Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, October 20, 1893, Image 1

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    Democratic: Waid
Ink Slings.
The long tailed over coat now obtains,
Among dudes without a dollar;
‘They would pay their tailor, if they could
With the velvet off their collar.
—An exchange cails the silver Sena-
tors “speak easies.” They should be
-—The blacksmith is continually on
the strike, and he usually makes things
hot too.
—The physiognomist looks into the
fac of the sheepish boy and remarks,
He has mutton chops.
—Nature’s chestnut season comes in
with the annual advent of the popular
price comedian and his stock of wormy
—There are times when one would
rather be alone. Especially after he has
tried to crawl through a barbed wire
—The national glass trust is busted
and panes will go down of course, but
that will not make any changein the
patent medicine man’s business.
—The physical endurance sessions
of the Senate should be promptly
squelched by the people. The tax pay-
ers want no more hundred thousand
dollar funeral junkets.
—Can it be that all the storms we
have bean having lately are the out-
come of those silver speeches? Nature
had to blow pretty strong to get ahead
of some of those Senators,
—The rear end collision on railroads
is proving almost as disastrous to hu-
man life as our respected sire’s boot did
to our feelings in days of yore, when we
had rear end collisions with it.
—The question as to when the Fair
should close still hangs fire. Closeit on
October 31st to be sure ; better stop in
the heighth of its glory than have it
fizzle out an ignominious death at the
hands of Jack Frost.
—It is not known just exactly wheth-
er the French had evil designs on those
Russian sailors at Toulon, on Sunday
or not. It certainly looks a little sus-
picious since those French women hung
about their necks and kissed them.
—The way New York is scrabbling
after anything that cun be gotten from
the Fair should cause Chicago people to
laugh up their sleeves. = There was a
time when the New Yorkers said
“Chicago will make a fizzle of the
Fair.” 1
—OCount TowrsTor has just reached
the conclusion that work injures men
and the Count is a philosopher too.
Why we have thousands of knights of
the road who don’t even profess to have
the average intelligence who knew this
fact years ago.
—The extradition of WEEKS, the in-
dicted grand larceny fugitive, who is
now enjoying the protection of the
Costa Rican government, seems to be as
far off as ever. There can be no doubt
that it will be several weeks before he is
brought back.
— Foreign war clouds are fast being
dispelled and the belligerent powers of
Europe are settling down for a quiet
winter. The condition of the times in-
dicate that many of them will have to
eat snow balls unless they do something
besides playing with cannon balls.
—Editor SMITH, of the Philadelphia
Press, is now mad at Senator CAMERON
and wants him kicked out of the party.
The Press fought QUuAY’s election to the
Senate and now that it is soured on both
of them it possibly intends revising the
list of beneficiaries of the g. o. p. in the
--The U. 8. signal service hus more
than paid its expenses in the safety it
hasgiven the country in warnings of
approaching storms, but as yet there
has been an absolute failure to run up
the storm flag when STEWART'S Sena-
torial barometer gives evidence that he
is about to blow off.
—MCcKiINLEY has invited General
HAsTING’S to make a few speeches for
him in the Ohio gubernatorial cam-
paign, and for once the versatile Dan
is stuck. He knows, if he accepts, he
will have nothing to talk about, for
World’s Fair speeches wont go as a
political issue in the Buckeye state.
—Congressman McCREARY has made
a blot for his escutcheon, if he ever
had one, by figuring in a Chinese ex-
clusion act. It is strange that the great
men we have in Washington can find
courage to fight the Chinese only. There
are worse immigrants than the celestials, ;
who might be stopped to the advantage
of our country, but there seems to be no
one who figures up to the situation.
~—Just as the WATCHMAN predicted,
in its issue of that morning, the Vigilant
won the third consecutive race from the
English Valkyrie last Friday and thus
retained the international yacht cup as a
tribute to our designers of yachts, our
sailors and our sportsmen. Asit was
our boat cros:ed the finish line only
forty-two seconds ahead of Valkyrie
and came very near having her stern
kicked over.
VOL. 38.
