THLCLER, SRI Bellefonte, Pa., Nov. 3, 1893. NOTHING TO REGRET. Should some great angel say to tomorrow, “Thou must retread thy pathway from the start, But God will grant, in pity tor thy sorrow, Some one. dear wish, the nearest to thy eart.’ This were my wish: “From my life's dim ginning Let be hay has been! Wisdom planned the whole. My want, 1ny woe, my errors and my sinning, All, all were needed lessons for my soul.” —Ella Wheeler Wilcox. BE as i THE SONGS OF THE WIND. d in the splendid day 8s wild with the wealth of How sings the wi When the world May? “The world is thrilling with light and love; There was never a cloud inthe heavens aiove; Never a mateless and moanin dove, Never a grave for a rose to hi e, And never a rose that died I” How sings the wind in the hopeless night When tne Tote, long wicters are cold and whi “There are rainbows back of the storms to be, Back of the storms and their mystery ; But oh, for the ships that are lost at sea ! And oh, for the love in the lonesome lands, Far from the clasp of the drowning hands!" So the wind singeth. its Ged decrees The wind should sing such songs as these; Should laugh in the sunlight's silver waves And toss the green on the world’s sad graves. But why, in the night, should it sing to me Of the ships, the ships that are lost at sea ? —Frank L. Stanton in Atlanta Constitution. TE DUTY OVERCAME LOVE, The Priest Forgot His Vows and Turned From Church to Woman.—Her Strength Saved Both. A few evenings ago a careworn little old woman walked slowly up the street. In one hand she held the frayed edge of her skirt, in the other a bunch of flowers, the bright colors of which con. trasted strangely with her pale, pinhed face ‘and sombre black dress. She paused several times and looked ahead as though counting the steps her weary feet must take, then walked on again, So she came, until finally overcome with fatigue she dropped down on the doorstep to rest. I spoke to her and in answer she said : “Yes, iady, I am tired, dead tired, but I can stand the walk better than I could spare the five cents for a carride. I haven’t had much work lately, not enough to keep bread in the house, 80 it’s not much that I have to waste for rides. But I got a good day’s work today, and got good pay for it. I counted my money and felt rich. Then I counted the things I had to buy with it and I felt poor. There was one thing, though, that I had to buy first, even before bread for my supper, these flowers for my boy, lady, God bless him 1” Ste looked down at the flowers and seemed trying to revive them by lifting up their drooping blossoms, then went on again, “He used to live boy did ; street, ago. “Andrew was good and bright, so everybody said, and was for a long while altar boy at Father Gilbert's church. Father Gilbert wanted to make a priest of him, and one day, be- fore I had time to think over the mat. ter, he sent Andrew off to study for the priesthood. And when my boy came home he was a man and a priest. Ah | lady, it was a proud day for his moth- er. There was one thing that troubled me. Andrew was delicate like his father, and as the winter came on he grew thinner. He was advised to go to Southern California for the winter, and when we could we went. He wouldn't 2 without his old mother ; a good boy ‘he mas. We went first to Los Angeles -and/from there by way of the bay and town of. 8an Pedro, on to Sunta Bar- bara. Along the bay were pretty hills, - deep green from base to top, the sea- gulls flew by dozens around the ship, and the bay was almost covered with white sailed boats. “Behind the line of hills we could Bee the peaks ot the Sierras, some of them capped with snow, and others seemed a dark blue. Here and there we saw cottages, beautiful little homes, and now and then flocks of sheep feed- “ing on the hillsides. Then we saw the lang range of the Santa Ynez. It was all wonderful for me. Late in the eve- ning we reached the