Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 24, 1893, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
—We must have a poem on beauti-
ful snow.
—Misapplied charity is a curse to
the beneficiary.
—Never fly false colors. If your
own are not good enough to sail under,
don’t fly any.
—We can all be thankful next
Thursday because we are no worse off
than we are.
-—0ak tanning is said to produce the
best leather, while birch “tannin”
makes the best children.
—The old English phrase ‘sound as
the bank of England”, seems to have a
kind of hollow rattle just now.
—Many iron industries have resumed
in Ohio during the past week.—Be-
cause of Maj. McKINLEY’S election, of
course (?).
—The biggest piece of furniture in
Uncle SaM’s household is the Pension
Bureau. It has almost a million
—"“The Hawaiian situation’’—liter-
ally ' speaking, is Latitude 19°—.22°
N., longitude 155°—160° W., in the
Pacific ocean.
—In an income tax there will be no
danger of the government getting much
aid from the proprietor of the average
country weekly.
—Business is trying to look up again,
but its descent was so rapid that it will
be some time before it gets back to the
place it started from.
—Revolutionists are said to be on top
down in Mexico, but as there isn’t
much to climb there seems to be nothing”
80 remarkable in that.
—Maj. McKINLEY'S plurality is
officially fixed at 80,995, but three long
years must elapse before the Republi-
cans will need a presidential candidate.
--The heaviest freight which steamers
plying between China, Japan and San
Francisco seem to carry is those har-
rowing reports about floods and fire in
the orient.
—-There is little use in the whole
country flying into a furor because
HELEN GOULD wants to marry an ac-
tor. Who was George’s wife before he
married her ?
— The college foot-ball season ends on
Thanksgiving, and it is reasonable to
suppose that after that date we will hear
less complaint about poor business
among the barbers.
— Because you do not happen to have
things quite as nice as your neighbor,
who is perchance better off, there is no
reason why you should resort to dis-
honest means to improve your own con-
—Just about the time that you are
beginning to feel blue, dear reader, be-
cause the same degree of prosperity has
not befallen you that seems to make
your neighbor so rich, you might bring
yourself to a realization of how thankful
you ought to be by remembering that
while wealth went on to your neigh-
bor’s door health stopped at yours,
—Children have little idea what a
blessing they can be to parents who are
reduced to the necessity of living
economically until times brighten up. A
father who cannot get all the money he
needs for his business, just now, is nat-
urally a little disheartened and a bright
cheertul disposition on the part of his
child will go a long way toward mak-
ing his seemingly unprosperous labors
easier to bear. Children, if you would
curtail your desires and not let those “I
wish I bad one” expressions drop so
frequently you would be a source of
great consolation to both parents.
—The Hawaiian question is getting
more and more complicated every day.
The more it is investigated the plainer
becomes the evidence that there is some-
thing wrong somewhere. But from the
present situation it is extremely hard to
locate ‘either the source whence the
trouble eminates or its cause. Secretary
GRESHAM has given Minister BLOUNT’S
report to the press for publication and
from it there seems to be conveyed an
impression that Mr. STEVENS, who was
the HArrISON Minister tothe islands,
is responsible for the trouble, in that he
urged and helped the revolutionists to
—How about Mr. CLEVELAND'S
position on the Hawaiian question now ?
We never fora moment doubted the
justification he found for the stand he
took and we have pity for the idiotic
Republican writers who thought he did
not know what he was about. That
Allegheny Presbyterian minister who
said in his pulpit last Sunday: “Mr,
CLEVELAND is ahead of his day” had
the idea all right, but he should have
said, Mr. CLEVELAND is at once so com-
prehensive and logical in his actions
thai the opposition organs only ‘“‘catch
on” when it 1s too late to save them-
selves {rom the ridiculous position they
are continually getting into when trying
to defame the president.
x 7 Spr
di 2
“VOL. 38.
BELLEFONTE, PA., NOV. 24, 1893.
An Obnoxious Revival.
Know-Nothingism, in a new form,
but with the old narrow and bigoted
object, appears to have been revived.