BELLEFONTE, PA., OCT. 20, 1893.
NO. 41.
Placed in a Bad Light.
If it be true that manufactories have
been stopped by the fear of the Demo-
cratic tarift policy, in what light does
it place the manufacturers? Not a sin.
gle item of the tariff schedules has been
altered ; nothing has been done to the
McKINLEY law, yet it is made to ap-
pear that the special beneficiaries of
the tariff, after being supported, and
enriched, and pampered for years by
the protective system, draw into their
shells upon a bare suspicion that the
advantage they have so long enjoyed
may be impaired by Democratic legis-
lation. The apprehension is a mere
phantom, and yet, if it be really the
cause of the stoppage of their opera-
tions, it would show that they are
ready to obstruct business, prostrate
the general prosperity, and plunge their
employes into starvatioz and distress,
because of an apprehension that some-
thing is going to bedone that may be
disadvantageous to their interests. A
pretty commentary, indeed, upon the
stability and confidence which years ot
fostering protection should have im-
parted to the manufacturers.
Should not the sentiment of human-
ity, as well as gratitude for the past
service of their workman, have prompt-
ed them to go on with their work until
it should be clearly determined what
the Democrats are going to do to the
tariff ? Surely the wealth they accu-
mulated during long years of pam per-
ing protection should have given them
financial strength sufficient to do this,
instead of throwing their men out of
employment, and turning them over to
the soup houses, as is now being done
in Philadelphia’s great manufacturing
district of Kensington. :
We are led to these observations by
the outcry of those who declare that it
is the fear of Democratic tariff changes
that is the cause of the prostration of
manufactories. = If this were true it
would show the’ manufacturers to have
been unworthy of the protection so
long enjoyed by them. But it is not
true. Their business, to a large extent,
is suffering from the effects of the over-
stimulation of MoKiNLEYISM, from
which a reaction, resulting in prostra-
tion, was bound to come. But the
chief cause of the business trouble, as
well in manufactures as in other
branches of industry, has been the in-
jurious monetary legislation of the Re-
publican party. When this shall be
succeeded by a better Democratic poli-
cy, both as to finances and the tariff,
the general prosperity ofthe country
will be restored.
——1If there is a Democrat in Centre
county who intends voting for JareD
Harper for Treasurer, let him ask
himself the question, why ? Has Mr.
Harper any explanation for being a
candidate on the Prohibition ticket,
when only a few years ago he posed as
a Democrat. A man who can change
80 easily as that might turn out a Re-
publican by the time he would be
elected. :
FE —
Suppress the Ruffian Practice,
The friends of education and good
order cannot but feel an interest iu the
action that is being taken in New Jer
sey to suppress the practice of college
hazing. These proceedings are in con-
sequence of a peculiarly reprehensible
case of that kind of ruffianism, at
Priaceton, which elicited the prompt
reprobation of the college authorities,
but which had a degree of atrocity about
it that attracted the attention of the
court as well. The result is that legal
authority has offered its aid in putting
down this form of collegiate barbarism.
Institutions of learning where this
practice has prevailed, have made
strenuous efforts to suppress it. Sach
efforts on their part have been due to
good order, and required by a regard
for decent conduct ; but unfortunately
there has been too general a failure in
bringing about a reform in this matter.
The brute instinct in the maltreatment
of one class of scholars by another, in
these institutions has prevailed in
defiance of commendable efforts of the
authorities to establish more civilized
customs. The public has been amazed
that a practice so ungentlemanly,
bratal and cowardly as that of hazing
should be allowed to continue at such
headquarters of culture and enlighten.
ment as colleges are supposed to be,
but the difficuity of putting it down is
manifest when it is seen that it contin-
ues in spite of the efforts that have been
made to suppress it.
