#7 Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance Bellefonte, Pa., April 13, 1884, P. GRAY MEEK, ea - Epiror The Cause of the Coke Strikes. Of course the riotous proceedings of the coke strikers in the western part of this State had to be checkad. Such violence could not be tolerated, and called for the exertion of lawful authority to suppress it. The dissatis- fied workmen had a right to protest against inadequate wages, but they went beyond the limit of their right when they got to disturbing the peace and destroying life and property. Then their suppression became impera- tive, it being necessary for the preser- vation of law and order. Very little sympathy is expressed in their behalf, for the reason that they are regarded as a set of ignorant and brutalized foreign workmen, who have intruded themselves, at low wages, in competition with native labor, which in consequence is injured in the rate of wages it should receive. But those who are acquainted with the situation of this foreign labor element in the coke regions, and the circumstances connected with their employment, are not disposed to be so barsh in their judgement. The foreign coke-burners came into the region upon the promise of receiving living wages. ‘They came because they were brought, but from the very beginning of their em- ployment the wages promised them were subjected to repeated reductions until they have been reduced to the verge of starvation, even when coun- stantly employed. The company store isthe medium through which their low wages are paid, and they are kept in debt to the store, as the pay al- lowed them is not sufficient to cover the cost of even their meager necessa- ries. They cannot get away as they have not the means for their removal, and are virtually put in the condition of slaves to the coke operators. Now when a lot of ignorant foreign- ers find themselves entrapped in this way, and feeling that a wrong is being done them, and are incapable of vindi- cating themselves except by such violent measures as their want of intel- ligence naturally leads them too, noth- ing else could be expected than that disturbances should ensue. It would be wonderful, under such circum- stances, if breaches of the peace, des- struction of property, and even the tak- ing of life,’should not occur. But the fault is primarily with those who for the sake of their own profit have introduced this class of workmen, and treat them in a way that will wring the utmost dollar out of their service. It is to increase the gains of the employer that their wages are re- duced, and to double his profits the lit tle pay that is allowed them must be taken from the company store. That the coke operators cannot afford to pay better wages is refuted by the fact that most of them have grown to be millionaires in a few years from the profits of their busivess. These are the men, all of them beneficiaries of the McKinley protective system, who are really responsible for the frequent disturbances in the coke region. No Occasion for More Speeches. Democratic members of the Senate have scarcely a reason for making speeches on the tariff bill that is now before that body: It having been sufficiently debated, further talk on the subject would be but a waste of time, which the Republican Senators may be expected to prolong to the extent of their tether, as they have a partisan motive for doing so. Buncombe can be the only reason for harangues on the bill from the Democratic side, and buncombe is not an excusable motive for delaying a measure upon which the business of the country is waiting and the reputation and fortune: ot the Democratic party depend. : The people want to have this matter settled as soon as possible. Their patience has been exhausted long ago by the lingering process which has kept the result in a state of uncertain- ty. There is not a business interest that is not being injured by the sus- pense. The purpose of the Democrat- ic party in regard to the tariff has been clearly defined and is well under stood. Its pledge to retorm the tariff is explicit. The injunction of the peo- ple to that effect at the last general election was emphatic and pre-emptory. Therefore it is action and not talk that is required}lof Democratic Senators, and, so far as the rules of the Senate will permit, the wind of the Republi- cans should be cut short on this ques- tion. Unfortunately, for the good of the country, and the credit of that body, obstructive speech