Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 13, 1894, Image 8

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    SREB i EIN Be wea asks
on | |
Demorralics afl, "Ar THIS SEASON.—A snow fall in
Bellefonte, Pa., April 13, 1894.
4 .— No communications ' 3 |
To Coggueyyte “all the cold out of the April winds.”
published unless accompanied by the roa!
same of the writer.
——To-day is Arbor day.
—— Two spows within three days is a
pretty wintery record for April.
—— Architect Robert Cole was in
Lock Haven on business on Monday
— The schools in the rural districts
have nearly all closed for the Summer.
—— Philipsburg papers complain be-
cause nothing but cows occupy their
public park.
—— Fank Westcott and wife, of
Kane, spent Sunday with relatives and
friends in this place.
——Miss Millie Smith, of east Bishop
street, spent Sunday with her sister
Myrtie in Tyrone.
——Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bullock,
with their infant daughter Julia, were
in Tyrone on Tuesday. -
——C. M. Bower Esq.,, and H. E.
Jenkins were Bellefonters who had busi-
ness in Lock Haven on Saturday.
——TUnion township farmers who
have sowed their oats are afraid the
work will have to be done over again.
——Ellis Bierly, of Milesburg, spent
Monday in Tyrone and while there
purchased a cresent bicycle for himself.
——Mr. D. A. Dietrich and family
have moved from Hecla to Hublersburg,
where Mr. D. will engage in business.
——The kind of April showers we
have had thus far will have a very little
tendency toward bringing May flowers.
--—-It looks prosperous to see the
southern skies all illumined at night
by the fires of the Valentine Iron Co's.
—— William Shortlidge, & prominent
business man of Bellefonte, was in the
city for a brief spell Tuesday.—Lock
Haven Democrat.
——Frank Lukenbach and John
Fryberger, of Philipsburg, both of whom
were formerly Bellefonte boys, were in
town to spend Sunday.
——Miss Mame Cedars returned
from school at West Chester, on Mon-
day evening. She had not been well
and came home for needed rest.
—— Miss Hannah Hamilton, ot this
place, departed last Monday afternoon,
for Tyrone, where she will finish learn-
ing the millinery trade with Miss
Ellen Black.
——Owing to the serious illness of
Mrs. McGarrah, Rev. McGarrah
has been unable to move his family to
this place. He did not fill his pulpit
here last Sunday.
— Mr. A. S Boalich, who is one of
the trusted clerks in Liveright’s Osceola
Mills store, was in town, on Saturday,
and dropped in to see us. He is an un-
cle of Mrs. Jubn Rote, of Axe Mann.
—— On Sunday, April 8th, Squire A.
W. Reese, of P. rt Matilda, pronounced
the ceremony that made Amos A. Gar-
land, of Sandy Ridge, the hushand of
Mattie McMonigal, of Port Matilda.
——The train from Montandon did
not getin until noon on Wednesday.
It took two engines to pull the two
coaches through the snow, which was
said to be twenty-five inches deep along
the lower end of the line.
——There seems to be a misunder-
standing throughout the county as to
the time of holding the regular sessions
of the April court. Court will convene
on Monday morning, April 23rd, and
continue in session for two weeks.
——— Because the Supreme court revers-
ed Judge Krehs’decree to let the Al-
toona and Philipsburg connecting rail-
road cross the T. C. at grade crossings,
the former road is now receiving bids to
build overhead crossings at each inter-
section of the lines.
——The excitement in the Harmon
child case has greatly subsided since the
January session of court when it was to
have been tried and it will not arouse
near the interest, when it comes up two
weeks hence, that it would have at the
last term. The child has recovered and
will appear against his parents.
——Register Rumberger is entertain-
ing two of his sons at present. The
oldest one is here fora few days pre-
paratory to beginning his work as agent
of the C. R. R. of Pa., at Salona. He
was formerly employed at Bellwood.
