ee Colleges. HE PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Located in one of the most Beautiful and Healthful Spots in the Alleghany Region ; Undenominational ; Op- en to Both Sexes; Tuition Free; Board and other Expenses very low. New Buildings and Equipment. Leaping DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY. 1. AGRICULTURE (Two Courses), and AG- RICULTURAL CHEMISTRY; with constant {llustrations on the Farm and in the Labora- tory. 2 BOTANY AND HORTICULTURE; the- oretical and practical. Students taught origi- nal study with the microscope. 3. CHEMISTRY; with an unusually full ' and thorough course in the Laboratory. | 4, CIVIL ENGINEERING; ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING; MECHANICAL ENGI- | NEERING. These courses are accompanied with very extensive practical exercises in the | Field, the Shopand the Laboratory. 5. HISTORY; Ancient and Modern, with original investigation, 6. INDUSTRIAL ART AND DESIGN. 7. LADIES’ COURSE IN LITERATURE | AND SCIENCE; Two years. Ample facilities | for music, vocal ard instrumental. 8. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE; Lat- in (optional), French, German and English (required), one or more continued through the entire course. 9. MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY ; pure and applied. 10. MECHANIC ARTS; combining shop work with study, three years’ course; new ouilding and equipment, 11. MENTAL, MORAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE; Constitutional Law and History, Political Economy, &c. 12. MILITARY SCIENCE; instruction theoretical and practical, including each arm of the service. 13. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT; Two years carefully graded and thorough. Commencement Week, June 11-14, 1893. Fall Term opens Sept. 13, 1893. Examination for admission, June 16th and Sept. 13th. For Catalogue or other in formation, address GEO. W. ATHERTON, LL.D., President, a. State College. Centre county, 27 25 Paints. N paint the best is the cheapest. Don’t be misled by trying what is said to be “just as good,” but when you paint insist upon having a genuine brand of STRICTLY PURE WHITE LEAD. It costs no more per gallon than cheap paints, and lasts many times as long. Look out for the brands of White Lead of- fered you ; any of the following are sure ; “ARMSTRONG & McKELVY,” “BEYMER-BAUMAN,” “DAVIS. CHAMBERS," “FAHNESTOCK.” FOR COLORS.—National Lead Co.'s Pure ‘White Lead Tinting Colors, These colors are sold in one-pound cans, each can being sufficient to tint 25 pounds of strictly Pure White Lead the desired shade; they are in nosemse ready-mixed paints, but a combination of perfecily pure colors in the handiest form te tint Strictly Pure White Lead. A good many thousand dollars have been saved propersy owners by hav- ing our book on painting and color: card. Send us a postal card and get both free, NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. Pittsburg Branch, German National Bank Bailding, 39-12-1t-n. r. Pittsburg, Coal and Woeod. Bowaro K. RHOADS, Shipping and Commission Merchant, -DEZALER IN-: ANTHRACITE, - BITUMINOUS & WOODLAND | {COA Li GRAIN, CORN EARS, SHELLED CORN, OATH, j STRAW and BALED HAY, BUILDERS and PLASTERS SAND, KINDLING WOOD, by the bunch or:cord as may suit purchasere. Respectfully-selicits the patronage of his friemds-and the public, at —I¥S COAL YARD— Ase wn aear the Passenger Station. 36 18 Miscellaneous Advys. Telephone 1312, gp ,000.00— == A YFAR - = = FOR THE IND USTRIQUS. If you want work that is pleasant and profit. ! able, send us your address immediately. We’ teach men and women how to earn from $5.00! per day to §3,000,per year without having had previous experience, and furnish the employ: ment at which they can make that amount. Nothing difficulto learn or that reguires much time. 'I'he works easy, healthy, and honor able, and can be dene during daytime or even- ings, right in your own locality, wherever you live. The result of a few hours’ work often equals & week’s wages. We have taught thousands of both sexes and all ages, and many have laid foundations that will surely bring them riches. Some of the smartest men in this CoBRIY owe their success in tife to the start given :them while in our employ years ago. You, reader, may do as well; try'it. You cannot fail. No capital necessary. We fit you out with something that is new, solid, and sure. A boek brimful of advice is free to all. Help yourself by writing for it to-day—mot to- i J AP MOTrrow. E. C. ALLEN & 0G., Box 420. B8-46-1y Augusta, Kaine. Buggies, Carts Etc. Breen, UGGIES CARTS & HARNESS 400 Top Buggy. AT HALF PRICE. $37] We Cut the PRICES 35. Phacto I iid and outsell atl competi- $50 Road Wagon.....