making has. too much latitude in the upper house of Congress. Bright Prospects for Silver. Recent indications in Congress in re- gard to silver foreshadow the policy which this government will eventually adopt in its treatment of that metal as a monetary medium. Ttis true thay the recent movements to restore the status of Silver, by relieving it from the ban under which the gold interest has placed it, were not successful, but they failed not from the lack of supporters in Congress, but because the great strength it developed was not quite strong enough to overcome the execu- tive objection that was interposed in the case of the Seigniorage bill. In the position in which the Presi: dent found himself on the Silver ques- tion, he was perfectly justifiable in vetoing that bill. It was due to con- gistency that Lie should veto it, consid- ering the position he has all along maintained on that question ; but there was nothing in his action that should confirm the impression that he is un- alterably opposed to the principle and practice of bimetallism. There is greater reason to believe that when the situation shall have changed, as to some particulars affecting the question, he will favor the co-ordinate use of gold and silver as monetary metals. But the feature that most encourag- ingly shows itself in what has recently been done in Congress in behalf of sil- ver coinage is the array of its support: ers, embracing much the larger por- tion of the membership of Congress, and representing the sentiment of much the larger part of the country. The constituency thus represented are not the limited few engaged in money changing and kindred operations ; they do not look to the process of banking and speculation for their pros- perity, but are engaged in those various occupations of society that are promoted by the liberal supply of the circulating medium which can be obtained only by combining the equal use of the two metals for monetary purposes. The great showing which bimetallism has made 1n Congress presages the restora. tion of silver to the place it ehould oc- cupy in the money system of the coun. try, from which it has been removed for the benefit of the few who find their profit in the scarcity of money. Unneeded Legislation. There is surely no occasion for more legislation to enlarge the pension roils, for ingenuity bas already been ex- hausted in deriving methods to enable almost any and every sort of claimant to be included in the list of pensioners. At all events there is no reason why such legislation should come from a Democratic source, and therefore a new pension law presented by a Democratic Congressman from Peon- sylvania, last week, is not a measure that is worthy of approval. This bill proposes to give pensions to those who did not appear regularly upon the muster rolls during the war, but can prove that they rendered some kind of alleged military service. This would include militia men who may have volunteered in an emergency, but were not called to the front, nor were even put on a march. Such a bill as this, if seriously of- fered, may serve a useful purpose in showing to what an outrageous extent pension legislation can be carried, and thereby excite public indignation against a co.tinuance of such robbery of the public treasury. It can be urg- ed upon no cther principle than that as the pension rolls contain thousands of unworthy names they might as well be enlarged by thousands of others who have no reasonable claim to such bounty. : Tt there is occasion for more pension legislation it should be in the direction of decreasing and not increasing the number of pensioners. Its object should be to eliminate the unworthy; to cut oft those whose service has not earned such consideration from the government, or who not need it. The purpose of Democratic legislation on this subject should be rather to increase the pensions of veterans who have worthily earned their country’s grati- tude, but who must be limited to a few dollars a month on account of the great multitude of unworthy claimants among whom the peusion fund has to be shared. ——After eighteen years of service to the Democracy of his county and State A. H. Corrrota Jr. editor and proprietor of the Somer- set Democrat, has retired from the ard- uous duties of newspaper work. Like all others, he has not been infallible, but the Democrat, under his guidance, was certainly an able and thoroughly Democratic paper. Wedo not know to what line ot