Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 02, 1894, Image 5

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    Mackaye’s Funeral Services.
Held in the Michigan Avenue Secenitorium, Chi-
cago, Yesterday Afternoon.
CHicAGO, Feb, 27.—All that is mor-
tal of Steele Mackaye rested this after-
noon before the footlights on tue stage
of the Michigan avenue scenitorium.
The remains arrived at noon, and
were received at the depot by a delega-
tion. When thescenitorium was reach-
ed there was laid on the plain cloth cov-
ered casket a wreath of bride’s roses,
with the simple inscription, “From
Henry Irying.” Besides it rested a
wreath ot-laurel, enveloped in crepe and
with a streamer with the inscription in
old, “Good Night, Sweet Prince.”
ust as the remains were being borne
down the aisle a dispatch was
received from Chauncy M. Depew
tendering a car on the New York
Central road for the casket and
another for those accompanying it.
The funeral excercises commenced at
1 o'clock and the auditorium was pack-
ed to suffocation, The chant, 1 Know
That My Redeemer Liveth,” was ren-
dered by a quartette, and then stepping
to the footlights, Professor Swing com-
menced an eloquent oration, in which
he eulogized the life of the man who
had passed away and spoke of his ser-
vices to the domain of dramatic art.
When the notes of the organ had died
away, Roland Reed came from behind
the scenes and sinking his humorous
rsonahty for the time being, made a
rief but touching address in culogy of
the conferees who had passed before.
Another selection was rendered by the
chorus and, after an address by A. E.
Barron in behalf of the press and litera-
ry circles of Chicago, the exercises con-
cluded with the singing of the familiar
hymn “Abide with Ne” °°
- The lid of the casket was then remov-
ed and those present aftorded an oppor-
tunity of gazing for the last time upon
the features of the dead dramatist. Half
an hour later the doors were again open-
ed and the remains will lie in state until
daybreak on Wednesday morning.
The State’s Farm Mortgages.
Statistics compiled by the Secretary
_ of the Board of Agriculture regarding
the farms of the State make the fol-
lowing showing of the mortgages plac-
ed on farms during the past ten years,
10.77 per cent. bear interest under 6
per cent., 89.01 bear interest at 6 per
cent. The average rate of interest for
the past ten years on farm mortgages
was 5.66.; 11.05 per cent. ot the mort-
gages were for sums under $100; 48.73
for amounts under $500; 68.69 for
sums under $1,000; 4.04 for sums over
$5,000; 33 of 1 per cent. for $25,000
and over. The averageamount of each
mortgage for the past ten years in this
State is $1,373. The average number
of acres covered by each mortgage was
72. The annual interest charge on all
mortgages of the State for the past ten
years was $34,385,537. The percent-
. age of this State's total mortgage debt
incurred in the last decade was 37.67.
The total number of real estate mort-
gages of all kinds ia force is 518,493,
representing a capital of $613,105,802.
The number of acres mortgaged is 171,
276. The amounts of mortgages on
them, $172,037,488. The number of
mortgages on lots is 347,217, represent-
** ing a capital of $441,088,324. s
Harrison Westward Bound.
The Ezx-President on His Way to Begin His
Lectures on Constitutional Law.
INpIANoOPLIS, Feb. 26.—Ex-Presi-
dent Benjamin Harrison and party left
this morning for California. The party
includes, besides General Harrison, his
daughter, Mrs. McKee and her two
children ; Rev. M. L. Haines, pastor of
the First Presbyterian Church, of this
hy; and Private Secretary Frand Tib-
A number of friends of the ex-Presi-
dent gathered at the station to see him
off. The party will spend next Sunday
at San Jose, Cal., and on Monday will
go to Palo Alto, where General Harri-
son will remain during his course of
constitutional law lectures at Leland
Stanford University.
Fishing For Ducks.
The President and Secrctarg Gresham on the
North Carolina Goast.
WasHINGTON, Feb. 26.—President
Cleveland left yesterday afternoon in
the light house tender, Violet, for a
duck shooting trip along the North
Carolina coast. He was accompanied
by Secretary Gresham and Naval Sec-
retary Evans, of the light house board.
The Violet sailed in a blinding snow
Jim Corbett and His Company.
WasHINGTON, February 26.—Cham-
pion James J. Corbett, with his theatri-
cal company, arrived here this afternoon
and gave a performance to-night 1n the
presence of an overflowing house.
