Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 01, 1893, Image 4
ni Terms 2.00 A Year,in Advance Bellefonte, Pa., Dec. I, 1893. P. GRAY MEEK, - Eprtor Light on an Important Subject. Much light, no doubt, will be thrown upon the Hawaiian complication by President CLEVELAND'S message which will reach Congress next week. The public comprehension of the difficulty is unavoidably indefinite and obscure from the very nature of the case, for the situation has been complicated by the opposite policies of the last and the present administrations, and the pre sentation of authentic facts and the logic of results haye not yet determin ed whichis right and which is wrong, The opponents of this administration have made a good deal of malignant noise on the subject, but we are confi- dent that President CLEVELAND will present the Hawaiian difficalty in a light that will fully vindicate his course in regard to it. From evidence obtained on the spot, and apparently reliable, it can scarcely be doubted that the last administra- tion, in pursuit of its “Jingo” poli cy, entered into a conspiracy, with a set of adventurers in Hawaii, to overthrow the existing government and bring the islands under the control of the United States. There is evidence that the American . Minister, representing the Harrison administration, was an ac- tive agent in the incipiency of this revolutionary movement, giving it en- couragement by the assurance that the conspiracy would have the assis- tance of the United States naval force then at hand in the Hawaiian waters. When the representative of this gov- ernment entered into an engagement, before the fact, that the United States marines. should. be landed to protect American interests from being injured in the difficulty that was being arrang ed to take place, he practically engaged to make them a factor in the creation of that difficulty, and included himself among the conspirators. Now, the question is whether the United States, as a great, just, bene fi- cent and dignified government, can afford to have its diplomatic represen- tatives take part in conspiring against the constituted authorities and heading political disturbances in other coun- tries? Will the American people 'con- sent to have their flag used to cover such revolutionary and piratical pro- ceedings? President CLEVELAND objects tosuch an: abuse of the diplomatic function, such trifling with the obliga- tions of this government to other friendly governments, and such a use of our flag; and we are sure that he will fully justify the course he has taken under such circumstances. EEE ————T Cnr A Great Document. The message which the President will send to Congress next week pro: mises to be one of the most important and interesting documents that ever emanated from the executive depart- ment of the government. It may be expected to deal with great fiscal ques tions, including that of the tariff, which will engage so large a share of the attention of the present Congress He will undoubtedly continue to occu. py the high Democratic ground of tariff reform which he assumed at the beginning of his Presidential career and lost vo opportunity to maintain and advance by word and deed. A reiteration of his tariff reform views may be looked for, with an earnest in- sistence that the representatives of Democracy in both branches of Con- gress should carry out the pledge ot the party that the country shall be re- lieved of unnecessarily high tariff taxes. The worda of the President on this subject will do much toward the assur- ance of the public mind as to the neces- sity for a modification of the tariff and the good results that will follow the action of Congress in that direction. It will inspire the Democrats in that body with a stronger determination to carry out the work of tariff reform demanded by the people when they last voted directly upon that subject. It is not supposable that there is avy faltering of the majority in Con- gress on the tariff question, and that they need bracing up by the inspiration of a President's message, for the action which the committee on Ways and Means have already taken shows the vigor and determination with which the tariff reform will be pushed by the Congressional representatives of the Democratic party ; but the decided tone in which the sentiments of the President will undoubtedly be express: el in his message will intuse into’ that body of Democratic legislators a ‘still stronger determination, to rectify the abuses which McKiNLevism has en- "growth ofour foreign trade, grafted upon the tariff system of the country, and at the same time it will have a good effectin strengthening pub. lic confidence in the tariff policy of the Democratic party. eet New Democratic Tariff Bill. It Is a Measure of a Reforming and Radical Na ture—Contains a Liberal Free List— The Boun, ty on Sugar Will be Repealed by Easy Grada. tions—sStatement Made by Chairman Wilson— He Reviews the Work Done by the Committee and Some of the Features of the Biill—A Measure Framed in the Interest of the Masses. ‘WasHINGTON, Nov. 27.