The youngest son, who is employed in
the P. R. R. station at Philipsburg, is
home recovering from a week’s illness
with quinsy.
—~Tuesday morning workmen un-
earthed a human skull, while excavating
in the cellar of the old Conrad house, on
Allegheny street. The under jaw was
missing, but long silky hair was at-
tached to the cranium. Col. Dunham
ham gave the skull decent burial, so it is
suid. It is supposed (?) to have been
the skull of the man who hid the pot of
gold that Mitch Canningham unearthed
near the same spot several weeks ago.
a ps ; "
| April is not at all an unusual thing, in
fact many of our older people will not
believe that Spring has surely come un-
| til they see a few flakes—‘just to take
| Bat a snow like we have just exper-
| fenced is a decidedly rare occurrence,
! and the rarer the better too.
On last Saturday a few inches of snow
fell and those who profess to bank on
their opinions in such matters thought
that ended the snow business for this
season, but notwithstanding the sun
coming out bright and warm, the wind
continued raw and on Monday evening
it clouded up again. It tried to rain,
but it was too cold. So on Tuesday
morning snow began falling. All day
Tuesday and up until Wednesday eve-
ning there was a steady fall and when
it stopped twenty-two inches had fal-
the depth would possibly have reached
three feet.
The snow seems to have been general,
east of the Alleghenies, all along the
Atlantic sea-board there was a terrific
storm, many lives were lost at sea, rail-
road traffic entirely suspended and tele-
graph wires broken in every direction.
Through New York state from two to
three feet feil and in the northeastern
parts of this State a high wind drifted
it to great depths. Many roofs gave
way under the wet blanket of snow and
considerable - loss will be entailed
throughout this county. The old paint
shop au the car works was one of the
buildings wrecked in this place.
The storm revived memories of snow
fulls in former years and some of our
older residents remember the great snow
ot April 17th, 1854, when twenty-seven
inches fell. C. M. Bower Esq., in talk-
ing of that day, recalled the way his
fatber’s farm barn was filled with birds
that bad sought shelter therein. He
remembers having fed them screenings
and we would’nt Jike to tell you just
how many Mr. Bower thought there
were there, for fear you would’nt be-
lieve it. The birds about here have
been greatly affected by the storm and
in many instances have sought food and
shelter in houses.
A memorandum shows that twelve
inches of snow fell on April 18th, 1887.
ScorCHED.—At about half past 8
o’clock, on Monday evening, fire was
discovered in a ware room attached to
T. B. Buddinger’s store in Snow Shoe.
Tbe flames had gained such headway
before their discovery that the portion
of the building in which they origina-
ted was beyond saving. From there
they spread to an adjoining ware room,
which communicated with the general
store building. The lack of any organi-
zed means to fight the fire made the out
look very gloomy, but the heroic efforts
of the citizens, who turnad out at once,
saved the main building from destruc-
tion, They tere down one of the small
buildings and then the flames died oug
from want of more to consume.
Mr. Buddioger, tha owner, was in
New York at the time and Mr. O. J.
Harm, the manager, feels'deeply indebt-
ed to the peopla ot Snow Shoe, who so
kindly lent their assistance to the eav-
ing of hisemployer’s property. As it was
the loss will aggregate $2,600, but bad
the flames once found their way into
the main building nothing would have
saved the immense stock, which is
valued at nearly $25000. The loss is
covered by insurance.
The Snow Shoe bucket brigade which
is under the leadership of John G. Uz-
zle turned out in full torce and did ettec-
tive work. Mr. Uzzle seems always to
be at the head of every good move in
that place and his little fire company is
thoroughly appreciated.
