Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 01, 1893, Image 6

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    Bellefonte, Pa., Dec. I, 1393.
The autumn leaves are falling fast.
The trees are almost bare ;
For every breeze that hastens past
Leaves one less clinging there.
And autumn shades are falling fast
On heads of brown and gold ;
When aays and nigh's have hastened past,
Our time on earth is told.
Then ere autumn shades have fallen
On heads of brown and gold,
Ere thy days and night 8s are numbered
And thy time on earth ,is told"
- Oh! letsome deed of kindness mark
The paths thy feet have trod ;
And others following after
M lority thy God.
A poy wy Lovedy Nicholas Seal.
In a down town restaurant in Chica-
go John Gilmore sat at dinner. With
a very discontented expression of coun-
enance he was “jabbing” with his fork
piece of pumpkin pie which he had
ust ordered, seemingly determined that
that particular piece should never know
another victim.
His thoughts ran somewhat on this
wise: “Call that pumpkin pie! A yel-
low skin over a piece of soggy dough!”
Then. through the association of ideas,
his thoughts turned to that home in
Ohio where his mother, at this season of
the year, always served daily the lusci-
ous pie, rich as new milk, fresh eggs and
golden pumpkin could make it.
But that home was broken up, and all
its inmates scattered ; none of the num-
erous kinfolk near the old place but
Aunt Sally Penrose, while he, atter ten
years of struggle in the modern Babylon
—Chicago—at the age of thirty, was
just beginning to catch a glimpse of the
way to fortune. Fame he never expec-
ted. Then his mind reverted to the
stabbed pie, and he said to himself, for
he never condescended to scold waiters
about things for which they were not
responsible, being a gentleman. “I
can’t eat this; it’s more than human
stomach can endure. I believe I will
go back to Brookville and see the old
place and dear old Aunt Sally. Next
week is Thanksgiving, and I can man-
age to get off two or three days. I'll
never marry until I can find a woman
who can make pumpkin pie as my moth-
er could.”
With a final critical glance at the of-
fending food, he took his hat and de-
parted. That evening he wrote to his
aunt telling her of his intended visit,
and in due time received a reply so kind
and cordial that it warmed his rather
lonely heart and touched his conscience
for not having gone before.
* * * * £
Thanksgiving morning John Gilmore
was awakened by the unwonted sound
of crowing cocks and lowing cows. For
a few moments he was dazed : then he
remembered that the night before he had
reached Brookville, had been met at the
station by his uncle James and taken to
the farm on the edge of the little village,
bad sat late talking to his aunt, and,
finally, when snugly enconsed between
the white sheets, had fallen into such a
dreamless sleep as he had not known in
After breakfast. Aunt Sally said:
“John, it’s union service to-day, and will
be held in the Methodist church. Our
Racker will preach-—the Presbyterian.
ou’tl go, won’t you ?”’
John hesitated, and then said “Yes.”
He had some thought of taking a long
walk through the leafless wood, where
in boyhood he had known every nook
aud corner. The day was so bright,
the air so crisp that it was a great piece
of self denial to give it up. But as he
"had to stay till the fast express Sunday
night he concluded to spend an ortho-
dox Thanksgiving—preaching, dinner
aud all. He hadn’t heard any old fash-
ioned preaching lately. To be sure, he
had every Sunday heard Professor Rope
discuss the questions—political and secu-
lar -which had interested the public
during the preceding week, but, baring
the text, it bore very little relation to its
antiquated relative, the “Gospel Ser-
Arrived at the church he found him-
self seated well up in front. His aunt
bowed and smiled to many ; he saw no
familiar face. His manhood had been
employed in the great struggle for foot-
hold, so that his o!d friends had been
dropped, and he had not formed many
new acquaintances. In the atmosphere
of homely, cheery frendliness he felt
like an intruder. Just back ot the
preacher was seated the choir, composed
of the members of all the different
churches of the village. He was pleased
with the sensation of interest the pret-
ty, fresh faces of the girls gave him. He
joined in the singing of “Coronation”
and other old hymns, and listened to the
germon, apparactly as interested as any
one there. It was a simple effort, suited
to the occasion and the hearers, but by
its absence of pretension it refreshed
At the close a general handshaking
wa: indulged in. and he was introduced
to many persons who had know his
father and mother.
