Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 05, 1894, Image 5

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    —— Worthington’s Magazine, with the Jan-
uary number this popular Magazine begins its
third volume. It isa remarkably attractive
number, and is thoroughout bright, clean, in-
structive and eminently readable. [he Ideal
Family Magazine is certainly to be found in
Worthington’s. The leading article, “Fore-ts
of California,” by Chas. Howard Shinn, is su
perbly illustrated, giving the reader a good
idea of those magnificent coniferous forests,
the like of which is found nowhere else upon
the earth. Another remarkable article is that
entitled, “A Celebrated Escape,” which gives
for the first time a reliable detailed account of
t he digging of the famous Libby Prison Tun-
nel, through which in 1364, 109 Union officers
made their escape. The story is told by Gen.
Thomas E. Rose, the originator and leading
spirit of the plan. This paper is also fully
illustrated. Mrs. Livermore’s serial, “One of
the Forty-Niners,” which has asolid founda-
tion of fact, fully sustains the reputation of this
most delightful writer. The essays and the De-
partment matter, which are always exception-
ally good in Worthington's and give to it
a unique individuality, are, as usual, varied
in material and choice in quality. For this
month the publishers offer to send a specimen
copy of a recent number, for four cents in
postage stamps. $2.50 per year; 25 cents a sin-
gle number. For sale by all newsdealers. A. D.
Worthington & Co., Harttord, Conn.
BUTLER—McCALEB—At the M. E. parson-
age Howard, Pa., Dec., 25th. 1893, by Rev. N.
B. mith, Mr. Burdine Butler, of Howard,
Pa., and Miss Annie McCaleb, of Nittany, Pa.
the bride, at Zion, Pa., Mr. alpheus E. Gar-
brick and Miss Sallie A. Shaffer were happi-
ly married, by Rev. W. K. Diehl on the 28th
of December 1893.
New Advertisements.
Letters of administration on the es-
tate of Catharine Poorman, deceased, late of
Boggs township, having been granted to the
undersigned they request ail persons know-
ing themselves indebted to said estate to
make payment and those having claims to
present them for settlement.
39-1-6t* DAN'L F. POORMAN,
Whereas the Honorable A.O. Furst,Pres
ident Judee of the Court of Common Pleas of the
49th Judicial District, consisting of the coun
ties of Centre and Huntingdon, and the Honor
able Thomas M. Riley and Honorable Corlis
Faulkner, Associate Judges in Centre county
having issued their precept, bearing date the
27th day of December to me directed, for
holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and
General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of
the Peace in Bellefonte, for the county of
Centre and to commence on the 4th Monday of
Jan. being the 22nd day of Jan. 1894 and to
continue two weeks, notice is hereby given to
the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Aldermen
and Constables of said county of Centre, that
they be then and there in their proper per
sons, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of the 22nd,
with their records, inquisitions, examinations,
and their own remembrances, to do those
things which to their office appertains to be
done, and those who are bound in recogni
zances to Pisqoe against the prisoners that
are or shall be in the jail of Centre county, be
then and there to prosecute against them as
shall be just.
Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the 3rd
day of Jan. in the year of our Lord, 1894,
and theone hundred and fifteenth year of the
independence of the United States.
New Advertisements.
testamentary on the estate of Martin
Brumgard, deceased late of Walker township
having been granted to the undersigned, they
request all persons knowing themselves in-
dented to said estate to make immediate pay- |
ment and those having claims against the
same to present them duly authenticated for
settlement. H.A BRUMGARD,
38-47-6t GEO. GARBRICK,
EGAL NOTICE.—Notice is here:
by given to all persons interested
that the following inventories of goods and
chattels set apart to widows under the provis-
ions of the Act of 14th of April, 1851, have been
confirmed ni si by the Court, and filed in the
office of the Clerk of the Orphans Court of Cen-
tre county and if no exceptions be filed on or
before the first day of next term the same will
be confirmed absolutely.
1. The inventory and appraisement of the
personal property of J. C. Stover, late of Penn
township, deceased, as set apart to his widow,
Olivia C. Stover.
