EI =. GRAY MEEK. Ink Shngs. --Make 1894 a great year. good times, make good times and there will be good times. —Is it any wonder railroads are shaky institutions? Look at the amount of rolling stock they handle. —Help business along by stopping this continual jabber about bard times. Half of the so called panic is in the eye of the alarmist. —Gov. LEWELLING’S attempt to re- lease the lease which Mrs. LEASE thinks she has on the populists of Kansas pro- mises to give that State a re-lease of bleeding times. : --So the Republicans nominated GALUSHA Grow for Congress-man-at large, did they ? How in the world did QUAY and the Philadelphia Press hap- pen to come together on the same man? —PRENDERGAST will not have such a hard time of it afterall. He is to be hanged ’tis true, but the change from Chicago to—— will not be as noticeable as it would from many other towns in the land. ——Evidences of restored prosperity are to be seen everywhere. Factories and mills, in all parts of the country, are resuming full handed with promise of continued work. The Democrats are taking the blame for it too. —If you can find work of any sort give it to the worthy poor man to do, Let him earn what he gets from you. He will be the happier and you will have had some return for your, charity, besides there will be no danger of mak- ing paupers out of men if they are given a chance to work for what they get. . ——The Republican State Conven- tion at Harrisburg, on Wednesday, res- “ soluted against everything Democratic and lauded the effects of the McKINLEY bill to the skies. The gathering was Republican, however, and did not seem to consider the fact that all our present and past troubles are and have been due to the measure they extol. -.The year 1893 was a disastrous one among the rail-roads of the United States and though some reputable journals point to the fact as ap excellent indication of the decreased business of the past year we are loath to accept their statements. Recent developments lead us to the conclusion that dishonest offi- cials had more to do with the failures than poor business. —The idea of QUAY’S convention tak- ing exception to CLEVELAND'S Ha- waiian policy after the peanut tactics HARRISON resorted to to cover up the tracks of his disgraceful minister to the i:1a1 ds, whose conniving got the country into the embroglio. Quay will do any- thing, however, and the Republican machine will always back him up. —If all the little 6x10 government® on the globe get to find out that they can fireon Uncle Sam's sailors with impunity there is no telling to what ex- tremes this habit of making targets of our marines will be carried. The best thing that can bedone is to lay aside any sentiment on such matters and blow some of them out of existence. San Domingo is the latest offender. —Ifany one thinks foot-ball does not have a tendency for good let him read how Rev. GEo GLENN, a young Meth- odist minister, at Hughesville, thrashed two rowdies on Saturday night. They were partially filled with ram and were having a good time insulting people and painting the town red until they met the minister. He resented the insults and thumped them both in fine style. He isa graduate of Wesleyan University and while there was end rush on the best foot-ball team that institution ever boasted. —The Columbinn postage stamp isa drug on the market. In order to get rid of its enormous stock of Columbian year souvenirs the post office department last week sent consignments to every large office in the country with orders that they must all be disposed of before requisitions for others can be drawn. This will force the péople to buy them and will possibly decrease the nuisance of spitting in public places for the time being also. Every one will have to economize on his spit until those stamps are all used up. —1It is not often that we have occa. sion to refer to the Harrisburg Patriot as the source of anything good, but we take pleasure in doing so when the op- portunity presents itself, The Patriot, in a recent issue, contained an editorial in which a writer claimed that not more than one in every ten of the so-called ‘army of the unemployed’ are men who would work if work were offered them ; and we believe the Pafriof is right. Forallthe tramps, ram soaks, profes- sional bums and loafers, who never did a stroke of work in their lives and never + will do any, are parading their destitu- tion under the banners of the ‘army of the unemployed” and gobbling up a lion’s share of the charity that belongs to the honest man who wants work and can’t get it. Talk” STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. ~ VOL. 39. BELLEFONTE, PA., JAN. 5, 1893. NO. 1. What Patriots We Are (?) What patriotism there is in this country is gradually working to the top. Every little while we see evi dence of it. The citizen who refused to go to the army until his district, or some fellows equally brave (?) as him- self, offered and paid him a bounty for doing so, is now the most clamorous for exhorbitant pensions. The states man (?) who was in the hey-dey of life during the war, but kept far away from it, has now the most to say in keeping alive the prejudices and sec- tional bitterness that should have been buried with Lee's surrender. The sol- dier (?) who joined the ‘diarrhoea corps’ before he got to the front and who stuck to it until he got a dis- charge, is the one whose recollections are the most vivid of the bloody battles he never saw and of hardships