Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 13, 1894, Image 6

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    Bewnci p
Bellefonte, Pa., April i3, 1824.
: Another great strike 18 on io the
Connellsville coke regions, Over sev
en thourand workers are out and they
are continually ‘fizhiting with the
shen who are taking their places.
Many murders have been committed,
though it is thought the sherift’s posse
will be able to handle ihe strikers
without the assistance of the militia.
“More Facts.”
Isa handsomely illustrated fifty page pamph-
et issued by the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Raiiway Company, giving valuable in-
formation regarding Agriculture, Sheep Rais-
ing, Climate, Soil and other resources of South
Dakota. It also contains a correct map of
North as well as South Dakota.
Every farmer, and in fact any one interested
tn agriculture, ete., should have a copy of ft.
Bent free to any address upon application to
John R. Port, District Pas<enger Agent, Wil-
diamsport, Pa.
Farms for the Million.
The marvelous development of the States of
Minnesota, South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska and
Wyoming, within the last few years has at-
fracted attention in all parts of the world, It
1s not necessary, however, to search far for
the causes of this wonderful growth, for this
entire region, which is penetrated by the The
North Western Line, teems with golden op-
portunities for enterprising farmers, mechan-
{es and laborers who desire to better their
gondition. Here are lands which combine all
varieties of oil, climate and physical feature
that render them most desirable for agricul
sure or commerce. Rich rolling prairies,
eapable of raising the finest quality of
farm products in luxurious abundance, can
still be secured at low prices and upon most
liberal terms, and in many cases good produc.
tive farms can be purchased for scarcely mere
than the yearly rental many eastern farmers
are compelled to pay. Reaching the prinei-
pal cities and towns and the richest and most
productive farming districts of this favored
region ‘I'he Norin-Western Line (Chicago &
Norih-Western R’y) offers its patrons the ad-
vantages of ready markets, unexcelled train
service, perfect equipment and all the com-
forts aad conveniences known to strictly first-
@lass railw y travel. Maps, time tables acd
general information can be obtained of ticket
scents of connectiong lines, or by addressing
W. A. Thrall. General Passenger and Ticket
Agent Chicago & North-Western R'y, Chicago,
1. 39 14
a sm
to suppose that an imitation offers the
customer a y guarantee like the
original does. Take Cottolene
for e ample. Fairbank &
Co. discovered it, per- >
fected 1t, and spent
thou-ands in
making its
merits known,
It is plainly tovheir
interest to make and
keep it what it is to-day—
the most popular shortening in
the world.
But when you come
these guarantees all disappear,
and the housekeeper is at the
merey of an imitator who deals
on others’ reputation and who
profits only by others’ 10:8.
To ensure having good cook-
ing and healthtul food stick
right to CorioLENE and let sll
imitations severely alone
Sold in 8 and 5 pound pails.
Made only by
Curcaco, Ir. and
138 N. Delaware. Ave., Phila.
‘2W-134t nr
New Advertisements.
By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias
Levari Facias and V nditioni_ Exponas issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas and to me
directed, there will be exposed to public sale,
at the court house, in the borough of) Bellefonte,
SATURDAY, APRIL 21st, 1894,
at 1 o'clock P, M. the following real estate.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Centre
County, No. 110 January Term 189+. Sei. Fa.
sur Mortgage. Anna I. Francine, Fxecutrix
dafthe last Will and Testament of Albert P.
Francine, deceased. vs. John TI. Fowler.
Description of Mortgaged Premises.
All those two tracts or parcels of land situate
the township of Taylor, in the Cou .ty of
ntre and State of Pennsylvania, the one
ghereof being bounded and described as fol
tows ; Beginning at the corner of William B.
Addleman survey on the line of Richard
Downing, thence by Addleman, now or form.
erly Lyon, Shorb & Co.,and Ridgway and Budd
at the corner of Isaac Webb North fifty de-
ees east, two hundred and thirteen perches,
ence by Isaac Webb, now or formerly: Ridg-
yay & Budd, south fifty degrees east, three
undred and twenty perches, thence south
difty degrees west, two hundred and thirteen
rches to the Richard Downing, thence by
e Richard Downing, now or formerly John
T. Fowler, north fifty degrees west, three hun-
dred and twenty perches to the place of be-
ginning, containing three hundred and
ainety five acres ani one hundred and twenty-
three perches, and known as the “Abner
Webb" tract and being the same premises
which W. M. Lyon et al., by deed dated the !
8th day of May 1877; recorded in the office
for the recording of deeds &e., in and for the
said County of Centre in Deed Book “M” No.
2, page 437 &e., granted and conveyed to John
New Advertisements.
New Advertisements,
New Advertisements,
New Advertisements.
I. Fowler. Thereon erected a large two story
frame dwelling, large bank harn, wagon sheds,
corn cribs, slaughter house, pig pens. black-
«mith shop, large poultry house, tool house,
carpen er shop, one extra Barn for young eat-
tle and sheep, four large hay sheds and other
out buildings.
The other thereof being bounded and
deseribed as foliows; Beginning at hicko y
and corner of the Samuel Downing tract ot
land, thence by said tract of land south fifty
degrees east, four hundred and filty perches
to awhite oak thence north fifty degr: es east,
ore hundred and sixty three perches to a
walnut, thence north fifiv degrees west, four
hundred and fifty perches to a pine, thence
south fi‘ty degrees west, one hundred and
sixty-three perches to the place of beginning,
containing three hundred and
acres and sever ty-four perches, and known as
the ‘Richard Downing” tract, and being the
same premises which George R. Shoenherger
and wife and John H. Sheenherger and wife
by deed dated t'e 27'h day «f June 1873, re
corded in the office for the recording of deeds
&e., in and for the said County of Centre, in
Deed Book “i” No. 2, page 308 ac, grant d
conveyed unto the said John I. Fowler,
Thereon erected one large two story dwe ling
house one pun p house, one large bank barn,
three large hay sheds, corn cribs and other
out buildings.
No 1. All that certain tenement and tract
of land in Taylor township, Centre county
Pennsylvania, hounded and described as fol-
lows : Beginning at a pine tree, thence north
forty six and one half (4614) degrees west one
hundred and eighty (180) perches to a pos on
plank road : Thence along said pla k road
south fifty-five (55) degrees west one hundred
and sixty-seven (167) perches to a post.