wharf. After supper Andrew and 1 sat near a bright wood fire, both silent but feel- ing better than we had ever felt before, and both thinking what a lovely day it had been, “Santa Barbara is a quiet village lying between the mountains and the .8ea. The birds sing and the flowers bloom all the year round and the air is always sweet and pure, From the balcony we could see the ocean, the islands of Santa Rosa and Santa Cruz and see the waves dashing and rolling over the beach. It was lovely. Every- thing seems to grow there and without care. There areall kind of trees and nwo end to flowers. Such flowers as they have there ; such flower gardens. We went to the old mission ; all through it except in the father’s gar- den, no woman is permitted to enter that, though she may stand in the mis- sion door and look in. “We rode about the country, and thought everything we saw was lovely —the place, the air, the birds and flow- ers and even the people. Andrew grew stronger every day. Yet, lady, I wish we had never gone there. “One day we were standing on the beach near Castle Rock and we heard some one singing, and looking in the direction of the sound, we eaw a girl perched high on a rock over the sea. “Her face was young, happy and beautiful. The wind tossed her dark bair about her shoulders, and every word of the Spanish love song came straight down for us to hear. It was the prettiest picture I had ever seen. think Andrew thought so, too, but he here, my lady, my used to play on this very But that was a long time said not a word. When she stopped singing he smiled and turned away. But the next day, while he was at mis- sion, he met her there. “He was pleased with this Spanish girl, and pleased with all the good things the fathers told him of her. And when I met her I liked her as well as the fathers did. She joined us many times in our walks and rides, and after awhile it seemed that we could not do without ber. She always seemed happy and always looked so pretty that I did not wonder at An- drew’s eyes being more interested in her than in the place I'd show him. “He and she were good friends and a great deal together, and sometimes I almost worried myself about them. Then I'd think of his being a priest, and I'd stop thinking ot it. But sometimes the tender looks he gave her baunted me, and I would lie awake at night and pray that my boy would not grow too fond of her, lest 'twould spoil the lives of both of them. “As the days went by I saw that mv boy was restless and low-spirited and Martina was shy and did not join us as often as she had at first. I thought over the matter and proposed leaving Santa Barbara, bnt Andrew wouldn't hear of going away. One day he asked me to go with him to Castle Rock that be might meet Martina there, and if he did he needed me to keep up his strength. 1looked in his eyes and read all—more than I wanted to read— what I would have given my life not to have found in them, and I got up and went with him, “Just beneath the rock we saw Mar- tina sitting looking out over the sea. She came forward to meet us, aud as she held out her hand to Andrew it trembled, her face flushed, and her eyes glowed like coals of fire, “Andrew lost his strength, all self control, and reaching (forward drew her to him and cried out. ‘Martina, I love you I” The girl looked up in his face and said. ‘And I love you Andrew.’ “Then she jerked herself out of his arms and with eyes filled with tears she hurried away withoutlooking baclk once. Andrew looked after her, he clasped his hands and moved his lips, but I did not hear what he said. I stood there feeling as though a blade had been driven into my heart. “The next day I told the fathers about it, and they treated it lightly, say- ing Andrew was but a boy, and that it was merely a boyish fancy, and he would soon get over it. I tried to be- lieve as they did, but to me it seemed a serious affair, When I came back I found the little Spanish maid waiting for me. Poor child, she was the pie- ture of woe, “She told me that she was pledged to a Spaniard ; that she she had beer for three years and her lover was only waiting for her to consent to his com- ing for her. She had just written for him to come, as by that means she could get away from Santa Barbara and, perhaps, in time, her duty to him would make her forget her love for An- drew. I took her in my arms and kiss- ed her as1 would my own child, and when she left me her” whole body was quivering with sobs. “Andrew heard she was soon to be married, and he was no longer like himself. He grew gloomy and stayed alone most of the time. And for three or four days and nights before Martina was married he did not sleep. All day and night he walked the floor and ate nothing at all. Ah, lady, it was hard on me, but it was hard for him and bard for her. Poor children, I pitied them both. We did nov see Manarti again until the day of her wedding, It was a sad day for us all, and asad wed- ding. There was but one happy per- son in the church, and that was Mar- tina’s husband. When it was over and everyone turned to go, I missed Andrew. Hearing voices in the sacris- ty I went in and found my boy bowed down with griet like a weak child. The father was talking to him, but he didn’t seem to hear anything that was said. We tried to keep it from him when the ship would sail with Martina and her husband, but he found it out and weut down with many others to see them off. “When she passed through the crowd saying good-bye Andrew rushed towards her and screamed: ‘Martina, oh | Martina. My God help me, I love her,’ and then feil forward on his face and lay there like one dead. “God help me, it would have been better if he had been. Whea they brought breath back to him his mind was gone, and, lady, it never came back. “He imagined Martina was coming back to him and spent all of his time sitting on Castle Rock watching for the ship that was to bring her. He would sit there in the rain for hours— always looking over the sea. And sometimes he would go to the mission and beg to climb the belfry of one of the towers that he might have a better view of the sea and ships coming in, “The padres humored him now and then, although they dreaded to see him climb so high. “He had said he never wanted to leave there, so I stayed and struggled along for us both. The fathers helped us, 80 we managed very well. “Poor boy; he lived on the same for many months and then one evening we found him sitting in his accustom- ed seat on Castle Rock— dead. “His face was turned towards the sea, but the drooping lids hid the pain. ful searching stare in his eyes. Ab, lady, how a mother’s heart can ache. I knelt down by the side of my dear boy and prayed that I might die and go with him, but I was left to struggle on a while longer. We buried him where he and Martina had told their love, and there he is resting still, “There was nothing more to keep me there, and as soon as I could I left and came back bere. As often as I can [ send a bunch of flowers. These are for him. They will be wilted after their long journey, but if he conld see them he would think a great deal of even a withered blossom from his old mother.” The old woman stopped talking to choke back a sob. Then she gathered up her skirt and trudged on up the street, As she turned the corner one well-worn black sleeve was raised to dry the tears on her sunken cheeks, and then she was lost to view, But somebody’s heart was with her, somebody’s eyes were dim, and some- body's prayers mingle still with those of that lonely mother. VirciNiA Payne HENDRICKS. ALL FrEE.