and bravery to which he was an entire stranger. The churches that demand- ed contribution on top of contribution, for relief organizations at the front, and whose pulpits resounded with de- punciations of their own members, and everybody else, who conld not believe that carrying on a war was the proper means of adjusting differences between sister states, or settling disputes between our own people, have not forgotten their patriotism, and. thirty years after the close of the war come to the front with the bounty taker, the hanger— round the hospital, the stay at bome howler, and demand their pound of flesh for services rendered the govern: ment in the hour of its necessity. A case of the later kind comes from our neighboring town of Tyrone, where a little wooden church, the cost of which was less than $1800, was used for a few week’s during the war for sleeping quarters for men who were en- listing in thesepyice. It now demands of the government, through congressman Hicks, $2,000 as “re—imbursement for its use, Had any one at the time its doors were opened to accommodate the men who were on their way to the front, intimated that it was not patriot- ism or love of the old flag, that actua- ted its trustees, he would have been de- an enemy of the government. At that time to doubt the parpose of those who were demanding war, or to suspect the services that were so blatantly offered, when and where there was no danger, was to make ones self liable to arrest and imprisonment as well as to social rand political ostracism. But time seems to uncover much that was hidden. And nothing that it exposes does it show plainer than the deception, the hypocrisy, the pretense and the parsimony, that wrap- ped itselt in the flag and paraded as “patriousm’’ here at home during the dark days of the war. An Injury Illustrated. : An item of news which appeared in the papers a short time ago, furnished an illustration of the injury which the Republican high tariff is doing Penn- sylvania, a State which the protection- ists represented as being peculiarly benefitted by their tariff policy. It was announced that the Catasauqua iron and steel works, among the oldest in the country, had been overtaken by financial failure. The difficulties under which they collapsed are not of recent origin, but like those which pushed the Steelton works to the wall, began and were con- tinued under the full ‘protection’ of the Republican tariff system. These works found themselves overweighted by the heavy duty on the imported iron ore which they required and could not dispense with in their operations, a burden under which they were una- able to compete with similar works in the West that could get the Lake Superior ores without the heavy freight charges on them that handicap the eastern manufacturers. The Steelton company suffering from the same dis advantage, removed part of their opera: tions to Sparrow’s Point, on the Chesa- peake bay, to get as close as possible to the foreign ore it needed; but al. though it avoided railroad freight by getting to the very edge of tide water: it could not escape the blighting effects of McKinrey's tariff charges. There is not a steel or iron plant in Pennsyl- vania requiring this particular grade of ores, that is not suffering from this dis- advantage, and the free iron ore which the WiLsox tariff will furnish them, will be their only salvation. In addition to steel and iron opera- tions, other Pennsylvania industries will also be benefitted by the more lib- eral terms on which the Democratic tariff will allow them to be conducted. No one need be surprised to see a revolution of sentiment in this long tariff-wedded State after the beneficial effects of the reform tariff policy shall have been fully manifested. Although the Republican protectionists have had only to resort to a tariff scare to carry Pennsylvania by a big majority, yet we expect to see her made a Democrat ic State by the WirLson tariff. An Impudent Protectionist. Never were greater impudence and arrogance displayed by the advocates of tariff favorivism and monopoly en- couragement, than is shown by that peculiarly high tariff organ, the New York Press, in the assumed contempt with which it speaks of the Democrat” ic members of the Ways and Means committee who framed the WiLsoN tariff bill. It superciliously calls Mes- ers. WiLsoN, McMiLLEN, TURNER, BRECKINRIDGE and MONTGOMERY “resi- dents of backwoods villages,” who are “destitute of practical knowledge of in- dustrial affairs,” and contemptuously asks “what right have they to speak for the immense mauufacturing inter- est of the country,” and to frame a tar- iff measure that will affect the econom- ic principles upon which the industries should be conducted ? No doubt it is more agreeable to this impudent McKiNLEYITEs idea of the fitness of things, that tariff meas- ures which are to affect “the immense manufacturing interests of the countrv’’ should be formulated at the iustance aud with the advice of those, great industrial magnates, who have managed to make millious out of their tarift privileges and favors at the éx- pense of an outraged people. In its opinion men who are interested in trusts, who throng Republican com. mittee rooms boring for special tarift benefits, and furnish such counsel to { Republican tarift makers as is caleu- nounced as a traitor, and pointed to as ! lated to be of advantage to monopoly, are fitter representatives ot the indus- tries of the country, more