Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 04, 1894, Image 1

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    Ite aN RAR rt nme Bs i i PAA
HE on TE 5 AEA « AER lO
Bemorri atc
Ink Slings.
—J ZRRY SIMPSON is said to be im-
proving ; that is his physical, not his
political health.
—A new comet will come into view
in the Southeastern heavens next week,
and thereby hangs a tail.
—The remarkable amount of sicknes®
among our Congressmen is startling.
Are they working too hard or are the
sanitary. regulations of the capitol to
—A new book has just been publish-
ed under the caption “If the Devil
Came to Chicago.” What if he did, he
wouldn’t know that he had wandered
“from his own fire-side.”’
—The fate of Coxey will be wafted
on the winds from Washington and the
gentle zephyrs will whisper, don’t come,
in the ears of KELLY, AUBREY and
other good roads fanatics.
—There are two things nearly every
man wants—time and money. It seems
strange that if he should get the latter
by unlawful means the former is apt to
be thrown in by some kind-hearted
judge. !
—In the town of Burlington, Vt.
there is such a small demand for liquor
that the drug stores find a quart of
whisky quite sufficient to carry in stock.
‘What little jags it must take for those
—-It is interesting to note the decrease
in rail-road business since the coal strike
has been on. The rail-roads are the
first to foel a suspension of coal ship-
ments and they are first to make up
their losses when they begin hauling
coal again.
—A great fleld is open for the proof
readers on the Congressional Record, if
they only knew it. How many good
dollars they might scoop in by slipping
in frequent [applause]s when reading
the proof sheets of speeches. Perhaps
they do know this already.
—The burning of the St. Charles
hotel, at New Orleans, on Sunday, has
considerable significance in that it re-
moves a land mark become such by
having been the rendezvous of JEFFER_
soN Davis and his confrers while con-
spiring to form a new government.
--Poor old ABE BuzzArp, the
‘Welch mountain out-law who turned
preacher to escape punishment for his
crimes, has been arrested for being im-
plicated in a recent burglary at Read-
ing. Verily, “the way of the trans-
gressor is hard,” even if itis. preachin
the gospel.
—The convention of the Peoples par-
ty at Harrisburg, on Tuesday, had more
the appearance of a COXEY mass meet-
ing than the assemblage of men who
propose voting for some of their namber
for the highest offices within the Com-
monwealth. The Peoples party is not
likely to enlist a very large following
unless it learns to conduct itself in a
way that will bear it some respect.
—1It is said that Congressman WIL-
SON, is rapidly convalescent at New
Iberia, La., and that excepting the
slight weakness in the knees he has re-
gained his physical strength. It is no
wonder the great advocate of tariff re.
form has developed weak kneed symp-
toms, since his bill will hardly have any
Democratic legs to stand on if the Sen-
ate keeps on Republicanizing. it.
—The appearance of DAve MARTIN,
the Philadelphia boss, in town, on
Monday night, was fraught with con-
siderable political significance. DAVE
knows that ‘Our Dan” is dead sure of
the Republican gubernatorial nomina-
tioh and he just ran up to let him know
what Philadelphia will demand as her
share of the spoils in the event of DAN’S
election. Then too old GALUSHA GROW
is bothering them all a sight just now
and they are all a little perplexed about
how to shake the political WELLINGTON
of February.
—CoxEY has intimated that ‘there
will be revolution if his demands are
not complied with by Congress. There
is not much danger of such a crisis, but
if the Ohio fanatic thinks he can’t get
along without one, some fellow down at
Washington had better accommodate
him. The best way to do it would be to
plant a good hearty kick square on that
portion of COXEYS pants thateovers what
there is left of his brains. We think he
would get asomersault out of it and
that would be a good enough revolution
for him to raise.
— Ever since tariffs have been tariffs;
ever since the Republican party has
been in power it has laid tariff, robber
tariffs at that, for the benefit of the
North and West, the sections in which
it found men who in return for being
made rich at the expense of the masses
were willing to give themselves body
and mind to Republicanism. It is from
these same tariff pampered sections that
the armies of tire unemployed are march-
ing. The South is doing nothing to
promote Anarchism. She is happy and
contented. It is the North, the always
rotected North, that seems to be the
ot-bed of disaffected people now.