$25/tors. $16 Road Cart. $5.50, Buy of factory and , Buggy Harness.. $10 Buggy rid 430 Team “...... A : Morgan Saddle.... $1.65/ Catalogue Free, U. 8. BUGGY & CART CO. 38-30-ly 2 to 12 Lawrence St., Cincinnatti, 0. en AOAC 1470 feet. At normal Poon og Demormaiic Watdmont Bellefonte, Pa., May 4, 1894, The Top Notch Reached. A Remarkable War Souvenir Offered Absolutely- Free— Read This Carefully. The top notch of enterprise and lib- erality has been reached by the Pitts- burg Times, which announces that every one of its sixty thousand subscribers, and all who will become regular read- ers before Saturday, May 12ih, will be presented with the First Part of the most remarkable Art Portfoiio of the year. The work referred tois “Frank Leslie's Scenes and Portraits of the Civil War,” which will furnish a com- plete and authentic history of the con- flict between the States in pictures drawn on the spot and in descriptive prose. The First Part will be delivered free to all readers of the Pittsburg Times in exchange for the first six coupons, and the other twenty-nine parts will be furnished in exchange for six coupons clipped from the Times and ten cents for each part. There will be thirty parts, twenty-six. of which will be devoted to illustrations and four to reading matter. Each of the first twenty-six parts will contain sixteen illustrations, making a total of four hundred and sixteen in the com- plete volume. Short descriptions will accompany the pictures in each part. The pictures were made on the scene of battle by the most famous artists of the time, and can therefore be relied upon as absolutely accurate. The work will be a supplement to every written his- tory, portraying as it does the striking incidents of battle, and giving the like- nesses of the leaders whose names were on every iip in the days of strife. Here the veterns will find the past recalled. and here the young may gain inspira- tion to emulate their patriotism and de- votion. The Pittsburg Times deserves thanks for placing this splendid history within the reach of the people at a nominal cost, and its proposed free distribution of the First Part to all its readers is generosity without a parallel. If you are not a reader of the Times, order it from your news agent at once. If there is no agent for the Times in your locality, write to the Times, Pittsburg, Pa., for terms to clubs and agents. G. A. R. Encampment. Preparations for a Noteworthy Event in Pitts burg Next September. Several hundred of the foremost citi- zens of Pittsburg and Allegheny have organized committees to prepare for the 28th National Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic in Pitts- burg during the week beginning Septem- ber 10th next. This promises to be the largest and most impressive demon- stration ever witnessed in Western Pennsylvania. Besides as it is now Twenty-nine years since the Civil War ended. it is not probable that the Union Veterns of that struggle will ever again be massed in such vast numbers. Al- ready the Committee on Accommo- dations has secured frea quarters tor 40,- ‘080 men and applications for these ‘quarters are coming in daily from Posts in every direction. The railroads last year carried 268,000 persons to the Hn- |campment at Indianapolis, and Pitts- {| burg being in a more populous Terri- tory, there is a natural expectation that this number will be exceeded. Pitsburg Councils have appropriated 1 $25,000 toward the Encampment Fund 4 and Allegheny ‘Councils $5,000, while i the people of the two municipalities are expected to subscribe $75,000 to the end that the affair may be a thorough success. A Great Engineering Scheme. The canal that is to unite the North sea with the Baltic—a work conceived from an emgineering view, the Suez, Corinth and Manchester canals, says the Marine Recor, while its commer- cial and strategic importance fairly en- titles it to rank as“‘the Suez canal of | Europe.” The canal will extend from’ Holtenau. on theiKeiler fjord, to Brums-: | buttel, om the River Elbe, a distance of 60 miles, At Gruathal the water shed between the Elbe and Eider, is passed, and over the gigantic cutting, at a height of 180 feet above the water surface, has bean builta reilway bridge with a span of water level the canal will be nine fathoms deep, and it will heve a width of 22 yards on tke bottom aad of 3¢ yards on the surface at lowest tide. It will be free from locks