Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 27, 1893, Image 2

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Bellefonte, Pa., Oct. 27, 8983.
“Ram it in, cram it io,
Children’s heads are hollow;
Slam it in, jam it in,
Still there’s more to follow;
Hygiene and history,
Astronomic mystery,
Algebra, histology,
Latin, etymology,
Botany, geomery,
Greek and trigonometry,
Ram it in, cram itn,
Children’s heads are haliow.
»% it in, tap it in:
hat are teachers paid for’?
Bang it in twang it in:;
‘What are children made’for?
Ancient archaology,
Arvan phiology,
Prosoay, zoology.
Physics, climatology,
Caleilus and mathematics,
Rhetoric and hydrostatics;
Hoax it in, coax it in,
‘Children’s head are hoflow.
Seold it/in, mould it in,
Wil that Hey ean swallow ;
Fold it in, hold it in,
Still there’s moreitoi follow:;
Faces pinched, sad and pale,
Tell the same unvarying tale,
Tell ofimoments robbed from sleep,
Meals untasted, studies deep,
Those who've passsed the furnace through
With aching brow will tell to you—
It was Monday morning, and Mr.
Samuel Frisby was hanging out the
clothes on the line. Hehad a large
gingham apron tied around his waist,
and held up one end of it with his left
hand, thus forming aireeeptacle for the
clothespins. With his other hand
he lifted the wet clothes from the bas-
ket at his feet, and with the occasional
assistance of his teeth, arranged them
on the line, aed fastened them with
pins. A half-desen children of various
ages.and degrees -of blackness played
around the yard. In front of the
doorway stood his wife, “Big Mag,"
ag she was knowa in the neighborhood.
She had a short pipe in her mouth,
and was wringingout clothes from the
blue water into the ‘“‘clear-starch.”
How she and out of that same
doorway was -& wonder to all who
knew her. Her height would have
been great for a:man, and her bones
were 80: uncommonly well covered with
quivering, shaking, shining black flesh
that one might «be almost tempted to
doubt. their very existence, ‘were it not
for her frequent:reference to them.
She had not, unhappily, that placid-
ity .of disposition that ‘is commonly
supposed to accompany great corpu:
lenge. Her eyes saapped as she now
and then threw soapy water around
her, to admonish the children that
they were coming too close.
Sam had emptied his basket, and
was-gitting on a wooden stool® with his
back .against .the house, tranquilly
smoking his pipe,when his meditations
were-gomewhat rudely interrupted by a
wet, s0apy garmentthat was dashed in
his face with considerable force,
“¥.¢’ lazy, mis'ble nigger, screamed
Mag's-shrill voice. “Why ain't you
hung up derest.o’ dem clothes ? Heah
I am working. my al bones off, an’ you
loafin, round, smokin’ yo’ pipe, like yo’
was 8 gen’leman.”
Samaneekly dodged another soapy
missile that accompanied the latter
part of this wifely admonition, He
wiped tbe starch and soapsuds off his
face with the -end .of his apron, and
looked .dubiously at the basket of
freshly-starched clothes.
“Sarah Frances,” he called cautious-
ly to one of the children, “yo’ go an’
fetch me.dat basket ¢’.clothes standin’
by yo’ mommy,
After hanging up the clothes instead
of returning to the house as before, he
left his apron in the basket, first look-
ing to see that Mag's hack was turned,
and walked down the road, shaking his
head slowly from side to side. He was
thinking of the days when he had first
courted Mag,
“How come I to doit? How come I
to do it 2’ he mused dismally. He felt
now, in an injured sort of way, that
Mag bad taken a rather undue share
of the courtship on herself.
When he got to the foot of ithe hill,
he saw Tishy Taylor, Mag’s niece, en-
gaged in the same occupation that he
had just quit. It seemed, somehow, to
assume a different aspect as he watched
her doing it. She was a mulatto girl
—what Sum would have described as
“light compleeted,” Her slim figure
looked trim and pretty in its tight:fit-
ling lavender gown : she was singing
to herself as ehe hung the clothes on
the line. Saw leaned on the fence, and
sighed heavily as he watched her.