“John,” said Aunt Sally, “it’s our
turn this year to go to Mrs. Gray's to
dinner. We take year about—the Grays,
Steels and our folks—so if you will you
may just walk-over with the other young
folks through the meadow and we will
take Uncle Billy Gregg home in your
place. I was so flarried last night that
I forgot to tell you.”
John, when he found it was an estab-
lished custom, made n> demur, but
said: “Certainly, aunt. I would be
delighted to walk through the meadow,
but you must introduce me to my com-
panions. 1dou’t know them evenly
“To be sure you don’t!” exclaimed
Aunt Sally. “Ruth, Ruth,” she called,
and a nice, quiet looking girl stepped
forward and said, holding out her hand:
“How do you do, Aunt Sally? You
are goinx over to dinner, aren’t you?
Mother is expecting you.” :
“Oh, yes, but here, I want to intro-
duce you to my nephew, John Gimore.
John, this is Ruth Gray. It is to her
house we are going,” she exclaimed to
(Continued on page Seven.)
Folks in Office.
Mr. Dockery's Commission Makes Another Ke-
port—Relatives on the Pay Rolls—Statistical
Information About the Departmental Ser
vice.—Nearly 18,000 Employes.
In the House today Mr. Dockery
made another report of the work of the de-
partmental joint commission consisting
of Representatives Dockery, Richardson,
of Tennessee and Dingley and Senators
Cockrell. Joues, of Arkansas and Cul-
lom. The report is as follows :
The joint commission appointed under
a provision of the legislative, executive
and judicial appropriation act approved
March 8, 1893 submit herewith for the
information of Congress statements from
the several executive departments and
other government establishments at the
national capital, prepared by the heads
thereof, pursuant to inquiries addressed
to them by the commission through let-
ters under date of May 24, 1893. The
information as to each department or
establishment is furnished as date of
May . 24, 1893, except asto the Post
Office Department and fish commission,
which is furnished as of date July I,
The statement as to each executive
department and government establish-
ment shows the number and title of
offices and bureaus and divisions there-
of ; the number of persons authorized to
be employed therein ; their sex ; their
ages; the number of years each had
been employed therein : the number
who entered the public service under
process of the civil service law of 1883;
the number of persons employed as
clerks or otherwise and paid more than
$84C per annum who are doing duty ap-
pertaining to the positions of messengers
assistant messengers or laborers; the
number of messengers, assistant mes-
sengers, watchman or laborers who are
doing clerical duties appertaining to
higher salaried offices ; and the nvmber
of persons employed who have wiv:
busbands, brothers, sisters, sons, dau.
ters or other relatives employed there.
or in other government establisoments
in Washington.
The information given applies to the
eight executive departments, stated in
the chronological order of their es-
tablishment ander the Constitution, and
to the twelve other government estab-
lishments at the national capital, name-
Executive Departments ; Department
of State, Department of War, Depart-
ment of Treasury, Post Office Depart-
ment, Department of Justice, De-
partment of the Navy, Department of
the Interior, Department of Agricul-
Other government establishments :
Department of Labor, Civil Service
Commission Fish Commission. Inter-
state Commerce Commission, Guvern-
ment Printing Office, Library of Cen-
gress, Government of the District of
Columbia. Under the Smithsonian
Institution : National Museum. Ba.
reau of International Exchanges, Nat-
ional Zoological Park. Astrophysical
Observatory and Bureau of Ethnology.
A general summary of all of the re-
ports from the foregoing departments
and government establishments 1s made.
It shows : That they are divided into
136 offices or bureaus and 498 divisions ;
that there are 17,599 persons employed
therein, 11,667 males and 5,637 females
being approximately 6,128 more than
are specifically appropriated for, as
shown in the report of the joint commis-
sion made to the Senate and House,
September 30, 1893, and who are au-
thorized by and paid from general ap-
That of the number employed in the
eight executive departments, the de-
partment of labor, civil service commis-
sion and fish commission, which are un-
der the civil service law, 8,027 are in
the class subject to competitive eivil
service examansation preliminary to
appointment, and that 3,265 of that
number entered the service after such
examination. The residue, 4,762, were
employed in the departments at the
time they were classified and placed
under the civil service law by excutive
That 12 persons are. employed doing
duty as messengers, assistant messengers
or laborers and paid more than $840 per
annum, the maximun compensation for
such service. That 84 messengers, as-
sistant messengers, watchman or labor-
ers are employed doing clerical duties
appertaining to higher salaried offices.
