Bellefonte, Pa., Jan. 12, 1894. "0 CORRESPONDENTS. — NO communications pubiished unless accompanied by the real aa ne of the writer. THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY How dear to our hearts is Cash on subscription, ) When the generous subscriber Presents it to view; But the man who don’t pay— We refrain from deseription, For perhaps, gentle reader, That man might be vou. — Weekly Journalist. ——The grip is epidemic in Belle- fonte. ——The new moon can now be seen in the southern sky. A sure indication of warm weather. ——Borough Treasurer Chas. F. Cooke is happy over the arrival of a new daughter at his home. ——A revival service is being con- ducted in the Methodist church under the guidance of Rev. Wm. H. Houck. ——Ed Atherton, a Philipsburg wrestler, was defeated by Joe Carroll, of Buffalo, last week. They wrestled, for a purse of $600. ——M. I. Gardner is busy remodel- ing his recently purchased home on North Spring street. It is the late Ellen Harris property. ——Mr. H. I. Bouse, who had eonducted a drug store at Snow Shoe, antil recently has sold outand is now visiting his parents in Tyrone. ——A crowd of Philipsburg urchins stole a keg of beer last Sunday and got gloriously drunk. Some of the young- sters were as young as ten years. — We regret to note the serious ill- mess of the venerable James Hamilton and his most estimable wife, both of whom are 11] at their home on Willow- bank street. —— James Mackie, in “Grime’s Csl- lar Door,” is well known here. His ap- pearance at Garman’s opera house, next Tuesday night, Junuary 16th, will be hailed with delight by his many ad- mirers, ——A defective flue, on Tuesday afternoon, set fire to the house, in Cen. tral City, owned and occupied by Abraham McCollum and before the flames could be extinguished it was damaged to the extent of more than $100. ——A yoang Snow Shoe Hungarian, who started back to his native land was robbed in Williamsport last Thursday might. While waiting between trains in the Reading R. R. station he fell asleep and when he awoke he found a gold watch and $45 gone. —— Accordinr to the News, reading Mr. Bailey's temperance articles in the Magnet and setting them up are quite diferent in their effects. If reports be grue nhout the compositor on the Mag net who got so tull recently, then deed are we ld to believe tial “famili- in- arity breeds contempt.” —— The advent of a healthy eight pound boy at the home of Mr and Mrs. Robert F. Hunter, in the Exchange, on Monuay evening, brought down upon the soune compile the congratulations of their many friends. Both the habe and its mother are getting along nicely and today Bob is the bappivst man in town, ——Mr. Henry Wetzel has purchas ed the Olewine property, on Willow- bank street, and will make Bellefonte his future home. He had been in the west fora number of years and returned Iast fall on a visit. Since then Le has decided to practice law here and soon his shingle will be flapping in a Centre eounty breeze. ——Prof. and Mrs. Thayer, of State College are mourning the loss of their dear hittle daughter Sophia, who died of scarlet fever last Sunday morning, Although only four years old she was an exceptionally bright and lovable ebild, and her death is a sad affliction io her parents. She was buried Sunday afternoon in the Branch burial ground. ~——Mrs Henry P. Harris, of Howard street, gave a farewell tea, last Tuesday afternoon, for her daughter Miss Lydia, who is to be married on the 16th to Mr. William H. Galway, of Radford, Va. Miss Harris assisted her mother in re- _eeiving while Miss Sarah Malin, Miss Lulu Harpar and Miss Emily Harris presided at the prettily appointed tables in the dining room. Flowersand grow- ing plants made the house beautiful and the parlors were crowded with hand- sumely gowned guests. ——Inourissue of last Friday we failed to mention the death of Mrs. Daniel Kreamer, which occurrediat her home in Rebersburg the Tuesday even- ing previous. Deceased had been s.ricken with paralysis. An husband four daughters, Mrs. A. Luk- enbach of this place, Mrs. John WclIf, and Mrs. Anna Wolf, of near Rebers- burg, and Mrs. D. J. Meyer, of Centre Hull, with one son, W. H. Kreamer, of Centre Hall, survive. Funeral services wore held last Friday. invalid | Greg Post G., A. R—=ITs OFFICER'S. Tae one event dear to the life of the veseran, who is fortunate in being a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, aside from the annual en- campments and observation of Memorial day, is the installation of the officers for the government of the particular Post to which he may belong. In Bellefonte this grand organiza- tion of old soldiers has a branch that is particularly enthusiastic and flourish- ing. Gregg Post, No. 95, G. A. R. has on its rolls & number of men whose re- cord in war times will be emblazoned on the history of the country for time im- memorial, Around its