Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 04, 1894, Image 8

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    RE AN
bY wo Te pa Sb -_n
Bellefonte, Pa., May 4, 1894.
To CornEsPONDENTS. — No communications
published unless accompanied by the resl
aame of the writer.
——These are May-days sure.
—— Spring Mills has measles as an
— Haines township farmers have
begun planting corn.
— The oyster is on his annual four
months vacation.
——A party of Bellefonte wheelmen
will ride to Lock Haven on Sunday.
——The curb market at this place
will open tomorrow thorning, May 5th.
—— The first day of May was certain-
ly an ideal one.
— Work at court has been very slow
this week. The cases have all been
drawn out.
— Mrs. Catharine Woleslagle died
at her home in Unionville on last
——Only one coal train ran over the
Bald Eagle valley on Monday and none
on Tuesday.
——All of Bellefonte’s last season
base ball players are doing good work
in their new positions.
——Telegraph instruments are being
put in stations along the line of the
Central R. R. of Pa.
——A training table has been intro-
duced to promote the ability of The
Pennsylvania State College athletes.
——The Reformed church sociable
was held at the parsonage last evening.
Rev. and Mrs. Miles O. Noll were hosts.
—— Robert Cole & Co. of this place,
will be the architects of three new busi-
ness houses to be erected in Lock Haven
this summer.
——Lilly May, infant daughter of
Dr. W. S. Harter, at State College, died
on Friday evening, April 20th. Meas-
les and lung fever were the cause of
——Potter township has a new post-
office. The name of it is Colyer and
Jacob Smith holds forth as post-mas-
ter at the office, about two miles south
of Tusseyville.
——A Central R. R. of Pa. freight
train killed a valuable cow owned by
Harry Hockenbury, on Tuesday morn-
ing. The accident occurred at Garbers
crossing, near Nigh bank.
——Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Haupt, of
‘West High street, attended the fittieth
anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph L. Reeder, of Tyrone. Mrs.
Reeder is a sister of Mr. Haupt.
——Mr. Harry From, who was for-
merly assistant passenger agent for the
P. R. R. here, is now carrying the mails
from the station to the post-office, illness
baving incapacitated Jacob Barlett for
the time being.
——The recent handicap field meet-
ing of The Pennsylvania State College
athletic association was intended to stir
the men up to good work on the 19th,
when the State Inter-Collegiate Asso-
ciation meets there.
—— Mrs. Susan Harter, of Millheim,
died suddenly from appoplexy last Fri-
day morning. Deceased was the wife of
Jonathan Harter and leaves two chil-
dren, Mrs. Kurtzenknabe, of Harris-
burg, and Adam Harter, of Millheim.
——Owing to the failure of the reg-
ularly elected tax collector of Curtin
township to file a bond and serve the
duties of his office the citizens of that
township petitioned the court to ap-
point Zara S. Welch. The petition
was granted on Saturday.
——1In another column we publish an
interesting comparison of the cost of
raising wheat with the ruling price on
the market ; also the possible profit in
milling. The statement was prepared
for presentation ata meeting of Pro-
gress grange in Centre Hall.
—— A double band, two topsies, two
marks, and alarge company will appear
in Uncle Tom’s Cabin at Garmans,
Saturday afternoon and night. The
matinee performance will be given for
children. At night “Ten Nights in a
Bar Room’’ will be added to the bill.
——Two former Bellefonte ministers
officiated in our churches on Sunday.
They were the Rev. Dr. D. 8. Monroe,
who delivered an eloquent sermon in
the Methodist church at the morning
gervice and Rev. John Hewitt, of Lin-
coln, Neb., whose two services in the
Episcopal church were crowded with
friends who have pleasant memories of
his work ss rector of St. John’s.
—- The annual out-door meet of the
Stete 1+ ter Collegiate Athletic Associa-
tio: wili be held on Beaver fleld, at
Suate College, on Saturday, May 19th.
