Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 02, 1894, Image 8

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    a TI Ee apa
Located in one of the most Beautiful and
Healthful Spots in the Alleghany
Region ; Undenominational ; Op-
en to Both Sexes; Tuition Free;
Board and other Expenses
very low. New Buildings
and Equipment.
1. AGRICULTURE (Two Courses), and AG-
illustrations on the Farm and in the Labora-
oretical and practical, Students taught origi-
nal study with the microscope.
3. CHEMISTRY; with an unusually full
and thorough course in the Laboratory.
NEERING. These courses are accompanied
with very extensive practical exercises in the
Field, thie Shop and the Laboratory.
5. HISTORY ; Ancient and Modern, with
original investigation,
AND SCIENCE; Two years. Ample facilities
for music, vocal and instrumental.
in (optional), French, German and English
(required), one or more continued through the
entire course.
pure and applied. i
10. MECHANIC ARTS; combining shop
work with study, three years’ course; new
puilding and equipment,
SCIENCE; Constitutional Law and History,
Political Economy, &c. | :
12. MILITAR SCIENCE ; instruction
theoretical and practical, including each arm
of the service.
years carefully graded and thorough.
Commencement Week, ‘June 11-14, 1893.
Fall Term opens Sept. 13, 1893. Examination
for admission, June 16th and Sept. 13th. For
Catalogue or other information, address
27 25 State College, Centre county, Pa.
Coal and Wood.
Shipping and Commission Merchant,
rbd O-A Lt
by the bunch or cord as may suit purchasers.
Respectfully solicits the patronage of his
friends and the publie, at
near the Passenger Station. Telephone 1312.
86 18
Miscellaneous Advs.
aww AYEAR =~
If you want work that is pleasant and profit
able, send us your address immediately. We
teach men and women how to earn from $5.00
per day to $3,000 per year without having had
previous experience, and furnish the employ-
ment at which they can make that amount.
Nothing difficult to learn or that requires much
time. The work is easy, healthy, and honor
able and can be done during daytime or even-
ings, right in your own locality, wherever you
live. The result of a few hours’ work often
equals a week's wages. We have taught
thousands of both sexes and all ages, and
many have laid foundations that will surely
bring them riches. Some of the smartest men
in this country owe their success in life to the
start given Te while in our employ years
ago. You, reader, may do as well; try it. You
cannot fail. No capital necessary. We fit
you out with something that is new, solid, and
sure. A book brimful of advice is free to all.
Help yourself by writing for it to-day—not to-
E. C. ALLEN & CO.,
Box 420.
38-46-1y Augusta, Kaine.
Entirely New. Abreast of the Times.
A Grand Educator.
Successor of the
Ten years spent in
revising, 100 editors
employed, and more
ii $300,000 expend-
should own this Die-
tionary. It answers
all questions concern:
ing the history, spell-
ing, pronunciation,
and meaningof words.
A LIBRARY IN ITSELF. Italso gives the
often desires imformation concerning emi
nent persons; facts concerning the countries
cities, towns, and natural features of the
globe; particulars concerning noted ficti-
tious persons and places; translation of for-
eign quotations, words, and proverbs; etc.,
ete., ete.
household, and to the teacher, scholar, pro-
fessional man, and self-educator,
Sold by All Booksellers.
Springfield, Mass. INTERNATIONAL
Do rot buy cheap DICTIONARY
photographic reprints
of ancient editions.
A~Send for free prospectus. 38-48-3m
J Agent, Bellefonte, Pa. Policies written
in Standard Cash Compenies at lowest rates.
Indemnity against Fire, Lightning, Torna
does, Cyclone, and wind storm. Office between |
Reynolds’ Bank and Garman’s Hotel. )
3412 1y
Represent the pest companies, and write poli
cies in Mutual and Stock Companies at reason:
able 'ratés. © Office in Furst’s building, opp. the
Court House 22 6
Bellefonte, Pa., Feb. 2, 1894,
Cancelled Postage Stamps.
Many Are Sent to Germany and Are Used in
Decorating and in Papering Rooms.
