Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 02, 1894, Image 1

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    BY P. GRAY MEEK. ,
Ink Slings.
—His nibs, the ground-hog, is out to-
— Business is always picking up with
the rag man.
—-Old Probs has made several very
good bluffs at winter, but the game is
too stiff for him.
—Man is always muster of his actions
when it comes to facing a collection
basket in church. :
—Your German neighbor, next door,
unconsciously makes you a present of a |
chaffing dish every time she hus saur-
kraut and back bone for dinner.
—Though the patent on the Bell
telephone Co’s., receiver has run out the
rent of the instrument is still as high as
the ‘‘hell-o”’ pitch of the Central girl.
—If MrircHELL suffers many more
loses like that one in Jacksonville, last
week, he'll either have to ride “pony”
Moore home or take a long, damp
—CorBETT will fight PETER JACKSON,
the Australian colored slugger, in June,
but nobody knows where it will come
off as yet. Jim will find the nigger-head
a little harder to thump than he did
—One shell from Uncle Sam’s big
popper on board the Detroit settled the
doubt which the Brazilian insurgents
had in their minds, until Tuesday, as to
whether our men-of-war were only in
the port of Rio for show.
—Men who refuse to work because
they can’t get $2.00 or more per day
deserve the sympathy of no one. Tis
better to work for half that sum, than
run therisk of inculcating habits of
laziness which will never be over-
—Our new minister to, Bolivia is Hon.
TaoMmAs MooNLiGHT, of Kansas. If
the fair sex down there are anything
like the typical North American girl,
he will have a ‘cinch’ on the Bolivian
maidens and they will doubtless soon
find out “what's in a name.”
—GALUSHA GROW has no right to be
in Congress. We want able men, with
well defined ideas, to represent this great
Commonwealth’s interests. No half-
way fellow will fill the bill and GArLU-
SHA don’t know whether he is a Demo-
cral, a Republican, or a Populist,
— VAILLANT, the French Anarchist
who threw a bomb into the chamber of
Deputies, was executed on Wednesday.
France is taking drastic methods to rid
herself of the red-flag and were other
foreign countries to follow the example
it would not be long until Anarchism
would die.
—Germany is happy because her Em-
peror and Prince BISMARCK have kissed
and made up. If the pictures which
have been published lately do not belie
the old “man-of-iron’’ we fear there will
be another eruption if etiquette de-
mands the young Emperor to do any-
more kissing.
—GLADSTONE’S determination to re-
tire from the English Parliameat will
give the enemies of the “Grand Old
Man” an opportunity to console
themselves with the idea that they will
soon have one straw removed from their
way, and the supporters of Home Rule
a leader whom they will not easily re-
— What right has GALUSHA GROW to
ask Republicans to vote for him ? Why
he thought he was a Populist, and had
his head chuck-full of Populistic
speeches, when the G. O. P. put him on
the ticket for Congressman-at-large. A
man who doesn’t know what side of the
fence he is on has no claim nor right
to represent any party in Congress.
—The young Patchinville joker, who
made a bogus confession to a minister
during a revival service holding in that
town,and claimed that heand a friend had
murdered a peddler, who mysteriously
disappesred, near McGhee’s Mills, three
years ago, came near going from the al-
tar to the halter. As it is his friend has
sued him for slander and he only saves
his neck by professing it was a joke.
-—The Hollidaysburg Register claims
that the McKINLEY bill never drovea
single workingman into the street. We
don’t know whether it did, if a literal
interpretation were given its statement,
but can the Register explain what has
been responsible for the idleness of so
many thousand workmen during the
winter and of their enforced return to
work at an average reduction of 20 per
~- Hayti is the latest seat of interna-
tional trouble 1n which Uncle SAM has
a finger.
dertook to give old Hipp oLYTE some
advice which he did not think he need-
ed and now things are strained. We
are doing our best to knock the ¢‘‘millen- |
nium in '94” theory into a cocked hat.
Until this last difficulty is fixed up the
lion and the lamb can’t bo said to lie
down in peace.
Our minister Mr. SMITH un-'
VOL. 39.
BELLEFONTE, PA., FEB. 2, 18: 5,
Quay as a Repudiator.
