Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 02, 1894, Image 5

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Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance
Bellefonte, Pa., Feb. 2, i884.
P. GRAY MEEK, - - = Epiror
of Venango Co.
ES —————————————
Democratic County Committee for
+ Weeessens Robert McKnight.
Belgie Nn Patrick Garrity
2 WwW. W Harry Fenlon.
Centre Hall Boro. Wm. B. Mingle
Howard Boro
Milesburg *
Millheim “ H. E. Duck
ili F, K. White
Philipsburg B George Fay
“ st 3ra W.
South Philipsburg......
Unionville Boro....seessssancacsnnns E. M. Greist.
Benner Township... Henry N. Hoy.
Boggs " NN P. Geo. W. Brown.
ie “ "E.P. .G. H. Leyman.
os LWP ..Jas. M. Lucas.
Burnside “ ..... William Ripple.
Harry McGirk.
..N. J. McCloskey.
...N. 0. Dreiblebis.
Curtin 5
Ferguson *
“ ‘“
“ v
Grog ¥
+P. Jacob Harpster.
P.. .....John Roush.
4 P.. S. J. Herring.
i ge WE» Hien Grote.
w suinrisisrisasesires M. O. Stover.
Hynes * 55 ..George M. Keister.
Half Moon * ..... ds Ps Sebring.
Harris 4 nklin Wieland.
Howard * . N. Confer.
Huston D. Ardery.
Liberty ames I. DeLong.
Marion *% | acccinseesnesnienesssies J. J. Hoy.
Miles J. R. Wolf
$2 ee J. W. Zeigler.
” £ +P. Uriah Shatter.
* out ....Robert Reed.
Danes hs Jacob Emerick.
Potter ee N:P... .....B. H. Arney.
#08. Pe Henry Rossman
Rush G&L INP. John B. Long.
“ 8. P,.. John McGinley
Sncw Shoe E.P.. ohn. D. Brown
“ “ “ Ww. P. i Ross
“ N. . H. Wian
ries wep iS, b . P. Gentzel
ss eT WY. .E. E. Ardery.
Taylor pad i: Vinton Beckwith.
Union hoy .er..Aaron Fahr.
Walker '% cerestsiimseisisnnnna S. Peck.
Worth veenG. J. Woodring.
Secretary. Chairman.
Extraordinary Financiering.
There is no question that when the
tax-payers get down to the careful study
of the financial statement, furnished by
the county Commissioners, that if they
conclude it is correct and understanda-
ble, that there will be no doubt as to
the permanent retention in office, of
the present board. If these gentlemen
have done what they say they have
done, and what their exhibit certifies
they have accomplished, they are won-
ders as public financiers.
They fail to furnish, as bas hereto-
fore been the custom, a recapitulation
showing the total receipts and expend-
itures, and the person who wants to
know what the total amount of expend:
itures, for strictly county purposes,
were, is compelled to figure it out
for himself.
If he does this he will find the as-
tonishing fact that with a total tax-
levy of $35,118.50, from which exhon-
erations and costs of collection must
be deducted, they have been able to
pay $56,642.87 of current expenses, and
leave a balance due the county of over
$10,000. We know that this is sur-
prising financiering, bat it is what our
board of Commissioners certifies to
have done,} and we presume they ex-
pect the tax payers to believe they
did it.
We do not}wish to create a doubt as
to the correctness of their statement, or
question the methods of book keeping
that show these extraordinary results,
but we do believe that a more explicit
getting forth of both receipts and ex-
penditures, would have ‘been much
more satisfactory to the tax-payers and
much more ereditable to these gentle:
men who have been entrusted with
the financial
management of county
The Justice of an Income Tax.
It might be more prudent to consid-
er the question of an income tax sep-
arately from the question of tariff re.
duction, as it would avoid the danger
of combiningitwo elements of opposi-
tion against the more important meas-
ure. Bat, (after all, what reasonable
objection can there be to a reasonable
income tax, which the one proposed
certainly is ?
It is unneccesary to repeat the seli-
evident truth that those who have the
most means should coutribute the
most for the eupport of the govern-
ment. That is the strongest, and the
all sufficient point in justification of a
tax on incomes.
