Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 27, 1893, Image 1

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Ink Slings.
—It seems now that we are to have
unconditional repeal, but after that,
what ?
——Some people. have considerable
common sense, then there are others who
do not have even that.
--The California coast had a FAIR,
until recently who attracted almost as
much attention as that Chicago affair.
-—Now that the big fight is off Cor.
BETT and MITCHELL have each had
enough advertising to go on the road for
a successful theatrical season,
—The Waukegan, Ill, fellow who
married his girl on the FERRIS wheel,
on Tuesday, must have thought there
was use in going around about it.
—A new comet has been sighted by
Professor BROOKS, of SMITH Observa-
tory, but it is making tracks for some-
where with as much rapidity as if the
old astronomer had tied a tin can to its
—In naming the Sandwich islands
there was a care taken to the fitness of
things. It was quite proper that a
group;of islands populated by descend-
ants of Ham should be called Sand-
—Right in the face of all these hard
times, brought on by Democracy’s ad-
vent to power. the town of Perry, Okla-
homa Territory, had the audacity (?) to
go Democratic. Howl, ye Republican
saviors, howl!
—CHAUNCEY DEPEW is reported to
have been lost on the Mid-way, in Chi-
cago, and his friends were much worried
over his disappearance. It will not be
surprising 1f his next after dinner
speech is on the “hot, hot, hot” order.
—HENRY CLEWES, the New York
Republican banker, says times are bright-
ening up, and he is in a position to
know. Such statements from men of
his repute will have a tendency to re-as-
sure manufacturers who are hesitating
about their work.
—If there is one thing the French
people love more than another it is ex-
citement. It matters not to them wheth-
er the occasion be the visit of foreign
representatives, a funeral of some citizen
of national repute, or what not, they
are always the same enthusiastic, impul-
sive Frenchmen.
—Next Tuesday will be the last offi-
cial day of the existence of the World's
Columbian Exposition. By that time
there will have been twenty million
people visited it and it is reasonable to
suppose that after that time there will
be twenty million people wearing a
thicker sole on one shoe than on the
other so as to make their legs of equal
—Report has it that CHARLES F.
PEck, the notorious New York com-
missioner of labor statistics, wants to
commit suicide. If the law does not
step in and stop the. consummation of
his rash wish some christian organiza-
tion should do it. A man who lied, as
Peck did last Fall, surely has not had
time as yet to repent and it would be a
sin to let him die thus.
—The six Osceola, Neb., society wo-
men who turned ‘White Caps,” one
night last week, and flogged six pretty
young girls of that town because they
were a trifle gay, are now under arrest
for assault and battery and inciting to
riot. By the time they get through
with the charges preferred against them
they will doubtless wish they had kept
their night caps on instead of going out
to don the white cap.
—1In speaking of Mr. VAN ALEN’S
appointment as minister to Italy the
Chicago Inter Ocean says, *‘He is the
first Ambassador of the United States
who holds a purchased office.” A. state-
ment which is altogether without foun-
dation, but if the Inter-Ocean would re-
ally like to know of a purchased office
let it look back upon the history of the
HArRISoN administration and see what
WANAMAKER'’S “corruption fund” pur-
chased and what DupLEY’s “blocks of
five” got.
—HASTINGS has gotten his Guberna-
torial boom so far on the way that he is
beginning to figure on the majority he
will have in the State. DAN is some-
what like the little boy who answered his
mother’s question, as to how much wood
he had chopped, in the following way :
“When I get this stick and two more
chopped I'll have three sticks chopped.’
And so it is with the “Hero of Johas-
town.” When he gets the Philadelphia
delegation, and the Pittsburg and coun-
try delegations, safe he will have the
convention sure.
—There are still over three million
Columbian souvenir coins that have not
been purchased by those who desire to
retain an official relic of the Columbian
year. It is the intent of the Board of
Directors to return them to the govern-
ment for recoinage. Now since
Fair bas paid for itself they might re-
tarn the advance of fifty cents that some
shrewd (?) speculators made when the
Columnbian halfs first were issued, with
the hope that the coins would jump
higher than one dollar in value.
! probably was for this reason that buy
the |
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VOL. 38.