That the ages of those employed stated
in multiples of five years range from
twenty years to ninety years. That the
length of service of all employes range
frown one year to sixty years each. And
that of the whole number employed &-
610 have from one to nine relatives
in the government service at Washing-
ton. There are fifty disbarging offices
of the government in Washington, and
nineteen of them are conducted by per- |
sons connected with certain charitable |
institutions in the District of Columbia,
who serve without compensation. The
remaining thirty-one, after omitting
therefrom the officials who have other
duties to perform or who receive no
compensations as disbursing officers,
employ 107 persons at an aggregate an-
nual cost of $161,008.95
The following table as to “relatives in
office’ is given.
Total in executive departments and
other government establishments at the
national capital baving relatives em-
ployed in government service in Wash-
ington ;
Number having 1 relative each
Number having 2 relatives eac
Number having 3 relatives each
Number having 4 relatives each
Number having 5 relatives each
Number having 6 relatives each
Number having 7 relatives each
Number having 8 relatives each
Number having 9 relatives eagh...
Total, ciseirsenes oon 49% ceness srassenennes vaase 5,610
No recommendations are made by
this report, as additional reports will be
made by the commission {rom time to
time, It is understood that the heads of
the various departments will take cogni-
zance of the “relatives in office” mwat-
ter without waiting for congressional
action, and that the statistics produced
by this inquiry will form the basis for
some departmental changes.—Washin-
gton Star.
——Blow, blow, blow! That dis-
agreeable catarrh can be cured by taking
Hood’s Sarsaparilla, the constitutional
and security is provided.
Because a thing is small in size,
Think not ‘twill pay to scorn it;
Some insects have a larger waist,
But lift lers than the hornet.
Some people may, perhaps, scorn, on
account of their diminuuiveness, Dr.
Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. But a trial
of them convinces the most scornful
skeptic, that they will care constipation
dyspepsia, sick and bilious headache,
quicker and surer than their large wais-
ted competitors, the old-style pill.
a ———
——Ifa wart be rubbed with the par-
ed surface of a freshly cut potato three
times a day it will disappear within a
Arr FreE.—Those who have used
Dr. King’s New Discovery know its
value, and those who have not, have
now the opportunity to try it Free.
Call on the advertised Druggist and get
a Trial Bottle, Free. Send your name
and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co.,
Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr.
King’s New Life Pills, Free, as well as
a copy of Guide to Health and House-
hola I. structor, Free. All'of which is
guaranteed you good and cost you
nothing at Parrish’s Drugstore,
-—Chrysanthemums now ; Christ-
was anthems next.
—— I suffered for more than ten years
with that dreadful disease, catarrh, and
used every available medicine that was
recommended to me. I cannot thank
you enough for the relief which Ely’s
Cream Balm has afforded me. —Eman-
uel Meyers, Winfield, L. I.. N. Y.
Excursions to California.
On account of the San Francisco Midwinter
ail.the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail-
su/ .ompany will sell excursion tickets to
Sa ravcisco, San Jose, Colton, Los Angeles
" Cal., and Portland, Oregon, at
reducea rates, good until April 1, 1894. For
full particulars call on any coupon ticket agent
or address, JOHN R. POTT, District Passenger
Agent, 486 William St., Williamsport, Pa.
Cheap Excursions to the West.
An exceptionally favorable opportunity for
visiting the richest and most’'productive sec-
tions of the west and northwest will be afford
ed by the series of low rate harvest excursions
which have been arranged by the North. West
ern Line. Tickets for these excursions wi
be sold on August 22d, September 12th and
October 10th, 1893, to points in Northwestern
Jowa, Western Minnesota, North Dakota,
South Dakota, Manitoba, Nebraska, Colorado
Wyoming and Utah, and willbe good for re-
turn passage within twenty days from date of
sale. Stop-over privileges will be allowed on
going trip in territory to which the tickets
are sold. For further information, call on or
address Ticket Agents of connecting lines.
