounds of sulphur, and one quart of crude carbolic acid, thick- ened with fresh air-slacked lime, ap- plied to the trees, will destroy the young borer, but latter on the borers must be dug out of the trees with a knife, or a wire inserted into the bore, which kills them in the trees. The wash should be applied six inches be- low and six inches above the ground, and it will prevent attack. No solu- tion will kill the borer after it enters the trees and has made progress. ——In Egypt divorce comes even easier than in Dakota. Oar Consul to the Court of the Khedive tells of an al- tercation that took place between one of his most trusted servants and a veil- ed lady, his wife which squabble re- sulted in divorce in less than five min- utes. The scene opened with reproach- es emanating from the woman. “Take care,” warned the man. “I put you trom me!’ Nothing daunted, the virago continued until the exasperated man again repeated, “'[ put you from me,” Still the torrent of abuse flowed unceasingly. Worried beyond endur- ance, the servant entlred the house and secured thirty shillings out of his year’s salary of ten pounds and return- ing to the woman said : “Here is your Unseated Lands. Unseated Lands. Unseated Lands. Saddlery. REASURER'S SALE OF UN- SEATED LANDS tor taxes for 1892 and 1893—Agreeable to the provisions of law relating to the sale of unseated tracts of land for the non payment of taxes. Notice is here- by given that there will be exposed at public sale or outery the following tracts of unseated lands in county of Centre. Pa., for taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House, in the Borough of Bellefonte, on Monday, the 11th day of June, 1894 at 1 o'clock p. m. dowry—now for the third and last time I repeat : ‘I put you from me.” At, these words the woman went her way ' 433 and the astonished American learned ! 18! that he had witnessed divorce proceed- | 146 ings,forin Egypt the assertion “I put you , 50 from me,” made three times to a wife by her husband, constitutes a solemn divorce without alimony, and once the words are said the woman has no right to anv further support from the man. Nice, sensible custom, 1sn’t it ? ——1It is good. The more Cham- berlain’s cough remedy is used the bet- ter it is liked. We know of no other remedy that always gives satisfaction. It is good when your cough is seated and your lungs are sore. It is good in any kind ofa cough. We have sold twenty five dozen of it and every bot- tle has given satisfaction. Stedman & Friedman, druggists, Minnesota Lake, Minn. 50 cent bottles for sale by F. Potts Green. ——1In India 20,000 persons die every year from snake bites. —— Real merit is characteristic of Hoods Sarsaparilla, and is manifested every day in the remarkable cures the medicine accomplishes. Business Notice. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. me enn When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. 38-43-2y Medical. out HARDLY WALK ON ACCOUNT OF R-H-E-U-M-A-T-I-S-M —P. H. FORD— er Pn Quachita City, La., —AFTER— Two Years Suffering is Cured By the use of —AYER'S { SARSAPARILLA — ee ee “For fully two years, I suffered from rheu matism, and was frequently in such a condi- tion that I could hardly walk. I spent some time in Hot Springs, Ark.,and the treatment helped me for the time being; but soon the complaint returned and I was as badly afflict ed as ever. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla being recom mended, I resolved to try it, and, after using six bottles, I was completely cured.”—P. H. Ford, Quachita City, La. Only Admitted AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. 39-19-1t AYERS SARSAPARILLA Miscellaneous Advs. 75.00 PER MONTH For Teachers, Students, Ministers, or Ladies, any one who is active, pushing, and a goo talker. We want a representative in every county. Would prefer one who could give his or her whole time to the work; but spare time can be profitably employed. If you have a team, so much the better. Space will not per- mit us to give details here; but if you will drop us a line we will write you fully. This is a rare opportunity, the work is pleasant and honorable, the remuneration large, the busi: ness permanent. No capital required. No risk. P. ¥. gIsaLEn & CO. ox 1700, 39-12-3m Philadelphia, Pa. gj 3,00000— wit AYBAR win FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS. If you want work that is pleasant and profit- able, send us your address immediately. We teach men and women how to earn from $5.00 per day to $3,000 per year without having had previous experience, and furnish the employ- ment at which they can make that amount. Nothing difficult to learn or that requires much time. The work is easy, healthy, and honor able, and can be done uring daytime or even- ings, right in your own locality, wherever you live. Theresult of a few hours’ work oiten equals a week's wages. We have taught thousands of both sexes and all ages, and many have laid foundations that will surely bring them riches. Some of the smartest men in this Sounury owe their success in life to the start given them while in ouremploy years ago. You, reader, may do as well; try it. You cannot fail. No eapjial necessary. We fit you out with something that is new, solid, and sure. A book brimful of advice is free to all, Help yourself by writing for it to-day—not to- morrow. E. C. ALLEN & CO, Box 420. 88-46-1y Augusta, Kaine. BENNER TWP, ACRES. PER, WARRANTEE, TAXES. 100 408 133 4 40 350 Johnson James. 11 56 121 Johnson Elean 399 50 Lingle J. J 2941 50 Lingle J. J.. 291 130 Smith John... ‘ 4 30 BOGGS TWP. 383 163 Frazier Walbro. 15 41 431 137 Godfrey Marth 18 11 163 Gray William, 18 11 Lucas J. M. & J. 72 McCoy Frank... 12 08 Packer & Lucas 5 88 Packer & Lucas... 4 03 BURNSIDE TWP. 415 | Black James.. 12 50 433 163 Brady Robert. 13 00 433 163 Brady William 17 76 433 163 Brady John. 13 00 433 163 Bill Alexandria. 17 76 415 Boyd John........ 15 00 433 163 Royer John 14 of. 4 34 333 163 Cook William.... 17 76 433 163 Cowden John. 17 76 140... 22. Cox Paul..... 4 20 433 163 Dewart John... 13 00 433 163 Dewart William. 13 00 438 16 Donnel Henry... 13 00 433 163 Fox Samuel M 13 00 433 163 Gray Robert... 13 00 433 163 Gray William. 13 00 433 163 Grant Thomas... 17 79 433 163 Gobinson Charles. 13 00 433 163 Hall Charles the 5-6 of 10 83 433 163 Housel John,.... 