The policy of the Republican party
has been to make those with the least
means bear the heaviest burden in sup-
plying the revenue needed by the gov-
ernment. Through the instrumental-
ity of tariff taxation the class of people
that have the least wealth have been
compelled by that party to stand the
expence of running the government.
while the abundance of the wealthy
haye been almost entirely exempted
from coutributing to the public = re-
venue. What just objection can there
be to revising an arrangement that is
80 partial and so unjust ?
It Should Know Better.
The intelligence of the Washington
Post should have prevented it from
saying that “free coal is a etrike di-
rectly at the needy people of Virginia,
M iryland, Alabama and Tennesse, the
employees, and not at the coal opera.
tors and railway companies between
them and the consumers.”
Free coal is intended chiefly for the
manufacturers who do not use a
poand of Alabama and Tennessee coal,
on account of the expense jof its trans-
portation, and very little if any, from
Virginia and Maryland for the same
reason. A supply sufficient for their
purpose could be brought cheaply to
them by water from Nova Scotia, it
the tariff on it were taken off. Why
should the workingmen of New Eng-
land, who live by the labor employed
in manufactures, he deprived of this
advantage by the bugaboo that free
coal would injure the workingmen who
mine bituminous coal ?
The great benefit of free raw mater-
ialsis that it enlarges the opportunities
of labor for workingmen of all classes
and in all lines of industry.
It Sounds Queer.
To hear Republican papers deplore
the injury which free coal, and iron ore
will inflict upon some of the Southera
states, sounds queer, to say the least of
it; and it sounds still queerer to hear
them advise the people of those states
not to stand it. How long has it been
since those papers were denouncing the
tariff bill, which provides for free coal
and iron ore, as a measure devised by
“Southern Brigadiers’” for the benefit
of Southern interests, and were ridicul-
ing the majority of the committees that
formulated that bill as obscure resi-
dents of one-horse Southern settle-
ments? It is hardly probable that what
they have to say about injury to the
interests of the South will make
much of an impression on representa-
tives from that section.
Committed Suicide
Louis McCrum, of Huntingdon, Fires a Bulle;
Into His Head.
HunriNGDON, Pa., January 28.---The
first person in Huntingdon for many a
day to take hisown lite was Louis Me-
Crum, aged 24, and he did the deed so
thoroughly that even the members of
his own family were slow to realize the
completeness of the effort.
Young McCrum, his wife and 11-
month-old. babe were in the one bed
taking an afternoon nap. About 4
o'clock the husband and father sat up
in bed, -with deliberate aim and before
his wife could interfere, fired a bullet
‘rom a 38-calibre revolver into his left
temple. . The bullet took an upward
course, lodging in the brain and caused
instant death.
According to the statement of his
wite, the young man’s mind had been
visibly aflected for some time, and be-
ing out of work, he concluded to put
an end to bis worriment. It is said
that several days ago the suicide
threatened to take his own life by cui-
ting his throat.
In addition to the members of his
own family being terribly overcome by
the man’s rash act, his poor mother is
almost frantic with grief. Only a few
weeks ago she was compelled to hear
the news of another son having both
his legs cut off by the cars, and the
later calamity has thrown her into a
pitiable condition.
State Fditorial Association Meets.
The State Editorial association met
in the parlors of the Lochiel hotel,
Harrisburg, Wednesday and adopted a
new constitution and by-laws. Here-
after members will be furnished with a
membership card bearing the seal of
the association. These ofiizers were
chosen for 1894: President, H. P.
Snyder, Connellsville Courier ; vice pres-
idents, Lucius Rogers, Hane Republi-
can ; J. W. Maloy, Summit Hill Re
cord ; R. T. Wiley, Elizabeth Herald ;
executive committee, W. H. Reichert,
Kittanning Standard ; Frank S. Bow-
mao, Millersburg Sentinel ; E. F. Ache
son, Washington Recorder ; J. Irvin
Steele, Ashiand Advocate ; B. F. Myers
Harrisburg Independent - T. M. Jones,
Harrisbnre Telegraph ; J. Zeamer,
Carlisle Volunteer ; seretary and treas-
urer, R. H. Thomas, Mechanicsburg,
Farmers’ Friend; corresponding secre-
tary, Mrs, J. W. Stofer Mt. Joy Star.