2. The inventory and appraisement of the
Dorsal property of John P. Hubler, late of
iles township, deceased, as set apart to his
widow, Ellen Hubler.
3. The inventory and SMfIalement of the
personal property of J. Will Keller late of Har-
ris township, deceased, as set apart to his wid-
ow. Fannie L. Keiler.
4. The inventory and appraisement of the
ersonal property of John C. Cramer, late of
erguson township. deceased, as set apart to
his widow, Christina Cramer.
5. The inventory and appraisement of the
real estate of Elias Hoover, late of Penn town-
ship, deceased, as set apart to his widow Catha
rine Hoover.
6. The inventory and appraisement of the
personal property of John H. Odenkirk, late of
Potter township, deceased, as set apart to his
widow, Mary J. Odenkirk.
391 Register.
lowing accounts have been examined
passed and filed of record in the Register’s of-
fice, for the inspection of heirs and legatees,
creditors and all others in any wise interested,
and will be presented to the Orphans Court of
Centre County, on Wednesdav, the 31st day of
January, A. D. 1804, for allowance and con-
1. First and final account of Isaac Yarnell
administrator of &c., of Ruth Yarnell, late of
Bellefonte borough deceased.
2 First and final account of D. C. Keller,
guardian of Daisy Noll, minor child of Mary
Noll, deceased.
3. Account of A. J. Orndorf, administrator
of &e.,2of Sarah Orndorf, late of Gregg township
4. First and partial account of Wm. Van
Tries, administrator of Wm. Van Tries, late of
Halfmoon township deceased.
5. The account of Geo. M. Hubler, adminis:
trator of &e., of John P. Hubler, late of Miles
township deceased.
6. The first and final account of A. P. Zerby,
ad 1 inistretor of &c., of Lindaman Wingard,
late of Penn township deceased.
7. Account of Margaret Wieland and George
E. Zehner, administrator of &c., of Washington
Wieland late of Pation township deceased.
8. Final account of James Harris, adminis:
trator of &e., of William Harris late of Belle-
fonte borough decessed.
9. The 27 annual account of John P. Harris,
trustee of &e., of William A. Thomas, late of
Bellefonte borough deceased.
19, First and final account of Austin Brum
gard and George Garbrick, executors of &c., of
Martin Brumgarda, late of Walker township de-
ceased. :
11. The account of D. M. Lieb, deceased
guardian of James G. Parsons minor child of
Wm. Parson late of the borough of Bellefonte
deceased as filed by H. H. Harshberzer.
39-1-4t. Sheriff. Register.
We have the largest stock of clothing
ever shown in Centre county. We
MUST turn it into money, at once.
Not after the a while, but now ! Right AWAY!
SOONER if possible.
We WILL sell you a Suit or Overcoat
for less money TO-DAY than YOU
have ever seen them sold for.
It :
wont cost you a cent to see for
your self, and we promise we
will make it worth dollars to
New Advertisements,
the master ot Partition of the real
estate of John M. Wagner, deceased, late of
Boggs Twp. Centre county... The heirs of said
deceased will take notice that in pursuance
of an order of the Orphans Court of Centre
county, a writ of partition has been issued
from said court-to the Sheriff of said county,
returnable on Monday, the 22nd., day of Jan-
uary A. D. 1894. And that an inquest wil
meet for the purpose of making Partition of
the real estate of said decedent on Tuesday
the 16th day of Jan, A. D. 1894, at 9 o'clock,
a. m. of said day at the late residence of de-
ceased, at which time and place you can be
present if you see proper.
All those several messuage, tenement and
tracts of land situate in the township of Boggs
and township of Union County of Centre and
state of Pennsylvania bounded and described
as follows viz:
No. 1. Beginning at the North end of
the Milesburg bridge over Bald Eagle
Creek at a point parallel with the outer end
of the abutment of the bridge thence along
the road leading to the Bald Eagle bridge.