This country contributes some
thousand dollars’ worth of material
yearly to the promotion of a fad long
prevailing in Germany. The rage for
coliecting postage stamps, common
enough here, is much more widespread
in Germany, and for some time past
collectors have been using cancelled
stamps for decorative purposes. Mil-
lions upon millions of stamps are
used annually in Germany to paper
walls. A room of moderate size may
be papered completely with 100,000
stamps of the ordinary size. Persons
who indulge in this fancy exercise
great ingenuity in the arrangement of
the stamps, and remarkable color ef-
feets may be produced by tasteful com-
binations. When the stamps have
been affixed to the walls of a room, a
tedious piece of work, the whole is var-
nished, in order to protect the papering
from damage.
Stamps and parts of stamps are used
in decorating tables and cabinets. Those
who do this sort of decoration labor-
iously cut out the head of Washington
from the current two-cent stamp and
paste the vignettes by the hundred
upon the table or cabinet to be dec-
orated. Then thousands of the tiny
figures 2" are cut from the lower corner
of the same stamp and disposed so
as to form a border about the repeated
head of Washington. Scores of other
designs are treated in like fashion, and
stamps of various colors are arranged
in accordance with the taste of the dec-
One man in New York, not himself
a professional dealer in stamps, sends
nearly 25,000,000 stamps per year to a
dealer in Germany. The same dealer
has an agent in Baltimore who sends
him vastly larger quantities.
They are gent to the agent from all
parts of the east. Children in search
of pocket money, women in need of pin
money, Sunday echools, and charities
of one sort or another collect and send
the stamps to the agents in batches of
10,000, 20,000, 50,000 or 100,000. The
usual price is 10 cents per thousand,
but the red 2-cent stamps fetch less be-
cause they are easily obtainable, and
also because iheir dye is not well fixed.
The Columbian stamips of small de-
nominations fetch 30 cents per thou-
sand. Rare stamps fetch more, of
course, but the German dealer makes
no special effort to obtain such stamps
here. Many other dealers in Germany
have long been buying large quantites
of stamps in the United States, but as
some failed to pay for their purchas-
es it is now a liule difficult to obtain
large quantities save through resident
agents. ‘The craze for stamp decora-
tions has as yet made emall headway
in this country, though at least one col-
lector in New York is making ready to
paper his room with stamps.
Fishermen In Distress.
Perch and Lake Herring Are Scarce in Chicago.
The local fishermen, who depend on
getting their living irom Lake Michi-
gan, are experiencing a season of hard
luck this winter. At this time in ordi-
nary years they make good catches
and anywhere from 20 to 50 tons of
perch and lake herring are placed on
the Chicago market every week by
the fishermen resident within the city.
Ordinarily theee fish sell at wholesale
at from 4 to 6 cents and retail at 9
to 12 cents a pound. This winter, how-
ever, with mild weather, little or no
ice, and few storms to contend with the
catches are so small as to fall short
of even paving for bait.
All the fishermen tell thesame story:
Minnows are plenty and cheap, the
weather is all right, and there is no ice
to prevent getting out and in, but the
fish schools cannot be found. Some of
the men have repeatedly gone out light
ten and twelve miles and taken less
than ten pounds of fish for a trip.
“Long Frank” aod Phil Kagel, two
of the most expert and generally suc-
cessful fishermen in the city, recently
put out several miles of lines with 12,-
000 hooks at points from eix to ten
miles off shore, and their entire catch
was twenty-two pounds of fish, Where
the fish, usually plentitul in this vi
cinity at this time of the year, have
gone is a mystery to all the fishermen.
Many of the men, who, with their tam-
ilies, are dependent on fishing for a
living are destitute.
Meanwhile Chicago's supply of lake
fish is shipped in from northern points
and the price is mach higher than in
previous years.—-- Chicago Paper.
Expenses of the Vatican.
Pope Leo Unjustly Accused of Being Miserly.
The expenses of the Vatican amount
annually to more than 7,000,000 francs.
They are regulated as follows: For the
personal wants of the Pope, 500,000
francs ; for the cardinals, 700,000,; for
poor dioceses, 400,000; administration
of the Vatican, 1,800,000; Secretary of
State, 1,000,000; employe and ablegates,
1,500,000 ; schools and poor, 1,200,000.