The vigorous action taken by the
faculty of Princeton college, in its
treatment of the last case of hazing
ruffianism at that institution, is likely
to be attended with reformatory re-
sults. It has set an example
which other colleges should not be
backward in imitating. There is no
reason why hazers should not be treat
ed as any other offenders who are guilty
of assault and battery. This is the way
10 which the New Jersey court propos:
es to treat them, and when legal pun-
ishment, adequate to the offense, is ad-
ministered, it will put an end to haz-
——G. W. RUMBERGER, the Demo-
cratic candidate for Register, is an old
time Democrat and as such should
receive the full party vote. He was
clerk to the County Commissioners and
helped Messra Griest and WoLr save
up that handsome surplus which
HeNpERsON’s gang made away with.
By the way, that will just remind you
to vote for GoopHART and Apams too,
for fear of another burdensome lot of
commisgioner’s like HeNpDErsoN and
A Natural Expression.
Mr. Bexsamin -HARrrisoN, recently
President of the United States, natural-
ly disapproves of the Democratic en:
deavor to free the elections from the
interference of federal authority. It
is entirely natural that he who cham-
pioned the force bill should favor the
exertion of federal power in control
ling the election of Presidents and Cof-
gressmen, %
Speaking of the repeal of the federal
election law, now proposed by the
Democrats, he used the following lan-
guage: “We are sowing the seed of
discord in breaking away from nation-
al election laws. The people of this
country will not submit to the choice
of their officers by the dice-box or the
juggler’s hat. Above all things we
must have pure elections. Our elec-
tions must be above suspicion. Citi-
zens will uot respect officials whose
elections are questioned.”
Mr. HARRISON seems to think that
the people have forgotien the fact that
he was elected by means not any bet-
ter than the ‘““dice-box or the juggler’s
hat.” It was through the “block’s of-
five” rascality in Indiana, and the
wholesale use of WaNaMakER's corru p-
tion fund in New York that he was
elevated to the presidential office, a
circumstance which gives a peculiarly
hypocritical tone to his remark that
“above all things we must have pure
elections.” The remark that “our
elections must be above suspizion”
comes with ill grace from a man whose
election to the Presidency was far from
being placed above suspicion by his
rewarding with an appointment to a
United States Judgeship the Indiana
Judge who suppressed judicial investi:
gation of the charges against DupLEy.
There could not be a greater men-
ace to the purity and honesty of elec-
tions than are the federal election
laws when under the control of such a
President as Mr. Harrison, who show-
ed no scruple in employing every means
of federal power to secure his re-elec.
tion. It is to correct and prevent such
abuse as that which he showed so
strong ao inclination to practice, that
the Democrats want federal authority
to keep its hands off the elections.
——Democrats will note the tact
that W, N. Grove, of south precinct
of Potter township, is our candidate
for Surveyor and that Dr. George S.
FRrANEK, of Millheim, is our candidate
for Coroner. Both are good men and
to insure party success they should
have the full vote. ;
“Shady” Harter has gone
home; he has given up the fight, CoNvo
is making too many friends for the Mill-
heim gold mine operator dentistcigar
manufacturer band leader politician.
—— Remember the Democratic vote
depends on you. Every Democrat in
the county is a committe of one to see
that his own vote gets out.
~The prize Italian-English and
French-Russian loving matches are ex-
tremely belittling in the eyes of other
Rules That Should be Amended.
Whatever may be the sentiment of
the well meaning intelligent citizen in
| favor of silver—whether he approves
of a continued purchase of that metal
by the government or prefers the more
reasonable policy of silver coinage and
circulation, adequate to the monetary
necessities of the people—he must at
all events object to the position which
the extreme silver advocates have as-
sumed in the United States Senate.
