Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 27, 1894, Image 8

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    Dewalt Wald
Bellefonte, Pa., April 27, 1894.
‘To CorrESPONDENTS. — No communications
published unless accompanied by the raai
aame of the writer.’
—— Court brought many strangers to
town bis week.
——To-day is being celebrated as
Arbor day by our citizens.
— Frank Naginey is fully equipped
to direct funerals at the most reasonable
—— Post-master D. F. Fortney ex-
pects to take charge of the office here
about May Ist.
——Millheim wants to celebrate the
coming Fourth of July in some appro-
priate way.
~——District telephone Superinten-
dent W. L. Malin is improving his
Howard street home.
——A resident of Potter county
claims to have discovered a rich vein of
silver ore in that county,
_Our sanctum has had its semi-
annual cleaning up and we invite all
our friends in to see us now.
——The Wheelmen’s club house in
Philipsburg will be converted into a
private dwelling for Dr. G, W. Emigh.
——Hon. A. O. Furst will be the
orator for one of the societies at Dickin-
son Seminary, Williamsport, commence-
ment in June.
——Archey Allison’s new home, on
Allegheny street, is being rushed to
completion. The bricklayers will near-
ly finish this week.
——Carter’s “Fast Mail” played toa
good house at Garman’s on Monday
might. It was the first attraction to fill
the opera house for some time,
~—— M. J. Fanning, the Irish Tem-
perance lecturer, will hold forth in the
Court House here Thursday evening
May 10th. No admittance will be
——J. Miles Kephart, of this place,
Las received an appointment in the
mint at Philadelphia. His new posi-
tion is a clerical one commanding a
salary of $3 50 per day.
——-'Squire Archy, of Pine Grove
Mills, got a day ahead of time and came
down to attend the Democratic meeting.
His ticket ran out before Tuesday so he
had to go home without staying for it.
——The Bellefonte opera company is
preparing to sing Gilbert & Sullivan's
opera “Paul Jones.” There has been
one rehearsal and the cast promises a
faithful rendition of the tuneful play.
——The Coleville band was out on
Tuesday evening making our streets re-
sound with its lively airs. The rivalry
between it and the Bellefonte band
promises to result in plenty of music for
us this summer.
— Attend the formal opening of
State College’s new hotel “the Univer-
sity Inn” this evening. The proprietor
will give a reception and dance. A
special train will run over the Belle-
fonte Central R. R
— Mrs. Mary Riden. wife of Jere-
miah Riden, died at her home on east
Lamb street, this place, about noon last
Thursday. Deceased was 57 years of
age and had been 1ll for almost a year.
The funeral took place on Sunday.
—— Rev. Z-hner, of the Evangelica)
church, preached in the Methodist
church, on Sunday morning. Dr.
McGarrah not yet having arrived from
the burial of his wife, which was made
at Manor Hill, Huntingdon county.
——The Magnet still cackles away
about publishing news a week ahead of
other county papers, notwithstanding
the fact that ten iteres that appeared in
the Magnet of Wednesday the 25th,
had been read by WATCHMAN readers
five days previous.
——Ed. Woods, freight agent of the
Bellefonte Central R. R. at this place,
had his hand badly mashed last Satur-
day morning. He was trying to couple
two cars near the depot, at Coleville,
when his hand was caught between the
bumpers and crushed.
—— There were about forty-two dele-
gates 10 attendance at the convention of
presidents of College Y. M. C. A. at
Tne Pennsylvania State College. John
R. Mott, general secretary of the inter-
nalional association, and Mr. Hurlburt,
general secretary for Pennsylvania, were
the principal instructors.
——Under a late ruling all nickel-in-
slot machines have been declared gam-
bling devices and must not be operated
in the various stores and pool-rooms in
town. Burgess Gray notified the own-
ers cf all machines, on Saturday, that
they must stop running them or expose
themselves to prosecution.