The cardinals at Rome live at the ex-
pense of the Pope. The income of each
from this source is at least 22,000 francs.
The Secretary of State is charged with
upholding relations with foreign Gov-
ernments by the mediation of nuncios.
The four most important— Paris, Vienna,
Madrid and Lisbon—each receive an al-
lowance of 60,000 francs a year.
The last jubilee of Pope Leo XIII
brought to the Vatican 8,000,000 francs.
At the first, ‘celebrated five years ago,
12,000,000 francs wera received. In the
course of five years the Pope has intro-
{duced a number of economies in the
, different branches of the Vatican service
and for that reason he has been called
miserly. This accusation 1s not merited;
the economies became necessary in a
State whose expenses are considerable,
and whose revenues continue to diminish.
Constance Fenimore Woolson.
News was received in New York on
last Wednesday of the death, in Venice,
Italy of Miss Constance Fenimore
Woolson, the well-known novelist.
She was born in Claremont, N. H., in
1848. Her father was Charles Jarvis
Woolson, and her mother, Miss Pome-
roy, before her marriage, a niece of
James Fenimore Cooper, the povelist.
Her parents removed while she was still
very young to Cleveland, Ohio, where
her father became one of the pioneers in
the western iron foundry industry, He
was a man of education, and in his
youth had been engaged in newspaper
work, at one time being the owner of
the New England Palladium, of Boston.
Miss Woolson was educated at a semi-
nary in Cleveland, and afterward at a
French school in New York city. Miss
Woolson and her father, when the lat-
ter’s health began to fail, were noted in
Cleveland for the long excursions they
made through Ohio and the neighboring
states in their family carriage, wherever
anything quaint or picturesque was to
be found. Several of Miss Woolson’s
stories are located in such spots. On
the death of ber father, in 1869, Miss
Woolson’s literary work, some of which
had been written previously, began to
appear in the periodicals, and soon at-
tracted the attention of the public.
Some of her earliest writings were ¢Cas-
tle Nowhere,” which appeared in 1875;
“Rodman, the Keeper,” in 1880;
“Anne,” in 1882; “For the Major,” in
1883. :
In 1873 Miss Woolson and her moth-
er took up their residence in the south,
spending the winters in Florida, and
rarely coming further north than the
Sulphur Springs of Virginia. In 1879
Mrs. Woolson, died, and then Miss
Woolson, her sister and her niece, went
to Europe to live, at first in England,
and later mainly in Italy. Her later
publications have been ‘‘East Angels,”
in 1886, “Jupiter Lizhts,” 1889, and
“Horace Chase,” 1893.
Melting Iron From The Ore.
Iron-making is a kind of cookery on
a huge scale. The earthly impurities
must be “roasted” or melted out from
iron ore; the necessary carbon must
then be properly mixed in from the
fuel, or the unnecessary carbon burned
out. This is of manufacture. A
wrought-iron bar or plate is always ob-
tained from a puddle ball, an aggrega-
tion of grains of iron ina pasty, semi-
fused condition, interspersed with a
greater ur less amount of cinder or slag.
Under the powerful action of the rolls
the grains are welded together, and a
large part of the cinder is squeezed out,
but enough remains interposed between
the iron granules to prevent them from
welding thoroughly and forming a
homogeneous mass. The welded lumps
elongate under the process of rolling,
and the resulting bar resembles a bunch
of iron fibres or sinews with minute
particles of slag interspersed here and
there. Such iron varies in resistance
according to whether the power is
applied with or against the fibre, Steel
is theresult of a fusing process. It may
be crucible, Bessemer, or open-hearth
steel, but in all cases it has been cast
from a thoroughly melted and fluid
state into an ingot mould, where it
solidifies and is ready for subsequent
treatment, such as hammering or roll-
ing. The slag being lighter than the
steel, it rises on top of the melted bath,
and does not mingle with the metal,
which remains ¢lean and unobstructed,
and, after being cast in the mouid,
cools into a crystalline homogeneous
mass in which no amount of rolling can
develop a fibre. Thus steel possesses a
structure more regular and compact
than wrought iron. Its resistance to
strains and stresses is more equal in all
directions, and its adaptability to struc-
tural use is vastly increased.—From “A
Bar of Iron,” edited by R. R. Bowker,
in Harper's Magazine for February.