camp fires can be seen groups of faces that have left their impress on the minds of the pub- lic. Officers and privates alike share the honor we accord them and sad be the day when the last of them, will have answered the final roll call and left naught but history to tell of their chiv- alry. | On Saturday night the public instal- ! lation of the officers who are to serve Gregg Post for the ensuing year was made. Two score and more veterans gat about the assembly hall in the Post rooms, interested witnesses of the cere- mony, The retiring Commander, J. C. Miller, called the meeting to order, but soon gave way to Cap’t. S. H. Williams, the installing officer His duties were promptly executed and ’twas not long until the following men had taken the vows of their office: Commander— Thos. Donachy;S. V. C, Wm. T. Fitzgerald ; J. V. C., Monroe Armor, Surgeon, D. C. Walters ; O. of D., J. I Curtin; Chaplain, David Bartley; Q. M., Wm. Joae:; Officer of Guard John Bryan ; Trustee, Wm. Maitland ; Dal. to Enca mpment, S. H Williams ; Alternate, W. T. Fitzgerald ; After the installation the meeting was declared open and & reminiscent pro- gram was gone through with. Ex. Governor Curtin, Hon. Jobn G. Love, Rev. Geo. H. Zshner, Commander Don- achy, and comrades Williams, Dnn- ham and the two Millers all toid stir- ring war time tales until the women of lie Post invited them to a supper that ha! been spread in the Post mess hall. There the congenial spirits found more opportunity for letting themselves out and as the dainty dishes rapidly disap- peared there was a general good tine an ng them all, The ladies of the anxiliary who pre- pred the supper were Mrs. S. H. Wil- liams, Mrs. Henry Yeager, Mrs. W. H Taglor, Mrs. J. C. Miller, Mrs. John Noll, Mrs. F. P. Greene, Mrs. E. | H Barry, Mrs. Cox. Mrs. Gohrets, | Mrs. E kenroth, and Miss Lsona Mait- land. Qaarter Mater William Jones wus responsible for the excellence of | te menu. For Usk iN PUBLIC SCHOOLS ONLY. — State Superintendent of Public In- struction, Dr. Schaeffer, bas rendered | the following decision on the question : of the usage of public school books which Lave been furnished by the | Siate, He is quoted in the Lock Haven Democrat us baving said ; “that direc- tors huve no right to furnish free text books to children attending private or subscription schools ; that the books as furnished at the expense of the various set ool districts are to be given only to the children attending those schocls. He further says. “The law does not contemplate nor warrant the use of free books by schools not exclusively under the official jurisdiction of the directors. A board of directors cannot consistently nor lawfully discriminate in the use of books in favor of children whose pa- rents may raise a fund for subscription schools for their benefit at the close of the regular pubiic school term. patrons of the school are to be com- mended for the progressive spirit shown in the desire expressed to have better educational advantages for their chil- dren than are offered by short terms of schools. The proper course, however, to pursue in all such cases is to extend the term of the public school and thus give all the advantage of longer annual terms and free books as well as free tui- tion. “This is the correct solution of the with the spirit of the laws governirg the operation of the public school sys- tem. Where free text books are in use the schools must be free also, open to all children alike without any condi- tions cr restrictions which the law it- self does not authorize.” RR tl se McOArGAR RETIRES — CRAWFORD Now OwNER.--The sale of the cigar and billiard room in the Conrad house, lately owned by Mr. J. S. MeCargar, was consummated last Tuesday night and Ex-Deputy Sheriff George B. Craw- ford has become the owner of the estab- lishment. Mr. McCargar had been desir- ous of selling his place for some time be cause hisother business ventures demand- ed his undivided attention,so when Mr. Crawford found an opportunity to pro- cure a paying business and thus secure | a home in Bellefonte he was not long in seizing it .The many friends of the ex- ' Deputy will be glad to leara that he will ' make Bellefonte his future home. T mandant of the Towa Soldiers The | whole question and is in accordance ——At a meeting of the directors in Tyrone, on Tuesday, S. 8.