One hundred and fifty feet, thence along
lands of said Elias Zimmerman east one hun-
dred and fifty feet south to the Bald Eagle
Creek, thence along said creek to the pla:e of
beginning containing one acre more or less
and thereon erected a large flouring mill and
other buildings with steam power and other
No.2. Beginning at a White walnut on the
bank of the Bald Eagle Creek thence north
thirty-two degrees west one hundred and
thirty-six perches to a post thence by land of
Joseph Green south seventy-three and a half
degrees wast fifty-five perches to a post thence
by the same north fifty degrees west seventy-
three perches to a White Osk thence by the
same south sixty-two degress west thirty-five
perches to a post thence by the same south
fifty degrees west thirty-two and five-tzzth
perches to a post, thence by lands of Lovina
Treziyulny south forty degrees east sixteen
and five-tenth perches to a white oak thence
by the same south thirty-two degrees east
thirty five and five-tenth perches to a post and
stones thence by land of J. G. McMien north
fifty-eight degrees east fitty-one perches toa
White oak thence by the same south thirty-
two and one half degrees east one hundred
thirteen perches to a white oak on the bank of
Bald Eagle Creek, thence down said Creek
north seventy five degrees east, twenty
perches, thence south eighty-two degrees
east thirty-one perches, thence east thirty-six
perches, thence south eighty-four degrees
east sixteen perches to the place of beginning,
coataining one hundred and one acres and
twenty-seven perches be the same more or less
and thereon erected a two story dwelling
house bank barn and other outbuildings, and
the following tract of land adjoining tract No
2. Beginning and adjoining land of John
Bottorff on the north, Joseph Green, on the
south, and said Aaron Partridge on the west
commencing at a post corner, thence north
fifty two degrees east seventy-eight perches
to stones thence north twenty-six degreeswest
forty two perches to stones, thence south
fiit'y-two degrees westeighty five perches to
post, thence south thirty eight degrees east
torty perches to place of beginning containing
twenty-acres and sixty perches more or less:
and the following tract of land adjoining No.
2. Beginning at a white oak, thence along
lands of John M. Wagner, south sixty-three
degrees west thirty-five perches to a post,
thence south fifty and one half degrees west
thirty four perches to stones, thence north
forty degrees west thirty-five and five tenth to
stones, thence north fifty two and one half
degrees east, along the division line of Mrs.
Treziyulny, and Pat Flinn heirs of ninety |
perches to a post, thence along the top of the
ridge south thirty-four degrees east forty
perches to a pine s pling, thence south forty-
New Advertisements.
Letters of administration on the es-
tate of J. W. Keller, deceased late of Harris
township, having been granted to the under-
signed request is made of 8); persons knowing
themselves indedted to said estate, to make
immediate payment and those having claims
against the same to presentthem for settle-
Mes. J. W. KELLER, Ad’'m.
38-46-6t Linden Hall.
hereby given that letters testa-
meutary on the estate of John Homan, late «f
Ferguson township, have been granted to the
undersigned. All persons owing said estate
are notified to call and pay the same and
those having claims against said estate, to pre-
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
GEO. W. HOMAN, Pine Grove Mills.
JOHN M. HOMAN, * © “
B. F. HOMAN, Oak Hall.
38 47-6t Executors.
By virtue of sundry write of Fieri Facias
Levari Facias and Venditioni Exponas issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas and to me
directed, there will be exposed to public sale,
at the court house, in the borough of Bellefonte,
FRIDAY, JAN. 26, A. D. 184,
at 1 o'clock p. m. the following described
real estate, viz.
All the right, title and interest in the follow”
ing several messuage, tenement and tracts of
land situate in the township of Boggs and the
township of Union, County of Centre and state
of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows :
No.1. All that certain messuage, tenement,
tract or parcel of land situate in Boggs town.
ship, county of Centre and state of Pennsylva-
nia, bounded and described as follows, to wit.
Beginning at a pine tree on line between
lands of Benjamin F. Snyder and John M.
Wagner, thence by land of said Benjamin TF.
Snyder north 9° west 52 6-10 rods to a white
oak, thence by land of same north 6.° east 86
rods to a stake on line of land of John M.