—Those who have used Dr. King’s New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try it Free. Call on the advertised Druggist and get a Trial Bottle, Free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills, Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House- hola Iistructor, Free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing at Parrish’s Drugstore, ——The oldest tree on earth with an authentic history is the great Bhoo tree, of Amarahoora, Burmah. For twenty centuries it has been held sacred to Buddha, and no person isallowed to touch the trunk, although the leaves when they fall are carrien away as relics by pilgrims. SS ——Are your children subject to croup. Ifso you should never be with- out a bottle, of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. It is a certain cure for croup, and has never been known to fail. Bt given freely as soon as the croupy cough appears it will prevent the attack. It is the sole reliance with thousands of moth- ers who have croupy children, and nev- er disappoints them. There is no dan- ger in giving this Remedy in large and frequent doses, as it contains nothing in- jurious. 50 cent bottles for sale by F. Potts Green. ES —Amber, often classed among gems, is a fossil product. Most of the specimens inclosing insects are manu- factured from gum copal. : With health and beauty laden, A rich and priceless thing, To woman, pale and wasted, My precious gift I bring, Such the object and such the mission of woman’s valued friend, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. Don’t let un- reasonable prejudice prevent you from sharing the health and beauty proffered, in good faith, by this most excellent Remedy! None of the almost countless weaknesses and diseases peculiar to wo- men, but that readily yield to its mag- ical power! Manufactured, recom- mended, sold through druggists, and guaranteed by the World’s Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y., to give satisfaction, in every case, or money paid for it cheerfully refunded. ——A section of the Pacific railway in the Argentine Republic extends 211 miles without a curve. A ——————————————— ——ZEly’s Cream Balm is worth its weight in gold as a cure for catarrh. One bottle cured me.—S. A. Lovell, Franklin, Pa. re ——— A Peddler’'s Retort, “Do you want to buy some pencils ?”’ asked a peddler of an old country lady, who regards agents and their kin as a very pestilence. ¢No,” she answered sharply through a half closed door. “Tape?’ “No.” “Shoelaces? “No.” “Paper an envelopes?’ “No.” “Nee dles?” “No, no, no, no.” “No, no, no, no,” echoed the saucy mendicant, ‘it’s a wonder you’ve got a no 0-ose left on your face.”’— Springfield Homestead. ——1It is not what its proprietors say but what Hood’s Sarsaparilla does that tells the story of its merit. Hood’s Sar- saparilla cures. BE — ——The immense ' Ferris wheel, which excited so much wondering ad- miration in the minds ot visitors to the World's Fair, has been eagerly coveted as an attraction by many purveyors of public amusement, and itsultimate dis- posal is still a matter of doubt, It is now said that the owners of the wheel will not remove it, but will seek to es- tablish itas a permanent feature ot the Midway Plaisance. Evide: tly the bids have not been high enough. The ex- traordinary profits reaped by the pro- prietors of this unique and gigantic plaything of the public have made them mighty independent ; and if At. lantic City or Coney Island isto have a Ferris wheel it will probably be ne- cezgasy to duplicate the Chicago mon- ster which sprawls halfway across the Plaisance. Tourists. Luxurious Traveling. The climax of comfortable and luxurious traveling is apparently reached by the Chica- go, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, Ease and comfort go with the traveler making a trip from Chicago to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha or Sioux City over this road. Their| superb electric lighted vestibuled trains leaving Chi- cago for these points early every evening are great favorites, nothing being 'cft undone by the officials or employees to ensure a most en- joyable trip. Exc. llent dining service is maintained and