Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 02, 1894, Image 6

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b T Il i eS a i i — —— EE ———————————————
. Mgr. Satolli’s Successor.
Archbishop Ireland Says He Will Be From
Rome and Not an American.
St. PAUL, Minn., Jan. 80.— When
Archbishop Ireland was shown the St.
Louis dispatch stating that be would
succeed Mgr. Satolli as papal delegate
to this country he was at first inclined
to consider it as too improbable to de-
serve consideration, but being urged by
the Associated Press representative
that the general public would be inter-
ested in a definite statement of the sub-
ject, he said : ;
«When Mgr. Satolli shall be recalled
he will have a successor, and that suc-
cessor will come from home. It is
decidedly the policy of the Pope that
no Bishop occupying any see ia the
United States could be the delegate to
this country.
«The reason is very plaic. The
Bishop himself —any Bishop—may have
cases to adjudicated upon and no ome
member of the Hierarchy could be pre-
sumed to be—-as a delegate should be—
absolutely above all bias and personal
or local interest in the decisions which
should come from the supreme court of
the church. This is positive and final,
no matter from where reports to tke
contrary may come.
We’er all Right Now.
American Vessels Given Plenty of Room in Rio
R10 JANEIRIO, January 3l.—Ameri-
can vessels that desire to come to the
piers of this city can now do so without
being interfered with by the insurgents.
The negotiations to settle the troubles
between the insurgents and the govern-
ment by arbitration, in which Admiral
Benham was acting as a private citizen
are at present at a standstill. This is
probably due to the fact that Admiral
Da Gama’s nephew was killed early
Monday morning while engaged in a
foray along the shore on a tug.
The American minister here, Mr.
Thompson, today sent a long secret ca-
ble dispatch to the State department at
Objected to the Flag.
Hiawaraa, Kan., Jan. 31.—A sen-
sation has been caused here by a few
members of the local Grand Army of
the Republic, tearing down the flags
raised by the women of the Equal Saf
frage association. Two flags had been
hung across Main street to commemo-
rate Kansas Day. The flags had the
regulation strips, but with three yellow
stars in the field, which is the adopted
emblem of the National Suffrage asso-
ciation. A few local Grand Army men
saw in this a desecration of the old
flag, and proceeded to tear the offending
emblem down. The better element of
the Grand Army condemns the action
of their comrades.
Secret State Compact.
Said to Erist Between Russia and China in Re-
gard to the Pamirs.
SuaNGHAL Jan. 31.—There is reason
. to believe that a sccret agreement be-
_tween the Russian and Chinese Gov-
ernments in regard to the Pamirs exists.
According to this arrangement, Russia
. assumes a more complacent attitude |
toward Korean affairs, and China
promises to observe complete neutral-
ity toward the Pamirs.
Russia is thus free to negotiate with
England direct.
As to Assessors and Constables.
‘WASHINGTON, Pa., Jan. 80.—Judge
McIlvaine, in answer to a request for
information from the County Commis-
sioners relating to the office of Assistant
Assessor, today filed bis opinion that
the act of Assembly of 1891 created the
office designated Assistant Assessor in
election districts divided into two or
more precincts, to be filled annually.
This officer’s duties relate solely to elec-
tions. He further states that as consta-
bles were elected in 1889 and 1892, un-
der the act of 1889, no more shall be
elected until 1895, vacancies to be filled
by appointment by the court.
Work for 3,500 Men.
Cleveland Rolling Mill to Start in All Depart-
ments this Week.
CLEVELAND, Jan. 80.—For the first
time in many months werk in all de-
artments of the big plant of the Cleve.
and Rolling Mill Company will be re-
sumed this week. The company has
just completed a new Bessemer steel
plant at a cost of over $500,000, which
will also be started.
During the business depression only
500 men have been working at the mills
but when running full time 8,500 hands
are employed.
Improved Condition of the Czar.
