Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 27, 1894, Image 3

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Demorraic {atc
Bellefonte, Pa., April 27, 1894.
Farm Notes.
Under the present conditions nec-
essary to success in fruit growing no
farmer will venture to make a crop
without the use of appliances for spray-
ing his trees and vines with the well-
known solutions for destroying insects,
fungi and parasites. As this is the
season for such work reference to the
materials used for making eolutions
will not be out of place. The kero-
sene emulsion for destroying lice,
aphides and larger insects is made by
dissolving one pound of hard soap in
a gallon of boiling water, adding two
gallons of kerosene, removing the ves-
sel from the fire to avoid danger. The
mixture is at once churned briskly un-
til the kerosene and soapsuds are in-
timately mixed as aun emulsion. Kero-
sene will not mix with water, but may
be made into an emulsion with milk
or a strong solution of soap. When
cold the emulsion is of the consistency
of cream. Twenty gallons of cold
water may then be added, and it isready
for use, being applied as a fine spray
with a sprayer.
The Bordeaux mixture is used for
destroying fungi and also as a protec-
tion against some insects. It is a
cheap substance, and may be easily
prepared. Dissolve six pounds of sul-
hate of copper (bluestone) in 10 gal-
ons of boiling water, or in as much
water a8 may be necssary to dissolve
the sulphate. Slake four pounds of
lime in another vessel, and. then add
enough water to make a whitewash.
Pour this elowly into the copper sul-
phate solution, through a piece of
cheese cloth, or other suitable strainer,
and then add 30 gallons of cold
water. Two ounces of paris green, ad-
ded to the mixture, makes it an excel
lent insectitude as well as fungicide.
For grape rot, potato rot and other die-
eases due to fungi, it is invaluable,
and may be applied with advantage
after every heavy rain. It destroys
the spores and may also be sprayed on
the ground around the base of the vine
or tree. It is also excellent for po-
tatoes as a protection against the bee-
tle (when the paris green is added), be-
ing sprayed as a fine vapor, so as to
reach every leaf. Itis important that
all portions of the vine or (ree be
treated with the mixture.
The kerosene emulsion is ten times
cheaper than kerosene, and may be
used on trees that would be injured by
unadulterated kerosene, and even more
water may be added without impairing
the efficiency of the mixture. In us-
ing Paris green or Loudon purple the
addition of time lessens the liability of
damage to the leaves. The emulsion
will destroy the tent caterpillar if
sprayed on and into their webs, and
for ridding poultry houses or buildings
of lice it is equal to any method known,
The amount of copper used is very
small in the copper solution, com-
pared with the volume of water added,
hence the quantity adhering to fruit is
very ineigoificant, and causes no in-
jurious effects to consumers. The so-
lutions are here given because of their
cheapness and the ease with which
they may he prepared. They have
been used over every portion of the
country with success.
—Experiments made in Germany to
determine the temperature necessary
to destroy the tuberculosis bacillus in
milk shows that a high heat is essen-
tial. They were destroyed at the fol-
lowing temperatures : Boiling—131 de-
grees for four hours. 140 degrees for
one hour, 149 degrees for 15 minutes,
158 degrees for 10 minutes, 176 de-
grees for five minutes, 194 degrees for
two minutes and 203 degrees for one
—Land cannot be over-cropped if it
is properly managed and cultivated.
When a crop is taken off the land
should be supplied with plant food
equivalent to thatremoved by the crop.
while weeds should not be permitted to
remove plant food from the soil, Over
production is not possible ae long as
*hedemands of the soil are complied
—Next month millet may be sown.
It is a quick-growing crop, can be
cured like hay, and will be readily eat-
en by horses and cattle. An enterpris-
ing farmer reports that he bundles it
after curing, so as to more easily han-
dle it. [It gives a large yield, and will
destroy all weeds that attempt to grow
on the land occupied by it.
—Lima beans are easily grown, but
require some outlay for poles or other
supports, though the crop amply re-
pays for the labor. The bush varieties
are more suitable for an early supply,
and as they are of dwarf habit, no sup-
orts are necessary. Use manure free-
y, and have it as fine as possible, as
the crop will be inferior unless the soil
is made fertile.