Turning up under a name. represented
by the initials A. P. A., which are said
to stand for “American Protective As-
sociation,” it gave some evidence of
its existence at the recent election.
This revived bigotry and narrow
mindedness, so far as it has developed
"| itself, is of a mixed political and sec:
tarian character. Since the election
there have been some published avow-
als of the purpose of this organization?
and if it is not misrepresented, the
motive that chiefly actuates it is hos
tility towards those who entertain the
Catholic faith. A correspondent of the
Philadelphia Record, owning himself to
be a member of this organization, says
that its object is not against foreigners,
as such, but against those who belong
to and support the Catholic church, its
members being bound by oath “not to
employ a Roman Catholic in any ca.
pacity,” and “not to vote for a Roman
Catholic for any office in the gift of the
American people.”
This is simply a revival and repeti-
tion of the oath-bound, secretarian,
spirit of old Know-Nothingism, but the
bigotry is more malignant in the fact
that the Know-Nothings of a former
period did not extend their proscription
of Catholics beyond the limit of poli-
tics, while these new intolerants bind
themselves by oaths to carry their
sectarian animosity into the business
and social relations of life, They swear,
in their secret conclaves illuminated
by the dubious glare of the dark-lan-
tern, that in private business as well
ag in their political relations, they will
be the enemies of those who entertain
a religious belief which they do not
propose to tolerate,
The American people some years
ago had experience with an organiza-.
tion of this kind. The dark-lantern
party, known as Know-Nothings, in-
truded itself into the political arena,
and by its sneaking manceavers suc-
ceeded in disturbing the politics of the
country. It was arrayed against the
Democratic party and drew its chief
support from the enemies of Democ-
racy. But its secret, oath-bound
methods, and its intolerant purpose,
were repulsive to the liberal sentiments
of the great mass of American citizens.
It took but little time for the Democ-
rats to smoke it out of its hiding
places, and when its infamous charac-
ter was once exposed, its members
slunk away from public notice, glad to
have it forgotten that they ever be-
longed to an organization that dragged
religion into politics, and tried to
make the ballot box a medium of re-
ligious intolerance.
This new order of Know-Nothing-
ism, calling itself the “American Pro-
tective Association,” with its under-
ground methods, its dark-lantern
conclaves, its oathbound pledges of
gecretarian hatred and proscription, is
bound to meet with the fate of its
predecessor. Such a conspiracy can-
not succeed in a country where every
citizen has a constitutional right to be-
lieve and practice any religion that
suits his conscience, and to endorse and
support any church faith that to him
seems proper.
It is announced, by the correspondent
of the “Record” quoted above, that
“the A. P. A, will vote the Republican
ticket.” Weare not surprised to hear
this. It is entirely natural that such
an organization should antagonize the
party that has served and will continue
to serve as the bulwark of religious
liberty. But in this matter political
history will repeat itself. The old
Whig party in the hour of its dissolu-
tion allied itself with Know Nothing
bigotry and intollerance against the
Democratic party, and both went down
in irremediable ruin. Similar anni
hilation will attend an alliance between
the Republican party and these new
sectarian bigots and conspirators.
——1It is now definitely known that
Col. A. K, McCLURE, the veteran edi-
tor of the Philadelphia Zimes, is on a
sure way to recovery and with every
day of his convalescence the joy of all
people, throughout the land, will in-
crease. He was very near to Death's
door, during his prolonged illness, but
thanks to an all-wise providence he
will be spared to do more good for his
country ere his life is o'er,
The Bankruptcy Bill.
In placing Representative S. P,
WoLvERTON, of this state, at the head
of the Committee that has to deal with
the question of Bankruptcy, Speaker
Crisp put the right man in the right
Very loose and ineffectual methods
have prevailed in this country in the
treatment of insolvency, inuring not
only to the disadvantage of insolvents
entitled to relief, but also reflecting dis-
advantageously upon general business
interests, The policy applied to this
important matter has been of a dis-
jointed nature and altogether unsatis-
factory, the insolvency laws of the
separate states, that conflict with each
other and are replete with abuses,
being inadequate to afford the relief
which a federal law, of genera! appli
cation, can alone supply. The Repub-
lican party, with its long tenure of
power and boasted regard for the busi-
ness interests, failed to furnish the
country with an equitable and effective
Bankruptcy law that would reach all
sections and be of uniform effect ; but
from the earnest alacrity with which
the committee has already acted, it
may be expected that this important
and desirable measure will be accom.