Balm of Gilead.
The real balm of Gilead is the dried
juice of u low shrub which grows in
Syria. It is very valuable and scarce,
for the amount of balm yielded by one
shrub never exceeded 60 drops a day.
According in Josephus, the balm or
balsam of Gilead was one of the pres-
ents given by the queen of Sheba to
King Solomon. The ancient Jewish
physicians prescribed it evidently for
dyspepsia and melancholia.
——The friends (who are legion) of
Editor George W. Childs have reason to
fear the worst result of his present ill-
ness. As usual in such cases, the bulle-
tins are framed so as to put the best pos-
sible light on his critical condition, but
reading between the lines discloses his
most dangerous illness. Mr. Childs has
long been one of the notable figures in
American semi-public life, and his re-
turn to health and vigor will be joytul
news tc thousands of people.
——There are only about twenty-five
sailmakers on the active list of the
United States navy, most of them ap-
pointed before 1888, and nearly all now
stationed at navy yards and receiving
ships. The sailmaker, with his needles
and his tailor-like skill, is classed as an
artificer, ahd his pay is from $35 to $40
per month.
——There were 33,186 locomotives
engaged 1n hauling passengers and
freight over the railways of this country
last year; 8848 in hauling passenger
trains alone. To transport the passen-
ger traffic of the country 28,875 cars
were in operation, while for the con-
veyance of freight nearly a million cars
were required.
Raia ————————r—————
——Two French scientists say that a
current of electricity does not always
kill when it appears to do so. It simply
produces an appearance of death, from
which the subject may be restored by
artificial respiration.
——A Cleveland, Ohio, reporter has
been interviewing the hardware dealers
and finds that there is a decided increase
in the sale of firo arms. That at least
50 per cent, of those carrying anything
of value go armed.
i ———— —————————
——Mrs. Shopper—Why, all these
toys are old.
Shopkeeper— Yes, madam, but then
you know most of the babies are new.
The Blue Lakes.
Three Bodics of Fresh Water That Are Never
Frozen Over.
About 12 miles northwest from the
town of Upper Lake’s California, is a
series of waters known as Blue Lakes
three in all-- surrounded by spurs of
the coast range that tower 1000 feet
over them. These lakes are steel blue
in color and never freeze.
_ The upper lake is nearly two miles
in length and a half a mile in width in
the widest place. The middle lake is
about halt a mile long, and half that
distance in width ; and the lower one
is less than halt the size of the nearest
neighbor. The upper lake is nearly
5000 feet deep in places and all of them
abouud in trout.
Itis a hard drive over St. Helena
Mountain te reach these lakes, uearly
60 miles from Calistoga, the nearest
railway point. But when reached the
tourist is charmed by the beauty and
refreshment of sylvan scene and sur-
rounding. The mountains stand up like
sentinels over this trio of cold blue
waters, and all is as quiet as if it were
removed from the worid.
“Look me in the face ! My name is
‘“Might-have-been !” Iam also
called ‘No-more.” ‘Farewell !’
The poet who wrote the above, must
have been in the last stages of consump-
tion. Perbaps he had only learned, tor
the first time, that if he, bad taken Dr.
Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery in
his earlier illness, he would never have
reached his present hopeless condition !
What can be more sad than a keen real-
ization of what “might have been ?”’
Physicians now admit that consump-
tion is simply scrofula in the blood
attacking the Jung-tissues. It is never
safe to allow the blood to” remain im-
pure, and it is especially reckless, when
such a pleasant, harmless remedy as Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will
drive every taint of scrofula or impurity
from the system, causing a current of
healthy, rejuvenating blood to leap
thrcugh the veins.
one large Irish potato until done, peel
and mash fine, add a little cold water to
soften it, stir into it a teaspoonful of
brown sugar, a tablespoonful of lard
and three tablespoonfuls of hop yeast.
Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, and
put the sponge in a close jar, cover, and
let stand several hours to rise, Sift in-
to the tray three pints of flour, to which
add a spoonful of salt, then pour the
sponge in, with enough cold water to
work into stiff dough; knead until
smooth, and let stand over night to rise.
In the morning work in flour enough
to keep from sticking to the hands. Al-
low it to rise one hour, and bake.
SpeciMEN Cases.--S. H. Clitford
New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with
Neuralgia and Rheumatism, his Sto-
| mach was disordered, his Liver was af-
fected to an alarming degree, appetite
fell away, and he was terribly reduced
in flesh and strength. Three bottles of
Electric Bitters cured him. Edward
Shepherd, Harrisburg, Il1., bad a runn-
ing sore on his leg of eight vears’ stand-
ing. Used three bottles of Electric Bit-
ters and seven boxes of Bucklen’s Arni-
ca Salve, and his leg is sound and well.
John Speaker, Catawba, O., had five
large Fever sores on his leg, doctors said
he was incurable. One bottle Electric
Bitters and one box Buckler’s Arnica
Salve cured him entirely sold by Par-
rish’s Drug store.
——The reconciliation between Bis-
marck and his sovereign excited no joy
in France. It was an event that French-
men would rather have seen indefinitely
——Mr. Albert Favorite, ot Arkan-
sas City, Kan., wishes to give our
readers the benefit of his experience with
colds. He says: “I contracted a cold ear-
ly last spring that settled on my lungs,
and had hardly recovered from it when
I caught another that hung on all sum-
mer and left me with a hacking cough
which I thought I never would get rid
of. I had used Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy some fourteen years ago with
much success, and concluded to try it
again. When I had got through with
one bottle my cough had left me, and I
have not suffered with a cough or cold
since. I have recommended it to others,
and all speak well of it.” 50 cent bot-
tles for sale by F. Potts Green.
The peculiar old city of Iquique,
Bolivia, should be the Mecca of Mel-
bourn and government rain makers. No
man ever saw a rain storm in that place.
——Hood’s Cures. In saying that
Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures, its proprie-
tors make no idle or extravagant claim.
Statements from thousands of reliable
people of what Hood's Sarsaparilla has
done for them, conclusively prove the
fact—Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures.
Hood’s Pills act especially upon
the liver, rousing it from torpidity to its
natural duties, cure constipation and
assist digestion.
——Texas is a big and still a roomy
State. Of its 260 counties 26 have less
than 100 inhabitants ; 37 others have
less than 1,000, and only 81 have over
——What Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup
has done for others for nearly two g.a-
erations it will do for you. If you will
try it at once you will be convinced
that it is the best family medicine, and
you will never be without it.
—— The firemen of Walla Walia,
Wash., have elected as ‘‘honorary mem-
bers’’ the firemen who perished in the
cold storage fire in Chicago.
——The attention of base-ball players
who receive wounds of one kind or
another every day, from bat or ball, its
directed to the fact, that Salvation Oil
is the best application in use for the
cure of cuts, bruises and sprains. 25
London has 271 public parks,
containing 17,876 acres of ground.
The Income Tax and Whisky.
W asniNGToN, January 24.—The re-
port of Mr, McMillin, which accom.
pauied the interoal revenue bill, deals
largely with the two subjects—income
tax and whiskey. Regarding the for-
mer, the report says that the govern-
ment now collects annually from four
to five hundred millions of dollars, less
than two per cent of which is paid by
the wealth of the country.” The taxes
are laid, not upos what the people pos
sess, but upon what they consume,
This being the case, the report con-
tinues, it has seemed good to the com.
mittee that the earnings of corpora.
tions, after deducting expenses and an-
nual incomes in excess of $4,000,
should be subjected to a tax which
will produce an estimated revenue of
thirty millions of dollars. Such a tax,
the committee believe can be most
easily and economically collected of all
that have been suggested. It will re-
quire fewer additional employees. and
according to statistics furnished by the
Treasury department, will cost but 1.6
per cent, while other revenue taxes
cost 2.6 per cent.
Discussed Milk.