competent in the interest of the wage-earners, and more capable of framing an economic measure that will do the most good to the general class, than the “back- woods" ‘members of the Ways and Means conimittee, who, having been called to the task by an immense ma- jority of the popular vote. directly rep- resent the people in the formulation of a tari, Notwithstanding the arrogant dis- dain with which this New York tariff organ aftects to regard the Democratic committeemen’s alleged ignorance of business affairs, Chairman WiLson’s astuteness in that respect will not suf fer by comparison with that of the Chairman of the McKINLEY commit- tee, who so completely mismanaged his own private business, that it was necessary to hand the hat around among his tariff admirers for his finan- cial relief. Where Protection Failed. It is shown by the report of the Department of Agriculture that during the past year of 1893 wheat reached a lower price than it was ever sold for in any former yearin this country. The average price obtained for it by the American farmer in the year just past was 52.1 cents. Considering that this cereal is one of the staple crops, stand- ing first in value, the depreciation of its price, as shown by the official report, does not speak well for the prosperity of the farmers. In this connection it is not out of place to refer to the fact that those who framed the present tarift assumed to look after the interest of the wheat raisers by putting a duty on that pro- duction that would protect the Ameri- can cereal from foreign competition. Of course the proposition was absurd from the fact that the United States is the greatest wheat supplying country in the world, therefore having no oc casion to be protected in a product which forms one of her heaviest items of exportation. The duty on wheat was a humbug intended to fool the farmers. The deception is made the more obvious and ridiculous by the official report that under this wheat protecting tariff that product has reached its lowest price. Frightening the Working People. It is observed that some manufacturers who prefer the spoliation of consumers which McKINLEY’S extortionate duties enable them to practice, are showing their hostility to the WiLsox bill in various ways. Some of them appear to think that an influence may be brought to bear against this reform measure by exciting the fears of the working people, and with this object they are notifying their workmen that if the Democrats pass their tariff bill it will be followed by a reduction of wages. Probably they intend to do what they threaten in case of the passage of the WiLson bill. Even with the exorbi- tant advantages enjoyed by them under a monopoly tariff the protected benefi- ciaries have not shown themselves averse to cutting the wages of their work- men, there having been reductions in the payment of labor in many of the lines of manufacture under the high du- ties of the MCKINLEY enactment, and therefore it may well be believed that they will easily be disposed to take ad- vantage of lower rates of duties as an excuse for reducing the pay of their employees. But they will find that the threat of such a reduction will bave no effact in changing the purpose of those to whom has been committed the duty of reforming a vicious and oppressive tariff system. In adopting such tactics against the WiLson tariff bill these spoiled pets of protection are merely continuing the line of policy which no doubt many of them adopted during the past season in closing their works with the object of increasing the business depression and furnishing occasion for the calamity howl, their purpose being to arouse pub- lic sentiment against any interference with the MCKINLEY tariff. The manutacturers who are now re- sorting to the menace of wage reduction are likely to find, atter the Democratic tariff has been operating for awhile, d*®ndition of things in regard to wages over which they will have but little if any control. The pay which labor receives depends more upon the dsmand for it than upon the disposition of the employer. Industry, released from shackles imposed upon it by a Chinese tariff system, and stimulated by the advantage of free raw materials, will receive an impetus that will give increased vigor to every branch of pro. duction. Under such conditions the price of labor will be regulated by the de mand for it, and the disgruntled tanff favorites, who are threatening to reduce its compensation in case the Damocratie tariff shall be passed, will be glad to se- cure the service of labor at its market price. “The True Spirit, No better evidence of the spirit of this Democratic administration could be furnished than is given by the de- termination to protect American inter- ests in Brazil, as evinced by the large naval force that is being concentrated in the harbor of Rio Janeiro. Four of the best ships of the new navy, are al- ready at the scene of Brazilian hostili ties, while the New York, the largest and strongest of our armored cruisers, ison the way, and also the monitor Miantonoma, considered bv some naval judges to be the most powerful battleship now afloat. This force will give the United States a predominance at the point of disturbance, making the American naval strength greater than that of any other power represented by armed vessels in those waters, This demonstration, so honorable to our govenment, is intended to protect American interests endangered by the unfortunate civil conflict