A. npr ss Be TD I III rs I. IN AIAN, 55100. ts 0 tt 5 AM MO SA III AO A AAO 000 cn ER Jaca Deore 8Y P. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. “Qur Daniel's” the man, You may all understand, None of his time he’s been wasting; He’s pow high and dry With his bee on the fly And its buzz sounds like Governor Has tings.—A G. O. P. SLoGax —TForgetfulness of self begets mind- fulness of others. ok — Are they pensioners too, those “two little girls in blue.” —Already the couatry is awakening in the rosy dawn of a wonderful business revival, —-Talk is cheap in Philadelphia. Gas only brings one dollar a thousand feet down there now. — As the lover implored of his sweet- heart, so we implore of Congress: ‘End this suspense.” —The ice man’s hopes rise and fall in inverse proportion with the mercury in the thermometer. —If MircaELL and CORBETT keep on they will both be winded before the big fight is “pulled off.” —Emperor WILLIAM, of Germany, opened the Prussian Diet on Tuesday. About all it will do is digest army bills. —We have not heard of Rev. IRL Hicks for some time. Can it be that the plumbers and ice-men have taken his scalp? —1f we only had that $200,000,000 surplus we left in the Treasury five years ago there would be no necessity to talk about issuing bonds. — WARD McALLISTER thinks that New York dudes can’t live properly on $20,000 a year. No wonder there are only +400” of them in the great Metrop- olis. —The Republicans are beyond re- demption and they know it. The Leg- islature of Ohio has done away with the services of a chaplain, considering them needless. —No political leader would be a suc- cess without his contingent of hench- men. They are the levers by which he lifts himself to the top. Why don’t we call them jimmies ? —There is one kind of raw material on which Democrats and Republicans alike should unite in imposing the ex- tremest kind of a lax, and that 1s the class comprising foreign immigrants. —When one young woman calls an- other’s ball costume a dream she comes very near the truth in describing it. Such things, if modern in style, are us- ually more imagination than anything else. —1If Queen LILIOUAKALANI only had a wooden wedding anniversary to cele- brate Uncle Sam would not want for presents to send. Some of bis block= head congressmen would be very suit- able. —Danville came to the front, yester- day morning, with a wild and wooly story of a post-office robbery by out-laws. The Montour county capital is taking the first steps toward a boom. Adver- tising pays. —With the Brazilian war drawing to aclose,and the Hawaiian matter on 2 fair way to settlement, there will be a dirth of news tor many of our totem- poraries that have been devoting so much space to those countries. —The law requiring the registration of all the births and deaths that occur within the county has opened up & new field of news for the local editor. Iti usually dead matter, however, a kind of “boiler plate,” as it were. —TIt is too bad to relegate that old hat to the musky shades of the past. Mr. HARRISON'S refusal to try again for the Presidency will rub all the lustre off the crown of the fellow who wrote ‘where did you get that 277 —A low tariff man in 1857, a high tariff man in 1392, a would be Populist speaker 1n the fall of 1893, and a Repub- lican candidate for Congressman-at-large “in 1894. We peep into the future and wonder, what will GALUSHA grow to? —Parents cannot be too cautious in the language they use in the presence of their children. Itshould always be of the purest, and above all things truthful” ness and an abstinence from gossip should characterize it. Young minds are exceedingly impressionable and often times parents are responsible for the follies of their children, who in later days are sadly addicted to the habits they acquire at home. -—The wool growers of Ohio are said to be kicking against the possibility of free wool. Just what class of wool growers in the Buckeye state is fearful of free wool the Republican press does not say. Possibly it is the class that used the wool to pull over the eyes of the fellows who voted for McKINLEY, but then they ought’nt to kick because that particular kind is not specified in Mr. Wirsox’s bill. It is the same old wool that brought such high prices under the tariff laws of '46, when there was no duty on it, that the bill now in Congress contemplates helping. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. SP -VOL. 39. BELLEFONTE, PA., JAN. 19, 1894. NO. 3. The Difficulties of the Hawaiian Ques- tion. Nothing could have been more un- fortunate, or a greater obstacle to the President’s carrying out his first designs in regard to Hawaii, than the distant and isolated situation of these islands, thousands of miles from our coast, with no telegraphic connection, and a slow imperfect communication by means of steamers. It was in that remote situation that an act has been done that compromis- ed the reputation of this government. Away off in that distant ocean Ameri- can diplomacy had been used as a means of conspiracy, and the Ameri can flag had been employed to cover the perpetration of a wrong. The President had no otheralternative as the representative of a just and magnaci- mous people, and the conservator of her