BELLEFONTE, PA. OCT. 27, 1893.
NO. 42.
The Ultimate Issue.
The contention in the Senate on the
question of silver has involved a good
deal more than the issue relating to
that metal. In that contention has
been shown the determination of a
minority to defeat the will of the ma-
jority. Ifthe right and power to do
this are admitted, it would overturn
the fundamental principles of our gov-
ernment. There is no interest to
which a minority may adhere, how-
ever sincere they may be in their posi-
tion, that is worth such a destructive
Carried out to its inevitable issue,
what would be the consequence of in-
vesting a minority with the power of
placing an immovable barrier in the
way of legislation? Itis easy to see
that it ik result in a stoppage of
the machinery of government.
The Democrats at this time are es-
pecially interested in preventing such
obstruction, The voice of a great
majority has placed the governmental
control in their hands. Democratic
policy has received the endorsement of
the popular vote. Both branches of
Congress have been made Democratic
by the will of the people. But how
could that will be enforced if the mi-
nority in Congress should be permitted
to employ a system of parliamentary
tactics that would nullify the rightful
power of the majority? At the last
election there was an overwhelming
expression in favor of tariff reform,
pension reform and the prevention of
federal interference with the elections;
but if a minority in the Senate can by
obstructive means determine what leg-
islation there shall be in regard to sil-
ver, what is to prevent them from fix-
ing the limit of congressional action in
regard to the tariff and other important
points of Democratic policy.
That some of the Republican politi-
cians entertain a hope that such usur-
pation of power on the part of a minori- |
ty may frustrate the objects of Demo-
cratic reform,isshown by their expres: :
sions. At a recent meeting of the Manu-
facturer’s Club, of Philadelphia, a thor
oughly Republican organization, one
of the speakers sustained the obstructive
methods of the extreme silver support-
ers in the Senate intimating quite plainly
that suchmeans of obstraction would be
serviceable to the Republicans in pre- |
venting Democratic action in regard to
the tariff and the federal election laws.
From this may be seen the vast inter- |
est to the pecple that is involved in the
question of whether the minority or
majority shall rule in Congress. If |
such an expression as they made at,
the polls last year may be held in
obeyance and rendered nugatory by an
obstructive minority, it will practically
amount to revolution, ultimately tend -
ing to political anarchy.
Unavailing Nolse.
The noise that was made by the Re.
publican papers over the appointment
of Mr. Van ALEN to the Italian mis-
sion amounted to nothing more than
the clatter of disgruntled partisanship.
It had no effect upon the Senate, which
confirmed the appointment by a vote
which showed no other opposition
than that of a few, with whom party
animosity is always the governing in-
centive. .
Notwithstanding the fierce denuncia-
tion of the appointee, who was repre
| sented as having bought the President's
favor by a campaign contribution, it
must have appeared absurd to Repub-
lican Senators that they should be ask-
ed to reject an appointment on such a
charge, in view of the record their party
has made in giving some of the high-
est offices in return for campaign assis.
tance of a pecuniary character. It
would have appeared to them like
stultification to have voted for the re
jection of VAN ALEN, on accountof a
contribution evidently prompted by his
zel for his party’s success, after a Re-
publican Senate had confirmed Wana-
MAKER'S appointment to an office
which was given him for no other ap-
parent reason than that he had raised
the immense corruption fund of $400,
000, which was the chief factor in se
curing the election of Harrison. It
very few Republican Senators voted
against Mr. VAN ALEN's confirmation.
———The Democrats of the county, it
i Democrats and vote the straight tick-
is hoped, will remnember that they are
A Surplus of Protection.