Circulars giving rates and detailed informa
tion will be mailed, free, upon application to
W. A. Thrall, General Passenger and Ticket
Agent, Chicago & North-Western Railroad,
Chicago. 31 9¢t.
I ———————
Luxurious Traveling.
The climax of comfortable and luxurious
traveling is apparently reached by the Chiea-
go, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, Ease and
comfort go with the traveler making a trip
from Chicago to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha
or Sioux City over this road. Their superb
electric lighted vestibuled trains leaving Chi-
cago for these points early every evening are
great favorites, nothing being left undone by
the officials or employees to ensure a most en-
joyable trip. Exc llent dining service is
maintained and buffet library cars are attach-
ed to the train, where current periodicals may
be perused while;smoking a eigar with all the
pleasure of one’s own “den” at home. Electrie
lights placed in every berth enable the trav.
eler to spend his wakeful hours, after retiring
over his favorite novel or other reading mat-
ter. Private compartment ears are run be-
tween Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis. In
fact, everything that goes to ensure comfory
The {trip from
Chicagoto any of the above named cities re. |
quires but a night's run, bringing one at the |
destination ready for breakfast and business-
in the morning. All coupon ticket agents}
have tickets on sale via Chicago Milwaukee:
and St. Paul Railway, or call on or address:
Jno. R. Pott, district passenger agent, Wik-|!
liamsport, Pa. i
Where Money is Made.
Agricultural and horticultural pursuits im
the region cast of the Rocky Mountains are
attended by the hard condition of elose compe--
tion. Tt is only the exercise cf superior indus—
try and intelligence that more than a bare sub.
gistence is possible: In California the situar
tion is entirely different. Iu that State certain
articles are produced which eannot be grown
in any other State of the Union; they are
costly articles of consumption, which ane
grown elsewhere only in foreign countries
and imported thence into the United States
under heavy ezpense for transportation and
customs charges. The California fruit grower
thus has special advantages enjcyed nowhere
else in this country, and in this way the sur-
prising profits which he secures are accounted |
for. All the staple articles eommon to the
other States may be grown in California, and
at a larger profit than anywhere else ; but the
largest profibs are made in the articles which
are produced in Asia Minor and semi-trepic
Europe, sugh as olives and olive oil, Smyrna
figs, fancy wines and raisins, rare table grapes, 38-i7-4tnr :
Sechler & Co.
Railway Guide.
oranges, lemons, and a long list of other pro-
ducts. It is much easier to get a start in Cali-
fornia than one might suppose, the various
colony enterprises especially offering easy
conditions. There are no bitter cold days
when work is impossible, and some kind of
crop may be made to grow at any time of the
year. The climate is mild, bracing, and
healthful. Woman especially have more cp
portunities for making money at pleasant oc-
cupatjons than anywhere else in the world,
T. H. Goodman, General Passenger Agent of
the Southern Pacific Company, San Francisco,
Cal,, will answer fully, reliably and disinter-
estedly any letters of inquiry from those who
write for information of any kind concerning
California. 38-46-2
New Advertisements,
i Lit SUN.
The first of American Newspapers,
CuarLes A. Dana, Editor,
The American Constitution, the Amer-
ican Idea, the American Spirit. These
first, last, and ail the time, forever.
is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in
the World.
Price 5c.acopy - - By mail§2 a year
Daily, by mail, - =. =." . $5ayear
Daily and Sunday, by mail, - $8 a year
The Weekly, - - - - $layear
Address THE SUN, New York.
of Sundry writs of Fieri Facias Levari
Kacias and Venditioni Exponas issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas and to me directed,
there will be exposed to public sale, at the
court house, in the borough of Beliefonte, on
Friday December 1st A. D. 1893, at 1 o’clock p.
m. the following described real estate :
Being an undivided hslf interest in a tract
of land No.1 Beginning at a post on the bank
ot the Susquehanna River, thence east 223 per.
to post in line of Charles Hall, thence by same
north 71 perches to post corner, thence still by
same easl 58 per. to post, thence north 336 per.
to post on bank of River, thence up the said
river by its several courses and distances tc
place of beginning, containing 333 acres and
96 perches and allowance: Being tract known
as the James Hall tract.
