aa mp ps sn Demorcaiic;l BY P. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. —Fall is leaving. — As times get harder the sheriff’s tale of woe grows longer. — When a liquor dealer fails there is every evidence that his spirits have'nt gone down enough. — Leave the man who minds his own business alone. He is one of the few who is destined to succeed and does not care to have his work spiced with idle gossip. —The time will come, and that very soon, when the willful boy or girl who think they can get along without ad- vice of a parent will have cause to re- gret it. —1It seems very gallant in Uncle SAM to help the queen of the Hawaiian ilsands back on her throne, but he can’t afford to have any of his flirtations with the dusky LILI compromise him. —The train robber still flourishes in the west. Decoy trains scared him off for a while, but decoys are impractica- ble, as well as expensive, and now the only safe way for travelers to do is to tramp. —Our new cruiser Columbia made & splendid showing on Monday, but past experience leads us to wonder whether she won't be found ‘top heavy”’ or ‘‘unseaworthy’” the first time she is ordered to any port where our in- terests need looking after. —The Pittsburg Post thinks the water of the Smoky city “only fit for the clay eaters of North Carolina’ and judging from the fact that there is a beer saloon out there in front of which a stone step is worn out every month, the Post seems to voice popular sentiment on the matter. —TUncle SaM is getting a good many irons in the fire just now. What with trying to jump LILIOUKALANI back on to her throne, settling up for that Honduras insult, interceding in the Brazilian insurrection and getting ready for a revision of the tanff, there is dan- ger of biting off more than can be prop- erly masticated. —-England, with the most approved modern engines of war, can slaughter thousands of those practically defense- less savage Matabeles, in South Africa, and while glorying in & new possession laugh at the lives she has taken. There must needs be a day when she will have to answer in one way or another for every such inhuman act. —If college men go into a foot-ball game, let them take what they get and not play the baby like Yale and Prince- ton both have done. They both claim to be stronger than the University of Pennsylvania and if they can’t take their own part the New York papers certainly should not do it. Games should bewon and lost between the goal posts and not in the columns of a newspa- per. —The people who are finding enjoy- ment in the belief that “CLEVELAND won’t have much to say’ in his annual message to Congress, when it convenes three weeks hence, will be sadly fooled. GROVER will have quite as much to say as action upon the party platform may have need of his calling the attention of Congress to the duty it was elected to perform. Then too he will be the man to say 1t. —1Tt is expected that this week will witness the death throes of the Knights of Labor as an organization. The bi- ennial constitutional convention is being held in Philadelphia and it is thought that the leaders, TERRY POWDERLY at "their head, will break the order up so as to get hold of its property. There is no desirable cause why organized labor should thus injure itself, but in the case of anarchy it the leaders would only blow up the rank and file and then the fragments of the latter in falling smash the leaders, what a glorious thing it would be for the country. —RICHARD HARDING Davis, the New York story writer who has gained no little reputation for his many interest- ing short stories, is going to get notor- iety next. He wants to kill Epwarp V. TowNSEND, a Sun writer, who had the impudence (?) to criticise him for saying that ‘‘there was no such thing as the ceremony of guard mounting in the United States,”’” when such a ceremony is performed at evéry army post in the country. Ofcourse Mr. DAVIS meant that the same gaudy uniforms and gilt trappings were not to be seen here as he had seen in London, but he did’nt say #0, and now when he is picked up for it his display of bad sense, in wanting to fight a duel, quite justifies Mr. TowN- SEND for having called him a fool. If however, Mr. DAvIs should persist in wanting to kill some one of the Sun's writers we suggest that knives be the weapons, and that DANA represent his paper himself. It would take bim a very short time to rip “GALLEGHER’ up the back. STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. VOL. 38. BELLEFONTE, PA., NOV. 17, 1893. NO. 45. Mr. Harrison on the Late Elections. No one is surprised to see BENJAMIN Harrison come to the front with something to say about the recent elec- tions. In an interview on the subject he expressed his unbounded satisfac- tion over “a Republican triumph so sweeping and eo general” that he couldn’t believe that local issues con. tributed much to the result. Assign- ing it to “the general industrial depres- sion,” he said that the demonstration at the polls, was in consequence of the people having had presented to them “gq sharp comparison between the two systems.” Mr. Harrison had so often proven himself to be a very small man that it was scarcely necessary for him to give further evidence of that fact. Nothing could be smaller than the deception he employs in making the claim that the people have had a presentation of the difference between the two tariff systems. This is not true for the rea- son that the Democratic tariff is not yet in existence and therefore cannot be compared with the McKINLEY article ; but it will come in time and challenge a comparison. The depression from which the people are suffering, and which has occasioned the calamity howling on the part of the Republi- cans, prevails under a system estab- lished during Mr. Harrison's adminis. tration. It is undera Republican tariff that we see suspended manufactories and the working people so little bene- fited by the McKINLEY protection, and go little prepared to undergo a brief period of idleness, that many of them are reduced to a state of starvation. In thedistress which has overtaken the country while the Republican tariff system is in full force, Mr. HARrRIsON professes to see “what might be term. ed one of Mr. CLEVELAND'S object les- sons.” Mr. CLEVELAND'S object lesson on the tariff will be taught later on, after a-:Democratic tariff shall have been framed and put in operation. If the industries and business generally | have broken down in the midst of a Republican tariff system, he is not re- sponsible for it. It is not Ais object lesson. If there are people foolish or reckless enough to stop business in anticipation of what the Democratic tariff is going to be, it is not his fault. | The object lesson taught is the unrelia- | ble character of Republican protection whose beneficiaries are willing to throw | their workmen out of employment upon a mere apprehension that the tariff is going to be changed to their disadvantage, and before they have been hurt by what they profess to fear. But this thing will soon right itselt, and all that Mr. HarrIsoN has to do is to wait with as much patience as he can command. The calamity howling was gotten up for the occasion of the election. It has served its purpose, but will have no bearing whatever upon the tariff issue. Business will soon as- sume its- accustomed activity, and the industrial energy of the nation will be at-work, even before the Democrats shall have perfected their reform, and with full assurance that the country is not going to be injured by a Democrat- ic tariff. Matters to Consider. For our part we can’t see much in the late election, showing a condemna- tion of the proposed reforms Democrats are expected to carry out. At least the number of votes cast for the Re- publican ticket, as compared with that cast a year ago, don't prove anything of the kind. In Pennsylvania alone where the Republican majority runs up to 135,000 there is 73,000 votes less for the high tariff party than there was this time twelve months ago. Does this look as if the people were aroused on the tariff question? Does it look like the triumph of a principle in which every body is interested ? Not much. That there was something wrong with the voter who didn’t come out is true, That they wanted the tariff to remain as it is is not true or they would have gone to the election, as beg- ged todo by the Republicans, and voted tbat way. The reason for the stay at home vote will be found in lesser mat- ters than the great reforms voted for last fall. What they are is the duty of the present administration to find out, if it would preserve the great party that called it into power. Industry Will Revive. A revival in every department of in- dustry may be soon looked for. The depression, from which the country is already recovering, came from causes not of a radical nature, and which will soon yield to the natural recuperation of industrial vitality. Blights of this kind have often overtaken the business of the country, and have been usually succeeded by a high degree of prosper- ity. The present difficulty no doubt was aggravated by the bad monetary condition growing out of the Republi can silver policy, but a vicious tariff system, which congested the market with overstimulated production, hae had move to do with the depression than any other cause. The suspension of production for a number of months has had the ef- fect of working off the congestive, and is putting the market in condition for an active demand for all the products of labor. It is not too much to believe that operations to supply this demand would have started up before this time if it had not been for the disposition of many of the manufacturers to continue the suspension of their work for the ef- fect 1t might have in the election. That card has been played. The political capital that could be made out of it has been put to use in the recent election, it having been worked for all that was in it. But production is not going to remain suspended when the market is demanding to be supplied. One after another the industries will be started, and we should not be surprised if in the hurry to take advantage of reviv- ing trade the fear of what the Demo- crats are going to do to the tariff, of which such a bugaboo was made be- fore the election, will be entirely for- gotten even before the Democrats have made their alterations of the tariff. And when the Democrats have per- fected their tariff plan and put it in operation, what then ? Does anybody suppose that manufacturing is going to stop ? It is at all likely industry. will i not be as fully employed and as well | paid as under any tariff devised and “enacted by the Republicans? The i Democratic belief is that their tariff policy will insure a more substantial prosperity to the country, in that it will more equally benefit all classes connected with industral operations. | The people will judge of its merits by the experience they have of it. J It is idle to suppose that the Demo- crats will be deterred from carrying. out their policy by the inconsequential expression of State elections. The country is bound to have the trial of a tarift different from the McKINLEY sys- tem, which has been so unequal in the distribution of its benefits ;; and, Gro- VER CLEVELAND being in the Presidential office, that tariff will stand for at least three years, with ample time afforded it toshowwhat it can do for the country. Such an episode as that of the Tth inst., will have no more effect on the action of Congress in regard to the tariff than the idle wind. Three years hence, af- ter the Democratic economic policy shall have given a full exemplification of its merits, ill be a more fitting time than the present for the people to say what they think of a Democratic tariff. We are confident that they will entertain such a favorable opinion of iv that the advantage which the Re- publican party has so long had in prac. ticing deception on the tariff qnestion will be gone forever. A Striking Difference. While the election in New York has been a surprise to the Democrats, it has certainly been more suprising to the Republicans, who are now as lusti- ly crowing over it as if it were due to their own party strength. The Demo- cratic defeat in that State was clearly owing to Democratic dissatisfaction with certain features of the party man- agement in the making of the state ‘nominations. There were a large ‘umber of Democrats who believed it was wrong to nominate Judge May- NARD in the face of the accusation that he had acted improperly in his decis- ion concerning the election returns last year. Whether they were correct or vot in this impression, they believed that his nomination was an improper one, and they showed their disapproba- tion by voting against him. The fact that he was beaten by a majority against him more than twice as large as that against the other Democratic candidates, shows the extent to which members of his own party opposed his election. It is not for us to say wheth- er they were right or wrong in doing this, but the case goes to show the dis- position of the New York Democrats to withhold their support from a candi- date whom they considered unworthy of a nomination for a high judicial office, While in New York there was this display of Democratic sensitiveness in regard to a nomination supposed to be improper, nothing of the kind was shown by the Republicans of Iowa, who after having nominated a man for Governor, who was proven to have been a defrauder of pension claimants, or in other words, a pension thief, pro- ceeded to roll up the usual party ma- jority for him. No one denied that JAcKsoN, the Iowa Republican candi- date, had acted the part of a thief in his treatment of a poor pension claim- ant. It was a notorious case, and the charge that he had done this wrong was met by an excuse rather than by a refutation. The highly moral Repub- lican party of Lowa rallied solidly in its support of an acknowledged defrauder of pensioners thereby furnishing an un- favorable contrast to the action of the New York Democrats who voted against Judge MAYNARD because he bore the odium of an improper judicial action. This Iowa case is in keeping with the entire conduct of the hypocritical old party, which, while it assumes to pos- sess superior virtues, hesitates at no crookedness in its political action, and baulks at no defects in the character of its candidates, An Aimless Stampede. It is interesting, if not amusing, to read the newspaper comments oun the result of the recent election. The Re- publican papers furnish the most of thia entertainment. Among these the New York Tribune, with an air of great wisdom, declares that the result “ad- monishes the Democratic party that its purposes and practices are resented by the people.” It would be difficult for the Tribune to show what purposes the Democratic party entertains at this time that were not entertained by it a year ago when the people sustained it by an immense majority, and directed it to proceed with what it proposed to do. It de" clared that one of its purposes was to reform the tariff, an intention ‘which received a most ample endorsement from the popular vote. Is it likely that the people this year rebuked a purpose which last year they endorsed with such a decided preponderance of their approval, and rebuked it, too, be- fore the Democratic party had an op portunity to act in the matter with which it was entrusted by the popular voice? As that party has not yet had time to give practical shape to ita pur- poses there is adecided shade of absurd- ity in the New York organ’s declara- tion that the “practices” of the Demo- cratic party are resented by the peo- ple. About a year after this the Republi- can organs will be able to speak with more intelligence; and less nonsense, about what the people think of the “practices” of the party in power. By that time its purposes will have been put in practice and will be judged by_ their merits. The election this year was merely a wild and aimless stam- pede, such as is likely to occurat a per- iod of business depression, but from which there is always a speedy recov- ery when the times improve. ——There seems to be some ques- tion as to what day Thanksgiving really falls on this year, It is claimed that “the fourth Thursday in Novem- ber” is always the day, while again there are those who think that the “last Thursday in November” is the one on which we are to give thanks. If things were adjusted according to merit, we Democrats should be allowed to observe both days this year as it will take two good turkey dinners to counteract that dose of crow we had the day after the election . ——Whenever CLEVELAND's atten: tion to business gets too good for them the Republican howlers begin that his health is poor. Both will have been too good three years hence. When Will We Eat Our Turkey, Who Knows? From the Lebanon Star. Quite a bit of speculation is now going on 8s to the date of the coming Thankegiving Day. November this year has five Thursdays which is the cause of the trouble. So there is wide- spread doubt whether Thanksgiving Day falls on the fourth or the fifth Thursday of the month. There seems to be no 1aw on the sub- ject, the appointment of the day arising from custom, though the day, when decided upon, is a legal holiday by law. Some time ago Mr. Mishler, one of the managers of the theatrical circuit com- prising Reading, Allentown, Wilkes- barre, Scranton and other towns, fore- seeing the confusion likely to arise be- cause November has five Thursdays, wrote to Governor Pattison about it, says the Easton Express, as he wished to make sure, because of the booking of shows. The Governor said he didn’t know, as the Governor always followed the President. Mr. Mishler then wrote to President Cleveland. The President replied he was so busy with other mat- ters that he had not yet given the mat- ter a thought. Now, then, if the President don’t know, who does? Many people incline to the belief that November 80 ig the date, that being the last Thursday of the month, which they probably get from the fact that the fourth Thursday of the month is usually the last. Most ‘‘authorities’” on the matter are not en- titled to much weight. There is one, however, of which this cannot be said. It is Johnson’s Encyclopedia, revised two years ago, which says that Thanks- giving Day is “usually the fourth Thurs. day of November.” And even this does not settle the question, After the Election Is Over. From the Easton Sentinel. There was a Republican tidal wave last Tuesday, the chief cause ot which may be attributed to the business de- pression, New York state went Republican by 20,000 majority and Maynard, the Democratic candidate for Judge of the Court of Appeals, is defeated by 81,- 000 votes. The Legislature is Repub- lican. Gov. McKinley is re-elected in Ohio by a majority estimated at 50,000. In Massachusetts Greenhalge (Rep) is elected governor over John E, Rus- sell (Dem.) by about 30,000 plurality. Iowa has swung back to the Re- publicans. Boies (Dew.) is defeated by Jackson for governor by at least 25,000 majority. The Republicans made almost a clean sweep in New Jersey. They captured the Assembly, which was last year Democratic, by ten majority, and have a majority of one in the Senate. In Kentucky the Democrats had al- most no opposition. The Legislature is overwhelmingly Democratic. Virginia reports an old-time Demo- cratic majority of 40,000. In Maryland the Democratic State ticket was elected by 20,000 plurality. Returns from Pennsylvania declare that Judge D. Newlin Fell has been elected a justice of the Supreme court and Colonel Samuel M. Jackson has been chosen state Treasurer of Penn- sylvania by an average majority of 138,000. This is the greatest Repub- lican majority credited toan off year. Criticism Makes Men. From the Lancaster Intelligencer. Richard Harding Davis, the writer of some excellent shortstories of rather aristocratic tone, has gotten into a con- troversy with Edward V. Townsend, of the New York Sun, because of the ridicule the latter ventured to poke at him over a London letter. Davis had published a magazine article describ. ing the guard mount of the British horse guards and he said that there was “no guard mount in America.” He evidently meant none that would compare with this in dignity or dis- play, but Townsend chose to take the statement literally and made great fun of the ignorance of this young Ameri- can who was 80 impressed with British institutions. He even playfully referr- ed to Davis as a cad and a fool in his articles written over a nom de plume in the Sun, and Davis has been so fool- ish as to get angry about it and write a letter to the unknown author hinting darkly at a duel. Davis should reflect that a man cannot become famous without provok- ing attack. The most conspicuous cat on the fence is the one that gets hit by the bootjacks. At the same time let him look criticism squarely in the face and profit by it. It Will Never Do More Than Buzz, From the Clarion Democrat. Senator Pettigrew, of South Dakota, says ; ‘I should be willing to vote for Senator Cameron for the Presidency on the Republican ticket. He repre- sents a great state of the east, and he has voted for the interest of the west. He would make good presidential tim- ber for the Republican party.” This, then, was what was buzzing in our Senator’s bonnet when he betrayed his own people by his vote on the silver question, ~——If you want printing of any de- : scription the WATcHMAN offic is the place to have it done, Spawls from the Keystone, —Cooper Fisk of Johnstown, hung himsel to a tree Monday snd died before assistance camo. —The Columbia County Teachers’ Institute opened Monday in the , Opera House at Blooms burg. —Congressman Robinson delivered a lecture at the Farmers’ Institute, at Chadd’s Ford on Thursday. —Joel Dewald, aged 50, a wealthy retired merchant of Lebanon, was found dead in bed Monday morning. —The Wellman Iron and Steel works started up their plate mill and shut down the besse- mer department, —The forty-second annual session of the Lancaster County Teachers’ Institute opened in Lancaster Monday. —A portion of the Reading fteam Forge, which has been idle since last June, resumed operations Monday. — A portion of the Reading Steam Forge: which has been idle since last June, resumed operations Monday. —At Harrisburg John A. Keller was killed by a falling wall of the new building of the State Lunatic Hoepital. —Charles Price, aged 22, was instantly kill* ed by a fall of coal at the Logan colliery, Cen- tralia Monday afternoon. —Clinton Markes, sged 18, of Reading, while out gunning, accidentally shot himself in the abdomen. He died in an hour. —The glanders among horses, in Wilkesbarre® is not'abated as yet. Nine new cases are quar’ antined at the emergency hospital. —Jesse King, a Norristown lover of natural curiosities, has discovered a strange; variety of rock crystal along the Schuylkill. —James Newton Hill was placed on trial Monday for the murder of Mrs. Rosa Rotzler in East Park, Allegheny, last March. —Robbers broke into the general store of Jonas U. Cassell, Norritonville, Montgomery county, and stole over $200 worth of goods. —James Kerr, Jr., one of the oldest pharma- cists in Western Pennsyivania, has failed, and the Sheriff is in charge of the store in Pitts- burg. —Clinton Marks, aged 16, living at Monens- ville, Berks county, was accidentally shot while gunning Monday and died in the Read- ing Hospital. —An execution was issued in Pottstown Monday against St. Siephen’s Reformed Church, on a mortgage for $3,000 held by Henry R. Wise. --James Kerlin, a brakeman on a Mifflin lo- cal freight and living at Miffiintown, was run dowu by five cars of his train Monday after- noen and killed. —William L. Lineaweaver formerly one of the proprietors of the Iron City Brewing Com- pany, Lebanon, has confessed judgments to the amount of $8675. —Within ten days three children of Samue; Zettlemoyer, of Virginsville, died of diphthe- ria, the third, aged 7 years, having died on Sunday afternoon. ~The thirty-ninth annual institute of the teachers of the Huntingdon county public schools met in the Opera House at Hunting don Monday, 247 teachers present. —Because of an order reducing the wages of the laborers employed on the coal strippings of J. C. Hayden & Co., at Jeanesville, from $1.10 to 81 per day, 150 men wenton a strike: —Neilson shaft. Shamokin, resumed opera- tions Monday, giving employment to 800 men. Ten men were killed by fire at this shaft last April, since which time the mine had been idle. —Two large cylinder boilers blew up Mon- day at Wentz & Co.’s Hazlebrook colliery, at Hazleton. No one was injured, but the boiler house was destroyed and work stopped in the colliery. —Yesterday information was received in Lancaster from Carfoss, announcing the death of M. Seibert Keller, of the class of 94, of Franklin and Marshall College. Death re- sulted from consumption. —The grand jury at Pottsville found true bills against John Briggs, who is charged with the murder of James Parfit, and Arthur Wea - vel, charged with murdering William Holland during the Gilberton riot. —Calvin Heckier, a prominent Republican politician of Quakertown, was arraigned Mon- day at Doylestown for violating the liquor laws by furnishing liquor to persons in his township for election purposes. —Professor Thurston Simmons, an. instrue- tor in English branches at the Pennsylvania Military College, Chester, has become violent. ly insane, and has been removed to a private insane Asylum at Cilfton Heights. —While at work ona gangway at Laurel Hill Colliery, near Hazelton, Monday, a sud- den rush of gas enveloped Fred Ellis and Mi- chael Ryan, miners, and Harry Andrews, a driver, who were severely injured. —The erecting department of the Philadel - phia Bridge works, Pottstown, went on double turn Monday to complete a contract for twenty eight girders. This will keep a number of men employed for several weeks. —The timely discovery of a fire in the dry- ing room of the large wholesale and retail to- bacco and cigar factory of Jacob L. Haner Sons, located in the centre of Lebanon, averted what might have proven a serious conflag ra. tion. —Auditor General D. McM. Gregg has noti- fied City Treasurer Henry Hinkson, of Ches- ter, that the city will have to pay a State tax on the $500,000 temporary bonds which were issued to pay for paving several streets of the city. —At a meeting Monday evening of the high- way committee of Lebanon City Councils, T. R. Crowell, formerly of Philadelphia, was ap. pointed chief engineer to make plans and su- pervise the building of the city’s underground sewers. —By an opinion filed inthe State Supreme Court, the decision of Judge Landis, of Blair county, has been reversed, and the Altoona, Clearfield and Northern Railway passes into the hands of its former president, F.G. Pat- terson, Altoona. —Reading City Councils passed a resolution Monday night requesting Governor Pattison to withdraw the proclamation which the State Board of Health recently issued declaring small-pox epidemic in Reading. The res olu- tion denounces the proclamatien as an injus. ! tice to Reading. —In Norristown Monday the court granted | a decree on petition of Archbishop Ryan, of i Philadelphia, asking that St. Patrick’s Roman ' Catholic Church be granted the right to re- | move all bodies interred at the old Catholic | cemetery at Norristown to the new cemetery in Whitpain township.