—The new Democratic tariff bill has been given out to the public, and its provisions fulfill every expectation of those who have predicted that it would be a radical measure of reform. In many respects it is a surprise even to Democratic mem- pers of congress, as it is unprecedented in many of its provisions. The free list is of that liberal scope sufficient to satisfy the most radical ad- vocates of reform and the repudiation of the principle of reciprocity which had been the pride of the Republicans and the bete noire of the Democrats for a number of years i3 decisive. Thus the tariff bill, in addition to the reforms it makes in the customs law, necessitates the immediate readjustment of that treaty with South American countries which enjoy, practically, recip- rocity with the great American repub- lic of the northen hemisphere. The bounty on sugar, which was to be so promptly repealed, is, instead, re- pealed by easy gradations and will not reach its conclusive effects until after the end of the present century. CHAIRMAN WILSON’S STATEMENT. The Democratic members of the committee on ways and means have felt, as no others could feel, the momen- tous responsibility resting upon them, and the magnitude, difficulty and deli- cacy of the duty assigned them in offer- ing a tariff bill for the adoption of seventy millious of people. The bill they are called on to revise is a vast and labyrinthian system ot class taxa- tion, the culmination of thirty years’ control of the taxing powers by a few great interests, gathering into their train a host of petty toll gathers. It wag carefully framed to prevent, as long as possible, what its author called “any monkeying with the tariff.” By this he meant any successful effort of the people to undo or lessen the bond which permitted them to write therein their own words and their own figures. It transferred to the free list proper and fruitful articles, which most of the taxes paid by the people were increased by the movement and greatly increased the rates of those articles, on which were all or most of the taxes paid by the people, and went into private cof- fers ; and it was bolstered about by wany defenses, chief among which are a swept and garuished treasury and swollen by a colossal scale af perma- nent expenditures, Such are the conditions that eon- fronted us at the threshold of our work. INFORMATION WAS WELCOMED. The committee has welcomed infor- mation and counsel from every trust worthy source, and, while they do not expect the bill to escape just criticism in detail, they do present it to the coun- try as the result of months of patience, anxious taoazht, and of an earn est desire to discharge their duty, purged of all taint of local and personal favoritism or prejudice. Its main feat ures are : First—The adoption,wherever it seemed practicable, of ad valorem instead of specific duties. Second—The freeing from taxes of those great ma- terials of industry that lie at the basis of production. Specific rates of duty are objection- able for these reasons: They fre quently conceal a rate of taxation too enormous to be contemplated if expos: ed in ad valorem terms, as the duty on a hundred pounds of salt in bulk amounts to over 80 per cent, on a com: mon necessary of life. They always bear heavily on the common article used by the masses and lightly on the expensive article consumed by the rich, as a tax of $30 on all houses would be little or nothing on the great mansion and very high on the humble home, and, contrary to common belief, specif- ic duties lead to greater frauds in the administration, for the counting and weighing at the custom houses are done by the cheapest and most easily corrupted labor, while valorem rates are assessed by the best and more re- sponsible appraisers. FAIRNESS OF AD VALOREM RATES. The ad valorem system has worked well in practice. It is essentially the fair system, because it is a tax upon the actual value of an article, and was declared by Mr. Clay himself to be the theory, according to every sound prin- ciple of justice, entitled to preference and vindicated by long trial. wh The boldest innovation of the bill is its large free list of raw materials, Taxes upon production are double wrong. They gather rand accumulate on the consumers of the finished pro- duct ; they hurt labor by narrowing the market for what it produces. Coal and ironare the foundation of modern industry. Material progress is measured by the amount of their consumption. No other country can supply them as abundantly or cheaply as we can. No possible competition can interfere with our own producers. A few miles in the interior of the country remotest from the sources of supply itselt is enough advantages to any section of the country without further burdens in tariff taxes. MUST STIMULATE PRODUCTION. Untaxed ores, coal, lumber, wool and ! other things must immensely stimulate production in certain parts of our country, The thin edge of American manufactures has entered every coun- try. With releases from taxes on the raw materials there is no limit to the Tais will | more than