No. 2. Beginning at a hemlock on the bank
of the Susquehanna river, thence east along
tracts in name of Walter Stewart and adam
Stewart 320 perches to white pine corner of
this and other tracts, thence north along
Charles Hall tract 159 per 10 post corner,
thence west along James Hall tract 223 per.
to post in bank of River, thence up the said
River by its several courses and distances to
hemlock the place of beginning. Having about
3. acres cleared, and old frame house there-
on, containing 396 acres and 9 perches and al-
lowance., Being tract known as the John Hall
tract. Thi: description includes a piece of
land known as the Dixon piece, bonded on
the south by Adam Stewart tract, and east by
Charles Hall tract and northwest by residue
of John Hall tract containing 200 acres 11
perches and allowance and having about 30
acres cleared and an old frame house thereon,
which piece will be offered for sale separately
from the balance of the John Hall tract. All of
which land is supposed to be valuable for coal,
fire clay iron ore and other minerals.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Isaac Gaines deceased and of
his estate. W. A. ISHLER.
: By those who offer substitu- :
: tes ‘or Cottolene. Its success :
: has been so phenomenal that :
: numerous imitations are now :
i being offered which are claim- :
i ed to be, “just as good.” All :
: these i
: lack the intrinsic merit of Cot
: tolene and will prove disap- :
: pointing and disagreeable to :
: those who use them. These
: counterfeits differ widely from
i Cottolene and are mere
: when compared to the reliable:
: shortening—Cottolene. Save:
: money. annovance and your:
: health by refusing all substitu-:
: tes offered to take the place of:
: Cottolene- :
I esesasreessscnriiaiaes es ensnarienee ease serene
Sold in 8 and 5 pound pails.
Made only by
138 N. Delaware Ave., Phila.
0 ONLY $1.00
It has over sixty of the most popular
merit it will not be surpassed by any
other periodical.
' remedy.
1ts scope is Fiction, Biography, His-
writers of Ameriea, among them Oc- $1.00 tory, Art, Travel, Poetry, and Essays
tave Thanet, M. G. McClelland, Julian by some of our foremost Essayists.
Hawthorne, Rachel Carew, Howard $1.00 It is a storehouse of the best work of
Seely, Minot J. Savage. In literary the best authors.
The price places it within the reach
of all.
112-114 Bouth Third £treet, Philadelphia.
i SctiLER & CO.— —*
IN TEAS we have Oolongs, Gun Pow-
der, Imperial, Young Hyson, Japan
English Breakfast, and our Fine Blend
ed Tea is something that will please any
one who appreciates a cup of Royal Tea.
IN SPICES, Cinnamon, Cloves, Al
spice, Nutmeg, Mace, Ginger, Cayenn
Pepper, Mustard all strictly pure goods,
Mocha—genuine, Java—Old Govern
ment, Rio— Finest Brazilian. All ex-
cellent quality and always fresh roasted.
Baker's Premium Chocolate and Break-
fast Cocoa, Van Houten’s Cocoa, Wil:
bur's Chocolate, and German Sweet
a line of Joseph Burnett & Co's, (Bos-
ton) goods, they are the finest we can
find, also a'line of Knight's extracts.
BEANS, California Limas, New York
Marrow and Pea Beans, dried Green
RICE New Crop Carolina Head Rice.
Cottage, Home and Worthington Brands
—CoRrN Persian and Mountain Brands,
—OCoRrN Granules, Lima Beans and
Succotash, Dew Drop brand. GREEN
Pras, Early Junes, Scottish chief and
Cecelia brands. PINE ArpLE sliced and
grated, Strawberries and White Cher-
ries, Dew Drop brand. Boston Baked
Yellow Crawford, Lemon Cling, and
White Heath Peaches, White Cherria
and Apricots.
FRUITS, French Peas and Mush-
rooms, Preserved Cherries, Strow-
berries, Brandy Cherries and Crosse
Blackwell's Jams all in glass.
Syrup, Honey strained and in combs,
Plum Pudding, Armour’s Corned Beef
Potted Tongue and Ham, Condensed
milk, Dunham's Shred Cocoa nut.