that is now going on in the harbor of Rio. It is also no doubt intended to serve as a warning to the old world monarchies that the United States will maintain the Moxror doctrine, and will allow no European interference with the Re- public of Brazil. When it comes to the petty business of overturning a weak but friendly government on the remote islands of the Pacific, by fillibustering methods and underhanded conspiracy, this ad: ministration isn’t in it. Bat when a movement is required to assert before the world, and in the force of powerful nations, the determination of*this gov- erament to protect American interests wherever they may be menaced, and to maintain the doctrine that foreign pow- ers have no right to interfere with American R%publics, a Democratic ad- ministration can be counted on as sure The Business Depression Chargeable to McKinley. There has not been that tivival of business which was expected to result from the repeal of the law that required the purchase of silver. No doubt a greater stability has been imparted to the financial situation in consequencé of that repeal, and a disturbing factor has been removed from the money market, but the operations of industry continue to be affected by a paralyzing influences If the rabid protectionists are asked to give a reason for the continuance of this stagnation they are prompt with the answer that it has been caused and is continued by the apprehension of Democratic “tariff tinkering,” and that there is no other cause for the paralysis that has overtaken tae business of the country than the fear that the McKin- LEY tariff is going to be disturbed. This is the burden of their charge against the Democratic tariff intentions. The argument of alarm, accentuated by the calamity howl, is their chief reli- ance in resisting tariff reform as em- bodied in the WiLsoN bill. The philosophy of the present busi- ness slump will be more intelligently and correctly comprehended by future political economists than it is by those whose reviews on the subject are dis- turbed and distorted by the conflict of partisan feelings and business interests of the passing period. It will be but a short tire until it skall be generally and readily conceded that the business breakdown of 1893 came from a cause similar to that which in the past produc- ed the same kind of collapses after the country had been overproducing and overtrading in consequence of the arti- ficial stimulus of undue protection ; and the future student of political economy will be amused to learn that there were people who regarded the present pros- tration as having been brought about by the tear that the economic measure which really caused the trouble would, be repealed. It may safely be said, and it will be said by any who with ordinary discern- ment will give the matter anything more than a superficial examination, that the McKINLEY tariff is chiefly chargeable with the depression which during the past six months has overtaken every business interest and affected every branch of industry. It has encouraged greater production than the needs of the country required, zongestin being the inevitable result. When tariff stimu- lation induces in nine months the pro- duction of as much as can be consumed ina year, a clog must come in the natural order of things. That is the condition in which the McKINLEY tanff put the couatry more than a year azo, and if HARRISON had been re-elect- ed, the beginning of his second term would have been attended with the same state of affairs as that which the | McKINLEY-ITEs charge CLEVELAND with having brought about. It will be remembered that after the great McKINLEY protective tariff was passed nearly a year was allowed before many of the high duties became opera- tive, and in the meanwhile the country was overstocked with foreign goods burried in to escape the increased but deferred duties. In addition to this supply from abroad, McKINLEY pro- tection incited our manufacturers to augmented production. Could anything else have followed than the overstock- ing of a market that had no outlet for | an over supply ? Such was the effect of the McKINLEY tariff. This natural re- sult began to show itself plainly at the opening of a Damocratic administration, and the protectionists were adroit and impudent enough to make a good | many honest but deceived voters believe that the damage which McKINLEY had done was caused by the apprehension that the Democrats would overhaul his tariff. But itis evident to discerning minds that the prevailing business. de- pression is due to the effects of that | tariff more than to any other cause. | inst., of paralysis. Spawls from the Keystone, —In Lancaster last year 1215 weddirgs oc- cured. —Reading policemen made 1315 arrests drr- ing 1893 — Reading breweries last year turned out 129,000 barrels of beer. —The Lebanon county Treasurer last year paid out about $95,000. —Samuel Lebo, of Lykens township, Dau- phin county, hanged himself. —A great deal of ice has been cutand stored in the Northern tier counties. —Northampton county, in the year just ended, paid out $112 for scalps of wild ani- mals, . --Judge Cyrus L. Pershing, Jof Schuykill county, has gone to Denver, Col., in search of health. —The Strasburg, Lancaster County, Metho- dist church was dedicated Tuesday free of debt. —William Schuttlesworth, of Mt. Pleasant, was killed in the Williamstown colliery by a fall of coal. —Citizens of Boyerstown have subscribed $25,000 toward