This promises to be the most interest-
ing event that has ever transpired in
athletics at our big institution and a
great crowd is looked for. Lehigh,
Lafayette, Dickinson, Pennsylvania,
the proceedings of last week’s court ses-
{sion published in this paper we gave
| . : x
every case tried in detail and closed
| with the Thursday session. At that
' time the case of Sara Furl vs Ed. Rowe,
F. and B. was on trial. On Friday
| morning the jury returned a verdict of
| guilty. Defendant immediately moved
for a new trial, but the court has not
‘yet rendered its decision. Other cases.
Friday were : :
Commonwealth vs Jacob . Hazel, as-
sault and battery. Verdict of guilty, but
recommended to the mercy of the court.
He was sentenced to pay costs and a
fine of $100. ‘
Commonwealth vs Rudolp Watkins
charged with adultery with Mrs.
John Watkins. Guilty, but defendant
left town while the jury was deliberat-
ing and has not been heard of since.
Thesentence of Wm. Hanna to two
years in the Western penitentiary was
reduced to one year in the county jail.
This cleared up the criminal list and
civil cases were taken up in the follow-
ing order:
M. Shires vs W. H. Musser, an action
to recover 83 per cent of premium on
two insurance policies, Verdict for de-
John W. Cook vs I. N. Huff & Co.
an action to recover the price of a car
load of coal. The jury, under direction
of the court, returned a verdict for the
plaintiff, subject to hearing of testimony
of defenaants which, if judged sufficient,
would be deemed cause for the granting
of a new trial. :
The first case called on Monday was
that of Jacob Garbrick vs David Har-
ter, of Marion Twp. It was a suit in
trespass arising from a disputed line
fonce between litigants farm. Verdict
for defendant.
Franklin Reese vs Executors of Val-
entine Reese. Verdict of $88.10 for
plaintiff, but a new trial was granted.
The Thompson Houston Motor Co.
vs the Arp Coal Cutting Machine Co. a
suit on a writ of replevin to recover an
electric motor. Verdict for plaintiff.
The case of the Bald Eagle and Nit.
tany valley pike and rail-road company
vs Centre county is now on trial. It
arose out of a mutual dispute over the
damages assessed by the viewers ap-
pointed by the court to condemn the
pike. The court appointed viewers upon
petition of citizens of Howard and
Marion townships who wanted the pike,
which extends from a stone house just
wast of the village of Jacksonville
through the mountain gap to the iron
bridge that crosses Bald Eagle Creek
east of Howard, condemned and made
a public road. The viewers laid dam-
ages and both plaintiff and defendant
appealed from their report.
No sentences of convicts have been
pronounced as yet.
To the honorable, the Judges ot the Quarter
Sessions of tha Peace of Centre county.
The grand inquest inquiring in and for said
county, respectfully reports :
We had presented to us thirty bills of in”
dictment for our consideration and true bills
were returned on all. It is fhe opinion of this
body that a number of these cases should have
been settled by the justices of the peace, and
should not have been brought before this
Having thoroughly examined the public
buildings and grounds surrounding the same
we recommend : 3
1st. That the outside of the court house
and jail be repainted:
2nd. That the plastering in different parts
of the jail has fallen off and needs repairing
that the joists under the floors of the Sheriff's
office and juil are ina decayed condition and
should be repaired ; that the platform or gal-
lery in front of the cells of the second story is
weak and unsafe and should be better sup-
3rd. That a suitable safe should be pro
cured for the sheriff's office for the proper
keeping of the books and records of the office;
and, having been informed by the sheriff that
the kitchen range is worn out and worthless,
thatupon examination of the same we find
this correct and that we recommend the pur-
chase of a new one. :
4th. That the iron and wooden guards
around the shade trees be removed, and that
the county commissioners require the electric
light and telephone companies to paint their
poles located onand around the public grounds.
5th. That we find the lightning rods on the
court house and jail in an unsafe condition
and should be repaired.
6th. We desire to congratulate the board of
commissioners of Centre county in the taste-
ful improvements of the grounds in front of
the court house.