——ITarry Rote, a son of Mr. John
Rote, of Axe Mann, who for nearly two
years had been a faithful and courteous
employee of this office, has decided to
give up the trade of the art preservative
and learn how to make watches, Ac-
cordingly he will depart, on Monday,
for Lancaster, where be will enter a
horological school.
Tak ArriL COURT A Busy ONE.—
There is an unusually large attendance
at this session of court and many cases
of importante have been tried or are on
the calendar awaiting disposition. After
the usual preliminary work, on Mon-
day, attending its opening court settled
down to work and the following cases
have been cleared up : :
Commonwealth vs. Malvina Fink, of
Taylor township, charged with fornica-
tion. Thedefendant had given birth to
a male child last October. In charging
the jury the Court remarked that this
was the first case he ever known where a
woman was returned upon such a charge.
Verdict of guilty ; not yet sentenced.
Commonwealth vs. W. F. Richards,
charged with wilfully and maliciously
cutting timber on the lands of the Phil-
ipsburg Coal & Land Company. The
jury returned a verdict of not guilty ;
prosecutor to pay three-fourths of the
costs and defendant one-fourth.
Commonwealth vs Christ McGinley,
of Bellefonte, assault and battery on a
man named Quick. Defendant plead
guilty and was sentenced to pay costs.
Commonwealth vs A. C. Williams, of
Port Matilda, charged with committing
assault and battery upon A. C. Hart-
sock. While talking politics an alter-
cation arose between the two persons,
and when Hartsock called Williams a
liar he got a blow on the face in return,
cutting his head and loosening several
teeth. The jury returned a verdict of
guilty, but recommended him to the
mercy of thecourt. Not yet sentenced.
Upon a petition presented by Att'y
Ira C. Mitchell, the court directed D.
W. Pletcher, surveyor, and Jonathan
Schenck and David B. DeLong viewers,
to ascertain and establish the dividing
line between Howard, Liberty and Cur-
tin townships.
Commonwealth ve George Johnson,
of near Milesburg, charged by Eliza-
beth, his wife, with desertion. Defen-
dant plead guilty and was sentenced to
pay costs of prosecution and pay his
wife $1.50 per week for the support of
herself and children.
Commonwealth vs Robert Bloom,
charged with F. and B. by Lyda Kellar-
man. Defendant plead guilty and was
sentenced to pay $1 costs and since the
child had died he paid $35 lying in ex-
Commonwealth vs Wm. Walker, of
Bellefonte, charged with illegal fishieg.
Poor Bill has been dragged up at every
court for a ‘year on this charge and kas
served many a weary day in jail, but
nothing daunted be persevered in crime
and now is languishing in jail because
of inability to pay a $100 fine imposed
for his last offense.
Commonwealth vs Jas. M. Thompson,
charged by Nettie Bathgate with in-
flecting too severe punishment on her
while a student in the South Philips:
burg schools. Defendant went to school
late one morning and she was sent home
for an excuse. When she returned Ler
teacher said she threw the paperin an
insolent manner upon the desk. When
she was told to prepare a lesson she re-
monstrated with the teacher and he
whipped her, She claimed the punish-
ment was so severe as to raise a perma-
nent lump on her neck and cat her
finger until it bled. The jury returned
a verdict of not guilty and divided the
Commonwealth vs Alfred Devine,
Richard Riley, Martin Riley, all of
Pailipsburg, assault and battery. Pros-
ecutor, William H. Besoner, claimed the defendants assaulted him and
he received rather rough handling. De-
fendants denied the statement and en-
deavored to show that the prosecutor re-
ceived his injuries while under the in-
fluence of liquor. A piece of defen-
dant’s lip with hairs from his mustache
was offered in evidence to prove that he
had fallen on the pavement at a point
a considerable distance from the place
where the assault is supposed to have
been made. Verdict, not guilty and
Benner pay costs.
Commonwealth vs John Bierly F.,
and B., plead guilty. Sentence, $1 fine,
pay prosecutrix $35 lying-in expenses,
and costs of presecution.