St. PETERSBURG, Jan. 31.—1.30 p. m.
—A bulletin just issued states that the
Czar’s pulse is firm and regular. The
inflammation of the right lung, which
was the one affected, has entirely dis-
appeared. His majesty has had a good
long sleep and his appetite has im-
Naval Cadets Feel an Earthquake.
ANNAPOLIS, Md., Jan. 31.—A dis-
tinct shock of earthquake, the second
this season, was felt at the Naval Acade-
my this morning. A rumbling noise
awoke a naval cadet, who reported to
the officer in charge. Officers at the
Academy corroborated the statement of
the cadet.
Crusbed the Rebellion,
City or Mexico, Jan 31.—The fed-
eral troops have crushed the insurrec-
tion in the northern part of the repub-
lic after eleven hours’ fighting. The
insurgents lost thirty men killed and
the federal troops seven killed.
The New Minister to Sweden.
‘WAsHI®GTON, Jan. /31.—The Presi-
dent to-day sent the nomination to the
Senate of Thomas B. Ferguson, of
Maryland, to be Envoy Extraordinary
and Minister Plenipotentiary of the
United States to'Sweden and ‘Norway.
Death as the Stakes.
While Playing Cards a Girl Sends a Bullet
. Into Her Lover's Brain.
DECATUR, Ill, Jan. 81.—Miss Mag-
gie True Lock and David Lambert
were playing cards last night near
Prairie Hall. In fun the young man
said : “Now, the one that wins shoots
the other.”
He unloaded his revolver, as he
thought, and laid it on the table. The
girl won, snatched up the revolver and
pulled the trigger. One cartridge had
been left in the revolver, and the bailet
entered Lambert’s brain. He died
instantly. The girl was aimost crazed.
The couple were engaged to be married.
Wrecked By Natural Gas.
A Schoolhouse and Other Buildings in West
Virginia Towns Demolished.
WHEELING, Jan. 3l.—A series of
natural gas explosions at Burton and
many small towns on the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad, south of here, de-
molished three buildings and injured a
number of people. Among the build-
ings wrecked was a schoolhouse, and
the teacher and several pupils were
hurt. A saloon and a dwelling occu-
pied by the railroad freight agent were
wrecked. None of the injured will
Germany Needs Her Army.
Bismarck's Statement of Its Necessity Quoted to
the Reichstag.
BERLIN, Jan. 31.--In the Reichstag,
to-day, the debate on the financial re-
form bill was continued. Count Posa-
dowski, Secretary of the Treasury, cited
Prince Bismarck’s argument to the of-
fect that Germany could not be the first
to disarm, and claimed that the sums
asked for to be applied to military pur-
poses were a necessity.
The measure was finally referred to
the Taxation Proposals Com mittee.
Faulkner for Chairman.
Likely to Lead the Democratic Congressional
Committee Soon.
‘WASHINGTON, Jan. 81. —- Senator
Faulkner, of West Virginia, is said to
be the future Chairman of the
Democratic Congressional Commit-
tee, with Lawrence Gardner as Sec:
retary. Mr. Faulkner is remembered
in this connection for his compromise
proposition during the debate over the
silver repeal bill.
Congressman Stevens. of Massachu-
setts, isalso spoken of for chairman,
but the committee tend toward the
choice of Mr. Faulkner.
——The case of small-pox which scar-
ed Tyroners upon its development is well
in hand and though the father and two
children are quarantined in the house
they show no signs of taking it.
—— Two deaths occurred in Philips-
burg on Sunday wight. They were
these of Mrs. Thomas Ashcroft, who
died in her 28th year, of consumption ;
and Mr. Joseph H. Ferguson, aged 64,
whose death was caused by cancer.
MARRIAGE LiceENsEs.—Issued dur-
ing the past week—Taken from the
Andrew Lorinjah and Annie Martze,
both of Snow Shoe.
Jonas M. Stover, of Wolf's Store, and
Lizzie C. Scholl, of Rebersburg.