ENDAR.—An exchange has compiled
the following peculiarities which are to
be found in the calendar :
*‘The calendar offers certain curiosities
which are little known. The following
ara a few of them : No century can
commence on a Wednesday, Friday or
Saturday. The month of October al-
ways commences on the same day of the
week as the month of January ; Februa-
ry, March and November commence on
the same day of the week, whereas May,
June and August commence on different
days. These rules do not apply to leap
years. The ordinary year is always fin-
ished on the same day of the week
when it commenced. The years repeat
themselves--that is to say, they have
the same calendar every 28 years.”
Mgs. JosepH's DraTH.—On Satur-
day evening, about six o'clock, Mrs.
Barbetta Joseph, mother of the well
known merchants of this place, died
after an illness of a little more than a
week. She had been stricken with par-
alysis and at her advanced age recovery
was impossible. Deceased was 82 years
of age and came to this country from
Germany, about fifteen years ago. Since
then she had lived with her children in
the home adjoining their place of busi-
ness on Allegheny street. Funeral ger-
vices were held on Monday afternoon,
Rev. G. Levy, of Williamsport, officiat-
ed. Four children survive her. They
are Josephine, Mrs. H. Holtz, Emil and
Had there not been any melting, !
Bn —————————
. — Coxey’s army numbered 407 when
it left Homestead last Friday.
——There were 510 inmates in the
: Huntingdon Reformatory on Saturday
——The venerable Henry Brown, of
~ Hublersburg, is in the city undergoicg
: treatment for poor health.
—~--Mr. and Mrs. John Ardell, of
this place, spent Sunday with the fami-
ly of James H. Musser in Philipsburg.
——The Huntingdon Journal plant
is offered for sale. Failing health will
force brother Nash out of the business.
——All the assessments, except eigh-
teen, on the shareholders of the Lock
Haven electric rail road, were paid up
by noon last Saturday.
——A forty-foot high wind pump
now draws water from the new seventy-
| foot well and supplies the Mountain
Seminary at Birmingham.
—--Mr. Thomas Bechtol, of the
vicinity of Nittany, broke off Nittany
Valley ties last week and moved over in_
to the Bald Eagle, near Howard.
——Philipsburg council on Tuesday
night granted a right of way to the
Philipsburg and Suburban electric rail-
way to use the streets of that borough.
——1In Pennsylvania there are 790,-
451 men subject to military duty. In the
National Guard there 8,612 disciplined
soldiers. Of this number 7,656 are
——The Clearfield Novelty works
has just started on a contract for eleven
thousand children’s play wagons and
two hundred duzan little wheel barrows
for a Baltimore firm.
-—-John Nihill, Grant Holden and
Tom Reese were recently arrested in Du-
Boise for dynamiting for fish.
ants plead guilty and were fined $100
and costs, the whole amounting to $140.
——Sixty-one year old Martin Wil-
liams, of Salona, was stricken with
paralysis on Monday morning at 7
o'clock, and died shortly after. He is
survived by five grown children, all of
whom are married.
——The miners in the Philipsburg,
Beech Creck and Houtzdale regions are
all at work again, The refusal of the
DuBoise and Reynoldsville men to
work atthe reduction.
Bishop streets, on Wednesday the 18th.
Color runs riot this year if financial
skies do lower und the prettiest, dain-
tiest and most gorgeous display will meet
you there on that occasion.
——Mr3. Maggie Ward, wife of D.
E. Ward, of Penaa. Furnace, died at
the home of her brother, W. H. Mos-
gel, in Tyrone, at 5 o'clock Monday
evening. She had gone to Tyrone for
treatment for tuberculosis. The burial
took place at her late home, on Wed-
nesday, :
——On Sunday afternoon Mrs. Nora
Knapp, of Salona, was seized with a
sinking spell and before a physician
could be called she had died. Heart
disease is given as the cause. She was
in her twentieth year and was the bride
of four weeks of William Knapp, who
is almost distracted at her sad death.
——A new sign on the post office
door, that leads from the general waiting
employees, has changed the old “No ad-
mittance, except on official business,”
to plain, matter of fact, always intelli-
gible, “Please Stay Oat.” This latter
sizn appeared on the door, on Tuesday,
and it had hardly been up an hour until
some fellow wrote under it : “ToD. F.