Thence along lands of John T. Fowler south
forty-nine (49) degrees east one hundred and
seventy-six 17C) perches to a post: Thence
north fifty two (52.) degrees east one hundred
and fitty-seven (157) perches to the place of
beginning. Containing one hundred and sev.
enty-three (173' acres and one hundred and
twenty-three (123) perches and allowance. Kx-
cepting and reserving out of said tract, how-
ever, lots numbers two (2), three ( ). four
(4). five (5),one hundred and forty (140) and
one hundred and forty-one (141)in Buddvilleand
also excepting and reservirg the grounds and
right of way conveyed to the Bald Eagle Val-
ley Railroad company.
No 2. All that certain tenement and tract
of land in Taylor township, Centre coun-
ty Pennsylvania bounded and described as
follows: Beginning at post in plank road aeor-
ner of Samuel Hoover's land : Thence hy Sam-
uel Hoovers lad and plank road north thirty
seven and one half degrees east, nenity-eiuht
perches to post: Thence north forty eight and
one half degrees east seventy-five perches to
post : Thence by land, it the name of James
Irvin south forty-eight degrees east one hun-
dred and thirty-four perches tn stones:
Thence south thirty eight degrees east seventy
one perches to stones: Thence by land of
Samuel Hoover south fifty two degrees west
one hundred and sixty-six perches to a pine:
Thence by land of John T, Fowler, north
forty-six and one half degrees west one hun-
dred and eighty perches to p st, the place of
beginnins : Containing two hundred acres
and fiftv-nine perches and allowance, more or
less, excepting and reserving out of said tract
lots number thirty-eight, thirty-nine, forty,
forty one, forty two, fifty six, fiftv-ceven,
eighty-ni e,ninety and ninety-one in Buddville,
And alsoexcepting and reserving the grounds
and right of way conveyed to the Bald Kagle
Valley Rail oad company.
No.3. All that certain tenement and
tract of land in Taylor township, Centre
county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows : Beginning at a sugar tree on line
of lands lately owned by J. 8 Fink dec’d,
Thence south fifty-seven degrees east one
hundred and two perches to post: Thenee hy
lands ot Samuel Hoover north thirty ‘three de-
grees east one hundred and fitteen pecches to
pine : Thence south fifty-seven degrees east
eight p-retes to post: Thenee north. thirty-three
degrees east one hundred and fifteen perches
to a chestnut oak : Thence bv land of John
Beekwith north fifty seven degrees wes: one
hundred and ten perches to a post: T'hence
south thirty-three degrees west two hundred
and thirt. perches to the place of hegin ing:
co taining aboutone hundred and f .rty one
acres and seven perches, be the same more or
No.4. All that ceriain tenement and
tract of land in Taylor township. Centre county
Pennsylvania bounded and described as fol.
lows; Beginning on line of land< of J. 3. Fink
dec’d forty five perches distant (on a bearing
of soutn fifty-seven degrees ea-1) from the
sngar tree named as the starting point of tract
No. 4, thence sonth e'ghty-two degrees west
twenty-five and five tenth perches to a post.
Thence nine degrees east five and =ight tenth
perches to post Thence south fifty seven
and one half degrees east twenty-two perches oak : Thence south forty-one and
one-half degrees ea~t «sixteen ard three ten h
perches toa chestnut: hence south thirty.
two and one half degrees east thirteen and six
tenth perches to a pine stump : Thence north
twenty-eight degrees east thirty-one perches
toa post: Thence no th fifry-seven degrees
west th rty-two perches to the place of begin
ning ; containing six acres and eighty perches
he the sane more or less. Reserving ten
arres and one hundred and thirty five perches
out of the last tv) ieserihed tiacts heretofore
sold to J. T. F, B-ckwith, /
No.5. All that certain mesanage, tene-
ment and tract of land in Tavlor township,
Centre connty Pennsylvania bounded und des:
eribed ne follows : Begining at a pice stump
on publie road, leading from plick road to
intersecting mountain roan corner ot lands of
John T Fowler and heirs of Dennis Reese :
Tnence along lands of said heirs of Dennis
Ree: e south fifty four and one half d grees
west twenty five perehies to post: Thence
along san e south thirty-nine and one four:h
degrees east eighty-one and two renth p rehes
to post: ‘I'nence along same and public road
aforesaid south 58 degrees east 74 per.hes to
post: I'hence alon land of Ridgeway and
Budd south 54 degrees west 63 and seven-tenth
perches to post: Thence noth 52 degrees
west: 65 perches to post: Thence south
48 degrees west 175 perches to post thence
along land of M ©, Walk, north 21
degrees west 56 and 3-10 perches to
post, corner of land of Stewart & Lon:
Thence along said land of Stewart and Lyon
north seventeen degrees west seventeen
perches to a post: Thence along same
north 334 degrees west 84 perches
to post: Thence along landof George Walk
and R dgway and Budd north 513 degrees
east 8&3 perches toa post: ‘hence by same
north 1414 deg. east 31 perches to post.
Then e by same north 8914 degrees east 10%
perches to post: Thence by same north
1814 degrees east 29 perches 10 post on _p blie
road atoreraid, corner of lands of John T. Fow-
ler: Thence scuth : 4 degrees east 10 and 5-10
pt rehes to a black oak: Thenee along same
south 4114 degrees est 16 and 3-10 perches to
a chestnut: Thence along same south 3214
degrees east 13 and 6-10 perches toa pine
stamp. The place of beginning: Containing
Zl anres and 125 perches and allowance more
or less.
No.6. All that certain mes=suage, tenement
and tract of land in Taylor township Centre
countv Pennsvivania bounded snd described
as follows: Beginning at a post corner of
lands of John T. Fowler and M. C. Wa'k.
‘Thence along lands of rain M. C. Walk north
21 degrees west 58 and 3-.0 perches to post:
Thence north 48 degrees east 175 perches to
post: Thence along same south 52 degrees
esl 65 perches to post: Thence along lands
of Ridgwav and Budd and John T. Fowler
south 51 degrees west 199 perches to post the
place of beginning; containing 74 acres and
allowance more or less.