—No vegetable is more easily grown
than salsify, yet it is rarely found in
the garden. Salsify is known as
‘vegetable oyster,” and when cooked
has the flavor of oysters. It is a very
hardy plant, and can remain in the
ground exposed all winter. A single
row, about 100 feet long, will be am-
ple for a moderate family.
—A small patch of peanuts will be
found ornamental to the garden, and
easily grown, on light, sandy soil.
Use lime or wood ashes on the plot for
peanuts. Keep the earth very loose,
or bank the vines up to the blossoms
with loose earth.
—Do not plant corn if the ground is
cold. Seed will not germinate until
the earth has warmed to a sufficient
temperature. If planted too soon the
seed may rot in the ground.
National Guard Rifle Practice.
Harriseure, April 14.—One of the
most gratifying features in correction
with the Pennsylvania National Guard
is the progress shown in rifle practice.
Colonel Osthaus, general inspector of
rifle practice, in his report states that
only two companies failed to quality
the required number of marksmen, and
one of these bad submitted to nim a
satisfactory explanation. Of the 8,700
members of the Guard only 1,044 were®
unable to quality. Last year 1,149
marksmen were added to the large list,
which had previously met the shoot-
ing requirement. Colonel Osthaus
says Pennsylvania was not represent
ed at the Sea Girt matches, because
they were shot at a time when the Na-
tional Guard of the State could not par-
ticipate. A modest reference was made
to the victories won by the Thirteenth
over crack regiments of New York.
——The State authorities of South
Carolina having accepted in good faith
the decision of their Supreme Court de-
claring the Dispensary law unconstitu-
tional, all the dispensaries for the sale
of liquor were closed yesterday by or-
der of the State Board of Control. As
this abrupt retirement from an unfortu-
pate business venture leaves the State
with a large stock of “wet” goods on
hand which it cannot lawfully dispose
of, an extra session of the Legislature
will probably be the next expeuse to
be saddled upoa the taxpayers by the
dispensary folly. It has been a bitter
and costly lesson for the people of the
Palmetto State all through ; but they
may count themselves fortunate if this
shall really wind up its evil effects.
TT ET ———
WoMEN WANTED !|—Between the
ages of fifteen and forty-five. Must
have pale, sallow complexions, no appe-
tite, and be bardly able to get about,
All answering this description will
please apply for a bottle of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription ; take it regularly.
according to directions, and then note
the generally improved condition. By
a thorough course of self- treatment with
this valuable remedy, the extreme
cases of nervous prostration and debility
peculiar to women, are radically cured.
A written guarantee to this end accom-
panies every bottle.
—Horace Greeley once said that the
“Tribune” would, in all probality, have
rished within a month after it was
started but for two things. First, that
he made it a fighter from the start, and,
second, the abuse that was heaped upes
him by the other fellows. In the first
week of the existence of the paper its
expenses were $500, the receipts $92 but |
before the end of the second week he |
had got into so many fights and be had
gained so much free advertising that the
culation of the paper had run up be-
yond all expectation.
——The severest cases of rheumatism,
are cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, the
great blood purfiier. Now is the time
to take it. Hood's Cures.
—— Liverpool has just extended its
boundaries, taking in several suburban
districts, and is now the second largest
city in the British empire.
——A section of a California tree sent
to the British museum in 1330 years old,
accordins to its rings.
—— English-speaking people rale a
third of the earth and over 400,000,000
of its inhabitants.
——The number of cigar factories in
the United States is placed at a little
more than 33,000.
EE ER AI les
Business Notice.
Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria.
When baby was sick, we gave her Castoria,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria,
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them
Castoria. 38-43-2y
New Advertisements.
“Articles that are in any way
dangerous or offensive, also
patent medicines nostrums,and
empirical preparations, whose
ingredients are concealed, will
not be admitted to the Exposi-
tion.” :
Why was Ayer's Sarsaparilla ad
mitted ? Because itis not a pat-
ent medicine, not a nostrum,
nor a secret preparation, not
dangerous, nol an experiment,
and because it is all that a fami:
ly medicine should be.
the only
" Admitted at the
Chicago, 1893.
Why not get the Best? 39-17-1¢
Unseated Lands.
Unseated Lands.
Unscated Lands.