A number of new members were el
Lochren Appeals.
The Pension Case of Judge Long to be Carried to
the Supreme Court.
WasHINGTON, Jan. 31.—Commis-
sioner of Pensions Lochren has filed
an appeal to the Court of Appeals of
the District of Columbla from the re-
ceat adverse decision in the case
brought against him by Judge Long,
of Michigan,
Judge Long has filed a bill to com-
pel the Commissioner of Pensions to
continue his pension of $72 a month,
notice having been served on Judge
Long that its payment would be sus-
pended after 30 days.
Retires I'rom the Race Track.
WORCESTER, Mass., January 81.—
William W. Windle, the champion
bicycle rider, announced to-day his per-
manent retirement from the race track,
after a most successful career asa bicy-
clist for the past seven years. This
decision is caused by the fact that he
wishes to study designing. Windle be-
gan riding in 1886. He has over $10,-
000 worth of trophies he has won.
No Question of Legality.
What Secretary Carlisle Says of the New Bond
New Yorg, Jan. 20.—Secretary
Carlisle, who is in this city, made the
following statement last night:
“It has been erroneously published
in some newspapers that the commit.
tee on judiciary of the house of repre-
sentatives had agreed to and reported
a resolution denying the authority of
the secretary of the treasury to issue
and sell bonds, as proposed in his re
cent circular, and these publications
have evidently made an unfavorable
impression upon the minds of some
who contemplate making bids for these
securities. The only resolution in re-
lation to this subject that has heen be-
fore the committee is as follows :
“Resolved, That it is the sense of
the house of representatives that the
secretary of the treasury hae no author
ity under existing law to issue and sell
the bonds of the United States except
such as is conferred upon him by the
act approved Jan. 14, 1875, entitled
“An act fo provide for the resumption
of specific payments,” and that the
money derived from the sale of bonds
issued under that act cannot be lawful-
ly applied to any purposes except those
specified therein.”
“It will be seen that this resolution
assumes that the authority to issue
bonds was conferred upon the secre-
tary of the treasury by the act of Jan.
14, 1875, and that such authority still
exists, but itasserts that the pro-
ceeds of the bonds cannot be lawtully
used except for the purposes of re-
“The official stenographic report of
the proceedings 1n the committee,
when the secretary of the treasury ap-
peared before it last Thursday, shows
that his authority to issue bonds was
not questioned by any member, the on-
ly question being whether he could use
the proceeds for any other purpose
than the redemption of United States
notes. Mr. Bailey, the author of the
resolution, distinctly admitted the ex-
istence of the authority. Addressing
the secretary Mr. Bailey said : “The
resolution does not impeach your right
to issue bonds. It expressly recognizes
it, but questions your right to apply the
proceeds to any purposes except those
specified in the act.’
“The judiciary committee of the
house examined and reported upon the
same question during the fifty-second
congress, and it then conceded that the
authority existed under the act ot 1875.
Tue question as to the authority of the
secretary of the treasury to use the
money in any particular manner or for
any particular purpose is wholly dis-
tinct from the question as to his au-
thority to issue and sell the bonds. No
matter what he may do with the
mouey, the validity of the bonds will
not be affected and there is therefore
no reason why any one shonld hesitate
to invest in these securities on the
ground that the proceeds might possi-
bly be used for other than redemption
purposes. :
Courbett’s Reception.
Enthusiastically Greeted by an Immense Crowd.
New York, Jan. 29.--Nearly every
seat in the Madison Square Garden
was occupied on Saturday evening by
friends and admirers of Champion
James J. Corbett. Corbett was last to
appear, and the spectators waited with
more or less patience to see the cham-
pion, while some indifferent sparring
exhibitions were given.
After several minor events came the
event of the evening, and a wild cheer
arose as the tall form of Corbett ap-
The sparring with Creedom was, of
course, very tame, but the marvellous
quickness of the champion was appar-
ent at all times.
Governor Waites Senators Don't
More of the Session.
Want Any
DENVER, Jan. 30.—The time of the
House to-day was mainly occupied in
passing several bills providing for the
construction of roads and bridges. The
Senate met this afternoon at 2 o'clock
for the first time since Friday.