There is no doubt that the carpet
manufacturers bad their representatives
before the committee of Ways and
Means to advocate the maintenance of
their interest in the legislation that is
about to be enacted on the subject of
the tariff. The beneficiaries of the pro-
tective system never miss an opportun-
ity of speaking out in their own behalf,
when tariff legislation is proposed, it
being usually the case that there is
nothing to their advantage that they
are two modest to ‘demand. Other
beneficiaries were before the commit
tee, and it is likely that the carpet men
were also there, urging that the benefits
they enjoy at the expense of a tariff-
taxed public should not be disturbed
by Democratic reduction of tariff iaxa-
How much this branch of manufac-
ture really needs the maintenance of
high duties is exhibited by a recently
published report which revealed the
fact that the American carpet manuv-
facturers are making carpets for export
to the English market to fill English
orders. The plea upon which they ask
for protection is that it is needed to pre-
vent them from being undersold, in our
market, by foreign producers who have
the advantage of pauper labor ; but it
appears from the published report, con-
firmed by a statement of a Yonkers,
(N.Y. firm, of carpet manufacturers,
that instead of needing protection from
the competition of English operators,
the American carpet maker is able to
enter the home market of his English
competitor and uadersell him. From
such a state of facts it is hard to under-
stand what necessity the American op-
erator in that line of production has
for the high duties of the McKINLEY
tariff. Having demonstrated his ability
tocompete in the English market, he
can have no other need for the high
duties ot the McKINLEY measure than
to enable him to subject American con-
sumers to such prices as the greed of
monopolistic taste may exact.
The fact that American car pets can
be sold at profit in England sufficiently
demonstrates that the carpet industry
in this country could dispense with
much of the protection which is given
it, ostensibly to shield it against for.
eign pauper labor. It is evident that
there is a surplusage of duty in the
high tariff system that serves more the
purpose of robbery than protection.
The Democratic tariff policy will cor.
rect this abuse of u system the legitmate
object of which has been perverted. The
cost of carpets to American consumers
can be materially reduced by a reduc-
tion of the McKINLEY duties, and still
leave a profit to manufacturers who, by
their published report, are shown to be
able to compete with the English
manufacturers in their own market.
‘We will only have one more op-
portunity to impress on our Democrat-
ic readers, within the county, the ne-
cessity of getting out tothe polls early.
A full vote is what is wanted and it de-
pends on you,
A Growing Evil,
Recent investigation accompanied
by an official report on the subject,
furnishes an astonishing exhibit of the
extent to which nepotism prevails
among the office holding class in
Washington, It is shown that in
numerous instances official positions
are held by relatives of persons who
are able to exert an influence upon the
appointing power. The percentage of
this kind of incumbents is increasing
every year, and the offices present an |
astonishing array of brothers, uncles,
cousins, sisters and aunts who have
managed to get into them through the
favor of relationship.
There has been severe condemnation
of political appointments, it being as-
serted that the civil service has been
debased by filling the offices with party
workers, but there is less likelihood of
injury being done to publicinterests by |
the practice of giving theofficial spoils |
to the victors, than by filling the offices
with the relatives and friends of con-
gressmen, senators, cabinet officers and
others who can influence the sources of
such preferments, There could not be
a more effectual way of establishing a
permanent office-bolding class—an
official aristocracy—thdh by making
incumbency in official positions a mat-
ter of family favor, aud something to
be countrolled and disposed of by those |
who have relatives to provide for.
New York's Senior Senator.
Senator HILL has proved his ability
and high character as a senatorial rep-
resentative by his course and action
in the controversy on the SHERMAN
Jaw. He has not only shown himself
to be one of the best parliamentary
controversialists in the distinguished
body to which he belongs, but has also
evinced his fidelity to the Democratic
pledge that the injurious financial and
monetary measures of the Republican
party shall be repealed.
In the earnest and able stand he bas
taken for the abolishment of the pur:
chasing clause of the SHERMAN law, he
has displayed his quality as a faithful
representative of his State, the business
interest of which is most decidedly op-
posed to the extreme silver policy:
There is some excuse for supporting
the purchasing clause on the part of
Senators who come from states where
the public sentiment is strongly in
favor of silver. This is the case with
some of the Democratic Senators from
southern and western states, They
think they are backed by popular
opinion at home. But there is no jus-
tification for Democrats opposing what
is evidently the policy and the interest
of the Democratic party in the treat.
ment of a Republican measure which
compels the government to buy an un-
necessary commodity, the saccumula-
tion of which tends to financial disturb.
ance, and embarrasses the business of
this country.