plished under the Democratic admin,
This expectation is strengthened by
what is known of the vigorous charac-
ter of Representative WoLVERTON, his
extensive experience gained from a
practice that has made him familiar
with the abuses of existing insolvency
laws, and hie ability to impress Con-
gress with the importance of the meas:
ure he has in charge. With his ac-
customed promptness and force, the
bill for a federal Bankruptcy law
was presented on the 5th inst., sus-
tained by him with a speech which is
regarded as one of the ablest deliver-
ances ever made on that subject in
Congress. Predicating his effort on
the provision of the federal constitu
tion which empowers Congress “to
establish uniform laws on the subject
of bankruptcies throughout the United
States,” Le insisted upon an enforce:
ment of this constitutional provision,
the neglect of which has resulted in
hardship to honest but unfortunate
debtors, in encouragement to the dis-
honest by enabling them to dispose of
their property for the purpose of de
frauding their creditors, and in great
injury to general business interests, re-
sulting from defective legal conditions
which have allowed honest debtors to
go to the wall, and permitted those of
an opposite character to succeed in
their fraudulent practices.
Mr. WoLverToN made a strong
point in his insistence that a federal
Bankruptcy law would furnish 2a basis
of confidence that would be a powerful
factor in alleviating, if not actually
preventing, the distress incident to
such a business depression as that
which prevails at this time. He ef
fectually refuted the objection that the
bill he presented would benefit the
rich and oppress the poor. Its pur-
pose is, and its effect would be, to af-
ford relief to those, whether rich or
poor, who in the honest pursuit of
their business have been unfortunate,
anc by such relief would be placed on
their feet again and enabled to acquire
the means of paying their creditors.
As such, the bill,if passed, will be
worthy of occupying a conspicuous
place among the reforms that may be
expected of this Democratic Congress.
More Pension Frauds Discovered.
The unearthing of pension frauds
continue to attend the investigation of
the manner in which the pension sys-
tem has been administered. Much
fault is found by interested and impli-
cated parties with the efforts of the
present administration to protect the
government against the rascality of
dishonest pension agents, and prevent
the payment of fraudulent claims ;
but the course that is being pu rsued in
this direction is fully justified by the
exposure of frauds that have amount.
ed to actual robbery of the Treasury
under the cover of pensions ostensibly
secured for worthy veterans.
Very soon after the Pension Bureaa
got in Democratic hands a pension at-
torney at Norfolk, Va., was detected
in fraudulent practices in the securing
of pensions for parties not entitled to
them, by which more than a hundred
NO. 46.
thousand dollars were dishonestly ob-
tained from the government ; and it
was also made to appear that the
methods by which his frauds were ef-
fected had been continued uninterrupt-
edly during the HarrisoN administra-
Similar misdoings in the pension line
Were last week divulged in Buffalo,
New York, where it has been discover-
ed that a pension attorney has beaten
the government out of $150,000 by se-
curing pensions for bogus claimants,
It appears in the case of this shark that
in many instances the applications for
pension, as well as the testimony in
their support, were entirely fraudulent,
and arrests for perjury in connection
with them are now in order,
Ag one of the explanations of the re-
sult of the recent elections it is said
that the soldiers are displeased with
the course of this administration in re-
gard to pensions, and showed their re-
sentment by voting against Democratic
candidates. If it has been the unearth-
ing of such frauds that has offended
such sensitive veterans, then they are
perfectly welcome to vote with the
party that has made the pension system
an instrument in the hands of a set of
rageals and a medium of public rob-
bery. There is not an honest Demo-
crat who would not rather see his party
defeated than that it should succeed
through the support of voters gained
by allowing them to raid the Treasury.
Ri i ————GG
The Importance of Free Wool.