WN / 25.
VOL. 39.
NO. 18.
An Impertinent “Emphasis.”
Congress is having an unusual and
annoying experience with intruders.
The high-tarift CoxeviTes have de-
scended upon Washington, in addition
to the rag-tag and bob-tail contingent
which Coxey has collected from all
parts of the country. Both of these
forces inspired by the long continued
example of Republican paternalism,
are engaged in an irregular and dan-
gerous movement, and both are
menaces to orderly government.
A Washington dispatch says :
“More than 1000 workmen from Phila-
delphia and New Jersey marched
down Pennsylvania avenue to-day to
emphasize their protest against the
WiLson tariff bill,” and it is further
stated that reinforcements to this ar-
ray are being brought in by the train
load. :
What business have these people to
make their appearance in Washington
on such an errand? Was there not
sufficient emphasis as to the necessity
for such a measure as the WiLsoN tar-
iff bill, when the millions who spoke
by their ballots at the last congres-
sional election demanded tariff reform
by an immense majority? When it is
considered that the constitutional
method of emphasizing instructions to
Congress is by the ballot, and not by
tumultuous assemblages in Washing-
ton, the presence of these tariff clam-
orers at the seat of government, io
“emphasize” their wish in regard to
a public measure, must be regarded as
an impertinent intrusion and an insult
to the deliberative character of the
congressional body.
And who are they at best? They
are but an infinitesimal fraction of the
great body of the people, who when
they elected this Congress directed it
to pass such a measure as the one
which these interlopers gather in
Washington to protest against. They
are a set of light heads, without sense
enough to know that the country is
really suffering from the effects of too
much tariff, and have been misled io-
to the belief that the Democratic in-
tention to reform the tariff has caused
the business depression that has had
its origin in Republican financial and
fiscal policies. They are the mere re-
cruits of manufacturers’ clubs, tariff
leagues, and other interests grown
rich by tariff favors, that have paid
the expenses of these intruders, send-
ing them to Washington to intimidate
Congress into the maintenance of long-
enjoyed protective benefactione.
While these misguided addie-pates
are parading the streets of Washington
to “emphasize their protest against the
WiLsoN tariff bill,” flaunting the tar-
iff banner with which Jomx Wana-
MAKER supplied them, when he and
other tariff beneficiaries sent them oa
their mission, the sensible mass of the
people—the farmers on their farms
and the workmen in their work shops,
whose ballots achieved the tariff re-
form victory two years ago and gave
Congress its instruction — are at
home struggling with the business dif-
ficulties in which Republican policies
have involved them, aud. striving to
earn the means to pay their tariff tax-
es. They are not resorting to the ir
regularity of marching to Washington
to “emphasize’’ their demand for tariff
reform ; but under the quietness with
which they await the result of the tar-
iff issue in Congress there is fierce in-
dignation at the expedients that are
being resorted to by the McKiNLEY-
1TEs to delay the consummation of the
popular verdict on the tariff question.
It is with digust that the sensible and
substantial people of the country re-
gard the puppets whom the tariff inter-
est has sent to Washington to parade
and flaunt their WANAMAKER banner
in the faces of representatives who
have received their instructions from
the ballot box ; and we have no doubt
that it would afford the people con-
siderable satisfaction if the Washing-
ton fire-department should turn their
hose on the impudent interlopers who
have made their appearance there to
instruct and influence Congress in re-
gard to the laws it should enact.
——The only fault we have to find
with the arrest of Coxgy is that it oe-
cnrred jast twenty-seven days later
than it should.