-Lyon, of this place, was elected. president of the Tyrone Mining and M’f’g. Co. ——Judge Mayer last week granted forty three out of sixty-eight applica tions for license in Clinton county. A decrease of fifteen from the number granted last year. ——Tyrone school directors have notified the tobacco dealers in that town that they will prosecute any person who sells cigars or cigarettes to children un- der sixteen years of nge. ——The WATCHMAN sale bills will be better than ever this Spring. Get your work done where it will be the most satisfactory. Remember that the WATCHMAN sale register is the best ad- vertising medium in the county. -——The newly elected Huntingdon county Commissioners have stirred up a fuss by cutting down the salary of their clerk from $1200 to $600 a year. They reduced the salary of the janitor also and are now trying to find a way of cutting the Treasurer’s annual income down to $1500 per year, just half the amount he has made in the past. —-Under a recent act of the Legis- lature the office of Deputy to the Sheriff of a county has been clothed with far more authority than heretofore. Fomer- ly he was sworn in by the Prothonotary and there were many tunctions about the office he could not perform, but un- der the enactment of Muay 1887, which is now a law, he is sworn in by the Re- corder who makes a record ofthe ap. pointment and is vested with all the powers held by the Sheriff. ——As “Grimesey Me Boy’ in “A Bunch of Keys,” James B. Mackie the accomplished young comedian was simply ininitable, ‘but as “Billy Grimes,” who owns the cellar door in the new and original musical comedy entitled ‘‘Grime’s Cellar Door,’ he has a part that fits him to a nicety and one in which his many talents shine even brighter than in his former success. His supporting company is said to be an un- usually strong one. Garman’s opera house, Tuesday evening, January loth, ——The marriage of Stella Marie Whittaker to William Edwin Dezen- dorf was solemnizad at the Methodist parsonage, in Lock Haven, last Friday evening, Rev. Charles S Ling, officia- ting. The bride is the oldest dau hter of Mr. James Whittaker of this place. The groom is a New Yorker by birth, but recently he came to Bellefonte to live and it did not take him long to find a charming life companion, The young people will go to house keeping in the Hale building, on west High street. —— Elsewhere in this issue of the WarcHMAN will be found a letter on the rapid disappearance of deer in this country tbat we feel will be of more than passing interest to hunters and sportsmen generally. It will be partic- ularly interesting to the many readers of this pap r who are personally ac- quainted with the writer, Judge John | H. Keatley, who will be remembered as a boy at Boalsburg, a student at Pine Grove Academy, a law student in Gov, Curtin’s office, along in ’68-9 and ’60, afterward District Attorney of Blair county, then United States Judge in Alaska and atthe present time Com Home at Marshalltown, Ia. —— A new enterprise which has just been granted a charter by the State is the Thermo Appliance Co., ot Belle- fonte. The officers of the company are James A. Beaver, president; J. M. Dule, secretary ; J Kyle McFarlane, treasur- er; W. R. Jenkins, J. H. Lingle and William Grauer, directors. The Thermo 0:l-Gas burner, which this company wili put on the market, is an appliance which will be manufactured at the Jen- kin's & Lingle machine shops and is a | very ingenious invention which con- verte common kerosene into a gas which is used in all kinds of heating and cook- ing stoves. Very little oil is required to generate gas sufficient for all pur- poses, the system is clean and entirely void of danger. It can be attached to any kind of a stove and is a great labor saver. ——The Spring elections this year will be held on the third Tuesday in February, the 19th of the month. The amended Baker law requires all nomi- nations by certificates of party organi- zation for city or ward officers shall be filed in the County Commissioner's of- fice at least twenty-eight days before the election and nominations by nomination papers for the same offices must be filed twenty-one days before it, not counting the day on which it is filed. Nomina- tions for township and borough offices and school directors must be filed with the County Commissioners eighteen days before the election and nomina- tions for the same by nomination papers at least fifteen days before. The Coun- ty Commissioners will furnish the tick- ets for the whole county this year and the township Auditors will not need to bother about getting them printed. Tue DEATH OF A. J. Cruse. —After an illness which begun on the Saturday evening previous A.J. Cruse expired -at his home, No. 152 E. Linn street, on Tuesday evening. Congestion of the lungs superinduced by failure of proper action of the heart was the direct cause of death. Deceased had been a constant sufferer from heart trouble and while sitting at the supper table, last Saturday evening, he -was seized with a violent choking sensation and hurried from the table to get a breath of fresh air. A physician was hastily summoned and it appeared a3 though he would die then, but a hemorrhage of the lungs made respira- tion possible again and he rallied suffi- ciently to give hopes of his ultimate re- covery, He was convalescent until Tuesday evening and wes feeling so much better during the