and sluioes along its entire course, but at each -emd a double gate will guard against danger- ous tides. The work will be completed in a fewmonths, the construction time to be seven years, and the cost will be about $#6,000,000. Xo Rule Against That. Richard is a rather clever odiored boy in the billiard-room of a cevtain voted club in New York. Like many others of his race, he is possessed -of a readiness of repartee which somse of the club members find not entirely un- enviable. A few days since, at the pool table, one«of the players, hevring wade an execrable shot, exciting the «derision of the-spectators, turned te the boy and said : “Well, Richard, you'il stand by me, amybow. It ween’t eo bad, was it?" “It was awful, .suh.” said Richard. “What?” cried the player. You criticise too, do won ? 1 shall report you to the house.committee,” “Yes, suh,” said Richard ; “but 'twon’ do no geod, suh. De house committee has rules prohibitin’ evely- ting but tellin’ de truth. Dav's all I's | done.” He was not re ; ported.— Harper's Mag- azine for May, wii» A Horrible Thought. Hicks—That rascal Bigginbotham bas been lying about me again. IfI meet him again any where— Wicks—Come, come. Don’t work yourself intoa passion. Nothing is so | bad but it might be worse. Suppose he | told the truth about you ? and begun by Bismark——is said to excel | nt For and About Women, Mrs. John Keeley is vice president of a bank in Atlanta, Ga. ‘It is a family bank, and represents an estate. Mrs. Keeley’s husband was vice president, but at his death, which occured six years ago, his wife was elected to fill the position. Mrs, Keeley says: “I think there are many positions in banks which could be filled as well by women as by men, and I wonder that they have not been employed in that way long before.” . The ingredients for fashionable dresses are undoubtedly cloth, watered silk, jet and cream colored lace. Within reason you mix then how you will, and so long as you manage to combine all these you will secure a costume which may be written down the “latest.” In truth, the popularity of watered silk is little less than alarming. There is not a dress or costume that bears not its influence upon it, and let me tell you— you who have a wish to be economical —not to have watered silk make tight- fitting, for no matter how good a quali- ty you may purchase it invariable re- sents the machine needle and gives way at the seams in a most deplorable fash- ion, How-ever, the semi-fitting jacket is just as fashionable this year as the tight coat, so this need be no deterrent to the use of this fabric. —— Frances E. Willard expects to return to this country in May or June. Her health is much improved. nn No portion of the day-dress displays such icfinite variety as does the blouse, shirt waist-coat, chemisette and tie of the ‘eternal feminine.” In the blouse the only special difference to be marked is in the sleeves, which are of course im- mensely large and full, but droop down from the shoulder instead of standing out straight from the arms. Sleeveless coats are being worn with them, and the effect is undoubtedly good. A charming black cmaei’s-hair frock, that was worn at a ‘studio tea” has lines of jet down every seam, a black moire sleeveless coat, with a full basque half a yard deep, setting closely over the hips and outlined with a narrow edging of jet and turned back in front, with deep revers faced with cream-colored em- broidered silk muslin and edged with jet. Under this coat was worn a blouse of palest lilac satin, the sleeves full and the cuffs finished with little stiff bands. The high folded collar was finished in front with a broad satin bow, with short ends finished with a soft fall of creamy embroidered silk muslin. A bunion may be cured by bathing the affected part in hot water to which a teaspoonful of salt, a tablspoonful of starch and a few drops of arnica have been added, then wipe dry with a soft linen towel and apply iodine with a camel’s-hair brush. Wear a loose shoe all the time, or one which the leather covering the bunion cut out. Bunions. are caused by undue pressure. It is not generally known that Sarah Bernhardt, the great actress, was once a dress-maker’s apprentice. The energies of the great modistes are now bent, for the most part, on produc- ing striking effects in the tailor-made gown. Some simple drapes are 1ntro- duced in the skirts, and large buttons are often added with good effect. Of course this necessitates a petticoat be- neath, either of the same material or a bright contrast ; and for this reason