No. 7. All that certain messuage, tenement
and tract of 1and situate in Taylor township,
Centre county Pennsylvania bounded and des-
eribed as follows : Beginning at a post corner
at public road and on line of land of John T.
Fowler. Thence by land of said John T.Fow-
ler south 53 degrees went 37and 3-10 perches to
stone corner: Thence north 46) dégrees
west 105 perches to a post: Thence by land of
Stewart and Lyon north 53 degrees east 32 and
5-10 perches to a post at said public road :
Thence by land of M. C Walk south 48
degrees east 67 510 perches to a post,
Thence south 5014 degrees east 38 and 5-10
perches to the place of beginning, containing
22 acres and 46 perches: Less six acres sold to
A. R. Price.
No. 8. All that certain mes«nage, tenement
and tract of land -ituated in Taylor towcship
Centre county Pennsylvania bounded an
described as follows. Beginning at a pine tree,
thence by a survey in the name of Wm. Wil
son north 64 degrees east 334 perches to post:
Thence by a survey in the name of John
MeCamond south 26 degrees east 19434 perches
to stones: Thence south 64 degrees west 334
perches to a post ©: Thence by a survey in the
name of Joseph Welch north 26 degrees west
19434 perches to pine the place «f beginning :
Containing 350 acres : The above described
tract being surveyed inthe name of John
No. 9. All that certain tract or piece of
land situated in Taylor township in said coun-
ty of Centre hounded and described as follows:
Beginning at pose thence 8, 6614 EK. 131 rods
to a post. Thence N. 41° E. 102 rods to a busn
thence N 40° W. 100 r dx to ~tores, thenes 57
W. 150 rods to the pla e of beginning contain.
ing 90 acres 63. perches, net measure, heing
known as lot No. 19 on the Van Pool survey.
/No.10. All that certain tract of land
situated in said township of Tavlor in said
county of Centre bonnded and deseribed as
follows: Beginning at a birch thenee N.78 E
58 perches to stcnes thence N, 65° E. 23
perches to stones thence N. 33 E. 27 perches
to stones, thence N, 4) W. 121 rods to stones
thence 8 5:° W, 100 rods to stones thence 8.
40 E. 100 rods to the place of beginning,
Containing 75 acres 20 perches, being lot No. 18
in the Van Pool survey. }
no.11. All that 1,t ot ground situated in
said township of ‘lavlor bounded and des
eribed as follows : Beginningar stones N. 33 E.
62 rod~ to post thence N. 47 E. 49 rods to white-
oak Thence N.40° W.80 rods to stone thence
8. 57'W. 116 rods to stone thence 8. 40° E. 12¢
rods t the place of beginning. containing 73
acres and 1% perches net measure being known
as lot Mo. 17 in the Van Pool survey.
No. 12. All that lot of ground situated
in «aid township of Taylor bounded and des.
cribed as follows : beginning at stonex thence
N.54¢ E. 9514 rods to stones thence north
40, west 128 rods 10 stones, 50 W. 95
rods to stones thence S 4° E. 110 rods to the
place of beginning. containing 67 acres and 76
perches a..d being known as lot No. 14 on the
Van Pool survey.
No. 13. All that certain tract of land situate
in Taylor township in said County of Centre
hounded and deseribed as follows, Beginning at
stones thence N. 52 E. 100 rods to stones thence
N. 40 W, 10:34 rods to stones thence 8.50 W. 100
rods to stones thence S. 40 E. 100 rods to the
place of beginning, containing 63 acres and 89
perches net measure and being known as lot
No. 11 in the Van Pool survey.
No.14, All that certain tract of land
situate in Taylor township County of Centre
and State of Pennsvlvan a, bounded and de-
seribed #8 follows; Beginning at a C. 0, thence
by land of I<aac Sharer, No. 374 W. 60 rds to
a post, thence by land of Sharrer Fleck S. 34
W. 80 rods to stones thence by lands of Fleck
8 51% W. 20.5 rods to post, then eS. 57% E.
28 10dsto W O. thence 8.56 E. 40.5 perches
to a post, thence N. 3¢ E 623 rods toC. O.
contai ing 26 acres 37 perches net measure,
No buildings.
No. 15. All that certain messuage tene-
ment and tract of land situate in ~aid Taylor
township bounded and described as follows,
beginning at W. O. thence by Blowers land
N. 56 E. 137.1 rods to post, thenee by land now
or late ot C. SharrerS. 1414 KE. 75.7 rods to C. 0.
thence by same S. +3 E. 48 2 thence S.47 W.
102 rods to stone: thence by land of John
Shivery N. 5714 W. 150.7 rods to the place of
beginning, containing 98 aces and 88 perches
net measure. No buildings,
No. 16. All that certain tract of land lo
cated in said township of Taylor, bounded and
deseribed as follows : N 4414 E. 102 r ds to a
post, thence 8.74 W. 595 rods to a stone
thence 8 5134 W. 205 rods to a post thence» N,
814 W. 12 rods th the place of bexzinning, con-
taining 6 acres 111 perches, net measure.
No. 17. All that certain tract of land
sitnated in said township of Taylor, bounded
and deseribed as follows . beginning at a red
oak bu<h, thence by land of C Sharer, No.
56 E. 79 rods to stones by hickory thence hy
same N 33 K 121 1008 to post, thence by
same 8.78 E, 20 rods to a post, thence by
land of Dani ] Moore 3. 6. W. 81.4 rods to dog.
wond then te by land of C. Sharrer N.8§ald W
58 rods to pitch pine thence by same N. 41°
W. 29 rods to the place of beginning contain:
ing 31 acres net measure,
No. 18. All that certain tract of land lo-
cated in said township of Taylor bounded and
described as follows: beginning at a red oak
bush, thence by la .d owned by C. Sharrer 8S.
41 E_4' rods to a pitch pine, thence hy same
NS. 8514 FE. 57.2 rods to a dogwood, thence .