work Mr. CorrroTH in- tends giving his future attention, but whatever it may be we bespeak ior him that meed of success of which he is 80 meritorious. —— Subscribe for the WATCHMAN, They Should Show Their Hands. If it is the purpose of Senators HiLw, Brice, GorMaN, MoreaN and other Democrats in the Senate, to defeat the ariff bill by dilatory treachery, it would be more to their credit if they should openly join with the Republi- cans and bring it to a speedy failure. They would then appear in their true colors, and their party would know how to regard them. Their present conduct indicates hostility to the bill, but it is ot a character that is calcula- ted to deceive. They embarrass a Democratic measure, while not openly acting with its enemies. It is about time that the party should let these Senators know what it thinks of their course on this question, and demand that they should main- tain their fidelity to their party, or go over openly to the enemies of tariff re- form. A deserter who goes boldly over to the enemy is less dangerous and more honorable than a traitor who lingers in the ranks which he intends to betray. ——Major C. G. McMILLES has been re-elected mayor of Dayton, Ohio, by a majority ot 896. This is about the first good news we have heard since the Spring elections and Bellefonte should be proud of having once been the home of a man, who, right in the face of the awful calmity howl and within scarcely more than a stone’s throw from McKiIN- LEY’S home, turned over a Republican city and became its Democratic mayor. This is hopeful and a pleasing balm for the Grow sore we got in February. The Army Falters. The Storm King of the Mountains Compels the Commonweal to Halt. Un~ioNtowN, Pa, April 10.—The weather has at last succeeded in driv- ing the army of the commonweal to shelter, and has held up the march for one day. Thus far the trip has been made on schedule time, but Wednes- day morning, when the army departs from this place and starts up through the mountains, it will be one day be- hind time. Monday, that opened eo brightly and augured so auspicicusly, was a sad disappointment. The clouds that slowly gathered from noon on were in sufficient force to burst torth in a wind and rain storm at night that has continued with severity ever since, Camp Abraham Lincoln, pitched at Monntain View Park, two miles near- er the Alleghenies than this city, suf fered many discomforts. The wind roared through the high oaks with devastating force, and the illy clad men stood for a time about their huge campfires in an endeavor to warm themselves. It was useless. As the evening advanced the wind increased in velocity, until the men sought the long low frame building in which they were to spend the night, and they were soon lulled into a troubled sleep by the roaring of the wind among the trees and the rocking of the structure. Sev- eral times during the night it was feared the building would be blown away, and while several buildings io the city were unroofed, the lowly shel- ter provided for the weary men remain- ed uninjured. This morning there was difficulty in preparing breakfast. The wind had abated butslightly and the embers of the fire were scattered broadcast. It was with great difficalty the great iron kettle was properly secured over the fire and coffee boiled. This, with oysters and lunch crackers, constituted the breakfast menu. General Coxey was exceedingly anx- ious to push along on his march, butthe state of the weather is such that he bas deemed it advisable to remain in this city to-night and hopes that the storm by Wednesday will have abated sufficiently to enable the army to con. tinue ite march. This moraing a mass meeting was held at Mountain View park at 10 o'clock, at which General Coxy and Marshal Browne addressed a large audience. Off in the distance could be seen the mountains, their crests covered with snow. The indications for a pleasing march to. morrow are far from encouraging. _ The commonweal will hereafter ex- perience no difficulty at toll gates along the national pike. General Coxey bas in his possession a written order from John Brownfield, superin- tendent of the national pikes in Fay- ette county, passing the army free At 10 o'clock the order for a meet- ing at Mountain View park was re- scinded. The speakers were on the ground, but the storm was too severe. To-night in the opera house a meeting will be held. A further change in the itineracy has been made. The de- parture