Mitchell and his manager, “Billy”
Thompson, arrived to-night and at 10.25
the pugilists left for Jacksonville, whera
they are to stand trial for prize fighting.
Will Meet the Queen
LonpoN, February 26.—Among
those to be presented to the guaen at to-
morrow’s drawing room are Miss Flor-
ence Bayard daughter of the American
ambassador ; Miss Roozvelt, daughter
of the secretary of the American em-
bassy, and Mrs. Ludlow, wife of a mili-
tary attachee of the embassy.
You Bet They Are.
From the Elk Democrat.
The rank and file of the Democratic
party are with Senator McLauren in his
opposition to the retention of Republi-
cans in office under a Damocratic ad-
Earthquake in Michigan.
Benton Harsor, Mich., Feb. 28.—
At 10 o’clcck last night a sharp shock
of earthquake was felt here.
— If you want printing of any de-
scripton the WaATrcnMaN office is the
place to have it done.
A Nebraska Crusade.
Every Gambling and Disreputable Resort in the
Capital Must Go.
LincoLn, NEB., Feb. 28.—In accor-
dance with orders issued by Mayor
Wier every gambling piace and disrep-
utable resort here will be closed after
Already the gamblers and women are
leaving the town. The police will ar-
rest everyone found in prohibited resorts.
Property owners renting places for pro-
hibited purposes will be punished.
Ofticial Vote for Congressman-at. Large.
HarrisBure, Feb. 28.—The official
vote of the state for congressman-at
large is: Grow, 486,360 (counting 456
votes cast for him as the representative
of protective tariff policy) ; Hancock,
287,966 ; Morrow, Prohibitionist, 11,
080; Markley, State Democracy,
2,823 ; Lotier, Populist party, 5,327.
——1Ice from Pen Yan, N. Y. is be-
ing received here by freight and is sold
at $1'25 per ton.
MARRIAGE LicENsEs.—Issued dur-
ing the past week—Taken from the
H. B. Nevin and Bertha M. Hart.
sock, both of Tusseyville.
Harry Dukeman and Lizze M. De-
ters, both of Roland.
C. E. Confer, of Millheim, and Gertie
A. McClintic, of Union county.
Rudolph Schad and Edith Harris,
both of Bellefonte.
17 ?—W. T. Foster, the western weather
prophet, makes these predictions: “One
of the severest storm periods of recent
years will prevail over the United
States and Canada from March 7 to
April 13. In many parts of the coun-
try unusually heavy rains or snow will
fall and floods may be expected. Sev-
eral principal low barometers or storm
centers will-cross the continent within
the period, moving eastward: Torna-
does may be expected in those parts
frequented by those destroyers. Tem-
perature will go to great extremes and
frosts will damage early crops far south-
ward. Electric storms will precede and
several cold waves follow some of these
blows. Those crossing the continent
from March 7 to 11,12 to 16, 18 to 24,
25 to 28 and April 4 to 8, should be
carefully watched.”
April term of court will convene here
the fourth week in April when the fol-
lowing jurors will meet to pass on the
cases down for trial.
Potter Tate, farmer,........ Marion township.
James Black, merchant.........Philipsburg.
J. W. Johastonbaugh, laborer..Patton Twp.
Harry Simler, police officer... Philipsburg.
rguel Swartz, merchant. Potter township.
ohn Kuhns, laborer........Potter township,
human Lyon, farme pring township.
Edward Quick, labore now Shoe Twp.
J. L. Hollick, laborer. Rush township.
Calvin Bottorf, mer ..Potter Twp.
Wm. Brooks, farmer. ggs township.
Geo. W..Jackson, ban .Bellefonte.
E. T. Hicklin, laborer... d township.
Levi Whippo, blacksmith.........Bellefonte.
Joseph L. Gardner minister..Howard Twp.
James Nixon, merchant..Philipsburg Boro.
Jacob N. Royer, farmer...... Miles towaship.
John W. Gray, farmer.Half Moon township.
F. W.Confer, lumberman...... Haines Twp.
James M. Weaver, blacksmith Haines Twp.
James Houser, laborar.....Spring township.
William Biddle, laborer..Howard township.
John L. Dunlap, carpenter........ Bellefonte.
Edward Rupp, miller........ ...... Bellefonte.
Wm. L Wilson, farmer... Half Moon Twp.
Daniel Daub, farmer......Potter township.