afternoon that he expressed his intention of coming down to his place of business next day, but al 6:30 o’cleck another hemorrage came on and his weakened constitution was unable to survive it. Andrew J, Cruse was born in 1842 in the city of Baltimore, Md., and came to this place from Bedford, in 1873. Having been a cigar maker by trade he worked at a table in the various facto- ries that flourished here atghat time and he continued in the employ ot A. Stern— berg, T. H. Akers and Wm. Agnew, respectively, until the cigar store in the Bush House, then operated by Orrie Kinslow, was offered for sale. He pur- chased it and began a small manu- facturing business as well as that of re- tailing tobacco of all kinds. He was a skilled cigar maker which fact coupled with his exceptional judgment as to the blending of brands for the manufacture of cigars acquired for the product of his factory a reputation which found its re- ward in an excellent business. His favorite brands were always ready sellers and the name of the dead tobac- conist will always be connected with the “Henry Clay” and “Our Dan” ci- gars. His business ventures were suc— cessful and he owned considerable prop- erty here at the time’ of his death. Mr. Cruse was a man who gave his undivided attention to his business, he figured little outside of his family and his work, but with his naturally retiring disposition he won many friends and be can easily be said to have been one of the most popular men in town. A widow and five children survive him. The children are Charles, Andrew, Temple, Mary and Wade, dll of whom will miss a loving and indulgent father. Funeral services will be held at his late home this afternoon at 2 o’clock. Mgs. J. H SaNDs’ SupDEN DEeaTH. -—The sudden death of Maria F., wife of J. H. Sands, which occurred at her home, on north Allegheny street, on last Friday evening, ended a lite the later yeurs of which have been ones of almost continued suffering. She had suffared a stroke of paralysis some time ago, but bad partially recovered from it and her physicians entertained no fears fur her condition until Friday evening, when a hamnorehazs of tha brain caused death in ahout two hours. Deceased was 74 years, of age having been born in Wurtemburg, Germany, in 1319 In 1858 she, with her husband, came to this country and located in Bellefonte. For years they conducted the bakery and confectionery va Alle- gheny street, now owned by Joseph Ceanders, and while in that business amassed a fortune which enabled them to retire from activa business life about ten years ago. Unfortunately Mr. Sands was away from home at the time of his wife's death, he having been call- ed to White Haven on the Wednesday previous to attend the funeral of a sister. The only child, Mrs. John N. Lane, was at her mother’s bed side when death ended her suffering. Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon. RAVAGES OF THE GRrIP.—On Satur- day evening at 5:30 o’clock all that was mortal of Susanna Brower a beloved resident of Unionville passed into im- mortality, She was a woman of most exemplary character and her gentle lov- ing disp sition will be missed in that community. Deceased had lived with the family ot Mr. Riley Pratt for years and was in her usual health until Wednesday even- ing when she was taken with the grip. The disease developed with alarming severity and her death resulted. She was 38 years of age and her interment was made from the home of ber sister, Mrs. Arrista Lucas, in Bush’s Hollow, on Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock. ——Mrs. Mary Johnson, colored, widow of the late Washington Johnson, died at her home in this place on Sun- day evening. Deceased was about sixty years of age and was an estimable wo- man. Her death was causedby pneumo- nia brought on by a severe attack of grip. A large cortege followed her re- mains to the grave on Wednesday after- noon. — Mrs. Susan Geiswhite, wife of John Geiswhite of Aaronsburg, died on last Sunday at the age of 66 years. A husband and four children survive her. —— 369 births and 161 deaths is the record of Clinton county for six months ending December 31st, 1893. In February 1853 a child of Jas. M. Calderwood was buried in the Ty- rone cemetery. It was the first inter- ment made thera, and there have been 1488 since. So Muca For OUR SHERIFF. —Sheriff Condo made his first official visit to Philipsburg on Tuesday. Helis a tall, fine looking man, of very pleasant address.—Philipsburg Ledger. FIRE AT MADISONBURG.—On last Friday the first disastrous fire that has occurred at Madisonburg for years was discovered in the combined store build- ing and residence owned by Mrs. Luth- er Stover. Thestore was occupied by Hasel and Gramley who conducted a general merchandise business there. The fire originated in the ware-room of the store, where a lamp exploded and the town being without any organized means of fighting it the buildings were destroyed. WEDDING.