Free wool is the sheet-anchor of the
Democratic tariff policy. There is
gomething peculiarly atrocious in tax- :
ing the material necessary to a most
important industry, thereby not only
handicapping that industry, but also
adding unnecessary cost to a produc-
tion required for the health, cowfort
and “well-being of the people. This
would be wrong, even if it could be
‘shown that some productive interest is
, benefitted by it. But it cannot be
made to appear that the interest of the
woolen manufacturer is promoted by
increasing the cost ot his raw material;
while. the fact that the industry ot
sheep raising has not advanced, and
the price of wool has actually declined,
under the high duties imposed on im-
ported wool by the present tariff, re-
futes the claim that protection of the
McKINLEY variety is beneficial to
American wool producers. When the
people are made to pay an unnecessar-
ily high price for their clothing, and
this public disadvantage is not com.
pensated by a gain to any legitimate
interest, the tariff on wool simply ap-
pears as an economic atrocity—a glar-
ing example of the devilment that is
practiced in the name of “protection.”
In recent efforts of the Democrats to
reform the tariff, unsuccessful on ac-
count of an opposing Executive and
Senate, free wool was a leading object.
It continues to hold the foremost place
among the raw materials from which
the Democratic policy proposes to re-
move the burden of unnecessary taxa.
tion for the benefit ot industry and for
the advantage of the people. Of all
the necessaries of mankind, clothing,
next to food, is the most essential.
The wool tariff has increased the cost
of every article of woolen raiment worn
by the American citizen, returning no
compeneation for this infliction except
to the shoddy manufacturers, whose in-
terest is alone promoted by a policy
which by limiting the supply of hon-
est wool, encourages the use of rags in
the fabrics that constitute the clothing
of our people.
There are other raw materials whose
release from unnecessary tariff taxa
tion will be an incalculable advantage
to various industrial interests, but the
rescue of wool from the grip of the tar-
iff taxer is of the first importance, not
only as contributory to a leading
manufacturing industry, but also as a
reform that will relieve the people from.
the evil of shoddy clothing.
——Mr. GeorGeS. LiTHART, editor
of the Williamsport Breakfast Table,
has our sincere sympathy in the terri-
ble blow he has received by the fatal
burning of his wife. She had been sit-
ting at a table beside a lamp, and on
arising - her sleeve catching on the!
An ex- |
lamp pulled it over on her.
plosion followed and she was burned so
that she cannot survive. The sad ac:
cident occurred at hin home on Tues.
day nigit.
Monarchy Deep Rooted.
From the York Gazette.
Germany and Spain are two mon-
archically ridden countries that gener-
the hopes of people who like to enter.
fin the belief that in both of them
emocracy is making good progress.
But the last election 2 oe and
the votes on ‘public questions in the
Reichstag resulted in notable victories
for the throne.
. The parliamentary elections just held
in Spain have resulted similarly. The
government has obtained & signal
victory over the Liberals, who find
several of their most aggressive leaders
defeated. On the other band, the
mouarchy has’ made gains. Premier
Sagasta is popula¥, earnest and devoted
to the King and the country ; and not
even the very recent oppressive imposi-
tion of increased taxes upon the people
was sufficient to overthrow him. The
voters do not seem to any longer desire
a republic.
ee —————
EE —————
The Kind for Democrats to Uphola.
From the Butler Herald.
The press of the country regardless of
politics or special interests is letting the
world know that there is a great man in
the Presidential chair. The people who
favored the unconditional repeal of the
Sherman silver purchase law with one
consent agree that the country is under
a debt of gratitude to Grover Cleveland,
for his great courage in the face of the
greatest parliamentary contest of the
modern age. The compromise people
attribute the failure of their plans to the
President, and of course the silver men
gay if it had not been for the tyrant in
the White House they would have
won. Take every-thing into considera-
tion and there never has been a mightier
exhibition of courage snd devotion to
duty as he understood it than the world
has just witnessed in Cleveland’s con-
test for the repeal of the law he called
Congress in extra session to repeal.
A New Kind of Animal,
From the Doylestown Democrat.