Andrew Niemi and Annie Han-
neshila, both of Bellefonte.
Walter J. Tallbelm and Mary E.
Alexander, both of Julian.
and original “Fisk Jubilee Singers”
will appear in Garman’s opera house,
next Monday evening, Feb. 5th, under
the auspices of the ladies’ Auxiliary of
the Y. M. C. A. Thiscompany has.a
world wide reputation, having spent six
years in the European countries, and
nearly twenty years in this country.
The people of Bellefonte and vicinity
cannot afford to miss this opportunity
of hearing these singers. Admission
50 cents, reserved seats 15 cts. extra.
Tickets now on sale at Parrish’s drug
—On last Monday night constable G.
‘W. Curtin, of Tyrone, returned to that
place, from Greenwood Furnace, with
two prisoners. One of them was Dan-
iel Hardy, aged 55 years, the other was
Myrtle Butler, a twenty year old blicd
girl, whom Hardy had run off and got-
ten married to on January 5th. By the
marriage which was performed at Le-
mont, this county, the grocm became
the grand-father of his wife since he was
ber step-grand-father before the cere-
mony. The ccuple were arrested Le-
cause the bride had procured her li-
cense from Register Rumberger under
false pretense apd Hardy was charged
with abduction, but now since the pair
are caught both profess to be thoroughly
in earnest and truly in love with each
other. :
Such a union is a veritable case of
“December and May’' and it was ac-
complished only after experiencing the
greatest difficulties. The day they ran
away they walked from Tyrone to Dix
station and there took the morning
train for this place. Upon, arriving
here they procured the license and
journeyed on to Lemont, where the
went to visit Hardy's sister who is living
at Greenwood furnace and ’twas there
that the heartless constable ended their
dreams of contentment.
—— The bride is well
known in this
! county.
marriage was performed. Thence they
ing and engineering department of the
Pennsylvania State College has issued
the first of a series of bi-monthly publi-
cations to be known as The Mining
Bulletin. The editor is M. C. Ihlseng,
professor of mining engineering, assisted
by H. H. Stoek and T. C. Hopkins, in-
structors in thesame department. Its
object is to give a brief outline of cur
rent progress in mining and its allied
professions and to serve as a bureau of
information upon all matters of interest
to producers and manufacturers of
Pennsylvania and neighboring states.
The bulletin, like those by the agricul-
tural experiment station, will be sent
to any desiring it.
——DEartH oF Mrs. H. H. HARsH-
BERGER—On last Saturday morning,
Julia Barnhart, wife of H. H. Harshber-
ger, died of heart failure at her home, on
Penn street. She had been sick for
several years with Consumption, but no
one had any idea the end would come so
soon, as she had been up and about the
house ’til the morning of her death.
A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Barnhart. of Boggs township, she was
born at the old homestead, the 27th of
May, 1852, and lived there until her
marriage when she came with her hus-
band to Bellefonte, and her death is
particularly sad oun account of her four
little children, to whom she was devoted.
Her husband, her aged father and moth-
er, four sisters, Mrs. Howard Herd, of
Cambria Co., Mrs. J. C. Weaver, Misses
Lucy and Amanda Barnhart, and three
brothers, J. L., of Renovo, Harry, of
Punxsutawney and James, of Belle-
fonte, mourn her death.
‘While a quiet, unassuming woman,
she had qualities of superior merit and
was most beloved by those who knew
her best. She was a devoted and help-
ful wife, a loving and affectionate moth-
er and a true friend. A member of the
Methodist church, she was a genuine
christian, living a conscientious and
consistent life.
Tuesday morning, after the services,
which were conducted by her pastor,
Rev. W. A. Houck, she was taken to
Curtin’s and laid to rest in the family
burial ground.