5014 r.. 16 2 rod - to a chestnut, thence by land
of | ane =rarrer, 8 39 W. 40 rod~ to post,
thence S. 34 W. 21 5 rods to a post, thence N,'
63 W. 49.2 rods to C. O. thence N 1434 W 79.6 |
rods toa post. thence N. 56 K. 37 rods to the |
place of heginning containing 25 acres and 97
perches net measure. No buildings.
NH. 19. All that certain messuage tenement
and tract of land situated in Liberty tcwnship,
Centre county, Pennsylvania, bounded and de. |
seribed as fillows: beginning at a stone !
thenee 8. 5:2 W. 1 5 perches to the edge ot
the east bank ot M.rsh Creek, thence along
the left bank of «aid Marsh Creek a routh
easter] and north easterly dir ction, follow
ing the conrses and distances of said creek
a ‘most twenty thr e per hes toa post, thence
north twenty- ‘ve degrees west fifteen and one
ha f perches tothe place of beginning, contain:
ing almost one hundred and forty-three
perches, more or less. No buildings.
No. 20.
Jand located in Iabercy township, Centre
county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described |
as follows: beginnin at a post. thence along |
jand= of John I. Fowler 8 864° W. 15 rods« to
a hemlock then -e along lands of Joseph Bech
dol N, &7° W, 61 perches to stone , thence |
a'ong lands of Joseph Bechdol § 2714 W. 41
perches to a hickorv, thence along land of Jo
seph Reehdol 8 6724 W. 11 perches to stones,
thence along land~ of Joseph Beeadol N. 260
W. 80 perches to a post, thenes alone public
road N. 57% E 17 rods to a post, thence along
said road =~. 71% E.30 rods toa post, thence
along said road N. 8314 E. 42 rods to a post,
thence along raid road S 30° E 13 perches to
a post, thence along said r ad 8 5814 K. 18
perches to a post, thence along said road &,
4014 E13 perches to a post, thence along «aid
round 8S. 8734 E. 16 rods to a post, thence along
said road S70 K 1+ perche. to place cf begin-
ning, containing 24 acres and 70 perches net
measure. No buildings.
No. 21. Also. all that certain tract of land
situated in Taylor township, Centre county,
Pennsylvania bounded .nd described as iol-
fow<: on the nortu by land of Henry Sharer
aud [sane Sharer. On the east by lands of
Cl. ment Beckwith and Susan Woodal on the
south b land of Jarob Van Poole and Isaac
Moore, and on the west by ands of Henry
Sharer. Coutsining one hundred and thirty
six acres more or lesg, thereon erected a two
story frame dwelling hons:, bank barn. wagon
shed, corn crib, spring honse and other out-
buildings. Being known as the Christ Sharer
No. 22. All that certain tract of land
gituate in ‘I'aylor township, Centre county,
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol-
lows : beginning at -tones, thene - along moun-
tain road N. 47 KE. 59.6 to a post, thence along
land ot John T. Fowler 8S. 5:34 W. 54.5 rods to
stones, thence along same 8. 39 E. (6.6 rods to
the place of beginning, containing 84 perches
net measure. :
No. 23. All that certain tract of land loeated in
Taylor township, Centre county, Pennsylva
nia, bounded and described as 1ollows : begin.
ning at «tones, thence Ly land of John T. Fow
ler N. 5314 E. 101 rods tostones, thence 8. 39 E.
26 6 rods to stones, thence along mountain road
8S. 2734 W. 39.6 rods to stones, thence 8. 32° W.
8 rods to stones, thence 8. 1934 W. 275 rods to
stones, thence 8.28 W. 25 rods to stones,
thence S 85 W.4 rods to stones, thence by
land of John T. Fowler N.29 W.766 rods to
stones the place of beginning, containing 32
acres and 149 perches net measure. No build-
No. 24. Those four lots of ground located in
the village of Buddville at Hannah Furnace in
Taylor township, Centre county, Pennwylva.
nia, known as lots No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 in said vil
lage of Buddville, each being 64 feet in width,
fronting on Main Avenue and extending back
168 feet to Plummer’s alley. ?
On lot No. + is erected a two stery frame
No. 25. All those two certain lots of ground
situated in the village of Buddville at Han
nah Furnace in ‘'aylor township, Centr:
county, Penusvivania, known as lots Nos. 140
and 141, each lot being 69 feet wide, fronting
on Railroad street and extending hack 53 f. et
to Thompson street. On lot No. 140, there is a
two story frame dwelling house. No buildings
on No. 141,
No. 26. All those four certain lots of ground
situated iu the village ot Budaville at Hannah
Furnace, Centre county, Pentisylvania, known
as lots Nos. 38, 3), 49 and 41, eazh lot having 64
feet front on Man Avenue and extending
back 166 feet to Penn alley. On lot No. 40
there is a two story frame dwelling heuse.
No. 27. All that certain mesuage tenement
and tract of land Taylor township, Centre Co.,
Penn-ylvania, known asthe Ames & Shaffer
tract, containing one hundred and fifty acres.
No. 28. All that portion of a certain tract of
land surveyed on a warrant to Joseph Down-
ing, which lies in Taylor township, Centre
coun v, Pennsylvania. hounded and dekerined
as follows : Beginning at the Blair county line,
thence along tne old plank road N 61 E.
ahout 40 perches; thence along same N. 41 E.
12 perches; thence along same N, 4514 E 10
San uel Downing, 8 4634 E 154.5 perches to
stones; thence by land of the Huntingdon
Furnace Company S. 53 W to the Bl ir county
line ; thence along said Blair county line N.
6414 W. crossing the B. E. V. R. R. to an elm
tree ; thence by said line E. to the place of be-
ginning, containing 82 acres and 23 perches.
* Beized, taken in =xecution and to be sold as
the property of John T. Fowler,
All that certain mersuage and tenement,
and tractor piece of ground situated in the
village of Centre Hall Pa, in the township of
Potter aforesaid bounded and described as
follows, to wit: Beginning at post on Church
street in «aid village, thence north by land of
Peter Neff, about 3:0 feet to land of Xavier
Gfrerrer, thence east along said land about
216 feet to pust, thence =outh, by said land and
land of G. Siromever, about 320 teet to said
Chureh street, thence west along said street,
about 216 feet to place of beginning, thereon
erected a two .story double frame dwelling
house, stable, and other outbuildings.