——Do you read the WATCHMAN,
Hollow International Compliments
It is amusing to see how American
ministers at the English court are in-
clined to be complimentary to JoaN
Burr, and express fraternal feelings
toward that rather peculiar old charac:
ter. This weakness is apt to be dis-
played on festival occasions, when the
American representative, surrounded
by his English entertainers, has the
opportunity of telling them how much
thicker blood is than water, and expa-
tiating on the fraternal tie that binds
two nations that have sprung from the
same blood, speak the same language,
have the same literature, and the same
interest in the benefits and glory of
Magna Charta and the common law.
Even Mr. Bavarp's elevation to am-
bassadorship has not raised him above
such hollow and meaningless prattle,
as we see that ata recent lord May-
or’s dinner he indulged in the compli
mentary habit which American minis-
ters in England have fallen into.
Now to tell the truth, the American
people and the Eaglish people most
cordially dislike each other. We
might almost say that the feeling be-
tween them amounts to hatred. The
English are consumed by jealousy of
this nation. They are galled by its
growing power and undeniable impor-
tance. In their treatment of the Unit-
ed States they started out with undis-
guised contempt and insolence when
the Republic was in its infancy, and to
gee it taking the foremost place among
the nations, is an irritant that deeply
excites their malice. Their true feel-
ing toward this country was evinced in
the delight with which they regarded
its probable ruin by the civil war
which for a time threatened its destruc-
The Americans knowing this to be
the true English feeling return it with
equal animosity, They entertain no
other belief thao that the English are
their enemies. They can not put aside
the evidence of Eaglish hatred and
malice as shown at the time of thé re-
bellion, and they will never forget it.
A war with no other nation would ex-
cite so much enthusiasm among
Americans, intensified by a desire to
settle old scores, as would a war with
Such is really the case asitstands be-
tween the two countries, and although
it would not be diplomatic,
yet it would be the truth if American
ministers, instead of dilating, in their
post prandial speeches, on the kinship
that amicably binds the two pevples
together, should tell the English that
the Americans have no love for them.
Legislation Regulated by Mobs.
A little thought on the subject will
present to the mind of the thinker the
difficulties that are likely to arise from
the adoption of the new method of af-
fecting congressional legislation by
meddling outsiders marching on to
Washington. If the Coxevires and
McKiNLEYITES are privileged to bring
their forces to bear upon Congress in
this way, why should not the} same
right be exercised by other parties
who want their interests attended to by
the law-making power? There are
thousands of people who want to be
relieved of tariff taxes, and would they
not have as good a right to crowd into
Washington and insist that the Wir-
son bill be passed as the MoKiNLeY
mob has to appear there in opposition
to that bill? Admitting this to be the
case, and supposing that the bad ex-
ample of the MoKiNLEYITES should be
followed by those who entertain op-
posite views as to needed legislation,
there would ensue a new system of set-
tling questions of public policy by
mobs contending with each other in
the national capitol. Congress would
become a mere instrument in the hands
of the strongest mob.
The English newspapers which are
jealously and hopefully watching for
every indication of weakness in our re-
publican institutions, hail these disor-
derly movements in Washington as in-
dicating conditions that tend to the
dissolution of the Republic. And
really there is great danger in them.
They are liable to a development into
most serious disorders. No party 18
more responsible for the evils that may
ensue than the party which for a reck-
less political purpose is keeping the
country in a state of uncertainty, and
fomenting public discontent, by ob:
structing the legitimate course of na-
tional legislation,
Congressional Regulation,
Among thoughtful and patriotic citi-
zens there is scarcely any dissent as to
the propriety of the rules adopted by
the House of Representatives to com-
pel the members to attend to their duty.
Arbitrary assumption of power by a
presiding officer, acting without the
sanction of a rule, and by his own
authority, was "offensive and objec-
tionable ; but the people instinctively
recognize the fact that it is proper for
the House to adopt measures for expe-
diting its business, and under its pres-
ent circumstances they clearly see a
positive necessity for it.
The work of that branch of Congress
can now go on without obstruction, but
it is really a public misfortune that the
Senate is not subjected to the same
regulations. With the notions and
practices that prevail in that body it is
a clog upon the government. A fool-
ish assumption of superiority is called
senatorial dignity, and is allowed to af-
fect senatorial action in a way that in-
terferes with legislation that involves
the highest interests of the country.