SEATED LANDS tor taxes for 1892
and 1893—Agreeable to the provisions of law
relating to the sale of unseated tracts of land
for the non payment of taxes. Notice is here-
by given that there will be exposed at public
sale or outery the following tracts of unseated
lands in county of ee pa for taxes due
and unpaid thereon, at the Court House, in
the Borough of Bellefonte, on Monday, the
11th day of June, 1894 at 1 o’clock p. m.
100 HaleJ M..... 4 08
133 Johnson Tho 4 40
350 Johnson James.. 11 56
121 Johnson Eieano! 399
50 Lingle J. J 2 41
50 Lingle J. J 291
130 Smith Joh 430
383 163 Frazier Walbro.....c.cee cove. 15 41
431 137 Godfrey Martha. 18 11
433 163 Gray William.............. vee 18 11
181 Lucas J. M. & J. P. Packer 72
300 McCoy Frank 2 0
146 Packer & Lucas.. on 5 88
50 Packer & Lucas....ceem...... 403
416 12 50
433 13 00
433 17 76
433 13 00
433 17 76
415 Boyd John... 15 00
433 163 Royer John 14 434
333 163 Cook William 17 76
433 163 Cowden John 17 76
140 22 Cox Paul... 4 20
433 163 Dewart Joh 13 00
433 163 Dewart Willi 13 00
438 16 Donnel Henry. 13 00
433 163 Fox Samuel M 13 00
433 163 Gray Robert. 13 00
433 163 Gray William 13 00
433 163 Grant Thoma: 1779
433 163 Gobinson Char 13 00
433 163 Hall Charles the 5-6 of. 10 83
433 163 Housel John 17 76
433 163 Hall Charles. 13 00
433 153 Hunter Alex 4 34
433 163 Hamilton Thomas. 13 00
433 163 Kidd John......... 13 00
433 163 Lyon John...... 17 79
433 163 Nicholson John.. 7 80
70 Nicholson John.. 210
64 O’Brian Michael 3 83
216 163 Parker Jeremiah.. 6 50
433 Shaffer Henry... 17 76
40 Stewart Walker.. 120
433 163 Scott Samuel... 13 00
143 Stewart Ann.... 4 30
415 Tallman Sarah 12 50
433 163 Towers James... 13 00
141 Yaaghn John 34 of. 2 54
415 Weidner Jacob... 12 50
415 Wallace Jos. 8 12 50
415 Weitzel John.. 17 05
123 Wheeler Henry.... 3170
204 Whittington Martin......... 6 10
411 Warton Thomas P. 26-36 of 5 40
411 Warton Thomas P. 4 36 of 84
411 Warton Thomas P. 2:36 of 42
411 Warwon Thomas P. 2-36 of 42
411 Warton Thomas P. 2-36 of 42
433 163 Young Samuel 4 of......... 6 67
433 168 Young Benj. 15 of....cernnenne 483
147 Johnson RoSS.....ccceesneen sire 3 562
250 Johnson Thomas.......... vi 8 00
300 Atwood N. L, seanee 25 50
50 Brooks Jess 6 38
294 Bruce Chas.. 87 650
185 Brady Wm. 26 61
4156 Brooks Jesse. 52 94
150 Custer Paul.. 19 13
30 Curtain John 3 38
16 2 15
360 45 93
300 143 38 25
413 120 36 81
C0 38 25
400 17 00
150 19 13
200 8 0
100 7 50
432 133 38 85
415 Taylor Joseph 17 66
160 Willis Jonatha 9 12
323 Anderson John.....ceeeees a 6 79
400 Barker James. 16 80
110 Barker John... 2 31
135 127 Barnett Joseph. 185
300 Buckbee Isaac... 9 45
50 Bryson S:muel.. 2 63
100 Burchfield Wm.. 2 00
130 Crispin Peter .... 6 82
382 Duncan Samuel. 40 11
151 54 Fowler Lydia.. 3 99
12 Glasgow Silas..... 194
70 Hartline Leonard. 4
145 Homer renj. J... 3 05
1v Hicks Abraham. 40
162 116 Kohlmyer Geo... 3 40
122 Lie Jacob..... 7 70
300 Lusby Josiah. 6 30
177 Manley Henry 7 42
40 McKean John... 2 63