17 76 433 163 Hall Charles...... 13 00 433 153 Hunter Alex. 34 of 434 443 163 Hamilton Thomas 13 00 433 163 Kidd John... 13 00 433 163 Lyon John... 17 79 433 163 Nicholson John. 7 80 70 Nicholson John. 2 10 64 O'Brian Michael... 3 83 216 163 Parker Jeremiah.. 6 50 433 Shaffer Henry... 17 76 40 Stewart Walker. 120 433 163 Scott Samuel... 13 00 143 Stewart Ann... 4 30 415 Tallman Sarah 12 50 433 163 Towers James... 13 00 141 Vaughn John 4 of. 2 54 415 Weidner Jacob.. 12 50 415 12 50 415 17 05 123 370 204 6 10 411 : 5 40 411 Warton Thomas P. 4 36 of 84 411 Warton Thomas P. 2-36 of 42 411 Warwon Thomas P. 2-56 of 42 | 411 Warton Thomas P 2-36 of 42 433 163 Young famuel }gof.......... 6 67 433 168 Young Benj. 4 of............. 4 53 COLLEGE TWP. 147 Johnson Ross. 3 62 250 Johnson Thom 8 00 CURTIN TWP, 300 Atwood N. Li 25 80 50 Brooks Jesse.. 6 38 294 Bruce Chas..... 57 50 185 Brady Wm. P. 26 61 415 Brooks Jesse .. 52 94 150 Custer Paul.. 19 13 30 Curtain John 3 38 16 Dehass Mary.. 2 13 360 Godfrey Marti 45 93 300 143 Godfrey John W 38 25 413 120 Hall Charles 36 81 co Keloc Josep 38 25 400 Long J B 17 00 150 Lane Ssrah.. 19 13 200 Lane Mary.. 8 £0 100 Smith Peter 7 50 432 133 Scott bamuel.. 38 85 415 Taylor Joseph 17 66 160 Willis Jonathan..... 9 12 FERGUSON TWP. 323 Anderson John 6 79 400 Barker James 16 80 110 Barker John .. 2 31 135 127 Barnett J. seph 185 300 Buekbee Isaac... 9 45 50 Bryson 8 muel.. 2 63 100 Burchfield Wm.. 2 00 130 Crispin Peter .... 6 82 382 Duncan Samuel. 40 11 151 54 Fowler Lydia.. 399 12 Glasgow Silas... 194 70 + +Hartlhine Leonard. 4 145 Homer Benj. J...... 3 05 10 Hicks Abraham. 40 162 116 Kohimyer Geo... 3 40 122 Li.e Jacob..... 770 200 Lusby Josiah. 6 30 177 Manley Henry 742 40 McKean John... 2 63 425 Mosely Richard 473 36 47 McCullough Thos. Cy 196 Nice Geo, & Jos.. 16 42 125 North Caleb.......... 2 63 400 Peterbridge John Sr 16 80 63 Peterbridge John Sr 333 300 Rankin Robert...... 7 88 100 Richards Ginter 2 63 150 Unknown.... 12 on 91 41 Way Jacob... 3 82 GREGG TWP. 200 Ants Henry -isrniiisioiens 3175 200 Anderson Jacob. = 375 130 Askin Robert.... 2 41 200 Bishop Corneliu; 375 200 Carson John...... 37 178 127 Carson Andrew.. 3 30 130 Duncan David 4 94 140 Gray Robert... 2 63 70 Gregg Smith... 133 100 Heburn Wm... 188 380 Hubby Bernard. T12 144 Logan Wm..... 376 110 Mosby Jacob... 2 07 153 Merkley Jacob 2 83 130 Mercer John 3 00 88 Painter John 161 120 Reese Daniel. 225 125 Richardson Is: 2 37 148 Reed Daniel 274 118 Taggart Wm 217 136 Taggart Dav 2 54 200 Fowler James. 37 51 Unknown. 94 52 Unknown. 98 116 Zeigler Michael... 426 HAINES TWP. 3560 Antis Henry......coeereaenennns 8 35 154 Beck Henry 2 86 121 Barr I'homa 6 72 125 Barr James 9 25 129 9 52 286 675 135 124 135 2 51 458 7 87 181 169 160 Fowler George 185 368 Gher Philip.... 6 80 100 Gratz Michael. 185 306 89 Grantz Michael. 22 63 405 Grantz Simeon... 14 99 209 Grave Wendell... 9 41 400 Grantz Bernard 14 80 112 Henry Joseph... 413 437 108 Hartman John 16 18 435 Kidd John...... 8 06 133 Links Mary. 185 80 Motz John... 148 170 70 Stover Wolf. 473 436 Simpson John... 8 36 46 Spicer H, & C. Weiser...... 