The people would like to have such
senatorial dignity, and all such high-
flying pretensions of public servants,
thrown to the dogs, they would
like to see this obstructively dignified
body of legislators brought under regu-
lations that would compel it to do its
duty, and thereby make it an assist-
ant instead of an obstruction to useful
legislation. *
The assumption that the senators
represent the States, and therefore are
not to be subjected to rules that are
well enough for the popular representa-
tives in the House but unsuitable
to senatorial dignitaries contains
a fallacy in that their represen-
tation of the States is merely theo-
retical, while the people are practically
affected by their representative action.
It is the people that suffer while meas-
ures upon which depends their ma-
teuial prosperity are delayed by an end-
less outpouring of senatorial wind and
the presumptuous crotchets of senator-
ial dignity. Congressional
will remain defective until both
branches of Congress are brought uo-
der regulations that will tend to expe-
dite their action.
Speaker Wilson’s Recuperation.
The favorable turn in Chairman
WirLson’s health it is to be hoped will
soon enable him to engage with his ac-
customed vigor and earnestness in his
work in the House which was inter-
rupted by his protracted illness. His
prostration was evidently brought on
by excessive labor in the formula-
tion and passage of the tariff bill
in the lower branch of Con-
gress, it, however, being a fortunate
circumstance that the collapse of his
health did not come until he had seen
the bill pass the House.
A number of weeks have elapsed
since he retired for recuperation, and
during that time the measure which,
under his management, had been ap-
proved by a great majority of the pop.
ular representatives, has been sticking
in the less Democratic Senate. Adverse
influences in that body, coming froma
source that should not have been ex-
pected to furnish assistance to the op-
ponents of tariff reform, has suspended
the progress of the tariff bill, but the
situation is assuming an appearance
that indicates the final success of the
bill in the Senate, although unneces-
sarily delayed. It will come back to
the House materially changed and it is
indeed fortunate that in the adjustment
of the difference between the two
branches of Congress on this question
Chairman WiLsox will be at his post
in the House of Representatives to take
part in the final action that will fur-
nish the country with a reformed
——There seems to be only one ex:
tenuating circumstance, and that; la
very flimsy one, in Judge Fursr’s sus-
pending sentence on those Philipsburg
robbers. A lengthy petition signed by
many residents of that town and joined
in by the Commonwealth was present-
ed praying the judge to act as he did.
Even in the face of such a petition it was
a bad action on the part of ‘the court.
Nothing should have interposed to
save those men trom the punishment
they deserve. If ever there was pre:
meditated, willful burglary they perpe-
trated it and no petition, however
numerously signed, should be just cause
for suspending sentence.
We Can Bear Our Share of the Results.
From the Lock Haven Democrat.
Ignoring the fact that the law of sup-
ply aod demand regulates the coal
trade as it does with all other markets,
the Gazeite and Bulletin this morning
asserts that the miners’ strike now in
progress is owing to the depression
caused, as that organ alleges, by the
Cleveland administration being in
power. The paper then cites certain
statements uttered by Hon. S. R. Peale,
whose interview appeared in these col-
umns a few days ago, to give color to
its assertions.
If the present strike is caused by a
Democratic administration being in
control of the government with the Re-
publican tariff still in eftect, then the
Bulletin must admit that the great rail-
road strike of 1877, when Hayes was
president, and the Homestead riot of
1892, when Harrison was in office, and
all the other strikes that took place in
recent years under Republican presi--
dents, and with Republican laws in”
force, were caused by Republicans be-
ing in power. If the strikes that occur
can be charged to the party in power,
then the Republican party has a great-
er score to settle with the widespread
etrikes that took place in the years
mentioned on its hands, than the
Democratic party, which only has the
present one to take care of.
Republican Anarchists.
From the York Gazette.
Coxey armies are marching and rid-
ing onto Washington from all direc-
tions but one.