425 Mosely Richard... 473
36 47 McCullough Thos. Kid
196 Nice Geo, & Jos. 16 42
125 North Caleb.......... 2 63
400 Peterbridge John Si 16 80
63 Peterbridge John Sr 333
300 Rankin Robert,........ 7 88
100 Richards Ginier 263
150 Unknown....... 12 on
“91 41 Way Jacob 3 82
200 Antis Henry... 37
200 Anderson Jaco 375
130 Askin Robert. 2 41
250 Bishop Cornel 37
200 Carson John... 37
178 127 Carson Andre 3 30
130 Duncan David 4 94
140 Gray Robert 2 63
70 Gregg Smith 18
100 Heburn Wm 188
380 Hubby Bernard 712
144 Logan Wm... 3176
110 Mosby Jacob..... 207
153 Merkley Jacob.. 2 83
130 Mercer John.. 300
88 Painter John.. 1 61
120 Reese Daniel.......... 22
125 Richardson lsaac 2 37
148 Reed Danuiel........ 274
118 217
136 2 54
200 375
51 94
52 98
116 Zeigler Michael... are
356 Antis Henry. 8 35
154 Beck Henry.. 2 86
121 Barr Thomas. 6 72
125 Barr James... 9 25
129 Barr Mary..... 9 62
286 Black James.. 6 75
1356 Cawley H. B.. 124
135 Cawley H. B.. 2 51
458 Epler Adam.. 7 87
181 Fes Jacob...... 169
100 Fowler George.. 186
368 Gher Philip... 6 80
100 Gratz Michael... 1 85
306 89 Grantz Michael 22 63
405 Grantz Simeon.. 14 99
209 Grave Wendell. 9 41
400 Grantz Bernard... 14 80
112 Henry Joseph... 413
437 108 Hartman John.. 16 18
436 - Kidd John..... 8 06
133 Links Mary 185
80 Motz John.. 148
170 70 Stover Wolf.... 473
436 Simpson John.. 8 36
446 Spiser H. & C. W 8 35
106 orkman Mathias.. 197
40 Bryan Bamuei........... 416
25 Carr John...... 1 66
44 99 Cross James. 229
18 Detlige C. & F. 2 81
217 10 Floyd Henry... 16 92
103 Hollingworth Lev 8] 04
100 Hannah John... 5 20
400 120 Joliff Richard... 15 60
40 King William... 415
400 20 Lamborn Wm... 16 60
216 Lamborn Josiah.. 14 25
217 MecHissock John. 8 46
136 116 Pyle Jacob..... 10 60
28 Pyle David.... 73
210 Underwood Jacob.. 10 92
63 417
67 4 41
44 172
333 1211
400 7 20
50 1 80
400 14 40
360 12 96
79 1 68
281 126
133 Fox George . 4 80
200 Fisher Samue 1 80
' 122 Henrv Stankal | 4 38
185 Hi nry Stophel. 118
82 Irwin John........ 2 94
75 Irwin John. 270
50 Irwin John 180
50 Irwin John... 90
400 Johnson Thos... 14 40
200 McCandless Wm. 90
198 8 34
402 80 14 46
400 14 40
88 159
278 375
152 Sankey Thomas... 5 46
205 48 Sankey Jeremiah 93
202 6 Steele Robert... 90
438 Steele James. 15 78
438 Steele Allen.. 15 T
433 Steele John...... 15 76
203 Simpson Nathan.. 423
245 48 Smith John... 111
438 Sample Robert.. 15 78
213 Wilson Samuel 4 35
331 Wilson David .. 11 94
107 Wilson David 225
147 Wilson Wm.. 5 28
438 Wilson Edward 15 78
129 Wilson Peter... 4 62
378 Work David.. 13 62
314 Work Joseph 11 28
159 Work David.. 273
124 Work Joseph... 2 49
415 Godfrey Martha 15 79
25 Graysburg Joseph 87
40 Jostlin H. A.. 108
130 Lingle J. J.... 3 52
34 52 Sterrett James. 22 80
433 163 Baxter James... 45 00
433 163 Price John.... . 45 00
433 163 Bolinger JohD..ccieeeereennnn 45 00
50 Carskadden D.. ..... 2 05
305 120 Dunwoody John. 15 61
166 Hayes Robt & Jas.. 24 60
398 80 Irwin Robert...... 32 63
30 King Thomas.. 2 46