- ENFORCEMENT — It seems that the
work of the Belletonts officials. is
extremely spasmodic, especially in the
enforcement of ordinances passed by
council. )
The first one that has come to
tice within the past few days has been
that one regarding the cleaning of ice
and snow off of side- walks, It is the
duty of the street commissioner to see
that it is rigidly enforced. 3
The second one relates to the cow
ordinance, that was passed last
fall, and was at the time of its
enactment enforced to the letter, but
of late it seems that the high constable
is either too lazy or afraid of getting uis
feet cold for he does not do his . duty.
The cows are almost as bad as they ever
were and unless the proper officials take
immediate steps to enforce the ordinance
there will be trouble after while when
public sentiment will demand it.
The last violation to which we desire
to call attention is that one which re-
quires boys under sixteen years of age to
keep off the streets after 8 o’clock in the
evening. The police are responsible for
negligence in enforcing it and they are
justly censurable too. When the meas-
ure was first called to their notice they
did very efficient work in enforcing it,
but like everything else as time wears
on they seem to have forgotten that they
were ever instructed to keep the small
boys off the streets at night.
SYLVANIA. — Auditor General McM.
Gregg has sent the following instruc-
tions to the Treasurers of the various
counties in the Commonwealth :
“In view of the decision of the Su-
preme Court in Coatesville Opera House,
State Report No. 189, page 636, and the
recent decision of Judge Doty, West-
moreland county, August term 1893, all
theatrical companies are required to pay
$60 for the privilege of performing in
any counties of the the Commonwealth
excepting the counties of Allegheny and
hiladelphia) for the period of one year.
It is now held that the company giving
the performance in any county (except
Allegheny and Philadelphia) is to be
assessed with the above license of $50,
and not the place at which the perform-
ance is given,”
It will be seen from the above that a
license of $50 can be lawfully collected
from every theatrical company playing
in Bellefonte. If such a thing is done
it will speedily put an end toshows here,
as many of them would have nothing
left if they were to pay a license of $50
for the privilege of showing in this
county. Heretofore it has been supposed
that the license, which every play house
is supposed to pay, covered all the obli-
gations, but this recent decision of the
Supreme Court has put quite a different
aspect on the question. The enforcement
of such a measure would be especially
hard on companies visiting this county,
since Bellefonte is the only town that
has an opera house in condition to be
used. In other counties where there are
several large towns the $50 license would
not be very severe.
week we inserted a seven line local to
the effect that Wm. Doak is prepared to
do all kinds of boots and shoe repairing
at lower prices than any other place in
town. The notice paid him as the fol-
lowing letter will explain :
Bellefonte Pa., Jan. 29, 1894
DemocrATIC WATCHMAN. —Last week
I inserted a small local in your paper,
about having a shoemaker shop. For
the last sevoral weeks I have not had
much repairing to-do, and so I conclud-
ed to insert a small local in your paper
of the 27th inst. and Sasurday was
kept very busy until late at night. I
think if the people would try your pa-
per for advertising they would find that
it would pay, for I have not had so
much repairing to do in one week as I
had last Saturday, tor a long time and I
made quite a snug sum. Please insert
the same advertisement in this week’s
issue. Respectfully Yours.
WiLLiam Doak.
Ridge St. near Bishop.
—1In its annual review of the lumber
business done in that city the Williams_
port Gazette and Bulletin cites the fol-
lowing facts to substantiate its claim
that the lumber business is not played
out by any means.
The total shipments during the year were
288,650,000 feet, an increase of 20,505 ,-
000 over 1892. The output of the boom
was 38,197,267 feet of pine and hard
wood and 186,984,478 of hemlock. The
lumber on hand is given as follows.
Pine, 19,828,656, a decrease of 1,532,
775 from the figures of 1892 ; hemlock,
152,655,870, decrease 1,966,476; lath
38,554,600, increase 3,643,000; pickets,
3,289,350, decrease 1,1317,150. There
were shipped during the year 1893, 19,-
310 cars loaded with the product of the
mills here, an increase of 1,367 cars
over 1892. The Gazette and Bulletin
declares that these figures go to prove
that lumber manufacture is not a dead
industry in Williamsport, but that it is
good for at least a quarter of a century,
‘and that the output is more likely to in-
crease than diminish.