“Hello, Sam,” called a voice that
(made him jump. “What business
have you to be leaning over the fence,
making eyes at Tish, Haven't you
a wifeat home 2”
“I know it. Cap'n, 1 know it,” said
Sam ruefully turning to hold the Cap-
tain’s horse. An’ that'sjes where the
trouble comes in.
Captain Scott was Tishy’s employer.
He had received his title partly because
his father had been in the army and
partly because a plain “mister” seemed
hardly suited to his portly, jovial fig-
“Why, what's the matter?” Has
Mag been licking you again ? He ask-
ed laughing.
“No, Cap'n, it ain’t dat. Leastways,
not lately, he corrected himself. “But
I tell you how it air, Cap'n, dat woman
dou’ give me a minute's peace o my
life. I can’t smoke my pipe in peace,
av’ I's dat sore trom havin’ things
throwed at me.”
“Well, well,” interrupted the Captain
with his jovial laugh. “The only thing
left for you to do, Sam, is to geta
“A d'vorce, How's dat?” queried
Bam, with a gleam of hope in his
“Why get a divorce—a separation,
vou know. The law wou’t make you
live with a woman you ean’t get along
with. Incompatibility of temper the
lawyers call it."
“Do the law say that?’ egid Sam
eagerly. “I’m patibility of temper.
Dat’s jes’ it, jes’ it exac’ly.”
horse go by, and stood for some min-
utes in the road, buried in thought.
When he looked up he saw Tishy still
at work. The sight seemed to inspire
“Good mornin’, Miss Tishy,” he
said, brightly, crossing over to where
she stood. “How's yo’ health to-
day ?”’
He stepped aside to let the Captain’s |
his family drove by on their way to
| chureh, Sam tock off his tall hat
with such a flourish that it nearly
| swept the road.
“You look like a bridegroom, Sam,”
called the captain.
“Dat’s jes’ it, cap'n, jes’ it exac’ly,”
retarned Sam, with a broad grin.
When he saw Tish he almost forgot
his own splendor at the sight of her.
She had on a pale blue flowered gown,
and a broad rimmed rose-color hat
yo’ 'sprised me,” giggled Tishy. She
had been watching him all the while.
How’s Mag ?”
Tishy,” said Sam mysteriously, “I's
gwine get a d’'vorce from her im’pati-
shoulder. Sam stepped a little closer,
“Why, I’clare, Mistah Frisby. How
“Don’ yo’ say Mag to me. Miss
And,” he added,
bility of temper.
gwine get another
meaningly, “1's
“Laws 'ee, Mistah Frisby,” giggled
Tishy, coyly, with her head so far on
one side that it fairly rested on her
and put his arm adroitly around Tishy’s
slim waist. :
“Yo’ sholy is sweet, Miss Tishy,” he
said, tenderly.
“Laws 'ee, Mistah Frisby,” giggled
Tishy again, and still more bashfully
than before. But this time it was on
Sam’s shoulder, and not her own that
her head rested.
In about half an hour Sam started
up the road again. The dejection of
the morning was gone, and his eyes
shone hopefully, but still he walked
slowly. Not that Sam ever so far for-
got himself as to move with anything
approaching rapidity, but this was ev-
en slower than his natural gait,
He was debating in his mind how |
he should break the news to Mag. The
formality of having a lawyer did not
occur to him. She sholy will take it
hard,” he said to himself several times
shaking his head dubiously.
His reverie was cut short by the
sound of her voice.
“Yo’ lazy hulkin’ nigger,” she yell-
ed. “What you been gabblin’ to Tish
’bout all de mo’nin ? Ain’t I worked
de bone outen my body, and de baby
hymn,” he wispered.
like hollerin’,
trimmed with black feathers. She also
wore white gloves. :
“Yo' sholy does look sweet, Miss
Tishy,” he kept repeating on their way
to church, and every time he said it he
gave herarm a gentle squeeze by way
of emphasis.