Fortney, E:q.” Heis the nawly ap-
pointed post-master and has not taken
charge yet. 1
——1If the general strike that has
been ordered by the United Mine
Workers Association meeting in Colum-
bus goes into effect on the 21st, as order-
ed, our furnace here will probably haye
to bank its fires within a month after
the inception of thestrike. The furnace
company carries a month's supply of
coke ahead, so in the meantime the
trouble may be adjusted and the fires
kept burning. If not, it is probable
that all similar industries will have to
suspend for want of coke.
—— After an absence from Bellefonte of
a year and five months Johan J. Bayard,
returned Monday morning to make a
few day’s visit to his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Col. George Bayard, who live on
North Spring street. When John start-
ed away he was representing the White-
ford Chemical Co., of Baltimore, and
traveled through the South and West.
This business did not suit him, however,
80 hecame back as far as Canton,
Ohio, where he has been ever since em-
ployed by the C. C. & S. R. R. Oa Sat-
urday he resigned his position with that
company and is now taking a few days
rest preparatory to going into the gen-
| eral manager's office, of the Wrought
Iron Bridge Co. Weare pleased to learn
of his success.
! from Libby Prison.”
Defend- |
strike forced all the others to return to ;
——7You are cordially invited to be |
present at Miss Grabam’s, Allegheny and
room into the private apartments of the
lecture in the chapel of The Pennsylvania
State College on the subject © “Remin-
isences of War Life in, and Escape
The lecture will
be given for the benefit cf the foot-ball
member of one of its oldest families the
sons of which have all gained considera-
ble prominence in their various profes”
It is the aim of the students to make
foot-ball next season more popular than
everand to accomplish such an end
there must be sufficient funds in hand
when the Fall term opens
the proper training of the team.
Tke lecture will be interesting be-
cause it will be delivered by a man
whom we all know of. Prices of ad.
mission will be 50 and 85 cents. The
lecture will begin at 8 o'clock.
A special train will leave this place
o’clock, stopping at all points along the
line. A reception will be given at the
University Inn, atter the lecture, and a
dance will follow.
LEssoN.--'Squire Patton has a bottle of
beer in his office which was taken from
the pocket of an Italian who was killed
on the rail-road, at this place, several
months ago. He has offered the bottle
of beer to a score or more of persons
without money or any other considera-
tion, than simply to take it away, but
not one has accepted the offer, and the
’Squire is likely to keep the bottle for an
indefinite period. The bottle is sealed
and the beer is just as good as any other
beer that is sold in the saloon, but the
thought that it was taken from a dead
man’s body is repugnant to the taste,
and nobody wants it. The other day
the squire offered it to a person known
to be inordinately fond of beer. He took
the bottle in his hand, and was about to
put it in his pocket, when the squire re-
lated the circumstances under which he
obtained the beer, but before he fin-
ished the story the man handed the bot-
tle back and with a look of disgust re-
marked that he didn’t want it. That
bottle of beer should be presented to
some temperance society to be used as
an object lesson to demonstrate the fact
that while liquor does kill people, nobody
wants to drink liquor found on a dead
man’s body.— Huntingdon News.
Wire Haynes Wears THE Dia-
MOND. —Tae sportsmen at Snow Shoe
had a great time on Monday afternoon
shooting at glass balls. John G. Uazzle
arranged a shooting match and put up,
as a trophy, his $250 diamond pin,
which has dazzled nearly every one who
has ever met the unique hotel keeper.
Of course when there was such a
valuable stake the marzsmen were all
on their mottleand a large crowd of
spectators assembled to see the shoot.