Wagner, thence by land of said Wagner south
32° east 33 9-10 rods tu a pine, thence by land
of same south 6414° west 36 4-10 rods to a stake,
thence by same south 538° west 347-10 rods tc a
stake thence by same south 61° west 27-4-10
rods toa,pine, the place of beginning, contain-
ing 20 acres and 113 perches neat measure.
No. 2. Beginning at the north end of the
Milesburg bridge, over Bald Eagle creek, at a
point parallel with the outer end of the abut-
ment of the bridge, thence along the road
leading to the Bald Eagle ridge 150 feet,
thence along lands of said Elias Zimmerman
east 190 feet, thence 150 feet south to the Bald
Eagle creek, thence along said creek to the
place of beginning, containing one acre more
or less, thereon erected a large flouring mill
and other buildings, with steam power and
other appurtenances.
No, 3. Beginning at a white walnut on- the
bank of Bald Eag e creek, thence north 3:z°
west 136 perches to a post, thence by land of
Joseph Green south 73}4° west 55 perches to a
post, thence by the same north 50° west 73
perches to a white oak, thence by the same
south 62° degrees west 35 perches to a post,
thence by the same south 50° west 32 5-.0
| perches to a post, thence by land of Lavina
four degrees east eighty perches toa white !
pine sapling, thence north eighty-six degrees
east, fourteen perches to a hickory thence !
south twenty two degrees east, two perches to
a post, thence south seventy-nine de-
grees west twenty-nine perches to a post | i
| ning, containing 101 acres and 27 perches be
i the same more or less, and thereon erected a
thence north forty-six and one quart r
degrees west seventy-three and four-tenth
perches to the placa, of beginning containing
twenty-eight acres and seventy-eight perches |
more or less, and the following tract of land !
adjoining tract No, 2.
Beginning at a pile of |
stones on the bank of the Bald Eagle Creek, |
thence north 30 west 580 feet along land of
John M. Wagner to railroad, thence up along |
Bald Eagle Valley railroad 364 teet, thence
south 40 degrees east 590 feet to northern line
or Rebecea Boggs land, thence north 50 de-
grees east 200 feet along said line to corner in '
road thence south 30 degrees east 63 feet to
Bald Eagle creek, thence along down, said,
creek to place of beginning and containing
four acres and fifty-three feet net measure.
No. 3. All those eight several and certain
lots of ground situated in Central City in
Boggs township aforesaid and being designa-
ted and numbered in the general plan of said
Central City as lots No. 50,51, 52and 63 front-
ing on Spring street and as lots No. 93, 64, 95
and 96 fronting on Broadway, and thereon
erected a two story brick dwelling house and
stable and other outbuilding.
No.4. Beginningon the north by Iddings
street on the east by lot of John M. Wagner,
on the south by Turnpike road and on the |
west by lot of James I' Hale’s heirs said lot
having a front of fifty (50) feet on said turn-
pike road and extending back to lddings
street and known in the general plot of said
town as lot number eleven (11) and thereon
ereeted atw) story double dwelling house and
stabie and other out buildings.
No. 5. Lot No. 10 according to aplot or plan
of lots laid out by James T. Hale and A. C.
Iddings in the village known as Central City
bounded as follows on the south by Front
street on the west by lot number eleven (11)
on the north by Iddings street and on the east
by Spring street being feet in width and
, feet long.
Ne. 6. All those two certain tracts of land
in Union township in the county of Centre and
State of Pennsylvania. The one beginning
at hemlock, thence by land now or late of
Francis R. Wharton dec’d, east three hundred
and twenty perches to a stone heap formerly a
dogwood house by land of J. C. Walker et. al.