“Laws, ee, Mistah Frisby, how yo’
does flatteh,” she would reply, with a
bashful giggle.
At the church Sam proudly walked
his partner up to the very front row of
seats. As they had only one hymn
book between them, Sam felt that it
would be only polite to put his arm
around her, so that she should be as
near it as possible.
ic either of them that he held the book
upside down.
It mattered little
“I wish dey would sing a hallalujah
“] jes’ does feel
The minister had finished a prayer
and the second hvmn had been given
out when a sudden hush fell on the
congregation as if everybody was hold-
ing his breath. The perspiration stcod
out on Sam's face without daring to
turn round, he felt that Mag had en-
tered the church.
Without a word, but with a light in
her eyes that boded ill to anybody that
approached her, she strode down the
aisle, and laid her hand on Sam’s coat
collar, Still silently, she jerked him
from theseat and marched him before
ber out of the church and into the
Then she spoke. “Yo' is gwine
d’vorce me, is you ?”’ she hissed, still
keeping an uncomfortably tight hold
on Sam's collar, and giving him a
shake at every word,
cryin’, and dinnah to get, an’ yo’ goes
oft visitin’.”
She was standing by the fence at the
place where the gate should have
been. She was holding the youngest
hanging around her skirts. The pipe
was still in her mouth, but it did not
in the least interfere with the fluency
self into such a passion that Sam deem-
ed it prudent to make a complete cir-
rear door. He put on his gingham
apron again and set about getting din-
wait till Mag was somewhat calmer be-
fore telling her the news.
After dinner was over he put the
baby to sleep. Then he gathered in
the dry clothes, sprinkled them, and
rolled them tight for Mag to iron in
the morning. He kept out of her way
as much as possible, though he could
not get beyond
“Now, don’ yo' get huffy, Mag,” he
said, soothingly, from time to time.
This adjuration far from having the
desired effect, only increased her irri-
tability. The nextday, while Mag had
the flat-irons in her band, there was a
better reason that ever for not disturb-
ing her equanimity by any unpleasant
But, though Sam eaid nothing,
there was the light ot subdued triumph
in his eyes, and an air of passive in-
Sind Chad in his very obedience
that served greatly to increase that
lady’s tendency to “‘huffiness.” She nev-
er seemed to him to be in just the
frame of mind necessary to grasp such
a novel idea. During the week, he
carried home the basketfuls of snowy,
freshly ironed clothes. Every time he
passed the house where Tish lived he
would stop, rest his basket on the
ground a few minutes, and lean on the
fence, looking at the house with a
broad smile to himself. Tishy was
busy indoors, and he could not see
her. Then he would lift his basket
again, and go on to the town, chuck-
ling to himself all the way.
Ou Sunday morning, Sam felt that
the time had come. Mag had gone to
visit a neighbor. He took out the
highest collar and the largest pair of
cuffs he possessed. They were ironed
to the highest possible state of glossi-
uess, for Mag felt that her reputation
as a laundress rested on Sam’s looking
well of a Sunday. Then from a box
under the bed, he produced a suit of
light gray clothes, which he patted
and smoothed with ineffable satisfac-
tion. They had once belonged to the
‘Captain, and were rather loose on
Sam's spare form. After arraying him.
self in these, he spent about twenty
minutesin front of the httle looking
glass in the kitchen tying his red cra-
vat. Then after surveying himself
with some pride, he took up his tall
hat, and the pair of gold-rimmed spec-
tacles without which no gentleman of
African lineage considers his toilet
complete, and went out to find the
“George Henry," he said to his little
son, “when yo' mommy gits back, yo’
tell her Is got a d’vorce from her, and
I ain’t a comin’ back no mo’.”" George
Henry looked as if he scarcely ap-
preciated the importance of this bit of
information, so Sam went on. “Yo
can tell her that I's jes’ about ti'ad of
her tantrums, and 1's gwine get anoth-
er wife.
*Chil’ren,” he continued, surveying
them impressively, “yo’ can all kiss
me good-bve. Afte’ this I ain’t gwine
be yo’ poppy no mo’. I's gwine marry
Tish Taylor, an den I'll be yo’ uncle.”