Senator HILL obviously takes his
position from this view of the question,
as well as from his deference to the
sentiments of bis immediate constit-
uents, and it is gratifying to observe
that those who, on account of misun-
derstanding, expected that he would |
engage in a factious opposition to the
President, have found themselves mis-
taken when they see the earnest and
faithful support he has given the ad-
ministration on the question of repeal.
ing the purchasing clause of the SHER-
MAN law. His position, moreover, has
been given an especially practical char-
acter by his proposition to so amend
the rules of the Senate as ill hereafter
prevent that body from being subordi-
nated to the will of the minority. With-
out such protection to the constitu-
tional power of the majority, the re-
forms demanded by the people and
promised in the plattorm of the Demo-
cratic party, may be prevented. Sena:
tor HiLL does not propose that this
shall happen, and he shows a loyal dis-
position to assist the President in fore:
staliing such a calamity.
~——Democrats of Centre county re-
member, that though the man you
were for before the nomination was not
the choice of the convention, that you
will only be injuring the future pros.
spects of your favorite unless you sup-
port the entire ticket.
Conditions and Theory.
Within the last two weeks the price
of wheat was quoted at 60 cents, the
lowest figure at which that cereal has
been sold within the recollection of the
present generation. In view of this
fact it can be said that it is a condition
and not a theory that confronts the far
mers. The theory of McKINLEY was
that by putting a duty on foreign
wheat, the interest of the American
farmer would be protected ; the profits
on his crop would be increased, and it
was for the conferring of such a benefig
that the tariff politicians asked the
farmers to support the Republican par-
ty. It was a very pretty theory, but it
failed to materialize in beneficial re:
The condition that confronts the
farmers, is entirely different from the
theory. Notwithstanding McKiNLEY'S
protection wheat is selling for a lower
price than it was ever sold for before.
The humbug of claiming to promote
the farmer's interest by protecting his
products with tariff duties has been
fully exposed. The price of his wheat
ever depends upon the demand there is
i for it in the foreign markets, and the
reason why the price of that commodi-
ty has reached such extraordinarily
low figures is because the amount that
is being exported at this time is smaller
than it has been for many years. All
the tariffs in the world will not make
the wheat crop profitable to the farm-
er when there is no foreign demand for
The Families All Stand In.
From the Walla Walla, Washington,Statesman.
Everybody in Washington knew that
the number of what are usually spoken
of as “office-holding families,” the
members of which were never known to
engage in any other employment than
working for the government, was .con-
siderable, but no one dreamed its act-
ual extent until Representative Dock-
ery this week presented to the house a
partial report of the joint committee
which ‘is’ investigating department
methods and work. . More than 4000
families have two or more members in
office, and some as many as seven,
eight and nine. More than halfof the
17,599 United States employes in that
city are furnished by these 4000 fami-
lies, and yet there is a rule against the
employment of two members of the
same family.. No one was more sur-
prised at the figures in this report than
were the heads of the departments, and
it can be stated to a certainty that they
will not wait for legislation to reduce
the number of one family employed in
their respective departments: To put
it in popular language, these families
have had a snap for a long time and
will now be made to step down and out
and give other people a chance.
Is It Any Wonder Investigation is
From the Philadelphia Times.
The enormous increase in peusion
disbursements is best told in the annual
report of the Third Auditor of the
Treasury. The number of vouchers
paid by pension agents in 1883, ten
years ago, was 1,226,119, involving
$59,906,501. This year the vouchers
number 3,669,000 and the payments
amount to $155,071,506,a two hundred
per cent. increase. The clerical force
increased from 49 to 64 per cent. dur:
ing the same period. = At the close of
the fiscal year there were iu the Pen-
sion Department examined 1,284,310
pension vouchers, ' representing four
months. The pension question has,
indeed, grown since Garfield’s day.
What Does Become of It?
From the York Gazette : i
Wheat sold in New York the: other
day for sixty-eight cents a bushel for De-
cemberdelivery. This being the lowest
price recorded in the dealings of the
produce exchange, or for upward
of 80 years, the Pittsburg Post is
led to ask what becomes of McKinley's
tax of 25 cents’ a bushel on wheat?
that would do, eo he promised, what
his tariff would compass for the work:
ingmen in the protected industries. It
would maintain and advance the price
of labor as well as wheat. It has done
neither and the country is suffering
from a double dose of McKinleyism
and Shermanism. Hp
Applicable to Centre County Too.