HARRISBURG, January 24.—At the
afternoon session of the state board of
agriculture, the subject of “Milk In.
spection and Milk Standards” was
discussed in all phases by Dr. Henry
Leffman, of Philadelphia; Dr. Ben-
jamin Lee, secretary of the state board
of health ; George Ahbott, of Phila-
delphia, and Captain M. A. Slack, of
This evening Professor. J. T. Roth-
rock, the state forestry commissioner,
delivered an illustrated address on
“The Present Relation of Forestry to
the States.” A reception was given
the members of the board and distin-
guished visitors at the executive man-
sion from 9 to 10 o'clock by Governor
and Mre. Pattison.
Constantinople has 1,000,000
people, who are kept in order by 1000
policemen. In 1890 only 3000 arrests
were made; but fifty were for drunken-
Catarrhal Neuralgia, almost Paralyzed, Cured
by Hood's.
“Faston, N. H., January 17, 1893.
“C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. :
“I have taken five bottles of Hood’s Sarsa-
parilla and am glad to tell the great good it
has done me. Two years ago I was taken sick
with catarrhal neura'gia and a complication of
diseases, including
I had four doctors here and then went to Bes
ton, where I was treated by two physicians.
They all said there was no help for me. I was
run down so low there was nothing to build
on. They said I had catarrh of the bladder.
[ had such light feelings in my head I could
hardly walk around the house. My throat
came near being paralyzed, and it was with
the greatest difficulty I could swallow. I be:
came discouraged, but decided to try again.
Iam thankful I did. When I commenced
taking it I
weighed 98 pounds : now I weigh 139 pounds.
I could not stand on my feet long enough to
wash my dishes; now I can do all my work,
washing included, for five in the family.
Everyone exclaims when they see me,
When I see anyone sick I always advise the
use of Aood's Sarsaparilla. I cannot sound its
praise encugh.”” Mgrs. E. E. Brown.
HOOD'S PILLS cure all liver ills, bilious-
ness, jaundice, indigestion, sick headache.
25¢. 29-3
Mandrake Pills have a
value as a household reme-
dy far beyond the power of
language to describe. The
family can hardly be true
to itself that does not keep
them on hand for vse in
Is the only vegetable sub-
stitute for that dangerous
mineral, Mercury, and
while its action as a cura-
tive is fully equal, it pos-
sesses none of the perilous
In Constipation, M an-
drake acts upon the bowels
withont disposing them to
subsequent Costiveness.
No remedy acts so direct-
ly on the liver, nothing so
speedily cures Sick Head-
ache, Sour Stomach and
Billionsnese as these
— P-I-L-L-S.—
For Sale by all Druggists. Price 25 cts. per
box ; 3 boxes for 65 cts; or sent by mail, pos-
tage free, on receipt of price.
38-14-tf (nr) Philadelphia, Pa.
Cures thousands annually of Liver Com-
laints, Billiousness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia,
Ds eRuation. Malaria. More Ills result from
an Unhealthy Liver than any other cause.
Why suffer when you can be cured ? Dr, San-
ford’s Liver Invigorator is a celebrated family
- 38-12-1y.
Bright's Disease, Dropsy, Gravel, Ner-
vousness, Heart, Urinary or Liver Diseases.
Known by a tired languid feeling. Inaction of
the kidneys, weakens and poisons the blood,
and unless cause is removed you cannot have
health. Cured me over five years ago of
Bright's Disease and Dropsy.—Mrs. [. L. Mil-
ler, Bethlehem, Pa., 1000 other similar testa-
monials. Try it. Cure guaranted. Cann’s
Kidney Cure Co. 720 Venango St. Philadelphia,
Pa. Sold by all reliable druggists. 38-23-1y.
AS. W. ALEXANDER.—Attornev at Law.