D. P. Shope, farmer...... Boggs township.
J. R. Bumgardner, clerk...Liberty Twp.
John Bilger, Vet. surgeon.. ....Spring Twp.
Jonathan Dinges. farmer..... Penn Twp.
John Homer. merchaat............ Philipsburg.
PLilip tdding, miner........Ru<h township.
John Peace, farmer...........Boggs township.
James Heverly, Jr, forgeman...Milesburg.
Calvin Auman, lumberman.......Miles 1 wp.
James Garner, farmer... ........ Waiker Twp.
Frank Smith, laborer......College township.
8. P. Myers, millwright..... Boggs township.
John I. Olewine, clerk... ....Bellefonte.
R. C. Leathers, contractor
Geo. Taylor, gentleman
J. K. hetler, laborer. .
Wm. Snavely, farmer...... Walker township.
Wm. Grove, Sr farmer...College township.
Henry Weaver, laborer...Liberty township.
J. F. Goss, teacher... [ay lor township.
John Harpster, farmer. nion township.
John Johnston, foreman. Snow Shoe
Ira N. McCloskey, teache i
John J. Bailey, farmer.
Frank McCoy ironmas
DeWitt Jones, merchant.
Jacob Sprow, laborer.
Wm. Showers. labore
Chas. Bower, farmer.
1. S. Frain, farmer. Marion towr ship.
F. F. Jamison, teacher......Gregg township.
John I. Potter, R R agent....... Bellefonte.
William Foster, merchant......College Twp.
William Craig, laborer..... Huston township.
William Tibbins, farmer..College township
T. A. Snyder, contract r......... Liberty Twp.
A. L. Cowher, painter....... Worth township.
Oliver Whitmer, carpenter.....Benner Twp.
George Woif, laborer......... Miles townshiw.
Daniel Woodring, gentlemen.....Bellefonte.
Elmer Williams. laborer Huston township.
W. F. Courter, justice.....Liberty township.
Elias Haunco ‘k, teacher..... Boggs township.
1.J Dreese, R. R. agent..College township.
Wm. Thompson, Jr., merchant College Tv p
W. 8. Musser, agent.......... Gregg township.
Wm. Laws, Ins. agent...sou h Philipsburg.
John Mechtley, farmer...Beaner township.
Rev.d. C. Young, minister.......Spring Twp.
Jackson Showers, sawyer. .... Bellefonte.
Y. H. Doyle, butcher... ..... Philipsburg
Edward Cole, farmer...... Walker township.
W. W. McCoruick, farmer........ Potter Twp.
John P. Moore, farmer...College township.
J. I. Yarnell, iaborer.Snow Shoe township.
Samuel! C. Hoy, farmer...Walker township.
Foster V. Jodon, farmer...Spring township.
Wm. Donwiddie, druggist...... Philipsburg.
H. H. Osman, blacksmith..Worth township.
John D. :iller, farmer... ...Snow Shoe.
Wm. C. Showers, laborer. .Bellefonte.
H. P. Ponting, clerk .... Bellefonte.
Harrison Kline, farmer...Spring township.
Joseph M. Carson, farmer........ Potter Twp.
Frank Thompson, farmer...... Marion Twp.
Elmer Lucae, laborer.......Curtin township.
Wi Alexander, marbledealer..Millbeim
oro. .
W. W. Spangler, farmer......... Liberty Twp.
Thomas Merryman, farmer.... Taylor Twp.
Samuel Ard gentleman......Penn township.
John L Gray, agent ............... Philipsburg.
Simeon Bathurst, ironworker...Boggs Twp.
W. Wolf, merchant............. ..Cen re Hall.
Edward Marshall, farmer. .. Patton Twp.
W. E. Burrell, farmer........Gregg township.
Frank B Stover, butcher............ Bellefonte
J. Claire Fultz, marble dealer...Unibnville
John Brusg, farmer......... Huston township.
William Whitton, miner..... Rush township.
Wm. Leuddon, miner.......3now Shoe Twp.
H. B. Herring, farmer......Gregg township.
W. H. Musser, ins. agent...Bogg township.
tter township.
tter township.
Haines township.
-| ests of your clients.
“total of $250,341.44.
Tue JupcesaIp.—The following cor-
respondence has been handed us with
the request to publish. The Hunting-
don letter is written and signed by the
Reputlican members of the bar and the
Republican officials of that county, and
is evidently intended as an attempt to
forestall public opinion, so far as the or-
dinary Republican voter goes, and to
give Judge FuURsT a boom for renomi-
nation. The WATCHMAN and the
Democracy of the district will have no
regrets, if this scheme should prove suc-
cessful, and his “Honor” be placed in &
position that they can give him the polit-
ical drubbing he deserves, next fall.