the plain skirt is preferred by many. The plain skirt is tastefully varied by rows of braid at the bottom and up one side of theskirt, Running parallel with the braid at the side, a row of large buttons extends from top to bottom of the skirt. Or with the double skirt, the upper one is cut open, and a few rows of fine shir- ring are sufficient to create three pretty folds to fall aside, giving ample view of ‘the smart petticoat beneath. Another caught up ina single box plait, and the plait is held and buttoned ‘by a band at the hip, trimmed with two ‘rows of narrow braid. Ia this case the skirt is simply loosened from its lining, and thelining faced with a handsome contrast, so that no underskirt is needed. The skirt’s edge has three rows of braid. - A jacket to be worn with this 1s a very smart, with short basque that falls jauntily away in front. The revers are sharp points, and the sleeves only mod- erate. Two rows of braid trim it. A linen waist is worn beneath with small points falling below the waist line. Basques will appear in a great variety of designs, They are ruffled and fluted or severely pointed or stiffened by their lining. In length they vary from two to six inches. Sleeves to silk gowns huve no limit to their size, but their lining is without stiffening, so that the silk falls in a graceful drooping puff. The favorite parasol shape seems to be the good old-fashioned, generous dome, which seems the reasonable shad- ow for a big summer hat. Handles are much varied, but the simpler and ¥ ghter they are the better. Metal han- dles are not in vogue, because smart women wear white kid gloves with bla ck stripes almost exclusively for wal king or driving, and a gold or silver han lle always discolors a pale tinted glov e. Itisalady’s place to bow at the first meeti; ig after an introduction, if she desires 10 continue the acquaintance. When waking a call a gentleman takes care of Wisown hat or coat, and puts them on without assistance—unless in some way 7 inecapacitated—when taking bis depai fue. When y ow go to clean house and find that you ce mmnet paper the walls anew, though t hey * mead it badly, you should try rubb ing tem with a flannel cloth that has, been dmsted with fine oatmeal. sometir nes you ean work wonders with bread. Take thick slices of rather fresh bread and rub the walls with it as you woul | with a cloth. You can remove very bad spots with it sometimes. One won en has cleaned her walls with a flan pl cloth dipped in gasoline. She case the munificent one of $6 per week— inadequate to provide her with board and to keep her in boots, bats and gowns of becoming style. ply of that deficiency by cooking the cash accounts had been the sum of her transgressions the blame for them would have been of modified severity. But Eunice had fixed her affactions on a male clerk of the same establishment, who must have been a dear creature, and she took him driving and furnished him with a gold watch, .and otherwise beautified him, all at the expense of the cash balance, to that degree that she erated his road to ruin by lavishing his affections and the money of his employ- ers on some object of the other gender. Such cases are too frequent to attract more than passing mention. cashier feminine has been considered su- perior to such frailties. from the habits that lead to illicit ex- penditure has led to a preference on the part of some employers — especially when added to the fact that she can generally be got for half or a third of the salary of the male cashier. this young woman led astray by ardent affection, has proved that the female cashier can develop the weaknesses of the male of the same pursuit, and gives us the reverse side of Miss Maud Banks’ picture of the woman of the coming century. So far as concerns the firms who try to secure the services of faithful cashiers at the stipend of one dollar per diem, we cannot see that we regret the development. be regarded as a type of the emancipa- ted woman. are willing to-usurp every function of man except working and ruining them- selves for the opposite sex. not waste either their money or anybody else’s on beautiful objects in trousers. And, while we applaud their sound judgment on that point, we cannot but feel more sympathy for the feminine cashier whose womanly devotion her into the very masculine error of em- In Man’s Field. The case of Eunice Devoe, an attract- ive and industrious girl employed in one of the retail dry goods stores of New York, is regarded as another illustration that woman is usurping man’s field in the errors as well as in the efforts of life. Miss Devoe was a cashier in the dry goods store, and, like many a male cash- ier before her, found her salary—in her If the sup- was found out. Many a masculine cashier has accel- But the Her freedom But But this erring young woman cannot These ambitious women They will led bezzlement. Pat's GreaTr WoNDER.