Just how Sam evolved this matter of
relationship it would be hard to say,
Without understanding the nature
of the calamity that had befallen them,
the children setup a loud howl, which
followed Sam down the road, and
his new happiness. Just before he
reached Tishy’s home, he stopped at a
cottage and plucked a pink rose to put
in his buttonhole. The captain and
child on her hip, ‘and the others were
of her speech. She had worked her-
cuit of the house and enter by the
It seemed to him advisable to
the reach of her
seemed to him a pleasing prelude to |
There was an amount of menace in
that “hub” that would have discon-
certed a far bolder man than Sam.
“I was jes’ a funnin’, Mag,” he whis-
“Well, now, I's gwine do a little fun-
nin’ an’ yo’ see how yo’ like it. Now
yo' come 'long.”
As she still kepta tight hold on
Sam’s collar and pushed him in front
of her, and as Sam was too much
choked and frightened to think of offer-
ing resistance, this injunction to “come
"long” seemed rather superfluous.
A large part of the congregation
seemed disposed to accompany them,
had not the minister hurriedly mount-
ed the pulpit and called in a loud
voice: “Now, my brethren, dey is one
thing de Good Book tells us, and dat is,
‘Nevah yo’ inte’fere ’tween a man an’
hig wife, or a wife an’ her husban’,”
he added, on second thoughts. “Now,
if Brother Brown and Brother Sanders
will kin'ly stan’ with dey backs to the
do’, an’ Sister Rachel Green will give
us her ‘sperience with r'ligion, we will
perceeed with the services.”
Only once did Mag speak on the way
home. Her silence, however, was
more ominous than any words could
be. When they reached the house
where Tishy Taylor dwelt, she stopped
short in the middle of the road with a
suddenness that took away what little
breath remained in Sam.
“Yo is gwine get a d’vorce is yo’?
she demanded. The remark was
more in the nature of a threat than an
The children were collected around
the doorway when they reached home,
but she brushed through without
seeming to notice them. Inside the
door she paused. Then she fairly lift-
ed Sam from his feet and flung him,
with a force that would have crushed
an ordinary man, into a corner.
“Yo' 'onery black niggah,” she yell-
ed at him, “yo’ stay in dat co’ner while
I pravs to de’ Lawd fo’ strength to
lick the mig’ble life out’n yo.”
Mag threw herselt on Lier knees in
front of a chair, and began her suppli-
cations in a loud voice.
“She's gwine kill yo’ ol’ poppy, chil’- |
ren,” whimpered Sam, looking appeal- |
ingly at the frightened youngsters.
Mag’s exhortations rose shriller and
shriller, Her body swayed back and
forth with the excitement she was la.
boring under. Finally she raised the
chair above her head and rose to her
feet with a whoop.
“Yo’ is gwine get o d’vorce, is you’, |
she ehrieked, Sam had dropped on his
knees, half dead already with ter-
The next morning, Mr. Frisby, vari-
ously adorned with patches and band-
ages, was again engaged in hanging out
the wash. Not once did his eyes stray
ona the house at the foot of the
it. :
Ventilating Sewers.
Some of the English towns and cities
have introduced a device for ventiluting
sewers—a Bunsen gas burner operating
to beat to a high temperature a series of
cast iron cones over the surfaces of
which the sewer gases have to - pass on
their way out to the atmosphere, which
by such contact are entirely destroyed.
In order to obviate all danger of explo-
sion caused by leakage, this new safety
furnace consists of a series of cylindric-
al rings or segments, each mechanically
fitted. An intermediate ring divides
the combustion chamber from the verti-
cal air passages formed between the in-
ner and outer ring of the furnace. The
heat of the furnace is conveyed to the
outer ring by means of thick cast iron
webs that form tiers of air channels
through which the uprising sewer air
| passes, and the burrer is supplied with
air taken from the outside of the ‘‘de-
, stroyer column.”
| nee —
Directors of physical culture say
‘that heavy dumbbells do more harm
than good, as they strain the heart and
lungs as well as the muscles they are
supposed to benefit.