Seized taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of A. W. McCormick, Adm., of J.
K. Miller Dec'd.
All that messuage or town lot known and
designated as lot No. 26 in Wm. P. Fisher's
third extension of Unionville borough.
Bounded on the north by Apple streef, on the
west by lot No. 27, and on the east by an alley,
being 60 feet by 120 feet. Thereon erected a
fine two story frame dwelling house and other
necessary out buildings.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of John C. Rumberger.
All that messuage or dwelling house and lot
of land there to elonging situate, lying and
State aforesald, described as follows ; Begin-
ning at a post on Walnut street, then: e by
lots of of Moore & Weber south 43° west 1814
feet to a stone, thence by land of said John
MeFiw.ine south 55 east 63.4 feet toa stone,
north 54° east 1814 feet to post on Walnut
street, thence along said street north 55° west
63 4 feet to place of beginning, containing one
fourth of an acre, net measure, the same being
a part of a larger tract, tne title of which be-
came vested in the said party of the first part,
by a Deed of conveyance from James Gordon
and Mary his wife, dated the 27th of June 1865
ing of Deeds in the County of Centre Deed
Book F No.2 Page 242. Thereon erected a
two storv frame dwelling house, stable and
other out buildings.
Seized. taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of T. J. Moore.
All the two following deseribed messuages
or tra ‘ts of land situate in the township of
Ferguson, county of Cen re. and tate of
Pennsylvania, to wit : One tract thereof Be-
ginringat a post on line of land of Jacob
Neidigh, and 'eing also a ecrner of lot No, 10
now owned by James Snyder, William Gardiner,
post, thence hy same, north 28340 west $2
perches to post, thence by land of Shorh, Stew
art & Co..north 59340 east 49 perches to corner
ot lo' of Daniel Stoner, thence south 283/C east,
10 perches to post, thence north 50340 east, 40
perches to line of land of Jacob Neidigh,
thence hy same, <outh 3284° east b6 perches to
the place of beginning, containing 42 acres
and 1 4 perches net measnre
The other tract thereof, adjoinging the above
All that certain tract or viece of | ;
| road and on the west by land
dwelling house and stable, f
deseribed tract, and beginning at a po-t, cor
ner of lot No 23, sold to James and Charles
Smith, and lot No. 10, sold to t‘braham Pifer
and Benjamin Fahr, now owned and occupied
bv William Gardner, and James Snvder,
thence hv same lot and lots No 11 and 12 sid
to Alfred Hov and Samuel Sharer respectively,
south 569, west 10924 p rehes to post, thence
by lot No, 25 sold to Georze Custenhorder,
north 34° west, 180 perches to post. on land of
t horh Stewart & Co. in right of John Raker.
thence hy same, north £69, east, 119 perches,
thence by same sonth 283° east, 98 perches to
post. thenee by said lot No. 27, heing the first
ahove de-cribed land herein conveved and ree
cited above, sonth 6°, east, 84 perehes to the
be ginning, containing 124 Acres and 84 pereh
es net measure, and marked in the plan of lots
land of Shorb, Stewart & Co. as lot No, 24,
Thereon erected a large hrick dwelling honse.
bank barn corn erib and wagon shed and
other necessary ont buildings, .
Seized, taken in exeention and to be sold a
the property of David W Shivery.
All the defendant’: right, title and interes
in and to all that certain lot br piece of ground
citnate in Patton township, Centre county, Pa.,
bounded and described as fol'cws © Ronnded
on the north by lan of C. H. Kephart ;: on the
eat bv public road ; on the son h by pnblie
f Daniel Stine
containing one acre be the same more or less,
Having thereon erected a small dwelling
honse and ont-buildings.
All the detendant’s right, title and interest
in and to all that certain lot or piece of gr und
rituate in Patton township, Centre eo unty
Pennsylvania. bonnded and described as fol-
lows: Bounded on the North hy land of C. H.
Kephart ; on’ the east by puhlie road ; on the
sonth by pu lie road and on the west hy land
ct DaniekStine, containing one acre be the
sam e more or less, Havin. thereon evected a
small dweiling house and out-building.
Seized taken In exeeution and to be sold as
the property of knceh Hugg.
All that eertain tenement, messuage or
tract of land lying and «itugte in the horongh
ot Centre Hall, econnty of Centre state of Fenn-
sylvania, bounded and described ss follows
towit: Bounded on the north bv Cununreh
street, on the east and south by lots of Per ns
Valley Banking Company, and on the west by
an alley, containing about one eighth of an
acre, more or less, Thereon eree ed a two
story frame dwelling house and other out-
All that certain tenement, messnage or tract
of land hing, and situate in the borough of Cen-
tre Hall, eounty of Centre, state of Pennsylva
nia, bounded and described as follows, to wit :
Rounded on the north by Church street, on
the east by an alley, on the south by land of
Mrs F, O. Bairfoot, on the west by land of
Jerry Miller, containing one lot, or gnarter of
an acre, more or less. Thereon erected a
double two story frame dwelling house and
other out builuings.
All that certain tenement, messuage or
tract of land lying and situate in the borough
of Centre Hall, county of Centre, state of Penn
sylvania, bounded and deseribed as follows, to
wit: Bounded on the north and esst by lands
of Dr. W. A. Jacobs, on the south by lands of
Frank Arney, on the west by Water street
containing one-half acre, more or less. There
on erected a one and one-half story dwelling
house, stable and other out buildings.
All that certain *tenement, messuage or
tract of land lying and situate in the borough
of Centre Hall, county of Centre, state of Penii-
sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to
wit: Bounded on the north by lot of William
Floray, on the east by an alley, on the south
by John Fleck's lot, cu the west by Pennsylva-
na avenue. containing one eighth of an acre,
more or lesa, No hunildings,
Seized, taken in execution snd to be sold as
the property of William Wolf.
perches; thence by same N. 3914 F. 30 perches; |
thence along same N. 51 bh. 27} perches ;
thence hy land of Wm. LLvon & Co. In richt of |
being in the borough of Howard, County and |
thence hv land or lot of Curistopher Schenck |
which heing recorded in the office for record. |
thence hy same, south 56° west, 95 perches to |
A tract of land situate in Union township,
Centre county, Pennsylvania, bounded and de-
seribed as follows: Oa the north by ands of
Hoover and George Hoover, east ny
lands of Geo, L. Peters, Henry W. Hoover and
Patterson Holt, on the south by Alexander Ed-
miston and lands late of Joseph Green and on
the west by lands of Thomas Parsons conrain-
ing 125 acres more or less, thereon erected a
two story frame dwelling house, barn and oth-
er out buildings.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Henry W. Hoover et al.