buffet library cars are attach- ed to the train, where current periodicals may be perused whilelsmoking a cigar with all the pleasure of one’s own “den” at home. Electric lights placed in every berth enable the trav, eler to spend his wakeful hours, after retiring over his favorite novel or other reading mat- ter. Private compartment cars are run be- tween Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis. In fact, everything that gooa. to {ensure comfort and secucity is provided. The [trip from Chicagoto any of the above named cities (re- qnires but a night's run, bringing one at the destination ready for breakfast and business in the morning. All coupon ticket agents have tickets on sale via Chicago Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, or call on or address Jno. R. Pott, district passenger agent, Wil- liamsport, Pa. Tourists: Sechler & Co. Railway Guide. Cheap Excursions to the West. An exceptionally favorable opportunity for visiting the richest and most’productive sec- tions of the west and northwest will be afford. ed by the series of low rate harvest excursions which have been arranged by the North. West" ern Line. Tickets for these excursions wil be sold on August 22d, September 12th and October 10th, 1893, to points in Northwestern Towa, Western Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Manitoba, Nebraska, Colorado Wyoming and Utah, and willbe good tor re- turn passage within twenty days from date of sale. Stop-over privileges will be allowed on going trip in territory to which the tickets are sold. For further information, call ‘on or address Ticket Agents of connecting lines. Circulars giving rates and detailed informa tion will be mailed, free, upon application to W. A. Thrall, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Chicago & North-Western Railroad, Chicago. 31 9t. RRO. How Families Go to California. There are still many who do not know of the regular semi-monthly family excursions to California over the “Sunset Route” of the Southern Pacific Company (vie New Orleans). Families, individuals or parties of friends wishing to travel together, who do. not care to indulge in the luxury of a Pullman palace car, have no excuse to deny themselves the great- est treat of a lifetime in a visit to California; for, although only the second, or cheapest rate is charged, the trains are regular express trains, the sleeping cars are comfortable, have clean, fresh bedding, roomy lavatories and dressing rooms, and are kept perfectly clean and sweet. Every excursion is attended by a special agent of the Southern Pacific Com- pany, and his sole businessis to see to the wants of the passengers [without any extra cost to them. The “Sunset Route’ has singular attractions for those acquainted with the charms of the South. New Orleans is one of the most inter- esting cities in the world. The traveler will fine many strange and interesting things, and upon arriving in California, he will see its famous orange groves and beautiful vineyards and orchards all the way to San Francisco. The following agents of the Southern Pacific Company will give any desired information concerning rates, time of leaving any point, ete.: E. Hawley, Assistant General Traffic Manager, 343 Broadway, New York; E. E. Cur rier, New England Agent, 192 Washington Street, Boston, Mass.; R.J. Smith, Agent, 49 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa.; Geo. C, Herring, Agent, 201 Telephone'Building, Pitts- burg, Pa.; W. G. Neimyer, General Western Agent, 230 Clark Street, Chicago, Ill.; W. H. Connor, Commercial Agent, [Chamber of Com" merce Building, Cincinnati, 0.; W.C. Watson, General Passenger Agent, New Orleans, La.; T. H. Goodman, General Passenger Agent, San Francisco, Cal. 38-42-2t Cottolene. rpeees NOTHING —S0 GOOD AS— C—0—T—T—0—L—E--N—E. The new vegetable shortening. Wherever introduced, it drives lard from the kitchen, and indi- estion from the