—We are surrounded by dangers all the way from the cradle to the grave. “The great wonder is,’ as Pat says, ‘that after get- ting out of our cradle, we live long enough to reach our grave.” Thous- ands are out of health—morose, morbid and miserable, because they do not avail themselves of the remedy within easy reach of them Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery would cure them. For all chronic or lingering Coughs, Weak Lungs, Spitting of Blood, Bron- chitis, Shortness of Breath, Asthma and kindred ailments, it is a most potent remedy. It cleanses the blood, invigor- ates the liver, improves digestion, and builds up both flesh and strength. Dose small and pleasant to taste. Large bot- tles one, dollar. Of all druggists. STRAWBERRY BAVARIAN CREAM.— One quart of strawberries, one-half box ot gelatine, one cup of sugar, one pint of cream, one-half cup of cold water. Cover the gelatine with the water and soak a half hour. Mash the berries and press them through a sleive fine enough to remove the seeds ; add the sugar and stir until dissolved. Stand the gelatine over boiling water, and when melted strain it into the strawberry juice ; mix, turn into a tin basin. —— My wife was confined to her bed for over two months with a very severe attack of rheumatism. We could get nothing that would afford her any re. lief, and as a last resort gave Chamber- lain’s pain balm a trial. To our great surprise she began to improve after the first application, and by using it regu- larly she was soon able to get up and at- tend to her house work. E. H. John- son, of C. J. Knutson & Co., Kensing- ton, Minn. 50 cent bottles for sale by F. Potts Green. ——1Tt is difficult to please a woman. If her husband abuses her he is a brute. If be is a mild-mannered, inoffensive creature she despises him for not having a soul of his own.— Boston Transcript. ——Valuable vegetable remedies are used in the preparation of Hood’s Sarsa- arilla in such a peculiar manner as to retain the full medicinal values of every ingredient. Thus Hood’s Sarsaparilla combines economy and strength and is the only remedy of which “100 Doses One Dollar’ is true. Be sure to get Hood's. Hooa’s Pills do not purge, pain or gripe, but act promptly, easily and effi- ciently. —— Colonel Ingersoll wishes it to be distinctly understood that he has not the slightest objection to being saved.— New York World. —— The wonderful success of Ra- mon’s Tonic Liver Pills (and Pellets) in this locality during the last few months should silence all those who complain that they cannot get rid of their sick- headaches; If you suffer occasionally with biliousness, sour stomach, dizzi- ness, etc., do not hesitate to ask C. M. Parrish, your druggist for a free sample dose of thi: remarkable remedy. 25 doses costs only 25 cents and are worth $25 to any one suffering from these an- noying complaints. —— Of course it will occur to every- body that the appearance of small pox in Sing Sing Prison will give the prison- ers a chance to break out.-—-New York Advertiser, —— In consequence of winter diet and lack of open air exercise, the whole phy- sical mechanism becomes impaired. rut ped the paper gently with the moist- en gad cloth, and was caretul not to rub of {the glazing. If you try that be et yreful to have no fire in the room. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is the proper remedy in the spring of the year, to strengthen idents of Littleton, N. H., and their statement is endorsed by many friends. tude, I wish to state what benefit our little girl has derived from Hood’s Sarsaparilla. When not a year old, scrofulous humor broke out on Dottie’s face and ulcers formed on her eyelids, She suffered terribly, and to add to the torture boils broke out, she had ten at one time. When eighteen months old, she became and all the physicians said she would not be any better. Hood's Sarsaparilla, as he had known it to be change, and she has since improved steadily. The ulcers on her eyelids disappeared, and —— An introduction to the Queen is an honor conferred upon only a favored few. But every lady of the land may bave ready access to the Queen of Reme- dies—Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescripton. Once