north two hundred and thirty perches toa
stone heap formerly a chestnut oak, thence by
land of the Snow Shoe Railroad Company,
west three hunared and twenty perches to a
stone heap formerly a post thence south two
hundred and thirty perches tothe place of be-
ginning, containing four hundred and thirty-
three acres one hundred and fifty three perch-
es and allowance. The other beginning ata
hemlock thence by | nd of Harvey Mann
south two hundred and thirty perches to a
stone heap formerly a pine, thence by land of
Valentine & Co, east three hundred and twen
ty perches to a post or maple, thence by land
of Valentine & Uo. and J. C. Walker to a stone
heap a dogwood, thence west three hundred
and twenty perches to the place of beginning
containing four hundred and thirty-four acres
and four perches and allowance and thereon
erected a farm house, bank barn and other
Reserving out of the above tracts of land of
No.6 ail that certain messuage, tenement
and tract of land situate in Union township, in
the County of Centre and sta'e of Penna.
bounded and described as follows to wit: Be-
ginning at a point on railroad on northern line
of the William Baird tract, thence along rail-
road south twelve degrees, west fifteen perch-
es to post, thenes along same, sonth seven de-
grees forty Jorchss to post, south twenty-nine
egrees and forty perches to post, thence
south twenty-two
erches to post thence south forty-
our degrees fifty - two perches to
post thence south twenty-seven degrees and
fourteen perches to post and pointers south
eighty-nine degrees west two hundred and
eight perches to a cherry tres thence along
the western boundary of said tract north three
and one half degrees, and one hundred and
thirty-six perchhs to post, thence alung land
of Frank McCoy, south eighty-six and one half
degrees and one hundred and forty-four per.
es to place of beginning containing one hun-
dred and forty-eight acres and thirty-one
perches net measure. This tract of land was
sold by John M. Wagner in his life time to P.
B & W. F. Crider by deed dated twenty sec-
95d day of May 1880
twenty - nine degrees
Reserving out of the
above tract of land No. &, All that certain tract
messuage tenement and lot of ground situate
in Union township, Ceuatre county and state of
Penn., bounded and described as follows; on
the north ny the Snow Shoe railroad, east by
land of William Shirk, west by lands of P. B.
Crider & Son and on the north by other lands
of the said John M. Wagner now deceased
containing forty acres more or less, this tract
of land was sold by John M, Wagner in his
lile time to George F. Walker by article‘ of
agreement dated Feb, 20th 1883, and that no
partition of said land has been made but parti-
tion therefore yet remains to be made and
among the heirs of said decedent.
Sheriff's Office. Sheriff.
Bellefonte, Pa, Jaa. 3, 1891.
—=Do you read the WATCHMAN.
Trezizulny south 40° east 16 5-10 perches to a
white oak thence by the same south 32° east
35 5-10 percies to a post and stones, thence by
land of J. G. M’Mien north 58° east 51 perches
to a white oak, thence by the same south 3234°
east 113 perchesto a white ouk on the bank of
Bald Eagle creek, thence down said creek
north 75° east 20 perches, thence south 82°
east 31 perches thence east 36 perches, thence
south 84° past 16 perches to the place of begin:
two story dwelling house, bank barn and other
out buildings, and the following tract of land
adjoins tract No. 3, beginning and adjoini g
land of John Botto:f, on the north by Joseph
Green. on the south and said Aaron Par-
tridge on the west commencing at & post cor-
ner, thence north 52°east 78 perches to stones,
thence north 26° west 42 perches to stones,
thence soutn 52° west 85 perches to post,
thence south 13° east 40 perches to place of be-
ginning, containing 20 acres and (0 perches
more or less, and the following tract of land
adjoing No. 3. Beginning at a white oak,
thence along lands of John M. Wagner south
| 63° vest 35 perches to a post, thence south
L014° west 54 perches to stones, thence north
40° west 35 5-10 perches to stones, thence ncrth
5214° east along the division line of Mrs. Trez-
jzuiny and Pat Flinn heirs 90 perches to a
post, thence along the top of the ridge south
34° east 40 perches to a pine sapling, thence
south 44° east 80 perches to a white pine sap-
ling, thence north 86° east 14 perches to a
hickory, thence south 22° east 2 prrches toa
post, thence south 79° west 29 perches to a
post, thence north 4614° west 73 4-10 perches to
the place of beginning, containing 28 acres
and 78 perches more or less, and the following
tract of land adjoins tract No.3. Beginnivg at
a pile of stones on the bank of the bald Eagle
creek, N 80, N 580 feet along land of John M.