All that certain messuage, tenement and
tract of land situate iu the township of Taylor,
county of Centre and state ff Pennsylvania,
bounded and deserihed as follows, viz: — Be
ginning at a pine tree, thence North 4614 de-
grees west 180 perches to post at plank road;
thence along «aid plank road south 55 degrees
west 167 perches to post; thence along land «f
John T. Fowler south 49 degrees east 176
perches to post ; thence north 52 degrees east
157 perches to the place of beginning, contain-
ing 173 acres and 123 perches and allowance;
thereon erected a dwelling house, barn and
other out-buildings.
All that certain messuage, terement and
tract of land situate in Liberty township, Cen-
tre county, Pennsylvania, in the warrantee
name of William Mahaffey, bounded on the
north and east by lands of Jamex I D Long;
on the south by lands of Joseph Bechdel, and
on the west by Jands of John T. Fowler, con.
taining 33 acres more or less; no improve
All that certain, messuage, tenement and
tre county, Pennsylvania, bounded on tht
south by lands of Joseph Bechdel;on tha
west by lands of Joseph Bechdel, on the north
by land of William Singer's estate, and on the
east by lands of John T. Fowler, containing 37
acres more or less; no improvements.
| Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold
{ as the property ot John T. Fowler.
All that certain messuage, tenement and lot
of ground, situate in the Borough ot Bellefonte
| County of Centre, and state of Pennsylvan?
| being on the south side of Bishop street, an
i being 14 of lot No. 76 in the general plot or
plan of the said Burough of Bellefonte, bound:
ed on the north by Bishop street on the south
by Logan street, on the east by Harris lot, and
on the west by lot formerly of John Cox.
Thereon erected two houses, one a two story
frame dwelling house, the other a one and
one: half story dwelling house, and other out-
buiidings. :
All that certain lot of ground situate on the
northside of Cherrv alley in the Borougn of
tract of jand situate in Liberty township, Cen
Railway Guide.
Nov. 19th, 1893.
Leave Belleionte, 5.32 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone,
6.50 a. m., at Altorna, 7.40 a. m., at Pitte-
burg, 12.10 p. m.,
Leave Rallefon.e, 10.34 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
11. 2a rm at Al‘oons, 1.456 p. m., at Pitte-
ourg, 6.50 p: m
Lesve Bellefonte, 5.12 p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6.35, at Altoona at 7.40, at Pittsburg at 11 30.
Leave Hellefonte 5.32 a.m. arrive at Tyrone,
6..0, at Harrisburg 10.30 a. m., at Philadel-
phia, 1 2 p.m.
Leave Belletoute 10.34 a. m,, arrive at Tyrone,
11.52 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., at
Philadelphia, 6.50 v. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.12'p. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6.35 at Harrisburg at 10.20 p. m., at Phila:
delphia, 4.25 a. n..
Leave Bellefonte, 9.33 a. m., arrive at Lock
Haven, 10.35 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 4.28 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha
ven, 5.25 p. m., at Renovo, 9. p. m.
Leave Belle onte at 8.43 p. m., arrive at Lock
Haven at 9.40 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.33 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 10.35, leave Williamsport, 12.30 p. m;,
arrive at Harrisburg, 3.30 p. m., at Philadel’
phia » 6.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 4.28 p. m.: arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 5.25. p. m.; Williamsport, 6.39 p. m.,
Harrisburg, 10.00 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 8.42 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 9.40 p. m., leave Williamsport, 12.27
a. m., leave Harrisburg,3.45 a. m., arrive a4
Philadelphia at 6.50 a, m,
Leave Bellefonte at 6.20 8. m., arrive at Lowis-
burg at 9.00 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.30 a. m,
Philadelphia, 3.00 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 2.16 p. m., arrive at Lewis.
burg, 1.47, at Harrisburg, 7.05 p. m., Phila-
delphia at 11.15 p. m.
B llefonte, County of Centre and state of Penn- |
sylvania, bounded and d seribed as follows :
Beginning at a point on Cherry alley, thence
northwardly along the lands of John L. Sides, |
i formerly James D Rimer heirs, mnety feet to |
an alley, thence westwardly along said alley |
thence southwardly ninety feet and paraliel
with Ridge street thence eastwardly fitly feet
to the place ot beginning, being a lot fronting
| fifty feet on Cherry aliey and extending broek
ninety feet to an alley. Thereon erected a
All that certain messuage tenement and
tract of land situate in the township of Boggs,
i county of Centre, and stat+ of Pennsylvania,
| bounded and deseribed as follows : Beginning
| at a stone corner, thenee along land of John
Curry, N 51°, KE 23 perches to stones, thence
along land of M Daley, S 81°, W 22 perches to
stone, thence along same 5 70° N 15 perches to
stone, thence hy same N 10° W 42 p-rehes to
post, thence 8S 51° W 40 perches to stone;the nce
along same 8 10° K 35: perches to post, thence
| by other lands of John Curry N 35° E 5 perches
| to stone, thence by sa e N 7° E 46 perches to
ginning containing 9 acres and 70 perches.
Thereon arected a two siory frame dwelling
house and other outbuildings.
All that certain messuage, tenemeut and
tract of land situate in the township of Boggs,
county of Centre, state of Pennsylvania,
bounden and described as follows: Beginning
| at a stone on townshiproad, thence N 30°" Kk 54
stole, thence along lsad of Joseph Eckley, S
77° N 20 perches. theae N 59 K 53 perches to
post, thence & 83° W 49: 3-10 perches to a pine,
thence 1 orth 32° W 38 perehex to a post,thenee
12° W 60 perches to a post, thence 8 57° W 58 |
perches to a stone, thence along lands of Wm,
Resides, S 34° K 105 perches to hickory,thenee
by same 8 10° KE 69 ches to a white pine,
thence along t wnshiproad S 79° E 32 perches
| to place of beginning, eontaining 5¢ acre< 31
perehes and allowanee: Thereon erected a
two story log house, stable and cther out.