honor, than to do all that could be done, within the limits of his constitu- tional power, torepair what was evi dently an international offense. But he performed this duty under great disadvantages. The objective point of the required reparation was far away, communication was un: avoidably uncertain and imperfect. The course he had to pursue in carry- ing forward the performance of the duty which he felt to be imposed upon him, had necessarily to be governed by the shifting situation in Hawaii, and as the means of communication with the agent sent to represent the government could be supplied only by a slow line of steamers, difficulties in the situation were liable to occur, of which the President could have no immediate knowledge, and therefore he was unable to adapt the instruction of Minister WILLIS to those changes. There can be no question that if there had been telegraphic communi cation with the islands, there would all that the President intended to do in regard to Hawaii, which was no more than to vindicate the reputation of the United States as not being a fillibuster- ing power, but one that is governed by its obligations to weak and inoffensive governments. Keep Them Seperate. The Ways and Means Committee of the House no doubt have acted wisely in reconsidering their previous deter- mination to associate the income tax with their tariff measure, and coaclud- ing to bring the tormer betore Congress in a separate bill. Whatever may be thought of an income tax, whether favorably or otherwise, it is certainly a question that had better be kept separate from the tariff. There are powerful interests opposed to that method of taxation that are not inclined to antagonize tariff reform, and it would be injadi- cious to adopt a course in this matter that would make the enemies of an income tax also the enemies of the WiLson tariff, by joining the two measures in one bill. By acting upon these propositions separately each will stand on its own merits, and a combi: nation of opposition may be avoided. Of the two the WrLsoN tariff bill is vastly the more important measure, and uvothing should be done that would clog its passage. How It's Done. Republican manufacturers have struck a very effective plan to secure the signatures of their employees to re- monstrances against the passage of the WiLson bill. It is simply a notice to sign the paper or give up their job. The Lockhart Steel and Iron com- pany of McKee's Rocks tried this meth: od on Tuesday. On Wednesday it mailed to Washington a protest against a re- duction of the tariff, signed by every man in its employ, except JouN DEvE- LIN, and he found himself without a job that same day. In a day or so some Republican rep- resentative will present in Congress, this same paper, and then Republican newspapers will herald, broadcast, how unanimous the workingmen of Pennsylvania are in favor of protec- tion. This is the way the sentiment, of which we hear so mach, is worked up. It may be effective in securing signa- tures and resolutions, but it won’t fool Democratic Congressmen or it won't save an oppressive tariff tax. have been no failure in carrying out | Jerry Simpson on Shoddy. The debate on the tariff is in full blast in the House and is furnishing, as Horace GREELEY used to say, some mighty interesting reading. The Democrats are holding up their end of the debate with vigor and effect, answering the calamity howl of their opponents with facts and figures which have a telling effect in putting the re sponsibility for the calamity on the shoulders of the party whose tariff policy has clogged the channels of in- dustry, whose monetary ‘enactments have deranged the finances, and whose general extravagance has emptied the treasury. When it comes to a tariff debate the Republicans always have the hot ead of the poker in the controversy, and in taking hold of it in this instance their bands are being badly scorched. Even the Populists in the House are helping to singe them. They have not as yet received a more severe scorching than was administered to them last Friday by JERRY SimpsoN, of Kansas. It is not stated in the report whether that noted granger had socks on or not, at the time, but he certainly socked it to the McKINLEYITES, when in a strong speech in favor of the Wrirson bill, he exhibited on the floor of the house a shoddy overcoat as a specimen of what Republican protection has done for the American farmer. It was a fair sam- ple of the stuff that is given them un- der a system that taxes wool as well as its manufactured product. Holding the miserable garment aloft, and shak- ing it at the Republican members, he exclaimed: “This is what your pro- tection does for the American farmer. I got this off the back ofa farmer, who told me that he got up at mid- night to drive 25 milesinto Washington to market his products. The rotten shoddy ! He only wore it a year after paying $10,560 for it. A million of farmers in the United wear no better coats.” have given the House a more expressive | or convincing object lesson. The Tariff at the Township Elections. This year the February election will have introduced into it an element that will be entirely new to the voters. For the first time in the history of the State will they be called