W. H. Musser, Foreman,
It is amusing to note that the Grand
Jury censures the justices throughout
the county for returning so many petty
cases, when in the same paragraph it
reports having found true bills on every
one of the thirty indictments returned
for its consideration.
A Suicipk IN ParroN TOWNSHIP. —
On last Sunday morning the lifeless
body of John McMullen was found
hanging from the rafters in the little
shanty, he called home, at Benore. He
bad been employed in the Scotio ore
mines and was an intelligent,industrious
workman, bat falling a victim to
dyspepsia, he was seized with melan-
cholia and soon became an invalid, His
malady incapacitated him for work and
the overseers were called upon to take
care of him. It is supposed to have
been the brooding over his illness and
deplorable condition that suited his
mind to such a sad action.
He was well-known in that commu-
‘nity and a note, left behind, told that
——John Bower and family have
moved from Lewisburg to Aaronsburg.
——The foundation walls for a new
colored church have been finished in
——Furniture in the latest styles,
woods and prices to suit the times at
——The town of Flemington,a sub-
urb of Lock Haven, has been incor-
porated a borough. Officers will be
elected on May 21st.
——The south side of the Bald Eagle
or Muncy mountains have presented a
a beautiful sight for a few nights past.
Mountain fires have been raging.
——Miss Annie Hazel died in Wil.
liamsport, on Saturday, Her remains
were brought here and taken up Buffa-
lo Run for interment on Monday morn-
——While playing a eon of M. L.
Righel, of Farmers Mills, fell from the
loft of his father’s barn the other day
and striking a grain drill, in his descent,
broke hisleg.
——Lambert Knox, a twenty-six
year old Clinton county stud, was kick-
ed in the side and died at Mill Hall on
Sunday. He had a record of 2.31 and
was valued at $1,000.
——The body of Denton Pickles, a
log driver employed on the Flynn drive,
was recently recovered from its watery
grave at Cataract. He fell off a log at
Karthause and was drowned.
——Saturday, June 9th, trom 3
o'clock until 7 o'clock p. m. will be the
time for holding the Democratic pri-
maries in Centre county hereafter. The
county convention, under the change of
rules made Tuesday night, will be held
on the second Tuesday in June, the
——The marriage of Miss Margarette
I. Potter, of Lacrosse, Wisconsin, to
Charles Steinman Foltz, of Lancaster,
Pa., was celebrated at the bride’s home,
on April 25th. Bellefonters will remem-
ber her as the beautiful daughter of,
Capt. Irvin W. Potter, who was born
at Potter’s Mills, this county. She visited
her relatives here during the summer of
1892. Her husband is one of the pro.
prietors of the Lancaster Intelligencer.
- ——The death of Julius Seigworth
occurred at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Alois Kohlbecker,in Central City,
on Sunday morning. Deceased had
been suffering with paralysis and his
death was daily expected. He was ths
first proprietor of Kohlbecker’s hotel,
but fifteen years ago moved to Pitts-
burg, where he lived for a number of
years, returning afterwards to Miles-
burg. Deceased was in his sixty-eighth
year and leaves a widow with several
——Jacob Mock Jr.. a son of Jacob
Mock Sr., an ex-Clearfield county
Commissioner, who lived with his pa-
rents in Decatur township that county,
a few miles from Philipsburg, myster-
iously disappeared a few days ago. He
left home with a horse and buggy on a
little trip and was not seen nor
heard of for several days, notwithstand-
ing the fact that his conveyance was re-
turned home the day after his depatture.
He turned up lately, saying that he
had been visiting an uncle near Morris-
——At a regular meeting of the
Board of Trade on Tuesday night, the
WATCHMAN’S suggestion as to the ad-
visability of helping Wm. B. Maitland,
in his endeavor to enlarge his boiler
works, was acted upon. The Board
will attempt to organize a stock com-
pany for the manufacture of Mr. Mait-
land’s boiler, a description of which we
gave last week. It will require $12 000
and the projector thinks with a paid up
capital of half that amount he will be
enabled to enlarge his plant and equip
it for the new enterprise. Stock will
be sold at $50 per share.