That a great majority of the people
want the SHERMAN law repealed there
can be no doubt. There is evidence ot
this in the popular expression on the
subject, and this sentiment, so widely
expressed, has been re echoed by the
decided majority of the people's repre-
sentatives in Congress. Besides it is
evident that a majority of the Senate’
are in favor of repeal, no better proof ot
it being required than the fact that
those wha are in opposition have not
let it come to a vote. Such a frustra-
tion of the will of the majority places
the silver extremists in the Senate in
a culpable attitude, characterizing it as
subversion of the principle of popular
To the majority belongs the right to
rule in this country, that being the
very basis upon which our popular in-
stitutions are founded. But this
right is subverted when a minority in
the Senate, by taking advantage of a
parliamentary privilege, can succeed
in defeating the will of the majority. It
is a recognition of an obstructive and
disorganizing element in the govern:
ment. If this power is vested in a
minority in the Senate, what is to pre-
vent any minority from claiming the
right to rule ? There could not be a
more dangerous incentive to govern-
‘mental anarchy. It is the introduction
of a factor that inevitably tends to dis-
order. :
It is easy to see the injurious tem
dency of such a practice. For example,
the people have declared by a great
‘majority at the poles that an oppres-
sive and injurious tariff shall be revis-
ed and reformed. An overwhelming
majority of the people's representa-
tives in the lower house of Congress
will sustain the popular will on this
subject, yet it may be defeated by a
factious minority in the Senate employ-
ing the parlimentary rules of that body
as a means of obstruction. It is by
such tactics that the extreme support-
ers of silver have maintained a defiant
opposition and shown the danger to
popular government that lies in the
rules of the Senate, admonishing those
entrusted with the government that
popular interests of the highest charac-
ter require the amendment of those
rules. :
——JarEp Harper is soliciting
Democratic votes and for what reason ?
He left the party without cause and
now has the audacity to ask good
Democrats to do the same. No, no,
Mr. Harper you have no claim onany
Democrat in Centre county and if the
truth were told they should all work
with unusual determination to give
you the overwhelming defeat you
——1It is with much regret that we
are compelled to announce that the
hopes that were, founded on¢ Col. Moc-
CLure's marked improvement during
the fore part of the week have nearly
ali been dispelled by an alarming de-
velopment of kidney trouble, within
the last two days, and the physicians
fear that the veteran editor will no. be
able to withstand the strain on his sys-
tem. For wéeks he had suffered with
gout in his foot and hand and recovery
seemed possible until Wednesday when
symptoms of acute Bright's disease
were discernible. Not only Pennsyl-
vanians will sorrow at the critical con-
dition he is in, but the whole country
will be interested in the recovery of a
man 80 well known and admired.
——The Magnet still imagines that
there is no conniving about the cam-
paign for county Treasurer which the
Republicans and Prohibitionists are
carrying on. The Magnet is very green,
you know.
The Altoona Daily Independent
Loyal American suspended on last Sat-
Is it any wonder ? The name
was enough to kill anything,
A Pen Picture of the Secretary of the
From the Washington Star.
National Chairman Harrity is thus
described in the Washington Star :
“Mr. Harrity is a man of very striking
appearance, and the newspaper pictures
of him have never done him justice.
His head is large and finely formed;
and is covered with a thick growth of
wavy dark brown hair. His face,
which is round and full, is free of beard
other than a drooping, dark brown
mustache and his complexion is as
clear as a girl's. His eyes are pene-
trating, but very kindly, and light up
pleasantly 1n conversation. It is Mr.
Harrity’s voice, however, that at once
claims the attention of his auditor and
wins his perfect confidence. It is so
pleasantly modulated that it can only
be called musical and yet it can be
heard distinctly across the room in or-
dinary conversation. He is above
medium height and his broad shoulders
give the impression of quitea large
The Judiciary Should be Above Re-
Judge David L. Krebbs in Houtzdale Advance.
“In reply to your suggestion that it
would be well to come to your place to
see and talk with the people in rela-
tion to my candidacy, permit me to say
that I cannot do so. In my judgment
the position sought forbids such action.-
I would rather be defeated than dis-
grace the office and lower its dignity
and character to the level of common
politics by making a personal canvass
for election. The office is an honor-
able one and should be sought in an
honorable manner. My lifeas a citi-
zen and lawyer and my record as a
Judge are before the people. I will
not make promises for the future ex-
cept it be to say that I will do my duty
as I understand it without fear or fav-
or. Thanking you for your interest in
my behalf, I remain very respectfully
youre.” :
Advice for Al of You,
From the Mercer Western Press.