8 35 106 Workman Mathias............ 197 HALFMOON TWP. 40 Bryan S8amuei .........ceeeenn 25 Carr John....... . 1 44 99 Cross James... 2 2 18 Delige C. & F. 2 81 217 10 Floyd Henry..... 6 92 103 Hollingworth Lev N04 100 Haunah John.... 5 20 400 120 Joliff Richard. 15 60 40 King William. 415 400 20 Lamborn Wm... 156 60 216 Lambora Josiah 14 25 217 McHissock John 8 46 136 116 Pyle Jacob..... 10 60 28 Pyle David..... 73 210 Underwood Jacob 10 92 63 89 Unknown............. 417 67 76 Unknown.... 4 41 14 11 Unknown aes 172 333 180 Whitehead Richard ......... 12 11 HARRIS TWP. 400 ‘ndrew Absalom... 7 20 50 Bell Jobn.......... 1 80 400 Brown Wim. 14 40 360 Conley Adam.. 12 96 79 Conley Adam.... 168 281 68 Edmison Samuel. 126 133 Fox George ..... 4 80 200 Fisher Bamuel W 180 | 122 Henry Stopbel.. 4 38 185 Henry Stophel 118 ACRES. FER. WARRANTEE. 82 Irwin. John. .iicesseserseeseisrnse 75 Irwin John... 50 Irwin John.. 50 Irwin Johu.. 400 Johnson Thos 200 McCandless Wm 198 Mitchel John........ 402 80 McCormie Eleano 400 Pattison Robert.. 88 Reynolds John.. 278 Reynolds John... 152 Sankey Thomas.. 205 48 Sankey Jeremiah.. 202 6 Steele Robert.. 438 Steele James, 438 Steele Allen. 438 Steele John.,.... 203 Simpson Nathan. 245 48 Smith John........ 438 Sample Robert. 213 Wilson Samuel... 331 Wilson David .. 107 Wilson David.. 147 . 438 Wilson Edward.. 129 Wilson Peter. 378 Work David.. 314 Work Joseph 159 Work David. 124 Work Joseph HOWARD TWP. 415 Godfrey Martha............... 25 Graysburg Joseph.. 40 Jostlin H. A.. . 130 Lingle J. J. 34 52 Sterrett Jam HUSTON TWP. 433 163 Baxter James... 433 163 Price John.... 433 163 Bolinger John.. LIBERTY TWP. 50 Carskadden D.. .. 305 120 Dunwoody John. 166 Hayes Robt & Jas. 398 80 TIrwin Robert...... 30 King Thomas..... 400 Leech Mathew.... 1 2401200 Nestlerode Christ 400 Packer Job. W.... 406 102 Stepenson Peter.. 168 Shaw & Lingle MARION TWP. 50 Allison Wm..... 197 Harris a. D... 78 Harris James.. 58 Jackson Jeremiah.. 17 Lewis Thomas.. 20 Lucas Thomas.. 13 24 50 Unknown... 50 80 60 60 8 1401199 MILES TWP. 419 Boyd Hugh.... 371 Boyd Wm... 440 Brady Wm. P 146 Brady Wm.. 273 Barton Wm. 200 Brady John 403 Carothers Jame 200 Carothers ‘thos 401 46 Cummings Jas 125 Dorsey John.. 200 Gray Robt... 357 Grant Wm.. 150 Hays John..... 40 Hepburn James 100 Haines Josiah.. 480 Hammond Wm. 405 Housel Wm... 250 Housel John.. 100 Hepburn James . 250 Jackson Jeremiah . 300 Parker Wm..... ... 58 Parker Wm....... 200 Princeton Jacob.. 217 Swineford Peter.. 415 Sendell Stophel... 404 Tripp Peter ..... 426 Tripp Samuel 413 Tripp Joseph.. 50 Unknown....... . 125 Wharton Moore........ erases PATTON TWP. 300 120 Barker Jacob... 148 Deihl Adam.. 60 Deihl Th mas..... 53 Deihl Nicholas Sr 30 Deihl Nicholas Jr... 65 Deihl Nicholas Jr 400 120 Homner Benj... 85 Kline John PENN TWP. 1401170 Swineford Peter............... POTTER TWP 288 Bond Mary 81 111 Cameron Alex.. 133 Derringer Christ. 84 Frick John Jr.. 196 Fulmer A, B..... 200 Garrigus Edward. 200 Garrigus Wm... 840f400 Hoffman Wm.... 125 Hubler Bernard.. 100 Hunter Alex... 400 Harrison Wm 282 McKin Robt.. 248 McKin David... 105 McClellan George 94 Patterson Benj. vii Peck Joseph.. 