Commonwealth vs Alvin Stewart,
charged with the larceny of $15 from
Isaac Haupt, of this place. He claimed
money which defendant had dropped
on the street and was found by some
little girls. The jury convicted him of
false pretense. Not sentenced yet.
Commonwealth vs Abraham Jackson,
colored, charged with maliscious mis.
chief in building 2a line fence on his
property, on East High street, this bor-
ough. Not guilty and county pay
Commonwealth vs. John Auman.
charged with cruelty to animals by Wil-
liam Kessler, of Gregg Twp. Nol
prosse entered.
Commonwealth vs James, Thomas,
and Charles Meyers, John Hobba and
Jonth, George, of Philipsburg, charged
carrying on a systematic series of
robberies of stores in that borough,
nearly a carload of booty having been
found on their premises, defendants
plead guilty and sentence was suspand-
ed. Each entered into recognizance of
$200 for his appearance at the August
term. Attorney W. KE. Gray seizad
this apparent opportunity to work in
one of his clients on the Court’s funny
streak of clemency before it worked off,
but when he had Wm, Hanna plead
guilty to stealing and receiving stolen
goods the Court fell down on him with
a sentence of costs of prosecution, return
stolen property, and two years impris-
onment in the western penitentiary.
Hanna had robbed some smoke houses
and clothes lines here last Winter while
the Philipsburgers had burglarized
stores and the P. R. R. freight station
in that place.
Commonwealth vs Clarence Davis,
the itinerant magic lantern professor
who stole Mrs. Eilen Redding, of How-
ard, away from her husband and aliena-
ted her affections so that she would not
leave him even after going to jail. He
plead guilty and was sentenced to a fine
of $100 and one year in the county jail.
Mrs. Redding’s trial for adultery was
postponed. She had an opportunity to
clear herself some time ago, but she
would not leave the brofessor. Yester-
day afternoon she was called up and
sentenced suspended on promise that she
would return home and end all relations
with the professor. She wouldnt prom-
ise to raturn to her husband, however.
Commonwealth vs James Cornelius,
receiving stolen goods, true bill; plead
guilty, sentence not yet imposed.
Commonwealth vs Milton Harmon
and Mary Harmon, his wife, charged
with aggravated assault and battery and
cruelty. This was the case brought
last December at which time we gave a
full account of its harrowing details.
They had fiendishly abused their little
boy and when confronted in court by
the living evidence of how he had been
| maimed for life they could do little
else than plead guilty. Sentence not
yet imposed,
Tbe case of E. B. Rowe, charged
with F. and B, was on trial when we
closed our forms Thursday afternoon.
——The post office at Tipton, Blair
county, has been abandoned.
——L. J. Bing, formerly of Union-
ville and Jeanette, has been appointed
head clerk in the Du Boise post office.
——Boyd A. Musser, a son of Eman-
uel Musser, of State College, has been
chosen valedictorian of his class at The
Pennsylvania State College.
——The Senior Ball at The Pennsyl-
vania State College last Friday night
was largely attended. It was a decid-
ed social success, many guests from a
distance having been there.
—1It is said that Dave “Atherton, a
Philipsburg contractor and brick mak-
er, walked eight miles toa good fishing
ground and after he had arrived at the
stream he discovered he had forgotten
his hooks.
After an absence of a year Frank
Naginey has returned to cater to his old
trade in furniture here. His stock is
entirely new and includes all the novel-
ties in his line. Some special bargains
in bed-room suits await buyers.
—— The depositors ot the Houtzdale
bank recently received another five per
cent. payment, making in all thirty-five
per cent. received since the banks closed
its doors on September 18, 1891. The
Houtzdale bank is one of the banks of
which Wm. H. Dill was president.