from this city will not be be- fore noon on Wednesday, and there will be no stop at Private Dalzell’s farm, as it is two miles from the route. The object will be to make up time as rapidly as possible to Camber- land. Itis the expectation to reach there Saturday night. ——The advertising agency of N. W. Ayer & Son, of Philadelphia, is unques- tionably the largest and probably the best equipped of any in the United States. It has more and larger patrons than any other, and, taking one thing with another, it is questionable whether they are not entitled to the credit of se- curing for their patrons better service than can be counted on from any otber. It should be, ana doubtless is, a great source of pride and satisfaction to Mr, Ayer and Mr. McKinney that they have been able, while remaining in Philadelphia, to build up a larger ad-. vertising business than has ever Been: secured before by any advertising nagen- cy in New York or elsewhere.—Prin- | ter's Ink. . The Coke Strike. Everything Was Peaceful Yesterday as Far as Known. CONNELLSVILLE, Pa., April 11.—All is reported quiet along the Yough- expected to continue longer than the gevere BDOW storm now prevailing, The plants along the Mount Pleasant branch are in full operation. The plants south of this place are in partial operation only. It is given out by President Barrett's friends that heis actively engaged in reorganizing the strikers, and that when he has everything in readiness he will make an attack on all of the plants in the region at the same time. This idea, they claim, will prevent the sheriffs from doing effective work for the protection of the men. Another of Barrett's plans is to meet the working men while on their way to work be- fore they get on the company’s proper: ty and compel them to go home. Condition of Winter Wheat. W asHINGTON, April 10.—The condi- tion of winter wheat on the first day of April as reported by the statistician of agriculture averages 86.7 per cent. for the entire country. Last year the average was 77.4. The weather from seeding time uutil the recent cold wave swept over the country has been geun- erally favorable to the growth of the plant. . The returns in regard to the effects upon wheat resulting from the recent cold spell are not so satisfactory nor so conclusive as is desirable. The injury to the crop is undoubtedly considerable, if not great, but the comments of cor- respondents accompanying the report would seem to indicate that the full text of the damage was not determin- able at the date of transmission, A New Seigniorage Bill. W asuiNeToN, April 10.—The coin- age and bond bill recently introduced by Representative Meyer, democrat, of Louisiana, is bringing out much dis- cussion between the silver and anti gilver element of the house. Mr. Meyer was opposed to Mr. Bland throughout the seigniorage bill's strug- gle and voted against it. Mr. Meyer's bill follows closely the president's suggestion in the seignior- age clause. It provides for the coin- age of the seigniorage and gives the secretary of the treasury power to issue 3 per cent. bonds of small denomina- tion, in substitution for the old bonds. Afraid of Walking. UxioNTOWN, Pa., April 11.—Coxey’s discomfitures were added to to-day but in the face of a serious snow storm and very rough weather, the column de- parted at noon for a day’s march into the mountains, It is rumored among the men this morning that there will be a number of desertions. The fear of the mountain trip, and its vigor is the cause of these desertions. Most of the deserters stated that they would leave after the command moved to the foot of the mountains. The Peach Trees Suffer. WiLmiNGToN, Del., April 11.—From reports received the storm of yesterday and to-day seems to have killed the few peach trees that escaped the cold snap of a couple of weeks ago. George H. Hall, of Milford, who owns an orchard of 6,500 trees said to-day: “The peach crop was already dead, but this storm will kill the few remaining trees uninjured.” W. W. Rollins, of Georgetown to-day offered to sell an orchard of 600 trees for $5. Just Published. “My Sweet-Heart of Years Ago.” A beautiful waltz song and chorus by Doles) with lithograph title page. rice for piano, or organ, 40 cents ; or- chestra, 60 cents. For sale by all music dealers, or will besent on approval when ordered direct from the publisher, and if not satisfactory, the price will be re- turned on receipt of music in good con- dition. Address, Isaac Doles, (Publish- er,) Indianapolis, Ind. Fire in the Capitol Building. HarrisBURG, Pa., April 10.