Having complied with all require-
ments necessary to entitle a voter. to
cagt bis ballot on election day the next
duty devolving om the Democratic
voters of the county is to see that the
vote of the county is brought out on
election day. There should be no off
years in the Democratic ranks and
every voter of the party should consti-
tute himself a committee of one to see
that his neighbors come out on election
day and cast their ballots. The can-
didates on the Democratic ticket, .in-
dividually and collectively, are worthy
citizens, in every way qualified to fill
the position to which they aspire and
worthy the united support of every
Democratic voter in the county,
The More Honor to Chicago, for It is
Fair comment in the Philadelphia Record.
One thing that all women—wise and
ignorant alike—will bear testimony to,
is the sobriety and gallantry of the
sightseeing crowds and of the men of
Chicago. Among the multitudes of
women at the Fair are thousands who
have been belated at times and have
had to make their way through the
grounds and back to their hotels with-
out escort. In no case that has been
reported have any such women been
molested or insulted. The women
practically run the town and the Ex-
position, and the loafers, if there are
any, are mindful of the fact.
Trying Hard to Get There.
From the Philadelphia Times.
Congressman Sibley’s free silver de-
liverance in the House—a literary pro-
duction entirely his own and hearing
all the familiar ear-marks of Sibley’s
peculiar style—covers the Erie Craw-
ford district like the leaves of autumn,
the public printer having furnished
120,000 copies on orders at $15 a thou-
sand. It is Sibley’s open bid for the
Democratic nomination for Governor
next year. With this silver extremist
back of the speech about the only liye
thing in northwestern State politics is
now on tap, and the situation takes on
color right along.
It Is Time for the Millennium.
From the Pittsburg Post.
We have had the Charleston cyclone,
the Louisiana floods, hurricanes
throughout the south and west, unpar-
alleled railroad casualties, the extra
session of congress, and now Victoria
Woodhull Martin is coming back to
the United States. Rise up, Prof. Tot-
ten, and blow your midnight horn.
Too Green to Burn Anyway,
From the Milton Record.
With the approach of cold weather
the reports will begin to come in of the
overcautious people who couldn’t trust
the banks, and kept their money in the
parlor stove. UncleSam never intend-
ed his promises to pay to serve as kind-
Oftice Seekers on the War Path.
From the Philadelphia Iuquirer.
The supposition is that the inventor
of a new and absolutely reliable life-
preserver would have no difficulty in
obtaining a respectful hearing in the
strictly private portions of the White
Spawls from the Keystone,
—Danville has an epidemic of scarlet fever.
—Farmers of the Cumberland valley want
—A horse kicked 18-year-old Jacob Hinkle
to death at Columbia.
—Four Easton chicken thieves have gone {0
prison for three years each.
—The Teachers’ Institute of Lehigh County
is in session at Allentown. .
—Co-education is pronounced a sucoess in
the Harrisburg High School.
—Condvnetor Levi Zinn, of Harrisburg, who
was struck by an engine, is dead.
—Ironworker William Collins is myste-
riously missing from Columbia,
—Electric cars are now running from South
Allentown to Catasauqua bridge.
—York’s Councilmen are investigating
policemen who loaf on the corners,
—Lehigh Valley Traction cars are to begin
running at South Allentown to-day.
—A South Bethlehem electric car struck
and killed 3-year-old Mary Brennan.
—Governor Pattison inspected the Western
Penitentiary in Allegheny on Friday.
—Work on a dam for water works at Maha-
noy City, to cost $98,000, has just begun.
—The corner-stone of Neshitt Science Hall,
at Wyoming Seminary, was laid Monday.
—Of Reading's proposed city loan of $600,000
$200,000 will go for a sewer in North Reading.
—Nine-year-old Harry Acor is under arrest
in Allegheny City as a horse thief and ear rob-
—A mystery surrounds the finding of the
dead body of Pasquale Decondolia near Hazel-
—A tree fell on Harry Arrison, near Lameas-
ter, breaking his hip and injured him inter-
—Freight Conductor G.W. Zinn, of Har-
risburg, was fatally injured bya train at Al-
—A dose of ammonia taken for water, came
very near killing John Snyder's son at Mt.