Senator Quay, in a recent interview,
: made a display of the malignant char-
acter of the Republican opposition to
the measures of this Democratic admin-
It is as plain as a mathematical dem-
| onstration that reckless Republican
legislation, and extravagant practices
in the management of the government,
emptied the Treasury and produced the
impaired condition of the public fin-
ances, The present movetary situation
is the wreck they left behind them.
Having wrought this ruin they show-
ed their indifference to it by refusing,
at the close of their administration,
power to do anything that might have
in some measure relieved the financia
embarrassment they had created.
This was the condition of affairs that
was imposed upon the incoming ad-
ministration. The Republican wreck-
ers gloried over the trouble which
their own maladwministration had im-
posed upon their Democratic successors
and had compelled them to struggle
with as an embarrassing legacy. They
gloated over it, and have opposed
every measure designed to bring order
out of the fnancial chaos of which
they were the originators.
Secretary CARLISLE met this situa-
tion with the determination of a man
who had a trying duty imposed upon
him, but who was determined to per-
form it to the best advantage of the
public interest. Immediately the Re-
publican malignants commenced howl-
ing at him for not borrowing money to
supply the deficiency they had caused.
Like a careful guardian of the trust
committed to him he hesitated about
increasing the public indebtedness, by
the issuing of bonds, which the exigen-
him to do. And now the Republicans
are howling against him for doing that |
which they had previonsly abused
him for not doing.
But the worst manifestation of this |
malignant spirit was made by Senator |
Quay in his attempt to discredit the |
bonds which the government has been |
compelled to issue to meet a grave pub- |
lic emergency. He endeavored to pre-
vent their sale by infusing into the
public mind an apprehension that they |
would be repudiated. This was a
morally, if not a legally, treasonable
act, and although it may not be im-
peachable by legal process, it certain-
ly exposes him to the impeachment of
public opinion.
Opposing a Pennsylvania Interest.
The Philadelphia Press is not speak-
ing for the interest of Pennsylvania
when it opposes the free importation of
iron ore. In lamenting over the injurious
effect of allowing ore to come in free
“from Cuba, the Bay of Biscay and
the Mediterranean,” is it conscious of
the fact that the importation of ore
from those regions does not interfere
with the digging of a single ton of
Pennsylvania iron ores; that the
iron and steel industry, particular-
ly in the eastern part of the State, is
languishing in consequence of being de-
nied the profitable use of those ores
by the duty insanely imposed by a Re-
publican tariff.
The kind of iron ore brought from
abroad, and which is so indispensable
to the production of steel and the finer
qualities of iron, cannot be furnished
by the mines of this State. The in-
crease of its cost by an unnecessary
tariff duty is not so injurious in its ef-
fect upon the steel manufacturers of
the western part of the State to whom
the freight charges on the Michigan
ore, required for steel manufacture, is
not as heavy as on that which is car-
ried farther east ; but the tariff on im-
ported ore is a vital injury®to that line
of industry in eastern Pennsylvania,
and this injury the Press insists upon
having continued, not for the benefit of
Pennsylvania miners, who cannot fur-
nish this needed variety of ore, but for
the advantage of a Michigan monopoly.
The Press ought to speak for the in-
terest of Pennsylvania which on this
point it appears to have eatirely lost
sight of.
—The doctors of Beaver Falls
have all become wire pullers. Eight
| year old Harry HiLi, of that place
| swallowed a piece of copper wire three
inches long, on Wednesday, and they
cies of the situation at last compelled
"are all after jit.
' A Trick That Did Not Succeed.
The self-styled “Pennsylvania Demo-
crats,” better and more properly known
as “Quay’s Philadelphia Reserves,”
who with the backing of the Re-
publican press of that city, have been
attempting to create trouble in the
Democratic organization throughout
the State, met with a merited defeat, on
Wednesday last, in their effort to dis.
credit the legality of the late State con-
vention. They had fixed up objectiong
to the nomination of Hancock, but
failed to notify him of the fact as re-
quired by law, and as a consequence
Judge SimonTON, before whom the
case was brought, sat down inconti-
nently upon them by simply ruling
that they had no case. They went
home possibly a little wiser, but we
presume will work just as hard as they
have done for years to demoralize, dis-
courage and divide, what is left of the
Philadelphia Democracy.