Rich Mild Cream Cheese, Small Family
Cheese, Bradford County Dairy But-
Buckwheat Flour, Corn Flour, Gluten
Flour, Vienna Flour.
Fine Confectioners and Cut Loaf Sugars
Extra Fine New Crop New Orleans
Syrups, Pure White Sugar Table
Syrup, Pure Cider Vinegar.
NUTS, Princess Paper Shell, Califor-
nia and Bordan Almonds, Assorted
Nuts, English Walnuts, Pecans extra
large, Cream Nuts, Fresh Roasted
Peanuts, Cocoa Nuts extra quality.
Fine Mixtures, Cream Chocolates
Roast Almonds, Cream Dates, Ros
and Vanilla, Jordon Almonds, Frenci
Glace Fruits, Fine Chocolate Caramels
Chocolate Marsh Mallows, Cocoa Nw
bon bons, Chocolate Madridos, Lozenges,
Clear Toys, and a large assortment of
Ze fonds in this line all carefully se
* French Bouillon, Consomme, Oz Tail,
Mock Turtle, Mulligatawny, and
OLIVE OIL, S. Rea § Co.s } Pint,
Pints and Quarts. The finest ana
lysis in the World pronounces it pure.
Blackwell's Chow Chow, Gherkins,
Mized, White Onions, Cauliflower,
Picalilli, and Walnuts.
CEREAL GOODS. Oat Meal, Rolled
Oat, Cracked Wheat. Pearl Barley,
Breakfast and Dinner Hominy, Ma-
caroni and Vermacceli.
MEATS. Fine Sugar Cured Hams,
Breakfast Bacon and Dried Beef,
White Rose Lard.
GREEN FRUITS, Florida Oranges,
Messina Lemons, White Abheria
Grapes, Catawba Grapes, and Jersey
CURED FRUITS. Evaporated Cali-
Sornia Pared and unpared Peaches,
and Apricots.
RAISINS, Imperial Cluster, Fine Lay-
ers, Ondaras, Valencias, Sultana and
California Seedless and Loose Mu«
FISH. New Mackerel very fine, Oodfisi
boneless and evaporated, SALMc)
Magnolia, Astoria and Glacier brand
Hoeg's Spiced Salmon, Shrimps, Lcb.
sters, Crab Meats and Spiced Oysters,
Sardines, French 1s, and }s Boneless.
Dec. 18th, 1892.
Leave Belleionte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone,
6.52 a. m., at Altoona, 7.40 a. m., at Pittc-
burg, 12.10 p. m.
Leave Hallefonte, 10.28 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
11.55%. : at Al‘oona, 1.45 p. m., at Pitt. -
ourg, 6.50 p: m
Leave Bellefonte, 5.15 p. m., arrive at Tyron,
6.33, at Altoona at 7.25, at Pittsburg at 11.20.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
6.55, av Harrisburg 10.80 a. m., at Philadel-
phia, 1 25 p. m.,
Leave Belletonte 10.28 a. m., arrive at Tyrone,
11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. m., st
Philadelphia, 6.50 0. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 5.15 p. m., arrive at TshzS
6.33 at Harrisburg at 10.20 p. m., at Phila
delphia, 4.25 a. n..
Leave Bellefonte, 0.82 a, m., arrive at Lock
Haven, 10,37 a, m,
Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha
ven, 5.25 p. m., at Renovo, 9. p. m.
Leave Bellefonte at 8.45 p. m., arrive at Lock
Haven at 9.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 10.37, leave Williamsport, 12.30 k m.
at Harrisburg, 3.30 p. m., at Philadelphia at
6.50 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 an m.: arrive at Lock Ha-
ven, 5.25. p. m.; Williamsport, 6.45 p. m.,
Harrisburg, 10.05 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 8.45 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha
ven, 10.10 p.m., leave Williamsport, 12.25
a. m., leave Harrisburg,3.45 a. m., arrive at
Philadelphia at 6.50 a. m.
Leave Bellefonte at 6.20 a. m., arrive at Lewis -
burg at 9.00 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.40 a. m.
Philadelphia, 3.00 p. m.