Huntingdon, Pa., Feb. 16, 1894.
Hox. A. O. Furst,—Sir: The undersigned
members of the Bar of Huntingdon county,
having in view the able ard impartial manner
in which you have performed the responsible
and arduous duties of President Judge of this
district composed of Huntingdon and Centre
counties, for the past nine years, and that
your term of office will expire with the pres-
ent year, deem it of the greatest importance
to the citizens in general, as well as to the
members of the bar that a jurist of your recog-
nized qualifications and large experience
should continue to preside over the several
courts of this county. They, therefore, re-
spectfully request you to be a candidate for
re-election as President Judge of this district,
and hereby pledge you, in such candidacy,
their hearty support.
W. McK. Williamson. H. B. Dunn.
W. P. Orbison. Wm. Dorris.
8. T. Brown. R. K. Foster.
H. H, Waite. W. S. 1aylor.
J. 8. Woods P. M. Lytle.
J. W. Mattern C. C. Brown.
M. 8. Lytle J. M. Stesse.
J. D. Dorris. R. A. Orbison.
L. 8. Geissinger. H. C. Madden.
W. H. Woods. K. A. Lovell.
T. W. Myton. J. F. Schock.
We the undersigned heartily approving of
the foregoing letter unite with the members
of the bar in requesting that you become a
candidate for re-election as President Judge
of this district.
Thos. M. Oaks, Sheriff.
W. J. Geissinger, Associate J udge.
Saml. A. Steel, Prothonotary.
M. W. Isenberg, Register and Recorder.
Geo. M. Green, County Treasurer.
Jas. A. Wilson, Commissioner.
Huntingdon, Feb. 16, 1894.
Messrs. W. P. Orbison, Wm. Dorris,
S. T. Brown and others, members of
the Bar and officers of the court :
GENTLEMEN: Your letter of the 16th
inst., reqesting me to be a candidate
for re-election as President Judge of
this district, was duly received this
evening. Iam unable to convey to you
in words my appreciation of the courte-
ous expression of your confidence and
Nearly ten years ago I came to this
county, almost an entire stranger. 1
was inexperienced in the duties of the
office which your preference then con-
ferred upon me, I had but one aim
then as I have now—to do my duty,
under my oath of office, with fidelity to
the rights of every suitor before the
Court. I had but one light to follow —
not of experience, for I had none —but
the principles of the law, as I under-
stood them. It would not be singular
under these circumstances, to err. It is
often very difficult, under the press of
intricate cases, in the midst of the trial,
to seizeupon and apply the correct
principles of law involved in thé par-
ticular case. The judge has but little
time to stop and think and study. The
jury is waiting and parties are restless.
The case must be decided, and the only
alternative left for the judge is to pro-
nounce his . judgment according to the
light or learning he may have ; and if
he be in error, to place the error plainly
in the record thata correctiot. may be
had in the Supreme Court. This I have
endeavored to do.
No class of people so intimately know
the anxieties and trials incident of the
Judicial office as the members of the
Bar. They are learned in law; they
are capable of correct judgement ; and
they are the critics upon every decision
of the Court. The entire duties of the
| profession ; and they, of all men, know
whether the rule is administered in its
| purity, according to the rules governing
the case.
These are some of the reasons why I
cannot convey to you in this letter my
feeling ot gratitude in the approval of
the rectitude of my official life. Your
interests in the Judiciary are the inter-
The interest of the
client in the correct decision of the case
is in the hands of Judge. If the Judge
were to decide the case influenced
in his judgement by any consideration
than the law of the land, life, liberty,
and property would be unsafe; while
he, himself, would be unworthy of the
high office he holds.
This D strict is composed of two coun-
Lies, containing a population of about
eighty thousand people. All the litiga-
tion arising in the District must pass
before the Judge for his determination.