As the Williamsport market is depen-
dent upon the West Branch lumber
fields it will be seen that this section of
the State still has some business to look
for in its lumber interests.
—At the primaries held by the Demo-
cratic and Republican parties, on last
Saturday evening, the following nomi-
nations for the Borough offices were
made :
Burgess—John N. Lane.
Poor Overseer—Daniel Eberhart.
Tax Collector-- Hugh S. Taylor
Auditor— William Howley.
Treasurer—J. Miles Kephart.
High Constable—Michael Berger.
Councilman—L. A Schaeffer.
School Director— Hammond Sechler.
Judge of Election—D. W. Woodring.
Inspector—M. I. Gardner.
Councilman—Henry Brockerhoff.
School Director—Charles Smith.
Judge of Election—A. Sternberg.
Inspector— William Garman.
Councilman—W. T. Speer.
School Director—A.. Lukenbach.
Judge of Election--Geo. Marshall.
Inspector—Jonathan Miller.
Burgess—W. E. Gray, Esq.
Overseer— Isaac Miller,
Tax Collector—John Kline, Esq.
Treasurer—C. F. Cook.
Auditor—Thomas Mitchell.
High Constable——Alfred Stewart.
Councilman—Gen. James A, Beaver,
School Director—John P. Harris.
Judge of Election—Kyle McFarlane.
Inspector—Harry Keller, Esq.
Councilman—J. S. Waite.
School Director—-J. A. Aikens.
Judge of Election—Joel Johnson.
Inspector—J. S. McCargar.
Councilman—S. H. Williams.
School Director —John Olewine.
Judge of Election—A. V. Smith.
Inspector—Samuel Diehl.
Swiftly, the days are passing;
More slowly the years go by,
But while we are busily toiling,
Unheeded, the moments fly.
But rarely,a moment, do we pause to think
How close we stand to Eternity’s brink.
We reach for high positions,
We work for worldly wealth,
And while we gerve Ambition
With youth and strength and health;
It is not strange that we pause not to think
How close we stand to Eternity’s brink.
The years have brought us gladness,
While speeding along their way,
And our full share of sadness—
The sombre with the gay.
Sometimes, for a moment, we may pause
to think
How close we stand to Eternity’s brink.
If time brings us a treasure,
We soon, for its loss, must sigh;
Life has no lasting pleasure,
We love, and our loved ones die ;
But, Ah! it is then that we pause to think
How close we stand to Eternity’s brink.
Pine Grove Mentions.
Miss Annie Wagner, one of Tyrone’s most
fashionable dressmaker, is the guest of H. R.
Smith’s family, forming new acquaintances
that may prove lasting.
Mr. William Whitmer, one of Benner town-
ships bonanza kings, spent the early part of
the week looking after his broad and fertil
acres in this township.
Rev. C. T. Aikens of the Lutheran church
conducted communion services at Gatesburg
lasi Sunday. Twenty persons were received
into full communion of the church.
Last week Rev. A. A. Black, ably assisted by
Rev. Brown, conducted a series of meetings in
the Bethel church here, adding quite a num”
ber of members on profession of faith to the
A. G. Ewing Esq., one of our best known
businessmen in mercantile circles, is serious-
ly ill, at his home, from a complication of dis-
ease, the result of La Grippe and little hope
of hi# life is entertained.
Some weeks ago our town was threatened
with a scourge of scarlet fever. Two of J. D.
Wagner's children took it in a mild form, but
under the careful treatment of Dr. Woods, the
malady was kept in bounds and the children
are well.
Mr. Irwin Young, who was engaged as a
chopper in A. M. Whippel’s lumber camp, was
brought home with a badly bruised leg, that
was caught between two logs. We trust the
injuries are not as serious as at first reported.