Wagner to railroad, thence up along Bald Ea-
gle valiey railroad 264 feet, thence south 4°
east 590 feet to northern line of Rebecca
Boggs’ land, thence north 50° east 200 feet
along said line to corner in road, thence south
30° east 63 feet to Bald Eagle creek, thence
along down said creek to place of beginning
and containing four acres and 53 feet neat
measure. ~-
No.4. All those eight several and certain
lots of ground situate in Central City, in Boggs
township atoresaid, and being designated and
numbered in the general plan of said Central
City as lots No* 50, 51,52 and 53 fronting on
Spring street, and lots No. 93, 9, 95 and 96
fronting on Broadway, and thereon erected a
two story brick dwelling house, stable and
other outbaildings.
No.5. Beginning on the north by Iddings
street, on the east by lot of John M. Wagner,
on the south by turn pike road and on the
west by lot of James I. Hale’s heirs, said lot
having a front of 50 feet on said turn pike
road extending back to Iddings street and
known in the general plot of said town as lot
No. 11 and thereon erected a two story double
dwelling house, stable and other outbuildings.
No. 6. Lot No. 10 according to a plot or plan
of lots laid out by James T. Hale and A. C. Id-
dings in the village known as Central City,
bounded as follows: on the south by Front
street, on the west by lot No. 11, on the norta
by Iddings street and on the east by Spring
street, being feet in width by feet long
No.7. All those two certain tracts of land
in Union township in the county of Centre
and state of Pennsylvania, the one veginning
at a hemlock, thence by land now or late of
Francis R. Wharton, decd., east 320 perches to
a stone heap tormerly a dogwood, thence by
lands of I C. Walker et. al., north 230 perches
toa stone heap, formerly a chestnut oak,
thence by land of the Sn ,w Shoe Railroad Co.,
west 320 perches to a stone heap, formerly a
post, thence south 320 perches to the place of
beginning, containing 433 acres and 153 perch-
es and allowance. ‘I he other beginning at a
hemlock, thence by land of Henry Mann
south 230 perches to a stone heap, formerly a
pine, thence by land of Valentine « Co. east
320 perches to a post or maple thence by lands
ot Valentine & Co. and I. C. Walker to a stone
heap, formerly a dogwood, thence west 320
perches to the place of beginning, ¢intaining
44 acres and 4 perches and allowance and
thereon erected a frame house, bank barn and
other outbuildings. .
Reserving out of the above tract of Jand of
No.7. All that certain messuage tenement
and tract of land situate in Union township,
Centre Co., Pa., bounded and described as fol-
lows, to wit: Beginning at a point on railroad
on northern line of the Wm. Baird tract,
thence along railroad south 12° west 16 perches
to post, thence along same south 7° 40 perches
to post, south 29° and 40 perches to post,
thence south 29°22 perches to post, thence
south 44° 52 perches to post, thence south 27°
and 14 perches to post and pointers south 89¢
west 208 perches to a cherry, thence along the
the western boundary of said tract north 34°
and 136 perches to post, thence along land of
Frank MoCoy south 86%4° and 144 perches (o
place of beginning, containing 148 acres and
31 perches neat measure. This tract of land
was sold by John M. Wagner in his lifetime to
P. B.and F. W. Crider, by deed dated 22nd of
Mav, 1880.
Reserving out of the above tract of land No.
7, All that certain messuage, tenement and
lot of ground situate in Union township, Cen-
tre Co., Pa.. bounded and described as follows :
On the north by Snow Shoe railroad, east by
lands of Wm. Shirk, west by lands of P. B.
Crider & Son and on the north by other lands
of the said John M. Wagner, now deceased,
containing 40 acres more or less This tract
of land was sold by John M. Wagner in his
life time to George F. Walker, by article of
agreement dated Feb, 20th, 1888.
New Advertisements,
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of William BH. Wagner.