upon to de- termine a State question ata township and borough election. Eversbody of intelligence knows that the Republican party is respousi- ble for this irregularity by reason of its unconstitutional remissness not properly reapportioning the State ; and the same party that has been guilty of this fault, will endeavor to make this irregular State election an occasion for maintaining their monopoly tariff sys- tem by introducing the tariff question at the polls. The distressed business condition will be utilized as an incentive to the voters to cast their ballots for the high tariff candidate for Coogressman-at- large; but it can have but litule effect upon intelligent suffragists who know that the MorINLEY tariff, which [the Republicans wish to have sustained by popular expression at the February polls, had more to do with bringing on the business depressions than any oth- er cause. Fortunately, the Wirson tariff bill cannot be affected in any way by votes cast at this late stage of the question. in ——There are encouraging signe of an improvement of business in every direction. Nothwithstanding the croaking of those who would make political capital out of the hard times, factories and other industrial establish- ments are resuming their suspended operations. While the howlers are declaring that the proposed Democrat: ic measure has had the effect of par- alyzing everything in the shape of manufacture, the startiug of oueimill after another in different parts of the country gives thejlie to their assertion. It is natural that the factories should begin work again, without reference to the tariff, for the over: supply which the MoKixLeyi{policy encouraged, consequently bringing on the suspedsion, is nearly consumed, and there must be a new supply which the mills are now beginning to furnish. States | An Editorial Dirt Thrower. The spiteful and malicious editor of the New York Sun ought to be thankful that such a person as LiL1- UAKALANI, Queen of the Sandwich Islands, was brought into existence. Her case has afforded him immeasur- able delight, and furnished him with a subject on which hedaily devotes the principal part of his editorial columns to the abuse of the President in con- nection with the Hawaiian difficulty. He offensively associated her sable personality with the chief magistrate of the Republic, and he thinks he is having rare sport in parading the President in his columns as the friend and supporter of a half civilized and dissolute colored woman. It is remembered what a gay time the editor of the Sun had in abusing Mr. CLEVELAND before his last nomi- nation. He fairly reveled in the dirty things, which his malicions ingenuity invented, as abusive missiles to be hurl ed at the distinguished Democratic leader against whom he had a person: al spite. Itis also remembered that after the Demoeratic national con- vention, with sweeping acclaim, had nominated Mr. CLEVELAND, this disap- pointed and discomfited editorial maligner, like a kicked dog, sneaked off with his tail between his legs and was forced to support the Democratic nominee in order to save the circula- tion of his paper, and excited general derision by pretending to do it out of hostility to the Force Bill. It is no wonder then that as a compen- gation for the humiliation which his malignant spirit had then to endure, he eagerly embraces the first opportu. nity to throw the dirt which he had been accustomed to hurl at Mr. CLEVE. LAND before his last election. “TarMr Petitions, The passage of a reform tariff bill needs no other warrant than the im- | mense majority for tariff reform at : | the last Presidential election. Representative Simpson could not | That is the all sufficient justification for a reduction of the present duties. The | preponderance of the popular voice has declared them to be too high. But in opposition to the verdict rendered at the polls, parties interested in the maintenance of monopolistic advantage, are managing to get up petitions asking Congress to go back on the popular will. It is not hard to understand how these petitions are gotten up. The names npon them are chiefly of those who had their chance to express themselves on this subject at the ballot box and were cutvoted. Untortunately there may be some other names that have been forced to appear upon these petitions through the co-ercive influence of employers. Butthere are two sides to this game, and it was gratifying to observe that last week a monster petition, signed by the members of twenty-four labor as- gociations of Massachusetts, was presented to Congress, asking for the enactment of the WiLsox bill. This comes from the right people and expresses the right sentiment, for no class are 80 much interested as are the working people in the industrial stability that always attends a moder- ate tariff. There can be no question, that much of the business depression is owing to the pernicious activity of those who have howled calamity for a political effect. The clamor they have kept up bas resulted in making times harder than they would other wise have been. For a howl of thw kind, persistently maintained, could have no other effect than a disturbance of the public mind by infusing a panicky feeling which naturally pros- trated