100 Scott Samuel - 1:0 Scott Abraham..........eerssnee 42 90 Jno. Brisbin charged from Unknown............. 88 Vander-lice Henry. ." 100 Young Samuel........ ereeesionr RUSH TWP. 433 153 Allison John : 328 Allison James. 250 Allison Andrew... 300 Allison A. & Jno. Lily. 327 Armstrong Andrew... 40 10 Atherton Richard 381 153 Allison Andrew... 52 Bannan Joseph... 433 163 Beverage David.. 456 Brackbill John 433 1563 Briches Isaac 200 Burg J hp. 250 Cophenhaven John 200 Copenhaven John 776 Copenhaven & W 160 Copenhaven John 453 163 Delaney Sharp 253 Dentler Wm.. 122 Ebermyn Philip. 433 163 Ehler Christian 433 163 Ehler Daniel... 311 140 Eberman Philip. 300 8 Erskin Thomas 122 Ebertain Philip... 433 153 Fitzgerald Daniel 433 153 Fick John........ 433 1563 Grant Thomas.. 433 163 lentworth James.. 50 Grove Elizabeth..... 121 152 Grove & McKeon 216 159 Grant Thomas ... 433 153 Gray Wi........isss 433 1563 Greaves Thomas 434 Grant Thomas.. 433 1563 Hair Christain.. 433 163 Hopkins John . 433 153 Haines Reuben Jr.. 2i6 156 Hamilton Thomas.. 433 153 Hand John.......... 433 153 Hunter John. 426 164 Hair Christian.. 433 163 Hair David...... 112 Hartline Geo M.. 216 80 Hamilton Hugh... 433 153 Irwin Robt 34 of.. 367 109 Irwin Jas. P...... 433 153 Jorden Owen 100 King Robt..... 313 106 Lowden John... 433 153 Lenhose Christain g Lucas Charles.. 153 Lewis David.. 163 Lattimore Geo. 3 «163 Lattimore Wm G. : 153 Lowden Richard 33 153 Lowden John 368 147 Latrobe Wm. 34 163 Mayston Edwar 200 McPherson Wm 433 153 Malone Richar 433 153 Malone Richard.. 433 153 Myert Jacob..... 433 133 Muller Jacob 433 163 Miller John... 433 163 McConne | Mathew .. 5 413 153 Morgan B R. 370f............ 160 McCord J. R. & A Camphell 433 163 Musser John 34 of. 433 153 Malone Richard. 433 153 Malone Leslie. 433 Metzker Jacob. 8401433 153 Peters Richard... 443 163 Pinkerton Henry 301 153 Prim George... 348 139 Prim Henry.. a21 5% Prim Josevh. 433 153 Rush Benj.... 38 Robinson Wm. H 36 Robinson Wm. H 216 Rainey Robt.... a 439 163 Reighrt A «vives isssssins pk Co 1 00 00D 00 ST 00 10 IY ja Th RRO g ecm ©» SO ND 00 $0 pi Hh pd So 5&8 BREISSEENIBEGIRBES 58% CERO coos Rbn S2B85858328 888 Pd pd ped OO BD OU OO a DD pt or 1d SEREISHRE GHIBLI EIIH2BEE OR BWT-ICT OPW -TO ht NSW OIT waa rpwon o > -J C2 - -7 00 00 bd CO =F 0 pt — CERT AREREE EREIT2BRLEIZIS ot SH wn pt wEowmnms ESEBRENS o> © 3 pt 0 ACRES. PER. | WARRANTEE. TAXES, 433 153 Roher Christain.. 49 36 218 80 Rainey Robt..... 12 49 433 152 Slough Jacob. 24 38 406 Snyder Barbara 23 14 433 153 Slough Jacob.... 24 30 433 153 Shenck Andrew... 49 39 433 1563 Schenck Christain.. 49 39 433 153 Blough George.. 123 69 433 153 Spear Robt... 37 05 438 153 Sidden Eleano 74 22 433 153 Schafner Casi 24 36 433 153 Schenck Michael. 24 30 219 Scott Andrew.... 1249 247 Steck Jacob... 12 08 167 7 Slough George.. 9 52 214 Stout Jacob.... 12 20 433 153 Smith Mary... 24 72 200 Sands Joseph 11 40 433 = 153 Toner James..... 25 17 433 153 Turner Hannah 24 72 80 Unknown..... ... 4 56 193 Witmer Henry.. 11 01 12 Williams J. C. 69 433 153 Wallace Jas. J . 97 47 313 106 Witmer John.... 17 85 403 163 Wheitline John . 