From the Altoona Times. . :
The quietude that has characterized
the local campaign still continues and
probably will remain until the voters
decide. This is the best way. The
voters cannot make a better decision if
there is noise and excitement ; indeed
it is more conducive to a securing of a
proper vote ot the people to have as lit-
tle excitement as possible.. The ab-
sence of partisan feeling is also a no-
ticeable feature. All the indications,
therefore, point to a peaceful election
They’ll Be None the Wiser When They
: Get Them.
From the Doylestown Democrat.
The pamphlet laws of the State,
comprising the Acts of the Legislature
of 1893, are just being distributed to
the various counties. Some arrange-
ment should be made in the future to
have the laws distributed earlier. It
is six months since the Legislature ad-
journed, and all this time the people
have been kept ignorant of the new
laws to which they are subject.
They are Past Repenting It.
From the Williamsport Sun.
Frenchmen are so completely! occu-
pied with the entertainment of the Rus-
siane that they give very little atten
tion to their illustrions dead—McMa.-
hon and Gounod. The dead are soon-
forgotten in any part of the world, but
it seems that in France,McMahon was
nearly forgotten before he died and
Gounod hefore his body was cold.
One Way of Depopulating the Country.
From the Pittsburg Dispatch.
From January 21 of this year to Oc-
tober 20. railroad smasbups have
caused the death of 201 persons, while
548 have been more or less seriously
injured. There is nothing much to be
proud ot in a record of this kind for
our great railroads. ;
How About The Train Robbers,
From the Easton Argus.
Disregarded train orders caused two
trains loaded with human freight to
crash together on the Grand Trunk
line and the deadly ‘car stove did the
rest. With all the advancement made
in railroad travel, the' car stove re.
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Pittsburg’s exposition yielded a net revenue
of only $300. g
—Chinese Free Masons orga nized a lodge in
Pittsburg Monday.
—Typewritingwill be taught in the high
schools at Reading,
— Falling rock at Mahanoy City colliery kill’
ed Miner Anthony Smith.
—Cler gymen at the Presbyterian Synod fill-
ed the Easton pulpits Sunday.
—Tommy Watson, 11 years old, is in prison
in Allegheny as a horse thief.
—A war of extermination against oleomar-
garine has begun in Pittsburg.
—Fifty cases of Scarlet fever in a week have
alarmed Mayfield, near Scranton.
—The National Guard rifle practice season
has been extended until November 4.
—State officials have demanded the enforce-
ment of the Factcry laws at Reading.
—Hazel Beatty, an infant, drank a lot of car”
bolic acid, at Leechburg, and recovered.
—Bridgewater, Bucks county, received iia
first special delivery letter on Saturday.
—Robbers blew open the safe of Curry, Can-
an & Co.'s store in Altoona and escaped.
—A three-ton ice wagon crushed the life out
of 44-year-old Clyde Brobst at Wilkesbarre.
—The Reformed Church Synod at Gettys-
burg adjourned to meet at York next yeer.
—Bail is refused to Henry Wanner, in jail for
killing James Hemmings, near Lancaster.
—Berks county’s youngest jail bird is7-year-
old Elmer Bowman, who stole rides on cars.
—A ltoona projectors of a new artillery com-
pany for the National Guard have 92 recruits.
—Mine gas exploded and killed John Ros-
sick, in the Mount Lookout Colliery at Wyom-
ing. : .
—Fire bugs set the torch to Jacob A. Billet's
and J. V. Beck's stab les simultaneously at
—The Presbyterian Messenger Company, of
Pittsburg, with $25,000 capital, was chartered
Friday. 5
—Reading’s new works’ pump d1aws 5,200,000
gallons a day—260,000 more than the contraet
calls for.
—Aged Farmer Amos Faber, of Exeter
Berks County, was paralyzed bya fall froma
load of fodder. rad
—Reading’s Berean Baptist Church has
called Kev. J. N. Leinback, formerly of Doyles-
town, to its pulpit.