Governor Waite’s message in reply
to the Senate's resolution asking him
to prorogue the Legislature, the sub-
stance of which was given in last
night's dispatches was read, Senator
McKinley introduced a concurrent re-
solution, providing for an adjourment
sine die February 8, which went over
under the rules.
In Insurgent Waters.
A Ship Starts a Little War Play and Gets
Rio Janeiro, January 30.—While
the Detroit was escorting three Yankee
schooners yesterday the insurgent war-
ship Quanabara fired upon the
schooner Good News. The Detroit
immediately fired across the Quana-
bara’s bow. The Quanabara returned
the fire whereupon the Detroit sent a
shell into the insurgent vessel, which
caused the latter to signal that she bad
Washington County Short of Cash.
WasHiNgroN, Pa., Jan. 30.—This
county is hard up for cash to meet
current expenses, It has been recently
charged that the expenditures of public
money during the past year were uu-
necessarily liberal. The time has
come to remedy it. To-morrow the
County Commissioners will place on
sale Washington county bonds which
will bear 6 per cent interest, payable
August 1. 1894.
Rosina Vokes, Actress, Dead,
LoxpoN, January 29.--Miss Rosina
Vokes, the well-known actress, died
Saturday. She was the most talented
of the famous Vokes family, which
has been prominent before the public
for many vears, both ia this country
and in the United states. Mies Vokes
was born in London in 1854.
It Will Add Strength.
Instead of Weakening the Tariff Bitl, the Income
Tax Will Aid Its Passage.
WasHINGTON, Jan. 30.- ~The incor-
poration of the income tax in the tariff
bill, said Mr. Haines, one of the New
York Demacratic oppcnents of ihe bill
contrary to general expectations, seems
more likely to strengthen than to
weaken the tariff measure. Mr.
Haiues states that fifty-six members of
the house had agreed to oppose the tar-
iff bill before it became obvious that it
would carry with it the income bill.
These votes were divided as follows:
New York, 10; New Jersey, 4; Penn-
sylvania, 4; Rhode Island, 1; Cou-
necticut, 1; California, 2; Maryland.
3; Massachusetts, 2; Michigan, 2;
Wisconsin 2; Louisiana, 5; Indiana,
2; Illinois, 3; Alabama, 1; Virginia,
2; Georgia, 2, and 10 Populists, 56 in
all. The Populists are strong support-
ers of the income tax proposition,
which was one of the planks of their
national platform two years ago.
They were not, however, favorable to
the tariff bill, inasmuch, as from their
standpoint, it gave no benefit to the
granger classes.
The income tax measure is under-
stood, however, to be so popular with
them that they will support the tariff
bill in order tbat the income tax may
become a law. Mr. Haines now
counts on losing all of the Populists’
support and the only certain votes
which he is claiming against the tariff
bill are thirty-eight. He believes,
however, that from ten to fifteen scat-
tering votes may be added to the fore-
going thirty-eight from members who
are still undecided as to their course of
action. Notwithstanding the defection
of the Populists, he still believes the
tariff bill will be beaten. He thinks
that all of the dissatisfied Democrats
will vote with the Republicans to
strike out the enacting clause. If
this fails a motion will be made to re-
commit the bill.
When Mr. Wilson was told what
Mr. Haines had said, he smiled and
said interrogatively, “yes.” Mr. Wil-
son was asked if he had any doubt of
the passage of the bill. “None, what-
ever,” was the quick reply.
Fought Six Rounds.
Old Mother Huntingdon Getting Quite Giddy as
the Century Closes.
Hu~tiNGDON, Pa., January 29.—
The six round glove contest between
William Quinn (“Scaldy Bill”), of Al-
toona, and Lincoln Burris, of Hunt-
ingdon, came off at 11.15 o'clock in
Smithfield township, on the opposite
side of town. About seventy specta-
tors witnessed the mill. The fight was
for a purse of $25, and the winner to
get two thirds ot the gate receipts.
According to the decision of Referee
Ellis, it was a draw. Burris and
Quinn fought at 158 and 137 pounds
respectively. All through the contest
Quino led the fighting and showed
himself to be very clever. Burris all
the while acting on the defensive.