It is a very noticeable fact that there
ie none from the South, The Republi-
can states are well represented, but
vot the Democratic ones. The sec-
tions which have enjoyed the blessings
of protection to the greatest extcut can
contribute the most unemployed men
Coxey, the leader, comes from McKin-
ley’s own State.
Is all this a mere coincidence? Or
is it just another significant phase of a
most remarkable series of events,
which as a whole are serving to open
the eyes of the public to the actual
state of affairs.
This rising of the unemployed, how-
ever ridiculous it may appear and how-
| ever futile it may be, is nevertheless a
serious matter and is not to be lightly
passed over.
Coxey’s Sun Has Set.
From the Lancaster Intelligencer.
Coxey and his followers have
' reached the precinct of the capitol and
‘no great commotion
has followed.
When the other bands get there their
‘advent is likely to be peaceful.
do not think when the whole party
gets there, there will be half as much
commotion and disorder as attends an
inauguration ceremony. The people
who are going to the capitol to impress
upon Congress their views and their
needs, are on a peaceful and legitimate
mission, with which no fault can be
fairly found and which no law prohibits.
The right of assembly is undoubted ;
that of petition is sacred. Those who
exercise their rights and keep the
peace the while, do well ; no stone can
be thrown at them for their perform-
ance of what their spirit moves them
to do, within the law. Those who do
not like what they do, must be content
with the knowledge that their liking is
not needful ; and that they themselves
have taken no part in the performance.
The State Judiciary
From the Philadelphia Times.
Commissions expire in fifteen Judi-
cial districts of the State next January
and successors to the present incum-
bents will be elected in November.
Of this number Samuel S. Mehard, in
the Thirty-fifth ; William McClean, in
the Forty second ; John A. Sittser, in
the Forty-fourth, and Daniel L. Rhone
in the Forty-fifth, alone are Democrats.
The Democrats may lose Judge Me-
hard, of Mercer, but will surely gain
in Northampton, where Judge Reeder
was returned ten years ago because of
a division which no longer exists. Ex-
Judge Herman is likely to be the oppo-
nent to Judge Sadler in the Cumber-
land district, who defeated him ten
years ago, and the outcome is prom-
ising, but the Republicans are sure
of carrying at least ten of the fifteen
commissions if not eleven.
There Is Light Ahead
in the Fall's
From the Doylestown Democrat.
There is light ahead that indicates
an early dissipation of the McKinley
panic. The consensus of opinion about
the Capitol is that the tariff bill "will
be so amended it will receive the vote
of every Democratic Senator, and be
agreed to by a committee of conference.
When this shall have been done, and
the President's signature completes
the process of making it a law, there
will be nothing wanting to vestore the
country’s old time prosperity. Under
the Wilson tariff law there will be no
“Coxey Crusade,” McKinley tariffs
only produce such unnatural move-
——If you want printing of any de-
seripton the WATCHMAN office is the
place to have it done.
Spawls from the Keystone,
—The minefire near Ashland is under
— Scarlet fever continues to scourge
—Salvation Army meetings are prohibit-
ed in Lebanon.
—Artificial ice will be largely used this
summer in Reading.
—Media Odd Fellows Sunday celebrated
the 75th anniversary.
—Popcorn raising in Berks County is
profitable to the farmers.
—A dog seriously bit little Willie [Case,
of Williamsport, in the cheek.
—There isa woman embalmer in Alleg-
heny City, Mrs. Jeunie Wood.
—The green worm scourge has appeared
in Northern Berks County fields.
—Lebanon Classis of the Reformed
Church is in session at Sinking Spring,
—Wwilliam Lenhard, near Pottsville,
ended his life with a rope on Saturday.
—District Attorney Flood is after the
jack pot slot machines in Berks County.
—Although paid $250 per day, 12
Scranton bricklayers Monday struck for
—A land roller ran over and erushed to
death young Milton Belt near Friedens
—George P. Powers has been elected
chief of the Pottsville Fire Depart.