49 47 5 Wilson: Wili.oviansi ivan 19 75 SPRING TWP. 50 Moore John 130 186 115 Purdue John Est. 4 82 300 Robinson Catherine. 5 20 300 Robinson Rebecca. 3 90 150 Robinson Richard.. 3 28 100 UDEDOWD errs visrisrasins “2 60 SNOW SHOE TWP. 325 Banks Wm.......... 14 99 825 Banks William. 14 96 412 Carscadden D...... 16 92 433 153 Cunningham D, H.. 19 91 287 80 Cascadden D..... 13 21 412 44 Cascadden D.. 18 97 412 44 Cascadden D.. 18 07 300 Devling Joseph 13 80 300 Develing Joseph.. 13 80 218 Dobson Samuel... 10 01 300 Develing Joseph.. 7 50 433 163 Fisher Bmual W 39 85 433 163 Fisher James C. 39 85 400 Holt Edgar.... 18 69 300 Lewis Lewis 7 60 400 Lewis Lewis 10 C0 300 13 80 206 9 20 353 16 23 189 28 8 69 400 18 40 450 MecLanahan 20 70 140f433 Norris J. P 5 01 $400433 Norris J. P.. 5 01 308 71 Nesbit John 16 91 some Parker Jeremiah. 125 401216 Parker Jeremiah. 2 85 360 Prim John..... 16 56 360 144 Prim Hugh.... 16 56 433 Parker George.. 19 91 216 83 Parker Jeremiah. 5 41 433 Parker George..... 10 82 360 144 Risley John... . 15 56 } Reilly Job...... i 13 80 162 Tompkins Jas.. . 22 37 260 Tompkins James. 19 50 190 Vandyke Henry.. 9 50 433 163 Waln Phoebe....... 39 85 39 29 Wharton Mary M. 3 67 169 West Francis... 7 80 400 Williams David. . 18 40 415 Waln Richard...... 10 38 TAYLOR TWP. 400 16 40 58 476 80 Beck Jacob, 6 56 200 Bough Wm.. 12 30 100 Beck Dantlel.. 6 15 434 Hamilton Hugh 17 79 300 22 Lamb John........ 12 30 434 Montgomery W. W, 35 58 434 Montgomery John i 35 58 189 Ridgway Budd & Co No. 18 38 76 438 ‘Thomas John W wo 8 93 434 Williams Polly ... 779 100 Woodring Joseph. “19 433 153 Williams Joshua 17 76 3.0 Welch Joseph 12 30 UNION TWP. 39314 Brenham Ebenezer... 32 89 400 Brenbam Ebenezer. 82 CO 100 Carlisle Wm...... 6 00 100 Philips Samuel.. 4 00 373 Irwin Robt....cee.ene 32 (0 WALKER TWP. 40 Baker John.... . 111 300 Brady Wm... . 6 60 115 113 Daugherty Margare 2 56 179 110 Daugherty Elizabeth. 3 96 69 39 Evans Jesse......... 155 219 89 James Margaret 4 98 215 155 James Edward.. 4 84 161 Knox John..... 6 20 50 McKee Samuel. 49 500 McEwen Henry... 6 08 92 Parker Jeremiah. rn 91 Parker Richard... 102 133 Purdon Richard . 6 08 182 Purdon John..... i 2 64 50 Piles Benj. & Co al 400 Parker Jeremiah. 6 60 175 Robson Richard 4 27 242 88 Sutler James.. 9 91 201 133 5 00 79 100 192 225 30 Witkersham Amos.. 67 12 Wilson Robt 15 WORTH TWP. 250 Gray P. B. N..... 22 50 25 Norris Wister 2 80 3 Unknown. 70 4 Unknown. 70 ALSO. All of the following lots or tracts of land re- turned by the tax collectors of the following districts, respectively, for the years of 1890 and 1891, to the Commissioners of Centre county, for non Dayment of taxes, according to the provisions of the several Acts of Eis relative to the sale of seated lands for taxes. SEATED LANDS. BELLEFONTE BOROUGH. H. &L. Geo W.Downing, 1891 26 60 H. & L. George Buchanan 1891 12 92 MILESBURG BOROUGH. Lot R. B. Kinnie 1891 13 80 Lot Mrs. Magee 1691 4 50 Lot Edward Green 1891 3 46 Lot Chas McCafferty 1891 20 70 UNIONVILLE BOROUGH. Lot Hirman Patterson 1891 1 60 H. & L. Harris Kirk 1890 & 1891 5 50 BURNSIDE TWP. 100 A’s Alexander Solt 1891 2 85 160 A’s Peter Etters 1891 5 60 