No bones are broken.
Mr. Hewitt Meyers, one of our progressive
young school teachers, left Monday last on the
early train for the lower end of the county
where jhe will {finish a term for some gentle-
man who is ill, we failed to learn his name.
Hewitt is one of our model young men and is
bound to become known among men of his
profession. 3
In order that there be no confliction in
dates of;public sales for this section. We an:
nounce that Mr. Lewis Krebs will offer his
entire stock consisting of the finest Jersey
and Holsteia cows, Percheron horses and colts,
sheep and hogs, beside an excellent variety,
of farming implements on the 28th of March,
near Pine Grove Mills.
The call, loud and strong, for practical chari-
ty has reached every door in this part of the
county from the “City of Brotherly Love,”
whose poor need help so sadly. The good
charitable people responded liberally and
gave generously to the soliciting committee
that called at every door. It is sincerely
hoped that a judicious distribution of these
gifts among the deserving poor will he made.
Last Saturday was a busy day among the
stalwart Democrats. They had the largest
cacus meeting that has been held in this dis-
trict for many a year and placed in nomina-
tion the following ticket, which is bound to
win: Judge of election for the West precinct
Simon Ward ; inspector, Jacob Harpster; reg’
istration assessor, Frank Davis. East precinct,
Judge of election, G. W. McWilliams ; inspec-
tor, John Snyder; registration assessor, N.T.
Krebs ;ijustice of the peace, Jacob Keller;
tax collector, C. B. McUormick ; poor overseer,
Frank Miller; supervisor, D. L. Demnis, Henry
‘Garner; auditor, G. W. Homan; Twp. clerk
Henry Krebs, Sr. The ticketis a good one
and can’t help but win. Get out the vote.
day evening, the 27th inst., occurred the death
of the venerabie Robert Glenn, one of the best
known men in this ‘section of the State and
one who always took an active part in the af-
fairs of the county. It was However ds a farm-
er that he made his greatest reputation, He
was always most interested in’ every move-
ment or plan to promote the farmer’s advance-
ment and was identified with every important
enterprise in his community, where he was
recognized as a leading spirit. By his indomi-
taule perseverance and integrity he rose from
a penniless boy to a man of affluence and in-
fluence. Yet with his superior intellect, good
judgement, and vigorous character, he was a
most pleasant man to know, genial, jolly and
good natured, he always could tella good
story or relate a funny anecdote, Cheerful-
ness and hopefulness were strong traits of his
character and no one ever approached him in
need that they did not receive substantial
It was before and during the war 1861—65
that we learned to know his true worth. In
his grove, near his home, the Scott Guards
were organized, equipped and drilled ready
for the front. Many were his kind admoni-
tions to the boys as they took their last leave
and ic fact we felt that he was indeed a father
to us all, afterward known as Co. E. of the
45th, P. V. : '
Within sight of the old family’s home at the
Glades now occupied by W. J. Bell, where his
father John Glenn of Revolutionary fame, was
shot through the body Jan. 23rd, 1810, Robert
Glenn lived for more than a half a centary.
At the foot of the hill at Baileyville, on the
banks of Spruce Creek, still stands the Bailey
homestead, that has been occupied and owned
by the family fur more than a century, where
he married his wife Nancy Bailey, on the 23rd
of January 1834. He was the father of nine
children, four having died in childhood. Wil.
liam was a member of Co. E. 45th P. Vol., and
died in Andersonville prison, Mrs. W. H. Bai-
ley of this place, Sarah and Mannie at home
w:th his invalid wife and a host of friends
mourn the death of one of God’s noblest creat-
ures, an honest man.
About 1825 he learned blacksmithing, serv-
ing his apprenticeship in Boalsburg with James
and Robert Hewing, afterwards working at
Birmingham, Warriors Mark-and Rock Springs.