—Warren Mix, of near Renovo, who was
shot several days ago by Robert Clark, is
—Molder Frank McKune dived to a
suicide’s death in the canal at Harris
—Miss Emms Camp, formerly of West
Chester, has become a lawyer in Knoxville,
—Charles Cheeks, the lad stolen at
Washington, D. C., was rescued at Con-
—Rev. Dr. Jacob Belville recently cele:
brated in Pottsville his golden jubilee as
a preacher.
—Surveyorsof the Pennsylvania Trac -
tiom Company began work at Coatesville
—On the steps of Harpers' Hotel in East
Hanover, Lebanon County, John Kline
dropped dead.
—The State Convention of the United
American Mechanics was held Tuesday
at Harrisburg. *
—By tumbling from a building at Pitts-
burg, Robert Gill was killed and Edgar
Jones badly hurt.
—The wages of Schuykill district
miners will this month be 5 per cent be”
low the $2.50 basis. ‘
—Matthew Arthus. and David Reese
Scranton lads, were killed by coal cars
near their homes.
—The 2-year-old child of Jacob Grimes
Williamsport, choked to death on a pea-
nut on Saturday.
—An unknown crank has notified the
York authorities that there will be three
big fires there soon.
—Accused of wrecking a traim near
Pittsburg three years ago, G. W. Gale was
Monday sent to prison.
—Congressman Beltzhoover Monday re®
turned to Washington from Carlisle’
fully restored in health.
It is announced at Susquehanna that
a new railroad is soon to be built from
Deposit to Syracuse, N. Y,
—Jerked from his seat by a jolt, James
Shell, a Reading teamster, was crushed
lifeless under his own wagon.
_Several hundred students in phar-
macy were Saturday examined in Harris -
burg by the State Board
Three alleged counterfeiters, { Lewis
Statter, William and Prank Endress we ra
nabbed in Altoona Saturday.
—The $106) which Albert J. Evans los t
while on his way to the bank in Lancas-
ter last Friday has not been found.
—Simon Savelle, charged with robbing
Isaac Garfinkle, a Philadelphia salesman,
was Monday captured at Pittsburg.
—Over 5% men Monday began work on
the Wilmington and Northern's branch
raiiroad from Springfield to Lancaster.
—For not having abated a nuisance near
Reading, the proprietors of the Reading
Yertilizer Works were hauled into Cour t
—Storekeepers in Pottsville are fight.
ing Evangelist Rice, who attracts cus,
tomers away by preaching in the street s.
—Charles Shendel and Samuel Beard
haveleased and will erect a big breaker
on coal lands three miles south of Tam a,
—Detectives captured eight men near
Susquehanna, who are believed to have
robbed many freight cars in that vis
—Suspected of being the crook who
robbed the Pullman House, at Duryea,
John Dudley was Sunday jailed at
—Ex-Constable C. W. Furey, of Whea t=
land, was Monday jalled for beating and
robbing James Abraham, of Beaver Coun-
ty, of $265.
—Governor Pattisen Monday appoi nt
ed Vrs. L. G. Magee, of Lancaster County,
and Miss Ida M. McKibbin, of Alleghen ¥,
notaries public.
—The Pennsylvania Traction Company,
to expedite its Philadelphia and Harris.
burg trolley, has purchased the Lancaster
and Lititz turnpike.
—President Henry Weston, of Crozer
Seminary, Sunday made an address ak
Lownes Tree Church, Delaware Conn ty,
which was started 62 years ago.
—John F. Ryan Monday night became
train dispatcher at Reading for the
Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. He
was formerly located at Harrisburg.
—Ittook three men to handcuff John
W. Benner, of Milford township, who w as
arrested for beating Officer Heckler. He
is the strongest man in Bucks county.
—A bridge at Cypher, Bedford County,
was blown down. injuring Levi Rinaidy
George Hisson, Jesse Young, W. T. Young
and D. D. Smith, who had sought shelter
“| in it.
—Another suit was brought Monday
against W, D. Chambers, the Pittsburg
agent of the Commercial Loan and Trust
Company, of Philadelphia, charging him
with obtaining, money by false pretense,
On a ————