It is, therefore, certainly plain that the
burden is great ; and he who keeps this
work from accumulating on his hands
has but few idle days to spend. It has
required nearly ten years to dispose of
special cases in which I was concerned
in Centre County ; but these have now
all been tried or settled, except perhaps
one or two, Hereafter there will be but
little necessity for special Courts in this
District. :
While I have had the benefit of the
experience of the last ten years upon the
Bench, I still feel that I have much to
learn. If, however, I have retained the
confidence of the people of this District
in the rectitude of my motives and of
my official life, I am willing to besa
' candidate for re-election, with the prom-
: ise that, if elected, I will endeavor to
| discharge my full duty, impartially and
with an ever present sense of my responsi-
bility to the Supreme Judge of all.
Thanking you again, I remain, gen-
| tlemen, your obedient servant.
J A. O. Furst.
Andrew Carnegie’s Great Contribution.
PirrsBurg, Feb. 28.—Andrew Car-
. negie’s offer to duplicate every dollar
- contributed to the relief of the unem-
ployed of this city closed to-day. He
18 in for $125,170,72, making the grand
It is thought,
however, that he will continue his du-
plication to the end, asthe limit he
puton his offer originally was $250,000.
The money has been paid out entirely
for labor in the park. ‘
A New Mormon Land.
Latter Day Saints Contract for a Vast Tract in
Mexico to Which Thousands Will Remove.—A
Fertile Region in Chihuahua Embracing 3,000,.
000 Acres.— For the Church’s New Colonies.
CHIHUAHUA, Mexice, Feb, 28.—A
great Mormon colonization scheme is
now practically perfected in Northern
Mexico which, in size and importance,
rivals the first migrations of the saints
to Utah. A contract is drawn up for
the purchase by the Church of 3,000,000
acres of land and the settlement on the
immense tract of 20,000 Mormon col-
onists. A commission of prominent
Mormons is now on the ground for the
purpose of closing the deal, the members
of the commission being A. F. McDon-
ald, George Teasdale, Brigham Young
and Henry Eyering, of Salt Lake City,
The move is the culmination of a plan
long brewirg by which the Mormons
are to remove in large numbers from
their Gentile-invaded territory around
Salt Lake and make a new start for
themselves and their religion in Mexico.
Salt Lake City will probably always be
the great center of Mormonism in
America, but the most populous center
willin a few years doubtless be the
State of Chihuahua.
Will Bring off the Fight.
Burraro, N. Y., February 28,.—The
Mount Clemens syndicate has tele
graphed “Parsons” Davies in this city
that it is prepared to put up $10,000
cash guarantee of its ability to bring
off the Corbett Jackson fizht for which
it has offered a purse of $45,000. Da-
1 vies and Bradley are given the privi-
lege of naming the holder of the for-
feit money.
A syndicate at Salamanca proposes
to bave the fight on the Indian reser-
vation near there, over which the state
authorities have no jurisdiction, The
syndicate does not offer a purse, but
says it will allow the fighters the gate
receipts up to $50,000 and will itself
build an arena accommodating ten
thousand people.
A Law Against Hazing in New York.
ALBANY, Feb. 27.—Senator Cogges-
ham introduced a bill in the Senate to-
day making hazing in schools or col-
leges a misdemeancr and making tatoo-
ing or disfiguring the body by nitrate
of silver or similar substance a crime
of the degree of mayhem.
Books, Magazines Ete.
The announcement of Zola’s new book on
Lourdes will attract especial attention to an
article by Stephen Bonsal in the forthcoming
March Century. Mr Bonsal, who is now acting
secretary of legation at Madrid, made a pil-
grimage to the famous R man Catholic shrine
; in Southern France in company with a party
of Basque peasants from Spain. He became a
‘hospitaler,” and helped in the work of carry-
ing the sick to the baths. The article will be
fully illustrated.
Who arethe most famous writers and artisis
of both continents ? The Cosmopolitan Maga-
zine is endeavoring to answer this inquiry by
printing a list from month to month -in its
contents pages. This magazine claims that
notwithstanding its extraordinary reduction
in price, it is bringing the most famous writers
and artists of Europe and America to interest
its readers, and in proof ofthis claim, submits
the following list of contributors for the five
months ending with February: Valdes, Howells,
Paul Hayes, Francisque Sarcey, Robert Grant
John J. Ingalls, Lyman Abbott, Frederick
Masson. Agnes Repplier, J. G. Whittier
(posthumous,) Walter Besant Mark Twain, St.