This failure results in the beneficial
effects of having candidate Hancock's
name printed, as it should be and as
the Democracy of the State desired, un-
der the head of “Democratic ticket.”
These Quay Reserves hoped through
technicalities, to have a decision that
would require his name to be placed
under the head of “by-nomination pa-
pers,’—sandwiched in with the Popu-
list, the Prohibition and their own can-
didate. In thig way thousands upon
thousands of votes would have been
lost to him, by Democrats who after
voting that part of the ticket printed
under the party heading, would have
neglected, or failed, to look for and
mark his name on a different part of
the ticket.
It was a nice scheme, A brilliant
idea to reduce the Democratic vote,
and thus give these croakers an oppor-
tunity to denounce the organization,
and the Republicans gronad for alleg-
ing that Democrats refused to vote for
Hancock because of his tariff reform
Had they succeeded, fully one half
of the Democratic vote of the State, as
registered for the local Democratic
ticket would have been lost to the can-
| didate for Congressman-at-large, nd
every one that would have been thus
lost would have been heralded, by
the Republican press, as a vote withheld
because of the tariff policy of the par:
In this effort Mr. Quay and his re-
serves, have received a very effec tual
The Commissioners’ Statement.
In supplement form the WarcamMaN
this week gives to its readers the Com-
missioners statement for 1893. We are
free to admit that it is neither as ex-
plicit as it might be, nor is it as
promising for the tax-payers as was
looked and hoped for. While it shows
an excess of assets over liabilities, it
also shows that the management has
been such that large amounts of inter-
est isstill being paid, for borrowed
money ; that while but $3,895.74 were
needed for bridges and less than one
thousand dollars expended in improv.
ing the public property, the aggregate of
expenditures are kept up to the full
amount expended during the years the
county was erecting its big iron bridges,
repairing public buildings, and feeling
the weight of a burdensome indebt.
edness. The cost of managing the
county affairs,—that is Commissioners’
pay and clerk hire alone—amounts to
OVER len per cent. of the entire tax levy,
while other counties in the State are
managed, at an expense to the people,
of less than Ave per cent. of the tax.
Where Reform Wouldn't Hurt.
The tax collectors fees for collecting
taxes for county purposes amounts to
about 3} per cent. of the amouat col_
lected ; the county treasurer's salary,
for receiving, paying out and being re-
sponsible for the safe keeping of the
county funds, amounts to less than six
per cent. on the amount of money
handled. For simply over seeing the
distribution of this money the Commis-
sioners’ charge over ten per cent. of the
entire amount collected and expended.
A little reform in the business methods
of that office might cut this average
cost, down to something like reasonable
figures, Won't brother Stromy, who
takes credit for running that offices
make a move in this direction ?
Consistent in Their Malignancy.
The attempt of the Republicans to
impair the public credit by discrediting
the bonds issued by Secretary CARLISLE
is in keeping with the course they
have generally adopted in opposition
to the Democratic measures for the re-
lief of an embarrassed government, as
well as of an overtaxed people.
The business prostration, which is
chiefly an effect of a Republican mo-
nopoly tariff, is falsely represented by
them as being caused by the Democra-
tic intention to reduce the excesses of
that tariff, a barefaced attempt to take
advantage of their own wrong.
With the object of intensifying the
opposition to tariff reform among an
unthinking class, they endeavor to
make the hard times serve that pur
pose to the fullest extent by resorting
to influences that are calculated to
continue the business depression which
their tariff policy brought on, and
which they impudently charge as be-
ing due to what they call “Democratic
tariff tinkering.”
But all great movements for the
public good have to encounter opposi-
tion, and it would have been too much
to have expected that Democratic tariff
reform would not have to grapple with
the malign iaterests that have grown
etrong and insolent under Republican
administration. The Democratic party
however will be equal to it, and wil]
not desist from the work it has been
called todo until it shall have correct-
ed the manifold evils with which a
long continuance of Republican rule
has afflicted the country.
He Should Take Courage.