household. ft has been tried by every test, and has met every requirement. It is as much superior to lard as the electric light is to the tallow-dip. The only qu. stion now is, will you give your family the benefits which its use bestows? {THERE'S NOTHIN COTTOLEN Ei In composition, in healthfulness, in flavor, or in economy. Its success has called out a los of imitations and counterfeits made for the sole purpose of selling in the place and on the merits of Cottolene. EB oN REL DB Avoid them all. They are made to sell and they are a sell. Get the genuine CorToLENE, Sold in 8 and 5 pound pails. Made only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO. Curcaco, ILL. and 138 N. Delaware Ave., Phila. 38-43-4t-nr Music Boxes. {)rrars MUSIC BOXES Are the sweetest, most complet tone-sustaining, durable, and perfect Musical Boxes made, and any number of tures can be obtained tor them, De- lightful family, wedding, auniversary, and holiday gift. Buy direct of the makers, the oldest, most reliable, and responsible firm. Inspect'n invited. No Music Box can be guaranteed to wear well without Gautscih’s patented Safety Tune Change and Parachute, Manufacturers Headquarters for Gem and Concert Roller Organs; prices on= ly 6 and 12 dollars, extra Rollers with new tunes can be had at any time for .the low price of only 25 cents, also Syme phonions and Polyphones at Lowest Prices. Factory Established 1824. OLD MUSIC BOXES CAREFULLY RE- PAIRED AND IMPROVED and at low prices. New Cylinders with any kind of tunes made to order. GAUTSCHI & SONS 1030 Chestnut St., 3746-1y Philadelphia, Pa Manufacturered at St. Sroix, Switzerland Established 1824. | S ECHLER & CO.— —* GROCERS—BUSH HOUSE BLOCK. / —HEAD QUARTERS FOR— FINE GROCERIES, TEAS, SPICES AND FRUITS IN TEAS we have QOolongs, Gun-Pow- der, Imperial, Young Hyson, Japan English Breakfast, and our Fine Blend. ed Tea is something that will please any one who appreciates a cup of Royal Tea. IN SPICES, Cinnamon, Cloves, Al* spice, Nutmeg, Mace, Ginger, Cayenn Pepper, Mustard all strictly pure goods, IN COFFEES AND CHOCCLATE, Mocha—genuine, Java—OIld Govern- ment, Rio— Finest Brazilian. All ex- cellent quality and always fresh roasted. Baker's Premium Chocolate and Break- fast Cocoa, Van Houten's Cocoa, Wil: bur's Chocolate, and German Sweet Chocolate. IN COOKING EXTRACTS we keep a line of Joseph Burnett & Co’s, (Bos- ton) goods, they are the finest we can find, also a line of Knight's extracts. BEANS, California Limas, New York Marrow and Pea Beans, dried Green Peas. RICE New Crop Carolina Head Rice. DOMESTIC CANNED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES, ToMATOES Cottage, Home and Worthington Brands —CoRrN Persian and Mountain Brands, —CorN Granules, Lima Beans and Succotash, Dew Drop brand. GREEN Pras, Early Junes, Scottish chief and Cecelia brands. PINE APPLE sliced and grated, Strawberries and White Cher- ries, Dew Drop brand. Boston Baked Beans. CALIFORNIA CANNED FRUITS, Yellow Crawford, Lemon Cling, and White Heath Peaches, White Cherria and Apricots. IMPORTED VEGETABLES AN1 FRUITS, French Peas and Mush- rooms, Preserved Cherries, Straw- berries, Brandy Cherries and Crosse Blackwell's Jams all in glass. MISCELLANEOUS, Pure Maple Syrup, Honey strained and in combs, Plum Pudding, Armour’s Corned Beef Potted Tongue and Ham, Condensed milk, Dunham's Shred Cocoa nut. Rich Mild Cream Cheese, Small Family Cheese, Bradford County Dairy But- ter. Buckwheat Flour, Corn Flour, Gluten Flour, Vienna Flour. Fine Confectioners and Cut Loaf Sugars Extra Fine New Crop New Orleans Syrups, Pure White Sugar Table Syrup, Pure Cider Vinegar. NUTS, Princess Paper Shell, Califor- | nia and Bordan Almonds, Assorted Nuts, English Walnuts, Pecans extra large, Cream Nuts, Fresh Roasted Peanuts, Cocoa Nuts extra quality. IN CONFECTIONARY, we hav Fine Mixtures, Cream Chocolates Roast Almonds, Cream Dates, Ros and Vanilla, Jordon Almonds, Frenc