Bellefonte, Pa. All professional busi-
ness will receive prompt attention. 06 14
D F. FORTNEY, Attorney-at-Law, Belle
o fonte, Pa. Office in Woodring’s | ild
ing, north of the Court House. 14 2
fice in Garman’s new
J M. KEICHLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle
eo fonte, Pa.
building. with W? H. Blair.
g° 0 G. LOVE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle
fonte, Pa. Office in the rooms formerly
occupied by the late W. P. Wilson. 24 2
ASTINGS & BEEDER, Attorneys-at-Law
Bellefonte, Pa. Office No. 14 North A}
egheny street. 28 13
Jo KLINE, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte
_. Pa. Office on second floor of Furst’s new
building, north of Court House. Can be con.
sulted in English or German. 29 31
fonte, Pa. v
W ° flice in Garman’s block,
opp: Court House. All professional business
will receive prompt attention. 30 16
C. HEINLE, Attorney-at-Law, Belle
J W. WETZEL, Attorney and Counsellor at
° Law. Office No.11Crider’s Exchange,
second floor. All kinds of legal business at-
teaded to promptly. Consultation in Euglish
or German. 39-4
8S. GLENN, M. D., Physician and Sur
« geon, State College, Centre county,Ps
Office at his residence. 35-41
A HIBLER, M. D., Physician and Surgeon,
e offers his professional services to the
citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office 2¢
N. Allegheny street. 11 23
R. J. L. SEIBERT, Physician and Sur-
eon, offers his professional services te
the citizens of Bellefonte and vicinity. Office
on North High street, next door to Judge Or-
vis’ law office, opp. Court House. 29 20
H K. HOY, M. D., Oculist and Aurist, No.
e 24 North High Street, Bellefonte, Pa.
Office hours—7 to 9 a. m.,,1 to 2 and 7 to 8
E m. Defective vision carefully corrected.
pectacles and Eyeglasses furnished. 32 18
R. R.L, DARTT, Homeopathic Physician
and Surgeon. Office in residence No. 61
North Allegheny street, next to Episcopal
church. Office hours—8 to 9a. m.,1t03 and 7
to 9 p. m. Telephone. 32456
R. R. L. DARTT, of Bellefonte,
Pa., has the Brinkerhoff system of
30 14tf
sures and other Rectal diseases.
furnished upon application.
High street, Bene ope.
Crider’s Stone Bloc
sors to W. F. Reynold’s & Co.,) Fankers
Bellefonte, Pa. Bills of Exchange and Note
Discounted ; Interest paid on special deposite
Exchange on Eastern cities. Deposits re-
ceived. 17 38
In consequence of tne similarity te
the names of the Parker and Potter Hotels
the Droprisior of the Parker House has chang
the name of his hotel to
He has also repapered, repainted and other
wise improve it, and has fitted up a large and
tasty parlor and reception room on the firss
floor. WM. PARKER,
33 17 Philipsburg, Pa.
A. A. KoHLBECKER, Proprietor.
This new and commodious Hotel, located op-
posite the depot, Milesburg, Centre county,
has been entirely refitted, refurnished and re.
plenished throughout, and is now second is
none in the county in the character of accom-
modations offered the public. Its table is sup
plied with the best the market affords, its bai
contains the purest and choicest liquors, it{
stable has attentive hostlers, and every conve
nience and comfort is extended its guests.
A@~Through travelers on the railroad wil
find this an excellent place to lunch or procur(
a meal, as all trains stop there about 25 min
ates. . 24 2%
Watchmaking-- Jewelry,
And dealer in
Special attention given to the Making and
Repairing of Watches.
IMPORTANT—If you cannot read this print
distinctly by lamp or gaslight in the evening,
at a distance of ten, inches, your eyesight
failing, no matter what your age, and your eyes
need fly. Your sight can be improved and
reserved if properly corrected. Itisa yong
idea that spectacles should be dispensed wit.
as long as possible. If they assist the vision
use them. There is no danger of seeing toe
well, so long as the pein is not magnified ; is
should look natural size, but plain and dis-
tinct. Don’ fail to call and have your eyes
tested by King’s New System, and fitted with
Combination spectacles. They will correct and:
preserve the sight. For sale by
2749 42 High St., opp. Arcade, Bellefonte.
Ee __eee
Fine Job Printing.
Five Jos PRINTING * -
There is no style of work, from the cheape:
Dodger” to the finest
but you can get done in the most satisfactory
manner, and at
Prices consistent with the class of work
by calling or communicating with this office
Rectal treatment for the cure of Piles, Fis- -