Few people who have attended the
Exposition have appreciated the im- |
portance of the Emergency Hospital ; |
although probably they have been terror
stricken by the apparently reckless
manner in which the hospital ambau-
lances dash around the promenades,
There have been an average cf over one
hundred hospital patients a day since
the pening of the Exposition. The
largest percentage isthe people who
keep on going in their sightseeing until
they fall exhaused, and in many cases
the attending physicians say indigestion
brought about by irregular eating has
played an important part.
St. Thoraas, one of the West Indies, Is
land discovered by Columbus, is vividly
represented by a model in the Transpor-
tation building, which is wade on the
scale of six inches to a mile horizontally.
The outlines of the island are an exact
reproduction of the sea beach in minia-
ture, and palm groves, towns, harbors
and shipping are shown in the natural-
ness of real life. Among the vessels
represented in the harbor are United
States cruisers and two of the Columbus
caravels now to be seen at the Exposi-
tion. 3
An exhibit made by the Horticultural
Department in a section of the Midway
Plaisance causes surprise, but is very
practical in its way. Itis a section of
an old rail fence overgrown by a vigor-
ous growth of ordinary garden weeds,
which are described by a card as “Things
to hit with a hoe.” Nearly all of the
mors troublesome weeds are to be seen
Probably very few of the millions of
eople that have visited the Exposition
Poe thought of the busy scenes that
must be enacted after the gates to the
grounds are closed to the public for the
night. A glimpse late in the afternoon
of the plaza around the Administration
building and of the benches surround-
ing the basin and lagoons reveals an
amount of rubbish in the shape of
packages, papers, and boxes remaining
from lunch parties that would fill a
great many wagons. HKvery night,
promptly at eleven o'clock, an army of
men goes over the grounds gathering
up all the rubbish, which is then burn-
ed. Another army follows with sweep-
ers, cleaning up and repairing the
promenades and repairing breaks in the
lawns. Following these ccme the
Spacing carts. This work consumes
the greater part of the night. As early
as three o’clock a. m., provisions and
supplies of all kinds begin to arrive at
the various gates.
The OCkicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul Railroad exhibits a light and heat
tender in the Transportation building,
which has been used on its vestibuled
express trains. The car weighs 76,000
pounds. It is fitted with a boiler of the
locomotive type, which carries steam at
a pressure of 100 pounds. Five thou-
sand pounds of coal and gallons of water
can be carried in the fuel and water
tanks. These tanks and the boiler
occupy about three-fifths of the car. In
the remaining space is an electric plant,
consisting of a Westinghouse automatic
engine ot eighteen horse power, belted
by a link belt to an Edison fifteen kilo-
metre 110 volt dynamo. This tender has
been used continually in winter on
limited trains to ten cars each running
between Chicago and Minneapolis, and
has not only supplied necessary steam
for heating the train, but has also
maintained 200 incandescent lamps of
sixteen candle power each.
Canada makes a splendid display
in the Manufactures and the
Liberal Arts building, and it is
evident from the variety of manufactur-
ed products that the Dominion has
made great strides in fostering home
industries. The great feature of this
exhibit is the display made by the In-
dian schools of Manitoba and the North-
west. A number of Indian girls and
boys from these schools are seen practic-
ing different trades and kinds of work.
One girl will be knitting, another
crocheting, others doing fancy needle
work and embroidery, while still others
spin yarn on an old-fashioned spinning
wheel, weave rag carpeting on a hand
loom, and do other work. The boys
are setting type, operating a hand print-
ing press, and otherwise demonstrating
their skill. A great many samples of
work done by these young Indians are
exhibited. Some excellent carpentry and
iron products show the practical train-
ing that the boys receive. A wigwam,
such as these Indiansin their native
condition inhabit, adds special interest
and contrast to this exhibit. It is cov-
ered with buckskin, and in connection
with it there are shown household
utensils and native-made hunting and
fishing apparatus. There isa fine dis-
play of robes, such as are used in the
extreme Northwest, made of different
materials, such as loon skins, lynx
paws, deer skin, muskrat, and there are
several robes made of Arctic rabbit
skins. The skin of the rabbit is tender,
and in order to give these robes strength
the skin is cut into strips and twisted,
and the twists woven, leaving coarse
meshes, yet making a very warm robe.