—Fire was discovered in the document rooms of the house in the basement of the capitol this afternoon, and for a while things were very serious. The firemen succeeded in subduing the flames after a stubborn fight, during which the floors of the committee rooms in the main building had to be torn up. The loss will reach $500. Pine Grove Mentions. Mr. Charley Kuhn one of the Branch farmers and up to date Democrats has for a short timestopped plowing in order to take care of a httle Grover who put in his appearance during the recent blizzard. Jonathan Hess one of Williamsport’s noted anglers is this week camped along the rippling waters ot Stone Creek. Any one desiring a supply of fresh fish can leave their order with’ ex-post mas- ter Heberling who will properly fill it in case of a big catch. Last Monday Rev. Illingworth the brilliant young divine, who in doing his Master’s work in this community was popular with all classes and con- ditions of men, started with his estima- ble young wife for his new home at Rising Springs, the headquarters of the Penns Valley circuit. His people will find their new pastor an orator of no little ability. Last Saturday evening that jovial good fellow D. D. G. Master Weber accompanied by his Lieutenant 8. F. Ishler of Boaisburg, joined the goodly "pumber that had nssembled at Penns- valley Lodge Hall 276 1.0. O. F. to witness and participate in the installa- tion of its officers. The following nam- ed gentlemen were installed N. G. J. A. Kline; V. G,J. B. Krebs; Sec. A. | G. Archey ; Asst. See., W. H. Goss ; Tres. J. G. Heberling, iogheny this morning but peace is not’ Tue Deara oF aN EstiMasLe Wo- ' MAN.—The sympathy of thisccmmunity | gues out to the bereaved family that so | recently lost the father and now have been called to part with the mother. Nancy Bailey Glenn was in poor health when her aged husband Rovert Glenn died on the 27th day of Jan. and the two who passed so many peaceful years to- gether were not long separated by death. + On the 9th she died suddenly from a stroke of paralysis, and was laid to rest on the 12th by the side «f her husband in the Graysville burial ground. The 84 years of her life were spent on the tarm, were she was born, lived and died. Jan. 23rd 1834 she married Robert { Glenn, and of her nine children only three, Sarah, Nancy and Mrs. W. H. Bailey are living to mourn the loss of a kind dear mother who all through hfe was an exemplary member of the Pres- byterian church and a gracious cultured woman. Friday evening the 6th, a delegation of strangers entered our town from ihe West and fora time it was thought that the head column of Coxey’s Bri- gade had arrived. They turoed out to be, however Past. D. D. G. councillor W. E. Hiiler, with eleven trusty Lieu- tenants, who halted av the St. Elmo and were royally welcomed by mine bost Decker. Their objective point was Academy Hall where they fulfilled their wission by instituting a J. O. of J. M. titled Tussey Council No. 515 with some 30 charter members and the following officers J. W. Ward, J. M. Hiller, W. B. Ward, Wm. Eckley, J. L. Murphy, J. A. Decker, F. B. Krebs, James Garbrick, E. E. Royer, J. C. Ward. The visiting members of Good Will Council, Tyrone, expressed their gratification upon the evenings work. Grand Councillor Hiller presented Tus- sey Council with an elegant bible for the use of the altar with inscription of the donors on its pages. When the even- ings work was ended they took their departure for home much delighted with their jaunt to Pine Grove Mills. The event will long be remembered within the circles of the junior O. U.A. M No. 515 which should become one of the largest Councils in Central Penna. New Advertisements. ANTED.— A first class salesman in this and surrounding towns to handle a complete line of household goods on installments. We are the largest dealers of any houseinthe trade Plenty of mon y for a willing worker. Capital or exparience not necessary. First.class references required. Write immediately for particulars. ‘ihe Wii- liams & Cox Company, 37 Court St., Buff lo N.Y. 30-15 1t EW. CARRIAGE FOR SALE.— A new two seated phaeton carriage manufactured by Emerson & Fisher, Cincin. nati, Ohio, upholstered in leather, leather top, with pole, shatts, lanterns and everything complete will be scld very cheap. The carriage is of the best make, has been used but a short time and is a bargain for some one. MRS. JACOB D. VALENTINE. 