—Mr. James O. Hoover and Miss Stella Reese, both of Wallace Run,” near Milesburg, were married at Millheim, December 20th 1893 by Rev. C. C. Miller, pastor of the U. B. Church a$ that place. Mr. Hoover is a young man, a christian, and well qualified for the duties of a kind and loving hus- band. And his better half is also a christian lady, and a promising com- panion forlife. Mr. and Mrs. Hoover have a host of friends who will wish them peace and prosperity. Our or SicHT . Four TIMES. —Dur- ing the year 1894 there will be four eclipses, two of the sun and two of the moon. An annual eclipse of the sun will occur April 5th, and a total eclipse September 28th, but both will be invisible in any part of America. A partial eclipse of the moon will occur March 21st, but will not be generally vigible in the United States. Anotker partial eclipse of the moon will take place on September 14th and 15th and will be visible in all parts of America. Trout FRY FOR DISTRIBUTION.—The Pennsylvania Commissioners of Fisher- ies, will have on hand for distribution, after March 1st., about 2,250,000 trout fry, and announcement is made that ap- plications for this species of fish for planting in suitable waters will now be received. These applications should be made to the following commissioners, who will furnish blanks for filling out : Henry C. Ford, 1823 Vine street, Pailadelphia ; H. C. Demath, Lancas- ter; John Gay, 1020 Vine street, Phila- d-lphia ; (for the western parc. of the state) ; S. B. Sullwell, Scranton ; Louis Streuber, Erie; F. W. Enel, Harrisburg. Heretofore the applica- tions for fish fry, only required the sig- nature of the commissioner to whom they were made, but in the future, un- der a rider to an act of the last lugisla- tare, tuey must be endorsed by the senator or representative of the district in which the application is made. News Purely Personal. —Lee B. Woodcock spent Sunday with his uncie W. L. Woodcoe « in Altoona. —Miss Grace Lukenbach, of Wiilowbank street, is visiting Rebecea Whittaker, in Cur- wensville. y —Miss Mame Ceaders, of south Allegheny street, 1>ft on Monday morning to resume her studies at a school in West Chester, —KEdwin J. Haley, a chemist at the Pennsyl- vania State College Agricultural Experiment Station, spent Sunday in this place, the guest of Mr. George T. Bush. —M-. D.P. McKinney, an esteemed su'iserib- erof the Warcaman and one of Howard's l-ad- ing citizens was in town on Monday looking af- ter some business interest at the county seat —Mr. and Mrs, I. Newton Gibson, returned from their bridal tour on Saturday even ng. While away they took in Philade phia, Wash. ington, Fredericksburg. and other points of interest. 2 —Dr, Roland Curtin, an eminent Philadel” phia physi ian, and a nephew of Ex-Gov. Cur in was called to this place on Monday to consult with Dr. George F. Harris on tie case of M s. Edward Cooke, He arrived on a morning train asd made five professional calls while here. 4 —Miss Sarah Bullock has re-igned her po- sition as cashier in Joseph Bros. & Co's store in this place and has gore to Blockley Almns- house, just outside of Philadelphia. to study for a position as a trained nurse. Miss Carrie Gross, lately a compositor in the Republican office, is her successor at Joseph's —Mr. Benjamin B. Jamison, of Philadel. phia, who had spent a pleasant vacation visiting friends in this place, departed for hig home in the Quaker city on Monday morning.. While here he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Williams, on east High street, and he made many friends during his brief sojourn. —Mr. P. McCaffrey, of Lock Haven, who twenty years ago called Bellefonte his home stopped off hereon Wednesday on. his way home from a business trip to Irvonia, Clear- field Co., During his stay here he visited his sister Miss Annie McCaffrey, on the corner of Logan and Allegheny streets, and met many of bis old time friends. He is a gentleman of whose citizenship any town may well boast. —Mr. J. Henry Meyer, of Centre Hall, was in town on Monday settling up his business preparatory to moving to Virginia where he intends making his future home. He has purchased a fine farm in the “Old Domion” and sometime during the latter part of this month he will say good bye to his life time friends in Centre county and take his family South to help him raise sweet potatoes, mel- ons and peanuts. Mr, Meyer has been one of the couniy’s Texpocted residents and while his many friends here will be sorry to learn of his intended departure they will join in a . hearty “God speed” and a life of contentment ! in his pew home. A SLIGHT DIFFERENCE IN THE Coars.