establishing a new industry in that towa. —Henry Billman, known to everybody in South Williamsport, hanged himself Monday in his garret. —Hon. Martin Bell, of Hollidaysburg, was installed president judge of the Blair county courts Monday. —Williamsport citizens are kicking against the Board of Trade’s proposition to abolish the curbstone farmers market. y —A Philadelphia and Reading Railroad train ran down and killed Gaetano Marl, a trackwalker, at Lewisburg. —The big culm banks at Audenried and Honeybrook have been purchased, and the good coal will be washed out. —Mr. Sones, of Harrisburg, has identified the man recently killed on the railroad at Mechanicsburg as his brother. —The fifteenth anniversary of the United Presbyterian church orphan asylum was held at the home in Allegheny Monday. —Thieves made a New Year's call at Charles Pamalauski’s salloon in Reading and departed with a barrel of liquor and some cash. —Benjamin Erb, Jr., of near Mechanics® burg, had his left hand so seriously injured by a fodder cutter that it had to be amputated. —A series of three banquets and literary entertainments, given by the ladies of Johns town for the benefitof the poor, began Mon- day night. —Counsel for Harry Manfred, convicted of murder in the first degree for killing George Ochs, at Pottsville, are still fighting for a new trial. —The new Methodist Episcopal church at Lock Haven was dedicated free of debt on Sunday last. The cost of the edifice was abou $7,000. —While David Krow and Myers Long en- joyed the New Year's festivities in Lancaster Monday night, a thief seized their horse and buggy. —The Democratic club at its meeting in Harri~burg Monday night, adopted a resolu- tion urging the prompt passage of the Wilson tariff bill. The Reading rolling mill resumed operas tions Monday after an idleness of several weeks. About 330 men were given employe ment. —A Lehigh passenger train and a Pennsyl- vania freight collided near Brick Mountain and several passengers were slightly injured Monday. —General Robert G. Cox, for twenty-one years prothonotary of Tioga county was sue- ceeded to that office by ex-Sheriff Francis M. Sheffer Monday. — Lebanon County Commissioners appointed James M. snyder clerk and John Light was selected steward of the almshouse by the Poor Directors. —Intoxicated Polanders had a fre ffght on Whiskey Hill, near Wilkesbarre, Monday in which one man was fatally and a dozen se- riously injured. —The new Board of Poor Directors, of Schuylkill County, have made 25 appoint= ments, the new steward being Wellin gton Hartman, of Pottsville. —With a population of 16,000 the death rate of Pottstown for the year 1893 was as follows . Males 64; females, €9; children under 15 yoars of age, 86 ; total, 189. —Judge Smith's last opinion befure retiring from Lackawanna county Bench was a strong rebuke to the practice juries have of come promising cases without reason. —A committee of Chester citizens visited the new Shoemakerville bridge Monday to see for themselves whether the cement was sand or not. The bridge cost $65,006. —Charters were Tuesday granted to the Philadelphia Homemade Bread Company, of Philadelphia, capital $200,000 and the Erie Telephone Company, capital $10,000, —The Agricultural Society of Cumberland County Tuesday elected C. H. Mullin, presi- dent; W. H. McCrea, secretary ; John Stock, treasurer, and W. E. Milzer, superintendent. —Judge Endlich Tuesday decided that there shall be no recount of Reading’s vote cast at the last February election, and City Treasurer Bertolet and Controller Koch, Re- puablicans, will remain unmolested in office. —Daniel Isenberg died at his home in Shirleysburg, Huntingdon county, on the 1st He was aged about 70 years, was a member of the Reformed church and a highly respected citizen. He leaves a wife and eight children. —A man named Andrew Hanecriski while walking on the railroad, east of New Florence, | Tuesday afternoon, was struck by the second section of the Pacific and probably fatally in jured. His leg was broken and back and head badly injured. He was taken to the Westm ore- Jand county home. ——The McKiNLey bill has been in’ operation for over two years, and is still throwing ite “protective” influ- | ences over the industries and wage | workers of this country. Won't some of its friends point out a few working men whose wages have gone up in consequence of 1ts provisions, or some industry that has been made to hum because of its benefits ? | | —Congress is again at work. Some of its members took new pagesso there must of a necessity be some ground for the hops that the body turned over to be at the front every time, a new leaf, —A number of the miners eI Tloyei a al F. L Stephenson & Co's shaft, above Manor, came out on a strike Tuesday morning owing to the operators asking them to work for fifty- three cents per ton instead of seventy-four cents per ton, the amount they were receiv- ing. The men all say they can scarcely live on their present wages let alone on less, Itis not known what the outcome will be. —The new Bedford county officers were sworn in Monday, and the contests for posi- tions were lively, there being forty-five ap- plicants for the place of clerk to the board of | county commissioners and the board’s attor- ney. J.T. Shafter, clerk, was retained, and S. R. Longenecker was elected attorney over A. L. Little. The directors of the poor retain i their old officers—B. F. Mock, steward; E. R. Horne, treasurer, and T.M. Arm strong, attorney.