400 Leech Mathew.... 17 00
%40f200 Nestlerode Christ 4 10
400 Packer Job. W.... 15 40
406 102 Stepenson Peter.. 16 64
168 Shaw & Lingle 6 97
50 . Allison Wm..... arse 215
197 Harris a. D... 4 30
78 Harris James.. 819
58 Jackson Jeremiah.. 122
17 Lewis Thomas.... 5 51
20 Lucas Thomas. 43
13 McKinney J. M 2 06
24 McKinney J. M 8 09
50 Unknown...... 164
50 Unknown...... 108
80 Young Robert.. 1°72
60 Yarger Simon.. 63
60 Yarger Simon.. 63
8 Weight Wm.... 16
140f199 Fartzinger Paul . 215
419 Boyd Hugh... 9 03
371 Boyd Wm..... 7 97
440 Brady Wm. P 473
146 Brady Wm.... 316
273 Barton Wm... 379
200 Brady John ....... 4 30
403 Carothers James. 4 84
200 Carothers I'hos... 4 30
401 46 Cummings Jas. 8 61
125 Dorsey John. 10 75
200 Gray Robt.. 7 60
357 Grant Wm. 7 50
150 Hays John... 32
40 Hepburn James.. 4 30
100 Haines Josiah.... 215
480 Hammond Wm 10 32
405 Housel Wm..... 8173
250 Housel John.... 5 39
100 Hepburn James.. 215
250 Jackson Jeremiah. 2 38
300 Parker Wm..... .. 25 80
58 Parker Wm...... 715
200 Princeton Jacob. 17 20
217 Swineford Peter. 3 24
415 Sendell Stophel.. 3475
404 Tripp Peter .... 8 63
426 Tripp Samuel.. 9 18
413 Tripp Joseph 8 88
50 Unknown..... 139
125 Wharton Moore.......ce...eeee 10 75
300 120 Barker Jacob......... 49 50
148 Deihl Adam... 11 27
60 Deihl Thomas 4 65
53 Deihl Nicholas Sr.. 412
30 Deihl Nicholas Jr.. 233
65 Deihl Nicholas Jr.. 5 05
400 120 Homner Benj..... 31 00
85 Kline John 330
140f170 Swineford Peter........ sikersy 521
288 Bond Mary. 17 93
81 111 Cameron Alex. 2 08
133 Derringer Christ. 8 29
84 Frick John Jr. 5 23
196 Fulmer A. B....... 417
200 Garrigus Edward 12 45
200 Garrigus Wm.. 12 45
840f400 Hoffman Wm.. 8 30
125 Hubler Bernard. 7 80
100 Hunter Alex.. 6 22
400 Harrison Wm.. 8 30
282 McKin Robt 9 10
248 McKin David.. 8 00
105 McClellan George.. 8 63
94 Patterson Benj... 2 08
70 Peck Joseph... 4 36
100 6 23
160 6 23
42 90 Jno. Brisbin charged
from Unknown ............... 83
88 Vander-lice Henry a” 2 08
100 Young 2 (8
433 153 Allison John 286 87
328 Allison Jame: 186 96
250 Allison Andre 42 75
300 Allison A. & Jno. 51 30
327 Armstrong Audrew.. 18 64°
40 10 Atherton Richard. 22 86
381 163 Allison Andrew. 65 16
52 Bannan Josep! 2 97
433 163 Beverage Dav 24 69
456 Brackbill John.. 256 99
433 153 Briches Isaac. 24 72
200 Burg J ho........ . 11 40
250 Cophenhaven John.. 14 25
200 Copenhaven John............. 11 40
776 Copenhaven & Whitcomb 88 47
160 Copenhaven John... 5 70
453 163 Delaney Sharp... vs 24 69
253 Dentter Wm...... 28 84
122 Ebermyn Philip. 6 96
433 163 Ehler Christian. 49 06
433 163 Ebhler Daniel...... 119 88
311 140 Eberman Philip. 35 46
300 8 Erskin Thomas. 17 10
122 Ebertain Philip. 13 91
433 153 Fitzgerald Daniel.. 49 36
433 153 Fisk John......... 24 69
433 1563 Grant Thomas... 49 63
433 163 Glentworth James 24 69
50 Grove Elizabeth... 5 70
121 152 Grove & McKeon.. 13 80
216 159 Grant Thomas .. 24 36
433 153 y ve 49 36
433 133 Greaves Thomas .. 49 36
434 Grant Thomas... 24 74