—Carlisle’s pulpits were filled Sunday by
clergymen from the Pennsylvania Lutheran
Synod. |
—Pittsburgers are worried about the in-
.explicable disappearance of Alderman Thom-
as Kerr.
—Ex-Convict George Books has been arrest-
ed for a clothing robbery amouating to $1500,
at Muncy.
—A swinging electric wire seriously eut
Fireman Frank Mertz, under the chin at
—A Cumberland Valley train was:derailed
by a fallen telegraph pole: near Morgansville,
on Saturday.
. —Engineer George Pierce, at Slatington,
fell under his own loccmotive and had both
feet cut offi 5
—8tella Black turned shoplifter to get her-
sell a wedding outfit in an Allegheny dry
goods store.
—Destitute Mrs. James Stitford Has been
driven insane by hunger at Munhall;. Alle-
gheny county.
—Renovo’s School Board is alleged to be
liable to imprisonment for refusal to furmish
free text books.
—Five hundred new coal cars are te. be
made at the Lebanon shops for the Beech
Creek Railroad.
* =Miner William. Burke was-fatally crushed
between couplers at the York. Farm Colliery,
near Pottsville.
—Several magnificent memorial windows
have just been placed in Trinity Lutheran
Church at Reading.
~—In trying to stop his horses, Charles Luong,
of Reading, fell under the wagon wheels. and
was crushed to death..
—William Hollis, colored, wanted for: shoot-
ing an officer in Delaware, was: arrested at
Chester Monday night.
—Marriage licenses have been gmanted at
Allentown to George 8. Clauser andiAnnie P.
Schuber, each aged 16.
—While digging in a Pittsburg sewen trench.
William Blach was completely buried by
earth, but was dug out alive..
—Horse-thief George Steely. has made his
third unsuccessful attempt within a. week to
hang himself in jail at Reading.
—Dr, John C. Taylor; a war veteran, aged
65, shot himself dead. at Irwin, Westmoreland
county, without apparent cause.
~—After imbibing whisky John Hurbenk, a
Hun, was killed by the wheels of a ear under
which he crawled at Harrisburg.
—Vertigo prostrated William. Templier of
West Lebanon, in a cornfield, where he lay
undiscovered for a day and a nigh b. 4
—Bartender Robert Martin was convicted in
Pittsburg of ‘a felonious assault upon thes
year-old daughter of James Fleming.
—English Lutherans have laid claim, at
their General Snyod in Sharpsburg, to 51,000,~
000 members throughout the world.
—Mahanoy City’s suspected lettercarrier,
John F. Bell, was held in $1000 bail at Reading
for abstracting letters from the mail.
—Three hundred head of Barnum’s eircus
horses are to be quartered this winter on
Jacob Baney’s farm near Myerstown.
—The United Brethrem’s Conference ay.
Steelton learned that its publishing house at.
Dayton, O., was worth $300,000 and prospe rous.
—As a result of a reprimand for neglige nce:
John Considine, a laborer at Renovo, drew, a.
knife and tried to kill Street Commissioner
—Operator Joseph T.Brown has opened. a
natural gas well near Butler, the pressuze of
which is so great that its roar can be heard for
a mjle.
—Tramps seizad Mrs. Louis Leady, of
Harrisburg, while she was out with a chests
nutting party, Railroad men heard herscreams
and rescued her.
—Sixteen-year-old John J. Horan, of :Homes-
ville, saved the lives of a couple from, Aghland
whose frightened horses were abogfito , plunge
over a precipice. i
—Mrs. Mary Sponsler, a charwoman in the
House of Representatives at Harrisburg, has
been employed continuously by the. State for,
30 years, and is its oldest empleye.ip exnsecu-
tive service.
—Judge McPherson, at Lebapen, refused to
grant an injunction for the Iebanon and
Myerstown Street Railway, restraining Read-
ing Railroad people from interfering with the
former's proposed grade erossing at Avon.
—The English Lutheran, General Synod, at
Sharpsburg, has recommended that the
Plumville Church compromise with heirs of
the late George Adams on a $5000 bequest
which he. left tothe chyrch, ignoring hig