compensate the home pro- ducers of raw material, who, tarifl or no tariff, control all the interior of the , abroad through country from any apprehended loss of markets anywhere along the seaboard. Its incalculable advantage to labor is apparent. [n every great tine ot man- utacture we can produce in six to nine months enough for home market. We can rid our suplus only by foreign trade. As long as we have taxes on materials of industry, we cannot build up that trade, hence the other alterna tive, trusts to keep down production tn the home market. Theworking man can see whether his interestis with a system that re- presses production and robs him ofen- joyment, or with a system that gives natural and healthy play to production and compels him to trust in a combina- tion of capital. In the iron and steel schedule we be- gin with ore. The discovery ofthe immense deposits of bessemer ores, in the lake regions, and of foundry ores in Alabama has rapidly swept us to the tion of iron and steel, and has brought near at hand an undisputed supremacy in the great field of manufactures, PIG IRON AND STEEL RAILS. The use of steam shovels reduces the cost of mining to a point where the wages paid “natural labor” are irre- quivalent. Pig iron is reduced from $6.72 per ton, which is from 50 to 90 per cent, to a uniform duty of 22.12 per cent., a rate some what higher in proportion than the rest of the sched: ule, because of cheap freight rates on foreign pig, it being a favorite freight on westward vovages, Steel rails were reduced from $13.44 per ton, now 75 per cent., to 25 per cent., as the pool which has just held up prices so many years in this country seems now disor- ganized. The other producers will soon need protection, more against Mr, Car- negie, at Pittsburg, and Mr. Sterling, at Chicago, than against foreign pro ducers. The residue of the schedule varies from 25 to 30 per cent.,, beams and girders are 35 per cent, because of the ware of the cutting beam and the va- riety of the lengths, and also necessitat- es the frequent changing of the rolls in making beams and girders, because of the irregular quantities and lengths and sizes ordered. The tinplates are reduced to 40 per cent., a little more than one halt of the McKinley rate. This is a revenue duty. and at the same time enough to permit any exist ing mills to live and flourish. The cheaper grades of pocket cutlery. are 35 per cent, higher grades 45. Table cutlery is put at 35 per cent. These are very substantial reductions from present rates, which bring specific rates 1n some grades of pocket cutlery as high as 90 per cent. EA i TEI 57 TC Not a Wage Reducer. That is President Harral’s Gpinion of the Wil son Tariff Bill.—Opposed to Calamity-Howlers — Manufacturers and Workmen will Projit by Free Raw Materials.— Wages Not Affected by the Tariff. From the Philadelphia Times. The Midvale Steel Works is one of the largest establishments in the world. It covers twenty-eight acres and has an annual capacity of 50,000 tons. It stands in the angle formed by the inter- section of the Germantown and Port Richmond branches of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad at Nicetown. The works employs thousands of men and are at present fulfilling contracts with the government for the manufac- ture of ordnance and the construction of the famous Holtzer projectile. The president of the Midvale Steel Company is Charles J. Harrah, who was a contributor to the extent of $10,000 to the campaign fund of $400,- 000 which was raised in Philadelphia in 1888 and presented tothe Republican committee to aid the election of Benja- min Harrison as President. In the last campaign Mr. Harrah publicly ex- pressed his belief that manufactur- ers, and workmen as well, would profit by the introduction into this country of raw materials free. AGAINST CALAMITY - HOWLERS, Yesterday Mr. Harrah was seen at his office, at Nicetown, and asked to give views upon the Wilson tariff bill. Mr. Harrah said that he was only too glad to be able to speak through The Times what he thought of the measure and was only sorry that he had not had more time in which to thoroughly di- gest the bill, particularly as it related to those things in which he bad a great in- terest. Mr. Harrah was emphatic in his pro- test against the calamity-bowler who was always cropping up with the decla- ration that the country was going to the bowwows. much of this during the past few years that he had grown callous to it. He said further: . PREFERS SPECIFIC DUTIES. “I have not yet had time to analyze the bill, having merely glanced over the provisions that would affect us, and at first sight I would say that the measure is a very good one with the single ex- ception that the duties, instead of being specific, are to be collected on the value of the importations, Where you are dealing with men of strict integrity there 1s no doubt that the fair way of collecting duties is on the ad valorem plan, because then the men who buy a cheap article wili necessarily pay less duty than those who buy an article of a more expensive nature. But