Congressman BELTZHOOVER is evi-
dently laboring under a wistaken ap-
prehension in regard to the Wirson
tariff bill. He appears to be restrained
by a fear that the effect of such a tariff
would be of a character that would
injure the popularity of Representa-
tives who should vote for it.
He ought to dismiss this fear from
his mind. It would be well for him to
look back to the case of the Democrat-
ic Congressmen from Pennsylvania
who were frightened into voting against
the Democratic tariff of 1846 by the
fear that it would ruin Pennsylvania
and that their constituents would con.
sequently be down on them. That bill
was passed, and it did not ruin their
State whose industries became more
flourishing than ever.
In a little while the people of Penn-
sylvania were well satisfied with the
low tariff, and of those Congressmen
from this State who were re-elected,
the only one that was not scared by the
calamity howl! raised at that time, but
manfully and like a good Democrat
voted for the WALKER tariff of 1846,
was sent back with the biggest majority.
Representative BELTzHOOVER should
bear this bit of tariff history in mind
and take courage.
His Object Endorsed.
The House Committee on Foreign
Affairs justly and properly indorsed
the object the President had in view in
his action in the Hawaiian matter
when it declared :
“That we heartily approve of the
principle announced by the President
of the United States that interference
with the domestic affairs of an inde-
pendent nation is contrary to the spiri
of American institutions.”
The President had no other purpose
than to let the world understand that
it is not the policy of this government
to encourage or take part in the over-
throwing of other governments, or to
aid and abet conspirators who under-
take such enterprises. It will indeed,
be a shameful day for the Republic
when its Chief Magistrate shall recog-
nize a filibustering and piratical policy
towards other nations as being its
policy. Such recognition cannot be
expected of GrovER CLEVELAND.
—1It is important that every Dem-
ocrat who canshould make his arrange-
ments to attend the February election.
Every Democratic vote that fails to be
deposited will be alleged, by Republi-
can papers, to be withheld because of
Democratic efforts to reform a vicious
and oppressive tariff system. To sus-
tain the party position and to encour-
age those who ara battling to relieve
the people of oppressive tariff taxation.
Every Democrat should make it a point
to be at the polls at the February elec-
tion and cast his ballot for Jas. D.
NO. 5.
¥ The Glories of War.
From the Lancaster Intelligencer.
While the rebel and government
fleets of Brazil are bravely contriving
to keep out of each others way the gar-
rison of Bage is rejoicing over its relief
from a diet of cats enforced upon it by
the beleaguring rebels now dispersed.
In sheer contrast with the mild and
gentle character of this war in Brazil
is the ferocious fighting in Central
America, where native and Spanish
blood seems to form a particularly hot
combination, and slaughter and devas-
tation follow their continual wars.
The Honduran army has again been
defeated in a very sanguinary battle
near the town of Choluteca, which was
utterly destreyed by bombardment and
fire. How terrible it would be it big
Brazil were half so much in earnest as
these little countries are over their lit-
tle quarrels.
On the Political Fence for Sure.
From the Easton Argus.
Some persons living along the state
line, who have been surveyed from Del-
aware into Pennsylvania, are not taking
the change with very good grace. Pol-
iticiang are hit especially hard. Some
who have been led to believe they were
citizens of one state and who cast their
fortunes with the majority of one party
now learn that they live in another stata
and that a party of opposite convictions
is in power. They have nothing todo but
accept the situation and make the most
of it. Care should be taken in the fature
too haveall imaginary dividing lines of
states distinctly marked. Instances like
the late one are at times very aggrava-
A Fossiliferous Specimen.
From the Uniontown Genius of Liberty.
Galusha A. Grow could be of no pos-
sible use to his constituents or himselt
in Congress. He is old and infirm, a
back number, without any well defined
ideas on any subject of interest to the
people. A vote for him is a vote
thrown away. The tariff bill will pass
the house long before the election.
On the other hand, his opponent
James D. Hancock, is a man of con-
victions, in the prime of life and able
to do the State good service. Grow
can do nothing while his opponent can
do much.
sm—— wn WF
The English Have Plenty of Both,
From the Walla Walla, Wash. Statesman.
The announcement that England is
to expend £5,000,000 in the construc:
tion of new battleships will doubtless
fill the vast army of paupers in that
country with patriotic enthusiasm.