The balls were thrown from an or-
dinary spring trap and the contestants
stoud off a distance of thirty yards. The
best out of twanty-five was hs pre-ar
ranged work so the sport began and re-
sulted in the following scores:
John G. Uazzle .... 16 out of 25
Dr. J Burd... .... 21 ....25
Guo. B. Uzzle. . «iv. 2 ee. 25
W. RB. Haynes'o'.'. ....28.... 20
Geo. Uzzle came very near winning
his father’s handsome pin, but Will
Haynes went him just one be ter and
now sports the big star shaped cluster
of dinmonds which is brilliant enough
to do duty as a headlight on a locomo-
Must PRoCEED.— Bellefonte pension
acents have received a circular contain-
ing the tollo #ing directions as to signa
tures and witnesses: “The pension cer-
tificate must be exhibited at the execu-
tion of each and every voucher. When
a pensioner signs a mark, two witnesses
who can write are required in the body
of the voucher, and one witness who can
write in each of the duplicates. When
the pensioner writes his name, no wit-
ness to his signature is necessary in the
body of the voucher; but his signature
in each of the duplicate receipts must be
witnessed by a person who can write
his own name. The magistrate before
whom a voucher is presented is not
a competent witness in any case, except
that such magistrate may witness in the
duplicate receipts the signature of a
pensioner who writes his own name.
The post office address of the pensioner
must be plainly written in the body of
the voucher.” :
District Y. M. C. A. CONVENTION.
— Altoona District, Young Mens Chris-
tian Association, will hold their annual
conference, at Huntingdon, Pa., April
28th and 29. Each association in the
district is invited to send delegates to
this conference. A cordial invitation is
also extended to persons “living at points
where there are no associations, and
who are interested in association work,
to attend this conference. Entertain-
ment will be provided for all who at-
tend. The Altoona district includes
the following counties : Centre, Hunt-
ingdon, Fulton, Bedford, Blair and
to warrant |
morrow, Saturday, evening, Gen. Ben- |
jamin F. Fisher, of Philadelphia, will |
——DMuncy has a case of small pox.
——The epidemic of scarlet fever is
dying out at Beech Creek.
——This weather is =ll right for its
kind, but the trouble is, it is a little out
of season.
association of the institution and de- ! The ae of the Newton Hamil-
serves a large patronage. Gen. Fisher (5; camp meeting grounds will be closed
is well known ia this county, as he is 8 on Sundays during the next camp.
——The Newton Hamilton camp
meeting grounds will be opened to tent
holders on July 1st, though the meet-
ings will not begin until August 1st.
——O0un Monday a train began run-
ning regularly over the new Altoona
and Philipsburg railroad, between the
latter place and Mapleton crossing. It
makes eight trips a day.
——TIt is said that Malena revived a
Petersburg, Va., woman who had been
stunned by lightning the other day.
We have heard of its curing sores and
| pains, but this is certainly a new line of
over the Bellefonte Central R. R,. at 7 |
business for the Warriorsmark oint-
——Seventy year old John Snyder
was burned to death at Clearfield the
other evening. While asleep on a
lounge a lamp fell on him and his wife
was go badly burned, in her frantic ef-
forts to save her husband, that she will
——We are sorry to learn that Col.
D 8. Keller is not so well as usual. He
having been confined to his bed for two
weeks past, by a relapse’of his malady.
He is at Aiken, South Carolina, and
his many friends here hope tojhear soon
of his recovery.
ARBOR Day PostroNED.—The o0b-
servance of Arbor day, which the citi-
zens and public sckool children of our
town had planned for to-day, has been
postponed until Friday, ‘April 27th, It
is hardly necessary to state the reason,
since the snow of Friday ; so in order
that everyone will in some way or
other, observe the day it has been
deemed advisable to defer a general ob-
servance of it, in this community, un-
til the stated date, when it is to be
"hoped the elements will be more favora-
RepucrioN oF Fark. —The Philadel-
phia & Reading R. R., Co., has reduced
the mileage ticket from Philadelphia to
Bellefonte from 257 miles to 235 miles,
Philadelphia & Reading mileage books
will be accepted for through passage be-
tween these points in either direction.