unfortu. nately humanity is so constituted that if the duties are collected on the ad valo- rem plan some men will be so unscrup- ulous as to undervalue their importa- tions and it will not be possible for the appraiser, however intelligent he may be, to always detect these undervalua- tions, for the reason that the market changes from day to day, and what may be u fair price today may be absurdly high or absurdly low a month from now, for it generally takes a month to get material which has been purchased the Custom House. For that reason it would have been bet- ter, so far as the metal schedule is con- cerned, to have had a specific duty fixed on every individual article. IRON ORE AND WAGES. “The removal of duty on iron ore is an excellent step, and one of the men to be first benefitted by this change in the He had seen and heard so tariff will be my friend, James Pollock, who, in the Norristown foundry in which he is interested, makes some of the bestiron made in this State, and who says “the placing of iron ore on the free list will completely upset the industry.” He will be unable undoubtedly to 1n- | crease his output very materially, from | the fact that be will be enabled to sell | his iron at a slightly reduced price, and | thereby induce more people, who are | article, to use it. | “Sofar as the tariff affecting wages | is concerned, I disagree entirelv on | that'point with the gentlemen who are {quoted in this morning's papers. | Wages are not affected by the tariff, but are governed by the laws of supply and demand. To give you an instance. Last summer when Mr. Porter was building the Queen lane reservoir he came over here and took away all of fifty cents a day more than we were paying them, and under the Wilson bill as under the McKinley act the rule will be the same. If there are ten men applying for the eame job and only enough work for five I will be able to get more work done at one-half the price it would cost me if 1 had work for fifteen and only ten applied IN FAVOR OF FREE SHIPS, TOO. “Of course, we shall all have to ad- just ourselves to the new condition of things brought about by these changes but I am firmly convinced that manu- facturing in general will thrive much more under the Wilson bill than under the McKinley act. “Iam eorry to see that larger pro- tection was not afforded the Southwest. Too much protection cannot be given to the manufacturers who have cotton mills in the South, and I am very glad to see that the bounty on sugar was not eliminated entirely, as in my opin- ion, every industry that will increase the prosperity and wealth ot the south- ern States should be fostered. : “There is one point which has been completely overlooked in this revision of the tariff laws and which is of great interest to all of us, and that is ship- ping. We should by all means have free ships. That is to say, it should be permissible to me to buy a ship abroad and put it under the American flag if I can do better abroad than I could do at home. Until we have free ships we shall always be under a certain disad- vantage in our export trade, and the attention of the ways and means com mittee should be called to this deficien- cy in the new bill.” Powderly’s Successor, J. BR. Sovereign, of Iowa, Chosen to Fill the Grand Master's Pcsition. ! PHILADELPHIA, November 27.—At this afternoon’s meeting of the Knights of Labor delegates, Grand Master Workman Powderly’s resignation was taken from the table and accepted by a practically unanimous vote after that gentleman had explained to the conven- tion that he had tendered it in good faith and that his action was final. J. R. Sovereign, of Towa, was then elect- ed to succeed Mr. Powderly, the vote being : Sovereign, 23 ; James Campbell of Pitsburg, 3; T. B. McGuire, 21; Powderly 2. Rescuing Party Lost. Another Search for Missoula Rescued and Rescuers May Be Necessary. Missoura, MoNT, Nov. 28 —Gene- ral Carlin arrived at Kendrick this morning and will await the return of the rescuing party, which bas not been heard from since Saturday Fears are entertained that some mis- hap has befallen the entire party of res- cued and rescuers, and if not heard from by morning General Carlin will send detachments to ascertain the troub- le, although the General believes the delay is caused by Elliott, who has gone in search of Colgate. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. ——*An Irishman’s Luck’ at the opera house next Wednesday night, Dec. 6th. ! ——Both the telephone and post office employees took a vacation during cer- tain hours yesterday. —— Centre Hall borough is to be con- gratulated. It has no paupers hence no poor tax is levied. The Houtzdale Advance has kicked out its old hand press and here- after will run a Hoe country cylinder. ——Mr. C. B. Williams, of Beech Creek, is now stenographer in the general offices of the C. R. of P in this place. ——Marion Cessna, a son of Hon. John H. Cessna. of Bedford, committed suicide by shooting h.mself last Thursday. ——Ellsworth E. Ardery, is now a regularly commissioned substitute mail carrier at this place. - He isin line for promotion whenever a vacancy occurs. ——The teacher’s district institute held in Philipsburg, last Saturday, was a success in every way and doubtless will encourage the teachers over thera to try again. —— The wifo and seven children of William Hooven. who started to push a wheelbarrow around the world, nearly a year ago, are on the point of starvation at their bome near Curwensville. The first car load of frei ght re ceived at. this place over the new rail- road came in on Tuesday evening. It contained the household goods of J. C- Brachbill, who is moving from Hughes in the future. ‘governed entirely by the price of the | : ly ; our laborers simply by offering them | leadership of the world in the product | —— A farmer's institute will be held in the court house, in Lock Haven, on Tuesday and Wednesday, December 12th and 13th. . ——Rev. F. S. Bardens, who was a pastor at Ea.leville a short time ago, ! has accepted a call to the Tabernacle | Baptist church in Harrisburg. —— The Lock Haven Democrat re- | ports the elopment of Jas. McLaughlin, a twenty two year old clerk in the Jer- “sey Shore post office, and eizhtesn year | old Grace Jacobs of the sama place. |. wee For the accomodation of those | desiring to attend the assembly at State { College this evening, the B. C. R. | R. will run a special train leaving Belle- | fonte 7,15 p- m. returning, will leave | State Coliege immediately after the | dance. | —The funeral of the late Joel Roy- | er, of Rehersburg, occurred on iast Thurs- | day. He left an estate variously valued {at from twenty-five to thirty thousand | dollars, and as he was a bachelor the | State and Mr. John Rupp, county Reg- ister, will get a share of it. | ——0Oa last Saturday J. A. Wood- cock, district agent of the Mutual Life’ Insurance Co., of New York, turned over to the trustees of the late John H Orvis a check for the amount of $35,083. it was the insurance Judge Orvis carried on his life in that company. William Eskridge, of Philips- burg, narrowly escaped a horrible death at Houtzdale, on last Friday night. In attempting to board a moving train his foot slipped and he only saved himself from falling under the wheels by hold- ing on with one hand. After being dragged about 100 ft and terribly brais- ed the train was stopped. ——Mr. Harry Stull, of this place, was married to Mrs, Ollie Rodgers, the home of the bride’s mother-in-law, Mrs. George Rodgers, on North Linn street, at 7:30 o’clock last evening Rev. Dr. Laurie, of the Preshyterian church, performed the ceremony in the presence of a large number of guests. A reception followed after which the happy couple departed on the 8:44 train for a brief trip east. a ay — The dramatic cantata of “Jeph- that and his daughter” will be given in the opera house in about two weeks by fifty ladies and gentlemen in splendid jewish costume and unrivaled stage scenery under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. Mr. J. E. Kane manager. In richness and variety of costumes, popu- lar musie, brilliant stage settings, start- ling dramatic situations, and! scenic effects this cantata surpasses all similar productions. ——The Lutherans, remembering that the Thanksgiving services were to be held in their church and that a well sup- plied storehouse had a great deal to do with a thankful heart, gave their pas- tor Rev. Hoshour a surprise Tuesday night that fairly took his breath away. First went Mr. Frank Stover to pre- pare the way and following him closely were fifty other members with a great big substantial donation, enongh to satisfy a much larger man than Mr. Hoshour. ——8. H. Diehl gave his stereoptican exhibition in the opera house, on Wed- nesday night, to a fair sized audience. And though he was a trifle too far away from the canvas to give good clear effects from his views the entertainment was neverthless very interesting. The views of the World’s Fair were especial- ly good; and recalled many familiar scenes, to those who visited the great exposition, as well as being instructive to the less fortunate ones who staid at home. Mr. Diehl gave a matinee yes. terday afternoon. ~——The Lock Haven papers are pub- lishing all scrts of silly stories about the new Central railroad. First they had it that an excursion train was to have run over the route yesterday haul- ing one member of each family living along the line and providing the party with a turkey dinner in this place. Then when that tale proved a canard they started another to the effect that the engines purchased by the company are too long for the curves on the road which is equally as groundless. The shortest curve on the road is a 10° one and any engine made will take it. He Hap TEE TiME DOWN. —Quite an amusing incident took place in Gray's store several days ago, when a Hungarian entered and approached one of the lady clerks. He asked for a ba- by cap, and upon being shown one, said, “Naw, naw too biga.”” He was shown another, but that was also too large, and when a third cap was pro- | duced, which was the smallest size, the Hungarian surprised the lady, who thought she had effected a sale, by say- |ing ‘me wanta smalla won; no lika disa won, too biga, too biga, de babee { no yet be come “til t'ree o'clock.” The | fuir maiden blushed, and her checks ville to this place, where be will reside still wear-a delicate pink.