George Mivart, Paul Bourget, Louise Chand-
ler Moulton, Flammarion Tissandier, F. Demp-
ster Sherman, Adam Badeau, Capt King»
Arthur therburne Hardy, Georg Ebers, De
Maupassant, Sir, Edwin Arnold, Spielhagen
Andrew Lang, Berthelot, H. H. Boyesen, Hop.
kinson Smith, Lyman J. Gage, Dan’l C. Gil-
man, Franz Von Lenbach, Thomas A. Janvier
And for artists who have illustrated during
the same time : Vierge, Reinhart, Marold, F.
D. Scall, Dan Beard, Jose Cabrinety, Oliver
Herford, Remington, Hamilton Gibson, Otto
Bacher, H, S. Mowbray, Otto Guillonnet, F. G_
Attwood, Hopkinson Smith, Geo. W. Edwards
Paul de Longpre, HbertDys, F. H. Schell’
How this is done for $1.50 a year, the editors of
The Cosmapolitan alone know.
Pine Grove Mentions.
Mrs. Gc. W. Ward, of Bellefonte spent Sun-
day with friends here. She met many old ac-
quaintances at the Goss burial.
A little D. D. G. Master recently put in his
appearance at the home of F. W. Weber, to
share little Fay’s play things and we wouldn’t
wonder if he got the big share as boys usually
do. :
At a meeting of our schoo! board last Satur,
day, to receive and consider bids for the fur,
nishing of a library for each school, Mr. Mil.
ton Keller, being the lowest bidder was
awarded the contract.
D H, Young Esq. one of Huntingdon coun,
ty’'s intrepid Democrats was seén on our
streets on Sunday, looking exceedingly well
fora battle scarred veteran, evidently the pen-
sion and calamity howlers have not so far, in
the least shook his political faith.
It is by special request of W. R. Port that he
desires through the Warcuman columns
to return his grateful thanks to the voters
of Ferguson township for their suffrage shown
in his behalf at the poles at the late election.
A victory no man needed or appreciated more:
On Tuesday the 20th inst. Mr. J. Cal. Gates
accompanied by his intended bride presented
themselves in a matrimonial mood to Rev. C.
T. Aikens at the Lutheran parsonage in our
town and they were not long kept in sus-
pense as the Rev. hastily drew the matrimon.
ial noose securely. After which they return.
ed to the brides home, at Gatesburg
where a splendid wedding supper await
ed them, A number of friends congratulated
them on their departure from single blessed
ness to married bliss and to these the Warcu~
MAN adds its best wishes.
That prince of good fellows W. B. Mingle of
Centre Hall was among the first on Sunday
morning to view the remains of ex-Treasurer
Later in the day our streets were thronged
with old and young people eager to show re”
spect to the memory of one everybody held in
such high, esteem.
The remains of ex-Treasurer Cyrus Goss
were conveyed by rail from his 5th Avenne
home at Altoona on the 24th inst. accompanied
by the family and a few friends. They were
met at Penna. Furnace by undertaker J. B.
Heberling with a number of carriages that
conveyed the funeral to this place. The re-
mains lay in state at his mother in-laws until
Sunday at 12:30 o'clock when they were carried
to the Presbyterian church. Rev.A. A. Black
assisted by Revs. Illingworth and Aikens con-
ducted the services, which were attended by
forty members of the Bellefonte Masonic
lodge, which had charge of the funeral, scores
of Grand Army men, Odd Fellows and friends
who sincerely mourned the death of one who
had been far too generous and kind for his
own good.
John P. Harris, A. C. Mingle, Geo. T,
Johnson, John T. Olewine and 8. M. Buck
carried the coffin, which was almost covered
with flowers, to the open grave near by the
church and with the burial service of the
masonic order, said by W. F. Reeder, he was
laid to rest.
Deceased was born at Baileyville this coun-
ty Dec. 6th 1844, where hespent his boyhood.
His father Henry Goss after blacksmithing for
some time moved to Armstrong county, when
young Cyrus was about sixteen. The family
engaged in agricultural pursuits at which
young Cyrus assisted until the fall of 62, when
he responded to the call for troops. He en
listed Oct. 2nd in Co. K. 14th, P, V. Cav. in
which he served to the close of the war, par-
ticipating with Sheridan in the Shenandoah.
After the war he remained but a short time
with his parents, and came to his native
County and where he engaged as a clerk.
Jan. 10 1869 he married Alfaretta Fisher. This
union was blessed with fifteen children, four
having died in infancy. Eleven with the sor-
rowing wife have the heartfelt sympathy of
everybody and especially in view of the fact
that so large a number of them are but little
children. Years of his active life was spent as
a farmer until the Waterloo of 1887 when he
was elected County Treasurer and he made a
most obliging and courteous officer. Since his
retirement he resided at Boalsburg and Cen-
ter Hall and within the last year moved to
Altoona where he was employed in the Penna.