Beech Creek mileage tickets will also be
honored by conductors for through pas-
sage from all points on the Central R. R.
of Pa., to Philadelphia ‘on the same ba-
sis. Beech Creek books, as heretofore,
are good locally between all points. on
the Central road.
ArrorNeYy WM. Bryson Deap.—
The news that Wm. Bryson Esq, had
died at his hume in Philipsburg yester-
day afterncon was received with regret
in this place. He had been suffering for
weeks with an ailment like grip, .in its
effects. At times he would be apparent
ly very well, then a relapse would ren-
der his survival almost hopeless. Until
yesterday noon he seemed to be getting
better, but a sinking spall ended in his
death soon after.
Deceased was a practicing attor-
ney, a man of considerable mental ab-
ity, and leaves a widow and cne
daughter. Mrs. Bryson, nee Miss Lucy
Schroeder, is a sister of Mrs. D. S. Kel-
ler, of this place.
Bellefonte castle, No. 857, Knights of
the Golden Eagle, celebrated the fourth
anniversary of its inception, on Tues-
day evening, by appropriate services.
The Sir Herald, of the Suprema Castle
of the Order, was here and addressed
the assemblage. Under his direction
the home castle conferred Knight's de-
gree on several applicants.
The speech of the Sir Herald was
largely statistical, but interesting to the
many who listened to it. In the four
years of the existence of the home castle
it has steadily grown until now it has
one hundred and fifty members and a
neat little balance to its credit of $1,000,
in addition to $500 invested in para-
phernalia. During the four years, the or-
der has increased its membership in
Pennsylvania over ten thousand mem-
bers, and in the United States it has in-
creased over twenty thousand. The
number of Castles in the State has in-
creased from 3857 to 490. The member-
shipin Centre county amounts to nearly
if not altogether, one thousand mem-
MARRIAGE LiceNsks.—Issued dur-
ing the past week—Taken from the
Amos A. Gaylord, of Sandy Ridge,
and Mattie McMonigal, of Taylor Twp.
William Baird, of Spring township,
and Katie Smith, of Howard.
William C. Walters and Emma
Strong, both of Spring Mills.
Henry D. Woodel, of Taylor town-
ship, and Sallie Hamer, of Worth town-
county exchanges send out the follow-
ing warning of a good swindle that has
been working that community for some
A man weil dressed with a business
like air, called upon persons in the rural
districts and represented himsell as a
government detective, with the state-
ment that there was much counterfeit
coin in circulation and requested them
to show what coin they had in their
possession. He would then use a chemi-
cal, which would turn the coins black,
declare it spurious and take it away, in-
forming them that another secret service
officer would follow, him in a day or
two and redeem the coin taken away.
The victims said nothing about it for
some time out of fear of being arrested
for having counterfeit coin in their
posession, and by this time the swin-
dler is far away.
Tur SprING AssEMBLY.—The Sen-
ior class of The Pennsylvania State
College will give its Spring Assembly
on Friday evening, April 20th. The
dance will be, as usual, in the Armory
and Stopper & Ficke’s orchestra from
Williamsport will furnish the music.
The patronesses will be Mrs. D. H.
Hastings, Mrs. C. W. Roberts, Mrs.
Geo. W. Atherton, Mrs. F. W. Kia-
Kaid, Mrs. Fred P. Emery, Mrs. John
Wilson, Mrs. J. C. M. Hamilton, Mrs.
Geo. L. Potter, Mrs. J. Price Jackson,
Mrs. Geo. C. Butz, Mrs. A. Mason,
Mrs. E. R. Chambers, Mrs. J. O.
Dreisbach, Mrs. W. P. Duncan and
Mrs. C. P. Hewes. Toe class commit-
tee iscomposed of Messrs. Roger Bow-
mad, John B. Hench, W. H. Rebhun,
Boyd A. Musser, W, A. Banks, W. B.