All that certain ms ssuage, tenement and
traet of land situate in the: township of Boggs,
eounty of Centra and state of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows: Beginning
at ah ekorv, thence by land of Joel Hancock,
S 47° N 142 perches to stone, thence N 44°
W 257 perches to corner, vh-nee N 57° K 143
perches to corner, thence S 41° E 232 perches
to the nace of beginning coutaining 2I6
acres and 34 perches. Puereon erected a two
story fram dwelling honse and stable
S-1zed, taken in execution, and to be sold
as the property of Jonn Carry.
purchase mmey is paid: full.
Sheriffs Office, Bellefonte, Pa. Sneriff,
March 26th., 1894
Central Railyrvwad Guide,
Condensed Time Table.
Reap Ue. Reap Down
i "Woo an
| No. 4] No, 2 FEY. %, 19s. No 1[No 3
Ar. Lvia. mr M.
13 5... BELLEFONT b...[T 7 Onft 5 25
768 933 Nigh... J TE 538
7 Kf 9 26]. Aion... Tm 545
7 44] 9 19|...Heela Furuanee..| 7 26] 5 51
7 34) 9 :4/.. UBLERSBURG..| 7 33 558
T 34] 9 0m... Lonydertown.a....| T 3:1 602
Taz 9:7. Nittany... 7 41| 605
7 24 9 04......... Huston, T 4 6 03
T2650 9 Mf... LAMAR .........| C47 6 tI
7 24! 8 89}......Clintonvale .... | T bu] 6 14
7 9 8 54)... Krider's Siding... T 5] 6 19
714 terry Mackeyvil e......| 8:0] 6 24
709 Cedar Springs....| 8 05] 6 29
ToT Salona . 8 U7] 631
+7 00 815 640
P.M. ; AM |P M
P.M. | A. M. |AT. LV | A M.|P. M.
506) 8 28...VMILL HALL.....[% 9 59} 6 47
4:0! 7 5.JERSEY SHORE. 1030] 725
+4 00) 47 20[.WILLIAMSPORT.| 11 00] 8 00
P.M [A.M Lv. Ar A MP. Mm
P. M.A. NM NOON [| P. M.
+2 42] % 55|Ar.. WIL'MSP'T.. Lv[}12 00[*11 15
18 35 {*11 3v|Lv.....PHILA....A"| 8 27 712
4 0 N. York, via Tamq.| 9 40 9 30
17 80|.N York, via Phila.i 10 65] ©9 30
A. % [p. nm |(Foot of Liberty St.)| Pp Mm.
*Daily, tDaily except Sundays 16.00 p. wm.
Sundays °©10:10 A. m. Sundays.
Nore.—Philadelphia & Reading “Cannon
Bali” leaves Williamsport Daily except Sun
days at 8:35 p. m. arriving at Philadelphia at
30:10 p. m. Puliman Buflet Car attached to this
Sleeping car Run between Williamsport and
2 iadelphia on traiss Nos 2 and 3. BertH
At Mill Hall with Beech Creek Raiiroad, at
Belletonte with Bellefonte Central Railroad
and Pennsylvania Railroad (Bald Eagle Valley
and Lewisburg and Tyrone Branches )
Bellefonte, Pa. . W. GepHART.
General Superintendent.
Bright's Disease, Dropsy, Gravel, Ner
vousness, Heart, Urinary or Liver Di-eases.
Known by a tired languid feeling. Inaction of
the kidneys, weakens and poisons the blood,
and unless cause is removed you cannot have
health. Cured me over five years ago of
Bright's Disease and Dropsy.—Mra. I. L. Mil
ler, Bethlehem, Pa., 1000 other similar testa.
monials, Try it. Cure guaranted. Cann's
Kidney Cure Co. 720 Venango St. Philadelphia,
Pa. Soid by art relanie aruggises, a8-23-ly.
and parallel with Bishop s reet fifty feet |
stone, thence S 39° E 8 perches to placecf be- |
perehes to stone, thence N 13° W'2¢ perches to |
Trams —No deed will be-acknowledged until |
8 3 E 5 Nov. 20, E © g
g § ELF 1893. g kh
pa) pom | AM Lv. Aram lam |p.»
7 30] 315] 8 20{...Tyrone....| 6 45] 11 47(6 12
7 36] 321 8 26/.E. Tyrone.| 6 39 11 41/6 (6
761] 326] 8:1)...Vail...| 34 11 36/6 01
7 85) 336] 8 42.Vanscoyoe.| 6 27] 11 29(6 54
8 04 340] 84 |.Gardner...| 6 24 11 26/5 50
8 11| 349 8 |Mt.Pleasant| 6 16| 11 18/5 41
8 16/ 3 58] 9 05|...Sammit...] 6069] 11 11/6 34
8 18] 3 Z»| 9 10/Sand.Ridge| 6 08] 11 055 27
819 4 st] 9 1x]... Retort... 6 0v| ¥1 02|5 23
8 21] 02] 9 i5{.Powelton..| 5 58] 13 00}6 21
835] 408 92 |. Osceola... 545 20 50/5 10
8:6] 4 168 9 233).Boynton...| 5 10 16/5 (3
8 41] 4 19 9 37}.dteiners...| 5 40| 1» 42(4 58
8 46] 4 23| 9 44{Philipshu’g| 5 34] Iv 414 57
8 52 4 29 9 49(..Graham..| 5 34| 10 26/4 £2
857 43 9 55/..Blue Ball.| 5 29) 10 31[4 46
9 03] 4 139} 10 0‘|Wallaceton.| 5 23| 1025/4 39
9 06] 4 44] '0 08]....Bigler.....| 5 18{ 10 20/4 38
914 45 | 18 I4LW la 5 12) 10 B4}4 27
9 19] 4 57| 10 21. .Barrett....| 5 05] 10° 07(4 20
9 24] 5 0!| 10 25{. Leonard... 5 01] 10'02/4 16
9: 5 06] 10 32). Clearfield..| 4 50 9 58/4 09
9 35 5 11 10 38|.Riverview.| 4 9 £34 02
9 470 5 17] 10 15/Sws. Bridge| 4 45| 9 4713 56
9 55 5 22] 005 |Corwensv'e| 4 46{ 9 42)2 bl
P.M.| P. M. | 5.00 A. M. | A, Me (P.M.