R. R. shops. Lately he contracted a severe
cold which terminated with pneumonia, his
illness being so severe and admittedly hope-
lessthat death came to him doubtless as a
welcome discharge from the last roll call, and
while near friends grieved and sorrowed.
Death bid the din of battle cease, took the
banner and sword from the trembling hand
and proclaimed for him eternal peace.
Tribute of Respect.
At a regular meeting of Commendable Cas-
tle Number 280, K. G. Eagle held on Feb. 21.
1894, The following resolutions were adopted.
Waereas. It having pleased almighty God
and Father to remove from our midst the
wife of our beloved sir knight and brother
James Watson.
Resolved That we tender our brother our
sincere sympathy in his hour of great trouble
and that a copy of those resolution be given
our brother and also recorded on our minutes
and in our papers
Snow Shoe Pa.
Feb. 23. 1804.
~The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Bellefonte P O. Feb. 26th. 1894.
G. A. Boas, W. Bock, Jacob Breaion, Alfred
Furley, George Foy, George Hall, James
Hande, Daniel Klinger, Fanny Kennedy, M.
W. Kline, Miss M. A. Miller.
When called for please: say advertised.
sn cro
New Advertisements,
AUTION.—AI] persons are here-
by cautioned agair st trusting anyone
ou my account, as I will pay no bills contract-
ed by others, unless written orders are given.
39-9-3t* La ..Bellefonte, Pa.
March 30,1894. Y
one of the choicest English mutton breeds.
At the residence of the undersigned one
mile west of Stormstown, Half Moon township,
Centre county Pa. 60 Grade Shropshires and
common stock ewes, with 75 or 80 lambs at
their side (ranging from two to six weeks old)
Sired by the following imported buck Re-
corded in American Shropshire sheep Record
volume (vill. Ram E. 1.1068. J.L.T. & Sons
Lambed spring 1890. Association No. $9123.
Sire Bonny Beaux (3886.) Damby Bridgworth
(1900.) bred by A. E. Mansel England. Im
ported by Joo. L. Thompson & Sons Aug. 1891.
30, yearling ewes sired by same buck. All will
be sold in fifteen distinct lots of six each se-
perated prior to sale, also2 horses, 14 h. p separ-
ator. 1 fodder cutter, 1 No. 8 Davis swing
churn. (capacity 8 gallons) good as new, and
other articles too numerous to mention. Ev-
erything offered will positively be soid to the
highest responsible biader. No reserve bid-
der. Sale to begin at 10 o'clock (sharp) P. M.
When terms will be made known.
O0—-—=WE WILL BUY——0
on the stump, in the log or delivered
39-4-tf Williamsport, Pa.
If so, buy one that cannot be
stolen. The only thief-proof
Watches are those with
I'he bow has a groove on each end.
A collar runs down inside the
pendent (stem) and fits into the
grooves, firmly locking the bow
to the pendent, so that it can:
not be pulled or twisted oft.
To be sure of getting a Non-pull-
out, see that the case is stamp-
ed with this trade mark.
It cannot be had with
any other kind
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, or send for
one to the famous Boss Filled Case makers.
“i Philadelphia. |
309 4b
‘John B. Swoope,.....
New Advertisements.
AUTION.—ALIl persons are hereby
cautioned against purchasing or in
anyway interfering with the personal property
now in possession of John A. and Mary Denley
his wife, as I have purchased the same and
loaned to them during my pleasure.
3883. * J.C.
tual Life Insurance Co., of New
York desires a few good agents for this and ad-
joining counties. To the right men we are
prepared to offer liberal contracts. For fur-
ther information call on, or address.
J. A. WOODCOCK, Dist. Agent.
Bellefonte, Pa.
letters of administration on the estate
ot suphia Divens, deceased late of Walker
$ownshiD, having been granted to the under-
eigned, he requests all persons knowing them-
selves indebted to said estate to make pay-
ment and those having claims against the
same to present them for settlement.
39-4 61. Hublersburg, Pa.
testamentary on the estate of A. J.
Cruse deceased, late of Bellefonte, having
been granted to the undersigned she requests
all Jersons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate to make payment, and those hay-
ing claims against the same to present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
39-5-6t Bellefonte, Pa.