This sort of a robe is used very exten-
sively all through British America,
from Manitoba even as far north as the
raouth of the Mackenzie River, and is
also in use among the Hsquimaux of
Alaska, They are almost as light as
down and have equal warmth.
Idaho’s mining interests are extensive
as shown by the size of its exhibit in
the Mining building, where several
large piles of ores, mostly gold, silver,
and silver-lead ores, are displayed, but
also specimens of copper and lead and a
few valuable stones such as opals and
rubies. The Utah exhibit also consists
chiefly of gold, silver, and silver-lead
ores, together with considerable base
bullion. There is also shown here coal,
onyx, rock salt, rubies, opals, asbestos,
potash, sulpbur and concentrates, also
iron ores. The feature of the Montana
mining exhibit is the silver statue which
occu pies the most commanding position
of the section. The rest of the section
is given up almost wholly to large dis-
plays of silver ores. There are cases of
veautiful specimens of native silver and !
silver crystals, also a case of gold crys-
tals and nuggets of gold from the placer
mines and fine displays of sapphires, tin
and bismuth, copper ores and ingots and
manufactures of copper. Colorado’s
by massive specimens of silver and |
silver-lead ores,
Notes From the World’s Columbian forms, petroleum, marble,
stones. and coal,
bituminous, are also exhibited.
center of the space are several cases
containing specimens of placer gold,
free gold and gold crystals. §
ing this are shafts of building stone
i i n top of each | J :
i HE os of Bo ore, | dicrous. It isa habit to indulge most
The silver interests of this State are | cautiously ; it may be a good servant,
very completely represented, as are also |
both anthracite and
In the
For and About Women,
Our nervous American women find
it almost impossible to tell a story with-
out a superabundance of gesture. This
Surround- is sometimes piquant and adds to the
‘interest of the tale. Often it detracts
! from it, and becomes offensive and In-
but it is certainly a very bad master.
displays. One of the most noticeable
There is a superstructure 95 feet high
30 feet long and 10 feet wide, arranged
in the form ofa huge kitchen stove.
In this exhibit isshown what is be-
lieved to be the oldest stove in America.
It was brought from France in 1863
and placed in the first convent estab-
lished in Quebec. Itis the ordinary
type of box stove, and aearly square.
The castings in it would be considered
excellent work in stove making to-day.
In another exhibt there is shown the
first anthracite selffeeding base burner
made. This stove was invented by the
late Dr. Nott, who was president of
Union College, New York. It is be-
lieved to date back to 1817.
A writer in Scribner's Magazine
says: “Night and electric light play a
great part in the spectacular side of the
Fair. Solomon in all his glory naver
saw such a sight as the plain people of
this continent have had on illumination
nights this summer. Innumerable in-
candescent lights sparkle along the
cornices and pediments ; the top of the
wall inclosing the grand basin is out-
lined in fire ; search lights from the top
of the Liberal Arts building cut their
wide swaths of light in gigantic circles,
resting for a moment here and there to
bring out now this detail or to throw
into dazzling relief a sculptured figure
or beast. Tt lingers longest on the
MacMonnies fountain, the fitting jewel
resting lightly on the bosom of this
Venetian beauty whom but yesterday
we called Chicago; and well it may, as
ina degree the fountain is the clou of
the Exposition.
Pe ——
How Chinese Wed.
the iron interests. i : Miss Florence Nightingale re-
Stove manufacturers have vied with cently celebrated her seventy-third
each other making large and complete birthday. Although for many years
3 5 . confined to her house by constant ill-
exhibits is that of the Garland stoves. | health, she is ceaselessly at work for the
welfare of her fellow creatures.