—George W. Beale has withdrawn from the
candidacy for Additional Law Judge in the
Forty-fifth district.
—Under $10,000 bail Henry Wanner, alleged
murderer of James Hemmings, near Lancas.
ter, has been released. :
—Sarah Godalskie was burned to death by |
flames from leaves which she had fired in a
forest near Shamokin. ; :
—For concealing 4 case of small pox in her
house, at Reading, Mary Deemer has been
held under £800 bail.
—United Presbyterians. in Synod dt Blairs.
ville voted against the establishment of a
Chautauqua Assembly.
—Resusecitating after apparent drowning in
a great hogsMead of rain water saved 4 year- ,
old Peter Pluter, of Steelton. “1
* —It has been decided that Mrs. Lizzie Fritz,
of Allentown, was not murdered, but that she
died as the result of her own aet.
—Devotional services, addresses and statis
tical reports occupied the attention of thé Re"
formed Synod at Lebanon Friday
—Coal gas prostrated and came very near
killing four members of the family of Mrs.
Jacob Druckenmiller at Allentown. :
—Escaping steam scalded to death Joseph
Covaloskie, fireman, at the Edison Electric
Light engine house in Mt. Carmel.
Jacob Potteiger was rescued just in the
nick of time from drowning in a great vat of
swill at Rehrersburg, Dauphin co unty.
— Mrs. Harry Brinkley’s screams frightened
a burglar away at Mountville, just after he had
touched her cheek with his cold hand.
—Bishop Levering Sunday dedicated the
Helen Stadiger Borhek Memorial ' Chapel, ad”
joining the Moravian College, at Bethlehem .
—The proposed admission of ‘women dele-
gates to general conferences was discussed at
the Methodist Conference in Lebanon Friday.
—The Pennsylvania Presbyterian Synod, re.
cently in session at Easton, aims to raise $50,
000 next year for its Colleges, including Lafay_
_ Reading Memorial .'E. Church will, on
the first Sunday in November, have a surpliced
choir of fifty-two men and women, clad in
— A quantity of jewelry and other valuable
booty sufficient to load him down were stolen
by J. H. Kessler from his landlady in Cham-
persburg. ' i
__ Conductor William Hummel and Fireman
Frank J. Lewis were badly hurt by a collision
of Schuylkill Valley trains near Seyfert's Sta
tion Friday. J -
—The Reading Railroad has moved in the
Federal Court, at Williamsport, to enforce its
right to ereet a Front street coal yard siding
in that city. «
—Argument was heard in Harrisburg Friday
relative to the objections. to alleged irregulari-
ties in the Fusion Judgeship ticket in Alle -
gheny eounty.
—Revenues amounting to $120,000 annually
are realized by the farmers of the Lehigh Val-
ley Dispatch, who ship milk to Philad elphia
and New York.
—Two rousing meetings wound up the State
Y.M. €. A. Convention at Wilkesbarre, Sun-
day. The association proposes to get out of
debt within a year.
—Corn on 16 acres of Levi S. Reber’s farm,
near Shoemakersville, was husked by a party
of 28 neighbors in a day and a half; and the
yield was 1200 bushels.
~The $140 which Michael Wargosko, of
Catasauqua, hid in a stove all summer, because
he feared banks, was mostly burned up when
his wife kindled a fire.
—City Editor 8. H. Blackwood, of the Seran-
ton Tribune, swallowed: a large draught of am-
monia by mistake, and narrowly escaped
death at Wilkesbarre.
—Allegheny City will seek to establish its
title to Smoky Island, embracing 70 acres,near
the confluence of the Allegheny and Monon:
gahela Rivers, and worth $2,000,000.
—Danie! N. Kemmerer, the Friedersburg
farmer, who once owned 20)0 acres, but is
now penniless, is not to be dispossessed of his
homestead for debt. William A. Arnold has
advanced a year’s rent for the place.
—A bush caught the trigger of George Wil.
heim’s gun while he was hunting, near Fied-
Jand’s Station, York County, and the charge
mains the barbaric relic of an unim.
proved past. :
of shot was fired into. the arm of William hia
brother. Fatal blood poisoning i 8 feared.