Leave Bellefonte, 2.15 p. m., arrive at Lewis-
burg, 1.47, at Harrisburg, 7.05 p. m., Phila-
delphia at 10.55 p. m.
EB H 9 5 Dec. 19, 5 : v H
F B > B 1892. F § = B
P.M.| A. M. | A. M. |ATT. Lv.| A. M. |p.w |p. M.
6 33| 11 55| 6 52|...Tyrone....]| 8 10/3 10{ 7 25
6 27| 11 48! 6 45|.E.Tyrone..| 8 17(3 17| 7 32
6 23| 11 43 6 42/...... Vail...... 8 2013 20| 7 35
6 19/ 11 38| 6 38/Bald Eagle! 8 25/3 24] 7 39
6:13! 11 821 6 82%}...... Dis...... 830(330 745
6 10| 11 29| 6 30|... Fowler 832|333 748
6 08 11 26| 6 28... Hannah...| 8 36(3 87 7 52
6 01) 11 17] 6 21|Pt. Matilda.| 8 43/3 44] 7 59
5 54 11 09| 6 13|...Martha....| 8 61|3 52 8 7
5 45| 11 00] 6 05|....Julian..... 8 59{4 01| 8 16
5 86( 10 51) 5 55/.Unionville.| 9 10/4 10| 8 25
5 28) 10 43| 5 48/...8.8. Int...| 9 18/4 17] 8 32
5 25 10 38] 5 4b| .Milesburg | 9 22/4 20 8 35
5 15) 10 28] 5 35/.Bellefonte.| 9 32/4 30| 8 45
505 10 18] 525 .Milesburg. 9 47/4 40, 9 00
4 57| 10 C9| 5 18|...Curtin....| 9 66/4 46] 9 07
4 501 10 02| 5 14|.Mt. Eagle..| 10 02/4 50 9 15
4 44| 954) 507|..Howard...| 10 09/4 57| 9 22
4 35) 945 4 59|.Eagleville.| 10 17/5 05| 9 30
433] 9 42| 4 56/Bch. Creek.| 10 20/5 08| 9 33
421) 931 446. Mill Hall...| 10 31|5 19] 9 44
418 9 29| 4 43/Flemin’ton.| 10 34/5 22| 9 47
415 9 25| 4 40Lck. Haven| 10 37/5 25| 9 50
P.M. A. M.A M. A.M. [A.M.| P.M.
WN wy Dec. 19, © E
g g x : 1892. bow
P.).| P. M. | A. M. |Lv. Ar. (A. Mm [A.M (Pm
7 30 315] 8 20|..Tyrone....| 6 46 11 45/6 12
737 822 825[.E. Tyrone. 6 39 11 38/6 (5
143] 320, 831 |... Vail...... 6 34| 11 34|6 00
7 66 3 36| 8 41|.Vanscoyoc.| 6 26| 11 25/56 52
8 00| 3 40| 8 45|.Gardners...| 6 24| 11 21/5 50
8 07| 3 49 8 {5 Mt.Pleasant| 6 16| 11 12/5 43
8 15 3 56| 9 05|..Summit...| 6 09] 1] 05/5 33
8 19| 3 59, 9 0!Sand. Ridge| 6 05] 10 58/5 27
8 21| 4 01{ 9 12|... Retort..... 6 03] 10 54(6 25
8 24| 4 02] 9 15..Powelton...| 6 01] 10 52|5 23
8 30, 4 08] 9 24/...0sceola...| 5 52| 10 40/5 11
8 41 4 15| 9 33|..Boynton...| 5 45| 10 33/5 03
8 45 4 18 9 37|..Stniners...| 5 43] 10 30/4 58
847 422 939 Philinsn’e 5 41| 10 27/4 55
8 51) 4 26| 9 43|..Graham...| 5 37| 10 21/4 49
8 57| 4 32| 9 49/..Blue Ball..| 5 33] 10 17/4 44
9 03) 4 39 9 55/Wallaceton.| 5 28| 10 10/4 39
9 10| 4 47| 10 02|....Bigler.....| 5 22| 10 02/4 80
9 17) 4 52| 10 (7. Woodland..| 5 17, 9 51/4 28
9 24| 4 58| 10 13|...Barrett....| 5 12| 9 47/4 15
9 28 5 02] 10 17(..Leonard...| 5 09] 9 43/4 12
9 35 5 08] 10 21|..Clearfield..| 5 04] 9 36/4 07
9 40; 5 11{ 10 28|..Riverview.| 5 00] 9 32/4 2
9 47) 5 16] 10 33;Sus. Bridge| 4 54] 9 24/3 56
9 55| 5 25 10 38/Curwensv’e| 4 50 9 20(2 5C
P.M.| P. M. | A. I A.M. | A. MPM.