FERGUSON TWP. 100 A's Jonn E. Rider Est. 1890 10 53 90 A's John Shannon 1890 5 07 HALFMOON TWP. 105 A's Wm. H. Blair Est 1891 14 18 HOWARD TWP. 250 A's John Irwin Jr. Est. 1890 24 13 61 A's J F Montgomery & Bro1891 26 20 ; HUSTON TWP. H. & L. Louisa Murray 1890&1891 2 36 LIBERTY TWP. LA. Roland Lucas 1891 150 MILES TWP. 150 A’s Jonathan Wolf 1891 76 RUSH TWP. 3 Lots. Mrs. Francis Waple 1891 90 Mountain Branch Rod & Gun Club 1801 22 UNION TWP. 19 A's Benj. Rich 1801 112 150 A's Irwin Swisher 1890 &£1891 2 80 60 A’s H. W. Hoover 1890 & 1891 3 12 6 A's Geo. F. Lee 1891 3815 NOTE. In accordance with the uct of June 6th, 1837, interest will be added to the amount of all taxes assessed against unseated lands above advertised. JOHN Q. MILES, 39-15 County Treasurer. Insurance. J C. WEAVER, GENERAL INSURANCE ° Assn, Bellefonte, Pa. Policies written in Standard Cash Compenies at lowest rates. [ndemnity against Fire, Lightning, Torna does, Cyclone, and wind storm. Office between Reynolds’ Bank and Garman’s Hore), he 3 y EO. L. POTTER & CO., GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Represent the pest companies, and write poli: cies in Mutual and Stock Companies at reason: able rates. Office in Furst’s building, orp. the Oourt House 5 SJ CHOPIPLDS NEW HARNESS HOSUE We extend a most cordial invitation to our patrons and the public, in general, to witness one of the GRANDEST DISPLAY OF ~ Light and Heavy Harness ever put on the Bellefonte market, which will be made in the large room, formerly occupied by Harper Bros., on Spring street. It has been added to my factory and will be used exelu- sively for the sale of harness, being the first exclusive salesroom ever used in this town, as heretofore the custom has been to sell goods in the room in which they were made. This elegant room has been refitted and furnished with glass cases in which the harness can be nicely aisplayed and still kept away from heat and dust, the enemies of long wear in lesiner. Our factory now occupies a room 16x74 teet and the store 20x60 added makes it the largest establishment of its kind outside of Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Weare prepared to offer better bargains in the future than we have done in the past and we want everyone to see our goods and get prices for when you do this, out of self defense To will buy. Our profits are not large, but y selling lots of goods we can afford to live in Bellefonte. We are noi indulging idle philanthropy. It is purely business. We are not making much, but trade is growing and that is what we are interested in now. fits will take care of themselves. When other houses discharged their work- men during the winter they were all put to work in my factory, nevertheless the Bi Q@, houses of this city and county would smile we compared ourselves to them, but we do not mean to be so odious, except to venture the as- section that none of them can say, as we can sa “NO ONE OWES US A CENT THAT WE CAN'T GET.” This is the whole story. The following are kept constantly on hand. 50 SETS OF LIGHT HARNESS, re from $8.00 to $15.00 and FOWL LARGE STOCK OF HEAVY HARNESS per 8et$25.00 and upwards, 500 