_. Several rugged blows were exchanged
in the first round, Quinn drawing first
blood by striking his opponent a swing-
ing right hander on the nose. Burris
scored a knock down in the second
round by a right hander from the
ghoulder on Quinn's wind. In the
third and fourth rounds some sharp
and decisive hitting was done by both
men and in the fifth the colored man
won the plaudits of the crowd by knock-
ing Burris down. The sixth and last
round was notable for vigorous fight
ing, the laurels being pretty evenly
divided. The negro seemed to have a
hankering for Burris’s wind, but the
force of his blows were almost invar-
iably weakened before the desired spot
was reached. The visiting sports from
Altoona had their money on the negro
while Burris was the choice of Hunt-
ingdonians, .
News From Rio.
MONTEVIDEO, January 29.---A dis
patch dated Januar y25 at Rio Janeirio
says : Rear Admiral Beham had an in-
terview with Admiral Da Gama aboard
the United States cruiser New York on
January 22. The insurgent admiral
protested afterwards that the American
admiral was somewhat peremptory.
He was said to have told Da Gama
that the insurgent cause was almost
lost and to bave offered his good offi-
cers as mediator. The insurgent ad-
miral declined to consider the possibility
of a settlement which did not include
Peixoto’s retirement and the election of
another president. Rear Admiral Beo-
ham was visibly irritated by Da-
Gama's statement and finally declared,
it was said, that he would not stop
short of force to protect the landing of
government war materials in case the
insurgents refused to listen to reason.
Admiral Da Gama contended that the
insurgents were far from losing their
uary 29.--Early on the morniog of the
24th a strong force of ingurgents landed
on Bom Jesue islands under cover of
the fire from their launches and cap-
tued the earthworks held by the gov-
ernment troops.
There is no basis whatever for the
report that Rear Admiral Benham, com-
manding the American squadron here,
iz acting in an official capacity in the
to bring about a settlement of the troub-
| les by arbitration. That he is seeking
| effort to bring the troubles to an end is
true, but he 18 simply acting asa private
! citizen in the negodations. Mr. Thomp-
1 gon, the American winister, hopes to
| make bis first call on Peixoto to day.
| Hitherto he has been snubbed daily
and has found it useless to attempt to
| meet Peixoto.
| Mr. Sibley Will Retain His Seat.
{| HARRIBURG, January 28,—It is re-
i ported to-night that Congressman Sib-
{ ley’s resignation as the representative
' of the Erie-Crawford district in Congress
! will be withdrawn to-morrow and that
he will retain his seat.
Hancock all Right.
1 tr —
! Democratic Kickers Fail to Judiciaily Knock out
the Party Nominee
HarrisBURG, Jan. 30.—The efforts of
John Ormsby, representing the *‘Penn-
sylvania Democracy,” to" judicially
knock out James Denton Hancock as
the Democratic candidate for Congress-
man-at-Large by filing objections in the
Prothouotary’s office of this county to-
day to the nomination by the Demo-
cratic State Convention and by nomi-
nation papers, was a signal failure be:
cause the candidate souzht to be ruled
out had no notice served on him as the
law of 1893 requires.
In the objections to the certificate of
nomination] filed it was claimed that
the nomination was not madé by the
Democratic party, that it was not made
by any convention of delegates or pri-
mary meeting of electors or caucus
help under the rules of a political par-
ty, or any board authorized to certify
nomination of any political party, and
that the nomination was made by a
body of men having no authority to
act, and whose powers to make any
nomination ended on September 20,
1893. Objections filed to the nowina-
tion papers of Mr. Hancock stated that
they were not signed by the requisite
per cent. of voters for any State officer
at the last preceding election.
Deputy Attorney General Stranaban,
representing Mr Hancock, appeared
before the court this afternoon and
asked Judge Simonton to order the pa-
pers to be marked “not filed” on ac-
count of no notice having been served
on Mr. Hancock personally as the act
of 1893 requires. The papers had an
affidavit attached setting torth that
a notice of objections had
been mailed the candidate, but the
Deputy Attorney General cited the act
after which Judge Simonton directed
Prothonotary Melick not to mark the
papers filed.
This is the last day for filing objec-
tions and all prospects of bowling out
Mr. Hancock as the Democratic can-
didate tor Congressman-at-Large have
To Save Her Mother.