Time Table in effect on and after
Aug. 14, 1893.
Leave Snow Shoe, except Sunday......
Arrive. in Bellefonte,........................ 4
Leave Bellefonte, except Sunday....&
Arrive in Snow Shoe....
Schedule in effect December 18th, 1892.
i11 103 114 112
P. M. | A. M. A.M. | PM
2 00] 5 40|....... Montandon........ 910 456
208! 6 15{.......- Lewisburg. ..... 9 00) 447
217 623. 852) 439
222 6 847 435
231 6 . 838) 427
24% 6 ~ 825 415
251 658 817 407
311 718 757 348
330] 738 Coburn 7 38 830
3 47| 7 55|....Rising Springs..... 721 814
4 01] .8 09]....... Centre Hall.......| 7 06] 301
4 07| 8 16]. er 700 254
4 13] 8 23|.. 6 5% 247
4 18) 8 28|.. 647 242
4 22 8 32]. 643 287
427 8 37. o 6 38) 233
4 37 8 47|...... Pleasant Gap......| 6 28] 223
4 451. 8 55{....0000 Bellefonte.........| 6 20| 215
P. M.| A.M. A.M. | P.M.
2) E| Nove | |B
i i 1891. 3 i
& | 8 &| 2
P.M. A.M. [PM
4 50....Scotia..... 9 21] 4740]...
5 05|..Fairbrook.| 9 09 4 25
5 15/Pa. Furnace| 8 56 4 15
5 21|...Hostler...| 8 50, 4 08
5 26|...Marengo..| 8 43] 4 (1
5 3¢ in .| 837 8685
5 39 FurnaceRd| 8 31| 3 49].....
> 8 Dungarvin.| 8 27] 3 46}...
: . ark. 819] 3 as;
n wington| 8 10| 3 30|......
r Stover... 7 58 3 18...
6 25{... Tyrone. 7 50 38 10|......
To take effect April 4, 1892.
30 Ex. | Mail. Srarrons. | AC:| Ex | Ma
P.M. Pp. M.! A, a [Ar Lv.lam|a mip mM.
6 35 3 50| 9 05|.Bellefonte.|s 30] 10 30, 4 40
6 28| 3 44| 8 &9|..Cofeville...[6 37| 10 35| 4 45
6 25 3 41| 8 56|....Morris....[6 40! 10 38] 4 48
6 221 3 38] 8 52|..Whitmer...|6 44| 10 43 4 51
619) 3 35 8 49... Linns....[6 47| 10 46] 4 54
617] 3 33| 8 47|. Hunters...|6 50| 10 49| 4 58
6 14| 3 31| 8 44/..Fillmore...|6 53] 10 52| 5 00
6 11] 8 28] 8 40|....Sellers....|6 57 10 56] 5 08
6 09) 3 26/ 8 38|....Brialy.....|7 00] 10 58 5 08
6 05 3 23| 8 35|..Waddle...|T 05/ 11 01 5 10
6 02) 3 20] 8 30|Mattern Ju|7 08] 11 03! 5 12
5 511 3 00] 8 18/.Krumrine..[7 21| 11 13] 5 24
548, 2 Ff5| 8 14|...Struble...|7 24| 11 17| 5 27
545 260) 8 10[StateColl’gulr 30] 11 20[ 5 30
On the Red Bank branch trains will run as
follows :
Red Bank at8 00 a.m and
Stormstown at 8 05
Mattern at 8 12
Graysdale at 8 17
Mattern Ju. at 8 20
Mattern Ju. 7 14a. m.
7 24
Stormstown 7 29
Red Bank 7 85
Taos. A. Suommaxus,Supt.
5 85
5 40
5 43
5 46
5 50