——A young man named Bathurst,
who got drunk and imagined himself
an Indian, was nabbed about mid-night
Monday and locked up. He was whoop-
ing on the streets when officer Gares
caught him and about noon, Tuesday,
friends paid bis fine and he was re.
leased. :
——A young man named Patderson,
the champion bicycle rider of Blair
county, recently rode forty-five miles in
two hours. His machine was set on
rollers in Gamble’s store window, in
Altoona, and though it did not move an
inch the chronometer on the wheels
registered forty-five miles after the exhi-
——On last Sunday morning the suf-
fering of aged John B. Lucas ended in
his death. Deceased was 74 years old
and had been confined to his bed for
more than four months. He died at the
home of his son-in-law, Casper Wicker,
in Altoona, and was buried there on
Monday. He was a brother of Morgan
Lucas, of Curtin’s Works, and a member
of Co. D. 192 Reg, P. V.
——Duaring the thunder storm, on
Friday night, the large barn near La-
mar, Clinton county, owned by B. 8.
Pifer was struck by lightning and
burned to the ground. All the grain
and hay in it was burned, but Mr. Pifer
succeeded in saving his stock. Oar old
old friend Andrew J. McClintock was a
loser too, for some meat he had in the
barn was burned. The building was in-
sured in the Granger's company.
——Under a recent ruling of the
Bellefonte School Board all students
using public school books provided by
the State are required to use a satchel in
carrying the books to and from their
homes, Many of the students had pro-
vided themselves with satchels, but on
Friday morning fifteen boys and six
girls were suspended because they had
not complied with the order. The au-
thorities are determined to take the
proper care of the State's property.
mest important bit of news that has
been imparted to the Democrats of
Centre county for some time will be the
announcement that hereafter the annual
county convention will be held in June
fnstead of August, as heretofore.
At the meeting of the convention in
August 93, a resolution was adopted in
which it was resolved to change the
time for holding the convention from
August to the second Tuesday in June.
And also to change the hours for hold-
ing the primaries so that they would be
held on the Saturday preceding the sec-
ond Tuesday in June and remain open
from 8 o’clock until 7 o'clock p. m. To
make such a change the rules of the
party required that the resolution adopt-
ed by that convention must be; ratified
by the Democracy of the county in mass
meeting assembled. Such a meeting
was called for last Tuesday evening and
though it was not largely attended there
were some representative Damocrats
present from every section of the coun-
ty. Chairman Ellis L. Orvis called the
meeting to order and aiter’stating the ob-
ject for which it had been called read the
new apportionment of the county into
Districts which shall elect conferees to
the Congressional, Judicial and Senator-
ial conferences. It was made by a meet-
ing of the county committeemen held
in Chairman Orvis’ office at noon, on
Tuesday, and is based on the presiden-
tial vote of 1892; under the rules allow-
ing each five hundred Democratic vot-
ers to constitute a district.
Miles E preeinct.........ciscivnreniii vosnne
“ M precinct . 5)
¢ W precinct.
Haines E precinct... ve 122
Haines W precinct...........ccvreevivvenene 125-530
Millheim Doro... oinicneiciin idle! 115
Penn township....... .. 185
Gregg E precinet.. - 131
HW aE ten etasesvusasersirenees 1i1-542
Gregg N precinct
Potter N°
“ S “%
Centre Hall borough
Harris township
Ferguson E precinct
RT “
College F orecinae.
HalMoon iii Samarra cn 45
Patton..... 70
Tay lor 3t
Worth 55
Union 59
Unionv 24
Benner.... 156 —£03
Philipsburg 1st Ward..-..e.......ccoovernene 62
ie 2nd ‘to .. . 121
a ard * 7
South Philipsbar,
Rush N precint
“ E 3
! Burnside........
Scow Shoe W P.
Snow Shoe E PPECINGLL..... chases icersrare
Boggs N preciuct ssa
Spring$ preci c
Bellefonte NW... veiiinaiiiin nen 1135
- SW,
“ w
The places of meeting for the various
districts has been arranged as follows :
1st district to meet at Millheim ; 2nd at
Penn Hall; 3¢d at Centre Hall ; 4th at
State College ; 5th at Port Matilda ; 6th
at Philipsburg ; 7th at Howard ; 8ih at
Bellefonte ; 9th at Bellefonte.