known, always a friend. It promises to positively cure every form of weakness peculiar to women, and confirms this promise by a written guarantee of satisfaction, guaranteed in every case, or money returned. This Royal Remedy is carefully prepared for women only, and its efficiency is vouch- ed for by countless happy homes and countless thousands of testimonials. A trial will convince you that itis inval- uable in correcting all irregularities and weaknessess for which it is designed. ——The largest flower is the rafflesia, of Sumatra, whose diameter is 9 feet. Medical. LIND, SICK, SAD SCROFULA IN THE EYES A Wonderful Cure by Hood's Sarnaparilla. Mr. and Mrs Ira A. Bass are well-know res - “Gentlemen :—From a heart full of grati- TOTALLY BLIND But one doctor asked us to try used with benefit in such cases. Before the first bottle was all taken we noted a beneficial HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA CURES she been entirely free from boils. Her eye sight is greatly improved, and she has grown tobea BRIGHT AND SMART GIRL, an attendant at the grammerschool. We have often spoken of the wonderful benefit Hood's Sarsaparilla has been to our girl, and shail im- prove every opportunity to heartily recom- mend it,” Mgrs. Ira A. Bass, Littleton, N. H. HOOD'’S PILLS cure liver iils, jaundice, bil- iousness, sick headache and constipation. 25c. 39-16 (ASTORIA ccee Cc C C cece FOR INFANTS AND CHILDREN. > nnn =r Coo cH = Fd bd bd Bp CASTORIA PROMOTES DIGESTION, and overcomes Flatulency, Constipation Sour Stom- ach, Diarrhea, and Feverishness, Thus the child is rendered healthy and its sleep natural. Castoria contains no Morphine or other nar- cotic property. : “Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommed it as superior to any prescription known to me.” H. A. ArcHER, M. D. 111 South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N, y, “I used Castoria in my practice, and find it specially adapted to affections of children.’’ Arex RoperTson, M. D., 1057 2d Ave., New York. “From personal knowledge and observation I can say that Castoria is an excellent medi- cine for children, acting as a laxative and re- lieving the pent up bowels and general system very much. Many mothers have told me of of its excellent effect upon their children.” Dr. G. C. Oscoop, Lowell, Mass. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 39-6-2m 77 Murray Street, N. Y. D* SCHENCK'S Mandrake Pills have a value as a household reme- dy far beyond the power of language to describe. The family can hardly be true to itself that does not keep them on hand for vse in emergencies. * MANDRAKE. * Is the only vegetable sub- stitute for that dangerous mineral, Mercury, and while its action as a cura- tive is fully equal, it pos- sesses none of the perilous effects. In Constipation, M an- drake acts upon the bowels withont disposing them to subsequent Costiveness. No remedy acts so direct. ly on the liver, nothing so speedily cures Sick Head- ache, Sour Stomach and Billiousnese as these — P=4I-L-L-S,—~ For Sale by all Druggists. Price 25 cts. per box ; 3 boxes for 65 cts; or sent by mail, pos- tage free, on receipt of price. DR. J. H, SCHENCK & SON, 38-14-tf (nr) Philadelphia, Pa. D R. SANFORD'S ——LIVER INVIGORATOR— TO HAVE HEALTH THE LIVER MUST BE IN ORDER. Cures thousands annually of Liver Com- laints, Billiousness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Donstipation, Malaria. More Ills result from an Unhealthy Liver than any other cause. Why suffer when you can be cured ? Dr. San- ford’s Liver Invigorator is a celebrated family medicine. YOUR DRUGGIST WILL SUPPLY YOU. - 88-12-1y. ANN’'S KIDNEY CURE.—Cures Bright's Disease, Dropsy, Gravel, Ner- vousness, Heart, Urinary or Liver Diseases. Known by a tired languid feeling. Inaction of the kidneys, weakens and poisons the blood, and unless cause is removed you cannot have health. Cured me over five years ago of Bright's Disease and Dropsy.—Mrs. I. L. Mil- ler, Bethlehem, Pa., 1000 other similar testa- : the appetite, invigorate the system, and expel all impurities from the blood. monials. Try it. Cure guaranted. Cann’s Attorneys-at-Law. AS. W. ALEXANDER.—Attorney at Law Bellefonte, Pa. All professional busi ness will receive prompt attention. 3614 D F. FORTNEY, Attorney-at-Law, Belle o fonte, Pa. Office in Woodring’s | ild ing, north of the Court House. 14 2 J M. KEICHLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle eo fonte, Pa. ce in 's new building. 