'——The Pennsylvania State College
base-ball team was away on a southern
trip last week. The boys returned home
Monday after having played the Univer-
sity of Virginia where they were beaten
14 to 4 but they evened things up by
defeating the Washington and Lee
University 10 to 5. On Saturday they
played with the Franklin and Marshall
team at Lancaster for the first time.
The game resulted in a score of 4 to 3
in favor of the Lancaster college boys,
though had it not been for the disas-
trous errors of Reed, their coach, they
would have won.
-——While riding a young horse
home from Zion, last Thursday, David
Wise sustained injuries that proved
quite serious. He lives about a mile
from Zion and had gone to that place
on business. While returning a dog that
was lying by the road-side jumped out
and scared his horse, causing it to stum-
ble. Mr. Wise was thrown over the
animal’s head and had several ribs brok-
-| en and was otherwise severely hurt. J.
G. Royer and son Joel, who were work-
ing in a field near by, ran to his assis-
Haverford, Swarthmore and Western | the suicide had been planned for some | tance and after getting him home sum-
University will send entries.
\ time.
moned Dr. Fisher.
OpreENED.—The new hotel at State Col-
lege was a scene of unusual attractive-
ness last Friday evening. It was the
occasion of the formal opening of the
Inn and the large corridors of the pretty
hotel were crowded all afternoon with
guests arriving for the banquet and
dance. Mr. A. L. Westcott, the young
proprietor, was kept busy showing
parties of visitors through the well ap-
pointed house, a complete description of
which we have published in a former
issue, and the stock-holders were all
there helping to do the honors in en-
The great porches of the hotel pre-
sented a pretty spectacle, they were fair-
ly alive with gay promenaders and the
place seemed a whole town in itself so
large and complete is its arrangement.
It had been open for several weeks for
the entertainment of guests, but the
public had not received a general in-
vitation to inspect 1t until Friday.
A banquet was given in the dining
hall, at which many peopie were served
and as the debris of the last course had
been cleared toasts were responded to
by various prominent men present. All
of the remarks were of a congratulatory
nature on the enterprise that gave State
College such a fine hotel and were hap-
pily received by the persons at table.
After the banquet a dance wasenjoyed
by the young folks.
A special train carried Bellefonters
to the opening and all who went were
thoroughly delighted with the hotel and
the courteous treatment of the proprie-
tor, Mr. Westcott.
—OCn Tuesday morning, May 1st, Belle-
fonte’s new post-master, David F. Fort-
ney Esq., succeeded to the control of the
office. His predecessor, J. A. Feidler,
had come up from Williamsport, where
he now lives, to make the formal trans-
fer of the accounts. It was made on
Monday evening so when morning came
Mr. Fortney and Thomas Howley, his
first assistant, were on hand to begin
learning the routine of the office.
G. W Reese, who has served in the
capacity of assistant during the past ad-
ministration and who has really been
the post-master for the latter half of that
time will remain in the office to give
his successors the necessary instructions.
Mr. Reese retires with the best wishes of
all. He has been a faithful, attentive,
thoroughly efficient official and none
but ill grounded complaint could possi-
bly have been made of his administra-
The assistant is the only change that
will be made at present. There are six
other appointments to fill in} the Belle-
fonte office. We trust that the new
officials will find their work pleasant
and profitable. ‘We are confident they
will give public satisfaction.
To-N1GET.—The annual oratorical con-
test of the Bellefonte High School will
be held in Garman’s opera house to-
night. The Reynolds prize of $15 in
gold will be contested for. The enter-
tainment will be interesting and worth
your while hearing. An admission fee
of 10 cents will be charged to defray
expenses. Following is the program as
it will be rendered :
MUSIC... crcsneeresssnssrsessases ansesssaensnseneOrehestra.
MUSIC... eessnrsessestsssrseessssascns sasssess snOrehestra.
Recitation, “There is but one pair of stockings
to mend To night, Katherine Heylmun.
Recitation, “Coming home from Town,” Mary
: Underwood.