All that certain lot of ground situate in the
township of Miles, Centre county, Penna., and
in the town of Rebersburg, being parts of lots
No. 4 and 9 of the general plot of said town,
bounded south by Main street, on the east by
part of lot No. 4, on the north by North alley
and on the west by part of lot No. 9, contain
ing 40 feet in breadth and 180 feet in depth,
and having thereon erected a brick house,
stable and necessary outbuildings.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Luther B Stover.
All that certain tract of land situate in Rush
township, Centre county, Pa., beginning at a
ost, corner of land surveyed for Sanford
hite, thence along said land north 53 4-10
east 627 feet to a post, on the right of way line
of the Tyrone and Clearfield railroad, thence
along said right of way line north 12° east 60
feet. thence north 80° west 117 feet, thence
north 72° 35' west 116 feet, thence north 64°
20’ west 131 feet, thence north 57° 50" west 100
feet, thence north 50° 20° west 95 feet to a post,
coruer of land surveyed for Michael Huffman,
thence along land of said Huffman south £3°
45\ we-t 520 feet to a post corner, thence along
land of the i hilipsburg Coal & Land Co., south
38% east 146 feet, thence south 45° east 200 feet,
thence south 614° east 194 feet to the place of
beginning, containing 7 11-100 acres. Thereon
erected a two story dwelling house and other
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of David Miller.
All that certain piece of ground situate in
the borough of Bellefonte, rae and de-
scribed as follows : Beginning at corner of lots
No. 68 and 70 in the general plan of said bor-
ough on the public grounds, thence by said lot
No. 70 in a southerly direction 72 feet and 4
inches, thence across said lot No. 68 in a line
parallel with line of the public ground on
which the Centre county jail is erected,
thence by a line parallel with the line of lot No.
70 Rorihwardly to the public ground aforesaid,
thence by said public ground to the place of
beginning, being 25 feet in front on said public
ground and being part of the northern half of
lot No. 68.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Moses Jackson, Jessie L.
Green and L. C. Green.
All that certain tenement and lot of ground
situate on the north side of the unopenea ex-
tension of the western end of Bishop street, in
the boro of Bellefonte, Cautre county, Penna.,
bounded and described as follows: Beginning
at the south west corner of lot No. 19 in the
general plan of said borough and owned by
Mrs David Mitchell, thence south 79° west
8 1-10 perches to post, thence by other lands of
said Brisbin north 73-10 perches to post, thence
by land of D. G. Bush north 79° east 6 7-10 per-
ches o post, thence by lands of John Brach
billand Mrs. Mitchell south 11° east7 3-10
perches to place of beginning, containing
about 54 perches.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of James 8S. Brisbin and Eli L.
Higgins and Mary J. Brisbin terre tenants,
All that certain messuage, tenement or tract
of land situate in Harris Twp., Centre county,
Pa., beginning at corner of lot of Jonathan
I'ressler at the road running from Brush val-
ley road to Linden Hall, thence along said
road in a southe ly direction 60 feet to stones,
thence eastward 160 feet to stone~, thence in a
northerly direction 60 feet to stones, thence
eastward 160 f et to st nes, thence in a nortn-
erly direction 60 feet to stones, thence west-
ward to the place of beginning, containing 35
perones, It being part of a larger tract of land
elonging to Daniel Hess,
Also another thereof, beginning at lot of
Geo. Huss (above described) at the road run-
ning from Brush valley road to Linden Hal,
thence along said road in a southerly direc-
tion 12 feet to stones, thence eastward 213 feet
to stones, thence in a northerly direction to
south east corner of school house lot 202 feet
thence westward 96 feet to southenstern corner
of school hruse lot, thence in a southerly direc-
tion 202 feet to place of beginning, containing
73 410 perches. It being part of a larger tract.
ot land belonging to said Daniel Hess.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of George Huss.