business and retarded its recov- ery. There would long ago have been a healthy resumption if it had not been for the howlers who have been working the business depression for all that could be made out of it politic: ally. ——The action of the Clinton county court last week in holding Justices of the Peace for costs in cases sent to court by them, which were ignored by the grand jury, is a step in the right direction. If all aldermen and justices were made pay the costs in such in- stances there would be fewer petty For the WATCHMAN. BELLE-FONTE. Loved by Indian hunter In the long ago, Mystic music hearing In thy water's flow. Oft his campfire glimmered, In the dusky night, Thy clear depths reflecting Back the ruddy light. Health, and long-life drinking From thy limpid stream, Thou wast to him the fountain Of the Spaniards dream. When the crimson maples Foretold winter soon, And above the mountains Hung the harvest moon ;. Sought the Indian maiden In thy depths to trace, Though it be but faintly, Her true lovers face. ‘Ah! well, they have vanished, Many years ago, And the white can’s coming Laid the forests low : Built his busy city Built. his.iron road, Chained the passing river Bade it bear his load. But still thy waters flow Pure and sweet as then To comfort and to cheer The weary sons of men. —WiLs Hl. TRUCEENMILIER, What Will Become of the Ineome Tax. From the Doylestown Democrat. The decision of the Committee of ‘Ways and Means, to prevent the bill for an income tax separate from the tariff bill will meet general, if not uni- versal approval. It would have inter- fered to a considerable extent with the tariff bill, and might have made it some enemies. A great measure like tariff reform should not be handicapped by a rider, which the income tax feature would have been, but should be consid- ed on its own merits. The same may be said of the income tax bill; it, too, should stand or fall on its merits, Itis an important measuie ; introduces a new method of taxation in time of peace and therefore itsconsideration should not be mixed up with any other portion of our economic. system. We believe the sense of our people is against it, and the vote on it, when considered on its mer- its, will be taken as a reflex of publie opinion. There are other ways to raise means to supply the deficiency in re- venue than this obnoxious tax, which should not be resorted to, except in case of the direst necessity. Ex-Governor Beaver’s Sound Views. From the Johnstown Herald. The Johnstown Herald: publishes the following interview with ex-Governor James A. Beaver, which itis alleged was had with General Beaver recently while in the north cf Cambria county : “To be candid, I don’t believe this de- pression in business is the result of Dem- | ocratic policy. This wave of business depression was coming, and it is only the good fortune of the Republicans that the Democrats got in power in time to be caught by it. It is one of those per- iodical depressions that regularly affect the country. I don’t believe the Dem- ocrats or their policy have anything todo with it. It would have come anyhow, and if Harrison had been elected it might have been even worse.” The Result of Travel In a Sinall State. Prom the Williamsport Republican. The two Lycoming county men who went to Maryland a short time ago to to look for work and who have been arrested charged with murder because a man was killed while they were in Maryland, are certainly the victims of a very unfortunate circamstance and it is fortunate for them that they have established good reputations here at home where they are so well known. The value of a good reputation at home 1s always great, but we seldom know its real value uctil peculiar cir- cumstances turns suspicion in our di- direction and we can use it to such great advantage. Good Material for a Wooden Wedding Present. From the Connellsville Courier. Among the Congressmen arrested: for absence from the floor of the House, last week, without leave, was that bril- liant duck from this district, Dan. B, Heiner. Dan is of mighty little con- sequence in his present position, but when it comes to making up a queram a blockhead is eounted just the same as a statesman. Oo all other occasions he is entirely out of his element in the halls of Congress. Should Fashions Obtain in Chatstianity From the Altoona Tribune. There are still some churches in this country which forbid daweing no mat- ter what the pretext, and some church members who are old-fashion- ed enough to remember and keep the vows they made when they united with the church. A EI A ACR It is Good Enough, but Not Original, From the Bellefoate Daily News. How’s this for the Magnet man? “The most profane man in this section is said to live in Boggs township. He has been known to stand in a ten-acre cases to add to the county's bill of field and swears so that even the corn costa. | was shacked,” Spawlis from the Keystone, —Pittsburg will have women barbers. —One armed James Geary was cut to pieces | under a train at Easton. | The Pennsylvaia Railroad’s new repair shops at Pottsville are finished. —An, alleged spook invests Factoryville and the men of the town all go srmed. —Erakeman Harry Brown fell from his train and was killed and frozen near