We cut the following from Thurs-
day’s Philadelphia T%mes :
George D. Perry, one of the ecleverest and
most accomplished sleight of-hand perfec, mers
in Philadelphia, has arranged a performance
entitled “A Night in Wonder-Land,” whic
is to be given Christmas week at an entertain-
ment for fashionable children.
The Democrat will be obliged ifsome
one will just tell it what sort of crea-
tures ‘‘fashionable’ children are? Are
they bipeds or quadrupeds? We have
looked around Doylestown to see if
something of the kind could be found,
but without success. Will the Times
please explain? We have heard of
‘‘fashionable’” mothers, who play at this
role to the detriment of their offspring,
but ““fashionable’’ children is something
beyond our ken. We have plenty of
children in our county capital but none
that answers the T%mes designation.
Change the Rules or Stop the Game.
From the Pittsburg Dispatch.
The killing of a Toledo high school
boy in a football game on Saturday is
one of the incidents that will hasten
radical reforms in this popular game.
The college authorities of the East,
where the game has its strongest hold,
are watching the modern style of play
with considerable disfavor, and a fatali-
ty in the college games will result in
a drawing of the lines against brutali-
ties. Sport ceases and brutality begins
when a dozen players jump upon a
fellow player and crush his life out, as
in the case referred to above. As the
game is now played in many quarters,
the only wonder is that more accidents
of this kind do not occur.
The Lion and the Lamb Will Lie Down
From the Pittsburg Post.
The marriage of the eon of
Vice-President Stevenson tothe daugh-
ter of the editor and proprietor of the
Bloomington Pantagraph, the leading
Republican paper in Illinois outside of
Chicago. is an event that knocks party
lines and partisan discord to smith-
ereens, The bride is of Pennsylvania
Quaker ancestry, while, as we all know,
the Stevensons are the product of
North Carolina and Kentucky grafted
on Illinois.
“Jist Maybe.’
From the Williamsport Republican,
The Democratic papers continue to
worry overthe question “who will be
the next Republican candidate for gov-
ernor.”” We don’t see any occasion for
it. The next Republican candidate
for governor in Pennsylvania will be
the next governor of Pennsylvania by
one or two hundred thousand majority.
Really Very Smooth,
From the Philadelphia Record.
Professor Hamerick, who says
chickens talk, may yet find out where
the chicken got the accent.
One View of It.
From the 8t. Louis Post Dispatch.
The income tax is the fair, honest
| tax, that does not rob the rich man nor
. oppress the poor.
| ——Subscribe for the WATCHMAN.
ally disprove the predietions and blast .
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Burglars rifled the Ashland Post Office.
—Burglars looted the Beach Haven Post
—Amsterdam, Holland is buying many Read-
ing stoves.
—Parkersburg, W. Va,, is flooded with bo-
gus nickels.
—The glanders epidemic at Wilkes barre has
broken out again.
—The Norristown Hospital’s electric light
plant is nearing completion.
—All Philadelphia and Reading collieries
started on full time Tuesday.
—A rich coal vein was struck in Oakland
township, Susquehanna county. :
—Governor Pattison visited the Norristown
State Hospital for the Insane.
—The Piitsburg School exhibits at the
. World's Fair will be preserved.
—His gun having gone off accidentally
James First, of St. Clair, was shot to death.
—Over $800 worth of clothing was given to
the poor people of Altoona by M. Simon & Bro.
—Small-pox has made its appearance in the
family of John Longsdorf, of Mechanicsburg.
—The University Institute, at Selins’ Grove,
received on Saturday bequests amounting te
—Carnegie’s Homestead mills will make
Harveyized steel and 500 more men willbe em.
ployed. :
—Rev. Dr. J. L. Fulton, pastor of the Second
Presbyterian Church, Pittsburg, resigned
—John Auran was instantly killed by a fall of
top rock at Richards’ colliery, near Shamokin,
—Joseph K. Henry, a commission merchant
of Homewood, was found dead in the street at
Pittsburg. .
—An unknown man supposed to be a deaf
mute was killed Sunday by an express near
—There are 200 cigar factories in the Berks
revenue district, the largest number ever re-
ported there,
—A falling piece of coal so badly mangled
Michael Hobbs, a miner, near Shenandoah
that he will die.