433 153 Hair Christain... 24 69
433 163 Hopkins John .. 49 36
433 153 Haines Reuben Jr 49 36
2i6 156 Hamilton Thomas 24 63
433 153 Hand John...... 24 69
433 153 Hunter John.. 24 69
426 164 Hair Christian 24 69
433 163 Hair David........ 24 69
11% Hartline Geo M 6 39
216 80 Hamilton Hugh.... 12 31
433 1563 Irwin Robt 34 of 92 43
367 109 Irwin Jas. P.... 20 92
433 163 Jorden Owen, 24 69
100 King Robt....... 29 00
313 106 Lowden John... 17 85
433 153 Lenhose Christain 24 69
434 Lucas Charles... 24 70
433 158 Lewis David... 24 69
433 163 Lattimore Geo... 24 69
133 163 Lattimore Wm. G 7 59
433 153 Lowden Richard 73 04
433 153 Lowden John... 49 36
368 147 Latrobe Wm. A. 20 97
34 163 Mavston Edward... 3 87
200 McPherson Wm... 11 4
433 153 Mulone Richard... 49 36
433 153 Malone Richard... 49 36
4:3 153 Myert Jacob...... 123 43
433 133 Miller Jacob. .. 24 69
433 153 Miller John....... 24 69
433 163 McCounne | Mathew. 24 69
43 163 Morgan B R. 34of............ Lo 92 58
160 McCord J. R. & A Camphell 11 40
433 163 Musser John 24 of. nt 92 74
433 153 Malone Richard 25 17
433 1563 Malone Leslie... 24°71
433 Metzker Jacob... 49 36
3401433 153 Peters Richard. 123 69
3 163 Pinkerton Henr 79 35
301, 153 Prim George 17 22
348 139 Prim Henry 21 90
a21 58 Prim Josevh 18 20
433° 163 Rush Benj... 49 41
38 Robinson W 4 33
6 Robinson Wm 411
216 Rainey Robt 24 67
43 163 Reighart A 24 656
433 153 Roher Christain...... coeeeeee 49 36
218 80 Rainey Robt... os 12 49
433 152 Slough Jacob. 24 38
406 Snyder Barbara. 23 14
433 153 Slough Jacob..... 24 30
433 153 Shenck Andrew.... 49 39
433 153 Schenck Christain 49 39
433 153 Slough George... 123 69
433 153 Spear Robt..... 37 05
438 153 Sidden Eleanor.. 74 22
433 153 Schainer Casper 24 36
433 153 Schenck Michael. 24 30
219 Scott Andrew.. 12 49
247 Steck Jacob... 12 08
167 7 Slough George 9 52
214 Stout Jacob..... 12 20
433 153 Smith Mary. 24 72
200 Sands Joseph. 11 40
433 153 Toner James. 25 17
433 153 Turner Hannah. 24 72
80 Unknoown..... .... 4 56
193 Witmer Henry.. 11 01
12 Williams J. C..... 69
433 153 Wallace Jas. J .. 97 47
313 106 Witmer John... 17 85
403 163 Wheitline John. 49 47
5 Wilson Wm 19 75
50 Moore John.... 130
186 115 Purdue John 4 82
300 Robinson Catherin 520
360 Robinson Rebecea 3 90
150 Robinson Richard 328
100 Unknown.......... 2 60
325 Banks Wm......... rhessnis akin 14 99
825 Banks William. 14 96
412 Carscadden D... 16 92
433 153 Cunningham D, H 19 91
287 80 Cascadden D..... 13 21
412 44 Cascadden D.. 18 97
412 44 Cascadden D.. 18 07
300 Davling Joseph. 13 80
300 Develing Joseph.. 13 8¢
218 Dobson Samuel... 10 01
300 Develing Joseph. 7 50
433 163 Fisher Samuel W 39 85
433 163 Fisher James C 39 85
400 Holt Edgar.... 18 69
300 Lewis Lewis.. 7 50
400 Lewis Lewis 10 cO
300 LongJ. F. 13 80
206 Long J. F... 9 20
363 Liggett John.. 16 23
189 28 Mitchell Wm. 8 69
400 Martin Alex......... 18 40
450 McLanahan Sarah 20 70
or Norris J, P..... 5 01
401433 Norris J. P..... 5 01
Su8 71 Nesbit John M.. 16 91