Recitation, “The Mother’s vacant Chair,”
Frances Eimore.
MUSIC..coteiseseesmomsstscossaensensans a seennass ...Orchestra
Recitation, “Resisting a Mother's Love,”
Lena Baum.
Declamation, “Lafayette,” Charles McClure.
Recitation, “The Village Bell,” Mollie Crotty.
MUSIC... rics niin seni enssiuararsagurid Orchestra.
Declamation, “A Century of American
1 Growth,” Gray Hastings.
Declamation, “The Battle of Gettysburg,”
Will McCalu.ont.
MusiC..eeiine eases evesste ais iatunet st sabienins Orchestra.
Recitation, “The Battle of Lexington,” Della
Recitation, “The Fate of Virginia,” Herrick
MusiC..umiriicessesisicns eusussiinesarnans «.Orchestra.
ding of J. Mitchell Cunningham to
Miss Annie Gross was solemnized in St.
John’s Catholic church, in this place,
on Wednesday morning at 7 o’clock,
The ceremony having been performed
by Rev. Fleming, -assisted by Rev.?
McArdle. 2
The bride and groom were attended
by Miss Carrie Gross, a sister of the
bride, and Mr. Harry Taylor ; the par-
ty making a very pretty appearance at
the altar. After the ceremony a wed-
ding breakfast was served at the home
of the bride’s mother and then the bride
and groom departed on a morning train
for a tour in eastern cities.
J. M. Cunningham is a popular
young tobacconist of this place and
owns the palace cigar store in the
Brockerhoff house. He was manager of
last season’s base-ball team and is well
known in this community. His bride
is a daughter of Mrs. Philip Gross, of
this place, and is an accomplished
young woman who will make him a
charming wife,’
They will go to house-keeping on east
Bishop street on their return.
——There will be communion services
in the Methodist church in this place on
Sunday morning.
——Robert M. Bailey, of Williams-
port has been elected president of the
Central Pennsylvania Telephone Co. to
succeed H. R. Rhoades, deceased.
——Remember that Naginey’s furni-
ture store in the Reynolds building is
stocked, throughout, with new goods.
His furniture is up to date in style and
-—1It 1s said that the general office
of the Beech Creek rail-road is to be
moved back to Jersey Shore. Philips-
burg has been found to be an undesira-
ble location,
——Barnum & Baileys ‘‘greatest
show on earth” opened in Philadelphia
on Monday. It wiil tour this State,
but Sunbury will be the nearest it will
get to Bellefonte.
—— After the nickel -in-the - slot
machines had about outlived their use-
fulness as a means of affording a mild
form of gambling for patrons of cigar
stores, pool-rooms and other public
places, the authorities discovered that
their existence was contrary to |law and
ordered their operation stopped.
——TUncle Toms Cabin at the opera
house Saturday matinee and might. At
the matinee only the slavery day drama
will be presented, but at the night per-
formance a double bill, Uncle Tom’s
Cabin and Ten Nights in a Bar Room,
will be put on. Both are popular old
time plays. If your children have never
seen them let them go to the mutinee.
These plays will not be on the road very
long and everyone should see them
while the opportunity lasts. See bills
for prices.
row.—The opening of the base ball
season here will be made at Hunter’s
park to-morrow afternoon, when the
Bellefonte aggregation meets the strong
L)ck Haven Normal school team. A
special train will leave the P. R. R.
station at 1:30 p. m. and return imme-
diately, after the game. Admission 15
cents. The game will be interesting
since it will be the second of a series,
the Bellefonte team having won the
News Purely Personal.
—C. B. Williams, of this place, was a Lock
Haven visitor on Monday night.
—Miss Eva Rich, who has been visiting in
Richmond, Ind. since the close of the
World's Fair returned to Bellefonte on Mon.
day afternoon. :
—Dave Martin, the Philadelphia politician
and Col. James Lambert of the Phila. Press
staff, spent Monday night in town, the guests
of Gen. D. H. Hastings.