— Philipsburg ' Bituminous Record. i Men of the wires take notice! The American express com- pany’s office in (his place will be in Bush's stationery store in the Arcade. Geo. Bush will continue his store there, but instead of occupying the whole room his stock will be moved into one half of it leaving the other for the occu- pancy of the express. company. Philip Waddle will be the agent. A Prerry Daxce.—Perhaps the nicest public dance that has ever been given in Bellefonte was that under the auspicies of the Undine Steam Fire Engine Company in the Arcade, cn Wednesday evening. It was the Un- dine’s annual Thanksgiving dance and from every standpoint was all that the most fastidious could have desired, pretty girls, good musie, the best of order all combined to make the large namber of guests have a thoroughly delightful time, The graud march opened the ball shortly after 9 o'clock and when . the orchestra played the good night waltz A notable feature of the evening was the entire absence of that boisterousness which sometimes mars the pleasure of such an occasion. Prof. Spangenburg’s orchestra of ten pieces furnished the music for the dance and surprised everyone by the excellence of their time and the selec. tions rendered. It was their debut as makers of dance music and it was a successful one too. With a little more practice and some coaching as to time it will be able to furnish dance music to suit every one. The Undines deserve great credit for their dance and we understand it was a financial success. it was three hours past midnight. (Ev. Hicks oN DECEMBER WEATH- ER. — December comes in on the central day of a regular storm period. Bemg within two days, and next following the center of a Venus equinox on Novem- ber 20, we are to expect very active dis- turbances between the first and the fourth. It will grow very warm as the storm conditions develop and move east- ward. The barometer will fall to low readings in westerly regions in the be- ginning of the period, followed by storms of rain, with lightning and thunder to the south, and turning to snow in central and northerly sections. Heavy easterly gales from the Atlantic will blow into the Jow area as it ad- vances from the west. A sudden and severe cold wave will rush in behind the storms, and by the end of the period —say the 4th to the 6th—the whole country will feel a touch of the wintry blast. Tt will be prudent to prepare against possible blizzards northward, during the storms of this period. About the 7th and 8th, the cold will moderate, ard another storm develop- ment will appear in the west and move to the east. The center of this disturb- ance will hinge on the 8th, or within 15 hours of the time of the new moon. Heavy gales, especially on lakes and seas, with much tendency to southern cyclones and northern blizzards, will be natural and probable. Great cold is al- most sure to follow. About the 12th westerly regions wily have changed to warmer, winds in east- ern parts will change to easterly and southerly, and renewed storms of rain and snow will advance across the country from west to east during the 12th to the 16th. The storms will not clear the continent until after the moon’s first quarter on the 16th, but colder, clearing weather will dominate the north and west long before itis felt along the Atlantic. The “weather train” at this and all other periods will pass all other stations from west to east on abont schedule time, but storms will not be prevailing all the way at the same time—neither will the cold. All sections will get their portion in due season.”’ The center of reactionary dis- turbances next after this period will be on and touching the 18th and 19th, about which dates it will turn warmer and renewed storms of rain and snow will result in many places. This is near the center of our winter solstice, and stormy, unsettled weather must be looked for generally, overrunning the usual limits of the regular periods, and intensifying the phenomena during the period. The storm period . beginning about the 22d and reaching to the 26th, prom- ises many winter storms, and many sec- tions will have their supplies of “Christ- mas snow” greatly replenished during the progress of these storms. The full moon is on the 22d and will hasten the crisis early in. the period. The Arctic wave following the storms will have. brought very cold weather ‘to much of the country by the night of the 26th. The equinox of Mercury is central with the full moon on the 22d, which fact is almost a guarantee that heavy sleet will be a characteristic feature of the period. Prepare tor great eold after the storms. About the 29th and 30th will fall a reaction to, warmer, and the month is apt to close with reactionary storms well to the east, with rising barometer and colder, clear- ing weather in sight in north and west.