The apportionment is a very fair one,
the difficulty being experienced in find-
ing the required fiumber of voters in
contiguous precincts, so that no very
great distance would have to be traveled
to the meeting point of the various pre-
cinets constituting a district.
After the reading cf this a permanent
organization was effected. C. M. Bower
E q., was elected chairman and Chas.
R. Kurtz and Geo. R Meek secretaries.
The chair then called for a free and
open discussion of the advisability of
ratifying the resolution and Messrs,
Orvis, D. F. Fortney, W. C. Heinle and
others talked in favor of the change.
All the argument advanced, however,
carried the most trifling weight with it
and the main thing that was said was
“that no one can find any reason for
not changing the time.” As there was
no good reason given for making the
change weinferred that some one wanted
it done and their wishes were gratified.
Under this rule the campaigns will be
so much, longer, tiresome and expen-
sive. Following is a copy of the reso-
lution which passed without a dissenting
At the County Convention which met on the
9th day of August, 1892, and also "at the Con-
vention which met on the 8th day of August,
1893, the following was adopted .
“Thet we recommend to the party, when in
mass meeting assembled, that Rule No. 2, of
the Rules governing the election of delegates
and the county convention, be amended to
read as follows to wit :
The election for delegates to represent the
different districts in the Annual Democratic
County Convention shall be held at the usuat
place of holding the general election for each
district on the Saturday preceding the second
Tuesday of June in each and every year, be-
ginning at three o'clock, p. m., on said day.and
continuing until seven o'clock p. m. The
delegates so elected shall meet in County
Convention in the Court House, at Bellefonte,
on the Tuesday following at (12) twelve
o'clock M.”
With this done nothing remained to
do but pass a motion for adjournment.
‘The meeting, though small, was very
earnest and every Democrat present
| seemed to realize that we will bave a
* great fight on this Fall.
—— Tyrone iatends having a big
Fourth of July celebration.
Naginey’s furniture rooms, ia the
Reynolds bank building, are attracting
much attention just now. Bargains for
every one 1s what the hustling dealer
——The Logan iron and steel works,
near Lewistown, were totally destroyed
by fire recently. The plant employed
three hundred meM when running full
handed and was valued at $75,000.
——-1In a rail-road collision on the
Williamsport and North Branch road,
early Saturday morning, Gen-Manager
B. G. Welch’s danghter was killed.”
She was traveling with L. B. McLena-
than, whom she was to have married
yesterday. He was seriously injured.
The engineer has been arrested and held
for involuntary manslaughter for run-
ning his train against orders.
-——Payne Cochran & Co, the ex-
tensive lumbermen of Williamsport
who control the Lock Haven boom,
will require all owners to have their
logs driven clear through to Williams-
port hereafier, instead of just to Tock
Haven. Tt has been the custom of the
Williamsport Co., to make a drive from
Leck Haven every Fall but a recent de-
termination has abandoned the plan
and hereafter owners will have to drive
their logs clear through or run jthe risk
of losing them.
——A very interesting game of base-
ball was played at State College last
saturday afternoon between the Col-
legians and the Altoona State League
team. The College boys had the game
all their own way up to the sixth 1n-
ning, when Altoona presented a new
pitcher who was a little harder for them
to hit. He held them down while the
visitors cracked Mattern’s delivery for
enough to tie the score with ten runs
each. The Altoona club had to leave
at the end of the ninth inning with the
‘| score still tie and the umpire gave the
game to the home team.