—Messrs. Wesley Biddle, of Buffalo Run’
and Michael Grove Esq., of Lemont, are pleas
ant gentlemen who spent a few moments in
our office during the week.
—Mrs. Mary Davidson and Miss Bella Bell
left Tuesday morning for Atlantic City, where
they will spend the summer with Mrs. David
son’s daughter, Mrs. Nolan.
—Joseph Rodgers, of Osceola Mills, is at-
tending court here this week. Itlooks quite
natural to see him on our streets as a few
years ago he was a clerk in the Pennsylvania
freight station here.
—Dr. Geo. W. Atherton, President of The
Pennsylvania State College, passed through
town on Tuesday morning on his way home
from an extended tour in Mexico. He looked
much benefited in health by the trip.
—J. Miles Kephart and wife, of this place,
left for Philadelphia on the early train on
Monday. Miles has secured an appointment
in the U.S. Mint and will reside in the Quaker
city in the future. His absence from town
will be quite marked, for he was one of the
best known residents in the place.
—Daniel M. Musser, of Putnam county,
Ohio, wag an arrival in town on Tuesday morn.
ng. He left Centre county in March 1861 and
has been a resident of tne Buckeye state ever
since, with the exception ot the period served
with the 60th Reg. O. Vol. When a resident
of this county he lived near Pine Grove Mills.
He is now visiting his aged parents at Mill-
—Rev. John Hewitt, after a week’s stay in
Bellefonte seeing old triends, and noting new
improveraeats (2) left for his home in Lincoln,
Neb., iast night. Nine years of progressive
western life have changed him very little
physically ; bot his work and his world are as
vastly different as conservative Bellefonte and
growing Lincoln, with its 60,000, people, where
he has charge of one of the largest Episcopal
parishes in the state of Nebraska.
—Henry Stone, who twenty-years ago was
the proprietor of a restaurant under the old
Bush Arcade in this place, but who has since
been in the West and South, following the real
estate busicess, is in town looking over his
oid haunts. He has been quite successful in
business since leaving here and now presents
the appearance of & man of affluence. Belle-
fonte is his boyhood’s home, and. both of his
parents are buried here the attachment to the
town is still very strong. “Chippy” Stone,
that is what the boys used to call him, was one
of the jokers of the town along in the early
seventies and his visit here now recalls a joke
that he played on ola Mr. Samuel Van Tries,
now dead. One day he met the old gentle-
man on the street and sald : “Mr. Van Tries
I have a nice string of fish I'd like tosell you!”
“How much do you want for them ?”” came the
query from Mr. Van Tries, who had been long”
ing for a mess of good Spring Creek suckers.
“Well, I'll give them to you for 50cts. as they
run.” All right said the purchaser and he hand
ed over the money, “You'll have to come down !
to the saloon for them.” Hen. told him ;so |
that evening he sent down for them and the |
boy returned to Mr. Van Tries with the infor- |
mation that he had bought them ‘‘as they |
run” and he'd have to come down to the creek
and catch them, This was only one of “Chip- |
py’s” enjoyments for another one that he was
wont to revel in was to send a bucket full of |
beer over to this office every press night. And |
as the Warca MAN was worked off by hand on |
old lever press, in those days, there was :
nsually a pretty well jollied crowd about this
house when morning came and work was !
done. |
MARRIAGE Licenses. —Issued dar-
ing the past week—Taken from the
J. Orvis Peters, and Laura Scholl,
both of Union township.
Irvin B. Showers, and Catherine
Hubler, both of Penn Hall.
Frank P. Hoffman, and Laura M.
Kauffman, both of Bellefonte.
Wm. F. Whiteman, and Lucy R.
Conoway, both of Snow Shoe.
Milton H. Snyder, and Ida M. Durst,
both of Centre Hall.
Dorsey H. Northamer, and Jennie
Kellock, both of Philipsburg.
Charles Miller, and Maude Irvin,
both of Spring township.
Julius Lermeriaux, of Philipsburg,
and Julia Parents, of Hawk Run.
William L. Rippa, and Mary Jane
Bottort, both of Tusseyville.