Glace Fruits, Fine Chocolate Caramels Chocolate Marsh Mallows, § Cocoa Nui bon bons, Chocolate Madridos, Lozenges, Clear Toys, and a large assortment of fine goods in this line "all carefully se- lected. FRANQO French Bouillon, Consomme, Ox Tail, Mock Turtle, Mulligatawny, and Terrapin. OLIVE OIL, S. Rea § C(o.s} Pint, Pints and Quarts. The finest ana. lysts in the World pronounces it pure. PICKLES IN GLASS, Crasse 4 Blackwell's Chow Chow, Gherkins, Mized, White Onions, Cauliflower, Picalilli, and Walnuts. CEREAL GOODS. Oat Meal, Rolled Oat, Cracked Wheat. Pearl Barley, Breakfast and Dinner Hominy, Ma- caront and Vermacceli. MEATS. Fine Sugar Cured Hams, Breakfast Bacon and Dried Beef, White Rose Lard. GREEN FRUITS, Florida Oranges, Messina Lemons, White Almeria Grapes, Catawba Grapes, and Jersey Cranberries. CURED FRUITS. Evaporated Cali- Jornia Pared and unpared Peaches, and Apricots. RAISINS, Imperial Cluster, Fine Lay- ers, Ondaras, Valencias, Sultana and California Seedless and Loose Mus catels. FISH. New Mackerel very fine, Qodfis| boneless and evaporated, SALMc2 Magnolia, Astoria and Glacier brand Hoeg’s Spiced Salmon, Shrimps, Lb. sters, Crab Meats and Spiced Oysters. Sardines, French }s, and 3s Boneless. SECHLER & CO. 38-9 BELLEFONTE, Pa. AMERICAN SOUPS, | PiRssyLyasia RAILROAD AND BRANCHES. Dec. 18th, 1892. VIA TYRONE—WESTWARD. Leave Belleronte, 5.35 a. m.. arrive at Tyrone, 6.52a. m., at Altorna, 7.40 a. m., at" Pitte- © burg, 12.10 p. m. Leave Rellefonte, 10.28 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.558. m. at Al‘oona, 1.45 p. m., af Pitte- ourg, 6.50 p: m Lesve Bellefonte, 5.15 p. m., arrive at Tyrone, 6.33, at Altoona at 7.25, at Pittsburg at 11.20. VIA TYRONE—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 5.35 a. m., arrive at J Trone, 6.65, at Harrisburg. 10.30 a. m., at Philadel- phia, 1.25 p.m. Leave Belletonte 10.28 a. m., arrive at Tyrone, 11.55 a. m., at Harrisburg, 3.20 p. 'm.,s Philadsipiis, 6.50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 5.15 p. m., arrive at Tyio5e, 6.33 at Harrisburg at 10.20 p. m., at Phila- delphia, 4.25 a. m.. VIA LOCK HAVEN—NORTHWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Haven, 10.37 a. m. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m., arrive at Lock Ha ven, 5.25 p. m., at Renovo, 9. p. m. Leave Bellefonte’ at 8.45 p. m,, arrive at Lock Haven at 9.50 p. m. VIA LOCK HAVEN—EASTWARD. Leave Bellefonte, 9.32 a. m., arrive at Lock Hae ven, 10.37, leave Williamsport, 12.30 B; m, at Harrisburg, 3.30 p. m., at Philadelphia at 6.50 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 4.30 p. m.: arrive at Lock Ha- ' Yen, 5.25. p. m.; Williamsport, 6.45 p. m., Harrisburg, 10.05 p. m. . Leave Bellefonte, 8.45 p. m.,, arrive at Lock Ha ven, 10.10 p.m. leave Williamsport, 12.26 a. m., leave Harrisburg,3.45 a. m., arrive at Philadelphia at 6.50 a. m. VIA LEWISBURG. Leave Bellefonte at 6.20 a. m., arrive at Lewis- burg at 9.00 a. m., Harrisburg, 11.40 a. m. Philadelphia, 3.00 p. m. Leave Bellefonte, 2.15 Pp. m., arrive at Lewis- burg, 1.47, at Harrisburg, 7.05 p. m., Phila. delphia at 10.55 p. m. BALD EAGLE VALLEY. WESTWARD. EASTWARD, 7 g Dee. 19, ¥ 8 uo i x B 1892. FH i kB P.M.| A, M. | A, M. [ArT Lv. A M pu |p um 6 33] 11 55 6 52|... «| 810/310] 7 28 6 27) 11 48] 6 45|..E. 8171317) 732 6 23 11 43] 6 42 8 20/3 20| 7 35 6 19| 11 38| 6 38 8253 24) 739 6 13( 11 32| 6 32 830/330 745 6 10| 11 29| 6 30|... 8 32|3 83] 748 6 OR 11 26/ 6 28|... Hannah...| 8 36/3 87| 7 52 6 011 11 17| 6 21|Pt. Matilda.| 8 43|3 44| 7 59 5 54| 11 09] 6 13|...Martha....| 8 51/3 52) 8 07 5 45| 11 00| 6 05|....Julian....| 8 59/4 01| 8 18 6 36( 10 51| 5 65{.Unionville.| 9 10/4 10| 8 25 528) 10 43| 5 48/...8.8. Int...| 9 18 417 882 6 25 10 38| 5 45{.Milesburg | 9 22/4 20| § 85 5 15] 10 28) 5 35|.Bellefonte.| 9 32/4 30] 8 45 5 05/ 10 18| 5 25|.Milesburg.| 9 47/4 40 9 00 4 57 10 ¢9| 5 18|...Curtin....