——A special from State College to
city papers states that Charles E. Beug-
ler, of Keuka College, N. Y.a student
in the Sophomore class of The Pennsyl-
vania State Collage has been arrested
and held in $500 bail for his appearance
at court. He is charged with genera-
ting a noxious and deadly gas at an
entertainment given for the benefit of
the State Collezz band. Prof. Buemer,
of Pittsburg, was lecturing when a ter-
rible stench arose and a search for its
cause resulted 1n the finding of bottles
of chemicals in student Beugler’s pock-
et. There were sixty other students
there also. The case was heard before
‘Squire Thompson at Houserville, but
has since been settled. The students
boycotted all the band men, who are
laundrymen, and it resulted in 8 com-
promise, for $15.00, which the class
paid. {
News Purely Personal.
—Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Dreese, of Lemont,
spent the fore part of the week in town.
—Gan. and Mrs. D. H. Hastings entertained
Col. B. Frank Eshelman and wife, of Lancas-
ter, over Sunday. :
—Dr. F. K. White, of Philipsburg, spent
Tuesday and Wednesday in town. He was
here on court business.
—W. E. Terry, head miller at G2. W. Jack-
son & Co’s. Phoenix mills of this place ,was in
Lock Haven on Monday.
—Miss Margaret Krebs, who came over from
Clearfield to attend the College Assembly, is
visiting Miss Myra Holiday.
—Miss Caroline Orvis returned from an ex-
tended visit to her sister, Mrs, Canfield, at
Jenkintown, on Tuesday evening.
—F. F. Jamison, of Spring Mills, accompa.
nied by Mr. Harter were pleasant callers yester.
day afternoon. Both are serving the county in
the capacity of jurors.
—Mr. J. S. Houseman, of Tusseyville. who
was administrator on the estate of Danie
Horner, was in town Tuesday attending to his
duties in that line,
—W. K. Alexander of Mitlheim, and Wm. B.
Mingle, of Centre Hall, were among tLe prom®
inent Democrats in attendance at the mass
meeting here on Tuesda, night.
—Tuesday trains carried Misses Katharine
Harris, Bianche Hayes, Katharine Bullock and
Mary Blanchard of this place, to Philadelphia,
where they will visit for a faw weeks.
—Register G. W. Rumberger celebrated his
fifty-seventh birth-day by attending a school
entertainment at Unionville, his old home,
last Friday evening.
—W. H. Confer, of Milesburg, a Democrat of
the proper stamp and a mighty good fellow into
the bargain, was in town on Wednesday and
dropped in for a few moments pleasant chat
with us.
—Thos. J. Riley, of Philipsburg, was in town
attending court during the fore part of the
week. He is now engaged in business at Ma-
haffey, Clearfield county, a small town on the
Bell’s Gap road.
. —Prof. Geo. P. Bible, principal of the new
State Normal! school at Stroudsburg, is visiting
his friends here. He is working hard to make
his school a success and we are pleased tonote
that thus far his efforts have been fruitful.
—Mr. Will Stewart, who has been in Seattle
Wash. for five years, was seeing friendsin
town this week with his father Dr. Stewart of
Snow Shoe. The doctor and his family have
been all the winter in Wilkesbarre but will
soon take possession of their beautiful home
at Moshannon.
—Mrs. Mary Nolan and her daughter Miss
Stella leave Monday morning for Atlantic
City where they have leased the “Ocean
Queen” a well fitted and furnished hotel on
South Tennessee Ave., very near the beach.
Mrs. Nolan has been so successful in her
hotel experience that her house cannot be
otherwise than a pleasant stopping place.
THE ANNUAL Crass FigaT.—On
Tuesday morning the Freshman and
Sophomore classes of The Pennsylvania
State College indulged in what is known
as their annual fizht to see which class
is the stronger.
Sometime during Monday night the
Freshmen put up a forty foot flag pole
on a field, just north of the College, and
with it well greased and from its top
their colors proudly floating they waited
until morning to see how the surprised
Sophomores would take the audacious
proceeding. Of course the older men
started at once tu take it down, but the
pole, bravely defended by the Freshies:
stood and when the time was up the
Freshman colors still waved.