The Mistaken Devotion of a Woman for Her
LouisviLLE, Ky., Jan. 80.—Mollie
Roath, a milliner, hung herself in this
city on Saturday night. She commit-
ted the deed to save her old mother
from starving. The two were alone in
the world and were supported by the
girl’s labor.
Mollie often spoke of her fear that
her mother would suffer, should she die
first, and last year took out a $2,000 pol-
icy in a benefit society. When she was
thrown out of employment by hard
times, in December, they were soon in
debt. She tried in vain to get work.
Saturday afternoon she was missed,
and early Sunday morning was found
hanging dead in an empty room. She
left a note warning her mother not to
talk to reporters, and the facts did not
leak out until the coroner conipleted his
inquest in the afternoon, Loa !
The premiums on the policy were
kept paid up and Mrs. Roath will have
enough to live on for the rest of her life.
Mollie was 80 years old, and bore an
excellent reputation. She had told a
friend that she would kill herself so that
her mother could get the insurance
A Report Defend.
Mr. Stenger Says Candidate Markley is Still in
the Field.
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 29.—Mr., W. S.
Stenger, when shown the statement
published this afternoon that Senator
Markley, who was recently put forward
by the Pennsylvania Democracy for
Congressman-at-Large, would with-
draw before the close of the week said:
There is no truth whatever in this
statement. Mr. Markley has given no
intimation of any intention to with-
draw. On the contrary, heis in the
field to stay unless harmony can be
reached by a thorough revision of the
rules that will save the masses of the
party from the tyranny of the bosses.
This is no child’s play upon which he
and the Pennsylvania Democracy are
indulging. They mean to get such a
foothold as will ultimately dislodge
machine dominion, if it does not do it
completely at the coming election,
Bell Company's Big Capital.
Boston, Jan, 30.—The announce-
ment made Sunday that the Bell tele-
phone company contemplated asking
the legislature for an increase of its
capital stock by $30,000,000 bears sub-
stantial confirmation by the admission
from ex-Gov. Long, counsel for the
company in the matter, that, while he
could not say what the amount asked
for would be, he should say the com-
pany would certainly require at least
double its present capital, which is $20,-
000,000. Gov. Long said that the only
thing for which the Bell company asks
this increase of capital is to enable it
to meet the growth and development of
its business, Its purpose is simply to
ask for such increase of the capital
stock as will enable it to earry on its
enlarged businese.
The Federal Election Law Repealer.
W asHINGTON, Jan. 31.—The eepate
has finally named the day when the
pealing the federal election law. Gen:
eral debate on the measure will close
next Tuesday at 4 p.m. Alter that
hour amendmeuts may be presented
and passed upon, but the final vote
must be taken before the adjournment
of the senate that day.
‘ernment disasters at Curutiba,
final vote ia to be taken on the bill re- |
The Recent Trouble in Rio.
American Merchantmen in the Harbor Will be
Protected. Da Gama Becomes Very Arrogant
and Rear Admiral Benham on the Detroit Fired
Several Shots at the Insurgent Flagship
Which Surrendered Without Further Trouble.
American Admiral Commanded.
Rio JANEIRO, January 30.—When
Admiral Da Gama, commander of the
insurgent forces, notified Admiral Ben-
ham, commander of the American
squadron, on Saturday, that if the three
American mercant vessels, Amy, Good
News and Julia Rollins from Baltimore,
then lying in the bay, would attempt to
go to the city piers, he would fire on
them, Admiral Benham replied that
the vessels would go to the piers if they
wanted to and he would protect them.
Accordingly, the United States man
of war, Detroit, hoisted her anchors and
steamed close up to the Good News. As
she did so a musket shot from the insur-
gent war ship, Guanabara, was fired at
the Good News. The Detroit at once
fired a six pound shot across the bows
of the Guanabara, whereupon the latter
vessel replied with what is supposed to
have been a blank cartridge. The De-
troit then turned one of her guns upon
the Guanabara and sent a small shell
into her stern post and was on the point
of delivering a broadside st the insur-
gent ship when the Guanabara signalled
that she would stop firing. The Good
News then proceeded to the piers.
‘What the final result of the trouble
between the fleets will be is not known,
but one thing is evident to everbody
and that is that the American merchant
Sates are protected in every part of the
Admiral Benham had the Newark
ready to aid the Detroit, while the New
York, Charleston and San Francisco
were alert to receive the Aquidaban and
Tamandare which are under steam.
Admiral Benham said to-day : “If Ad-
miral De Gama was contending for any
principle or position in which any
civilized nation would sustain him, he
ought to make a fight, but heis wrong
in law everywhere in opposing us.”
The commander of the Austrian war
ship has asked Rear Admiral Benham to
be allowed to help in case of a fight.
German naval officers applaud Benham.
The English officers naturally are in
opposition, while not denying that Ben-
ham’s position is lawful.
Benham now has two propositions
regarding arbitration, but he will not
reveal them. A settlement by such
means, however, is at present improba-
ble. While angry at his decision, the
insurgents comment upon Benham’s
great courtesy ‘and tact in the negotia-
tions. The day befare the conflict
Benham notified the city authorities
that the waterfront would likely be
A consultation of the senior officers
of foreign naval vessels will be held
to-morrow on the San Francisco.
Small Surplus Remains.
A Statement of the Most Important Expenses of
the Pennsylvania World's Fair Commission.
HARRISBURG, Jan. 81.—The finan-
cial strings of the World’s Fair com-
mission are being gathered up, and with
the close of the day the statement will
be practically completed, and will show
a surplus approximating $1,700 after all
debts are paid. Of this amount $1,500
will go to defray part of the military
display on Pennsylvania day and the
balance will be turned into the treas-
A few of the most important items in
the list of expenditures are as follows =
Expenses of members in attendance
upon the meetings of the board, $7,036.-
18 ; salaries of executive commissioners
and employes, $25,220.95 : expenses of
Pennsylvania Day, $5,000; dedication,
‘World’s Fair buildings, $1,458.84; Penn-
gylvania building at Chicago, construc-
tion, $90,679.84 ; furnishing, $16,148.05;
ladies’ parlor, 5,696.23 ; incidental,
$5,994 24 ; grounds, $1,735.20; insur-
ance, $1,250 ; maintenance, $13,635.62;
total, $135,158.08, expenses of com-
mittees. The records will be filled at
the auditor general's department in a
few days. .
40 Per Cent for Creditors.
But Meadville Savings Bank Stockholders Wilk
Have to Pay the Rest.
MEADVILLE, Jan. 80.—The apprais-
ers of the Meadville Savings Bank prop-
erty have about completed their labors.
They find the liabilities are $127,000,
and appraise the assets at $50.508,68,
which includes the bank’s real estate
estimated at $3,125, which is generally
considered certainly law enough. The
face of the assets indicated $110,567,08,
but their value is reduced by bad paper.
The creditors will thus realize about
40 per cent from the partnership prop-
erty, and they will look for the remain-
der to the stockholders, some of whom
are getting out of reach by the usual
process. Executions have been issued
against F. P. Ray, an atforney here,
and chairman of the Republican County
Insurgent Successes.
Peixoto’s Troops Forced to Flee Leaving Arms
and Munition Behind.
Rio Janeiro, Jan. 80.—Alarming
reports have been received here of gov-
gue and Antonia. It is stated that
these places have been captured by the
Insurgents and that the Government
troops have fled, abandoning their arms.
and munitions of war:
Pekin Is Imperiled.
LONDON, Jan, 81.—A dispatch from
Shanghai to the Standard says that the
Chinese officials are alarmed over the
widespread flood and that they serious-
ly fear the overflow of the Pe-Ho aud
the Tung-Kiang is imperiling Pekin.
The officials are desirious of enlisting
the best foreign engineering skill for
the erection of dams to protect the city.
Trying to Break the Deadlock,
i TRENTON, Jan. 31.—Governor Werts |
and President Rogers had a conference,
and the Governor submitted & proposi-
tion for settling the senate deadlock.
Neither the Governor nor Senator Rog-
ers would make any statement as to the
details, but Senator Rogers said he |
thought the difficulty would be settled
! soon without recourse to the courts,
! ment.
Gladstone to Resign.
LonpoN, Jan. 31.—The Pall Mail
Gazette this morning saysit has posi-
tive information that Gladstone will
resign before the reopeming of parlia-
The Gazette says that the resig-
nation has been decided upon owing 0
the rejection of the home rule bill and
to advanced age.