Sunbury. —Stab wounds received on Christmas day rasulted fataily Monday to John Lee, Shamo- kin. —Mrs. George Hesson, an aged woman of Littletown, Adams County, was found dead in bed. —Mining Expert John Dufty was run over and killed at Girardville by a Lehigh Valley train. —About §.60 worth of liquor and cigars were stolen from J. N, Panlay’s saloon at Miners" ville. —The Bryan Mawr Building and Loan Asso- eiation, capital $500,000, was Tuesday rechar- tered. —Berks County brushmakers cppose the in- troduction of burhsmaking in the county: prison. —Coal gasovercome the family of Wilkiam €ulton, Shamokin, and the wife may not re- eover. —A quarrel between rival contractors has delayed the construction of Easton’s-big new bridge. —Horses ran away and wrecked the hearse at the funeral of Edward Simmons, a: Brad dock lad. : —Pittsbarg’s ex-Law and Order spy; Rober McClure, was sent to jail for 60 days asa een: spirator. —An estate worth over $500,000 was divided by the will of Mrs. D. G. Yuengling, who died at Pottsville. —Two trolley cars filled with passengers Yok a header in Pottsville and a dozen people were badly bruised. ’ —William Watson, a negro, is in jail at Lan- easter for feloniously assaulting a:.14year-eold girl at Columbia. —Domestic cares drove Mrs. Ellen .Vosher insane, and she was found nude in the streets n Lancaster. —The Birdsboro School Beard has shut down on the use of the school building fer holding elections. : —A syndicate of capitalists is being formed for the purpose of erecting a large cold storage plant at Pottsville. —Constables raided a den of five thieves near New Holland, York County, and recover- ed considerable booty. —It is announced that by February 1 ‘all the ex-strikers will have been re-employed bythe Lehigh Valley Railroad. —Nineteen physicians were Tuesday ap- pointed by the Poor Directors to attend: the poor patients in Schuylkill ‘County. —Mayor McKenna, of Pittsburg, now has in his hands the ordinance providing for a loan of $6,000,000 for public improvements. —Eight-year-old Willie Eckjack stole. $25 from his mother and spent $3:80.of it in.one day riding in Pittsburg street car s. —Six deaths from diphtheria have occurred, in the family of Andrew Albert, of Delaware Water Gap, in less than.dwo weeks. ~Paralyzed Frederick Dragorens was fouad asleep in bed with the remains of his wife who had died of grip, in Pittsburg. —Discharged from a bakery in. Scranton, where he had been employed, August. Elkhart Monday put a bulletthrough his heart. —Wagon loads of ‘stolen goods. were found hidden in Moses Liagle’s barn at. Indiantown Gap, near Lebanon. He is under arrest. —The death of the s'x children of Andrew Alberto, living at the Delaware Water: Gap, threatens to unbalance the father's minds —Ex-Banker Roekefellow,. of . Wilkesbarre, will be released from jail on bail, pending the decision of his case in the Supreme Court: —Having deserted from Battery H., U: S. A. stationed at Fort Schuyler, N.. Y., Timothy McBride was Monday seized in Harrisburg. —Mrs, A. D. DeSaulles, of Bethlehem, was awakened Friday night by a thief: in her room, but he fad withoutssecuring any. booty . —Delegates.representimg 20,000. goal: miners in Western Pennsylvania ,met Tuesday in Pittsburg to form a more compact: organiza. tion. —Goverzer Pattison Monday, granted a re- spite to Charles “alyards, seatenced to be hanged at Carlisle on. Jaoaary 28, until March 1. —The will of Henry S. Eckert:divides $400,~ 000 equally between four children and be- queaths.$100,000 to Carrie Wertz, his hou se: keeper. --1o quiet his. nervousness, HM. Gross, a well-known resident of Newark, N. J., took an overdose of laudanum while im Erie and dieda —As he attempted to drive across the rails road track at Shenandoazh, Charles Smoyes’ wagon was shabtered by. atrain and he was killed, —Thirteen reasons fora respite in the ease of Charles Salyards, sentenced to be hanged on January: 23, were Saturday sent to Gover mor Pattison. . —Six children. in the vieinity ot Tremont have died within a few: days of scarlet fever and a quarantine will be established by the Health Board. —Colonel James. Young, the farmer king, of Middletown, vas. Tuesday re-appointed a member of the State Board of Agriculture by Governor Pattizan, —The Oak Hill colliery, at Pottsville. where three miners. were recently drowped, was Monday pumped, dry, and coal digging will be- gin there next week. —After having many incendiaay fires, citi® zens of Berwick were excited to. discover Mil ton Cook, a half-witted fellow, firing a stable, He is now in jail —The funeral Saturday of Henry 8S. Eckert, the wealthies, man in Reading, wag largely at- tended by bis former associates. in. the iron and insurance business. —Arxchibald Ayers, aged 40 years, was. Mon. day sentenced at Tunkhannock to three years and three months’ impzigonment, for an ai. tempted assault upon little addie Burch. —John W. Wetzel was Tuesday elected president of the Merchants’ National Bank at Carlisle, and is said 40, be one of the youngest bank presidents in the State. —One year's imprisonment and $100 fine is the sentence imposed at Pittsburg upon August Sommerfield, who whipped his 10-year-old son till the lattex leaped from a third-glory window to death,