During the scrimmage the boys were
pretty badly used up, their clothing was
torn in shreds and many of them were
carried off in an unconscious condition
but as soon as time was up the best of
feeling prevailed and the Freshmen
were happy because they were able to
keep their colors from being hauled
down by the oldzr classmen.
“Uaiversity Inn” will be formally
opened on Friday evening, April 27th.
The proprietor, Mr. A. L Wescott,
will hold a reception during the even-
ing, to which the citizens ot Beilefonte
are cordially invited. The Inn and
grounds will be illuminated by eélactric
lights, and the rooms of the Inn thrown
open for the inspection of the guests.
Music will ba furnished by an orchestra
A lunch will be served by Mr. Westzott
during the evening. The Bellefonte
Central R. R. Co., will ran a special
train leaving Balleforte at 7. P. M. The
round trip tickets covering car fares and
lunch 75 conts.
distinguished Jewish Rabbi, Dr. Kraus-
kopf, of Philadelphia, will lecture in
Bellefonte on Wednesday evening, May
9th, for the benefit of the improvement
of the Jewish cemetery at this place.
His services have been secured by tha
Jewish residents of the town who for
the first time come before the public
with any charitable entertainment of
their own. While it is the duty of
every-one who can possibly afford it to
attend the lecture, no one need think
that it is being done solely for charity,
for Dr. Krauskopf is a man of world-
wide repute. His sermons are published
regularly and sent broad.cast over the
world. He is one of the most forcible
writers of his religion and is known as
a great reformer. Itis a duty which
every-one owes to himself to hear such
lecturers when the opportunity presents
——Frank Naginey’s rooms, in the
Reynolds bank building, are crowded
with new things in furniture. Prices
are the lowest.
——We fully appreciate the large
trade we are now doing in our Tailor
ing department and also in Ready Made
Clothing. By comparison and personal
observatinn—we feel perfectly confident
in informing our friends that we are sell-
ing clothing far below any tailor or
clothierin middle Pennsylvania—or in
any of the larger towns and cities—tak-
ing quality style and fit into considera-
tion. Come and be convinced quickly.
MontaoMeERY & Co. Clothing.
——Go to E. W. Mauck, Millheim, Pa., for
wall papers and window shades. An extra as-
sortment always on haad.
—The largest stock of wall papersand win-
dow shades ever brought to Penns Valley, at
greatly reduced prices, at k. W, Mauck’s
Miliheim, Pa.
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
oes to press :
White wheat 57
Red wheat 57
Rye, per bus 50
Corn, ears, per b . 2202
Corn, shelled, per bushel seo 45
Qats—new, per bushel... . 2
Barley par ushel..c..s 48
Ground laster, per ton... 9 50
Buckwheat per bushel 65
Cloverseed, per bushei.
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel ...........oinniniinn v.40
Eggs, per dozen..... a 12
Lard, per pound.... we 81010
CountryShoulders.. we 81010
Sides ..... ... 81010
Hams... i4
laliow, per pcund.. . 4
Butter, per pound... atovreeon 26
The Democratic Watchman,
Published every Friday morning, in Belle.
fonte, Pa., at $2 per annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year; and no paper will be discontinued until
all arrearage is paid, except atthe option of the
Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
tising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol.
SPACE OCCUPIED. . sm | 6m ly
Oneinch (12 lines this type....... £588 (811
TWO INICIO. ecrisecasessessss wel y8
Three inches.....ccesieeees 1015] 20
uarter Column (434 in 12 | 20 | 80
alf Column ( 9 inches). 20 | 85 | BB
One Column (19 inches)... 35 | 65 10
Advertisements in special column,25 pe
cent. additional.
Transient advs. per line, 8 insertions......20 eta.
Each additional insertion, per line 5 cte.
Local notices, per line.. 26 ots.
Business notices, per li 10 cis.
Job Printing of every neat.
ness and dispatch. The WAronmAw office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and everything in the prising line can
be axecuted in the most artistic mannerand LA
the lowest rates. Terms--CASH.
All letters should be addressed to
P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor