Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 10, 1893, Image 1
Demorraic cane BY P. GRAY MEEK. Ink Slings. --Keeping ¢Shady’’—The borough of Millheim. . : —Nothing remains to the dishonest man but disgrace and remorse. —Last Fall they got it. This Fall we got it. Who will get it next? —-The ten cent politician will now devote his time to figuring out who cut the ticket. —The election being a thing of the past there are lots of fellows now who will be out of a job. —There seems to have been an elec- tion on Tuesday and from all indicationg we Democrats got a mild dose of what we gave the Republicans last Fall. —There can be no doubt that we got it, and got it right too, but then we can find consolation in Centre county, Maryland, Virginia and Kentucky. —No better time could have been selected on which to take a defeat like last Tuesday’s, as its result will cut little figure in the presidential election in 1896. —After all it wasn’t so much what the Democrats of the county did, as what the Republicans didn’t do, that gives our candidates reason to rejoic over the result. . —“Man wants little here below’ but there are a lot of Republican can- didates in Centre County who want to be kicked just now for having thought that they could be elected. —The boy who goes home early in evening and is not ashamed of being called a “mamma’s boy’’ is the one who finds himself reaping the benefits thereof in the early evening of his life. —The lines which mark off the squares on the new BAKER ballot can properly be called ink traces. Accord- ingly the man whe scratched on Tues- day really did kick over the traces. —The Republicans of Centre county may feel good over what their party friends accomplished elsewhere, but they certainly have nothing to be proud of about their work at home. — We suppose that the fellows who expected the Democratic party to make golden eagles out of the mud along the roadside will now be looking to the Republicans for feats of a similar kind. —Necw that the election is over and the people are all settled down to accept the results for the best, there should be a general shaking up of old money bags and putting money to work that is idle, —The Democrats of Centre County have reason to be proud of their work at the polls on Tuesday. While other counties all around them were suffering ignominious defeat, Centre was pegging right along in the proper way. -- After last Tuesday what quarter has Republican office holders to ask at the hands of Democracy. Turn every last one of them out. It is notthe duty of the Democratic party to foster the monster that is trying to devour it. —There is danger of over doing a great many things but the people of this community need have no fear of leav- ing their charity run away with them. A hard winter is before us and humanity demands a share of the rich man’s com- forts for the poor. —Hereon hangs a tale—A special telegram from Washington, on Tuesday night reads ; “Much less outward ex._ citement was manifested in this city than on similar occasions in past years.” —The reason is very evident. There are hordes of Republicans in office’ down there who are afraid of being kicked rout. Quietude on election night should not save them, however. —One of the best criterions as to the condition of the times is the amount of freight handled by our railroad com- panies. Just one month ago the Penn- sylvania Co., had sixteen thousand cars side tracked along its lines. On last Monday morning the number bad dwindled down to six thousand. REvi- dence that there is energy somewhere, but mayhaps the ten thousand cars put in use just then were required to haul in Republican returns. —To the Repnblican affidavit makers, and their sponsor, post master FembLER, the Democrats of Centre owe a vote of thanks. It was their dirty work that helped do the business. Their attempt to slander and vilify decent men and honest citizens because they were candidates upon the Demo- cratic ticket brought scores of Demo- crats to the polls, and helped increase the majority for those against whom their disgracetul efforts wert made. The Warcnmax is always willing to give credit to whom credit is due, and to the dirty work of these dirty whelps is largely due the substantial majorities given both Mr. Mites and Mr. Corpo, SS i aj CNet \ p YY RO STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. “VOL. 38. BELLEFONTE, PA., NOV. 10, 1893. NO. 44. An Abuse of the Right of Petition. When the party to which has been assigned the duty of revising the tariff and reforming its abuses, is about to perform that duty, suggestions and ad- vice from a Republican source as to what should be done in the matter, is entirely out of place. A disposition to interfere on the part of those whom the people have rebuked for the deficien- cies of their tariff policy, is being mani- tested, which, to speak of it in terms less severe than it deserves, may be said to be a decidedly cheeky piece of presumption. Here is the New York Zribune, for example, urging the supporters of the monopoly tariff to deluge Congress with petitions against its revision and amendment. That organ ignores the fact that the people have already spok- en on this subject in terms more point- ed, emphatic and comprehensive than can be expressed by any petitions that the McKINLEYITES may succeed in drumming up and intruding upon the attention of Congress. The ' popular expression was made directly upon the issue of tariff reform as presented in the Democratic platform, and no ques- tion ever submitted to the people was more thoroughly discussed and more generally understood. It is upon that Congress is bound to act. Petitions conflicting with the yerdict rendered by a majority a year ago, directly upon the subject in issue, will be an intru- sion deserving of indifferent treatment by.a Congress elected to revise and re- form an oppressive and injurious tariff system, It will certainly not be difficult tor the McKINLEYITES to get up a great array of names that may be launched upon Congress in support of their mo- nopoly measure. Nothing is easier than to get sigaatures to petitions, with the large irresponsible and thoughtless class that.ean always be drawn upon for that purpose, and also the facility with which fraudulent names may be used ; but even if there should be no deception in the signatures for the con- tinuance of the McKiNLey tariff, *and they should represent the sentiments of | actual signers, the array would never- | theless be insignificant in com parison with the greater number who ex- pressed their desire for tariff reform in the election of CLEVELAND and the present Democratic Congress. At most, who could these petitioners be but those who had their say at the polls on this subject and were over- whelmingly outyoted ? Iv will be pre- sumption for them, after the verdict has been rendered through the medium of the ballot, to intrusively repeat, in the form of petitions, the expression of ‘their demands in regard to the tariff which have been so emphatically ig- nored by the votes of the majority. The right of petition is one of the heirlooms of a free people, and should be jealously guarded under a popular government ; but for those who have been defeated at an election to resort to it with the object of preventing the will of the majority from being carried out, is certainly an abuse of that right. Every vote that is cast at an election is virtually a petition. In the aggregate of ballots that were polled a year ago a most decided preponderance of these individual petitions was in favor of a different tariff policy from that which has prevailed under Republican rule. At this etage of the issue, instead of exercising a right that should be re- spected, the supporters of McKiINLEY- ISM are rather practicing an effrontery that should be treated with contempt, in resorting to petitions as a means of defeating the popular decision in favor of tariff reform. The Clouds Are Rolling By. It being generally admitted, except by those immediately interested in the sale of silver bullion, that the purchasing clause of the SHERMAN law had an injurious effect upon the business ot the country, it may now be reasonably expected that the repeal of that clause will be followed by im- proved financial and industrial condi- tione. There were indications of such an effect immediately after the prompt passage of the repeal bill by the House, but the improvement which then be- gan to make its appearance, was re tarded by the long contention in the Senate. The Republican party cer tainly left the monetary situation in ; as goon as possible the assurance of , are said to have determined Lo give the bad shape, having not only depleted the Treasury, but by its enactments in regard to silver depreciated the value of the currency. It will take some time for Democratic legislation to cor- rect the injury of Republican financial, methods, but a point has been gained in the repeal of the injurious clause of the SHERMAN law to which there is likely to be a responsive improvement in every department of business. Silver, as an accustomed part of the circulating medium, has by no means been sacrificed by the action onthe SHERMAN law. The government has no need of a large accumulation of silver bullion, but the people have need of silver as a part of their currency. Get ting rid of the government’s obligation to purchase useless silver is by no means dispensing with the monetary use of that metal, and the SHERMAN incubus having been removed uncondi- tionally, there is nevertheless good rea- son to expect safe and judicious Demo- cratic legislation that will insure to the people a continuance of that con- stitutional currency which consists of both gold and silver in proper propor- tion and at a just ratio. When this shall have been fully and definitely es- tablished, then may be expected that equable monetary condition that is most conducive to industrial stability and business prosperity. Another factor, indispensable to this consummation, is a settled tariff policy that will assure reasonable protection without encouragement ‘to monopolist- ic extortion. This can be effected by adjusting the tariff to the revenue re- quirements of the government which are so large as to necessitate the impo sition of duties, that by judicious ad- justment will furnish labor all the pro- tection it needs. There is no such uncertainty about the Democratic tariff intentions as to justity a paeic in industrial circles which the supporters of the McKINLEY measure have been sedulously striving to create. But in order to allay appre. hension on that score, and to afford what will follow a detailed announce- ment of the Democratic tariff plan, the committee that has the bill in charge public definite knowledge of its terms by publication before the reassembling of Congress in December. We feel as- sured that such information will dispel unreasonable fears and inspire the peo ple with confidence in the Democratic tariff policy. What It Is There For. There has been considerable noise in this State and elsewhere about business being deranged and industries prostra- ted by the fear of what the Democrats are going to do to the tariff, and much effort has been made by the Republi- cans to relieve the SHERMAN law of the blame for having caused the business depression. To what extent the voters in this State last Tuesday were effected by such political tactics, is not known; but it is quite certain that the result of the election, however large it was on the Republican side in this State or any other will have no effect in imped- ingthe enactment of laws that are to amend the deficiencies and correct the abuses of the present tariff, and vindi- cate the Democratic policy by showing the country the benefit of an economic syetem which, while it will supply the revenue needed by the government, will furnish ample protection to the working people, and at the same time put an end to the plunder of monopolies that are maintained by present exces- sive duties. A Democratic Congress occupies the capitol, and the overhauling of the MeKinLEy tariff is one of the things it is there for, although there are others of very great importance which will en- gage its attention. After a Democratic tariff shall have been in operation long enough to show its effects, then will there be time enough to hear what the | people think about it. The Democrat ic party is willing to submit it to their | judgment and abide by the result. Bat | the clatter about the effects of Demo- cratic rule before Democratic meas. | ures have been framed and put in operation, is entirely too pre- | vious, and only worthy of ridicule and contempt. PE —— —— Subscribe for the Warm AX. ‘instruction or Not to be Scared from Their Purposes. The high tariff supporters appear to be unable to understand the weaning of the popular verdict rendered a year 8gO; or, if they understand it, they are unwilling to admit the meaning which the people intended to convey. It is about time that they should know that there is no foolishness in the tariff re- form movement, and that there was never a party more in earnest than is the Democratic party in its determina. tion to relieve the country of the bur: den and injury of unnecessary tariff taxation. This fact they should be fully aware of by this time; yet there isan impression among the MoK1NLEY- ITES that the Democrats may be scared from their purpose by the Chinese method of frightening their enemies by the beating of tom-toms and such like noisy means of creating alarm. An example of this delusion is fur- nished by a Philadelphia tariff paper which, some days before the election, wound up a clattering article about the injury which a Democratic administra tion has done the country, with the re- mark that “the Republican State tick- et will be elected by not less than 70,000 majority, because Pennsylvania proposes to-show the Democratic Con- gress that it is still true to the princi. ples of protection to American indus- tries. Such a majority will cause Congress to go slow in tampering with the tariff.” Philadelphia has often professed to have saved the tariff by the Republi can majorities she has rolled up for the municipal machine in that city, “in the cause of protection to Ameri- can industry ;” but itis hardly likely that the McKINLEY tarift can be saved even by a Republican majority in Pennsylvania that is nearly twice as large as that claimed by this foolish tariff organ. The Demo- cvatic Congress is not waiting for warning given by Peupsylvania in an election which can be considered as having about as much bearing upon the tariff as the election of mayor and councilmen in Philadelphia bears upon that question. It was last year that the people spoke directly on this subject, not only in Pennsylvania, but all over the land, and it will be from the authority aggregately derived from that source that Congress will take its instructions in regard to the tariff- It will not be scared from its duty by the pounding of Republican gongs. An Inexcusable Mistake. The Democratic people of Clearfield who saw proper on Tuesday last to hand over the Judgeship of that county with all its influence and power, to the Republicans, will not live long until they come to the time that they will regret their action. Judge XKgrrss may not have acted as they thought he should. He way have been un- fortunate in some of his financial trans- actions, and may have made errors 1n | some of his rulings ; his distribution of the licenses may not have satisfied all applicants or his determination of cases pleased all litigants, but great as the imagined grievances against him may have been, the real griev ance that the Democrats of that county will have to complain of, under the change they have made, will be ten fold greater. The power they have placed in the hands of the Re- publicans, they will wish they could recall when it is too late. The impe- tus they have given to influences that will reduce their majorities and eventu- ally place that once substantially Democratic county in the position that its neighbor, Cambria, now occu- pies, they will discover as they grow older ; and we make the prediction now that a majority of the Democrats who were foolish enough to assist in cloth- ing a Republican politician with the great power that belongs to this posi tion, will acknowledge the mistake they have made before a twelve months rolls around. If Mr. Gorpox who has been chosen to succeed Judge KREBS, proves as honest, conscientious and industrious, as non-political and as able in the dis- charge of his duties, as did the retired Judge, it will be an agreeable disap- pointment to us as well as to the pub. lic at large. - —~—Read the WATCHMAN. Mendaclty and Asininity. From the Northampton Democrat. When it is remembered that the chief obstructionists in the United States Sen- ate during the proceedings of the repeal bill were the Republican cowboy Sena- tors from the Western mining camps, admitted as States by the Republican party, tor no other purpose than to waintain its ascendency in that body, it becomes refreshing to read such a driv- vel as the following from the great Republican luminary, the Easton Free Press: : “The record of the majority in the Senate and House, at Washington, needs rebuke, and the people shold not fail in their duty to administer this duty. Go to polls, therefore, fellow Repub. licans, and all you who are disgusted with the way things are moving at Washington, and let your ballots be your soul of condemnation.” ° Look at the names of the leadin objectionists. Senators Stewart — Jones from Nevada, Pittigrew and Kyle from South Dakota, Dubois and Shoup from Idado, Squire from Washington, Peffer from Kansas, as well as others, to say nothing of ourown dear Cameron, all Republicans except the two Popu- lists among them, and they have been formerly Republicans. A man that writes such stuff as the above way assume that his readers are a precious set of drivelling idiots, and it may be that he knows them best. Some Government Expenses. From the Doylestown Democrat. The annual report of the fiscal officer of the Post Office Department shows that during the past year the deficit was $5,000,000; the expenses being $81,000- 000, and the receipts nearly $76,000,000. We find some adverse criticism because the Post Office Department does not pay expenses, but we can see no reason why it should. The Army and Navy are not self-sustaining, and no one claims they should be; nor is there any good reason why we should expect more of | the Post Office Department. They are all branches of the publicservice, organ- ized and administered for the protection, safety and convenience of the people. The receipts from the Postal Depart- ment should be made as large as practic- able, consistent with good service, but it should not be administered with a view of making a profit. ‘We look upon the deficit as moderate, in vikw of the volume of business done, and the. new improvements constantly added ; it is not as heavy in proportion as it was many years ago. The expenses of the Postal Department are nearly as great as those of the Government in 1850. What will they be in forty years to come ? j The Talkee, Talkee Record. From the Washington Post. In Tuesday's issue of the Congress ional Record the legislative history of the extra session aggregates 3300 pages. The greater part of these 6600 broad columns is devoted to debate on the question of the repeal, forming a vast encyclopedia of controversial literature relative to our currency and especially to silverias one of its factors. There is nowhere in the world to-day such a compendium of financial opinion, such an elaborate setting forth of theories, such a gathering together of facts and figures pertaining to the points at issue, such an array of argument in such diversity of directions. Many of the speeches delivered have been charac: terized by a wonderful amount of research, by strength of logic, by the glamour of eloquence. All of Them Good One's Too. From the York Gazette, Governor Pattison has probably ap- pointed morg¢ Judges than any other Chief Executive of Pennsylvania. Dur- ing his present term of office the Gov- ernor appointed two Justices of the Supreme Court, an Orphans’ Court Judge, eleven Law Judges and seven Associate Judges, twenty-one in all, with one vacancy pot yet filled. Of the number four were alterwards de- feated for election, six were elected to succeed themselves, nine are now candidates and will be voted for at the coming election, one died in office and another will retire at the beginning ot the new year by reason of the abolition of the office. How the Treasury Was Suffering. From the Clarion Democrat. Secretary Carlisle, in transmitting to the Senate a few days ago some infor- mation which had been requested of him, shows that the receipts of the government for the first three months of the current fiscal year fell off just $21,250,600, when compared with the same months of last year. Should the same rate keep up there would be a deficiency of $87,482,228 at the end of the year. The McKinley tariff law and billion congress “played hob” with the revenues. But Mr. Carlisle thinks there may be a change for the better during the balance of the year. They Will All Be Going E're Long. From the Columbia Herald. As the time for Democratic tariff re- form approaches, it is noticeable that more of the mills and factories that sus- pended operations because of the money panic are resuming work. Spawls from the Keystone, —Muncy has built forty-five new houses this year. —The iron manufacturers Monday offered the puddlers $4.50 a ton. —The body of John Ondeck was found ins mine reservoir near Stockton. —Mrs. 8. M. Warrenstord, of Belldvernoy. < Pa., has gone crazy on religion, —An alleged one-legged ghost is frighiten- ng the credulous people near Homewood, Pa, —The Pittsburg firemen got new .ure hel- ments Saturday. They are black instead of red. —G. M. Konkle, of Montoursville, has com. pleted a fine boardwalk in front of his resi- dence. —Lee Swartz,a Lock Haven painter, is suf- fering intense pain from the bite ofa black spider. ! —A dangerous horse disease of the nature of glanders is killing much stock in the vicinity of Wilkesbarre. —Edward L. Kelly, of Pittsburg, was badly beaten and robbed by tramps at Parkersburg W. Va. Saturday. —By a premature explosion in the Lansford colliery, Patrick McLaughlin and David Jen- kins were killed. —James Sweeney, 20 years old, was killed by a railroad engine at his home in Natrona yesterday afternoon. —A two-ton rock fell upon Reuben Rother- mal in the quarry at Rock Hill, Lehigh county, crushing him to a pulp. —As the result of an impromptu foot-race, John L. Zweitzig, of Lebanon, fell and crushed his head on the curbstone. —J. M. Laird’s hardware store at Hunt- ingdon, Pa., was robbed Monday night of a lot of guns and sporting goods. —The electric light poles at Muncy are be- ing erected, and the’ light is promised to be turned on not later than Dec. 15. —The house of Frederick Story, on Wash- ington avenue, Allentown, was damaged to the extent of $200 by fire Sunday. —The Thompson glassworks at Uniontown, Pa., which shut down in July, resumed work Saturday employing 200 men. . —Being deaf, aged, Joseph Lingle did not hear an approaching electric car in Harris- burg and was fatally injured. —Three burglars raided Craig Brother's jewelry store, at Scotland, and one of them was shot in the leg while escaping. —Mrs. Margaret Jones and her husband John Jones, of Braddock, are in: jail on a charge of keeping a disorderly house. —A patent on a metal binder has been granted to Charles R. Harris, of the Wire Buek- le Suspender company, of Williamsport. —George A. Blank, a prominent business man of Greensburg, Pa., made an assignment yesterday: Assets and liabilities unknown. —Mrs. Mary A. Noyes, widow of the late Hon. C. R. Noyes, of Westport, died at Phila- delphia last: week at Dr. Baer’s Sanitarium. —Ex-Judge Henry Hice, of Beaver, Pa. suffered a severe cut in the head by falling, in alighting from a moving street car Monday night. ; —Among the Pennsylvanians to whom pen® sion certificates have been issued is William L. Babcock, North Mountain, Lycoming county, —Jacob Sell, in Berks County Jail for aslight oftense, declares he will starve rather than eat anything in prison. He has refused food for five days. —Thus far this season 207,285 feet of logs have been rafted out of the Susquehanna boom, leaving from six to eight million feet yet to be taken out. —Wardell Tempest, of Monongahela City, was accidentally shot by his brother while crossing the river in a skiff. He is at the Mercy Hospital. —E. J. Jackson, arrested for defrauding the Cambria Iron Company, at Johnstown, Pa., hag been taken to jail. It is said the speculation amount to about $1,500. —Wild turkeys are so plenty in portions of Cambria county that hunters fall over them. An Ebensburg nimrod was: out ene day lest week and kilied three. —Elias Fisher, of Lebanon, who, two weeks ago, shot Alfred Smith and Amos Dasher, the latter seriously, when they sarenaded him on his wedding night, was Tuesday arrested. —Fresh from the rural district of Monroe County, Miss Kate Kochler, who on Monday went to live with Rev. W. C. Stiver’s family, Bethlehem, blew out the gas and was yesterday found dead. ~George McCrea, an oil tank builder, was found unconscious, with a gash in his head, beneath a bridge at Butler, Pa., Saturday night. He is alive, but still unconscious. He probably fell {rom the bridge. —Emma Buchanan, the colored nurse giry under arrest for murdering a baby by forcing concentrated lye down its throat, at Union- town, Pa., has confessed to the crime, saying a Connellsville girl had told her lye was good to quiet fretful babies. —From exchanges it is learned that the school board of Osceola refused to supply the schools with text books as required under the new law. The matter was taken to the eourt and Judge Krebs has decided thatthe board must furnish the books. —The many failures of the last few months have made the number of judgments entered in the Prothonotary’s office in Clearfield county unusually large. The entries for De c- ember term are already over four hundred, and this is ordinarily the smallest term. —A Farmers’ institute !will be held in the court house at Lock Haven on Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 12 and 13. A number of prominent agriculturists will be present and probably Governor Pattison may deliver an address. —Judge Savidge, of Sunbury, has rendered a decision to the effect that a man who allowed his cattle to pasture on the unenclosed wild lands of another must pay for that pasturage and declares that the owner of such unenclos,_ ed wild lands is not required to fence in his land. —Thomas Darkin, of Scottdale, 'Ta., a book- keeperfor the Frick Company, died at Unio n- town, Pa., Saturday night, of spinal meningie tis. A week before Durkin went to Uniontown to marry Mary Beatty. While overheated he drank ice water, became ill and] the fatal ma« lady developed. —Next year the village of Dunnstown, Cline ton county, will be 100 years old, having been laid out in 179+. The event is to be properly celzbrated and on Friday evening, November 10, a meeting will be held in the Dunnstown M. to make the prelixinary sre rangements for the celebration.