They might prefer, itis true, to be
filled with bread and beer, but they
long since learned that, while food of
any kind is a luxury navies and armies
are a necessity, and that a million emp-
ty bellies are of less serious import
than a single empty exchequer. 'Tis
royalty and loyalty that wnake the
world go round.
Cases Where Superstition Amounts to |
From the Columbia Independent.
Persons who believe in luck and
signs will doubtless agree that it is un-
lucky to be struck by lightning ont
Monday, or take hold of a circular saw
on Tuesday, or tumble down stairs with
a coal scuttle on Wednesday, or to be
hit by a cable car on’ Thursday, or tall
overboard on Friday, or marry on Sat-
urday a girl who swings ten-pound
dumb-bells, or be one of thirteen at
.dinner on Sunday, when there is food
for only ten.
A Smooth Road for Daniel.
From the Greensburg Westmor'land Democrat
The orders recently issued by Boss
Quay that Gen. Daniel H. Hastings,
of Bellefonte, shall be given the Re-
publican nomination for governor this
year, have reached Philadelphia.
Promptly and with their usual obe-
dience to the behests of the boss, the 64
delegates of that city elected to the
state convention met, Saturday, and
endorsed Hastings for the gubernatorial
All For Glory the Printer's Life.
From the Curwensville Review.
It a doctor makes a mistake he bur-
ries it; if a merchant makes a mistake
he never tells it; if a lawyer makes a
mistake he crawls out of it, but if an
editor makes a mistake Le puts it on a
large sheet of paper for the world to look
at, and in every community there are
cranks who think they are models of
wisdom because they occasionally dis-
cover them.
a ———————————————————
She Could Waller Her Daub in it Any-
From the Gebtysburg Compiler.
No wonder they say the Yankees
exaggerate. We know one who com.
plained to his butcher that the last
piece of steak sent him was so tough
his wotber could not chew the gravy,
And Very Effectually Too.
From the Williamsport Republican. .
Now Mr. Sullivan comes forward
and says that he has not retired from
the ring. No, neither has Mitchell.
They were both knocked out of it.
Spawls from the Keystone,
—There are twenty-one National banks in
Montgomery county.
—The Bloomsburg Iron Company has gone
into the hands of a receiver.
—During 1893 nine houses were built in
Royersford, as against 48 "in 1892, aad 43 in
—Up to date §96,600 in liquor license fees has
been paid to the Schuylkill county Treasurer
for the current year.
—The Pennsylvania railroad station house
at Beatty was entered Sunday night and rob,
bed of a quantity of store goods.
—The one thousand people of Tobyhanna
Mills, Monroe county, having nothing to do are
harvesting an immense ice crop.
—The various lodges of the Farmers’ Allie
ance of Cambria county were in session at
Ebensburg Monday and Tuesday.
—The gun with which her brother intended
to shoot a dog was accidentally discharged
avd the little daughter of Mrs. Carmack, of
Irwin, was shot dead.
—Rev. A. H. Bartholomew, of Cleveland, W.
Va., was last Saturday elected pastor of the
Lutheran church at Ligonier at a salary of $800
and the use of parsonage.
—The Lebanon county Commissioners have
decided to enforce the dog tax law of 1893, and
have fixed the minimum tax on male dogsat
fifty cents and on female dogs at one dollar.
—Recent deaths in Huntingdon county are :
Mrs. Keziah Herman, of near Orbisonia, aged
74; Mrs. Stewart, of Rock Hill, aged 87; Mrs,
Mary Ann Ricketts, of Mill Creek, aged 82
—Rev. N. C. Fetter, of Spokane City, Wash,
ington, has accepted the call of the Doyles-
town Baptist Church and expects to assume
the pastorate of his new charge on the first
Sunday of March.
—The Thomas Grimison company, Hunting-
don, has been chartered for the manufacture
and sale of articles of food, confections and
tobacco. Capital, $25,000. Directors, Thomas
Grimison, William A. Grimison, Frank G-
Grimison, Huntingdon.
—Levi Young, aged 72 years, and a resident
of Woolrich, Clinton county, had been ill from
the grip. His nervous system was affected
and to get some sleep he, on Saturday last,
took laudanum. Unfortunately he took too
much and could not be aroused. He died last
Monday afternoon.