Time Table in effect on and after
Now. 20. 1893.
Leave Snow 8hoe, exeept Sunday......3.00'p. m.
Arrive in Bellefonte, .........ocviceennee 849 po mi,
Leave Bellefonte, exeept Sunday....& 57 a. m,
Arrive in Snow Shee.................. ...10 23 a. m,
Schedule in etfect November 20th, 1893,
111 103 | 114 112
P.M. | A.M. M.
168] 5 40...... 58
208 61 47
re .
6 39
6 28 4 35
231 63 8 48 427
21 ¢€50 .. Miliment... 825, 415
2 51 6 58{.......Glen Iron... 8B ¥7| 47
311} 7 18{......Cherry Run.......| 7 5% 848
3 30] 7 38|..........Copurn.........| 7 38 3 30
3 47| 7 %|....Rising Springs.. 72 314
401] 89 .Cenire Hall..... 7 08; 301
4.7 8 OTCEL rrrennnn.| T OH] ¥ 54
413 823 all.... 6 5] 247
418) 8 28 647] 243
422 83 6 43] 287
427,837 ..| 6358 238
4 37] 8 47|......Pleasant Gap......| 6 2x| 228
4 45| &35|........Bellefonte.........| 6 20/ 218
P. M. | A. M. A. [ P.M,
B Nov. 20, 2 B
n 1893. he a
Be 8 Be
P. M. AMP mM
4 5vl...Scotia....| 9 20] 4 40
5 07|..Fairbrook.| 9 03§ 4 23
5 14/Pa. Furnace| 8 511 4 11
5 25|...Hostler...| 8 45] 4 C5
5 31|...Marengo..| 83% 3 59
5 35|.Loveville..| 8 35] 3 5b
5 39| FurnaceRd| 8 29] 3 49
5 411Dungarvin.| 8 26] 3 46|..
3 52... ark... 8.18] 3 a8
6 Ol Penuington| 8609) 3 29
¢ 12).. Stover....! T58| 3 18
6 20{...Tyrone....| 750i 3 10
To take effect April 4, 1892.
Ac| Ex. | Mail.f g..-ovo [Ac Ex | Ma
vl P. M.! A. M. [AT. Lviam] A. mle we,
6 35 350, 9 05|.Bellefonte.|s 30| 10 30] 4 40
6 28] 3 44] 8 89[..Coleville..|6 37| 10 35] 4 48
6 25 3 41 8 56/....Morris....[6 40! 10 38} 4 48
6 22| 338] 8 52|.Whitmer...|6 44] 10 43{ 4 B51
6 19] 3 35] 8 49|....Linns....|6 47| 10 46] 4 54
6 17) 333 8 47(. Hunters...[6 60] 10 49| 4 58
6 14] 3 31| 8 44|..Fillmore...6 53| 10 52 5 00
6 11] 8 28] 8 40|....Sellers....[6 57( 10 56] 5 08
6 09 8 26| 8 2s|...Brialy....[7 00{ 10 58] & 08
6 05 3 23| 8 35|...Waddle...|7 05] 11 01] 5 10
6 02] 320] 8 30/Mattern Ju|7 08] 11 03! 5 12
551 300 818. .Krumrine.|7 21| 11 13| 5 94
548, 235 8 14|...Struble...!7 24} 11 17] 5 27
546] 250] 8 10|SiateColl'gu7 30] 11 20 5 30
T. H. Tuomas, Supt.
you want printing of any des
gcription the
is the place to have it done.
EB I " or B® BR
ng 3 Nov. 20, > ze
F E > i 1893. & § kB :
P.M.| a, M. | A. M. [ATT. Lv. A Mm. lp.w |p mM.
6 35) 11 52| 6 50 ...Tyrone.... 8 10i13 10] 725
6 29 11 46] 6 44/|..E. Lyioue, 8 16/3 16] 7 381
6 25] 11 42 6 40|......Vail......| 8 20|3 2| 7 35
6 21} 11 38 6 36/Bald Eagle] 8 24/3 24| 7 39
6 15] 11 32| 6 30|......Dix......| 830[3 30] 7 46
6 12] 11 29| 6 27... Fowler...| 8 33/3 33] 7 48
6 10 11 27| 6 25|.. Hannah...| 8 35(3 :5| 7 50
6 02| 11 19] 6 17|Pt. Matilda.| 8 4:|3 42] 7 BT
5 64 11 11] 6 09|...Martha....| 8 49|3 49] 8 04
5 46| 11. 03{ 6 01}...Julian....| 8 593 58) 8 13
5 37| 10 54| 5 62|.Unionville.; 9 08{4 v7| 8 22
530[ 1047] 547|..8.8. Int..| 9 17/4 i5] 8 30
5 27| 10 44] 5 42| Milesburg| 9 21{4 18| 8 33
5 12] 10 34| 5 32|.Bellefonte.| 9 33/4 28] 8 43
5 02] 10 24] 5 22|.Milesburg.| 9 46/4 38] 8 53
4 54) 10 16 5 14|....Curtin....| 9 563(4 46] 9 v1
4 50| 10 12| 5 10|.Mt. Eagle..| 10 60{4 50] 9 05
4 44 1C 06] 5 04|...Howard...| 10 06/4 57| 9 11
4 35] 957 4 55|.Eagleville.| 10 15/5 05] 9 20
4 32] 9 54] 4 52|Beh. Creek.| 10 18/5 08] 9 23
421 943] 4 41(.Mill Hall..| 10 29/5 19] 9 34
419 9 41| 4 39/Flemin’ton.| 10 315 21| 9 3g
4 15 9 37| 4 35/Lck. Haven| 10 35/5 25| 9 4.
P.N.| A. M.|A M. A.M. jJam|P m0’