—One day last week Burdine Butler, of Howard, who had butjrecente ly been married to Miss Annie McCaleb, of Nittany, got into quite a scrape. While on his wedding tour he and his wife stopped at the home of James Craig, in Birmingham, and while there he and his host had their coats off for some pur- pose. The coats were both lying on a table when the train, on which the bridal couple intended departing, suddenly whistled. Mr. Butler grabbed what he thought to be his coat and ran. They caught the train and came on to their home in Howard. The next day the benedict was feeling in his pocket for some papers when his hand fell on a strange wallet. Upon opening it it was found to contain $2700. Mr. Butler at once became excited, but discovered that he had some one else’s coat on. He did not have a long time to wonder whose clothes, so rich with money, he was wear- ing for just then the down train pulled into Howard and Mr. Craig stepped off wearing the groom’s coat. An exchange was made and now both are happy again. : Don't LET THEM WORK YoUu.—An exchange.tells of the following slick swindle that is catching farmers in oth- er parts of the State. “Here is the latest swindle. It has been practiced in a neighboring county. A man, representing himself as advance agent for a show, drivesup to a farm house and agrees to pay the farmer two dollars for the privilege of pasting bills on his barn. The bargain is made, the two dollars paid over and the sharper asks the farmer to sign a receipt for the money. He does so and in a few days finds be has signed a note for $200, which a third party asks him to pay. He says he won't, but he does all the same. He can’t get out of it. The note is in the hands of an “innocent’’ pur- chaser and the maker of the note can put in no defense.” Fast FreigHT MoOVEMENT.—The general freight department of the Cen- tral Railrcad Company of Pennsylvania gives out the following : Hereafter the through Philadelphin & Reading Rail- road freight car from Willow and No- ble streets station, Philadelphia, will be closed and sent forward promptly each day at four o'clock p. m. It has been found necessary to take this action that the car may be forwarded in time to make all connections and reach Belle- fonte early the following afternoon. If this is made known to shippers in Philadelphia, patrons of the Central Railroad of Pennna., will find their goods promptly delivered as scheduled. ——Thomas Caldwell and Miss Mary Mushaw were married, on Monday night, at the home of Father McArdle, on Bishop street. A reception was af- terwards held at the groom’s home, Both young people are well known in Bellefonte and a host of friends unite in wishing them joy. ——G. A. Walther, a former Philips- burger, has purchased the Mansion house property, in Clearfield, for $27000 and will build a handsome four story brick hotel on the site of the old frame structure. mm m— Cash Paid for Apples. Haupt & Son pay casa for apples, by the quauti y. If you have any to sell, address Haupt & Son, Bellefonte, and they ill send a man to see them. They will furnish the bar rels and pay the cash on delivery. Two g od houses t » rent cheap. Inquire ot Isaac Haupt, Bellefonte. Pa. 39-2-1t Bellefonte Grain Market. Corrected weekly by Geo. W. Jackson & Co: The following are the quotations up to six o'clock, Thursday evening, when our paper goes to press : White wheat. 65 Bed Whoa oe 5 ye, per bushel... One per bushel... . 22% Corn, shelled, per bushel.. 45 vats—new, per bushel.. 30 Barley, per bushel........ 43 Ground Plaster, per ton. 9 650 Buckwheat per bushel. 65 Cloverseed, per bushei Bellefonte Produce Markets. Corrected weekly by Sechler & Co Potatoes per bushel ........ccouiiiiiiniiinnns 50 Eggs, per dozeD...... 25 Lard, per pound.. 10 CountryShoulder: 10 ides..... 12 Hams..... 14 lallow, per pcund... 4 Butter, per pound... 25 The Democratic Watchman. Published every Friday morning, in Selle: fonte, Pa., at $2 pe. annum (if pai strictly in advance); $2.50, when not paid in advance and 83.00 if not paid before the expiration of the year; and no paper will be discontinued until all arrearage is paid, except atthe option of the publisher. Papers will not be sent out of Centre county unless paid for in advance. A liberal discount is made to persons adver- Hsing by. the quarter, half year, or year, a8 fol. ows : SPACE OCCUPIED. |sm | om |1y One inch (12 11nes this type $5188 (811 Two inches..... 7(10( 18 Three inches..... 10{15| 80 1220 80 gosnte Column ( alf Column ( 9 inches).... 2 | 85 | 68 One Column (19 inches)... 365 | 65 | 100 Advertisements in special column 26 pe cent. additional. Transient advs. per line, 3 insertions...... Each additional insertion, per line. woeal notices, per line......... Business notices, per line... Job Printing of every ki ness and dispatch. The Waronmax office has been refitted with Power Presses and New Type, and everything in the printing line can he executed in the most artistic mannerard ¢ the lowest rates. Terms—CASH. All letters should be addressed to P. GRAY MEEK, Proprietor