—Berks County Poor Directors Monday re-
elected Steward Gilbert and chose P. F. Frank
—The dress of Mrs. Husick’s little daughter
at Harwood, near Hazleton, caught fire and
the child perished.
—In attempting to board a moving train at
Schuylkill Haven, Herbert Saylor fell and
was cut to pieces.
—PFor the alienation of his wife's affections,
B. Mathias reeovered $3500 from William
Mazel, of Pittsburg.
—Joseph Muroma, the Mechaniesburg fire-
bug, who destroyed eight buildings, was sent
to the reformatory. 4
—At Carlisle, Riehard Fink was sentenced
to nearly six years in the penitentiary for
planning to burn buildings.
—The lowest bid for huilding Altoona's new
reservoir was $158,000, and was made by Thom-
as Collins, of Bellefonte.
—Falling in an apoplectie fit with his neck
between two fence pickets,J. €. Smith, of
| Watsontown, was strangled.
—A gold watch was presented en Thursday
to General John P. Taylor, at Reedaville, by
his admiring ©. A. R. friends. :
—In the capital stock tax case against the
Oil Well Supply Company the State Monday
secured judgment for $4096,20;
—A man named Fisher has been arrested
for sandbagging William: Reick at Wilkes-
barre and robbing him of $37&.
—Having lost a leg on the railroad, Milton
Endy, Allentown, decided life was not worth
living and he hanged himself.
—By turning on the gas in. an Easton hotel
J. J. Walsh, a Shenandoaks salesman, nearly
removed himself from the world.
—The miners of the DuBois district have
accepted a ten per cent. reduction in wages:
Two thousand men returned to work.
—Frank Wuadognoli, in jailiat Seramston for
the murder of John Mergan, Monday confess -
ed, but said it was a case of self-defense.
—Professor Elmer Lyons, principal of the
St. Clair School, who severely switched a lad,
was acquitted by a Beaver County jury.
—The gallows upon which B. F. Tennis, t he
Hummelstown murderer, will hang has bee n
put In readiness by Dauphin County ’s Sheriff
—Fire-bugs saturated alumber pile of F. P
Heller's lumber yard, Reading, with kerosene,
but were frightened before applying a match.
--Commissioners appointsd to fix the boun_
dary line between Lycoming and Tioga
eounties disagreed, and the Courts will settie
—In a fight at Lebanon, Albert Carmany was
knocked down by William Donley and his
head so badly injured he has not regained his
—Pittsburg’s policemen made a big blunder
arresting Matthew Madden, whom they sup.
posed drunk. He died shortly in the station
—The Moselem Lutheran Charch* in Rich ~
mond township, Berks County, erected in 1761,
will be demolished and a new house of wor-
ship erected.
— William M. Ayres & Sons, of Philadeiphia,
Monday brought suit in Pittsburg to restrain
J. Kauffman from using a certain trade-mark:
on horse blankets.
—In the case of Mrs. Eva Wetmore Buffum
against her father-in-law, J. C. Buffum, in
Pittsburg, for false arrest the, jury disagreed
and was discharged.
— When sentenced Friday to the peviten-
tiary for five years and a half for killing James
Gilmarten at Pittston, Jamas McLaughlin
formally thanked the Court.
—After being buried under tons of coal for
two hours, William and Joseph Bechtel,
Hazleton miners, were dug out but little th e
worse for their entombment,
—The Lackawanna Iron and Steel' Company ,
of Seranton, Monday appointed Carl McKinley
of Sparrow's Point, Md., generakjmanager, and
Henry Wehrum superintendent.
—Governor Pattison Friday appointed; R.
W. Jehb J. A. Norton, E. BE. Miller, J. W_
Puller and Johu Rainey special officers; for
the House of Refuge, Philadelphia.
—Mary Way, the star wilness for the des
fense in the Salyards murder trial at* Carlisle,
and who was accused of perjury, has gone to
the penitentiary for about three years.
—Over 1566 varieties of commercial fertili-
2°rs have been analyzed this year by th e
, State Board of Agriculture, and the ‘results
published in a pamphlet for the farmers,