Black and white still Isads the van
in colors in millinery ; yellow is highly
acceptable, orange velvet flowers for
Fall and Wintertrimming being greatly
in favor. The sailor hat 1s still in high
form, some, however, being modified by
bunches of feathers arranged on the
right side.
A very striking visiting costume is
of black Empire silk, made from a yoke
of petunia colored velvet, the full bod
ice being strapped into the figure by
narrow bands of cut jet.
capes or epaulettes of silk fall over big
sleeves of the velvet, that meet black
suede gloves midway between the wrist
and elbow.
black velvet is trimmed en suite with
full rosettes of petunia velvet and a jet-
encrusted feather rises hussar fashion
from the left side.
Two short
A small tri-corner hat of
Coats are made with Eton jacket
fronts and frock back, the latter being
so full in the skirts that they fall in
throughout with silk. Coats are so
heavily fluted in the sKirts that a wom-
an may almost wonder if she can’t just
sew last season’s cape on to a round
waist, and so make a coat with skirlg
fluttier than any of them, and at the
same time find a use for said last year’s
Such coats must be lined
color that will undoubtedly be
worn most during the winter for even-
ing dresses, is a pink shade of magenta,
very light and yet brilliant in tone. It
of Chu Fong.
the house.
band and wife.
£0 near the
tainment, and
the 18-year,old
the door of which
crimson silk from
over her face there wasa heavy silk
No one was allowed to see her
features until she had become the wife
bridal chamber.
Bad Luck Thrown Away on a Fan and Evi
Spirits Kept From the Bride by a Wise Frisco
Woman.— Glasses of Wine, Bind the Bargain.
Two of Chinatown’s most exclusive
set were united in marriage recently
according to the rites prescribed by
the laws and customs of the Celestial
Empire. The bride was Lum San Toy,
niece and adopted
daughter of Lee Chonk, a tea importer
of Mott street, who is said to be the
wealthiest Chinaman in New York.
The groom is Chu Fong, 29 years old,
also of Mott street, manager of the
Chinese Theater in Doyer street, and
reputed to be worth $100,000.
A Chinese astrologer had declared
that the propitious time for the mar-
riage of Chu Fong and Lum San Toy
was at 5:30 A. M., 80 no other time was
to be thought of for the ceremony.
Three hours after mid-night the groom
went alone to the Temple of Joss and
offered up his devotions, swearing that
he would protect and care for the
woman about to become his wife.
Each had to be a merchant and come
ofan ancient Chinese stock. All were
dressed in the costumes of mandarin.
The bridegroom was allowed to wear
no garment that was not of silk. He
went to his new home and heard the
announcement that the bride had start-
ed from her uncle’s house.
carriage was at the door, the groom,
surrounded by his attendants, turned
out to meet the bride.
through the door, he tore down a fan,
which was suspended from the lintel,
and uttering some Chinese
which mean, “I throw away all bad
luck,” flung it into the street.
Chinaman dared to pick up the fan.
The groom adyanced tothe carriage,
was thrown open,
and the bride sprang out, taking his
extended hand. She was dressed in
to foot and
When the
As he passed
As she stepped from the carriage an
old Chinese woman, dressed in black,
stepped up and held a parasol over the
young woman’s head until she was in
This was to keep any bad
arial spirits from descending upon her.
The old woman was brought here fron
San Francisco for the occasion.
She is known as a “wise woman.”
aad San Francisco is the only Ameri-
can city that can boast of any of her
kind. During all the ceremonies that
followed, she had charge of the bride,
and no other female was allowed to be
The maiden was taken tnto the
Chu Fong was ush-
ered into an adjoining room, where
there was an altar.
picked up a piece of perfumed wood and
held it burning in his hand.
was allowed to witness this part of the
ceremony except Chu Giag Yuen, the
patriarch of the Chu family, to which
the bridegroom belongs.