39-12 6t High street. Beilefonte, Pa OURT PROCLAMATION. — Whereas the Honorable A. 0. Furst,Pres ident Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the 49th Judicial District, consisting of the coun ties of Centre and Huntingdon, and the Honor able Thomas M. Riley and Honorable Corlis Faulkner, Associate Judges in Centre county having issued their precept, bearing dale thie 26th day of March to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace in Bellefonte, for the county of Centre and to commence on the 4th Monday of Apr. being the 22ud day of Apr. 1894 and to continue two weeks, notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Aldermen and Constables of said county of Centre, that they be then and there in their proper per- sons, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of the 22nd, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their own remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done, and those who are bound in recogni- zances to Posecuis against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Centre county, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the 26th day of Mar. in the yea: of our Lord, 1894, and the one hundred and eighteenth year of the independence of the United States. JNO. P. CONDO. Sheriff. 39-1-4t. 1: HOY'S KEYSTONE SUSPENSION FENCE THE PATENTEES OFFER $1000 - - - FOR ANY BETTER FENCE Posts may be from 40 to 75 feet apart "(Patented Nov. 20, 1892.) Territory and Material for Sale in the United States and Canada. LAND OWNERS—The season for fencing your properties is here. Investigate the merits of the “Keystone Suppen- gion Fence,” and acknowleege it su- perior to all others and adopt it, or put in your claim for the §1.000 above offer- ed. Orders for material, will receive prompt attention. Call on; or address with stamp. H. K. HOY, M. D. 23 West High St. Bellefonte, Pa. HORSES AT PRIVATE SALE. A grey mare, 7 years old, represented standard bred. A sorrel horse, 5 years old, by Woodlawn. Bay colt, 3 yearsoid, by Bonner dam by Dan- iel Drew. Colt, 9 mos. old, by Chimes Jr., dam repre- sented standard bred. ; A grey mare 6 years old good size, Kentucky bred, perfectly gentle. : : A bay mare b years, heavy with foal, good size by Woodlawn. One buggy and 2 sets single harnese. Call on or avdress H. K. HOY. 23 West High St. Bellefonte, Pa. 59-12 6m HERIFF SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias Levari Facias and Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at the court house, in the borough of Bellefonte, on. . SATURDAY, APRIL 21st, 1894, at 1 o'clock P, M. the following real estate, No.22. All that certain tract of land situate in ‘Taylor township, Centre county, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as fol- lows : beginning atrtones, thencs along moun- tain road N. 27 £. 59.6 to a post, thence along land of John I". Fowler 8, 53% W. 54.5 rods to stones, thence along same S. 3) E. £6.6 rods to the place of beginning, containing 4 acres and 84 perches net measure. A MATTER OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO YOU IN SUFFERING FROM LONG STANDING CHRONIC DISEASES. DISEASFS OF « THE BLOOD, SKIN AND NERVOUS SYSTEM, AS WELL AS THOSE SUFFERING FROM EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT TROUBLE. MORITZ SALM, M. D., Specialist, Von Grafe Infirmary, COLUMBUS, OHIO. — WILL BE AT — TYRONE, PA. SE pet EMPIRE HOTEL, THURSDAYS, April 19, May 17, June 14, July 12, Aug.9, Sep. 6, Oct. 4, Nov. 1,—29, Dee. 27. -—-ALSO—— CENTRE HALL, PA., AT : CENTRE HALL HOUSE, —— FRIDAYS,— April 20, May 18, June 15, July 13, Aug. 10, Sep. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 2,—30, Dec. 28. ALSO BUSH HOUSE, BELLEFONTE, PA —SATURDAYS— April 21, May 19, Juue 16, July 14, Aug. 11, Sep. 8; Oct. 6, Nov. 3, Dec. 1,—29. ONE DAY ONLY. EXAMINATION AND CONSUL- TATION FREE TO EVERY BODY. UNSOLICITED TESTIMONIALS Cured by Dr. Salm After Having Suffered for Years With Stomach, Bladder and Kidney Trouble. I have been suffering with very severe sto- mach, bladder and kidney trouble, and un ac- count of that felt all broke up. Couldn’t fol- low my daily labors on account cf great pains, weakness and headache ; but now, after a course of treatment with Dr. Salm, can once more attend to my daily labors with pleasure and consider myself hale and hearty again, Indiana, Pa., . K. ANKENY. April 26, 1893. Ailed for Twelve Years and Though