WHEN He Sess Her, On My.—
Says a Harrisburg special of April 4:
A long journey to meet her intended
husband, whom she never saw, was be-
gun to-day by Miss Alice Yingst, of
Sand Beech, this county. Sheis one of
the largest women 1n this part of the
State, weighing 838 pounds. She is 26
years old and several months ago an-
swered a matrimonial advertisement
signed by Harry Cratzer, of Ceceurd,
Alene, Idaho. The two courted by
mail, he proposed and she accepted. He
sent her $100 to pay the expenses of her
trip West, as he could not come East for
his intended bride. She is now on the
way to the far northwest to meet her
Two 10 ONE: —You are complaining
about bard times. We all had to suffer
—but, brace up, Spring is here—and we
have the right goods at hard time
prices to make you more than happy.
Montgomery & Co.
To the Democratic Voters of Centre county :—
As the time 18 drawing near to select men to
represent Centre county in the Law making
bouy of vur great state we think the Democrat
ic party ot Centre county would protic by se=
lecting men who arequalitied to represent the
various interest of our county ereditably and
wuo would command the entire support ofour
Wile canvassing the moarits of many of our
prominent men of Penns Valley we find none
more deserving; for work readered and none
better qualified and available than Jas. A. Kel.
lor, of Potter towaship. in Mr.Ksller toe Damn.
ocratie party would have a man well qualified
to represent the various ioterests of Csutre
county 1b our State Legislature, and a man
who would command, the entirs support of the
Democratic Party, and a large following from
the Republican ranks.
Give us Jas. A. Keller for the Legislature and
we will be satistied. What say you brother
Democrats ?
Bellefonte Grain Market.
Corrected weekly by Gro. W. Jackson & Co:
The following are the quotations up tosix
o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper
gOes tO press :
White WHheab....cccccesisreserssessaaniessssisesesses 57
Red wheat ....... 57
Rye, per bushel..... 50
Corn, ears, per bushel.. 2234
Corn, shelled, per bush: 45
Vats—new, per bushel. 30
Barley, per bushel....... 43
Ground laster, per ton... . 9560
Buckwheat per bushel... wesnes 08
Cloverseed, per bushei..... $6 00 to §7 00
Bellefonte Produce Markets.
Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co
Potatoes per bushel ..........ccceeveeireiissinnn 40
Eggs, per dozen........ 12
Lard, per pound...., 10
CountryShoulders. 8to10
Sides... 8to 10
Hams... 14
Callow, per poun 4
Butter, per poun 25
The Democratic Watchman.
Published every Friday morning, in Belle-
fonte, Pa., at 82 pe: annum (if paid strictly in
advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance, and
$3.00 if not paid before the expiration of the
year ; and no paper will be discontinued until
all jearage is paid, except atthe option of the
b Papers will not be sent out of Centre county
unless paid for in advance.
A liberal discount is made to persons adver-
Sising by the quarter, half year, or year, as fol-
SPACE OCCUPIED. |3m | 6m | 1y
One inch (12 lines this type........ $588 (811
Two iNChes..ccuusrisnsansssesenn | T7110] 18
Three inches... vr 10/15 | 20
uarter Column (4}4 in 12 | 20 | 80
alf Column ( 9 inches) ..|2 | 85 | BB
One Column (19 inches) 185166] 10
Advertisements in special column, 26 pe
cent. additional.
Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions......20 cte.
Each additional insertion, per line.. .
vocal notices, per line...c..ueu seen v .
Business notices, per line......ccueeereiennn 10 cts.
Job Printing of every kind done with neat:
ness and dispatch. The WarcamAN office has
been refitted with Power Presses and New
Type, and svergthing in the printing line can
be executed in the most artistic mannerand g
the lowest rates, Terms—CASH
All letters should be addressed to
P, GRAY MEEK, Proprietor