ory Parker Jeremiah. 125
401216 ~~ Parker Jeremiah. 2 8
360 Prim John.... 16 56
360 144 Prim Hugh.... 16 56
433 Parker George.. 19 91
216 83 Parker Jeremiah. 5 41
433 Parker George.. 10 82
360 144 Risley John... 15 56
00 Reilly Job........ 13 80
162 Tompkins Jas.. 22 37
260 Tompring James. 19 50
199 Vandyke Henry.. 9 50
433 163 Waln Phoebe....... 39 85
39 29 Wharton Mary M. 3 7
169 West Francis.... . 7 80
400 Williams David . 18 40
415 Waln Richard....c.eveecrnsane 10 38
400 Bell Wm........... 16
58 Beightol John 4 -
80 Beck Jacob. 6 56
200 Bough Wm. 12 30
100 Beck Danlel..... 6 15
434 Hamilton Hugh.. 1779
300 22 Lamb John.......... 12 30
434 Montgomery W. W. 35 58
434 Montgomery John.. 35 58
189 Ridgway Budd & Co No.18 38 76
438 Thomas John W..... 8 93
434 Williams Polly ... 7179
100 Woodring Joseph i 72
433 153 Williams Joshua.. . 17 76
3.0 Welch Joseph.......... ntorrs 12.30
39314 Brenham Ebenezer......... . 32 89
400 Brenham Ebenezer. . 32 C0
100 Carlisle Wm........ 6 00
100 Philips Samuel. 4 00
373 Irwin Robt... 05... on 32 10
300 6 60
115 113 2 56
179 110 3 96
69 39 155
219 39 4 98
215 155 4 84
161 Knox John... 6 20
50 McKee Samu 49
500 , McEwen Henry.. 6 08
92 Parker Jeremiah 111
91 Parker Richard 102
183 Purdon Richar 6 08
i82 Purdon John.... 2 64
50 Piles Benj. & Co, rl
400 Parker Jeremia 6 60
175 Robson Richard 421
242 83 Sutler James. 9 91
201 133 Sutler James. 5 00
79 Unknown... 1 00
192 Warden Jere 22
30 Witkersham Am 67
12 Wilson Robt...... 15
250 Gray P. B. N 22 50
25 Norris Wister .. . 2 80
3 Unknown... 70
4 Unknown iaatecesreephray 70
All of the following lots or tracts of land re-
turned by the tax collectors of the following
districts, respectively, for the years of 1890
and 1891, to the Commissioners of Centre
county, for non payment of taxes, according to
the provisions of the several Acts of Assembly
relative to the sale of seated lands for taxes.
.&L. Geo W.Dow
H.&L. George Doves + EA =
ot R. B. Kinni
Lot Mrs. Mn = 1s i
Lot Edward Green 1801 3 46
Lot Chas McCafferty 1891 20 70
Lot Hirman P:
H.& L. Harris Re & oi : -
100 A's Alexander
160 A's Peter Sor Soh 1801 2 %
100A's Jonn E. r
90 A's John Eade Bat 1800 be on
105 A's Wm. H. Blair Est 1891 14 18
250 A's John Irwin Jr. Est, 1890 24 13
61 A's J F Montgomery & Bro1891 26 20
H.& L. Louisa Murray 1890&1891:' 2 36
4A. Roland Lucas 1891 1 50
150 A's Jonathan Wolf 1891 76
3 Lots. Mrs, Francis Waple 1891 90
Mountain Branch Rod
& Gun Club 1801 . 22
19A's Benj. Rich 1801 ° 112
150 A's Irwin Swisher 1890 £1891 2 80
60 A's H.W. Hoover 1890& 1891 3 12
6A's Geo. F. Lee 1801 3 15
In accordance with the act of June 6th, 1837,
interest will be added to the amount of all
taxes assessed against unseated lands above
39-15 County Treasurer.
8 Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. Policies written
in Standard Cash Compenies at lowest rates.
Indemnity against Fire, Lightning, Torna
does, Cyclone, and wind storm. Office between
Reynolds’ Bank and Garman’s Hotel.