The bride was seated in the middle
of the bed. The bridegroom approach-
ed, and kneeling by the side of the bed,
promised to love and cherish her as his
The patriarch uttered a few
words of the marrage contract, to
which both respondei.
bride, leaning over the bed, offered her
husband wine from the two tiny glass-
es which she held
drank from both, and they became hus-
Each groomsman
No one
in her hand. He
Soon all Chinatown was joyfully
feasting in the nearby restaurants,
which havebeen leased by Chu Fong
for two weeks, and are free to all his
ffends for that period. No one will | single great modiste could send forth a
husband and wife for a | yandate and watch it bezome a law. If
week. Then they will hold a reception
at their home, and on Saturday even-
ing. October 14, they will hold a big
public reception at the Terrace Garden,
g is] i in | Dancing will be a part of the enter- use :
Doe ae and: Is simast walled in many distinguished ‘“The Raven’ ig still to be seen in New
Gold ores in various Chinese are expected to attend.
looks delightful in face cloth, and two
demi-toilettes I have seen made of it
have quite entrapped my fancy. One
gown was made in princess style—long
graceful skirt fitting perfectly over the
hips, and quite plain. The bodice had
a transparent yoke of dust-colored lace
of very fine quality, and dangling jet
braces over each shoulder. The sleeves
were full to the elbow, and were finished
by long transparent cuffs of the dust-
tinted lace. The other gown had a
short full skirt, with an edge of black
satin just outlining the hem. The bod-
ice had a corselet of white lace and a
black satin belt and high collar of the
same. The sleeves were full, and or
the plain cloth with narrow black satin
The skirts have changed little in
style or contour and measure from threa
and a half to four yards in width, though
some of them that fall in deep folds are
five yards around the bottom. Bod-
ices are very full and many of them
have the little jackets that were so much
in favor last winter, These jackets are
short and round in front, but are carried
in two deep plaits at the back of the
Added basques are a feature on al}
the bodices, and these are much better
suited to heavy materials than the round
waist so long 10 vogue. To those of an
economical turn of mind this mode of
changing the shape of an old waist par-
ticularly appeals, as contrasting mate.
rial can be used very effectively in this
way, and thus a last season’s gown can
be converted into one quite in vogue.
A stylish combination is brown and
magenta, and any one having an old
brown costume can, by adding a soft
collar and belt of magenta velvet, give
it a touch of Parisian elegance that will
be surprising. Narrow folds of the vel-
vet set on the sleeve will add still fur-
ther to its beauty, and when the ex-
pense is taken into consideration it will
seem impossible to have secured so
much style for so little outlay.
Women who have left behind the
slenderness of youth and taken on the
portly proportions pertaining to the
meridian or post-meridian of ‘“life’s lit-
tle day’’ should be especially careful
that their skirts are made to hang as
long in front asin the back. Nothing
is more awkward or calls attention more
disagreeably to an undesirable degree of
flesh about the hips or abdomen as a
gown which “hitches up’ in front.
Now that the season is settling, we
find that the favorite color 1s brown—
red brown, gold brown, olive brown,
or any other; brown striped or shot, or
run or sprinkled with other shades—
terra cotta, magenta, green. gold or
black. Black and brown combinations
are particularly handsome. This favor-
able decree renders all of our mink from
last year especially valuable, for it wild
blend with the other tints.
A Conundrum Tea was given recent-
ly to a party of children. Each one
was asked to bring four riddles—not
original —with him. These were asked
in the evening and a prize given to the
one who guessed the most, The supper
consisted of articles named on the
menus in blind characters, like enigmas,
as: Country in Europe (Turkey). Sen
of Noah (Ham), gritty wizards (sand-
wiches), ete.
Overskirt is the ery of the times, dou-
ble skirt or gray redingote style, cut
open in front over another skirt. And
the fall openings also show the gowns
made after this fashion. But, strange
to relate, it is only in fashion papers
and in openings that we see much of
this departure. There is a slight halg
in the buzz of dress designing, while
| womankind makes up its mind. Is the
overskirt worthy of adoption ? Does it
promise anything attractive? For the
time is past when a single woman or a
| the innovation suits, well and good ; if
| not, there must be none of it.
—— The house wherein Poe wrote