—Near Red Lion, York county, a farmer
heard thieves trying to get into his meat house
He had no shot in the house, so he used car-
pet tacks in loading his gun. He sprinkled
his man, and when the doctor was sent for he
refused to pick out the tacks until the thief
told how the tacks got there.
—The farm of 100 acres of Samuel D. Long.
acre, near Linfield, Montgomery county, has
been sold to William C. Lynch, of Philadel-
phia, fora figure approximating $10,000. Mr:
Lynch is a son of John C. Lynch, builder, who
also owns a farm near Linfield and expects to
open a stone quarry on his son’s property.
—On the 25th of January the Juniata Herald,
published at Mifflintown, entered upon its
fourteenth volume. On the same day its ene
terprising editor W. M. Allison, reached the
62nd milepost of his journey on earth. The
Herald is a newsy paper and Brother Allison
is a hustler. May both live long and continue
to prosper.
—The Waynesburg Independent recounts the
murder of Drover McCausland, Lindsey Pat-
terson and Samuel McCoy, the huckster, and
advises such dealers to leave with their fami_
ly the amount of money, character and de.
nomination of the bills they carry with them,
so that if they are murdered, their slayers.
may be more easily identified. It also ad.
vises them to do most of their business with.
—The money to pay the hands of the Ells
worth Coal company, of Suterville, Westmore-
land county, was stolen from the express car
or station on Saturday. The package when
received by the express company was in good
condition, but when opened by them was found
| to be nearly $1,500 short. The money had
been taken out and paper substituted. The
money was sent from Columbus, O., and was
tampered with while in the haads of the Am eri-
| can xpress company.
—At a meeting of the committee of instrue-
tion of Franklin and Marshall College it was
decided to ask the War Department for the
detail of a United States army officer for the
instruction of the students in military science
and tactics. Lieutenant 8. S. Pague, ofi the
Fifteenth Infantry, now stationed at Fort
Sheridan, Ill, has been asked for and will
probably be detailed, Lieutenant Pague-mar-
ried a Columbia lady and. is well known in. Lan-
caster. The new course of instruction will be
voluntary on the part of the students.
—William Noble his home in Wnion-
town, aged 93 years. The deceased was one of
the last of the stage drivers who drowe over
| the great National pike when that thorough-
fare was in its palmy days, having as passen.
gers many of the most distinguished: men o
the times, who were-going to and from Wash-
ington city. The late James G. Blaine, spoke
familiarly of Mr. Noble, in many of his letters
to friends. For years he drove stage between
Ubpiontown and Pittsburg until the-eompletion
of the Chartiers railroad relegated: his stage to
the rear, when he laid down the: lines never to
take them up, and has since been a constant
sufferer from disease.
—Upon the authority of City 3olicitor Har-
vey, of Chester; the Union Railway and the
Chester, Darby and Philadelphia Street Rail~
way companies owe the city of Ch ester over
$11,000, arrearages for dues onaccount of priwi-
leges granted these companies to use
certain paved streets over which their tracks
have been laid, said the Chester News. The
ordinance under which these companies pos
sess theirfranchises provides that they shall
pay $2 per lineal foot on streets on which €oun-
cils give them the right of way. The
City Controller has notified the Solicitor to
proceed with the collection of the money. The
Controller has also notified him to colleet the
money due the city from Edward H. Roberts,
the ex-City Engineer.
—The Somerset Democrat contains the fols
lowing: While engaged in the work of ape
praising the personal effects of the late Leyi
Yoder, of Conemaugh township, the appraisers
came across an old German Bible which was
printed in 1813. The Bible was printed by.
Gottlied Goeb, who for a number of years con-~
ducted a printing establishment in this place
in the early years of the present century, his
specialty being Bibles. Mr. Goeb sold his
printing office to J. B. Gruber, who continwed
the business, making a specialty of the publi-
cation of almanacs. Mr. Gruber eventually
moved to Bedford and thence to Hagerstown,
where he continued the publication of his al=
manacs, which have now become famous as the
“Hagerstown Almanac.” The Bible mention
od above would be a valuable addition to the
collection of any local bibliophile,