Colleges. ie PENNSYLVANIA STATE COLLEGE. Located in one of the most Beautiful and Healthful Spots in the Alleghany Region ; Undenominational ; Op- en to Both Sexes; Tuition Free; Board and other Expenses very low. New Buildings and Equipment. LEADING DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY. 1. AGRICULTURE (Two Courses), and AG- RICULTURAL CHEMISTRY; with constant illustrations on the Farm and in the Labora- | tory: BOTANY AND HORTICULTURE; the- | oretical and practical Students taught origi- nal study with the microscope. 3. CHEMISTRY; with an unusually full and thorough course in the Laboratory. 4. CIVIL ENGINEFRING; ELECTRICAL | ENGINEERING; MECHANICAL ENGI- NEERING. These courses are accompanied | with very extensive practical exercises In the Field, tiie Shop and the Laboratory, 5. HISTORY ; Ancient and Modern, with original investigation. 6. INDUSTRIAL ART AND DESIGN. v. LADIES’ COURSE IN LITERATURE AND SCIENCE; Two years. Ample facilities | for music, vocal and instrumental. 8. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE; Lat- {n (optional), Freneh, German and English (required), cne or more continued through the antire course. g 9. MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY ; pure and applied. Lak 10. MECHANIC ARTS; combining shop work with study, three years’ course; new ouilding and equipment, 11. MENTAL, MORAL AND POLITICAL SCIENCE; Constitutional Law and History, Politica! Economy, &e. ; 12. MILITARY SCIENCE; theoretical and practical, including each arm of the service. 13. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT; Two years carefully graded and thorough. Commencement Vieek, June 11-14, 1893. Fall Term opens Sept. 13, 1893. Examination for admission, June 16th and Sept. 13th. For Catalogue or other information, address GEO. W. ATHERTON, LL.D., President, county, Pa. Coal and wood. DWARD K. RHOADS, Shipping and Commission Merchant, : :~-DEALER IN—: ANTHRACITE, BITUMINOUS & WOODLAND f—-C 0 A L.—1 GRAIN, CORN EARS, SHELLED CORN, OATS, STRAW and BALED HAY, BUILDERS and PLASTERS’ SAND, KINDLING WOOD, by the Seioh or cord as may suit purchasers. Respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends and the public, at —HIS COAL YARD— near the Passenger Station. Telephone 1312. 36 18 Miscellaneous Advs. gg300.00— — em A YEAR === FOR THE INDUSTRIOUS. If you want work that i« pleasant and profit able, send us your address immediately. We teach men and women how to earn froin $5.00 per day to $3,000 per year without having had previous experienc, and furnish the employ ment at which they ean make that amount. Nothing difficult to learn or that requires much time. ‘I'he work is easy, healthy, and honor able and can be cone during daytime or even- ings, right in your own locality, wherever you live. Iheresult of a few hours’ work often equals a week’s wages. We have taught thousands of both sexes and all ages, and meny have laid foundations that will surely bring them riches. Some of the smartest men in this country owe th. ir success in life to the start given them while in ouremploy years so. You, reader, may Go as well; try it. You cannot fall. No capital necessary. We fit you out with something that is new, solid, and sure. A book brimful of advice is free to all. Help yourself by writing for it to-day—not to- morrow. E. C. ALLEN & CO. Box 420. ‘38-161y _ Augusta, Kaine. FALE BRAND —PHE BEST== {—R-0-0-F-I-N-G —} Is unequaled for house, barn, factory or out- buildings, and costs half the price.of shingles, tin or iron. lt is ready for use and easily ap- plied by apy one. — RUBBER PAINT — Costs only 60 cents per gallon in barrel lots, or £4.50 for 5 gallon tubs. Color dark red. Will stop leaks in tin or iron roofs that will last for years. Try 11. Send stamp for samples and full particulars. On EXCELSIOR PAINT AND ROOFING