3412 1y
Represent the pest companies, and write poli
cles in Mutual and Stock Companies at reason:
able rates. Office in Furst's building, opp: the
Oourt House 5
‘$400 worth of FI
We extend a most cordial invitation to our
patrons and the public, in general, to witness
one of the
Light and Heavy Harness
which will
be made in the large room, formerly occupied
by Harper Bros., on Spring street. It has re
added to my factory and will be used exclu-
sively for the sale of harness, being the first
exclusive salesroom ever used in this town, as
ever put on the Bellefonte market
heretofore the custom has been to sell goods
in the room in which they were made. This
elegant room has been refitted and furnished
with glass cases in which the harness can be
nicely aisplayed and still kept away from
heat aud dust, the enemies of long wear in:
leatner. Our factory now occupies a room
16x74 teet and the store 20x60 added makes it
the largest establishment of its kind outside
of Philadelphia and Pittsburg.
Weare prepared to offer better bargains im
the future than we have done in the past and
we want everyone to see our goods and get
prices for when you do this, out of self defense
yu will buy. Our profits are not large, but
y selling lots of goods we can afford to live in
Bellefonte. We are not indulging in idle
philanthropy. It is purely business. We are
not making much, but trade is growing and
that is what we are intrested in now. fits
will take care of themseives. i
When other houses discharged their work-
men during the winter they were all put to
work in my factory, nevertheless the bij a
houses of this city and county would smile
we compared ourselves to them, but we do net
mean to be so odious, except to venture the as-
section that none of them can sal a3 We ‘can
CAN'T GET.” This is the whole story.
The following are kept constantly on hand.
.00 to $15.00 and Rowshe LARGE
set $25.00 and upwards, 500 HORSE
COLLARS m $1,50 to $500
each, over $100.00 worth o:
Nets sold cheap
$150 worth of whips
from 15¢ to $3.00 each,
Horse Brushes,Cury Combs
Spon es, Chamois, RIDING
Harness Soap, Knee Dusters, at low
prices, Saddlery-hardware always on hand.
for sale, Harness Leather as low as 25¢ per
und. We kedp everything to be found Pp
ing, over 20 years in the same room. No two
shops in the same town to catch trade—NO
SELLING OUT for the wantof trade or prices-
Four harness-makers at steady work this win-,
ter, This is our idea of protection to labor,
when other houses discharged their hands,
they soon found work with us.
Spring street, Bellefonte, Pa,
33 37
INuminating Oil.
row ACME.
It gives a Brilliant Light.
It will not Smoke the Chimney.
It will Not Char the Wick.
It has a High Fire Test.
It does Not Explode.
It is without an equal
We stake our reputation as refiners th
Ask your dealer for it. Trade supplied by
Bellefonte Station,
Bellefonte, Pa.
37 37 ly
McCalmont & Co.
4g Bi SOUTH BEND. ....
A plow which commands the highest pre-
miuma and is sold at the lowest price.
Read the low prices for chilled and polished
30 cents each.
30 cents each.
30 cents each.
30 cents each.
SHARES, - - - 30 cents each.
MARSH SHARES, - - 80 cents each,
PLOWING," -, '- - 40 cents each.
CHILLED POINTS, - 40 cents each,
STEEL POINTS, - 50 cents each.
QUIRED, - - - - $250each.
A South Bend Plow equipped with a share,
adapted to the particular soil for which it is
intended, will hold the plow in any soil in
which the team can pull it.
FERTILIZERS —High Grade Acid Phos-
phate, Champion $25.00, Ammoniated Bone
Super Phosphate, Special Potato Phosphate,
Garden or Yegaaple Fertilizer, Lawn Grass
Fertilizer and Fertilizer Materials at our ware-
house in Belletonte. We warrant high grade
goods for low prices.
White Land Plaster, Gray Land Plaster and
Agricultural Salt.
BINDER TWINE.—Pure Manilla Binder
Twine 10 cents per pound, Standard Binder
Twine 9 cents per pound, Sisal Binder Twine
8 cents per pound.
A discount of one cent per pound will be al-
lowed on full bales on early orders.
REAPER SECTIONS.—We have purchased
one thousand reaper and mower sections for
the McCormick, Champion, Deering, Johnson,
Osborne and Wood machines, which we sell
at 8 cents each or 90 cents per dozen. Now is
the time to secure the best knives for the
least money~—first come first served.
Bellefonte, Pa