In 1841 he moved to Clarion county where he
engaged in farming until 1846 when he came
back home.
Living more thau four score years his men-
tal and physical senses were well preserved
until a year ago, when his mind began to fail
and a recent attack of the grip resulted in
softening of the brain, which was the cause of
his death. Of his religious life much could be
said. For many years he was a ruling elder in
the Presbyterian church in this place and
previous to that had been a prominent mem-
ber of the Spruce Creek ehurch, which he left
on account of the old Psalmist question.
Our deepest sympathies go out to his be-
reaved family, not one of whom on account of
sickness were able to attend his burial which
took place in the midst cf a terrible snow
storm, on ‘Tuesday the 30th, in the Graysville
burial ground, His friend, the Rev. George
Elli tt, assisted by the Rev. Ermintrout, con-
ducted the services which were a just tribute
tc the old patriarch.
—'The following letters remain uncalled
for in the Bellefonte P O. Jan. 20th. 1804.
August Berger, W. L. Con er, Harris DeSyl-
via, George Hayes, P. Lewin, (2), Grant G.
Neas, (2), Tom Toner, Mr. Newton H. Stone.
When called tor please say advertised.
—— If vou want printing of any de-
scripton the WATCEMAN office 1s the
place to have it done.
New Advertisements.
ANTED—A young man about
16 or 17 years of age—with some ex-
Petience and can come recommended, to do
ight farm work on a small farm. A perma-
nent situation awaits the right man.
39-4-3t * Milesburg.
ANTED.—Representative for the
Penn Mutual Life Insurance Com-
pany of Philadelphia, for Centre county. Lib-
eral terms will be made. Experience desir-
able, not necessary. Communications confi-
dential. Address
39-2-4% General Agent, Allentown, Pa.
of Mary McLanahan, dec’d. Letters
testamentary upon the above estate having
been granted to the undersigned, all persons
indebted to said estate are requested to make
payment, and those having claims to present
the same without delay to
39-2-6% Executor.
testamentary on the estate of A.J.
Cruse deceased, late of Bellefonte, having
been granted to the undersigned she requests
all persons knowing themselves indebted to
said estate to make payment, and those hay-
Ing claims against the same to present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
39-566 Bellefonte, Pa.
letters of administration on the estate
of Sophia Divens, deceased late of Walker
townshin, having been granted to the under-
igned, he requests all persons knowing them-
selves indebted to said estate to make pay-
ment and those having claims against the
same to present them for settlement.
39-4 61. Hublersburg, Pa.
Letters of administration on the es-
tate of Catharine Poorman, deceased, late of
Boggs township, having been granted to the
undersigned they request all persons know-
ing themselves indebted to said estate to
make payment and those having claims to
present them for settlement.
SECOND GROWTH... . .: . .
on the stump, in the log or delivered
39-4-tf Williamsport, Pa.
Sesssesessansnrannirsane eeraesnenen
It is the only bow (ring)
which cannot be pulled
from the watch.
To be had only with Jas.
Boss Filled and other
watch cases stamped
with this trade mark .
Ask your jeweler for pamphlet.
39-5 4t
Pie PLASTER. .....
mene 3 es
a in
It is put up in bagsand can
be mixed in the building
as used.
It is easily spread.
It is hard, tough, adhesive
and durable.
1t does not rust the nails
or show lath stains and is a
It is pronounced the best
patent plaster, by the plas-
terers of Bellefonte, ever
used in this community.;
35-:8-6m McCALMONT & CO.
$90 Top Bugey......437| We Out the PRICES
3 p pasion. -854land outsell all competi-
ass. Top Surrey...
Road Wagon. ....825/t0rs.
Road Cart NE 45.50] Buy of factory and
| Buggy Harness....$3.85(save middleman’s pro-
i $10 Buggy “... Ci y
830 TT "i Hl
A idk =? 250 Catalogue Free.
38-30-1y 2 to 12 Lawrence St., Cincinnatti, O.