Letters of administration on the es-
tate Xphraim Glenn deceased, late of Patton
township having been granted to the under-
signed, they requesi all persons knowing
themselves indebted to said estate to make
immediate payment, and those having claims
against the same to present them duly authen-
ticated by law for settlement.
W. 8. GLENN.
phan’s Court of Centre county, the
undersigned having been appointed an auditor
to make distribution of the balance in the
hands of John P. Harris, administrator and
trustee of Ellen M. Harris, deceased, will
meet the parties in interest to attend to the
duties of his appointment at 10 o’clock a. m.,
on taturday, the third day of March A. D. 1894,
at his office in Bellefonte borough.
39-7-3t. Auditor.
39-7 Gt.
phans Court of Centre county. In
real estate of W. Laird Holmes late of Mis
souri deceased. The undersigned having been
appointed an Auditor to make distribution of
the balance in the hands of S. H. Bennison Ad-
ministrator of said W. Laird Holmes de-
ceased, will meet the patties in interest to at
tend tothe duties of his appointment at tem
o'clock a. m. on Saturday the 24th day of Feb-
ruary, A. D., 1894, at his office in Bellefonte,
Centre Co., Pa.
39-6-3t. Auditor.
lowing petitions for License have
been filed with the Clerk of the Court and will
be presented at License Court the First Tues-
day of March 1894.
Gottlieb Haag,........ Bellefonte Boro. S. W.
John M. Neubauer, Bellefonte Boro. 8. W.
Harry C. Yeager,... Bellefonte Boro. 8. W.
A.S.&C.M. Garman Bellefonte Boro.S. W.
W. L. Daggett,........ Bellefonte Boro. W. W.
Dav:d L. Bartger,... Centre Hall Boro.
Jacob L. DeHass,... Howard Boro.
Wm, S. Musser, Millheim Boro.
Willis Weaver,....... Millheim Boro.
Lewis C. Bullock,... Milesburg Boro.
George E. Leister... Philipsburg Bore. 1 W.
William Parker..... Philipsburg Boro. 2 W.
Richard Miller,...... Philipsburg Boro. 2 W.
James Passmore,... Philipsburg Boro. 2 W.
Philipsburg Boro.2 W.
Philips urg Boro. 2 W.
Richard Bowen,..... Philipsburg Boro. 2 W.
Tempest Slinger,.... +hilipsburg Boro. 2 W.
Alois Kohlbecker,..Central City, Boggs Twp.
James A. Decker,...Pine Grove Mills, Fergu-
son Twp.
D. H. Ruhl,............Spring Mills, Gregg Tpw.
Samuel B. Shaffer,...Madisonburg, Miles Twp.
A. L. Nearhood....... Rebersburg, Miles Twp.
W. F. Bradford,......0ld Fort, Potter Twp.
R. O. Bracht,. Coburn, Penn Twp.
R G. Askey,..... Cassanova, Rush Twp.
John W. Fargo, Cassanova, Rush Twp.
Jeffrey Hayes,.......Pt. Look Out, Rush Twp.
Jno. G. Uzzle,... Snow Sho2,Snow Shoe Twp.
Michael McCabe,....Snow Shoe, Snow Shoe Twp.
Lawrence Redding,8now Shoe, Snow Shoe Twp.
Geo. B. Uzzle,......... Clarence. Snow Shoe Twp.
G. J. Woodring,...... Port Matilda, Worth Twp.
John Anderson,...... Bellefonte Boro. 8. W.
George Deim,... Philipsburg Boro. 2 W.
William Riley,....... Philipsburg Boro.2 W.
Alfred Baum,......... Bellefonte Boro. S. W*
Orrin Vail,.... Philipsburg Boro. 2 W
W. R. Haynes,......... Clarence, Snow Shoe Twp.
N. W. Eby,....,........ Woodward, Haines Twp.
Jno. C. Mulfinger,..Pleasant Gap, Spring Twy
Certified from the record in the Prothonc
tary’s office this 14th day of February 1394.
Tattersall Ingham,.
Pirecor PLASTER. .....
It is put up in bagsand can
be mixed in the building
as used.
is easily spread.
It is hard, tough, adhesive
and durable.
1tidoes not rust the nails
orjshow lath stains and is a
It is pronounced the best
patent plaster, by the plas-
terers of Bellefonte, ever
used in this community.
35-28-6m McCALMONT & CO.