| 9 66/4 46| 9 07 4 50 10 02| 5 14|.Mt. Eagle..| 10 02/4 50 9 15 4 44| 9 54| 5 07|...Howard...| 10 09 4 57 922 435 945 459 Eagleville.| 10 17/5 05| 9 80 433] 9 42 4 56|Bch. Creek. 10 20|5 08| 9 38 4211 931 4 46/.Mill Hall...| 10 31/5 19] 94 4 18| 9 29| 4 43 Flemin’ton.| 10 34/5 22| 9 47 4 15) 9 25 4 40/Lek. Haven| 10 37/5 25| 9 50 P.M. A M.|A Mm. A. M. [A.M.| P, M. TYRONE & CLEARFIELD. NORTHWARD SOUTHWARD, 5 5 Dec. 19, o g ge E 1892. = P.M./P. M. | A. M. Lv. Ar fa. Mm. Am (P. m 780 315 8 20|..Tyrone....| 6 46 11 45/6 12 787 322 825.E. Tyrone. 6 39| 11 38/6 05 743 32 831... ail... 6 34| 11 34/6 00 765 336 841|.Vanscoyoc.| 6 26| 11 25/5 52 8 00/ 3 40| 8 45|.Gardners..| 6 24| 11 21/5 50 8 071 349) 8 £5 Mt.Pleasant| 6 16] 11 12/5 43 8 15| 3 56| 9 05|..Summit...| 6 09] 17 05/5 33 819) 359 910 Sand. Ridge| 6 05| 10 585 27 821 401| 9 12|...Retort..... 6 03] 10 54/56 25 8 24| 4 02| 9 15|.Powelton...| 6 01] 10 52/5 28 8 30( 4 08 9 24|..0sceola...| 5 52 10 40/5 11 8 41| 4 15] 9 33(..Boynton...| 5 45| 10 33/5 03 8 45| 418] 9 37|..Stoiners...| 5 43] 10 30/4 58 8 47) 422) 9 39/Philipsbu’g| 5 41| 10 27/4 55 8 51 4 26| 9 43(..Graham...|. 5 37] 10 21/4 49 8 57|' 4 32| 9 49|.Blue Ball.| 5 33| 10 17/4 44 9 03| 439) 9 55 Wallaceton.| 5 28 10 10 4 39 9 10| 4 47| 10 02|....Bigler..... 5 22| 10 02(4 80 9 17 4 52} 10 ¢7|.Woodland..| 517| 9 54/4 23 9 24| 4 58] 10 13|... Barrett. 512| 947(415 9 28| 5 02| 10 17|..Leonard...| 509] 9 43/4 12 9 35| 5 08] 10 21|..Clearfield..| 5 04] 9 36/4 07 9 40| 5 11} 10 28|..Riverview.| 5 00| 9 32/4 02 9 47) 5 16| 10 33|Sus. Bridge| 4 54| 9 24/3 56 9 65 5 25| 10 38/Curwensv’e| 4 50, 9 20/2 50 P.M.| P.M. | A. M. A.W | A MPM, BELLEFONTE & SNOW SHOE BRANCH. Time Table in effect on and after LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAILROAD. Schedule in effect December 18th, 1892. WESTWARD. EASTWARD. 111 103 114 | 112 SraTrons. P. M.| A. M. 200] 540 208 615 6 4 3% 222 628 4 35 231 6 37. 4271 2 43 6 50]. 415 251) 658 407 311] 718 3 48 330| 738 3 30 347) 7 55|....Rising Springs..... 721 314 4 01] 809|....... Centre Hall...... 708 301 4 (7 816 «| 700] 254 413 823 6 52 247 418 828 647 242 422 832 6 43 287 4 271 8 37... .| 638 233 497 847... Pleasant Gap......| 6 28 223 4 45] 8 53|........ Bellefonte......... 620 215 P.M. | A.M. A.M. | P.M. LEWISBURG & TYRONE RAIROAD. WESTWARD. Upper End. EASTWARD = 8 i Mow, 16, = & 891." a | & & | & M. A.M. | P.M. 50/.....8cotia..... 9 21 4 40|...... 05|..Fairbrook.| 9 09| 4 25[...... 15/Pa. Furnace 8 56| 4 15|...... 21|...Hostler...| 8 50 4 08|...... 26|...Marengo.., 8 43| 4 01]..... 5 32|.Loveville..| 8 37| 3 55/..... 5 39| FurnaceRd| 8 31 8 49 5 43/Dungarvin.| 8 27| 8 46 L353 83). W. “ark..] 819] 888 i H 03 Pennington 8 10, 330 il az 15]. Stover. 758 318 110] © 25/.Tyrone.%| 750 310 ELLEFONTE CENTRAL RAILROAD. To take effect April 4, 1892. EASTWARD. WESTWARD, Ac. Ex. | Mail. go ove | AC] Ex | Ma 2d P. M.! A. M. [AT.| A, mle. Mm. 6 35] 3 50, 9 05|.Bellefonte.|s 30 10 30, 4 40 6 28) 3 44| 8 59|...Coleville...|6 37] 10 35| 4 45 6 25 3 41| 8 56|....Morris....|6 40! 10 38] 4 48 6 22 3 38) 8 52[.Whitmer.../6 44| 10 43| 4 51 6 19) 3 35 8 49/....Linns....[6 47| 10 46| 4 54 6 17] 3 33] 8 47|. Hunters...[6 50 10 49| 4 56 6 14/ 3 31] 8 44/[..Fillmore...|6 53| 10 52| 5 00 6 11] 3 238] 8 40|....Sellers....|6 57| 10 56] 5 08 6 09) 326 8 as|....Brialy.....[T 00| 10 58 5 05 6 05 323 8 35/..Waddle...[7T 05/ 11 01 5 10 6 02) 3 20| 8 30|Mattern Ju|7 08] 11 03] 5 12 551) 300 8 18/.Krumrine..[7 21| 11 13| 5 2¢ 548, 2 55] 8 14|....8truble...|7T 24| 11 17| 5 27 5 | 2 50 8 10/StateColl’ge|r 30| 11 20| 5 30 On the Red Bank branch trains will run as follows : GOING EAST WILL LEAVE Red Bank at 8 00 a. m and 5 35 p.m Stormstown at 8 05 5 40 Mattern at 8 12 5 43 Graysdale at 8 17 5 46 Mattern Ju. at 8 20 5 50 GOING WEST WILL LEAVE : Mattern Ju. 7 14a. m. and 5 13 m Graysdale 17 19 516 Mattern 7 24 5 20 Stormstown 7 29 5 23 Red Bank 7 35 5 35 Thos. A. BuoEnakkR, Supt.