Seven Dif ferent Physicians Failed, Dr. Salm Cured Me. For more than twelve years I suffered tors tures with liver, stomach and kidney trouble: Occasionally I had to go 10 ved lor a week at a time and was unable to work for years; but now, after only a few months’ treatment with Dr. Salm, I feel so well, a~ I never did before. I used piles of patent medicines and had sev- en difterent ) hysicians but gradually grew worse. Howev: r, since I put myself under Dr. Salm’s treatment I improved gradually and now can do as good aday’s work as any one. I can certainly recommend the doctor to those suftering irom chronic diseases of any ind. Rebersburg, J. A. GramrEY, D. S. Centre county, Pa. Deafness Cured by Dr. Salim after a Great Many Others Have Failed. For quite a time I have been almost totally deaf from catarrh, particularly in my left ear, which seemed dead, and the right one got worse daily. I was very desponaent and als most desperate on account of not being able to hear wnat went on around me; felt always tired and lost all energy. Now I am quitea ditferent man and {. el happy ounce more, all this thanks to Dr. Sal's skillful treatinent. I have been tu three other doctors. No one can imagine how good a .d young I feel since 1 can understand once more without an effort. Johnstown. Pa. MICHAEL STENGER. Closure of the Tearduct Cured by Dr. Salm. I have had a good deal of trouble with my eyes tor the last 5 years. Tears running over my cheeks continually. Dr. Salm callea it closure of the tearduct and operated on the same, and now I can keep my handkerchief iu my pocket instead of wiping tears contin ually, Mgrs. MARTHA CARNEY, Indiana, Pa. Catarrhand Ear Trouble Cured by Dr. Salm. For more than ten years I have had a bad ease of eatarrh. My ears gradually became affected to such a degree that the hearing in one year was almost totally gone and bad in the other one. I became very much alarmed, so I went to Dr. Salm for treatment and im- provement was rapid from the beginning. It’s now very seldom that 1 take a cold and it must be a very faint sound that [ cannot hear witn either ear. I feel better all around and confess myself satisfied with the treatment. Ebensburg, Pa. FRANK MULLEN, For Eighteen Years Totally Blind—Dr. Salm Through His Wonderful Skill Gave me Sight. For more than eighteen years 1 have been totally blind in my right eye, caused bya piece of wood striking the same. I was told I could never be made to see again out ot the eye, but Dr. Salm told me that the injury had produced eataract and that he wou d guarantee to make me see. [gave him my case, and bless my stars that I did so, for today, al- though it is wonderful to relate, I can see once more out of the heretofore blind eye after more than 18 years darkness. Friends and those who know me will bear witness to the abov= and think there is no discount on Dr Salm’s wonderful skill, 1 ‘L yrone, Pa. Jou MORNINGRED, After Having Tried Five Different Dr's and a Wagon Load of Different Medicines. Grew Worse and Worse and was at Last Cured by Dr. Salm. For more than eight years I was troubled with Dyspepsia and intestinal indigestion. I suftered untold agonies only ate enough to keep me alive, and toward the last 1 must have taken a wagon load of different Patent Medicines and tried five of our different Dr's in the County but grew worse and worse. None of them made the correct diagnosis, until I went to Dr. Saim at Tyrone. He told me at once what ailed me, and he was correct for to- day I feel 1.ke a new woman. Sandy kidge, Mrs. Carrir Preur. Cent.e Co,, Pa. Grew Worse and Worse for Seven Years of a Bad Case of Catarrh, But Dr. Salm Cured Him After the Very Best Physicians in the County Had Failed. For more than seven years I have had a bad case of Catarrh which affected my head, Throat and Chest very much and on a short space o' time lost over twenty pounds in weight, became weaker daily and felt stupid and good for nothing. Was treated by sever- al of our best Dr's and took a gcod deal of patent medicines, but gradnally grew worse and worge. ‘Then I heard of Dr. salm’s won- derful cures. I gave him 4 trial ana from the very first month I began to steadily ‘improye. and the result to-day is that I have ga‘ned what weight 1 had lost heretofore and feel like enjoying life once more. Hitliard, Cuarres P. Donteax, Butler county, Pa, : address ali communications to box 760, Col- umbus, O. OUR ADVERTISEMEFT WILL APPEAR TWICE BEFORE EACH VISIT. 39-7- 26