HORSE COLLARS from $1,50 to Bm, each, over $100.00 worth o HARNESS OILS and AXLE GREASE, $400 worth of Fly Nete sold cheap 8150 worth of whips from 16¢ to $3.00 each, Horse Brushes,Cury Combs So es, Chamois, RIDING SADDLES, LADY SIDESADDLES Harness Soap, Knee Dusters, at low ° prices, Saddlery-hardware always on hand for sale, Harness Leather as low as 25¢ per ound. We keep everythingto be found = a IRST CLASS HARNESS STORE—no chang- ing, over 20 years in the same room. No two Shops in the same town to catch trade—NO SELLING OUT for the want of trade or prices- Four harness-makers at steady work this win- ter, This is our idea of protection to labor, when other houses discharged their hands, they soon found work with us. JAS. SCHOFIELD, 33 37 Soring street, Bellefonte, Pa. SR IMuminating Oil. eons ACME. THE BEST BURNING OIL THAT CAN BE MADE FROM PETROLEUM, It gives a Brilliant Light. It will not Smoke rr mney. It will Not Char the Wick. It has a High Fire Test. It does Not Explode. It is without an equal AS A SAFETY. FAMILY OIL. We stake our reputation as refiners th IT IS THE BEST OIL IN THE WORLD. Ask your dealer for it. Trade supplied ky THE ATLANTIC REFINING CO. Bellefonte Station Bellefonte, Pa. NL 37 37 ly McCalmmont & Co. Te SOUTH BEND. .... FIRST AND HIGHEST AWARD FOR MERIT AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. A plow which commands the highest pre- miums and is sold at the lowest price. Read the low prices for chilled and polished shares. COMMON SHARES, - - DEEP SUCTION SHARES, LONG STONE SHARES, - SHORT STONE SHARES, - PENNSYLVANIA STONE SHARES, - - - MARSH SHARES, - - CUTTER SHARES FOR SOD PLOWING, - = - SOCKET SHARES WITH REVERSABLE CHILLED POINTS, «= 40 cents each, SOCKET SHARES WITH REVERSABLE STEEL POINTS, - 50 cents each. SI'EEL SHARES.FOR USE IN PLOWING WERE GREAT STRENGTH AND SHARP CUTTING EDGE IS RE- QUIRED, =- - - = §$250each. A South Bend Plow equipped with a share, adapted to the particular soil for which it is intended, will hold the plow in any soil in which the team can pull it. SPRING TOOTH HARROWS, SPRING TOOTH CULTIVATORS ON WHEELS, CORN PLANTERS, LAND ROLLERS OF WOOD AND STEEL AT LOWEST PRICES. FERTILIZERS. —High Grade Acid Phos- phate, Champion $25.00, Ammoniated Bone Super Ihosphate, Special Potato Phosphate, Garden or Vegetable Fertilizer, Lawn Grass Fertilizer and Fertilizer M aterials at our ware- house in Belletonte. We warrant high grade goods for low prices. White Land Plaster, Gray Land Plaster and Agricultural Salt. BINDER TWINE.—Pure Manilla Binder Twine 10 cents per pound, Standard Binder Twine 9 cents per pound, Sisal Binder Twine 8 cents per pound. A discount of one cent per pound will be al- lowed on full bales on early orders. REAPER SECTIONS.—We have purchased one thousand reaper and mower sections for the McCormick, Champion, Deering, Johnson, Osborne and Wood machines, which we sell at 8 cents each or 90 cents per dozen. Now is the time to secure the best knives for the least money--first come first served. McCALMONT & CO. Bellefonte, Pa 30 cents each. - 30 cents each. 30 cents each. 30 cents each. 30 cents each. 30 cents each. 39-16 40 cents each. I -