19 40 OHN G. LOVE, Attorney-at-Law, Bell fonte, Pa. Office in the Ya hy occupied by the late Judge Hoy. 24 2 D. H. HASTINGS. W. F. REEDER. Hare & REEDER, Attorneys-at-Law Bellefonte, Pa. Office No. 14 North Ay -- 2313 egheny street. JN KLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte. Pa. Office on second floor of Furst’s new building, north of Court House. Can be con: sulted in English or German. 29 31 W fonte, Pa. Office in Hale building, urt House. All professional business opt, will receive prompt attention. J W. WETZEL, Attorney and Counsellor at e _ Law. Office No.11Crider’s Exchange, second floor. All kinds of legal business at- tended to promptly. Consultation in Euglish or German. 39-4 C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle Physicians. 8. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Sur o geon, State College, Centre county,Pa Office at his residence. 85-41 HIBLER, M. D., Physician and Surgenn, A o offers his professional services to the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office 26 N. Allegheny street. 11 23 R. J. L. SEIBERT, Physician and Sur. geon, offers his professional services te the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office on North Allegheny street, near the Episcopal church. 29 20 K. HOY, M. D., Oculist and Aurist, No. eo 23 West High Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Office hours—7 to 9 a. m,,1 to 2 and 7 to 8 2 m. Defective vision carefully corrected. pectacles and Eyeglasses furnished. 32 18 R. R. L, DARTT, Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office in residence No. 61 North A\lephieny street, next to Episcopal church. Office hours—8to9a. m.,1t03 and 7 to 9 p. m. Telephone. 32 46 DD: R. L. DARTT, of Bellefonte, Pa., has the Brinkoarhoff system of Rectal treatment for the cure of Piles, Fis sures and other Rectal diseases. Informatiom furnished upon application. — Dentists. E. WARD. GRADUATE OF BALTI- e MORE DENTAL COLLEGE. Office in elders Stone Block High street, Beugfonte, (9 - 3 Bankers. oJ 1oxson, CRIDER & HASTINGS, (Succes sors to W. F. Reynold’s & Co.,) Bankeis Bellefonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and Note Discounted ; Interest paid on special deposite Exchange on Eastern cities. Deposits re- ceived. 17 36 Hotels. 0 THE PUBLIC. In consequence of the similarity to tne names of the Parker and Potter Hotels the proprietor of the Parker House has chang vy name of his hotel to 0——COAL EXCHANGE HOTEL.—o0 He has also repapered, repainted and other. wise improve it, and has fitted up a large and tasty parlor and reception room on the first floor. WM. PARKER, hilipsburg, Pa. KX ENTRAL HOTEL, MILESBURG, PA. A. A. KoHLBECKER, Proprietor. This new and commodious Hotel, located of site the depot, Milesburg, Centre county as been entirely refitted, refurnished and r( plenished throughout, and is now second i none in the county in the character of accont modations offered the public. Its table is sup plied with the best the market affords, its bs contains the purest and choi~est liquors, il stable has attentive hostlers, and every conw( nience and comfort is extended its xi.ests. A@~-Through travelers on the rai.rcad wil find this an excellent place to lunch or procun a meal, as all trains stop there about 25 min utes. 24 24 som acon Watchmaking-=Jewelry. J" C: RICHARD, ® o—JEWELER and OPTICIAN,—¢. And dealer in : CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE. Special attention given to the Making and Repairing of Watches. IMPORTANT—If you cannot read this print distinctly by lamp or gaslight in the evening, at a distance of ten inches, your eyesight failing, no matter what your age, and your eyes need ep Your sight can improved and reserved if Properly corrected. It is a wron; dea that spectacles should be dispensed wi as long as possible. If they assist the vision use them. There is no danger of seeing 00 well, so long as the print is not magnified ; is should look natural size, but plain and dis- tinet. Don’ fail to call and have I= eyes tested by King’s New System, and fitted with Combination spectacles. They will correct and preserve the sight. For sale by F, C. RICHARD, Arcade, Bellefonte. — Fine Job Printing. 2749 42 High St., opp. mena Be JOB PRINTING o——A SPECIALTY: 0 AT THF WATCHMAN o OFFIC] There is no style of work, from the cheept Dodger” to the finest o—BOOK-WORK,—0 but you can get done in the most satisfactor. manner, and at Prices consistent with the class of worl Kidney Cure Co. 720 Venango St. Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by ail reliame aruggists, 38-23-1y. by calling or communicating with this office