All of the defendant's right,title and interest
in and to that certain message, tenement or
tract of land situated in Gregg Twp., Centre
county, Pa, bounded and described as follows:
On the north by lands of George Genoble and
D. W. Vonada ana on the east 3 lanas of John
Roush ana John Rauchau and on the south by
lands of 8. C. Vonada and on the west by lands
of Wm. Yearick and Jeremiah Ertle, contain-
ing about 120 acres, 100 acres thereof being im-
proved, thereon erected two frame dwelling
houses, large bank barn, two wagon sheds and
and other outbuildings.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of G. W. Vonada.
No. 1. Surveved in the warrantee: name of
Bingamon R. Morgan on the 29th day of April,
1793, situate in the township of Curtin in said
county of Centre, bounded by lands of Moore
Wharton, Robert Wharton, Kearney Wharton
and others,containing 433 acres and 163 perches
with allowance.
No. 2. Surveyed in the warrantee name of
Joseph I. Wallis on the 5th day of Aug. 1794,
situate in the township of Burnside in said
county of Centre, bounded by lands ot Martin
Withington, Jacob and John Weitzel and Na-:
thaniel Levey, containing 415 acres and allow-
No. 3. Surveyed in the warrantee name of
David Lewis on the 20th day of June, 1793, sit-
uate in the township of Boggs in said county
of Centre, bounded by lands of Ebazar Siddons
Tiarsney Wharton, Thos. Grant, Wm. Gray and
others, containing 433 acres and 153 perches
and allowance. : ae
No. 4. Sarveyed in the warrantee named of
Wm. Bell, on the 13th day of June, 1856, and
situate in the township of Burnside in said
county of Centre; bounded by lands of John
McClintock, Nancy K. Cherry, Benjamin Cher-
ry, Thomas Carey, John Carey and others,
containing 400 acres and allowance, being the
same tracts of land which Wm. H. Taylor of
the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Penna.
by indenture bearing date the 15th day of
March, 1:89, recorded in the office of the re-
corder of deeds, for said county of Centre, in
deed book No. 59, page 120, granting and con-
veying unto the said Philip L. Meyer in fee.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Wm. J. Moodie. ..
' All that certain messuage, tenement and
tract of land situate in the township of Patton,
Centre county, Pa., hounded and. described as
follows: Beginning at a stone in public road
(now the centre) leading from the Buffalo Run
road to Muncy ridge, thence along said road
south 4734° east 10 perches to a post, thence
along said road south 2414° east 18 perches
and 22 links to white oak, thence by land of
Mrs. Kliza Hartsock and heirs of Peter Mur-
ray south 77° west 127 perches and 20 1.nks to
black oak stump, thence by land of Jacob
Gray north 4,° west 61 perches to yellow pine,
thence by land of Jonas Stine north 38° east 40
perches to a hickory, thence north 61° east 32
perches to a chestnut oak, thence north 47°
east 20 rerches to pine, thence by lands of J.
C. Benderson north 50° east 6 perches and 11
links to stone, thence by land of Henderson
Stanton south 3314° east 81 perches and 16 links
to stone, thence south 64° east 12 perches to
post, thence north 55° east 26 perches to
stones first mentioned, the place of beginning,
containing 44 acres more or less. Thereon
erected a new two.two story frame dwelling
house and outbuildings.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Jacob -B. Moore.
All that certain tract or piece of land, situate
lying and being in Huston township, Centre
county, Pa., bounded and described as follows
to wit: Beginning at a red oak stump, the cor-
ner of the Joseph Henry, Francis Bailey and
John Friend tract; thence north 321£° east 230
perches to corner, thence south 574° east 325
perches to a white oak corner, thence south
3214° west 164 perches to land of J. Bruss,
thence north 5714° west along land of said J. |
Bruss 40 perches, to. stone, thence by same
south 3214° west 80 perches to line of A. Ben-
net, thence by: land of A. Bennet and the
Francis Bailey tract, north 5514° west 285
perches to the place of beginning, containing
393 acres and allowance being part of a larger
Jas o land 1n the warrantee name of John
' Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Arthur W. Swisher.
TERMS.—No deed will be acknowledged
until purchase money be paid in fall, ‘
30-1 Sheriff,
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