J. M. Cunninghaw, and Annie M.
Gross, both of Bellefonte.
Charles R. Eckenroth, of Union
township, and Jodie L. Erhard, of
——Mr. Michael Kelley, of Snow
Shoe, a member of the firm of Kelley
Bros. coal miners, recently had occa-
sion to examine an abandoned drift.
Being a practical miner he took a lamp
and éntered the mines, but he became
so much interested in his work that he
did not notice his lamp burning out,
until he was almost in darkness. Then
1t dawned upon him that he had for-
gotten to take a supply of oil in along.
In the inky blackness of the abandoned
mine he groped about all night, trying
to find his way out. His wife being
alarmed at his absence sent a party to
look for him when he was found wet
and hungry, though not at all injured
by his experience.
A Free ScHOLARsHIP.—A free
scholarship has been awarded to Centre
County by
Oratory, Washington, D. C. Said posi-
tion is open to both sexes, and may be
secured through the County Superin-
tendent. The choice must be made
during the month of May: For more
information call on or address Supt. C.
L. Gramley, Rebersburg, Pa.
——The Ward house at Tyrone has
passed from the management of Mrs. C.
S. McOmber to that of John T. Rawley,
of Johnstown. The change was made
conditional upon a decree of the court
transferring the license.
——The indestructible clay wick com-
pany of New York has written the
Bellefonte Board of Trade with a view
to locating here. The company only
wants $50,000.
——We fully appreciate the large
trade we are now doing in our Tailor-
ing department and also in Ready Made
Clothing. By comparison and personal
observation—we feel perfectly confident
in informing our friends that we are sell-
ing clothing far below any tailor or
clothier in middle Pennsylvania—or in
any of the larger towns and cities—tak-
ing quality style and fit into considera-
tion. Come and be convinced quickly.
MonrtaoMERY & Co. Clothing.
—The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Bellefonte P O. April 30th. 1894.
James Enigh, Frank Fisher, Annie Fulgar,
Grace Garbrick, Miss Hoover, Mrs. W. E.
Owen, De Nicola Paolo, Mrs. Ike Sager,
Swartz, James Walker, F. D. Young.
When called for please say advertised.
——Go to BE. W. Mauck, Millheim, Pa., for
wall papers and window shades. An extra as-
sortment always on hand.
——The largest stock of wall papers and win-
dow shades ever brought to Penns Valley, at
greatly reduced prices, at E. W, Mauck's
Millheim, Pa.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Thursday evening, when eur paper
goss to press :
hite wheat . =~ 60
Red wheat.. 60
Rye, per bus! 50
Corn, ears, per bushel . 24
Corn, shelled, per bushel. .
Oats—new, per bushel..... 30
Barley, per bushel........ 48
Ground laster, per ton. . 950
Buckwheat per bushel........ciiiieieenns “ 08
Cloverseed, per bushei..... $6 00 to 87 00
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel ............. isiversvicivey wore. 00
Eggs, per dozen..... . 12
Lard, per pound..... 8 1010
CountryShoulders.. 8to10
Sides..... 8to 10
Hams. 14
Tallow, per pou: 4
Butter, per pound. 26
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday oraing in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, an
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except at the option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
Hsing by the quarter, half year, or year, a8 fol.
SPACE OCCUPIED. |sm | om ly
One inch (1211nes this type.... 8588811
Two inches. ee 7(10| 18
Three inche 10{15| 20
uarter Column (434 inches)....... 20 | 80
alf Column ( 9 inches).... 35! 88
One Column (19 inches) 2 56 | 10
Advertisements in special column, 25 pe
cent. additienal.
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions......20 cts.
Each additional insertion, per line......... &
woeal notices, per line....cuuiiienen 25 cts.
Business notices, per line...... aeaseisbisy veeees 10 CBS,
Job Printing of every kind done with neat.
ness and dispatch. The WarcamAN office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the printing line can
be executed in the most artistic mannerand ¢
the lowest rates. Terms—CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor
ST ———
the Martyn College of °